Tiny BASIC is a programming language created in 1975 by Dennis Allison.
#3269on PLDB | 50Years Old |
Tiny BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language that can fit into as little as 2 or 3 KB of memory. This small size made it invaluable in the early days of microcomputers in the mid-1970s, when typical memory size was only 4 to 8 KB. To meet these strict size limits, math was purely integer based and it lacked arrays. Read more on Wikipedia...
line ::= number statement CR | statement CR
statement ::= PRINT expr-list
IF expression relop expression THEN statement
GOTO expression
INPUT var-list
LET var = expression
GOSUB expression
expr-list ::= (string|expression) (, (string|expression) )*
var-list ::= var (, var)*
expression ::= (+|-|蔚) term ((+|-) term)*
term ::= factor ((*|/) factor)*
factor ::= var | number | (expression)
var ::= A | B | C ... | Y | Z
number ::= digit digit*
digit ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... | 8 | 9
relop ::= < (>|=|蔚) | > (<|=|蔚) | =
string ::= " (a|b|c ... |x|y|z|A|B|C ... |X|Y|Z|digit)* "