Miranda is a programming language created in 1985 by David Turner.
#853on PLDB | 40Years Old |
Miranda is a lazy, purely functional programming language designed by David Turner as a successor to his earlier programming languages SASL and KRC, using some concepts from ML and Hope. It was produced by Research Software Ltd. of England (which holds a trademark on the name Miranda) and was the first purely functional language to be commercially supported.Miranda was first released in 1985, as a fast interpreter in C for Unix-flavour operating systems, with subsequent releases in 1987 and 1989. Read more on Wikipedia...
main = [Stdout "Hello, world!"]
main :: [sys_message]
main = [Stdout "Hello World"]
> || The infinite list of all prime numbers.
The list of potential prime numbers starts as all integers from 2 onwards;
as each prime is returned, all the following numbers that can exactly be
divided by it are filtered out of the list of candidates.
> primes = sieve [2..]
> sieve (p:x) = p : sieve [n | n <- x; n mod p ~= 0]
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Strings | ✓ | "Hello world" | " |
Print() Debugging | ✓ | Stdout | |
Semantic Indentation | ✓ |