XCompose is an application created in 2006.
#2083on PLDB | 19Years Old | 0Repos |
include "%L"
<Multi_key> <g> <a> : "α"
<Multi_key> <g> <b> : "β"
<Multi_key> <g> <g> : "γ"
# for Emacs: -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
include "%L"
# def emit(keys, codepoint, word):
# print ('<Multi_key> %s <period>\t: "%s"\tU%04X\t\t# CIRCLED DIGIT %s' %
# (keys, unichr(codepoint), codepoint, word)).encode('utf8')
# numbers = 'one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty'
# words = numbers.upper().split()
# emit('<0>', 0x24EA, "ZERO")
# for num, word in zip(range(1, 21), words):
# emit(' '.join("<%s>" % char for char in str(num)), 0x245f + num, word)
# Custom additions: Typography
<Multi_key> <period> <period> : "…" U2026 # HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
<Multi_key> <v> <period> <period> : "⋮" U22EE # VERTICAL ELLIPSIS
<Multi_key> <c> <period> <period> : "⋯" U22EF # MIDLINE HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
<Multi_key> <slash> <period> <period> : "⋰" U22F0 # UP RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS
# To avoid conflict with \. for combining dot above.
#<Multi_key> <backslash> <period> <period> : "⋱" U22F1 # DOWN RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS
<Multi_key> <period> <backslash> <period> : "⋱" U22F1 # DOWN RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS
# Will we someday regret this, wanting 2. for ⒉ ?
<Multi_key> <2> <period> : "‥" U2025 # TWO DOT LEADER
# This should not be needed.
#<Multi_key> <1> <period> : "․" U2024 # ONE DOT LEADER
<Multi_key> <c> <1> <period> : "·" U00B7 # MIDDLE DOT (maybe I can remember the keystroke better?
<Multi_key> <period> <slash> <period> : "⁒" U2052 # COMMERCIAL MINUS SIGN
# Printable sign for space. But is \<space> too useful a key combo to use
# for this?
<Multi_key> <backslash> <space> : "␣" U2423 # OPEN BOX
# These two are already present for me:
# <Multi_key> <minus> <minus> <minus> : "—" U2014 # EM DASH
# <Multi_key> <minus> <minus> <period> : "–" U2013 # EN DASH
<Multi_key> <minus> <minus> <space> : "– " # EN DASH (followed by space)
<Multi_key> <minus> <asciitilde> <minus> : "―" U2015 # HORIZONTAL BAR
<Multi_key> <minus> <2> <M> : "⸺" U2E3A # TWO-EM DASH