MIRC scripting language is an open source programming language created in 1995 by Khaled Mardam-Bey.
#1011on PLDB | 30Years Old |
The mIRC scripting language, often unofficially abbreviated to "mSL", is the scripting language embedded in mIRC, an IRC client for Windows.. Read more on Wikipedia...
echo -a Hello World
;Placed in a remote script
;When a user types Hello! in a channel,
;you answer back: Hello, [nickname]!
on *:TEXT:Hello!:#:{ msg $chan Hello, $nick $+Â ! }
;When a user types Hello! in a private message,
;you answer back: Hello, [nickname]!
on *:TEXT:Hello!:?: { msg $nick Hello, $nick $+Â ! }
;Here is a script which automatically gives voice to a user
;who joins a particular channel (The Bot or user should have HOP)
on *:JOIN:#?: { mode $chan +v $nick }
;A bad word script
on *:Text:die*:#: { .mode $chan +b $nick | kick $chan $nick Dont say that again }
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Print() Debugging | ✓ | echo |