let times = 10
while (times) {times--}
while true do
while do
while (int x = foo(); x > 0)
sum += x;
while 1
while fiber.status() != #done:
res = coresume fiber
count += 1
for my_condition {
// ...
while true
while condition:
Languages with While Loops include JavaScript, C, Python, Java, Perl, PHP, Ruby, C#, R, PowerShell, Bash, Rust, Swift, Scala, Lua, Kotlin, CoffeeScript, Objective-C, Julia, Dart, Solidity, Ada, Pascal, Crystal, Reason, Chapel, Groovy, F#, OCaml, VHDL, ABAP, Verilog, C3, Lil, SystemVerilog, AutoIt, Dylan, X10, Maxima, Cyber, Angelscript, Apex, Jule, fp, JS++, Speedie, Toit, Q#, hecl, nimrod
Languages without While Loops include progsbase, Veryl, HOPE, SAKO
View all concepts with or missing a hasWhileLoops measurement
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