RTL/2 is a programming language created in 1972 by John Barnes.
#2656on PLDB | 53Years Old |
RTL/2 was a high-level programming language developed at Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd by J.G.P. Barnes. It was originally used internally within ICI but was distributed by SPL International in 1974 It was designed for use in real-time computing (hence the initials RTL = real-time language). Read more on Wikipedia...
RTL/2 Ref 1 - Language Specification
RTL/2 Ref 2 - Introduction to RTL/2
RTL/2 Ref 3 - RTL/2 Training Manual
RTL/2 Ref 4 - System Standards
RTL/2 Ref 5 - Stream I/O
RTL/2 Ref 18 - Hints on writing RTL/2 Programs
RTL/2 Ref 26 - Language Reference Card
RTL/2 Ref 39 - Run time environment on the PDP-11
RTL/2 Ref 63 - User Manual for the PDP-11 under RSX-11M
RTL/2 Ref 107- VAX/VMS RTL/2 User Manual
RTL/2 REF 130- The RTL/2 32 bit run time environment on the VAX