Copilot is a programming language created in 2021.
#3068on PLDB | 4Years Old |
Copilot is a realtime programming language and Runtime Verification framework. It allows users to write concise programs in a simple but powerful way using a stream-based approach. Programs can be interpreted for testing, or translated C99 code to be incorporated in a project, or as a standalone application. The C99 backend ensures us that the output is constant in memory and time, making it suitable for systems with hard realtime requirements.
-- Raw temperature from sensor, range -50.0C to 100.0C.
temp :: Stream Word8
temp = extern "temperature" Nothing
-- Transform the temperature to Celsius.
ctemp :: Stream Float
ctemp = (unsafeCast temp) * (150.0 / 255.0) - 50.0
-- Bind two triggers with a 3.0C hysteresis.
spec = do
trigger "heaton" (ctemp < 18.0) [arg ctemp]
trigger "heatoff" (ctemp > 21.0) [arg ctemp]