C'Dent is an intermediate representation language created in 2010 by Ingy d枚t Net.
#3735on PLDB | 15Years Old |
When you write a module in C'Dent, you can use it in a dozen different programming languages. For instance, you could write a module in Python and use it in JavaScript, or you could write a module in JavaScript and use it in Perl 6, Ruby or Java. C'Dent has multiple input syntaxes. These syntaxes are strict subsets of common and popular object-oriented programming languages. The current implementation of C'Dent supports Python, JavaScript and Perl 6 inputs. Perl and Ruby will be added soon. C'Dent parses and analyzes the input into a well defined tree structure that is is known as C'Dent. The C'Dent format can be trivially serialized to disk as YAML or XML.
%TAG ! tag:cdent.org,2010:
--- !AST
- !Module
- !Comment
line: 1
type: doc
val: 'This is World class :)
- !Comment
line: 4
type: blank
val: '
- !Class
- !Method
- !Println
- !String
val: Hello, world
line: 7
line: 6
name: greet
line: 5
name: World
line: 1
name: Module