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< >
Example from 1 languages: JavaScript
var name = "John"
Example from 3 languages: Python, Elixir, Speedie
name = "John"
Example from 1 languages: Ruby
pldb = 80766866
Example from 1 languages: PHP
$name = "John"
Example from 1 languages: C#
int pldb = 80766866;
Example from 1 languages: Bash
Example from 1 languages: Swift
let label = UILabel()
Example from 1 languages: Kotlin
table = HashMap()
Example from 1 languages: Pug
- var title = "On Dogs: Man's Best Friend"; h1= title
Example from 1 languages: Ini
[branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
Example from 1 languages: Make
objects = program.o foo.o utils.o
Example from 1 languages: C3
a = b;
Example from 1 languages: Cyber
count = 0
Example from 1 languages: bog
let pldb = "pldb"
Example from 1 languages: Jule
let mut x = 0 x = 20
Example from 1 languages: Wax
(set x 42)
Example from 1 languages: Ion
// A subset of symbols called identifiers can be denoted in text without single-quotes.
Example from 1 languages: BALGOL

Languages with Assignment include JavaScript, C, Python, Ruby, PHP, Go, C#, R, Bash, PowerShell, Swift, Lua, Kotlin, Elixir, Ada, Pascal, Nim, Fortran, Pug, Smalltalk, Ini, Make, AutoHotkey, Eiffel, ML, Janet, C3, PL/I, AMPL, progsbase, Oberon, C2, Simula, BCPL, Dylan, Io, Algol, Reia, PL/M, Seed7, Cyber, bog, Jule, CPL, Modula, SAKO, Speedie, Mary, Aardvark, Wax, Ion, BALGOL, Superplan


Languages without Assignment include hecl


View all concepts with or missing a hasAssignment measurement


Read more about Assignment on the web: 1.

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