Stutter is an esoteric programming language created in 2018.
#3018on PLDB | 7Years Old |
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The design goals of the Stutter Programming Language focus on the underlying idea that Stutter Code is a speakable language that contains no special syntax characters that are unpronounciable.
let ratio be a Number and set it to 0.37
let variable be a Number
set variable to 5
comment add is a method on the Number data type
add 12.0 to variable
comment all methods accept multiple parameters via the and conjunction
multiply variable with ratio and 1.5
comment results of methods can be redirected with the to preposition
print variable to standard output
comment generic calls can be done with the call verb
call log on console with variable and ratio
if variable is greater than 2 then
if variable is greater than 2.5 then
call log on console with this is an example
else if variable is lower than 2.5 then
call alert on console with this is another example
call log on console with foo bar
let examples be a Number Array
set examples to 1, 3, 7 and 9
set index 0 on examples to 4
push 3 to examples
comment whatever is the string representation of examples
let whatever be a String
join examples to whatever
comment copy is the string copy of examples
let copy be a String Array
split whatever to copy
for each examples as key and value do
let temp be value
add 5 to value
divide value by 1.76
if temp is greater than 5 then
call log on console with temp