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Example from 1 languages: JavaScript
function helloWorld() {console.log("hi")}
Example from 1 languages: Lua
function myFunction() print("hello") end
Example from 1 languages: Pug
mixin article(title) .article .article-wrapper h1= title if block block else p No content provided +article('Hello world') +article('Hello world') p This is my p Amazing article
Example from 1 languages: Cyber
func fib(n int) int: coyield if n < 2: return n return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
Example from 1 languages: Jule
fn a_function() { // ... }
Example from 1 languages: Cwerg
fun main(argc s32, argv ^^u8) s32: -- initialized to false let! board = [DIM][DIM]bool{} let n = Solve(&!board, 0) fmt::print#(n, "\n") return 0
Example from 1 languages: Speedie
function Example (|string| data) file <~ data
Example from 1 languages: Bel
(fn (x) (+ x 1))
Example from 1 languages: BALGOL
Example from 1 languages: plang
- call !FooBar %name%

Languages with Functions include JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, R, Bash, PowerShell, Scala, Lua, Kotlin, Julia, Erlang, Ada, Solidity, Crystal, Reason, Groovy, Pug, F#, OCaml, VHDL, F*, ABAP, Verilog, Janet, C3, Koka, Opa, SystemVerilog, progsbase, ATS, X10, IGOR Pro, Ligo, Cyber, Jule, Cwerg, Eclipse Command Language, Sophia, Speedie, Bel, Q#, BALGOL, plang


Languages without Functions include CSS


View all concepts with or missing a hasFunctions measurement


Read more about Functions on the web: 1.

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