JSYNC is a data notation created in 2010 by Ingy d枚t Net.
#3077on PLDB | 15Years Old |
JSYNC is a simple data serialization language. It takes the simplicity of JSON and combines it with the completeness of YAML.
"!": "record",
"game": {
"!": "game",
"&": "001",
"date": "!!date March 2, 1962",
"versus": "New York"
"notes": ".!!! Awesome !!!",
"number": 100,
"player": {
"!": "player",
"&": "002",
"name": "Wilt Chamberlain",
"team": "Philadelphia"
"record": "Most points single game"
"!": "record",
"game": "*001",
"notes": "... add note here ...",
"number": 59,
"player": "*002",
"record": "Most points, one half"