id name appeared creators maintainers measurements tags rijuRepl_website website spec foundationScore blog releaseNotes download latestVersion exampleCount rank lastActivity writtenInCount pldbScore meetup_memberCount meetup_groupCount subreddit_memberCount twitter_followers conferences zulip githubRepo_created githubRepo_updated githubRepo_firstCommit githubRepo_subscribers githubRepo_forks githubRepo_stars githubRepo_issues screenshot photo linguistGrammarRepo_commitCount linguistGrammarRepo_firstCommit linguistGrammarRepo_lastCommit linguistGrammarRepo_sampleCount linguistGrammarRepo_committerCount redditDiscussion roadmap webRepl wikipedia_related wikipedia_appeared wikipedia_summary wikipedia_created wikipedia_dailyPageViews wikipedia_backlinksCount wikipedia_revisionCount wikipedia_pageId domainName_registered domainName_awisRank githubBigQuery_users githubBigQuery_repos githubLanguage_filenames githubLanguage_repos githubLanguage_wrap githubLanguage_trendingProjectsCount githubLanguage_trendingProjects githubLanguage_group githubLanguage_aliases githubLanguage_interpreters githubLanguage_aceMode githubLanguage_codemirrorMode githubLanguage_codemirrorMimeType githubLanguage_tmScope githubLanguage_type leachim6_filepath projectEuler_memberCount pygmentsHighlighter_filename tiobe_currentRank filenames maintainerOrganization forLanguages dblp dblp_hits dblp_publications mainRepo primaryTag standsFor aka oldName equation packageInstallCount packageCount packageAuthors hoplId isLanguage inboundLinksCount inboundLinks isFinished nativeLanguage repoStats_firstCommit repoStats_newestCommit repoStats_commits repoStats_committers repoStats_files description githubRepo_description paper rijuRepl_description lab rijuRepl_fileExtensions wikipedia_fileExtensions githubLanguage_fileExtensions leachim6_fileExtensions pygmentsHighlighter_fileExtensions fileExtensions interviews languageServerProtocolProject_writtenIn writtenIn compilesTo leetSheets isPublicDomain isOpenSource exercism numberOfUsersEstimate numberOfJobsEstimate expandedMeasurements related runsOnVm influencedBy successorOf dialectOf subsetOf implementationOf renamedTo supersetOf extensionOf forkOf inputLanguages protocols irc numberOfCreators isSelfHosted latestMajorVersion usesSemanticVersioning tryItOnline demoVideo clocExtensions gdbSupport visualParadigm docs forums devDocs ebook emailList esolang eventsPageUrl faq wordRank fileType annualReportsUrl antlr replit rosettaCode codeMirror monaco quineRelay packageRepository ubuntuPackage centralPackageRepositoryCount repoStats proposals country funFact projectEuler reference subreddit twitter tiktoks discord mastodon discourse instagram facebook youtubes linguistGrammarRepo_example rijuRepl rijuRepl_example wikipedia_example compilerExplorer_example leachim6_example pygmentsHighlighter example helloWorldCollection theLanguage leachim6 gource languageServerProtocolProject compilerExplorer githubCopilotOptimized keywords meetup gitRepo specRepo githubRepo gitlabRepo sourcehutRepo rijuRepl_gitRepo lineCommentToken multiLineCommentTokens printToken stringToken assignmentToken booleanTokens includeToken canDoShebang canReadCommandLineArgs canUseQuestionMarksAsPartOfIdentifier canWriteToDisk hasAbstractTypes hasAccessModifiers hasAlgebraicTypes hasAnonymousFunctions hasArraySlicingSyntax hasAssertStatements hasAssignment hasAsyncAwait hasBinaryNumbers hasBinaryOperators hasBitWiseOperators hasBlobs hasBooleans hasBoundedCheckedArrays hasBreak hasBuiltInRegex hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers hasCharacters hasClasses hasClobs hasComments hasConditionals hasConstants hasConstructors hasContinue hasDecimals hasDecorators hasDefaultParameters hasDependentTypes hasDestructuring hasDirectives hasDisposeBlocks hasDocComments hasDuckTyping hasDynamicProperties hasDynamicSizedArrays hasDynamicTyping hasEnums hasEscapeCharacters hasExceptions hasExplicitTypeCasting hasExports hasExpressions hasFirstClassFunctions hasFixedPoint hasFloats hasFnArguments hasForEachLoops hasForLoops hasFunctionComposition hasFunctionOverloading hasFunctions hasGarbageCollection hasGradualTypes hasGenerators hasGenerics hasGlobalScope hasGotos hasHereDocs hasHexadecimals hasHomoiconicity hasIds hasIfElses hasIfs hasImplicitArguments hasImplicitTypeConversions hasImports hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators hasInfixNotation hasInheritance hasIntegers hasInterfaces hasIterators hasLabels hasLazyEvaluation hasLineComments hasLists hasStandardLibrary hasExplicitStandardLibrary hasMacros hasMagicGettersAndSetters hasManualMemoryManagement hasMapFunctions hasMaps hasMemberVariables hasMessagePassing hasMethodChaining hasMethodOverloading hasMethods hasMixins hasModules hasMonads hasMultiLineComments hasMultilineStrings hasMultipleDispatch hasMultipleInheritance hasNamespaces hasNull hasOctals hasOperatorOverloading hasOperators hasPairs hasPartialApplication hasPatternMatching hasPipes hasPointers hasPolymorphism hasPostfixNotation hasPrefixNotation hasPrintDebugging hasProcessorRegisters hasRangeOperators hasReferences hasRefinementTypes hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar hasRequiredMainFunction hasReservedWords hasRunTimeGuards hasSExpressions hasScientificNotation hasSelfOrThisWord hasSemanticIndentation hasSets hasSingleDispatch hasSingleTypeArrays hasSourceMaps hasStatementTerminatorCharacter hasStatements hasStaticMethods hasStaticTyping hasStreams hasStringConcatOperator hasStrings hasStructs hasSwitch hasSymbolTables hasSymbols hasTemplates hasTernaryOperators hasThreads hasTimestamps hasTraits hasTriples hasTryCatch hasTypeAliases hasTypeAnnotations hasTypeInference hasTypeParameters hasTypedHoles hasUnaryOperators hasUnicodeIdentifiers hasUnionTypes hasUnitsOfMeasure hasUserDefinedOperators hasValueReturnedFunctions hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax hasVariadicFunctions hasVirtualFunctions hasVoidFunctions hasWhileLoops hasZeroBasedNumbering hasZippers isCaseSensitive letterFirstIdentifiers mergesWhitespace supportsBreakpoints jupyterKernel wikipedia bookCount paperCount hopl pypl tiobe domainName githubBigQuery linguistGrammarRepo hackerNewsDiscussions isbndb githubLanguage indeedJobs linkedInSkill stackOverflowSurvey semanticScholar goodreads javascript JavaScript 1995 Brendan Eich 144 pl 524 es14 5 1 25277 3151948 5270 1133 2013 2018 38 103 java lua scheme perl self c python awk hypertalk actionscript coffeescript dart livescript objective-j opa raku qml typescript json html regex pdf tcl c-- vbscript jscript jquery npm-pm mongodb sql max unity-engine google-apps-script objective-c applescript visual-studio-editor asmjs processing oberon smalltalk scala racket llvmir fantom haxe clojure kotlin squeak wasm 1995 JavaScript (), often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based, multi-paradigm, and interpreted programming language. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of World Wide Web content production. It is used to make webpages interactive and provide online programs, including video games. The majority of websites employ it, and all modern web browsers support it without the need for plug-ins by means of a built-in JavaScript engine. Each of the many JavaScript engines represent a different implementation of JavaScript, all based on the ECMAScript specification, with some engines not supporting the spec fully, and with many engines supporting additional features beyond ECMA. As a multi-paradigm language, JavaScript supports event-driven, functional, and imperative (including object-oriented and prototype-based) programming styles. It has an API for working with text, arrays, dates, regular expressions, and basic manipulation of the DOM, but the language itself does not include any I/O, such as networking, storage, or graphics facilities, relying for these upon the host environment in which it is embedded. Initially only implemented client-side in web browsers, JavaScript engines are now embedded in many other types of host software, including server-side in web servers and databases, and in non-web programs such as word processors and PDF software, and in runtime environments that make JavaScript available for writing mobile and desktop applications, including desktop widgets. Although there are strong outward similarities between JavaScript and Java, including language name, syntax, and respective standard libraries, the two languages are distinct and differ greatly in design; JavaScript was influenced by programming languages such as Self and Scheme. 2001 4264 8982 6131 9845 566345 1099879 Jakefile 16046489 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nPavelDoGreat WebGL-Fluid-Simulation JavaScript #f1e05a 6010 473 2246 "Play with fluids in your browser (works even on mobile)"\nyangshun tech-interview-handbook JavaScript #f1e05a 33598 4587 4242 "💯 Materials to help you rock your next coding interview"\nhaotian-wang google-access-helper JavaScript #f1e05a 3644 1071 1332 谷歌访问助手破解版\nnondanee UnblockNeteaseMusic JavaScript #f1e05a 5101 689 1660 "Revive unavailable songs for Netease Cloud Music"\nricklamers gridstudio JavaScript #f1e05a 5643 937 3362 "Grid studio is a web-based spreadsheet application with full integration of the Python programming language."\namejiarosario dsa.js-data-structures-algorithms-javascript JavaScript #f1e05a 4576 334 2082 "Data Structures and Algorithms explained and implemented in JavaScript"\nbilibili flv.js JavaScript #f1e05a 15970 2425 648 "HTML5 FLV Player"\noutline outline JavaScript #f1e05a 5553 330 2038 "The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, feature rich, markdown compatible and open source."\njamiebuilds the-super-tiny-compiler JavaScript #f1e05a 14459 1332 966 "⛄️ Possibly the smallest compiler ever"\nYvetteLau Blog JavaScript #f1e05a 1043 181 253 【前端进阶】优质博文\nalvarotrigo fullPage.js JavaScript #f1e05a 27942 6580 805 "fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple"\ndcloudio uni-app JavaScript #f1e05a 12081 957 1600 "uni-app 是使用 Vue 语法开发小程序、H5、App的统一框架"\nwebtorrent webtorrent JavaScript #f1e05a 20280 1948 307 "⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web"\nanswershuto learnVue JavaScript #f1e05a 7570 1538 421 "Vue.js 源码解析"\ndate-fns date-fns JavaScript #f1e05a 19569 803 836 "⏳ Modern JavaScript date utility library ⌛️"\nKickball awesome-selfhosted JavaScript #f1e05a 35277 2823 1495 "This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers."\nreact-ui-kit dribbble2react JavaScript #f1e05a 1143 522 222 "Transform Dribbble designs to React-Native code & YouTube video tutorials"\njonasschmedtmann complete-javascript-course JavaScript #f1e05a 2088 3077 198 "Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Complete JavaScript course"\ngraphql graphql-js JavaScript #f1e05a 14679 1279 340 "A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript"\nDIYgod RSSHub JavaScript #f1e05a 8818 1112 480 "🍰 万物皆可 RSS"\nqianguyihao Web JavaScript #f1e05a 6166 1785 598 前端入门和进阶学习笔记,超详细的Web前端学习图文教程。从零开始学前端,做一个Web全栈工程师。持续更新...\nBinaryify NeteaseCloudMusicApi JavaScript #f1e05a 11486 2196 826 "网易云音乐 Node.js API service"\ntransloadit uppy JavaScript #f1e05a 20872 1051 498 "The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶"\ngchq CyberChef JavaScript #f1e05a 5890 818 424 "The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis"\ngivanz VvvebJs JavaScript #f1e05a 1848 443 616 "Drag and drop website builder javascript library." js or node chakra d8 gjs js node nodejs qjs rhino v8 v8-shell javascript javascript text/javascript source.js programming j/JavaScript.js 6 pl es5 2133 true 576 11ty abs ace ait al alumina amber apache-hbase argdown arquero arrow-format asciidots asciimath assemblyscript asterius-compiler atprotocol avail awl badlanguage ballerina bamboo basis-universal-format bazel bebasic bee bicep binaryen bitsy bizubee blackcoffee blockml blur-markup-language borgo bosque bounce-lang bqn bruijn bucklescript bun bun calcit calcit capn-proto capybara caramel carbon cat catala ceylon chatterbot chevrotain chisel cir cito civet civet claro cloc clojurescript clojurescript closure-templates coco coco codecept codemirror coffeekup coffeescript coffeescript cokescript colascript colascript common-workflow-language commonmark conceptual coq cor cor cortex couchdb cryptol crystal cson css-doodle csvw curv cwerg cyber d3 dafny dak dak daonode dat-protocol datascript deno deno dexvis dgraph dhall differential-datalog djangoql dogescript dojo dojo drakon drupal earl-grey earl-grey ecr edgedb edgelisp edh eff eiffel ejs elena elm elm elvish emberjs-framework emberscript emesh emojicode emscripten enso erlang euphoria eve exkited eyg factor fancy fardlang fay fish fjs flatbuffers flatline flix flow flow9 flowchart-fun flownote flutter flux fold forest-lang fql frost fructure-editor futhark futurescript gap gforth ghc gintonic git gleam gleam glicol glisp go gogs-editor golo gorillascript gorillascript gradle grid-notation gridstudio-editor gun gura hakaru halide ham ham haste haxe hazel hera heron-lang hhvm highlightjs hilvl hjson hodor hook hotcocoalisp hrqr htl htmx htsql huginn hurl huwcode hvm2 hyperscript-lang hyperscript hyphy ibis icarus icedcoffeescript icedcoffeescript idris idyll imba imba imhex impala infusion-framework inko insitux invokator iterm2 ixml jakt jammy jaqt jasmine java javascriptcore jcof jedi jedlang jeeves jekyll jemplate jet jinx jison-lex jison jisp jlang jq jquery jsf jsil-compiler json-ld json-schema json-script json-url json json5 jsoncanvas jsonnet jsparagus jspp juvix k-framework kal kamby kasaya katex kefir keli keras khepri kode koka kotlin ktexteditor-editor ktyek kumir ladybird lamdu-editor lamdu latte-js lawvere ld-json leo-editor lesma lever lezer ligo lil links-programming-language lispyscript literate-coffeescript litescript litescript lobster loci lodash logica lsd lucid-lang luna lux m3db macchiato mal manhood manim mapgen maraca-lang margin marko markus markwhen marp maskjs mastodon mathjson mathpix-markdown matplotlib mavo mdx melody mermaid microblocks micropython minizinc mirah mlscript mochajs monaco mond mongodb monkey monkeyx moya mu mun-lang mys nadesiko nadesiko nearley neut never nextflow ngnk ngs nianiolang nilscript nim nit nlpl nodejs noisecraft nomnoml noms-db noon note noulith nulan numba nuua objectscript observable-framework observable-lang observable-lang observable-plot obsidian-lang oden odin ohayo ohm oil ok olc onnx oopsilon opa open-nn open-shading-language opencv openverse p4p packagist-pm parenscript parsers particles pasukon pearscript pearscript pegjs pegjs penrose pep8 php pikelet pinto pkl plaid-programming-language plang please-build pod6 podlite pogoscript pomsky porffor porffor postcss pov-ray-sdl prettier prismjs project-mentat prometheus prql psvg psyche pug purescript purescript pygments pyth python pytorch qalb quaint quickjs quickjs quint racket rainbow rakudo ralph ramdascript ramdascript rant react-native reason redis ren-c rescript revolution-programming-language ricscript rmarkdown robotframework roc rockstar roy royalscript rpscript ru ruby runiq rust rye sanddance savi scala-js scala-js scikit-learn score scribble scroll scroll seif sentient seq serious shadama shiv sibilant sile simoji sizzle skip skulpt slashdown slim slony smallbasic snowball-programming-language snowman-decompiler solidity sourcepawn space speedie spider spider spidermonkey spry sqlite sqrl squiggle ssb stacklang statsplorer storymatic strat subleq sugar sugarss superjson susn svelte sweetjs swi-prolog swift swym sympy tablam tabloid taf taijilang tangledown taxa tensorflow terra testml tht tibet tiledb timpani tlc tldr tldraw toffeescript toki-sona toontalk topaz-lang topshell tornado tosh tql tree-annotation-operator tridash tuplemarkup twine txtzyme typecastjs typescript typescript u ucg uiua uno unseemly urweb v v8 v8 v8 vega veryl virgil visdown vlc vsxu vuejs vyxal wa walt wasm wasmer wasp-lang wats wax web3js wenyan wenyan wing wiredtiger wisp wonkey wren wyvern xgboost-model xgboost xidoc xl-lang xlwings-editor xodio xtext xxl yara yawl yii yoptascript yoptascript z zephir zig false Netscape js _js bones cjs es es6 frag gs jake javascript jsb jscad jsfl jslib jsm jspre jss jsx mjs njs pac sjs ssjs xsjs xsjslib js js jsm mjs cjs true 5962666 63993 240 java self scheme 1 14 true _js bones cjs es6 jake jakefile js jsb jscad jsfl jsm jss mjs njs pac sjs ssjs xsjs xsjslib 3002 text javascript javascript JavaScript nodejs United States The name Java in JavaScript was pure marketing: "At the time, the dot-com boom had begun and Java was the hot new language, so Eich considered the JavaScript name a marketing ploy by Netscape" ECMAScript alert("dude!") console.log("Hello, world!"); var minstake = 0.00000100; // valor base //----------------------------------------- var autorounds = 99; // n° de rolls //====================================================== // if (profit > profit_max) { // error_title = "Maximum profit exceeded"; // error_info = "Maximum profit: " + number_format(profit_max, devise_decimal); // error_value = "Maximum profit exceeded - Maximum profit: " + number_format(profit_max, devise_decimal); // error = true; // } // else if (amount > balance) { // error_title = "Bet amount"; // error_info = "Maximum bet: " + number_format(balance, devise_decimal); // error_value = "Bet amount - Maximum bet: " + number_format(balance, devise_decimal); // error = true; // } var handbrake = 1.0000000; // valor lose pause game var autoruns = 1; // else if (amount > bet_max) { // error_title = "Bet amount"; // error_info = "Maximum bet: " + number_format(bet_max, devise_decimal); // error_value = "Bet amount - Maximum bet: " + number_format(bet_max, devise_decimal); // error = true; // } // else if (amount < bet_min) { // error_title = "Bet amount"; // error_info = "Minimum bet: " + number_format(bet_min, devise_decimal); // error_value = "Bet amount - Minimum bet: " + number_format(bet_min, devise_decimal); // error = true; // } function playnow() { if (autoruns > autorounds ) { console.log('Limit reached'); return; } document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_hi_button').click(); setTimeout(checkresults, 1000); return;} function checkresults() { if (document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_hi_button').disabled === true) { setTimeout(checkresults, 1000); return; } var stake = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_stake').value * 1; var won = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_win').innerHTML; if (won.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/) !== null) { won = won.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]; } else { won = false; } var lost = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_lose').innerHTML; if (lost.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/) !== null) { lost = lost.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]; } else { lost = false; } if (won && !lost) { stake = minstake; console.log('Bet #' + autoruns + '/' + autorounds + ': Won ' + won + ' Stake: ' + stake.toFixed(8)); } if (lost && !won) { stake = lost * 2.1; console.log('Bet #' + autoruns + '/' + autorounds + ': Lost ' + lost + ' Stake: ' + stake.toFixed(8)); } if (!won && !lost) { console.log('Something went wrong'); return; } document.getElementById('double_your_btc_stake').value = stake.toFixed(8); autoruns++; if (stake >= handbrake) { document.getElementById('handbrakealert').play(); console.log('Handbrake triggered! Execute playnow() to override'); return; } setTimeout(playnow, 1000); return; }playnow() console.log("Hello World"); JavaScript // Hello world in JavaScript console.log("Hello World"); JavaScript true abstract arguments await boolean break byte case catch char class const continue debugger default delete do double else enum eval export extends false final finally float for function goto if implements import in instanceof int interface let long native new null package private protected public return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws transient true try typeof var void volatile while with yield // /* */ console.log ` = true false false false true true true true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true false true true true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true true true true false false true false true true false true true false true true false true false true true true true true true true true false true true true true true true 351 48 JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2014|Wiley|JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development|Duckett, Jon|9781118531648\n2010|Pearson|JavaScript by Example|Quigley, Ellie|9780137054893\n2005|McGraw Hill|JavaScript Demystified|Keogh, Jim|9780072261349\n2007|SitePoint|Simply JavaScript: Everything You Need to Learn JavaScript From Scratch|Yank, Kevin and Adams, Cameron|9780980285802\n2009|Prentice Hall|JavaScript for Programmers|Deitel, Paul J.|9780137001316\n2013|Manning|Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja|John Resig and Bear Bibeault|9781933988696\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript (Effective Software Development Series)|Herman, David|9780321812186\n2008|O'Reilly Media|Head First JavaScript|Morrison, Michael|9780596527747\n2004|Prentice Hall|Mastering the Internet, Xhtml, and Javascript|Zeid, Ibrahim|9780131400863\n2018|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Web Programming with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript|Dean, John|9781284091793\n2017|Jones And Bartlett Learning,|Web Programming With Html5, Css, And Javascript|Dean, John , 1962- (author.)|9781284091793\n2018|Independently published|Composing Software: An Exploration of Functional Programming and Object Composition in JavaScript|Elliott, Eric|9781661212568\n2014|Wiley|JavaScript and jQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development|Duckett, Jon|9781118871652\n2009|Wrox|Beginning JavaScript|Wilton, Paul and McPeak, Jeremy|9780470525937\n2013|For Dummies|PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies|Suehring, Steve and Valade, Janet|9781118213704\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Web Development with Node and Express: Leveraging the JavaScript Stack|Brown, Ethan|9781491949306\n2015|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript Cookbook: Programming the Web|Powers, Shelley|9781491901885\n2012|Sams Publishing|JavaScript in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself (5th Edition)|Ballard, Phil|9780672336089\n2003|McGraw-Hill Education|How to Do Everything with JavaScript|Duffy, Scott|9780072228878\n2000|Wiley|Introduction to Interactive Programming on the Internet: Using HTML and JavaScript|Knuckles, Craig D.