const one = 1
# Constants in Ruby being with a capital letter. Will throw a warning or error, depending on runtime settings.
Name = "John"
# Not a constant
name = "John"
pi <const> = 3.14159
const FOO = 123;
const void* BAR = null;
const PI = 3.14159265359
global N uint = 1000 * 1000 * 1000
`static` keyword
Opened = 1
Closed = 2
X ::= 0
Languages with Constants include JavaScript, C, Java, PHP, Ruby, Go, C#, Rust, Lua, Kotlin, Objective-C, Julia, Dart, Chapel, Groovy, F#, C3, Wa-lang, SystemVerilog, C2, Veryl, Angelscript, Apex, Jule, Cwerg, Eclipse Command Language, Aardvark, Speedie, Toit, nimrod
Languages without Constants include Lil, progsbase
View all concepts with or missing a hasConstants measurement
Read more about Constants on the web: 1.