ProvideX is a programming language created in 1992 by Michael F. King.
#1365on PLDB | 33Years Old |
ProvideX is a computer language and development environment derived from Business Basic (a business oriented derivative of BASIC) in the mid-1980s. ProvideX is available on several operating systems (Unix/Linux/Windows/Mac OS X) and includes not only the programming language but also file system, presentation layer interface, and other components. The language is primarily designed for use in the development of business applications. Read more on Wikipedia...
print "Hello World"
! This example code shows some ways to do the traditional hello world.
print 'CS', ! Clear Screen
! Plain Text
print "Hello World!"
! Fonted Text (Error branch moves to next line if fonted text not available)
print (0,err=*next)'Font'("Arial,-16,B"), ! Use Bold 16pt Arial Font
print (0,err=*next)'Text'(@x(20),@y(2),"Hello World"),
! Move to the 2nd to last line on screen
print @(3,mxl(0)-2),"Press Enter: ",
input a$
! Message Box
msgbox "Hello World"+sep+sep+"This is a test message box.","Message Box"
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Strings | ✓ | "Hello world" | " |
Print() Debugging | ✓ |