|9780471383666\n2005|Cengage Learning|HTML and JavaScript BASICS (BASICS Series)|Barksdale, Karl and Turner, E. Shane|9780619266257\n2010|Apress|Pro JavaScript with MooTools (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|Obcena, Mark|9781430230540\n2017|Sams Publishing|PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All in One, Sams Teach Yourself|Meloni, Julie|9780672337703\n2009|For Dummies|JavaScript & Ajax for Dummies|Harris, Andy|9780470417997\n2001|Crisp Pub Inc|Course ILT: Javascript Programming|Technology, Course|9780619068059\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Programming JavaScript Applications: Robust Web Architecture with Node, HTML5, and Modern JS Libraries|Elliott, Eric|9781491950296\n2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript|Antani, Ved|9781785281341\n2007|Course Technology|JavaScript|Gosselin, Don|9781423901501\n2009|Wrox|Professional JavaScript Frameworks: Prototype,YUI, ExtJS, Dojo and MooTools|Orchard, Leslie M. and Pehlivanian, Ara and Koon, Scott and Jones, Harley|9780470384596\n2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming|Chiarelli, Andrea|9781785889103\n2008|AddisonWesley Professional|Dojo: Using the Dojo JavaScript Library to Build Ajax Applications|Harmon, James E.|9780132358040\n2010|Apress|JavaScript for Absolute Beginners|McNavage, Terry|9781430272199\n2003|Course Technology PTR|Learn JavaScript In a Weekend, Second Edition|Ford, Jr., Jerry Lee|9781592000869\n2002|Cengage Learning PTR|JavaScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Harris, Andy|9780761534105\n2020|Addison-Wesley Professional|Modern JavaScript for the Impatient|Horstmann, Cay|9780136502142\n2012|O'Reilly Media|HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps: Bridging the Gap Between the Web and the Mobile Web|Hales, Wesley|9781449320515\n2008|Adobe Developer Library|AIR for Javascript Developers Pocket Guide: Getting Started with Adobe AIR|Chambers, Mike and Dura, Daniel and Dura, Daniel and Hoyt, Kevin and Hoyt, Kevin and Georgita, Dragos|9780596518370\n2011|O'Reilly Media|Programming HTML5 Applications: Building Powerful Cross-Platform Environments in JavaScript|Kessin, Zachary|9781449399085\n2001|Sams|Pure JavaScript (2nd Edition)|R. Allen Wyke and Charlton Ting and Jason D. Gilliam and Sean Michaels|9780672321412\n2012|Packt Publishing|Getting Started with Meteor.js JavaScript Framework|Strack, Isaac|9781782160823\n20170302|Independent Publishers Group (Chicago Review Press)|JavaScript: Optimizing Native JavaScript|Robert C. Etheredge|9780986307652\n2007|Adobe Developer Library|Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) for JavaScript Developers Pocket Guide (Adobe Developer Library)|Chambers, Mike and Dura, Daniel and Hoyt, Kevin|9780596515195\n2011|friends of ED|Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript|Lamberta, Billy and Peters, Keith|9781430236658\n2014|Apress|Scripting in Java: Integrating with Groovy and JavaScript|Sharan, Kishori|9781484207147\n2008|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Mastering Dojo: Javascript and Ajax Tools for Great Web Experiences (Pragmatic Programmers)|Riecke, Craig and Gill, Rawld and Russell, Alex|9781934356111\n2000|Sams|Javascript Unleashed||9780672317637\n2008|Apress|Foundation Website Creation with CSS, XHTML, and JavaScript|Jonathan Lane and Meitar Moscovitz and Joseph R. Lewis|9781430209911\n2017|Packt Publishing|Internet of Things Programming with JavaScript|Ramos, Ruben Oliva|9781785888564\n20180509|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript|Robin Nixon|9781491979099\n1999|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself Javascript 1.3 in 24 Hours (Teach Yourself in 24 Hours)|Moncur, Michael|9780672314070\n2011|O'Reilly Media|Learning the iOS 4 SDK for JavaScript Programmers: Create Native Apps with Objective-C and Xcode|Goodman, Danny|9781449388454\n1999|Apress|Professional JavaScript with DHTML, ASP, CGI, FESI, Netscape Enterprise Server, Windows Script Host, LiveConnect and Java|Chirelli, Andrea and Li, Sing and Wilton, Paul and McFarlane, Nigel and Updegrave, Stuart and Wilcox, Mark and Wootton, Cliff and McFarlane, Nigel and James De Carli|9781861002709\n2000|Wrox|Beginning JavaScript (Programmer to Programmer)|Wilton, Paul|9780764544057\n2013|O'Reilly Media|DOM Enlightenment: Exploring JavaScript and the Modern DOM|Lindley, Cody|9781449342845\n20140328|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Client-Server Web Apps with JavaScript and Java|Casimir Saternos|9781449369316\n2012|Apress|Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for iOS: Web Standards-based Apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch|Preston, Scott|9781430240389\n2002|Prentice Hall PTR|Essential JavaScript for Web Professionals (2nd Edition)|Barrett, Dan and Brown, Micah and Lifingston, Dan|9780131001473\n2018|Pragmatic Bookshelf|3D Game Programming for Kids: Create Interactive Worlds with JavaScript|Strom, Chris|9781680502701\n1997|Peachpit Pr|Javascript for the World Wide Web (Visual QuickStart Guide)|Gesing, Ted and Schneider, Jeremy|9780201688146\n1997|Apress|Instant Javascript|McFarlane, Nigel and McFarlane|9781861001276\n2005|Adobe Pr|Adobe Illustrator Cs2 Official Javascript Reference|Adobe Systems|9780321412942\n2005|Adobe Pr|Adobe Golive Cs2 Official Javascript Reference|Adobe Systems|9780321409713\n2013|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript Testing with Jasmine: JavaScript Behavior-Driven Development|Hahn, Evan|9781449356378\n2004|McGraw-Hill|Teach Yourself Javascript|McBride, Mac|9780071435048\n2020|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming: Write clean, robust, and maintainable web and server code using functional JavaScript, 2nd Edition|Kereki, Federico|9781839213069\n2001|Que Pub|Special Edition Using Javascript|McFedries, Paul|9780789725769\n2016|Packt Publishing|JavaScript Projects for Kids|Towaha, Syed Omar Faruk|9781785287176\n2014|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Design Patterns|Timms, Simon|9781783987986\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|TypeScript: JavaScript Development Guide|Brown, Nicholas|9781539124771\n2011|Apress|HTML5 and JavaScript Projects (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|Meyer, Jeanine|9781430240327\n2012|Posts and Telecom Press|JavaScript Efficient Graphical Programming (Chinese Edition)|[Mei]RaffaeleCecco|9787115278814\n2020|BPB Publications|JavaScript for Modern Web Development: Building a Web Application Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (English Edition)|Ranjan, Alok and Sinha, Abhilasha and Battewad, Ranjit|9789389328721\n2017|Springer Nature|Beginning Functional JavaScript|Anto Aravinth|9781484226568\n1996|Hayden Books|Javascript for Macintosh|Shobe, Matt and Ritchey, Tim|9781568302782\n2015|Packt Publishing|Reactive Programming with JavaScript|Hayward, Jonathan|9781783558551\n2002|Sams Publishing|JavaScript Unleashed (4th Edition)|Wyke, R. Allen and Gilliam, Jason|9780672324314\n2020|Manning Publications|The Joy of JavaScript|Atencio, Luis|9781617295867\n2001|Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated|Mastering Javascript Premium Edition|James Jaworski and Jamie Jaworski|9780782128192\n2012|O'Reilly Media|Node: Up and Running: Scalable Server-Side Code with JavaScript|Hughes-Croucher, Tom and Wilson, Mike|9781449398583\n2009|Packt Publishing|Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery|Butcher, Matt|9781847196163\n20140918|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual|David Sawyer McFarland|9781491948620\n1996|Ziff Davis|JavaScript 2.1 Manual of Style|Mark Johnson|9781562764234\n2011|Apress|Pro iOS Web Design and Development: HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript with Safari|Picchi, Andrea and Willat, Carl|9781430232469\n2014|Apress|Pro TypeScript: Application-Scale JavaScript Development|Fenton, Steve|9781430267904\n2012|Apress|Pro Windows 8 Development with HTML5 and JavaScript (Expert's Voice in Microsoft)|Freeman, Adam|9781430244011\n2009|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript and Ajax: Video Learning Starter Kit|Sams Publishing|9780672330377\n1996|New Riders|Inside Javascript|New Riders and Jill Bond|9780737215748\n2015|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Reactive Programming with RxJS: Untangle Your Asynchronous JavaScript Code|Mansilla, Sergi|9781680501292\n2019|Apress|JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Development: The Essential Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools to Learn Right Now|bin Uzayr, Sufyan and Cloud, Nicholas and Ambler, Tim|9781484249956\n2000|Charles River Media|Javascript CD Cookbook|Monroe, J Brook and Sadun, Erica|9781584500209\n2011|Packt Publishing|iPhone JavaScript Cookbook|Fernandez Montoro, Arturo|9781849691086\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Computer Programming: 6 Books in 1: Beginner's Guide + Best Practices to Programming Code with Python, JavaScript and Java|Masterson, Charlie|9781548828547\n2004|Unknown|An Introduction to Programming Using JavaScript (M150 Data, Computing and Information)||9780749257644\n1996|Wiley|JavaScript Sourcebook: Create Interactive JavaScript Programs for the World Wide Web|McComb, Gordon|9780471161851\n29-06-2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Design Patterns|Simon Timms|9781785880353\n2003|Apress|Practical Javascript for the Usable Web|Wilton, Paul and Williams, Stephen and Li, Sing|9781590591895\n2009|Prentice Hall Ptr|Javascript Fundamentals I And Ii Livelessons Bundle|Paul J. Deitel|9780137018253\n20061130|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Prototype and Scriptaculous: Taking the Pain out of JavaScript|Chris Angus|9780596529192\n2019|Independently Published|Javascript|Ryan Turner|9781697517811\n20181114|Springer Nature|Full Stack JavaScript|Azat Mardan|9781484237182\n1998|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|Javascript Annotated Archives|Frentzen, Jeff and Sobotka, Henry and McNair, Dewayne|9780078823640\n20180215|Springer Nature|Objektorientierte Programmierung mit JavaScript|Jörg Bewersdorff|9783658210779\n2015|Apress|JavaScript Quick Syntax Reference|Olsson, Mikael|9781430264941\n42726|Packt Publishing|TypeScript: Modern JavaScript Development|Remo H. Jansen|9781787287594\n2011|Apress|Pro JavaScript with MooTools: Laerning Advanced JavaScript Programming (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|Obcena, Mark|9781430230557\n2003|Adobe Pr|Extending Acrobat Forms With Javascript|Deubert, John|9780321172389\n20120113|Springer Nature|Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript|Billy Lamberta; Keith Peters|9781430236665\n20120808|Springer Nature|Pro JavaScript for Web Apps|Adam Freeman|9781430244622\n2015|Apress|JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev|Ambler, Tim and Cloud, Nicholas|9781484206621\n2013|Apress|Expert JavaScript (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|Daggett, Mark E.|9781430260981\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Building Web Apps with Ember.js: Write Ambitious JavaScript|Cravens, Jesse and Brady, Thomas Q|9781449370923\n20140804|Pearson Education (US)|Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP|Elizabeth Drake|9780133560107\n20150630|Packt Publishing|Getting Started with Meteor.js JavaScript Framework - Second Edition|Isaac Strack|9781785282270\n2011|Apress|Beginning iPhone and iPad Web Apps: Scripting with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript|Apers, Chris and Daniel Paterson|9781430230465\n2014|Apress|Beginning JavaScript Charts: With jqPlot, d3, and Highcharts (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|Nelli, Fabio|9781430262909\n2011|Apress|The Essential Guide to HTML5: Using Games to learn HTML5 and JavaScript (Essential Guide To...)|Meyer, Jeanine|9781430233848\n2013|Apress|Beginning Windows Store Application Development: HTML and JavaScript Edition (The Expert's Voice in Windows 8)|Isaacs, Scott and Burns, Kyle|9781430257806\n2020-11-10T00:00:01Z|Drip Digital|Learn JavaScript Quickly: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Learning JavaScript, Even If You’re New to Programming (Crash Course With Hands-On Project)|Quickly, Code|9781951791476\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Head First JavaScript Programming: A Brain-Friendly Guide|Eric Freeman and Robson, Elisabeth|9781449340131\n2014|No Starch Press|JavaScript for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming|Morgan, Nick|9781593274085\n2019|O'Reilly Media|Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale|Cherny, Boris|9781492037651\n2020|Addison-Wesley Professional|Modern JavaScript for the Impatient|Horstmann, Cay S.|9780136502159\n2012|Wrox|Professional JavaScript for Web Developers|Zakas, Nicholas C.|9781118026694\n2021|Packt Publishing|Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash: Harness the power of a fully fledged frontend web framework in Python – no JavaScript required|Dabbas, Elias|9781800568914\n2014|No Starch Press|The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript|Zakas, Nicholas C.|9781593275402\n2010|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript Patterns: Build Better Applications with Coding and Design Patterns|Stefanov, Stoyan|9780596806750\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Head First JavaScript Programming: A Brain-Friendly Guide|Freeman, Eric and Robson, Elisabeth|9781449343965\n2012|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript Pocket Reference: Activate Your Web Pages (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly))|Flanagan, David|9781449316853\n2016|Que Publishing|JavaScript Absolute Beginner's Guide|Chinnathambi Kirupa|9780134498621\n2016|Manning Publications|Functional Programming in JavaScript: How to improve your JavaScript programs using functional techniques|Atencio, Luis|9781617292828\n2021|Packt Publishing|JavaScript from Beginner to Professional: Learn JavaScript quickly by building fun, interactive, and dynamic web apps, games, and pages|Svekis, Laurence Lars and Putten, Maaike van and Percival, Rob|9781800566774\n2020|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming: Write clean, robust, and maintainable web and server code using functional JavaScript, 2nd Edition|Kereki, Federico|9781839217425\n2022|The MIT Press|Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)|Abelson, Harold and Sussman, Gerald Jay|9780262367622\n2019|Candlewick|Get Coding 2! Build Five Computer Games Using HTML and JavaScript|Whitney, David|9781536210309\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|Effective JavaScript (Effective Software Development Series)|Herman, David|9780132902250\n2020|Independently published|Coding for Kids Ages 9-15: Simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript lessons to get you started with Programming from Scratch|Mather, Bob|9798644382446\n2010|Wiley|Learn JavaScript and Ajax with w3Schools|W3Schools and Refsnes, Hege and Refsnes, Stale and Refsnes, Kai Jim and Refsnes, Jan Egil|9780470611944\n2010|Pearson|JavaScript by Example|Quigley, Ellie|9780137084760\n2017-04-18T00:00:01Z|Maia LLC|Programming Fundamentals in JavaScript|Barzee, Rex A.|9780996246330\n2017|Make Community, LLC|Making Things Smart: Easy Embedded JavaScript Programming for Making Everyday Objects into Intelligent Machines|Williams, Gordon F.|9781680451894\n2020|Packt Publishing|Clean Code in JavaScript: Develop reliable, maintainable, and robust JavaScript|Padolsey, James|9781789957297\n2014|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)|McFarland, David Sawyer|9781491947074\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Learning Web App Development: Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques|Purewal, Semmy|9781449370190\n2019|Apress|Beginning Ethereum Smart Contracts Programming: With Examples in Python, Solidity, and JavaScript|Lee, Wei-Meng|9781484250860\n2019|Pearson|"Introduction to JavaScript Programming The ""Nothing but a Browser"" Approach"|Roberts, Eric|9780135245859\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Functional-Light JavaScript: Balanced, Pragmatic FP in JavaScript|Simpson, Kyle|9781981672349\n2019|Wrox|Professional JavaScript for Web Developers|Frisbie, Matt|9781119366577\n2013|Manning|Single Page Web Applications: JavaScript end-to-end|Mikowski, Michael and Powell, Josh|9781638351344\n2014|Microsoft Press|Exam Ref 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (MCSD)|Delorme, Rick|9780735676633\n2018|Apress|Learn JavaScript with p5.js: Coding for Visual Learners|Arslan, Engin|9781484234266\n2017|Apress|Introducing JavaScript Game Development: Build a 2D Game from the Ground Up|Stuart, Graeme|9781484232521\n2021|Apress|Beginning Machine Learning in the Browser: Quick-start Guide to Gait Analysis with JavaScript and TensorFlow.js|Suryadevara, Nagender Kumar|9781484268421\n2014|No Starch Press|JavaScript for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming|Morgan, Nick|9781593276591\n2011|O'Reilly Media|Head First HTML5 Programming: Building Web Apps with JavaScript|Freeman, Eric and Robson, Elisabeth|9781449390549\n2013|Addison-Wesley Professional|Web Game Developer's Cookbook, The: Using JavaScript and HTML5 to Develop Games (Game Design)|Burchard, Evan|9780133358674\n2016|Addison-Wesley Professional|Learning Node.js: A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications in JavaScript|Wandschneider, Marc|9780134663722\n2015|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Promises|Hussain, Muzzamil|9781783985500\n2019|Apress|JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: An Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Core Data Structure and Algorithm Fundamentals|Bae, Sammie|9781484239889\n2018|Sams Publishing|JavaScript in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself|Ballard, Phil|9780135166956\n2017|Sams Publishing|PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All in One, Sams Teach Yourself|Meloni Julie C.|9780134439587\n2014|Sams Publishing|HTML, CSS and JavaScript All in One, Sams Teach Yourself: Covering HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery|Meloni, Julie C.|9780133795189\n2016|No Starch Press|Understanding ECMAScript 6: The Definitive Guide for JavaScript Developers|Zakas, Nicholas C.|9781593277987\n2020|Packt Publishing|Hands-On JavaScript High Performance: Build faster web apps using Node.js, Svelte.js, and WebAssembly|Scherer, Justin|9781838825867\n2019|Independently published|JavaScript Grammar|Sidelnikov, Greg|9781091212169\n2013-04-08T00:00:01Z|Microsoft Press|Training Guide: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Microsoft Press Training Guide)|Johnson, Glenn|9780735674387\n1997|IDG Books Worldwide|JavaScript for Dummies, 2nd Edition|Emily A. Vander Veer|9780764502231\n2011|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual|McFarland, David Sawyer|9781449399023\n2020|Black and White Line Ltd|JavaScript for beginners: The simplified for absolute beginner's guide to learn and understand computer programming coding with JavaScript step by step. Basics concepts and practice examples inside.|Python, Matthew|9781801257534\n2018|Packt Publishing|Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: Write complex and powerful JavaScript code using the latest ECMAScript, 3rd Edition|Groner, Loiane|9781788624947\n2021|Ladoo Publishing LLC|Javascript: This book includes: Javascript Basics For Beginners + Javascript Front End Programming + Javascript Back End Programming|Vickler, Andy|9781955786010\n2012-12-11T00:00:01Z|Mike Murach & Associates|Murach's JavaScript and jQuery|Zak Ruvalcaba and Mike Murach|9781890774707\n2018|Manning Publications|JavaScript on Things: Hacking hardware for web developers|Gardner, Lyza Danger|9781617293863\n2020|Apress|Essential ASP.NET Web Forms Development: Full Stack Programming with C#, SQL, Ajax, and JavaScript|Beasley, Robert E.|9781484257845\n2017|Apress|Enhancing Adobe Acrobat DC Forms with JavaScript|Harder, Jennifer|9781484228937\n2019|Que Publishing|JavaScript Absolute Beginner's Guide|Chinnathambi, Kirupa|9780136204350\n2013|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scales|Wilson, Jim|9781937785734\n2011|O'Reilly Media|Head First HTML5 Programming: Building Web Apps with JavaScript|Robson, Elisabeth and Freeman, Eric|9781449319366\n2014|Packt Publishing|Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms|Groner, Loiane|9781783554874\n2021|Apress|Decoupled Django: Understand and Build Decoupled Django Architectures for JavaScript Front-ends|Gagliardi, Valentino|9781484271445\n2019-04-14T00:00:01Z|Independently published|JavaScript Programming: A Step-by-Step Guide for Absolute Beginners|Brian Jenkins|9781093985948\n2016|Apress|Making Games: With JavaScript|Pitt, Christopher|9781484224939\n2017|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming: In-depth guide for writing robust and maintainable JavaScript code in ES8 and beyond|Kereki, Federico|9781787289734\n2013|Pragmatic Bookshelf|3D Game Programming for Kids: Create Interactive Worlds with JavaScript (Pragmatic Programmers)|Strom, Chris|9781937785444\n2018|Packt Publishing|Learn Blockchain Programming with JavaScript: Build your very own Blockchain and decentralized network with JavaScript and Node.js|Traub, Eric|9781789618822\n2013|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript Enlightenment: From Library User to JavaScript Developer|Lindley, Cody|9781449342883\n2015|No Starch Press|Build an HTML5 Game: A Developer's Guide with CSS and JavaScript|Bunyan, Karl|9781593275754\n2012|Apress|Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript|van der Spuy, Rex|9781430247166\n2010|Cengage Learning|HTML and JavaScript BASICS|Barksdale, Karl and Turner, E. Shane|9780538742351\n2019|Packt Publishing|Advanced JavaScript: Speed up web development with the powerful features and benefits of JavaScript|Shute, Zachary|9781789803891\n2021|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript Cookbook: Programming the Web|Scott, Adam D. and MacDonald, Matthew and Powers, Shelley|9781492055754\n2018|Packt Publishing|Learn Blockchain Programming with JavaScript: Build your very own Blockchain and decentralized network with JavaScript and Node.js|Traub, Eric|9781789614848\n2013|Apress|Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript|van der Spuy, Rex|9781430247173\n2022|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Phoenix LiveView: Interactive Elixir Web Programming Without Writing Any JavaScript|Tate, Bruce A. and DeBenedetto, Sophie|9781680508215\n2019|Packt Publishing|The JavaScript Workshop: Learn to develop interactive web applications with clean and maintainable JavaScript code|Labrecque, Joseph and Love, Jahred and Rosenbaum, Daniel and Turner, Nick and Mehla, Gaurav and Hosford, Alonzo L. and Sloot, Florian and Kirkbride, Philip|9781838645885\n2015|Sams Publishing|JavaScript in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself|Ballard Phil|9780134172170\n2013|Pearson|Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP|Drake, Elizabeth|9780133068306\n2020|Apress|Essential ASP.NET Web Forms Development: Full Stack Programming with C#, SQL, Ajax, and JavaScript|Beasley, Robert E.