Fibonacci is a programming language created in 1991 by Antonio Albano and Giorgio Ghelli and and Renzo Orsini.
#2096on PLDB | 34Years Old |
Fibonacci is an object-oriented database programming language characterized by static and strong typing, and by new mechanisms for modeling databases in terms of objects with roles, classes, and associations.
let john = role Person
let address = var ("Darwin road, 123 - London") ;5
Name = "John Daniels";
BirthYear = 1967;
Age = currentYear() - me.BirthYear;
Address = at (address);
modAddress (newAddress: String) =
if stringLength(newAddress) <= 0
then failwith "incorrect address"
else address := newAddress
Introduce = "My name is " & me.Name &
"and I was born in " ~ intToString(me.BirthYear);
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
MultiLine Comments | ✓ | (* A comment *) | (* *) |
Comments | ✓ | (* query examples *) | |
Semantic Indentation | X |