template <int length>
Vector<length>& Vector<length>::operator+=(const Vector<length>& rhs)
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
value[i] += rhs.value[i];
return *this;
# https://hookrace.net/blog/introduction-to-metaprogramming-in-nim/#templates
template debug*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
if logLevel <= Level.debug:
const module = instantiationInfo().filename[0 .. ^5]
echo "[$# $#][$#]: $#" % [getDateStr(), getClockStr(),
module, join args]
template TCopy(T)
void copy(out T to, T from)
to = from;
int i;
TCopy!(int).copy(i, 3);
Languages with Templates include C++, Nim, D, XL
Languages without Templates include C, Speedie
View all concepts with or missing a hasTemplates measurement
Read more about Templates on the web: 1.