|9781484257838\n2017|Packt Publishing|Object-Oriented JavaScript: Learn everything you need to know about object-oriented JavaScript (OOJS)|Antani, Ved and Stefanov, Stoyan|9781785884719\n2014-05-06T00:00:00.000Z|McGraw-Hill Education TAB|Programming the BeagleBone Black: Getting Started with JavaScript and BoneScript|Monk, Simon|9780071832120\n2007|Apress|Pro JavaScript Design Patterns: The Essentials of Object-Oriented JavaScript Programming|Diaz, Dustin and Harmes, Ross|9781590599082\n2017-11-29T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming: In-depth guide for writing robust and maintainable JavaScript code in ES8 and beyond|Kereki, Federico|9781787287440\n2013|Pearson|Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP (2-downloads)|Drake, Elizabeth|9780133251821\n2012|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours|Ballard, Phil and Moncur, Michael|9780133048315\n2016|Packt Publishing|Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: Hone your skills by learning classic data structures and algorithms in JavaScript, 2nd Edition|Groner, Loiane|9781783553884\n2021|Packt Publishing|End-to-End Web Testing with Cypress: Explore techniques for automated frontend web testing with Cypress and JavaScript|Mwaura, Waweru|9781839215636\n2016|Manning Publications|Get Programming with JavaScript|Larsen, John|9781617293108\n2013|Microsoft Press|Training Guide Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (MCSD) (Microsoft Press Training Guide)|Johnson, Glenn|9780735674349\n2018|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Node.js 8 the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scales|Wilson, Jim|9781680501957\n2018|Packt Publishing|Beginning API Development with Node.js: Build highly scalable, developer-friendly APIs for the modern web with JavaScript and Node.js|Nandaa, Anthony|9781789534177\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Programming: Computer Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of HTML5, JavaScript & CSS (Coding, C Programming, Java Programming, Web Design, JavaScript, Python, HTML and CSS)|Connor, Joseph|9781541006225\n2016-06-22T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|JavaScript: Learn JavaScript in 24 Hours or Less - A Beginner’s Guide To Learning JavaScript Programming Now (JavaScript, JavaScript Programming)|Dwight, Robert|9781534821859\n2014|Apress|Building JavaScript Games: for Phones, Tablets, and Desktop|Egges, Arjan|9781430265399\n2021|Microsoft Press|Begin to Code with JavaScript|Miles, Rob|9780136870630\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Test-Driven Development with Python: Obey the Testing Goat: Using Django, Selenium, and JavaScript|Percival, Harry|9781449364823\n2015|Apress|Advanced Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript|van der Spuy, Rex|9781430258018\n2019|Packt Publishing|Advanced TypeScript Programming Projects: Build 9 different apps with TypeScript 3 and JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue|O'Hanlon, Peter|9781788991018\n2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming|Chiarelli, Andrea|9781785888267\n2018|Apress|HTML5 and JavaScript Projects: Build on your Basic Knowledge of HTML5 and JavaScript to Create Substantial HTML5 Applications|Meyer, Jeanine|9781484238639\n2012|Wrox|Professional Node.js: Building Javascript Based Scalable Software|Teixeira, Pedro|9781118185469\n2014|Apress|Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation, and Simulations: with HTML5 Canvas|Dobre, Adrian and Ramtal, Dev|9781430263371\n2017|Packt Publishing|Object-Oriented JavaScript: Learn everything you need to know about object-oriented JavaScript (OOJS), 3rd Edition|Antani, Ved and Stefanov, Stoyan|9781785880568\n2011|Cengage Learning|Principles of Program Design: Problem-Solving with JavaScript (Logic and Design)|Addison, Paul|9781133387299\n2019-05-04T00:00:01Z|Independently published|Discover Functional JavaScript: An overview of Functional and Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript|Salcescu, Cristian|9781095338780\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Developing Backbone.js Applications: Building Better JavaScript Applications|Osmani, Addy|9781449328252\n2017|Apress|Pro TypeScript: Application-Scale JavaScript Development|Fenton, Steve|9781484232491\n2015|Make Community, LLC|JavaScript Robotics: Building NodeBots with Johnny-Five, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and BeagleBone (Make)|Media, Backstop and Waldron, Rick|9781457186950\n2020|Packt Publishing|Hands-on JavaScript for Python Developers: Leverage your Python knowledge to quickly learn JavaScript and advance your web development career|Nagale, Sonyl|9781838641047\n2012|Wiley|Smashing Node.js: JavaScript Everywhere|Rauch, Guillermo|9781119962595\n2008|Packt Publishing|Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript applications and libraries|Stefanov, Stoyan|9781847194145\n2019|Apress|Beginning JavaScript: The Ultimate Guide to Modern JavaScript Development|Ferguson, Russ|9781484243954\n2014|Apress|Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation, and Simulations: with HTML5 Canvas|Dobre, Adrian and Ramtal, Dev|9781430263388\n2005|McGraw-Hill Education|JavaScript Demystified|Keogh, Jim|9780071471398\n2009|O'Reilly Media|Learning PHP, MySQL, and Javascript (Animal Guide)|Robin Nixon|9780596157135\n2015|Packt Publishing|Learning Three.js – the JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL - Second Edition: Create stunning 3D graphics in your browser using the Three.js JavaScript library|Dirksen, Jos|9781784391027\n2001|Que Pub|Javascript 1.5 by Example|Kingsley-Hughes, Adrian and Kingsley-Hughes, Kathie|9780789724991\n2012|McGraw-Hill Education|JavaScript The Complete Reference 3rd Edition|Powell, Thomas A. and Schneider, Fritz|9780071741217\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Javascript: Learn Javascript In A DAY! - The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning the Basics of the Javascript Programming Language In No Time ... Javascript Course, Javascript Development)|Acodemy|9781507587140\n2015|Packt Publishing|JavaScript Unlocked|Sheiko, Dmitry|9781785885068\n2021|Packt Publishing|Deno Web Development: Write, test, maintain, and deploy JavaScript and TypeScript web applications using Deno|Santos, Alexandre Portela dos|9781800201149\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Computer Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics of Java, SQL, C, C++, C#, Python, HTML, CSS and Javascript|Alvin, Cooper|9781981497805\n2016-11-04T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|JAVASCRIPT: Easy JavaScript Programming For Beginners. Your Step-By-Step Guide to Learning JavaScript Programming (JavaScript Series)|Alvaro, Felix|9781539929185\n2013|For Dummies|HTML5 Programming with JavaScript For Dummies|Mueller, John Paul|9781118431665\n2010|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript Cookbook|Powers, Shelley|9780596806132\n2015|Packt Publishing|JavaScript Concurrency|Boduch, Adam|9781785889233\n2017|Apress|Building Web Applications with Visual Studio 2017: Using .NET Core and Modern JavaScript Frameworks|Japikse, Philip and Kevin Grossnicklaus and Ben Dewey|9781484224786\n2021|Dr. Lucas J. Loan|JavaScript Crash Course: The Only Guide to Quickly Learn JavaScript, the Most Used Programming Language||9781801567824\n2021|Independently published|Javascript: This book includes : Javascript Basics For Beginners + Javascript Front End Programming + Javascript Back End Programming|Vickler, Andy|9798718960556\n2002|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)|Flanagan, David|9780596004118\n2018|Packt Publishing|D3.js Quick Start Guide: Create amazing, interactive visualizations in the browser with JavaScript|Huntington, Matthew|9781789347746\n2019|Apress|Building Web Applications with .NET Core 2.1 and JavaScript: Leveraging Modern JavaScript Frameworks|Japikse, Philip and Grossnicklaus, Kevin and Dewey, Ben|9781484253526\n2009|Jones & Bartlett Learning|The JavaScript Programming Language|Toal, Ray and Dionisio, John David|9780763766580\n2019|Packt Publishing|Advanced TypeScript Programming Projects: Build 9 different apps with TypeScript 3 and JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue|O'Hanlon, Peter|9781789133042\n2010|Wrox|JavaScript 24-Hour Trainer|McPeak, Jeremy|9780470647837\n2010|O'Reilly Media|Closure: The Definitive Guide: Google Tools to Add Power to Your JavaScript|Bolin, Michael|9781449381875\n2017|Packt Publishing|JavaScript by Example: Learn modern web development with real-world applications|S, Dani Akash|9781788299008\n2010|Peachpit Press|The JavaScript Pocket Guide (Peachpit Pocket Guide)|Burdette, Lenny|9780321700957\n2013|Packt Publishing|JavaScript and JSON Essentials|Sriparasa, Sai Srinivas|9781783286041\n2002|Wiley|Making Use of JavaScript|Bhasin, Shweta|9780471219767\n2018|Independently published|Javascript for Beginners: The Simple Way to Start Programming|Connors, K.|9781723929762\n2013|Apress|Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax: Second Editon|Ferguson, Russ and Heilmann, Christian|9781430250937\n2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Single Page Application Development|Klauzinski, Philip and Moore, John|9781785886447\n2016|Packt Publishing|JavaScript: Functional Programming for JavaScript Developers|Antani, Ved and Timms, Simon and Mantyla, Dan|9781787124660\n2015|Packt Publishing|Test-driven JavaScript Development|Gupta, Ravi Kumar and Singh, Harmeet and Prajapati, Hetal|9781785288746\n2011|For Dummies|HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Mobile Development For Dummies|Harrel, William|9781118026229\n2021|Cengage Learning|JavaScript for Web Warriors|Carey, Patrick and Vodnik, Sasha|9780357638033\n2020|MiraVista Press|Javascript: Optimizing Native Javascript: Designing, Programming, and Debugging Native JavaScript Applications|Etheredge, Robert C.|9781952433337\n2019-04-09T00:00:01Z|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Web Development with ReasonML: Type-Safe, Functional Programming for JavaScript Developers|Eisenberg, J. David|9781680506334\n2017|Packt Publishing|Build Applications with Meteor: Isomorphic JavaScript web development|Ganev, Dobrin|9781787124738\n2012|Apress|Pro Android Web Game Apps: Using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript|Bura, Juriy and Coates, Paul|9781430238195\n2017|Packt Publishing|Practical Internet of Things with JavaScript: Build standalone exciting IoT projects with Raspberry Pi 3 and JavaScript (ES5/ES6)|Ravulavaru, Arvind|9781788295598\n2013|Microsoft Press|JavaScript Step by Step (Step by Step Developer)|Suehring, Steve|9780735667310\n2013|Sams Publishing|jQuery and JavaScript in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself|Dayley Brad|9780133414196\n1999|O'Reilly Media|JavaScript Application Cookbook: Programming JavaScript Applications|Bradenbaugh, Jerry|9781565925779\n2021|Hacktech Academy|Learn JavaScript Programming: 3 Books in 1 - The Best Beginner's Guide to Learn JavaScript and Master Front End & Back End Programming|Hacktech Academy|9781802350463\n2017|Packt Publishing|Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript - Second Edition: Build exciting custom web and mobile GIS applications with the ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript|Pimpler, Eric and Lewin, Mark|9781787280359\n2018|Packt Publishing|Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi 3: Leverage the power of Raspberry Pi 3 and JavaScript to build exciting IoT projects|Rao, Maneesh|9781788620659\n2018|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Reactive Programming with RxJS 5: Untangle Your Asynchronous JavaScript Code|Mansilla, Sergi|9781680502473\n2020|Apress|Modern Programming Made Easy: Using Java, Scala, Groovy, and JavaScript|Davis, Adam L.|9781484255698\n2017|Packt Publishing|Learning D3.js 4 Mapping - Second Edition: Build cutting-edge maps and visualizations with JavaScript|Newton, Thomas and Villarreal, Oscar and Verspohl, Lars|9781787284258\n2017|Packt Publishing|Mastering Immutable.js: Better JavaScript development using immutable data|Boduch, Adam|9781788397247\n2018|Apress|The Essential Guide to HTML5: Using Games to Learn HTML5 and JavaScript|Meyer, Jeanine|9781484241554\n2017|Apress|Building a 2D Game Physics Engine: Using HTML5 and JavaScript|Tanaya, Michael and Chen, Huaming and Pavleas, Jebediah and Sung, Kelvin|9781484225837\n2015|Packt Publishing|JavaScript JSON Cookbook|Rischpater, Ray|9781785284359\n2010|Wrox|Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery|Moffitt, Jack|9780470540718\n2011|Springer|Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: For Scientists and Engineers|Brooks, David R.|9780857294494\n2020-01-18T00:00:01Z|Apress|Modern Programming Made Easy: Using Java, Scala, Groovy, and JavaScript|Davis, Adam L.|9781484255681\n2015|Packt Publishing|Functional Programming in JavaScript|Mantyla, Dan|9781784398224\n2018|Apress|Front-End Reactive Architectures: Explore the Future of the Front-End using Reactive JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries|Mezzalira, Luca|9781484231807\n2018|Manning Publications|Get Programming with JavaScript Next: New features of ECMAScript 2015, 2016, and beyond|Isaacks, J.D.|9781617294204\n2014|Apress|JavaScript Creativity: Exploring the Modern Capabilities of JavaScript and HTML5|Hudson, Shane|9781430259459\n2018|Independently published|HTML, CSS & JavaScript for Complete Beginners: A Step by Step Guide to Learning HTML5, CSS3 and the JavaScript Programming Language|Hawramani, Ikram|9781790591848\n2014|Apress|Pro JavaScript Development: Coding, Capabilities, and Tooling|Odell, Den|9781430262695\n2011|Apress|JavaScript for Absolute Beginners|McNavage, Terry|9781430272182\n2015|Apress|Pro JavaScript Techniques: Second Edition|Paxton, John and Resig, John and Ferguson, Russ|9781430263920\n2017-09-07T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|React: Quickstart Step-By-Step Guide To Learning React Javascript Library (React.js, Reactjs, Learning React JS, React Javascript, React Programming)|Lopez, Lionel|9781976210235\n2013|Packt Publishing|Learning Three.js: The JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL|Dirksen, Jos|9781782166283\n2010|McGraw-Hill Education|Plug-In JavaScript 100 Power Solutions|Nixon, Robin|9780071738620\n2016|Apress|Modern Programming Made Easy: Using Java, Scala, Groovy, and JavaScript|Davis, Adam L.|9781484224908\n2017-03-10T00:00:01Z|Apress|Beginning Functional JavaScript: Functional Programming with JavaScript Using EcmaScript 6|Aravinth, Anto|9781484226551\n2016|Packt Publishing|TypeScript: Modern JavaScript Development|Jansen, Remo H. and Vane, Vilic and Wolff, Ivo Gabe de|9781787289086\n2014|Packt Publishing|Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript|Pimpler, Eric|9781849697965\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|JavaScript: JavaScript Programming For Absolute Beginner's Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Coding, JavaScript Programs and JavaScript Language|Sullivan, William|9781978421868\n2006|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours (4th Edition)|Moncur, Michael|9780672328794\n2019-05-01T00:00:01Z|Independently published|JavaScript Programming Pattern: Looping intelligence|YAKUB, MOHMAD|9781096466093\n2017-09-25T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Javascript: Javascript Programming The Ultimate Beginners Guide|Hutten, Dennis|9781977650719\n2019-09-06T00:00:01Z|Apress|Beginning Ethereum Smart Contracts Programming: With Examples in Python, Solidity, and JavaScript|Lee, Wei-Meng|9781484250853\n2017|Independently published|React.js Book: Learning React JavaScript Library From Scratch|Sidelnikov, Greg|9781521546185\n2015|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Start Programming Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)|Fajfar, Iztok|9781498731447\n2013|Apress|JavaScript Programmer's Reference|Valentine, Thomas and Reid, Jonathan|9781430246305\n2017|MiraVista Press|JavaScript: Optimizing Native JavaScript: Designing, Programming, and Debugging Native JavaScript Applications|Etheredge, Robert C.|9780986307638\n2015|Packt Publishing|JavaScript Unlocked|Sheiko, Dmitry|9781785881572\n2002|Career Education|Programming the Web Using XHTML and JavaScript|Lagerstrom,Larry and Lagerstrom, Larry|9780072560312\n2018|Independently published|Learning JavaScript: The non-boring beginner's guide to modern (ES6+) JavaScript programming Vol 2: DOM manipulation|Emrich, Marco and Marit, Christin|9781983139147\n2013-08-12T00:00:01Z|Wiley|JavaScript Programming: Pushing the Limits|Raasch, Jon|9781118524565\n2014|Apress|Learn Unity3D Programming with UnityScript: Unity's JavaScript for Beginners|Suvak, Janine|9781430265863\n2005|Wrox|Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox Professional Guides)|Zakas, Nicholas C.|9780764579080\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Client-Server Web Apps with JavaScript and Java: Rich, Scalable, and RESTful|Saternos, Casimir|9781449369330\n2012|Microsoft Press|Start Here! Learn JavaScript|Suehring, Steve|9780735667358\n2016|Packt Publishing|Modern JavaScript Applications|Prusty, Narayan|9781785880278\n2015|Packt Publishing|JavaScript at Scale|Boduch, Adam|9781785284878\n2012|Apress|Foundation Website Creation with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript|Lewis, Joe and Lane, Jonathan and Moscovitz, Meitar and Barker, Tom|9781430237907\n2012|Apress|Pro Android Web Game Apps: Using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript|Bura, Juriy and Coates, Paul|9781430238201\n2016|Packt Publishing|Modular Programming with JavaScript|Seydnejad, Sasan|9781785880650\n2000|Cengage Learning|Internet Programming with VBScript and JavaScript (Web Warrior Series)|Kalata, Kate|9780619015237\n2018-12-05T00:00:01Z|Independently published|Learn GIS Programming with ArcGIS for Javascript API 4.x and ArcGIS Online: Learn GIS programming by building an engaging web map application, works on mobile or the web|Nasser, Hussein|9781731503930\n2014|Packt Publishing|JavaScript Mobile Application Development|Saleh, Hazem|9781783554171\n2016-11-29T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|JavaScript: Beginner's Guide to Programming Code with JavaScript (JavaScript, Java, Python, Code, Programming Language, Programming, Computer Programming) (Volume 1)|Masterson, Charlie|9781540734235\n2013|Microsoft Press|Start Here! Build Windows 8 Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript|Esposito, Dino and Esposito, Francesco|9780735676183\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Javascript: The Ultimate guide for javascript programming (javascript for beginners, how to program, software development, basic javascript, browsers, ... Coding, CSS, Java, PHP) (Volume 7)|Hoffman, Stanley|9781518849121\n2015|Packt Publishing|Test-Driven JavaScript Development|Gupta, Ravi Kumar and Prajapati, Hetal and Singh, Harmeet|9781782174929\n2015|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Start Programming Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing Book 17)|Fajfar, Iztok|9781498731454\n2021|BPB Publications|Decoding JavaScript: A Simple Guide for the Not-so-Simple JavaScript Concepts, Libraries, Tools, and Frameworks (English Edition)|Shah, Rushabh Mulraj|9789390684816\n2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering JavaScript Single Page Application Development|Klauzinski, Philip and Moore, John|9781785881640\n2008|Peachpit Press|JavaScript and Ajax for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (7th Edition)|Negrino, Tom and Smith, Dori|9780321564085\n2009|Wrox|Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery|York, Richard|9780470227794\n2010|friendsofED|The Essential Guide to HTML5: Using Games to learn HTML5 and JavaScript|Meyer, Jeanine|9781430233831\n2012|Apress|Pro JavaScript Performance: Monitoring and Visualization (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|Barker, Tom|9781430247500\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|JavaScript: Advanced Guide to Programming Code with JavaScript (Java, JavaScript, Python, Code, Programming Language, Programming, Computer Programming)|Masterson, Charlie|9781543055016\n2013|Apress|Windows 8 MVVM Patterns Revealed: covers both C# and JavaScript (Expert's Voice in Windows 8)|Ghoda, Ashish|9781430249092\n2011|Apress|HTML5 and JavaScript Projects (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|Meyer, Jeanine|9781430240334\n2008|Peachpit Press|JavaScript and Ajax for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide|Negrino, Tom and Smith, Dori|9780132104272\n2016|Apress|Modern Programming Made Easy: Using Java, Scala, Groovy, and JavaScript|Davis, Adam L. L.