lav-format is a text data format created in 2004.
#2786on PLDB | 21Years Old |
LAV is a plain-text file format for alignments of two DNA sequences. It is the only output format produced by the BLASTZ alignment program (though often converted to AXT format by post-processing programs), and is the default output format for BLASTZ's successor, LASTZ.
d {
"lastz.v0.3 malus.fa aurantium.fa C=2 W=8 T=0
91 -114 -31 -123
-114 100 -125 -31
-31 -125 100 -114
-123 -31 -114 91
O = 400, E = 30, K = 3000, L = 3000, M = 0"
s {
"malus.fa" 1 191411218 0 1
"aurantium.fa" 1 90634903 0 1
h {
"> apple"
"> orange"
a {
s 20643
b 46566766 2083211
e 46567353 2083795
l 46566766 2083211 46566796 2083241 61
l 46566797 2083245 46566814 2083262 78
l 46566821 2083263 46567353 2083795 65
a {
s 4233
b 47246530 10635696
e 47246660 10635826
l 47246530 10635696 47246660 10635826 63