strudel is a text data format created in 2011.
#3664on PLDB | 14Years Old |
Strudel is our graphical tool for visualizing genetic and physical maps of genomes for comparative purposes. The Strudel data format is tab delimited text with all features, homologs and potential reference URLs included in the same file.
feature Rice 1 LOC_Os05g01020 gene 1903 "TBC domain containing protein, expressed"
feature Rice 1 LOC_Os09g20010 gene 10218 expressed protein
feature Barley 1H 12_30969 SNP 15
feature Barley 1H 11_11223 SNP 78
feature Barley 1H 11_11224 SNP 100
homolog Barley 12_30969 Rice LOC_Os05g01020 7.00E-91 #00FF00
homolog Barley 11_11223 Rice LOC_Os09g20010 6.00E-50
chromosome Barley 1H #593423
URL Rice