|9781484224892\n2019|Independently published|Computer programming Javascript: step-by-step beginner’s guide on how to start to programm your first website using Javascript + practical exercises|Harris, Adam|9781704415956\n2012|Apress|Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for iOS: Web Standards-based Apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch|Preston, Scott|9781430240396\n2017-09-15T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|JavaScript-mancy: Object-Oriented Programming: Mastering the Arcane Art of Summoning Objects in JavaScript for C# Developers|González García, Jaime|9781976459238\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|Building Windows 8 Apps with JavaScript (Microsoft Windows Development Series)|Sells, Chris and Satrom, Brandon and Box, Don|9780133090581\n2012|O'Reilly Media|Mobile JavaScript Application Development: Bringing Web Programming to Mobile Devices|Kosmaczewski, Adrian|9781449327859\n2010|New Riders|Scriptin' with JavaScript and Ajax: A Designer's Guide (Voices That Matter)|Wyke-Smith, Charles|9780132104760\n2020|BPB Publications|JavaScript for Gurus: Use JavaScript programming features, techniques and modules to solve everyday problems (English Edition)|Preez, Ockert J. du|9789389423655 JavaScript javascript developer javascript year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2006|The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)|10.17487/RFC4627|1178|151|D. Crockford|cc4e39f219e384df97109a36b80875791fdd8d30\n2014|The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format|10.17487/RFC7158|625|107|T. Bray|d94aa2358423328344c291ef9cc8d943a52b2fd7\n2013|JSME: a free molecule editor in JavaScript|10.1186/1758-2946-5-24|176|14|B. Bienfait and P. Ertl|0f62cd120ccb58696dc3c5fc3846f5b3bf6c6e0b\n2013|Efficient construction of approximate call graphs for JavaScript IDE services|10.1109/ICSE.2013.6606621|98|9|Asger Feldthaus and Max Schäfer and Manu Sridharan and Julian T Dolby and F. Tip|c866a930fe71b77c8c99ec59088fd3cdf5af8558\n2015|DLint: dynamically checking bad coding practices in JavaScript|10.1145/2771783.2771809|62|5|Liang Gong and Michael Pradel and Manu Sridharan and Koushik Sen|641094f7b66d126a6decafbe57f0f0c05c31a886\n2016|Discovering bug patterns in JavaScript|10.1145/2950290.2950308|59|5|Quinn Hanam and Fernando Brito and Ali Mesbah|7915125f1b90cd43120cca127cfb71e1c565a8a6\n2017|A Survey of Dynamic Analysis and Test Generation for JavaScript|10.1145/3106739|56|3|Esben Andreasen and Liang Gong and Anders Møller and Michael Pradel and Marija Selakovic and Koushik Sen and Cristian-Alexandru Staicu|448f69b78819f2797715a685203cfa1d7ffa265b\n2017|An empirical study of code smells in JavaScript projects|10.1109/SANER.2017.7884630|40|2|Amir Saboury and Pooya Musavi and F. Khomh and G. Antoniol|e9e9cd100c3bbe03060b441336ca70b9e2b9ad04\n2019|BugsJS: a Benchmark of JavaScript Bugs|10.1109/ICST.2019.00019|40|3|Péter Gyimesi and Béla Vancsics and Andrea Stocco and D. Mazinanian and Árpád Beszédes and R. Ferenc and Ali Mesbah|10fd1629037821e6fc480506004b8d7d5ac986c8\n2015|Detecting JavaScript races that matter|10.1145/2786805.2786820|35|4|Erdal Mutlu and S. Tasiran and B. Livshits|1a6df344e298ddce54bd8c3c4a75311b5a65e786\n2016|Mobile Multi-agent Systems for the Internet-of-Things and Clouds Using the JavaScript Agent Machine Platform and Machine Learning as a Service|10.1109/FiCloud.2016.43|29|2|S. Bosse|29261bd6d9a190dc957c56c5105d8b948e60d387\n2009|AOJS: aspect-oriented javascript programming framework for web development|10.1145/1509276.1509285|27|4|H. Washizaki and A. Kubo and Tomohiko Mizumachi and Kazuki Eguchi and Y. Fukazawa and N. Yoshioka and Hideyuki Kanuka and T. Kodaka and Nobuhide Sugimoto and Yoichi Nagai and Rieko Yamamoto|0a8212fdfeafa2cf56915a1408c10f53e57ac16d\n2019|The Simplicity of Modern Audiovisual Web Cartography: An Example with the Open-Source JavaScript Library leaflet.js|10.1007/s42489-019-00006-2|23|0|Dennis Edler and M. Vetter|49eac0ffa1e47b77755050ea7eb76c38bb29291b\n2019|JStap: a static pre-filter for malicious JavaScript detection|10.1145/3359789.3359813|21|1|Aurore Fass and M. Backes and Ben Stock|3da8e277712210217587051e31bb1a6b673a6fec\n2019|A large-scale empirical study of code smells in JavaScript projects|10.1007/s11219-019-09442-9|15|1|David Johannes and F. Khomh and G. Antoniol|a777b5616c3b8efa8d76a8c511af57d2d32626a7\n2018|An extensible approach for taming the challenges of JavaScript dead code elimination|10.1109/SANER.2018.8330226|14|2|N. Obbink and I. Malavolta and Gian Luca Scoccia and P. Lago|3c60a80e69d3131a61a86759dad89edc6367f912\n2017|Refactoring Asynchrony in JavaScript|10.1109/ICSME.2017.83|13|0|Keheliya Gallaba and Quinn Hanam and Ali Mesbah and Ivan Beschastnikh|5e3b5966f3cf3b486415ac79c54adebb6b16a1aa\n1998|JavaScript as a first programming language for multimedia students|10.1145/282991.283557|11|0|Robert Ward and Martin Smith|7d12e9df3d0bd39263400a15be0a50d313019d86\n2021|Automated conformance testing for JavaScript engines via deep compiler fuzzing|10.1145/3453483.3454054|11|0|Guixin Ye and Zhanyong Tang and Shin Hwei Tan and Songfang Huang and Dingyi Fang and Xiaoyang Sun and Lizhong Bian and Haibo Wang and Zheng Wang|dd63c76b40d937dc3a7af3de5ba42232b858bd6c\n2019|Mining Rule Violations in JavaScript Code Snippets|10.1109/MSR.2019.00039|10|0|Uriel Campos and Guilherme Smethurst and João Pedro Moraes and R. Bonifácio and G. Pinto|a6eb1a84e2000b7f4184a5d9e1b6bee30b3befb6\n2018|Accelerated Mobile Pages from JavaScript as Accelerator Tool for Web Service on E-Commerce in the E-Business|10.11591/IJECE.V8I4.PP2399-2405|9|0|A. Wibowo and G. Aryotejo and M. Mufadhol|898b2a68db7bd851f1d8f66ae86d96f8d75ec945\n2011|ClojureScript: Functional Programming for JavaScript Platforms|10.1109/MIC.2011.148|9|3|M. McGranaghan|0222250a30698b39f08aff5247270abee7cf8ec0\n2018|Modern JavaScript frameworks: A Survey Study|10.1109/ZINC.2018.8448444|8|1|Sanja Delčev and D. Draskovic|910721d68ae9fc95295618b57419e6792ee37cfd\n2019|A Server-Side JavaScript Security Architecture for Secure Integration of Third-Party Libraries|10.1155/2019/9629034|8|1|N. V. Ginkel and Willem De Groef and F. Massacci and F. Piessens|d04471d1d78dfc41289e3b59cc1330b918038ef2\n2020|BUGSJS: a benchmark and taxonomy of JavaScript bugs|10.1002/stvr.1751|7|0|Péter Gyimesi and Béla Vancsics and Andrea Stocco and D. Mazinanian and Árpád Beszédes and R. Ferenc and Ali Mesbah|f4ef28993cc17a192b34e85e5a20e4ce64964c30\n2018|Sparse matrices on the web: characterizing the performance and optimal format selection of sparse matrix-vector multiplication in javascript and webassembly|10.1145/3237009.3237020|6|0|Prabhjot Sandhu and D. Herrera and L. Hendren|89428a2534ebfc5ae593c22587ca5991f5d33c56\n2021|JEST: N+1-Version Differential Testing of Both JavaScript Engines and Specification|10.1109/ICSE43902.2021.00015|6|0|Jihyeok Park and Seungmin An and Dongjun Youn and Gyeongwon Kim and S. Ryu|08dc259ab52194a9da5022decc8316149a397095\n2019|Evaluation and Comparison of Dynamic Call Graph Generators for JavaScript|10.5220/0007752904720479|5|0|Zoltán Herczeg and Gábor Lóki|1609a912a7c91c93bb7e616c406ea518b0f1028e\n2018|Automated refactoring of client-side JavaScript code to ES6 modules|10.1109/SANER.2018.8330227|4|0|Aikaterini Paltoglou and V. Zafeiris and E. A. Giakoumakis and N. A. Diamantidis|38354bce37c211c7eea6e24fc7772df9804eb648\n2020|JISET: JavaScript IR-based Semantics Extraction Toolchain|10.1145/3324884.3416632|4|0|Jihyeok Park and Jihee Park and Seungmin An and S. Ryu|7be6a84f7a69f8066483f2673dd383d84a243a6d\n2018|Lexicon Visualization Library and JavaScript for Scientific Data Visualization|10.1109/MCSE.2018.011111125|3|0|I. Tanyalcin and Carla Al Assaf and Julien Ferté and F. Ancien and Taushif Khan and G. Smits and M. Rooman and W. Vranken|cba224db4c4ee0364f79397d93b5dac19c95d31a\n2020|Industry Practice of JavaScript Dynamic Analysis on WeChat Mini-Programs|10.1145/3324884.3421842|3|1|Yi Liu and Jinhui Xie and Jianbo Yang and Shi-ze Guo and Yuetang Deng and Shuqing Li and Yechang Wu and Yepang Liu|c4354ff184c905cd9fc484a4bf33430df6f035dd\n2020|DRUIDJS — A JavaScript Library for Dimensionality Reduction|10.1109/VIS47514.2020.00029|3|0|René Cutura and Christoph Kralj and M. Sedlmair|86a55c10816bc81071b362a54bcee26b7e214ee2\n2019|Malicious JavaScript Detection using Statistical Language Model|10.31979/etd.nujz-hf4a|3|1|Anumeha Shah|2c31f7d6c21df7a7e4c26e191781081391953980\n2018|JSNVM: Supporting Data Persistence in JavaScript Using Non-Volatile Memory|10.1109/PADSW.2018.8644622|2|0|Hao Xu and Yanmin Zhu and Yuting Chen and Linpeng Huang and Tianyou Li and Pan Deng|354befad12d440787eb78b887b2852607b8e7c93\n2018|WebletScript: A Lightweight Distributed JavaScript Engine for Internet of Things|10.1109/GLOCOM.2018.8647204|2|1|Dong Li and Bin Huang and Li Cui and Zhiwei Xu|8104fe10fae101963ace0dcc69b1c512f61357c3\n2011|A Study on Visual Programming Extension of JavaScript|10.5120/2186-2762|2|1|A. Wajid and S. Kanwal and Pervez Sophia|448fb190f9ec0b291a769806db2ef045a0a0fd02\n2019|Interactive course for JavaScript in LMS Moodle|10.1109/ICETA48886.2019.9039987|2|0|P. Vostinár|25f4e1f7907e21f34444e8febf46ee0ddcd03543\n2019|JSAC: A Novel Framework to Detect Malicious JavaScript via CNNs over AST and CFG|10.1109/IJCNN.2019.8851760|2|0|Hongliang Liang and Yuxing Yang and Lu Sun and Lin Jiang|11b2227f1e7f453a000be07b2486e42866ded461\n2019|JSOptimizer: An Extensible Framework for JavaScript Program Optimization|10.1109/ICSE-Companion.2019.00069|2|0|Yi Liu|d7d32f464175e11c1e0694b5988aa185c662a5d4\n2002|JavaScript programming basics: a laboratory series for beginning programmers|10.1145/772938.772939|2|0|A. Brady and R. McDowell and Kelly Schultz|75ba8ef3c7565b889ee21a8765cc46ad67aa98d8\n2020|Analysis of WebAssembly as a Strategy to Improve JavaScript Performance on IoT Environments|10.5753/sbesc_estendido.2020.13102|2|0|F. Oliveira and J. Mattos|e72c81c91e2c3f3259a9a28f5157ed132c01f698\n2015|Teaching introductory programming with JavaScript in higher education|10.14794/ICAI.9.2014.1.339|2|0|Gyfizfi Horváth and L. Menyhárt|4990c9214aac6db1a71291f4d60d883a8f233fb3\n2019|JavaScript Development Environment for Programming Education Using Smartphones|10.1109/CANDARW.2019.00058|2|0|M. Uehara|90762afc573af09032204322796f24a795effb49\n2018|JavaScript Guidelines for JavaScript Programmers - A Comprehensive Guide for Performance Critical JS Programs|10.5220/0006918904310438|1|0|Gábor Lóki and Péter Gál|b232f8145c7e53a0df89fb4edc58a82f62d1a806\n2016|JavaScript language extension for non-professional programmers: Sharable own variables|10.1109/GCCE.2016.7800390|1|0|M. Oya and Ayumu Kashiwakura|568d2f0e2d7415523cce127ce25bab8b3dff455e\n2019|State-of-the-Art Javascript Language for Internet of Things|10.5753/sbesc_estendido.2019.8651|1|0|Fernando Luis Oliveira and J. Mattos|146ce6bb1be347a7afe095f0f8c6b4d9068b4572\n2019|Functional Programming Patterns in JavaScript|10.1007/978-981-13-8311-3_26|1|0|A. Sobolev and S. Zykov|7817b9bfa35c5ea2aad9e8c8050c5d23cc5705a8 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nEloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming|2010|Marijn Haverbeke|13787033|4.12|1721|141\nProfessional JavaScript for Web Developers|2005|Nicholas C. Zakas|130520|4.14|559|31 c C 1972 Dennis Ritchie 99 pl 404 C17 5 2 25255 69338 204 359 2005 2018 57 23 cyclone unified-parallel-c split-c cilk b bcpl cpl algol-68 assembly-language pl-i ampl awk c-- csharp objective-c d go java javascript julia limbo lpc perl php pike processing python rust seed7 vala verilog unix algol swift multics unicode fortran pascal mathematica matlab ch smalltalk 2011 C (, as in the letter c) is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations. By design, C provides constructs that map efficiently to typical machine instructions, and therefore it has found lasting use in applications that had formerly been coded in assembly language, including operating systems, as well as various application software for computers ranging from supercomputers to embedded systems. C was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs, and used to re-implement the Unix operating system. It has since become one of the most widely used programming languages of all time, with C compilers from various vendors available for the majority of existing computer architectures and operating systems. C has been standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) since 1989 (see ANSI C) and subsequently by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). C is an imperative procedural language. It was designed to be compiled using a relatively straightforward compiler, to provide low-level access to memory, to provide language constructs that map efficiently to machine instructions, and to require minimal run-time support. Despite its low-level capabilities, the language was designed to encourage cross-platform programming. A standards-compliant and portably written C program can be compiled for a very wide variety of computer platforms and operating systems with few changes to its source code. The language has become available on a very wide range of platforms, from embedded microcontrollers to supercomputers. 2001 6268 10585 7316 6021 177962 292876 2160271 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\npwn20wndstuff Undecimus C #555555 4836 991 1356 "unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 11.0 - 12.4"\nLiteOS LiteOS C #555555 3361 1146 1832 "code and manual"\ngit git C #555555 29183 16856 680 "Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements."\nnginx nginx C #555555 9590 3619 293 "An official read-only mirror of which is updated hourly. Pull requests on GitHub cannot be accepted and will be automatically closed. The proper way to submit changes to nginx is via the nginx development mailing list, see"\nlittlevgl lvgl C #555555 2274 522 128 "Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI with many widgets, advanced visual effects (opacity, antialiasing, animations) and low memory requirements (16K RAM, 64K Flash)."\nGenymobile scrcpy C #555555 18275 1510 2342 "Display and control your Android device"\nNVIDIA open-gpu-doc C #555555 734 39 721 "Documentation of NVIDIA chip/hardware interfaces"\nbetaflight betaflight C #555555 3001 1405 124 "Open Source Flight Controller Firmware"\nnothings stb C #555555 10557 2767 341 "stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++"\nopenbsd src C #555555 1202 314 52 "Public git conversion mirror of OpenBSD's official CVS src repository. Pull requests not accepted - send diffs to the tech@ mailing list."\nARMmbed littlefs C #555555 1480 220 333 "A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers"\nnmap nmap C #555555 3319 1126 114 "Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository."\nRT-Thread rt-thread C #555555 3199 2128 227 "RT-Thread is an open source IoT operating system from China."\nDoubleLabyrinth navicat-keygen C++ #f34b7d 7512 1890 565 "A keygen for Navicat"\ntorvalds linux C #555555 79929 27885 1452 "Linux kernel source tree"\nzephyrproject-rtos zephyr C #555555 2423 1468 115 "Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures."\nKevinOConnor klipper C #555555 1531 724 62 "Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware"\nJVictorDias Dinossauro-Google C #555555 297 85 191 "Código do projeto onde uma rede neural aprende a jogar o dinossauro do google"\ncommaai openpilot C #555555 12310 2924 408 "open source driving agent"\nqmk qmk_firmware C #555555 4961 9458 204 "Open-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families"\ncfenollosa os-tutorial C #555555 16163 1776 271 "How to create an OS from scratch"\nmit-pdos xv6-public C #555555 2956 1586 92 "xv6 OS"\nphp php-src C #555555 24746 5666 486 "The PHP Interpreter"\nmicropython micropython C #555555 9015 2745 190 "MicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems"\nesp8266 Arduino C #555555 9944 7850 166 "ESP8266 core for Arduino" tcc c_cpp clike text/x-csrc source.c programming c/C.c 2 pl 577 true 442 acorn-lang ad-hoc adamant adept alumina alumina ana apache-hbase aplette aretext arrow-format astatine asterius-compiler atomspace attoparsec austral avi-synth awl bash basis-universal-format battlestar bazel beef berkeleydb berry binaryen bio blazex blech blech blitzmax blockml blox bog boomerang-decompiler broccoli-1 bucklescript c-headers c-headers c2 c2 c3 c3 candor candy caramel carbon carp catala chapel chapel checked-c chibicc chibicc chicken chrysalisp cir clash clay click clike cloc co-dfns cognate cognate comby cone coq couchdb cpp crap crema cryptol crystal cspydr curly curv cwerg cyber cytosol dasm ddp deno dern dex dexvis differential-datalog dragonbasic drakon dub-pm duro ec ecr ed-editor eiffel em emojicode emscripten emscripten encore erlang euphoria everparse3d ex-editor f-prime fact-lang fact-lang factor fancy fardlang fe felix femtolisp fetlang ffmpeg filebench-wml firrtl fish flex flow flow9 flua flutter fork-lang forsp frost fstar futhark gap gcc gcc gforth ghc git glms glpk-lib go gradle gravity groff gura gwion hacspec hal-format halide hashlink haste haxe hhvm hina homa hook hr-code hurl hvm2 hyphy i ibuki-cl icarus idio idris imhex impala invokator iterm2 j jal-compiler janet java java jedlang jelly jq jsonnet jule julia juvix k-framework kai kamby kefir kefir kitten ko koka koka kona kotlin ktexteditor-editor ktyek kubernetes kuc kuin kumir kuroko l2 lambda-zero latino lax lean lemon-lang lemon lemon leveldb lever lil lily linearml linux litescript lmdb lobster loci lowstar luajit luna-1 lwjgl mal manool markus matplotlib mercury metalang99 microblocks microl micropython minilang minizinc mirth mlpolyr mojo mongodb monkeyx moonscript mountain mu mudlle muon mys mythryl ncl neko nelua nesc neut never newlisp ngnk ngs nianiolang nim nim ninja nit nodejs noweb nqc numba numpy nymph objective-c objectscript odin oil olc ooc oopsilon opa opal opam-pm open-nn opencomal opencv openrc-runscript orca-pl owen-lang oxyl p pact pandas pawn-scripting-language pawn pcrap pcre pegasus pegasus perl pgbouncer pgbouncer php pikchr please-build poke pony popr popr postgresql potion pov-ray-sdl pragtical prescheme prql psyche-c psyche pycket pygments python pytorch qoir quaint-lang quickjs racket rakudo ralph ramen rapidbatch raptorjit recfiles red redis reflex-framework reforth ren-c retdec revolution-programming-language rholang ricscript riff roc rocksdb rosie ruby rust rye savi scikit-learn scipy score sdlang sectorc setlx shill shiv sile simit simple-binary-encoding simplictiy skip skulpt slash slony smali smallbasic smc smpl snowball-programming-language solid solidity sophie souper sourcepawn spatial speedie spiral sporth sprite-os sqlite squire squirrel stoneknifeforth streem subleq sugar swi-prolog swift swizzle t-lang taichi tamgu tao3d tbox-lib tensorflow terra textadept-editor tick-c tick-c tierra tiledb tinyc-compiler titan toi tornado toy-lang treesheets tridash triton tuplemarkup txtzyme ucl ugbasic umka urweb v v8 vala vale-assembly vale vcpkg-pm virgil vlc volt vsxu wa wa wasm wasmer wax wax whack wing wiredtiger woe wonkey wren xgboost-model xgboost xidoc xoc-compiler xodio xtclang xxl yacc yara yasl yeti yggdrasil z-flat zephir zig zl zuo zz false Bell Labs c h Mono c cats h idc c h idc x[bp]m true 3793768 59919 141 1 17 false c cats ec idc pgc true 81 text cpp C gcc United States C gets credit for the // comments, starting in 1972, but that's not really accurate. BCPL -- which begat B which begat C -- had // comments but they were not included in C until C99. C++ (which isn't included in their top 30 languages) brought back // comments from BCPL sometime between 1979 and 1985 (the first public release of cfront). Many C compilers included // comments as an extension prior to C99 but those were inspired by C++ C/C++ #ifndef HELLO_H #define HELLO_H void hello(); #endif #include int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); return 0; } #include int main(void) { printf("hello, world\n"); } // Type your code here, or load an example. int square(int num) { return num * num; } #include main() { printf("Hello World\n"); } C C C auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while // /* */ printf = false true true true true false true false true true true false true true false true false false true true true true true true true true true true false false false true true true false true false true true true true false true false true true true true 78 19 C C C year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2003|McGraw-Hill Education|Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond|Yale N. Patt and Sanjay J. Patel|9780072467505\n1978|Prentice-Hall|The C Programming Language|Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie|9780131101630\n1995|Pearson|Data Structures Using C and C++ (2nd Edition)|Langsam, Yedidyah and Augenstein, Moshe J. and Tenenbaum, Aaron M.|9780130369970\n2012|Pearson|Problem Solving and Program Design in C (7th Edition)|Hanly, Jeri R. and Koffman, Elliot B.|9780132936491\n1996|Pearson|Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (2nd Edition)|Weiss, Mark A.|9780201498400\n2014|Cengage Learning PTR|C Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Davenport, Keith and Vine, Michael|9781305273764\n1992|Pearson|Standard C Library, The|Plauger, P.J.|9780131315099\n1999|Pearson|SPARC Architecture, Assembly Language Programming, and C|Paul, Richard|9780130255969\n2009|Pearson|System Programming with C and Unix|Hoover, Adam|9780136067122\n1994|Pearson|Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets|van der Linden, Peter|9780131774292\n1997|Addison-Wesley Professional|Book on C, A: Programming in C|Kelley, Al and Pohl, Ira|9780201183993\n2000|Pearson|C for Java Programmers|Muldner, Tomasz|9780201702798\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Understanding and Using C Pointers: Core Techniques for Memory Management|Reese, Richard M|9781449344184\n2019|Pearson|C for Scientists and Engineers|Johnsonbaugh, Richard and Kalin, Martin|9780023611360\n2002|Addison-Wesley Professional|Embedded C: Embedded C|Pont, Michael|9780201795233\n2015|Apress|Beginning C for Arduino, Second Edition: Learn C Programming for the Arduino|Purdum, Jack|9781484209417\n2007|Cengage Learning PTR|C Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Vine, Michael|9781598634808\n2008|Charles River Media|Microcontrollers: From Assembly Language to C Using the Pic24 Family|Reese, Robert B. and Bruce, J. W. and Jones, Bryan A.