Caltech Intermediate Form is a programming language created in 1980.
#2940on PLDB | 45Years Old |
Caltech Intermediate Form (CIF) is a file format for describing integrated circuits. CIF provides a limited set of graphics primitives that are useful for describing the two-dimensional shapes on the different layers of a chip. The format allows hierarchical description, which makes the representation concise. Read more on Wikipedia...
cifFile ::= (blank* command? semi)* endCommand blank*
command ::= primCommand | defDeleteCommand | defStartCommand semi (blank* primCommand? semi)* defFinishCommand
primCommand ::= polygonCommand | boxCommand | roundFlashCommand | wireCommand | layerCommand | callCommand | userExtensionCommand | commentCommand
polygonCommand ::= "P" path
boxCommand ::= "B" integer sep integer sep point (sep point)?
roundFlashCommand ::= "R" integer sep point
wireCommand ::= "W" integer sep path
layerCommand ::= "L" blank* shortname
defStartCommand ::= "D" blank* "S" integer (sep integer sep integer)?
defFinishCommand ::= "D" blank* "F"
defDeleteCommand ::= "D" blank* "D" integer
callCommand ::= "C" integer transformation
userExtensionCommand ::= digit userText
commentCommand ::= "(" commentText ")"
endCommand ::= "E"
transformation ::= (blank* ("T" point |"M" blank* "X" |"M" blank* "Y" |"R" point)*)*
path ::= point (sep point)*
point ::= sInteger sep sInteger
sInteger ::= sep* "-"? integerD
integer ::= sep* integerD
integerD ::= digit+
shortname ::= c c? c? c?
c ::= digit | upperChar
userText ::= userChar*
commentText ::= commentChar* | commentText "(" commentText ")" commentText
semi ::= blank* ";" blank*
sep ::= upperChar | blank
digit ::= "0" | "1" | ... | "9"
upperChar ::= "A" | "B" | ... | "Z"
blank ::= any ASCII character except digit, upperChar, "-", "(", ")", or ";"
userChar ::= any ASCII character except ";"
commentChar ::= any ASCII character except "(" or ")"