XeTeX is an open source text markup language created in 2004.
#1490on PLDB | 20Years Old |
XeTeX ( ZEE-tekh or ; see also Pronouncing and writing "TeX") is a TeX typesetting engine using Unicode and supporting modern font technologies such as OpenType, Graphite and Apple Advanced Typography (AAT). It was originally written by Jonathan Kew and is distributed under the X11 free software license. Initially developed for Mac OS X only, it is now available for all major platforms. Read more on Wikipedia...
\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O}
\section{Unicode support}
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
Hver maður er borinn frjáls og jafn öðrum að virðingu og réttindum.
% Encoding: UTF8
AUTHOR = "Author w",
TITLE = "{Ekstrøm title}",
JOURNAL = "Ekstr{\o}m Journal",
YEAR = 1965,
note = {Working with pdflatex}
AUTHOR = "Author Ekstr{\o}m",
TITLE = "{Ekstrøm title}",
JOURNAL = "Ekstrøm Journal",
YEAR = "1965",
note = {Not working with pdflatex but with xelatex}