|9781584505839\n2013|Packt Publishing|C Programming for Arduino|Bayle, Julien|9781849517584\n2004|Pearson|Engineering Problem Solving with C (3rd Edition)|Etter, Delores M.|9780131429710\n1994|Sams Publishing|Absolute Beginner's Guide to C (2nd Edition)|Perry, Greg|9780672305108\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|C Programming Language: A Step by Step Beginner's Guide to Learn C Programming in 7 Days|Graham, Darrel L.|9781534679702\n2015|CRC Press|Intermediate C Programming|Lu, Yung-Hsiang|9781498711630\n2013|Prentice Hall|C for Programmers with an Introduction to C11 (Deitel Developer Series): With an Introduction to C11 (Deitel Developer (Paperback))|Deitel, Paul|9780133462067\n1996|W W Norton & Co Inc|C Programming: A Modern Approach|King, K. N. and King, K.N.|9780393969450\n|Pearson Learning Solutions|C Knights: An Introduction to Programming in C (with selections by Arup Guha and Ali Orooji)||9780558564698\n1993|Sams|The Waite Group's New C Primer Plus|Waite, Mitchell and Prata, Stephen|9780672303197\n2015|Pearson|Problem Solving and Program Design in C Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package|Hanly, Jeri and Koffman, Elliot|9780134243948\n1999|Pearson|Introduction to C|Etter, Delores|9780130118547\n1995|Computing McGraw-Hill|Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot: Rules for C and C++ Programming (Unix/C)|Holub, Allen I.|9780070296893\n2022|Mc Graw Hill India|Programming In Ansi C|E Balagurusamy|9789339219666\n2012|Oxford University Press|Programming in C 2/e (Oxford Higher Education)|Dey, Pradip and Ghosh, Manas|9780198065289\n1991|Pearson|Crafting a Compiler with C|Fischer, Charles and LeBlanc Jr., Richard|9780805321661\n2005|Smiley Micros|C Programming for Microcontrollers Featuring ATMEL's AVR Butterfly and the free WinAVR Compiler|Pardue, Joe|9780976682202\n2014|O'Reilly Media|21st Century C: C Tips from the New School|Klemens, Ben|9781491903896\n1994|Cambridge University Press|C by Example (Cambridge Computer Science Texts, Series Number 29)|Kalicharan, Noel|9780521456500\n1995|Waite Group Pr|Black Art of 3D Game Programming: Writing Your Own High-Speed 3D Polygon Video Games in C|Lamothe, Andre|9781571690043\n1986|Scott, Foresman|Programming C On The Macintosh|Terry A Ward|9780673182746\n2007|BPB Publications|Let Us C Solutions|Yashavant Kanetkar|9788183331777\n1995|Addison-Wesley|C by Dissection: The Essentials of C Programming|Kelley, Al and Pohl, Ira|9780805331493\n1998|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ For C Programmers, Third Edition (3rd Edition)|Pohl, Ira|9780201395198\n1988|Cambridge University Press|Numerical Recipes in C|Press, W. H. and Flannery, B. P. and Teukolsky, S. A. and Vetterling, W. T.|9780521354653\n1996|Springer|C A Software Engineering Approach|Darnell, Peter A. and Margolis, Philip E.|9780387946757\n2007|O'Reilly Media|Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library|Love, Robert|9780596009588\n2020|Addison-Wesley Professional|C Puzzle Book, The|Feuer, Alan|9780201604610\n1995|O'Reilly & Associates|C++ The Core Language: A Foundation for C Programmers (Nutshell Handbooks)|Brown, Doug and Satir, Gregory|9781565921160\n2000|Cambridge University Press|Simulating Ecological and Evolutionary Systems in C|Wilson, Will|9780521772280\n2017|MC GRAW HILL INDIA|Computing Fundamentals And C Programming 2Nd Edition|BALAGURUSAMY|9789352604166\n2022|PEARSON INDIA|Programming in C|KOCHAN|9789332554665\n2012|Oxford University Press|Computer Fundamentals & Programming in C|Thareja, Reema|9780198078883\n1994|Wiley|Programming for Graphics Files: In C and C++|Levine, John R. and Levine, John|9780471598565\n1992|West Publishing Company, College & School Division|Programming in ANSI C|Kumar, Ram; Agrawal, Rakesh|9780195690378\n2003|Thomson Delmar Learning|Programming in Objective- C|Cengage|9780672325861\n2011|MC GRAW HILL INDIA|Parallel Programming In C With Mpi And Open Mp, 1St Edn|QUINN|9780070582019\n|BPB Publications|ANSI C Programming||9788183333245\n2013|Oxford University Press|Introduction to C Programming|Thareja, Reema|9780198086390\n2014|Oxford University Press|Introduction to C Programming|Thareja, Reema|9780199452057\n1995|Addison-Wesley Professional|C Programming Faqs: Frequently Asked Questions|Summit, Steve|9780201845198\n2020|For Dummies|C Programming For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))|Gookin, Dan|9781119740247\n1989|Wiley|Graphics Programming In Turbo C|Leen Ammeraal|9780471924395\n2020|BPB Publications|Let Us C: Authentic Guide to C PROGRAMMING Language 17th Edition (English Edition)|Kanetkar, Yashavant|9789389845686\n1997|Prentice Hall|大学计算机教育丛书•C程序设计语言习题解答(第2版)(影印版) - The C Answer Book - Solutions to the Exercises in the C Programming Language - 2nd Edition||9787302027287\n2009|Wiley India|Computer Concepts and C Programming|VIKAS GUPTA|9788177229981\n1986|Springer|The Art of C Programming|Jones, Robin and Stewart, Ian|9780387963921\n2015|Pearson|Mylab Programming with Pearson Etext -- Access Code Card -- For Problem Solving and Program Design in C|Hanly, Jeri and Koffman, Elliot|9780134253992\n2015|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for C How to Program|Deitel, Paul and Deitel, Harvey|9780134225340\n1985|Que Corp|C programming guide|Purdum, Jack J|9780880221573\n1996|McGraw Hill|Programming with C|Hubbard, John|9780070593695\n2012|O'Reilly Media|21st Century C: C Tips from the New School|Klemens, Ben|9781449327149\n1996|Prentice Hall|Data Structures and Program Design In C (2nd Edition)|Kruse, Robert L. and Leung, Bruce P. and Tondo, Clovis L.|9780132883665\n1989|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|Advanced Turbo C (Borland-Osborne/McGraw-Hill Programming Series)|Schildt, Herbert|9780078814792\n2004|Bpb Publications|Data Structures Through C in Depth [May 30, 2004] Srivastava, S. K. and Srivastava, Deepali|Srivastava, S. K.|9788176567411\n2010|People Post Press Pub. Date: 2010 -04|C language programming: a modern approach(Chinese Edition)|( MEI )K. N. King|9787115219572\n20081020|Springer Nature|Foundations of C /CLI|Gordon Hogenson|9781430210245\n1988|Sams|Programming in C (Hayden books C library)|Kochan, Stephen G.|9780672484209\n1992|M & T Books|Getting Graphic: Programming Fundamentals in C and C++/Book and Disk|Finlay, Mark|9781558512825\n20140307|Pearson Education (US)|Starting Out with C From Control Structures to Objects|Tony Gaddis|9780133888201\n1992|Dryden Pr|Business Programming in C for Dos-Based Systems (The Dryden Press Series in Information System)|Millspaugh, A. C.|9780155001398 C c engineer c year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n1978|The C Programming Language|10.1007/978-3-662-09507-2_22|2216|51|B. Kernighan and D. Ritchie|d36227ed3bfbe37972acfc90acea59f1246e0fde\n1992|The Semantics of the C Programming Language|10.1007/3-540-56992-8_17|252|10|Y. Gurevich and J. Huggins|6d65722122ef01784cf681cffff7b8e70a033f5b\n2008|Hardbound: architectural support for spatial safety of the C programming language|10.1145/1346281.1346295|211|30|Joseph Devietti and Colin Blundell and Milo M. K. Martin and S. Zdancewic|4f8aa76dd8c1309d48bca4858a468769c992bff9\n1989|The concurrent C programming language|10.5860/choice.27-0970|84|1|N. Gehani and W. D. Roome|6f4869aad5488ceb5dc9123f812cf650f8ad07b5\n1978|UNIX time-sharing system: The C programming language|10.1002/J.1538-7305.1978.TB02140.X|58|0|D. Ritchie and S. C. Johnson and M. Lesk and B. Kernighan|1f12815c916ee291721ab09f32b6dc9cccf78052\n2017|Real-time learning analytics for C programming language courses|10.1145/3027385.3027407|32|1|Xinyu Fu and Atsushi Shimada and H. Ogata and Yuta Taniguchi and D. Suehiro|e62c260c0bdafaff60edd58cca1916b6bfd1de01\n2008|Introductory C Programming Language Learning with Game-Based Digital Learning|10.1007/978-3-540-85033-5_22|24|3|Wen-Chih Chang and Yu-Min Chou|c608f31fcf55b8025d32db5b5e5e6965d0c86124\n1996|C Programming: A Modern Approach|10.5860/choice.34-0350|23|3|K. N. King|96393da4f7c043d840fab62911d1fa4a44b12b39\n2011|A minimal, extensible, drag-and-drop implementation of the C programming language|10.1145/2047594.2047646|22|1|S. Federici|19bcbe22289575283fa5ea50b28b98b4fef0195e\n1985|Omega—A Data Flow Analysis Tool for the C Programming Language|10.1109/TSE.1985.232542|20|1|C. Wilson and L. Osterweil|a17b956678ab4e32f2246a425d92d2d0c9d9035a\n1996|The development of the C programming language|10.1145/234286.1057834|18|0|D. Ritchie|53a1e8c89f53aee3cb584f63968c65bbc23516bb\n1993|Extensions to the C programming language for enhanced fault detection|10.1002/spe.4380230604|17|1|D. Flater and Y. Yesha and E. Park|85f138643978fbd9f461a0a024e9d20009a33d20\n2015|Research and Reflection on Teaching of C Programming Language Design|10.1007/978-3-662-46248-5_45|12|0|Hui Gao and Zhaowen Qiu and Di Wu and Liyan Gao|ca493d45444957fb34f85425e89c1132c1e58797\n2017|A Serious Game for Learning C Programming Language Concepts Using Solo Taxonomy|10.3991/ijet.v12i03.6476|12|0|Alaeeddine Yassine and D. Chenouni and M. Berrada and A. Tahiri|dab275e2c8e9f22bc9cce1286b62fcb6ba3b2f2d\n2018|Timed C: An Extension to the C Programming Language for Real-Time Systems|10.1109/RTAS.2018.00031|10|0|Saranya Natarajan and David Broman|d1baf7641b5c7f0074923e3b3773f0f6d6f77741\n1987|Design tradeoffs to support the C programming language in the CRISP microprocessor|10.1145/36206.36198|8|0|D. Ditzel and H. McLellan|37a1c18cce1c6840b7b94600a4e7247b534382b6\n1985|The C Programming Language and a C Compiler|10.1147/sj.241.0037|7|0|Ralph R. Ryan and Hans-Dieter Spiller|0f9a12e9901772a51486f72283b7e34e3d54f996\n2008|Virtual Education System for the C Programming Language|10.1007/978-3-540-85033-5_20|5|1|Il-Hyeon Moon and Saeron Han and KwanSun Choi and Dongsik Kim and Changwan Jeon and Sunheum Lee and Heunggu Jeon|3c048305affc8dd4a384db4843f4c98d59cf4660\n1985|The C programming language|10.1016/0011-684X(85)90032-2|2|0|Russell Jones|4ad1b60dca3d306e164233d7044f9587f296e002 python Python 1991 Guido van Rossum 120 pl 393 3.13.0 3 3 32 25255 1424303 1964 2017 2024 1511 29561 61378 8730 20 jython micropython stackless-python cython abc algol-68 c dylan haskell icon java lisp modula-3 perl boo cobra coffeescript d f-sharp falcon genie go groovy javascript julia nim ruby swift setl unix unicode standard-ml pascal regex csharp common-lisp scheme objective-c numpy mime http sagemath llvmir jvm java-bytecode cil pyrex mercurial python-for-s60 qt django scipy matplotlib gdb freebsd ocaml tcl erlang pandas 1991 Python is a widely used high-level programming language for general-purpose programming, created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. An interpreted language, Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability (notably using whitespace indentation to delimit code blocks rather than curly brackets or keywords), and a syntax that allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than might be used in languages such as C++ or Java. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales. Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional and procedural, and has a large and comprehensive standard library. Python interpreters are available for many operating systems. CPython, the reference implementation of Python, is open source software and has a community-based development model, as do nearly all of its variant implementations. CPython is managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation. 2001 7204 6849 6342 23862 1995 297138 550171 .gclient DEPS SConscript SConstruct Snakefile wscript 9300725 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nCorentinJ Real-Time-Voice-Cloning Python #3572A5 7049 955 4051 "Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time"\nYorko Python #3572A5 5417 3816 871 "Open Machine Learning Course"\niperov DeepFaceLab Python #3572A5 8645 2006 3166 "DeepFaceLab is a tool that utilizes machine learning to replace faces in videos. Includes prebuilt ready to work standalone Windows 7,8,10 binary (look"\ntaki0112 UGATIT Python #3572A5 3646 593 2798 "Official Tensorflow implementation of U-GAT-IT: Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation"\nshengqiangzhang examples-of-web-crawlers Python #3572A5 4155 1295 1321 "一些非常有趣的python爬虫例子,对新手比较友好,主要爬取淘宝、天猫、微信、豆瓣、QQ等网站。(Some interesting examples of python crawlers that are friendly to beginners. )"\ngoogle-research google-research Python #3572A5 3329 488 724 "Google AI Research"\ndeepfakes faceswap Python #3572A5 24602 8021 3172 "Deepfakes Software For All"\nznxlwm UGATIT-pytorch Python #3572A5 1150 199 933 "Official PyTorch implementation of U-GAT-IT: Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation"\npwxcoo chinese-xinhua Python #3572A5 6111 1309 535 "📙 中华新华字典数据库。包括歇后语,成语,词语,汉字。"\ntlbootcamp tlroadmap Python #3572A5 1965 184 806 "👩🏼‍💻👨🏻‍💻Карта навыков и модель развития тимлидов"\npytorch fairseq Python #3572A5 5336 1168 536 "Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python."\nvinta awesome-python Python #3572A5 72704 14251 2125 "A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources"\nAvik-Jain 100-Days-Of-ML-Code Python #3572A5 25578 6210 861 "100 Days of ML Coding"\npandas-dev pandas Python #3572A5 21188 8366 561 "Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more"\ntimgrossmann InstaPy Python #3572A5 8694 2384 280 "📷 Instagram Bot - Tool for automated Instagram interactions"\nrobotframework robotframework Python #3572A5 3746 1186 153 "Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and RPA"\ngoogle python-fire Python #3572A5 15088 900 469 "Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object."\neriklindernoren ML-From-Scratch Python #3572A5 13039 2386 1269 "Machine Learning From Scratch. Bare bones NumPy implementations of machine learning models and algorithms with a focus on accessibility. Aims to cover everything from linear regression to deep learning."\nnvbn thefuck Python #3572A5 46597 2305 1380 "Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command."\ninstagrambot instabot Python #3572A5 1902 648 151 "🐙 Free Instagram scripts, bots and Python API wrapper. Get free instagram followers with our auto like, auto follow and other scripts!"\npublic-apis public-apis Python #3572A5 61065 6583 1402 "A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development."\ntiangolo fastapi Python #3572A5 4182 224 516 "FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production"\n521xueweihan HelloGitHub Python #3572A5 15415 1708 1008 "Find pearls on open-source seashore 分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目"\n3b1b manim Python #3572A5 13205 1540 1041 "Animation engine for explanatory math videos"\nxingyizhou CenterNet Python #3572A5 2194 503 289 "Object detection, 3D detection, and pose estimation using center point detection:" python3 or rusthon python python2 python3 python python text/x-python source.python programming 1 pl 1658 true 411 aardvark ace adept aheui ail aith alumina ana apache-hbase aretext arkscript arrow-format asciidots asdf asterius-compiler astroml atomspace austral avi-synth basis-universal-format battlestar bazel beef berry binaryen blz boomerang-decompiler bruijn bucklescript bython c3 calypso candor candy capn-proto caramel carbon carp catala chapel chapel charcoal chatterbot chisel cir civet clash clay clike cloc closure-templates co2 coconut coconut common-workflow-language commonmark conan-pm coq couchdb crmsh croc cryptol crystal csvw curly curv cwerg cyber cython dafny dasel dasm datafun dedukti dern dex dgraph dhall differential-datalog djangoql dllup docopt dragonbasic drakon easybuild ec eco-editor ecr edgedb edh eff egison eiffel elena elm elpi elvish emojicode emscripten enso erg erlang esoteric-reaction f-prime fardlang felix fern fetlang ffmpeg firrtl fish flame-ir flare flatbuffers flatline floscript flow flow9 flua forthscript frank-lang fstar futhark g-fu gap generate-ninja gforth ghc git glush go graph-it gridstudio-editor hacspec hakaru hal-format halide harlan hasklig haxe hcl heron-lang hhvm highlightjs hobbes homa hook horse64 htsql httplang huginn humanhash-hash-function hurl hush hvm2 hy hyperscript-lang hyphy ibis idio idris imhex impala inko insitux invokator ioke iterm2 jakt jal-compiler java jeeves jelly jesth jinja jq json-graph-format jsonnet jsparagus julia juvix k-framework kakoune-editor kalyn katex kdl keras kgl koka kotlin kubernetes kumir kuroko ladybird lamderp lean leo-editor lever lift ligo lila-lang lily links-programming-language linux lobster loci logica luna lux mal manim markus mathics matplotlib mesh metalang99 mgmt micro-cpp microblocks microl micropython mimium minidsdb minidsdb minilang minizinc mochi mojo mojo mojo mongodb monte moya mu multicodec mycroft myia mys nadesiko ncl nestedtext neutron never newclay nextflow ngnk nim ninja nit nltk nodejs noms-db numba numpy nushell nuua nylo observable-framework obsidian-lang odin ohm oil olc onnx oopsilon opa open-nn open-shading-language opencv openverse oxyl p pact pan pandas parenthetic particles pcre penrose pgbouncer phorth php pipelines plang please-build please-build pomsky popr postgresql pov-ray-sdl powershell project-mentat prql psyche-c pycket pygments pyth python pytorch quint racket recfiles redis redprl retdec revolution-programming-language rholang ricscript rita robotframework roc rocksdb rockstar rosie roy ruby rust rye sanddance savi scikit-learn scipy score scroll seq seq setlx shiv simit simple-binary-encoding skip skulpt smpl snowball-programming-language solidity sophia sophie souper sourcepawn spatial speedie spiral spry sqlalchemy sqrl squirrel stacklang starlark stencil stoneknifeforth subleq sugar sugartex swi-prolog swift sympy taichi tamgu tampio tangledown tea-pl tensorflow testml tiledb tldr toi toml tornado triton truck tuplemarkup twtxt ucl uno urweb uxf v-golf v v8 vale-assembly vale vcpkg-pm vigil virgil vlc vsxu vyper vyxal wasm wasmer wax wax wenyan whack wing wiredtiger wlambda wonkey workfl wren wyvern xarray xgboost-model xgboost xl-lang xlwings-editor yamp yang yara yasl zig false 1990 2024 149709 3046 4866 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica py pyi pyc pyd pyo pyw pyz py pyc pyd pyo py cgi fcgi gyp gypi lmi py3 pyde pyi pyp pyt pyw rpy smk spec tac wsgi xpy py pyw jy sage sc SConstruct SConscript bzl BUCK BUILD BUILD.bazel WORKSPACE tac py pyc pyd pyo csharp python restructuredtext c xml toml yaml bourne-shell json markdown html objective-c ini svg cpp powershell diff d make gradle m4 javascript bash assembly-language xslt lisp css kotlin idl dockerfile c-shell cmake dtd true 2971145 46976 216 1 true 3 true buck build.bazel gclient gyp gypi lmi py py3 pyde pyi pyp pyt pyw sconscript sconstruct snakefile tac workspace wscript wsgi xpy false 4048 text python python Python python Netherlands Python #!/usr/bin/env python2.4 print "Python" print("Hello, world!") def square(num): return num * num Python Python true and as assert break class continue def del elif else except False finally for from global if import in is lambda None nonlocal not or pass raise return True try while with yield # ''' print = True False true true true true true true false true true true true true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true true true true false true false true true true true true true true false false true true true 342 52 Python Python Python year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2014|No Starch Press|Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters|Seitz, Justin|9781593275907\n2010|Franklin, Beedle & Associates|Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science|Zelle, John|9781590282410\n2015|McGraw-Hill Education TAB|Programming the Raspberry Pi, Second Edition: Getting Started with Python|Monk, Simon|9781259587405\n2011|CRC Press|Maya Python for Games and Film: A Complete Reference for Maya Python and the Maya Python API|Mechtley, Adam and Trowbridge, Ryan|9780123785787\n2013|The MIT Press|Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python (MIT Press)|Guttag, John V.|9780262525008\n2010|Course Technology|Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition|Dawson, Michael|9781435455009\n2012|O'Reilly Media|Think Python|Allen B. Downey|9781449330729\n2009|No Starch Press|Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers|Seitz, Justin|9781593271923\n2013|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Python Programming in Context|Miller, Bradley N. and Ranum, David L.|9781449699390\n2019|No Starch Press|Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming|Matthes, Eric|9781593279288\n2009|Addison-Wesley Professional|Python Essential Reference|Beazley, David|9780672329784\n2013|Addison-Wesley Professional|Learn Python the Hard Way: A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series)|Shaw, Zed|9780321884916\n2012|Pearson|The Practice of Computing Using Python (2nd Edition)|Punch, William F. and Enbody, Richard|9780132805575\n2014||Mathematics and Python Programming|Bautista, J.C.|9781326017965\n2009|O'Reilly Media|Head First Programming: A learner's guide to programming using the Python language|Griffiths, David and Barry, Paul|9780596802370\n2017|Pearson|Starting Out with Python Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package|Gaddis, Tony|9780134543666\n2014|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Programming for Beginners: An Introduction to the Python Computer Language and Computer Programming|Cannon, Jason|9781501000867\n2016|Springer|A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, 6)|Langtangen, Hans Petter|9783662498866\n2015|No Starch Press|Teach Your Kids to Code: A Parent-Friendly Guide to Python Programming|Payne, Bryson|9781593276140\n2011|Pearson|Starting Out with Python (2nd Edition) (Gaddis Series)|Gaddis, Tony|9780132576376\n2007|Prentice Hall|Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt (Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development)|Summerfield, Mark|9780132354189\n2014|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Explorations in Computing: An Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)|Conery, John S.