TI-BASIC is a programming language created in 1970.
#3260on PLDB | 55Years Old |
TI-BASIC is the official name of a BASIC-like language built into Texas Instruments (TI)'s graphing calculators, including the TI-83 series, TI-84 Plus series, TI-89 series, TI-92 series (including Voyage 200), TI-73, and TI-Nspire. TI rarely refers to the language by name, but the name TI-BASIC has been used in some developer documentation. For many applications, it is the most convenient way to program any TI calculator, since the capability to write programs in TI-BASIC is built-in. Read more on Wikipedia...
: If x=0
: Return 1
: If x<0
: Return undef
: x*fact(x-1)
:End Func