relax is a grammar language created in 2000 by Makoto Murata.
#2549on PLDB | 25Years Old |
RELAX (REgular LAnguage description for XML) is a specification for describing XML-based languages. XHTML 1.0, for example, can be described in RELAX. A description written in RELAX is called a RELAX grammar. An XML document can be verified against a RELAX grammar. Compared with DTD(Document Type Definition), RELAX has new features: RELAX grammars are represented in the XML instance syntax. RELAX borrows rich datatypes of XML Schema Part 2. RELAX is namespace-aware
<export label="doc"/>
<elementRule role="doc">
<ref label="title"/>
<ref label="para" occurs="*"/>
<elementRule role="para">
<ref label="em" occurs="*"/>
<elementRule role="title">
<ref label="em" occurs="*"/>
<elementRule role="em" type="string"/>
<tag name="doc"/>
<tag name="para">
<attribute name="class" type="NMTOKEN"/>
<tag name="title">
<attribute name="class" type="NMTOKEN"/>
<attribute name="number" required="true" type="integer"/>
<tag name="em"/>