|9781466572447\n2020|Esri Press|Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro|Zandbergen, Paul A.|9781589484993\n2009|Pearson|Introduction To Computing And Programming In Python|Guzdial, Mark J. and Ericson, Barbara|9780136060239\n2006|Pearson P T R|Core Python Programming|Chun, Wesley J.|9780132269933\n2003|Addison-Wesley Professional|Text Processing in Python|Mertz, David and Mike Hendrickson|9780321112545\n2015|Packt Publishing|Python GUI Programming Cookbook|Meier, Burkhard A.|9781785283758\n2020|SAGE Publications, Inc|Introduction to Python Programming for Business and Social Science Applications|Kaefer, Frederick and Kaefer, Paul|9781544377445\n2014|Packt Publishing|Python Network Programming Cookbook|Sarker, Dr. M. O. Faruque|9781849513463\n2015|Springer|Python Programming Fundamentals (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)|Lee, Kent D.|9781447166412\n2020|Pearson|Starting Out with Python [RENTAL EDITION]||9780135929032\n2020|O'Reilly Media|Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python|Bruce, Peter and Bruce, Andrew and Gedeck, Peter|9781492072942\n2015|Packt Publishing|Python Parallel Programming Cookbook|Zaccone, Giancarlo|9781785289583\n2017|Addison-Wesley Professional|Learn More Python 3 the Hard Way: The Next Step for New Python Programmers (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series)|Shaw, Zed|9780134123486\n2006|O'Reilly Media|Python in a Nutshell, Second Edition (In a Nutshell)|Martelli, Alex|9780596100469\n2018|Manning Publications|The Quick Python Book|Ceder, Naomi|9781617294037\n2009||Python For Software Design||9780511507311\n2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering Python: Master the art of writing beautiful and powerful Python by using all of the features that Python 3.5 offers|Hattem, Rick van|9781785289729\n2010|Wrox|Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1|Payne|9780470414637\n2012|Pearson|The Practice of Computing Using Python plus MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (2nd Edition)|Punch, William F. and Enbody, Richard|9780132992831\n2013|Packt Publishing|Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python|Lawhead, Joel|9781783281138\n2018|No Starch Press|Impractical Python Projects: Playful Programming Activities to Make You Smarter|Vaughan, Lee|9781593278908\n2017|Apress|Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps: A Practical Implementation Guide to Predictive Data Analytics Using Python|Swamynathan, Manohar|9781484228654\n2016|Packt Publishing|Designing Machine Learning Systems with Python|Julian, David|9781785882951\n2010|Apress|Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Hetland, Magnus Lie|9781430232377\n2014|Packt Publishing|Mastering Python Regular Expressions|Lopez, Felix and Romero, Victor|9781783283156\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|A collection of Data Science Interview Questions Solved in Python and Spark: Hands-on Big Data and Machine Learning (A Collection of Programming Interview Questions) (Volume 6)|Gulli, Antonio|9781517216719\n2007|Apress|Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)|McGugan, Will|9781590598726\n2010|Apress|Foundations of Python Network Programming: The comprehensive guide to building network applications with Python (Books for Professionals by Professionals)|Goerzen, John and Bower, Tim and Rhodes, Brandon|9781430230038\n2015|Packt Publishing|Mastering Python for Data Science|Madhavan, Samir|9781784390150\n2000|Manning Publications|The Quick Python Book|Harms Ph.D., Daryl D and McDonald, Kenneth|9781884777745\n1996|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Programming Python|Mark Lutz|9781565921979\n2014|Packt Publishing|Parallel Programming with Python|Palach, Jan|9781783288397\n2013|Sams Publishing|Python Programming for Raspberry Pi, Sams Teach Yourself in 24 Hours|Blum, Richard and Bresnahan, Christine|9780789752055\n2015|Packt Publishing|Functional Python Programming|Lott, Steven|9781784396992\n2021|No Starch Press|Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters|Seitz, Justin and Arnold, Tim|9781718501126\n2018|For Dummies|Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies|Mueller, John Paul|9781119457893\n2009|Cambridge University Press|Python for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist|Downey, Allen B.|9780521725965\n2008|Prentice Hall|Python Fundamentals|Chun, Wesley J.|9780137143412\n2009|Cambridge University Press|Python for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist|Downey, Allen B.|9780521898119\n2011|Springer|A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)|Langtangen, Hans Petter|9783642183652\n2014|Packt Publishing|Python Data Analysis|Idris, Ivan|9781783553358\n2020|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Starting out with Python|Gaddis, Tony|9780136679110\n2014|Packt Publishing|Learning Python Data Visualization|Adams, Chad|9781783553334\n2003|Cengage Learning PTR|Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Dawson, Michael|9781592000739\n2016|Apress|Beginning Ethical Hacking with Python|Sinha, Sanjib|9781484225400\n2017|DK Children|Coding Projects in Python (Computer Coding for Kids)|DK|9781465461889\n2017|Packt Publishing|Mastering Python Networking: Your one stop solution to using Python for network automation, DevOps, and SDN|Chou, Eric|9781784397005\n2016|Packt Publishing|Scientific Computing with Python 3|Fuhrer, Claus and Solem, Jan Erik and Verdier, Olivier|9781786463517\n2008|Packt Publishing|Expert Python Programming: Best practices for designing, coding, and distributing your Python software|Ziadé, Tarek|9781847194947\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|A collection of Advanced Data Science and Machine Learning Interview Questions Solved in Python and Spark (II): Hands-on Big Data and Machine ... of Programming Interview Questions)|Gulli, Dr Antonio|9781518678646\n2017|Springer|Programming with Python|Padmanabhan, T R|9789811032769\n2016|Packt Publishing|Bayesian Analysis with Python|Martin, Osvaldo|9781785883804\n2017|O'Reilly Media|Python in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference|Martelli, Alex and Ravenscroft, Anna Martelli and Holden, Steve|9781449392925\n2010|Apress|The Definitive Guide to Jython: Python for the Java Platform (Expert's Voice in Software Development)|Juneau, Josh and Baker, Jim and Wierzbicki, Frank and Soto Muoz, Leo and Ng, Victor and Ng, Alex and Baker, Donna L.|9781430225270\n2015|O'Reilly Media|Programming Google App Engine with Python: Build and Run Scalable Python Apps on Google's Infrastructure|Sanderson, Dan|9781491900253\n2016|Cambridge University Press|Learning Scientific Programming with Python|Hill, Christian|9781107428225\n2014|Packt Publishing|Learning Selenium Testing Tools with Python|Gundecha, Unmesh|9781783983506\n11/2018|Wiley Global Education US|Python For Everyone, Enhanced eText|Cay S. Horstmann; Rance D. Necaise|9781119498537\n2019|Apress|Python Projects for Beginners: A Ten-Week Bootcamp Approach to Python Programming|Milliken, Connor P.|9781484253540\n2016|Packt Publishing|Learning Python Application Development|Sathaye, Ninad|9781785889196\n2009|Packt Publishing|Matplotlib for Python Developers|Tosi,Sandro|9781847197900\n2009|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python/C Api Manual - Python 3: (Python Documentation Manual Part 4)|Van Rossum, Guido and Drake, Fred L.|9781441412737\n20200325|Pearson Education (US)|Starting Out with Python|Tony Gaddis|9780136719199\n2004|Apress|Foundations of Python Network Programming|Goerzen, John|9781590593714\n2011|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Programming|Wikibooks Contributors|9781466366053\n2017|Wiley-ISTE|Digital Signal Processing (DSP) with Python Programming|Charbit, Maurice|9781786301260\n2003|O'Reilly Media|Python in a Nutshell|Alex Martelli|9780596001889\n2012||Myprogramminglab With Pearson Etext -- Access Card -- For Starting Out With Python (myprogramminglab (access Codes))|Tony Gaddis|9780133075939\n2018|Packt Publishing|Python Programming Blueprints: Build nine projects by leveraging powerful frameworks such as Flask, Nameko, and Django|Furtado, Daniel and Pennington, Marcus|9781786468161\n2018|Wiley India|Core Python Programming, 2Ed [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2018] R. Nageswara Rao|R. Nageswara Rao|9789386052308\n2014|Packt Publishing|Python Tools for Visual Studio|Sabia, Martino and Wang, Cathy|9781783288687\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python: The Fundamentals Of Python Programming|Jones, Paul|9781539530268\n2015|Pearson|Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt: The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming (paperback)|Summerfield, Mark|9780134393339\n2002|Wiley|Making Use of Python|Gupta, Rashi|9780471219750\n1999|Premier Pr|Programming With Python|Altom, Tim and Chapman, Mitch|9780761523345\n2018|Packt Publishing|Internet of Things Programming Projects: Build modern IoT solutions with the Raspberry Pi 3 and Python|Dow, Colin|9781789134803\n2019|BPB Publications|Python for Professionals: Hands-on Guide for Python Professionals (English Edition)|Telles, Matt|9789389423754\n2018|Mercury Learning & Information|Python Basics: A Self-Teaching Introduction|Bhasin, H.|9781683923534\n2011|Chapman and Hall/CRC|A Concise Introduction to Programming in Python (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)|Johnson, Mark J.|9781439896945\n2016|Packt Publishing|Learning Predictive Analytics with Python: Gain practical insights into predictive modelling by implementing Predictive Analytics algorithms on public datasets with Python|Kumar, Ashish|9781783983261\n2010|Packt Publishing|Python Geospatial Development|Westra, Erik|9781849511544\n2011|Prentice Hall|Rapid Web Applications with TurboGears: Using Python to Create Ajax-Powered Sites|Ramm, Mark|9780132433884\n2019|BPB Publications|Let Us Python: Python Is Future, Embrace It Fast (Second Edition) (English Edition)|Kanetkar, Yashavant and Kanetkar, Aditya|9789389845006\n2014|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Code Card -- for An Introduction to Programming Using Python|Schneider, David|9780134058436\n2016|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Python: Python Programming: Learn Python Programming In A Day - A Comprehensive Introduction To The Basics Of Python & Computer Programming|Steve Gold|9781534608634\n2015|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python (My Programming Lab)|Guzdial, Mark and Ericson, Barbara and Guijarro-Crouch, Mercedes|9780134026244\n2016|Packt Publishing|Natural Language Processing: Python and NLTK|Hardeniya, Nitin and Perkins, Jacob and Chopra, Deepti and Joshi, Nisheeth and Mathur, Iti|9781787285101\n2019|BPB Publications|Python for Developers: Learn to Develop Efficient Programs using Python (English Edition)|Raj, Mohit|9788194401872\n2020|Mercury Learning & Information|Python 3 for Machine Learning|Campesato, Oswald|9781683924951\n2020|Wiley|Bite-Size Python: An Introduction to Python Programming|Speight, April|9781119643814\n2011|Apress|Pro Android Python with SL4A: Writing Android Native Apps Using Python, Lua, and Beanshell|Ferrill, Paul|9781430235699\n2008|Cengage Learning EMEA|Python for Rookies|Mount, Sarah and Shuttleworth, James and Winder, Russel|9781844807017\n2020|Apress|The Definitive Guide to Masonite: Building Web Applications with Python|Pitt, Christopher and Mancuso, Joe|9781484256015\n2016|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Deep Learning With Python|Chao Pan|9781721250974\n2018|Routledge|Introduction to Python for Science and Engineering (Series in Computational Physics)|Pine, David J.|9781138583894\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python: Beginner’s Guide to Programming Code with Python (Python, Java, JavaScript, Code, Programming Language, Programming, Computer Programming) (Volume 1)|Masterson, Charlie|9781540501998\n20170921|Springer Nature|Snake Charming - The Musical Python|Iain Gray|9783319606606\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Tor: Accessing The Deep Web & Dark Web With Tor: How To Set Up Tor, Stay Anonymous Online, Avoid NSA Spying & Access The Deep Web & Dark Web (Tor, Tor ... Invisible, NSA Spying, Python Programming)|Jones, Jack|9781545269923\n2020|Drip Digital|Learn Python Quickly: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Learning Python, Even If You’re New to Programming (Crash Course With Hands-On Project)|Quickly, Code|9781951791278\n2019|Independently published|Problem Solving with Python 3.6 Edition: A beginner's guide to Python & open-source programming tools|Kazarinoff, Peter D.|9781793814043\n2019|Packt Publishing|MicroPython Cookbook: Over 110 practical recipes for programming embedded systems and microcontrollers with Python|Alsabbagh, Marwan|9781838649951\n2020|Cambridge University Press|Python for Linguists|Hammond, Michael|9781108493444\n2018|Packt Publishing|Mastering Python for Networking and Security: Leverage Python scripts and libraries to overcome networking and security issues|Ortega, José Manuel|9781788990707\n2017|Apress|MicroPython for the Internet of Things: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming with Python on Microcontrollers|Bell, Charles|9781484231227\n2018|CRC Press|Understanding Optics with Python (Multidisciplinary and Applied Optics)|Lakshminarayanan, Vasudevan and Ghalila, Hassen and Ammar, Ahmed and Varadharajan, L. Srinivasa|9781498755047\n2018|Apress|Learn Keras for Deep Neural Networks: A Fast-Track Approach to Modern Deep Learning with Python|Moolayil, Jojo|9781484242391\n2014|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python: Learn Python FAST! - The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning the Basics of the Python Programming Language In No Time|Hutt, Ryan|9781502741004\n2008|Addison-Wesley Professional|Python Web Development with Django|Forcier, Jeff and Paul Bissex and Wesley Chun|9780132701815\n2017|Apress|Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow: A Mathematical Approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Python|Pattanayak, Santanu|9781484230961\n2017|Packt Publishing|Python Network Programming Cookbook - Second Edition: Practical solutions to overcome real-world networking challenges|Kathiravelu, Pradeeban and Sarker, Dr. M. O. Faruque|9781786463999\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Writing Interpreters and Compilers for the Raspberry Pi Using Python|Dos Reis, Anthony J.|9781977509208\n2018|Springer|Dynamical Systems with Applications using Python|Lynch, Stephen|9783319781440\n2020|Chapman & Hall|Advanced Data Science and Analytics with Python (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)|Rogel-Salazar, Jesus|9781138315068\n2016|Springer|Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning|Unpingco, José|9783319307176\n2013|Wiley|Python for Everyone|Horstmann, Cay S. and Necaise, Rance D.|9781118645208\n2018|Independently published|50 Steps to Mastering Basic Python Programming: With 140 practice problems and available accompanying videos, software, and problem solutions|Shaffer, Dr. Steven C.|9781980763321\n2020|Apress|Beginning Game Programming with Pygame Zero: Coding Interactive Games on Raspberry Pi Using Python|Watkiss, Stewart|9781484256497\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python for beginners: Step-By-Step Guide to Learning Python Programming|Lutz, Larry|9781717410580\n2017|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Python: The No B.s. Python Crash Course For Newbies - Learn Python Programming In 8 Hours! (programming Series) (volume 3)|Steven Codey|9781545180426\n20090213|Pearson Technology Group|Advanced Python 3 Programming Techniques|Mark Summerfield|9780321637710\n2016||The Python Language Reference Manual|Sheridan, Chris|9781326570972\n2019|Pearson|Revel for Introduction to Python Programming and Data Structures -- Access Card|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780135187753\n2017|Independently published|Programming: Python Programming, JAVA Programming, HTML and CSS Programming for Beginners|Academy, iCode|9781520676081\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PYTHON & HACKING: The No-Nonsense Bundle: Learn Python Programming and Hacking Within 24 Hours!|University, Cyberpunk|9781543055399\n2019|Apress|Learn TensorFlow 2.0: Implement Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models with Python|Singh, Pramod and Manure, Avinash|9781484255582\n2019|Independently published|Problem Solving with Python 3.7 Edition: A beginner's guide to Python & open-source programming tools|Kazarinoff, Peter D.|9781693405419\n2019|Independently published|Data Structures and Algorithms in Python|Publishing, DS|9781691372379\n2018|Packt Publishing|Tkinter GUI Programming by Example: Learn to create modern GUIs using Tkinter by building real-world projects in Python|Love, David|9781788627481\n2020|Apress|Machine Learning Concepts with Python and the Jupyter Notebook Environment: Using Tensorflow 2.0|Silaparasetty, Nikita|9781484259665\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python: The Complete Python Quickstart Guide (For Beginner's) (Python, Python Programming, Python for Dummies, Python for Beginners, Python crash course)|Style Academy, Life-|9781539567745\n2019|BPB Publications|Data Science with Jupyter: Master Data Science skills with easy-to-follow Python examples|Gupta, Prateek|9789388511377\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Programming: A Step By Step Guide For Beginners|Eddison, Leonard|9781719396509\n2018|In Easy Steps Limited|Python in easy steps: Covers Python 3.7|McGrath, Mike|9781840788365\n2019|Independently published|Python Programming: The Ultimate Crash Course for Beginners with all the Tools and Tricks to Learn Coding with Python (with Practical Examples)|Hayes, Howard|9781706111658\n2017|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Made Simple And Practical: A Step-by-step Guide To Learn Python Coding And Computer Science From Basic To Advanced Concepts.|James L. Young|9781546573333\n2015|Springer|The Python Workbook: A Brief Introduction with Exercises and Solutions|Stephenson, Ben|9783319142401\n2016|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Python for Bioinformatics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical and Computational Biology)|Bassi, Sebastian|9781584889304\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python: An Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Python Programming|Gabon, Gale|9781533535573\n2018||Python Crash Course|Alexis Jordan|9781717716484\n20170113|Springer Nature|Programming with Python|T R Padmanabhan|9789811032776\n2019|Independently published|Mastering Deep Learning Fundamentals with Python: The Absolute Ultimate Guide for Beginners To Expert and Step By Step Guide to Understand Python Programming Concepts|Wilson, Richard|9781080537778\n2017-04-28|Packt Publishing|Python Deep Learning|Valentino Zocca and Gianmario Spacagna and Daniel Slater and Peter Roelants|9781786460660\n2015|Packt Publishing|Python Penetration Testing Essentials|Mohit|9781784395889\n|Independently Published|Python Programming: An Easiest Beginner To Expert Guide To Learn Python|Burn and Andrew|9781090664846\n2016|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Programming: A Beginner's Guide To Learn Python In 7 Days|Ramsey Hamilton|9781533698537\n2018|Packt Publishing|Keras Deep Learning Cookbook: Over 30 recipes for implementing deep neural networks in Python|Dua, Rajdeep and Ghotra, Manpreet Singh|9781788621755\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python: 2 Books in 1: Beginner's Guide + Best Practices to Programming Code with Python (Python, Java, JavaScript, Code, Programming Language, Programming, Computer Programming)|Masterson, Charlie|9781543292756\n2009|Springer|A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering Book 6)|Langtangen, Hans Petter|9783642024757\n2019|Independently published|Raspberry Pi 3: A Practical Beginner's Guide To Understanding The Full Potential Of Raspberry Pi 3 By Starting Your Own Projects Using Python Programming|Sanders, Finn|9781093479508\n2017||The Hacker's Guide To Scaling Python|Danjou, Julien|9781387379323\n2015|Packt Publishing|Python Data Visualization Cookbook - Second Edition|Milovanovic, Igor and Foures, Dimitry and Vettigli, Giuseppe|9781784394943\n2019|John Wiley & Sons|Python All-in-one For Dummies|John Shovic and Alan Simpson|9781119557678\n2014|Springer|A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering Book 6)|Langtangen, Hans Petter|9783642549595\n2014|Apress|Learn Raspberry Pi Programming with Python|Donat, Wolfram|9781430264255\n2015|Packt Publishing|Python 3 Object-oriented Programming: Building robust and maintainable software with object oriented design patterns in Python|Phillips, Dusty|9781784395957\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Programming & Machine Learning With Python: Best Starter Pack Illustrated Guide For Beginners & Intermediates: The Future Is Here!|Sullivan, William|9781724534668\n2017|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Learn To Code:: The Beginner's Guide To Computer Programming - Python Machine Learning, Python For Beginners, Coding For Beginners|Dave Jones|9781548309794\n2017|Haynes Publishing UK|Coding - Computer programming (beginners onwards): Everything you need to get started with programming using Python (Owners' Workshop Manual)|Saunders, Mike|9781785211188\n2019|BPB Publications|Python Data Persistence: With SQL and NOSQL Databases|Lathkar, Malhar|9789388511759\n2018|BlackNES Guy Books|PYTHON & HACKING BUNDLE: 3 BOOKS IN 1: THE BLUEPRINT: Everything You Need To Know For Python Programming and Hacking!|Architects, CyberPunk|9781775235774\n2019|Independently published|PYTHON FOR BEGINNERS: The Ultimate Step by Step Learning Guide for Beginners to Python Programming in the Best Optimal Way|SANCHEZ, ENRIQUE|9781089550860\n2018|Independently published|Python Programming: A Step-by-Step Guide For Absolute Beginners|Brian Jenkins|9781792659416\n2019|EGEA Spa - Bocconi University Press|Python for non-Pythonians: How to Win Over Programming Languages|Grossetti, Francesco and Rubera, Gaia|9788885486867\n2007|Springer|Python Scripting for Computational Science (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering Book 3)|Langtangen, Hans Petter|9783540739166\n2016|People's Posts and Telecommunications Press|Python programming quickly get started to make the tedious work automation(Chinese Edition)|[ MEI ] Al Sweigart ZHU|9787115422699\n2021|Millennium Publishing Ltd|Python Programming For Beginners In 2021: Learn Python In 5 Days With Step By Step Guidance, Hands-on Exercises And Solution (Fun Tutorial For Novice Programmers) (Easy Coding Crash Course)|Tudor, James|9781913361273\n2019|Independently published|Python Data Analytics: A step by step fast and easy guide for whom are interested learn python data analytics. With examples, tips and tricks, includind basics of Pandas, Numpy and Matlotlib|programming languages project|9781704066530\n2019|Platinum Press LLC|Python Programming: Python Programming for Beginners, Python Programming for Intermediates|Stewart, Sarah|9781951339944\n2019|Apress|Natural Language Processing Recipes: Unlocking Text Data with Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Python|Kulkarni, Akshay and Shivananda, Adarsha|9781484242674\n2016|Springer|A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering Book 6)|Langtangen, Hans Petter|9783662498873\n2017|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Succinctly|Jason Cannon|9781542827126\n20091002|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Python|Mark Lutz|9781449379322\n2003|O'Reilly Media, Incorporated|Learning Python|Mark Lutz and David Ascher|9781600330216\n2019|Independently published|LEARN PYTHON PROGRAMMING: Write code from scratch in a clear & concise way, with a complete basic course. From beginners to intermediate, an hands-on project with examples, to follow step by step|GRAY, WILLIAM|9781098525729\n2021|Apress|Programming Microcontrollers with Python: Experience the Power of Embedded Python|Subero, Armstrong|9781484270578\n2015|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Python: Learn Python Fast - The Ultimate Crash Course To Learning The Basics Of The Python Programming Language In No Time (python, Python ... Coding Fast With Hands-on Project) (volume 7)|Stephen Hoffman|9781517137861\n2016|Packt Publishing|Bayesian Analysis with Python|Martin, Osvaldo|9781785889851\n20091208|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Bioinformatics Programming Using Python|Mitchell L Model|9781449382902\n2018|Packt Publishing|Python Artificial Intelligence Projects for Beginners: Get up and running with Artificial Intelligence using 8 smart and exciting AI applications|Eckroth, Dr. Joshua|9781789538243\n2017|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Intermediate Python Programming: The Insider Guide To Intermediate Python Programming Concepts|Richard Ozer|9781978081123\n2014|Packt Publishing|Python for Secret Agents|Lott, Steven F.|9781783980437\n20140423|Pearson Education (US)|Starting Out with Python|Tony Gaddis|9780133743692\n2021|Simvol-Pljus|Programming in Python 3. Detailed guidance. / Programmirovanie na Python 3. Podrobnoe rukovodstvo.|Various authors|9785932861615\n2017|Independently Published|Python Programming For Intermediates: Learn The Fundamentals Of Python In 7 Days|Michael Knapp|9781521439555\n2014|Apress|Foundations of Python Network Programming|Rhodes, Brandon and Goerzen, John|9781430258551\n2009|Champion Writers, Inc.|Python Programming With Oracle Database|Ray Terrill|9781608300136\n2020|Springer|Essential Python for the Physicist|Giovanni Moruzzi|9783030450274\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Learn and Understand Python Programming (Volume 1)|Webber, Mr Zach|9781986840156\n20160830|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python|Kenneth Reitz; Tanya Schlusser|9781491933220\n20180903|Taylor & Francis|Nonlinear Digital Filtering with Python|Ronald K. Pearson; Moncef Gabbouj|9781498714136\n2011|Apress|Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Hetland, Magnus Lie|9781430232384\n2019|Packt Publishing|Expert Python Programming: Become a master in Python by learning coding best practices and advanced programming concepts in Python 3.7, 3rd Edition|Jaworski, Michał and Ziadé, Tarek|9781789806779\n2011|Apress|Pro Android Python with SL4A: Writing Android Native Apps Using Python, Lua, and Beanshell|Ferrill, Paul|9781430235705\n2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Bitcoin Programming with Python: Build powerful online payment centric applications with Python|Garg, Harish|9781789533163\n2019|Independently Published|Coding: This Book Includes: Python Coding And Programming + Linux For Beginners + Learn Python Programming”|Clark, Michael and Learn, Michael|9781673163865\n2016|Packt Publishing|Modern Python Cookbook: The latest in modern Python recipes for the busy modern programmer|Lott, Steven F.|9781786463845\n2014|John Wiley & Sons|Beginning Programming With Python For Dummies|John Paul Mueller|9781118891476\n2014|Packt Publishing|Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers|Cox, Tim|9781849696630\n2020|SAGE Publications Ltd|Programming with Python for Social Scientists|Brooker, Phillip|9781526431721\n15-07-2019|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Web Scraping with Python|Anish Chapagain|9781789536195\n2018|Independently published|Programming: 4 Manuscripts in 1 book: Python For Beginners, Python 3 Guide, Learn Java, Excel 2016|Needham, Timothy C.|9781728914671\n2015|Packt Publishing|Programming ArcGIS with Python Cookbook - Second Edition|Pimpler, Eric|9781785281259\n2018|Apress|Data Science Fundamentals for Python and MongoDB|Paper, David|9781484235973\n2015|Cambridge University Press|Python Programming for Biology: Bioinformatics and Beyond|Stevens, Tim J.|9780521895835\n2017|John Wiley & Sons|Digital Signal Processing (dsp) With Python Programming|Maurice Charbit|9781119373032\n2019|Independently Published|Python Coding: Step-by-step Beginners' Guide To Learning Python Programming Language With Hands-on Project. Exercises Included|Zed Fast|9781670440549\n2015|Apress|Beginning Python Games Development, Second Edition: With PyGame|McGugan, Will and Kinsley, Harrison|9781484209707\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Programming: Getting started FAST With Learning of Python Programming Basics in No Time (Programming is Easy) (Volume 3)|Gimson, Matthew|9781519564849\n2011|Apress|Foundations of Python Network Programming: The comprehensive guide to building network applications with Python (Books for Professionals by Professionals)|Goerzen, John and Bower, Tim and Rhodes, Brandon|9781430230045\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Programming: A Step By Step Guide For Beginners|Eddison, Leonard|9781986278577\n2016|People Post Press|Teach children to learn programming language Python version(Chinese Edition)|Bryson Payne|9787115416346\n2019|Independently published|Learning Python: The Ultimate Guide to Learning How to Develop Applications for Beginners with Python Programming Language Using Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy and Scikit-learn|Hack, Samuel|9781086759440\n2017|Pearson|Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python with MyProgrammingLab, Global Edition|Guzdial, Mark J. and Ericson, Barbara|9781292109954\n2015|Springer|Data Structures and Algorithms with Python (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)|Lee, Kent D. and Hubbard, Steve|9783319130729\n2016|Sams,|Sams Teach Yourself Python Programming For Raspberry Pi In 24 Hours|Blum, Richard , 1962- (author.)|9780134389585\n2017|Packt Publishing|Python Social Media Analytics: Analyze and visualize data from Twitter, YouTube, GitHub, and more|Chatterjee, Siddhartha and Krystyanczuk, Michal|9781787126756\n2014|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Making Music with Computers: Creative Programming in Python (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)|Manaris, Bill and Brown, Andrew R.|9781482222210\n2021|American Geophysical Union|Python for Remote Sensing Applications in Earth Science: A Practical Programming Guide (Special Publications)|Esmaili, Rebekah B.|9781119606888\n2011|Springer|A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering Book 6)|Langtangen, Hans Petter|9783642183669\n2019|Apress|Building Android Apps in Python Using Kivy with Android Studio: With Pyjnius, Plyer, and Buildozer|Gad, Ahmed Fawzy Mohamed|9781484250310\n2017|Packt Publishing|Statistics for Machine Learning: Techniques for exploring supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning models with Python and R|Dangeti, Pratap|9781788291224\n2017|Springer|Introduction to Data Science: A Python Approach to Concepts, Techniques and Applications (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)|Igual, Laura and Santi Seguí and Jordi Vitrià and Eloi Puertas and Petia Radeva and Oriol Pujol and Sergio Escalera and Francesc Dantí and Lluís Garrido|9783319500171\n||Introduction To Computing And Programming In Python Plus Myprogramming Lab Without Pearson Etext -- Access Card Package (3rd Edition)||9780133591521\n2019|Independently Published|Python Programming: 2 Books In 1: Ultimate Beginner's Guide & 7 Days Crash Course, Learn Computer Programming, Machine Learning And Data Science Quickly With Step-by-step Exercises|John Russel|9781673121223\n2019|Springer|Programming for Computations - Python: A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations with Python 3.6 (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering Book 15)|Linge, Svein and Hans Petter Langtangen|9783030168773\n2019-05-01T00:00:01Z|QuickStudy Reference Guides|Python Programming Language|Jayne, Berajah|9781423241881\n2016|Springer|Programming for Computations - Python: A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering Book 15)|Linge, Svein and Langtangen, Hans Petter|9783319324289\n2022|Independently published|Python Programming for Beginners: The #1 Python Programming Crash Course for Beginners to Learn Python Coding Well & Fast (with Hands-On Exercises)|Publishing, Codeone|9798430918002\n2012|No Starch Press, Incorporated|Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming|Briggs, Jason R.|9781593274078\n2021|Real Python (|Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3|Amos, David and Bader, Dan and Jablonski, Joanna and Heisler, Fletcher|9781775093329\n2017|O'Reilly Media|Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython|McKinney, Wes|9781491957660\n2021|Independently published|Python Programming for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners to Learn Python Programming: Crash Course on Python Programming for Beginners (Python Programming Books)|Publishing, AMZ|9798536636619\n2019|No Starch Press|Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming|Matthes, Eric|9781593279295\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Python Pocket Reference: Python In Your Pocket (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly))|Lutz, Mark|9781449357016\n2020|Packt Publishing|40 Algorithms Every Programmer Should Know: Hone your problem-solving skills by learning different algorithms and their implementation in Python|Ahmad, Imran|9781789801217\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Python Cookbook, Third Edition|Beazley, David and Jones, Brian K.|9781449340377\n2020|Independently published|Python for Beginners: 2 Books in 1: Python Programming for Beginners, Python Workbook|ACADEMY, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES|9781654414016\n2020|Quickstudy|Python Standard Library: A Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide|Jayne, Berajah|9781423244233\n2018-10-30T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming: Build robust and maintainable software with object-oriented design patterns in Python 3.8, 3rd Edition|Phillips, Dusty|9781789615852\n2020|Esri Press|Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro|Zandbergen, Paul A. and Zandbergen, Paul|9781589485006\n2016|Franklin, Beedle & Associates|Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science, 3rd Ed.|John Zelle|9781590282755\n2021|No Starch Press|Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters|Seitz, Justin and Arnold, Tim|9781718501133\n2021|Independently published|Python for Beginners: Learn Python Programming With No Coding Experience in 7 Days: The Easiest & Quickest Way to Learn Python Coding, Programming, Web-Programming. Be a Python Programmer|Ozoemena, Santos|9798478596194\n2019|Addison-Wesley Professional|Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python (Effective Software Development Series)|Brett, Slatkin|9780134854595\n2017|Addison-Wesley Professional|Learn Python 3 the Hard Way: A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series)|A., Shaw Zed|9780134693903\n2021|Packt Publishing|Learn Python Programming: An in-depth introduction to the fundamentals of Python, 3rd Edition|Romano, Fabrizio and Kruger, Heinrich|9781801815093\n2021|McGraw-Hill Education TAB|Programming the Raspberry Pi, Third Edition: Getting Started with Python|Monk, Simon|9781264257355\n2021|Mike Murach & Associates|Murach's Python Programming (2nd Edition)|Joel Murach and Michael Urban|9781943872749\n2020|Rockridge Press|Python Programming for Beginners: A Kid's Guide to Coding Fundamentals|Foster, Patricia|9781646113880\n2020|Packt Publishing|40 Algorithms Every Programmer Should Know: Hone your problem-solving skills by learning different algorithms and their implementation in Python|Ahmad, Imran|9781789809862\n2020|Independently published|Learn Coding Basics for Kids, Young Adults and People Who Are Young at Heart, With Python: Python Computer Programming Made Easy!|Stanley, Jack C. and Gross, Erik D. and Academy, The Tech|9798677949418\n2017|Manning|Deep Learning with Python|Chollet, Francois|9781638352044\n2015|No Starch Press|Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming|Matthes, Eric|9781593276034\n2021|Columbia Business School Publishing|Python for MBAs|Griffel, Mattan and Guetta, Daniel|9780231193931\n2015|Esri Press|Python Scripting for ArcGIS (Python Scripting (3))|Zandbergen, Paul A.|9781589483712\n2016|Mike Murach & Associates|Murach's Python Programming|Michael Urban and Joel Murach|9781890774974\n2018-11-29T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Learn Robotics Programming: Build and control autonomous robots using Raspberry Pi 3 and Python|Staple, Danny|9781789340747\n2019|Independently published|Computer Programming And Cyber Security for Beginners: This Book Includes: Python Machine Learning, SQL, Linux, Hacking with Kali Linux, Ethical Hacking. Coding and Cybersecurity Fundamentals|Codings, Zach|9781671532908\n2015|Addison-Wesley Professional|Effective Python: 59 Specific Ways to Write Better Python (Effective Software Development Series)|Slatkin, Brett|9780134034287\n2020|Manning Publications|Tiny Python Projects: 21 small fun projects for Python beginners designed to build programming skill, teach new algorithms and techniques, and introduce software testing|Youens-Clark, Ken|9781617297519\n2020|Packt Publishing|Django 3 By Example: Build powerful and reliable Python web applications from scratch, 3rd Edition|Melé, Antonio|9781838989323\n2015|Pearson|Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python|Guzdial, Mark and Ericson, Barbara|9780134025544\n2021|Independently published|PYTHON: Learn Coding Programs with Python Programming and Master Data Analysis & Analytics, Data Science and Machine Learning with the Complete Crash Course for Beginners - 5 Manuscripts in 1 Book|Academy, TechExp|9798597916552\n2009|Addison-Wesley Professional|Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language|Summerfield, Mark|9780321680563\n2021|McGraw-Hill Education TAB|Programming the Raspberry Pi, Third Edition: Getting Started with Python|Monk, Simon|9781264257362\n2019|Independently published|Python Workbook: Learn How to Quickly and Effectively Program with Exercises, Projects, and Solutions|LANGUAGES ACADEMY, PROGRAMMING|9781653039296\n2020|Coherent Press|Python from the Very Beginning: With 100 exercises and answers|Whitington, John|9780957671157\n2017|Independently published|Python for Beginners: An Introduction to Learn Python Programming with Tutorials and Hands-On Examples|Metzler, Nathan|9781973108795\n2021|No Starch Press|Learn to Code by Solving Problems: A Python Programming Primer|Zingaro, Daniel|9781718501331\n2021|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas: A Python data science handbook for data collection, wrangling, analysis, and visualization, 2nd Edition|Molin, Stefanie|9781800563452\n2021|Packt Publishing|Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash: Harness the power of a fully fledged frontend web framework in Python – no JavaScript required|Dabbas, Elias|9781800568914\n2020-06-29T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming: Design and implement computer vision applications with Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and Python 3, 2nd Edition|Pajankar, Ashwin|9781800207219\n2020|Frank|Python programming for beginners|Cannon, Jason|9783033083073\n2021|AI Publishing LLC|Hands-on Python Programming for Beginners: Learn Practical Python Fast|Publishing, AI|9781734790191\n2016|Sundog Publishing|Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists|Alex J. DeCaria|9780972903387\n2016|Packt Publishing|Python: Deeper Insights into Machine Learning: Leverage benefits of machine learning techniques using Python|Raschka, Sebastian and Julian, David and Hearty, John|9781787128545\n2015|McGraw-Hill Education TAB|Programming the Raspberry Pi, Second Edition: Getting Started with Python|Monk, Simon|9781259587412\n2020|Packt Publishing|Practical Data Analysis Using Jupyter Notebook: Learn how to speak the language of data by extracting useful and actionable insights using Python|Wintjen, Marc|9781838825096\n2021|O'Reilly Media|Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Python|Downey, Allen B.|9781492089469\n2020|Apress|Machine Learning in the Oil and Gas Industry: Including Geosciences, Reservoir Engineering, and Production Engineering with Python|Pandey, Yogendra Narayan and Rastogi, Ayush and Kainkaryam, Sribharath and Bhattacharya, Srimoyee and Saputelli, Luigi|9781484260937\n2006|For Dummies|Python For Dummies|Maruch, Stef and Maruch, Aahz|9780471778646\n2014|Packt Publishing|Mastering Object-oriented Python|F. Lott, Steven|9781783280971\n2009|Addison-Wesley Professional|Python Essential Reference (Developer's Library)|Beazley, David|9780768687026\n2018|Packt Publishing|Learn Python Programming: The no-nonsense, beginner's guide to programming, data science, and web development with Python 3.7, 2nd Edition|Romano, Fabrizio|9781788996662\n2021|Princeton University Press|A Student's Guide to Python for Physical Modeling: Second Edition|Kinder, Jesse M. and Nelson, Philip|9780691223667\n2019|Independently published|Python Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of Python Programming (Python Crash Course, Programming for Dummies)|Tudor, James|9781075311932\n2013|Pragmatic Bookshelf, The|Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3 (Pragmatic Programmers)|Gries, Paul and Campbell, Jennifer and Montojo, Jason|9781937785451\n2021|Packt Publishing|Practical Discrete Mathematics: Discover math principles that fuel algorithms for computer science and machine learning with Python|White, Ryan T. and Ray, Archana Tikayat|9781838983505\n2012|McGraw-Hill Education Tab|Programming the Raspberry Pi: Getting Started with Python|Monk, Simon|9780071807838\n2021|Independently published|Data Science for Beginners: 4 books in 1 — Master the Basics of Python Programming and Learn The Art of Data Science with Real-World Applications to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning|Park, Andrew|9798788844732\n2020|No Starch Press|Python One-Liners: Write Concise, Eloquent Python Like a Professional|Mayer, Christian|9781718500518\n2017|Microsoft Press|Begin to Code with Python|Miles, Rob|9781509304530\n2022|Independently published|Python: 3 books in 1- Your complete guide to python programming with Python for Beginners, Python Data Analysis and Python Machine Learning|Ellison, Brady|9798410695930\n2018|Princeton University Press|A Student's Guide to Python for Physical Modeling: Updated Edition|Kinder, Jesse M. and Nelson, Philip|9781400889426\n2021|Independently published|PYTHON: Learn Coding Programs with Python Programming and Master Data Analysis & Analytics, Data Science and Machine Learning with the Complete Crash Course for Beginners - 5 Manuscripts in 1 Book|Academy, TechExp|9798789894958\n2021|Packt Publishing|Python GUI Programming with Tkinter: Design and build functional and user-friendly GUI applications, 2nd Edition|Moore, Alan D.|9781801815925\n2012|No Starch Press|Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction To Programming|Briggs, Jason|9781593274948\n2018-05-15T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Python GUI Programming with Tkinter: Develop responsive and powerful GUI applications with Tkinter|Moore, Alan D.|9781788835886\n2019|Packt Publishing|Python Network Programming: Conquer all your networking challenges with the powerful Python language|Ratan, Abhishek and Chou, Eric and Kathiravelu, Pradeeban and Sarker, Dr. M. O. Faruque|9781788830232\n2009|Addison-Wesley Professional|Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language|Summerfield, Mark|9780321699879\n2020|Cambridge University Press|Numerical Methods in Physics with Python|Gezerlis, Alex|9781108805889\n2020|Packt Publishing|Python Data Cleaning Cookbook: Modern techniques and Python tools to detect and remove dirty data and extract key insights|Walker, Michael|9781800564596\n2018|Packt Publishing|Learn Python Programming: The no-nonsense, beginner's guide to programming, data science, and web development with Python 3.7, 2nd Edition|Romano, Fabrizio|9781788991650\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Programming: for Engineers and Scientists|Turk, Irfan|9781543173833\n2019-02-28T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Advanced Python Programming: Build high performance, concurrent, and multi-threaded apps with Python using proven design patterns|Lanaro, Dr. Gabriele and Nguyen, Quan and Kasampalis, Sakis|9781838551216\n2019|Packt Publishing|Mastering OpenCV 4 with Python: A practical guide covering topics from image processing, augmented reality to deep learning with OpenCV 4 and Python 3.7|Villán, Alberto Fernández|9781789349757\n2017|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3.6|Gries, Paul and Campbell, Jennifer and Montojo, Jason|9781680502688\n2021|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas: A Python data science handbook for data collection, wrangling, analysis, and visualization, 2nd Edition|Molin, Stefanie|9781800565913\n2019-10-01T00:00:01Z|Oxford Univ Pr|Python Programming: Using Problem Solving Approach|Thareja, Reema|9780199480173\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Twisted Network Programming Essentials: Event-driven Network Programming with Python|McKellar, Jessica and Fettig, Abe|9781449326111\n2018|No Starch Press|Impractical Python Projects: Playful Programming Activities to Make You Smarter|Vaughan, Lee|9781593278915\n2019-12-24T00:00:01Z|Independently published|Python GUI Programming with PyQt: A Beginner’s Guide to Python 3 and GUI Application Development|Metzler, Nathan|9781650440712\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Python|Allen B. Downey|9781449370787\n2021|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Financial Trading with Python: A practical guide to using Zipline and other Python libraries for backtesting trading strategies|Pik, Jiri and Ghosh, Sourav|9781838988807\n2018|Packt Publishing|Bioinformatics with Python Cookbook: Learn how to use modern Python bioinformatics libraries and applications to do cutting-edge research in computational biology, 2nd Edition|Antao, Tiago|9781789349986\n2022|Cambridge University Press|Mathematical Logic through Python|Gonczarowski, Yannai A. and Nisan, Noam|9781108949477\n2013-09-07T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python for Biologists: A complete programming course for beginners|Jones, Dr Martin|9781492346135\n2018|Packt Publishing|Mastering Python Design Patterns: A guide to creating smart, efficient, and reusable software, 2nd Edition|Ayeva, Kamon and Kasampalis, Sakis|9781788832069 Python python engineer python year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2019|SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python|10.1038/s41592-019-0686-2|8661|421|Pauli Virtanen and R. Gommers and T. Oliphant and Matt Haberland and Tyler Reddy and D. Cournapeau and Evgeni Burovski and Pearu Peterson and Warren Weckesser and Jonathan Bright and Stéfan J. van der Walt and M. Brett and Joshua Wilson and K. Millman and N. Mayorov and Andrew R. J. Nelson and E. Jones and Robert Kern and Eric Larson and C. J. Carey and Ilhan Polat and Yu Feng and Eric W. Moore and J. Vanderplas and D. Laxalde and Josef Perktold and R. Cimrman and I. Henriksen and E. Quintero and Charles R. Harris and A. Archibald and Antônio H. Ribeiro and Fabian Pedregosa and P. van Mulbregt and Aditya Alessandro Pietro Alex Andreas Andreas Anthony Ant Vijaykumar Bardelli Rothberg Hilboll Kloeckner Sco and A. Vijaykumar and Alessandro Pietro Bardelli and Alex Rothberg and A. Hilboll and Andre Kloeckner and A. Scopatz and Antony Lee and A. Rokem and C. N. Woods and Chad Fulton and Charles Masson and C. Häggström and Clark Fitzgerald and D. Nicholson and David R. Hagen and D. Pasechnik and E. Olivetti and Eric Martin and Eric Wieser and Fabrice Silva and F. Lenders and Florian Wilhelm and G. Young and Gavin A. Price and G. Ingold and Gregory E. Allen and Gregory R. Lee and H. Audren and I. Probst and J. Dietrich and J. Silterra and James T. Webber and J. Slavič and J. Nothman and J. Buchner and Johannes Kulick and Johannes L. Schönberger and J. V. de Miranda Cardoso and J. Reimer and J. Harrington and Juan Rodríguez and Juan Nunez-Iglesias and Justin Kuczynski and K. Tritz and M. Thoma and M. Newville and Matthias Kümmerer and Maximilian Bolingbroke and Michael Tartre and M. Pak and Nathaniel J. Smith and N. Nowaczyk and Nikolay Shebanov and O. Pavlyk and P. A. Brodtkorb and Perry Lee and R. McGibbon and Roman Feldbauer and Sam Lewis and S. Tygier and Scott Sievert and S. Vigna and Stefan Peterson and S. More and Tadeusz Pudlik and T. Oshima and T. Pingel and T. Robitaille and Thomas Spura and T. Jones and T. Cera and Tim Leslie and Tiziano Zito and Tom Krauss and U. Upadhyay and Y. Halchenko and Y. Vázquez-Baeza|f0d35b37fec26c3f1ed09253cbb9304fb62208d1\n2014|scikit-image: image processing in Python|10.7717/peerj.453|2701|73|S. Walt and Johannes L. Schönberger and Juan Nunez-Iglesias and François Boulogne and Joshua D. Warner and Neil Yager and E. Gouillart and Tony Yu|a2fcf53f0aef0bfaec6353676c4f1d4e36aab5c0\n2016|Probabilistic programming in Python using PyMC3|10.7287/peerj.preprints.1686v1|1322|145|J. Salvatier and T. Wiecki and C. Fonnesbeck|8085b60ce1771647f11ccc4728397275b502f359\n2017|The atomic simulation environment-a Python library for working with atoms.|10.1088/1361-648X/aa680e|1291|28|Ask Hjorth Larsen and Jens Jørgen Mortensen and J. Blomqvist and I. Castelli and R. Christensen and M. Dulak and J. Friis and M. Groves and B. Hammer and Cory Hargus and E. Hermes and P. C. Jennings and Peter Bjerre Jensen and J. Kermode and J. Kitchin and Esben Leonhard Kolsbjerg and J. Kubal and K. Kaasbjerg and S. Lysgaard and Jón Bergmann Maronsson and Tristan Maxson and T. Olsen and L. Pastewka and Andrew A. Peterson and C. Rostgaard and J. Schiøtz and O. Schütt and M. Strange and K. Thygesen and T. Vegge and L. Vilhelmsen and M. Walter and Z. Zeng and K. Jacobsen|433d14e40f0d5362df4016270ba97e13371bc42a\n2012|Pyomo — Optimization Modeling in Python|10.1007/978-1-4614-3226-5|573|46|W. Hart and C. Laird and J. Watson and D. L. Woodruff|aad4604a72ae4856ae9fb4d0c3f8748a7a895b7b\n2018|Pingouin: statistics in Python|10.21105/joss.01026|362|55|Raphael Vallat|cbac8b0d82ea8e9251d5530695841d816cb196b9\n2020|Pymoo: Multi-Objective Optimization in Python|10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2990567|236|20|Julian Blank and K. Deb|61e27dbae190b82639c57f180ecf97e4c46fcad9\n2016|The Python ARM Radar Toolkit (Py-ART), a Library for Working with Weather Radar Data in the Python Programming Language|10.5334/JORS.119|181|14|Jonathan J. Helmus and S. 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Stevens and W. Boucher|0ef02287cecda2f9634f3612cb1d5f3f59094d9e\n2019|Scalable Parallel Programming in Python with Parsl|10.1145/3332186.3332231|8|0|Y. Babuji and A. Woodard and Zhuozhao Li and D. Katz and Ben Clifford and Ian T Foster and M. Wilde and K. Chard|b215861908a7dd5a0e9edc0ba4f3d59efdb6863c\n2019|Static Analyses in Python Programming Courses|10.1145/3287324.3287503|8|0|David Liu and A. Petersen|4263a39a1a90d843dd182483ba173b9f78b8a711\n2015|Is Python an Appropriate Programming Language for Teaching Programming in Secondary Schools?|10.1515/ijicte-2015-0005|8|1|Eva Mészárosová|d3231d487b138472a57be12699a2ddb8db666187\n2020|Analysis of Student Misconceptions using Python as an Introductory Programming Language|10.1145/3372356.3372360|8|0|Fionnuala Johnson and Stephen McQuistin and J. O'Donnell|69cc696d5609501347ffe491b279ee6c32be4c27\n2016|New implementation of OGC Web Processing Service in Python programming language. PyWPS-4 and issues we are facing with processing of large raster data using OGC WPS|10.5194/ISPRS-ARCHIVES-XLI-B7-927-2016|8|0|J. Cepicky and Luís Moreira de Sousa|e7beaf22b07976097bb8407de4b640664df21e4e\n2017|Computer programming with Python for industrial and systems engineers: Perspectives from an instructor and students|10.1002/cae.21837|7|0|Yong Wang and Kasey J. Hill and Erin C. Foley|1a5e834fc3549460b64cc413c63a6d3b9c07233a\n2018|CharmPy: A Python Parallel Programming Model|10.1109/CLUSTER.2018.00059|7|0|J. J. Galvez and K. Senthil and L. Kalé|25c5f91b8a22888ab43848da789ef7ea8d361f3f\n2015|Python Programming for Biology: Bioinformatics and Beyond|10.1017/cbo9780511843556|7|0|T. Stevens and W. Boucher|cede6c6ee0ad80759d25047b363c98d34290db41\n2014|PySy: a Python package for enhanced concurrent programming|10.1002/cpe.2981|6|0|Todd Williamson and R. Olsson|c533a666f816a4803bec727de7080d76ce811e93\n2020|Development of a Programming Course for Students of a Teacher Training Higher Education Institution Using the Programming Language Python|10.20511/PYR2020.V8N3.484|6|0|Mikhail S. Prokopyev and E. Vlasova and T. Tretyakova and M. A. Sorochinsky and Rimma Alekseyevna Solovyeva|a108642c864ee0bf46a80d53f309a61f17e97664\n2015|An Introduction to Python and Computer Programming|10.1007/978-981-287-609-6|5|1|Yue Zhang|75089958e2f34e5e536627b7ab309aa1b0ced814\n2010|Python Programming Fundamentals|10.1007/978-1-4471-6642-9|5|0|Kent D. Lee|5f086c30767069c2f3a69338121180b0db504220\n2015|Python as a First Programming Language for Biomedical Scientists|10.25080/MAJORA-7B98E3ED-002|5|1|B. Chapman and J. Irwin|3076af3155928a19242d87c0a0ff82204542cfc5\n2016|Python – A comprehensive yet free programming language for statisticians|10.1080/09720510.2015.1103446|5|0|X. U. Shukla and Dinesh J. Parmar|412310f67b2ff7a85ef9babbbeea478bcefc8cc8\n2014|TEACHING ALGORITHMIZATION AND PROGRAMMING USING PYTHON LANGUAGE|10.14308/ite000493|4|0|Lvov M. and K. V.|22c6d35f122ebb71d84eb923ec8b4f601e9b7f87\n2019|Neural Network Programming in Python|10.35940/ijitee.f1075.0486s419|4|0||5a61e58eb7bd9823d3fd46b6a62b9f5532fb7961\n2021|An Empirical Study for Common Language Features Used in Python Projects|10.1109/SANER50967.2021.00012|4|1|Yun Peng and Yu Zhang and Mingzhe Hu|ecdc0e16b9212657a80a92e3f32177c9801ad38d\n2020|Python as Multi Paradigm Programming Language|10.5120/ijca2020919775|4|0|Nimit Thaker and Abhilash Shukla|d14fe76d02ecd92ec2a9f9d8c68380e368df761f\n2018|Board Games in the Computer Science Class to Improve Students’ Knowledge of the Python Programming Language|10.1109/ICONIC.2018.8601207|4|0|D. Jordaan|a1789d56cc0b8c02c62523a1de4e9781ffb14191\n2016|The Core Python Language I|10.1017/CBO9781139871754.002|3|0|Christian Hill|1e843d30863753566df0bf4da1d07b8dd7074916\n2019|Application of python programming language in measurements|10.2298/FUEE1901001P|3|0|P. Pejovic|9d6fef95807c0caf7da9c58d309bf77010a66c40\n2019|An Analysis on Python Programming Language Demand and Its Recent Trend in Bangladesh|10.1145/3373509.3373540|3|0|Aaquib Javed and Monika Zaman and Mohammad Monir Uddin and Tasnova Nusrat|82f771befdb6a7d06abb4496cd6b4fb08bef6eb7 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nPython: Programming: Your Step By Step Guide To Easily Learn Python in 7 Days (Python for Beginners, Python Programming for Beginners, Learn Python, Python Language)||iCode Academy|54724997|3.76|126|6\nProgramming Python|1996|Mark Lutz|77671|3.96|898|23\nNatural Language Processing with Python|2009|Steven Bird|6581044|4.14|389|34 java Java 1995 James Gosling 109 pl 142 20 6 4 34 25245 1162766 2090 2018 2024 329 5337 19037 311 283 2004 2018 9 21 javascript pizza ada csharp eiffel mesa modula-3 oberon objective-c ucsd-pascal object-pascal beanshell chapel clojure fantom gambas groovy hack jsharp kotlin php python scala seed7 vala java-bytecode jvm c oak linux solaris arm eclipse-editor html http mime java-server-pages motif-software android xml java-ee-version-history 1995 Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture. As of 2016, Java is one of the most popular programming languages in use, particularly for client-server web applications, with a reported 9 million developers. Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle Corporation) and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++, but it has fewer low-level facilities than either of them. The original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were originally released by Sun under proprietary licenses. As of May 2007, in compliance with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun relicensed most of its Java technologies under the GNU General Public License. Others have also developed alternative implementations of these Sun technologies, such as the GNU Compiler for Java (bytecode compiler), GNU Classpath (standard libraries), and IcedTea-Web (browser plugin for applets). The latest version is Java 9, released on September 21, 2017, and is one of the two versions currently supported for free by Oracle. Versions earlier than Java 8 are supported by companies on a commercial basis; e.g. by Oracle back to Java 6 as of October 2017 (while they still "highly recommend that you uninstall" pre-Java 8 from at least Windows computers). 2001 5242 11543 7818 15881 216933 369548 11529980 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nxkcoding spring-boot-demo Java #b07219 5022 1536 3876 "spring boot demo 是一个用来深度学习并实战 spring boot 的项目,目前总共包含 59 个集成demo,已经完成 49 个。 该项目已成功集成 actuator(监控)、admin(可视化监控)、logback(日志)、aopLog(通过AOP记录web请求日志)、统一异常处理(json级别和页面级别)、freemarker(模板引擎)、thymeleaf(模板引擎)、Beetl(模板引擎)、Enjoy(模板引擎)、JdbcTemplate(通用JDBC操作数据库)、JPA(强大的ORM框架)、mybatis(强大的ORM框架)、通用Mapper(快速操作Mybatis)、PageHelper(通用的Mybatis分页插件)、mybatis-plus(快速操作M…"\nhope-for hope-boot Java #b07219 2706 523 1757 🌱🚀一款现代化的脚手架项目。企业开发?接外包?赚外快?还是学习?这都能满足你,居家必备,值得拥有🍻整合Springboot2,单点登陆+tk.mybatis+shiro+redis+thymeleaf+maven+swagger前后端分离接口管理+代码生成+定时任务+数据库版本管理flyway+hutool工具包,等实用技术。\nalibaba spring-cloud-alibaba Java #b07219 8811 2415 1176 "Spring Cloud Alibaba provides a one-stop solution for application development for the distributed solutions of Alibaba middleware."\nelunez eladmin Java #b07219 3080 1123 744 "项目基于 Spring Boot 2.1.0 、 Jpa、 Spring Security、redis、Vue的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC,支持数据字典与数据权限管理,支持一键生成前后端代码,支持动态路由"\nzhoutaoo SpringCloud Java #b07219 1237 666 345 基于SpringCloud2.0的微服务开发脚手架,整合了spring-security-oauth2、apollo、eureka、feign、hystrix、springcloud-gateway、springcloud-bus等。治理方面引入elasticsearch、skywalking、springboot-admin、zipkin等,让项目开发快速进入业务开发,而不需过多时间花费在架构搭建上。持续更新中\nb3log solo Java #b07219 11000 3050 1605 "🎸 一款小而美的博客系统,专为程序员设计。"\n2227324689 gpmall Java #b07219 1404 531 1387 【咕泡学院实战项目】-基于SpringBoot+Dubbo构建的电商平台-微服务架构、商城、电商、微服务、高并发、kafka、Elasticsearch\njustauth JustAuth Java #b07219 4025 635 2866 "💯 史上最全的整合第三方登录的开源库。目前已支持Github、Gitee、微博、钉钉、百度、Coding、腾讯云开发者平台、OSChina、支付宝、QQ、微信、淘宝、Google、Facebook、抖音、领英、小米、微软、今日头条、Teambition、StackOverflow、Pinterest、人人、华为、企业微信、酷家乐和Gitlab等第三方平台的授权登录。 Login, so easy!"\nseaswalker spring-analysis Java #b07219 4014 1560 1136 Spring源码阅读\ndengyuhan magnetW Java #b07219 2748 571 1857 "磁力搜网页版 - 磁力链接聚合搜索 -"\nfrank-lam fullstack-tutorial Java #b07219 5473 1193 991 "🚀 fullstack tutorial 2019,后台技术栈/架构师之路/全栈开发社区,春招/秋招/校招/面试"\nAngel-ML angel Java #b07219 5174 1295 941 "A Flexible and Powerful Parameter Server for large-scale machine learning"\nalibaba COLA Java #b07219 1054 348 314 "Clean Object-oriented & Layered Architecture"\napache skywalking Java #b07219 10224 2942 742 "APM, Application Performance Monitoring System"\nhollischuang toBeTopJavaer Java #b07219 8122 1818 1939 "To Be Top Javaer - Java工程师成神之路"\nActiviti Activiti Java #b07219 5681 4712 180 "Activiti is a light-weight workflow and Business Process Management (BPM) Platform targeted at business people, developers and system admins. Its core is a super-fast and rock-solid BPMN 2 process engine for Java. It's open-source and distributed under the Apache license. Activiti runs in any Java application, on a server, on a cluster or in the…"\nMisterBooo LeetCodeAnimation Java #b07219 39935 6812 3065 "Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)"\nflowable flowable-engine Java #b07219 2141 867 126 "A compact and highly efficient workflow and Business Process Management (BPM) platform for developers, system admins and business users."\nZXZxin ZXBlog Java #b07219 3358 865 333 记录各种学习笔记(算法、Java、数据库、并发......)\nCymChad BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper Java #b07219 18176 3805 361 "BRVAH:Powerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter"\ncrossoverJie cim Java #b07219 3769 1134 278 "📲cim(cross IM) 适用于开发者的分布式即时通讯系统"\ncabaletta baritone Java #b07219 961 273 308 "google maps for block game"\nmacrozheng mall-learning Java #b07219 2149 965 719 "mall学习教程,架构、业务、技术要点全方位解析。mall项目(20k+star)是一套电商系统,使用现阶段主流技术实现。 涵盖了SpringBoot2.1.3、MyBatis3.4.6、Elasticsearch6.2.2、RabbitMQ3.7.15、Redis3.2、Mongodb3.2、Mysql5.7等技术,采用Docker容器化部署。"\nkeycloak keycloak Java #b07219 4386 2167 199 "Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services"\nhankcs HanLP Java #b07219 14671 4174 518 "自然语言处理 中文分词 词性标注 命名实体识别 依存句法分析 新词发现 关键词短语提取 自动摘要 文本分类聚类 拼音简繁" java clike text/x-java programming j/ 3 pl OpenJDK 2131 true 153 abcl-lang ace apache-hbase arrow-format avail ballerina bazel bebasic blz cali-lang categorical-query-language ceylon chapel cito claro clay click cloc clojure closure-templates couchdb curly cyber dafny deesel dexvis differential-datalog drakon duro dyvil ec edina eiffel elegance enso erlang felix flare flatbuffers flix flow9 flutter frege fuzuli gamerlanguage gforth golo gradle gun halide haxe hdfs hecl hhvm idio idris impala invokator ioke java javascript jflex jslt jsonnet k-framework kamilalisp koara koka kotlin ladybird lift linotte lobster luna lux lwjgl mai mal melody minecraft mirah mongodb monkeyx ncl nesc netlogo nextflow nianiolang nit obsidian-lang olc omgrofl opa opal opencv oracle-java p pan parboiled partiql passambler pegdown pinto pizza pkl plaid-programming-language polyglot-compiler pomsky project-mentat prql pygments pytorch quint rainbow rakudo react-native rebeca-modeling-language red revolution-programming-language roc rocksdb rustscript rye scala-js sdlang setlx simple-binary-encoding simple-binary-encoding skulpt smali smallbasic smc snowball-programming-language sqlite tamgu tensorflow thjson txtzyme uno virgil wax wax whiley wonkey wyvern xgboost-model xgboost xtclang xtext yawl yeti zenscript zlang false 2007 2024 81875 1918 68263 Sun Microsystems java jav java java java java cpp xml c html bourne-shell xsd objective-c assembly-language xslt markdown dtd m4 javascript awk svg make yaml css bash korn-shell d perl c-shell python sql sed csv metal ini json java-server-pages expect diff true 5587090 85206 204 c cpp 1 true 20 true java false 1489 text java Java openjdk-8-jdk United States Java /** * Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. * The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the * Eclipse Public License 1.0 ( * which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. * By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by * the terms of this license. * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. **/ /* rich Apr 19, 2008 */ package clojure.lang; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; public class Util{ static public boolean equiv(Object k1, Object k2){ if(k1 == k2) return true; if(k1 != null) { if(k1 instanceof Number && k2 instanceof Number) return Numbers.equal((Number)k1, (Number)k2); else if(k1 instanceof IPersistentCollection || k2 instanceof IPersistentCollection) return pcequiv(k1,k2); return k1.equals(k2); } return false; } static public boolean equiv(long k1, long k2){ return k1 == k2; } static public boolean equiv(Object k1, long k2){ return equiv(k1, (Object)k2); } static public boolean equiv(long k1, Object k2){ return equiv((Object)k1, k2); } static public boolean equiv(double k1, double k2){ return k1 == k2; } static public boolean equiv(Object k1, double k2){ return equiv(k1, (Object)k2); } static public boolean equiv(double k1, Object k2){ return equiv((Object)k1, k2); } static public boolean equiv(boolean k1, boolean k2){ return k1 == k2; } static public boolean equiv(Object k1, boolean k2){ return equiv(k1, (Object)k2); } static public boolean equiv(boolean k1, Object k2){ return equiv((Object)k1, k2); } static public boolean equiv(char c1, char c2) { return c1 == c2; } static public boolean pcequiv(Object k1, Object k2){ if(k1 instanceof IPersistentCollection) return ((IPersistentCollection)k1).equiv(k2); return ((IPersistentCollection)k2).equiv(k1); } static public boolean equals(Object k1, Object k2){ if(k1 == k2) return true; return k1 != null && k1.equals(k2); } static public boolean identical(Object k1, Object k2){ return k1 == k2; } static public Class classOf(Object x){ if(x != null) return x.getClass(); return null; } static public int compare(Object k1, Object k2){ if(k1 == k2) return 0; if(k1 != null) { if(k2 == null) return 1; if(k1 instanceof Number) return k1, (Number) k2); return ((Comparable) k1).compareTo(k2); } return -1; } static public int hash(Object o){ if(o == null) return 0; return o.hashCode(); } static public int hasheq(Object o){ if(o == null) return 0; if(o instanceof Number) return Numbers.hasheq((Number)o); else if(o instanceof IHashEq) return ((IHashEq)o).hasheq(); return o.hashCode(); } static public int hashCombine(int seed, int hash){ //a la boost seed ^= hash + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2); return seed; } static public boolean isPrimitive(Class c){ return c != null && c.isPrimitive() && !(c == Void.TYPE); } static public boolean isInteger(Object x){ return x instanceof Integer || x instanceof Long || x instanceof BigInt || x instanceof BigInteger; } static public Object ret1(Object ret, Object nil){ return ret; } static public ISeq ret1(ISeq ret, Object nil){ return ret; } static public void clearCache(ReferenceQueue rq, ConcurrentHashMap> cache){ //cleanup any dead entries if(rq.poll() != null) { while(rq.poll() != null) ; for(Map.Entry> e : cache.entrySet()) { Reference val = e.getValue(); if(val != null && val.get() == null) cache.remove(e.getKey(), val); } } } static public RuntimeException runtimeException(String s){ return new RuntimeException(s); } static public RuntimeException runtimeException(String s, Throwable e){ return new RuntimeException(s, e); } /** * Throw even checked exceptions without being required * to declare them or catch them. Suggested idiom: *

* throw sneakyThrow( some exception ); */ static public RuntimeException sneakyThrow(Throwable t) { // if (t == null) throw new NullPointerException(); Util.sneakyThrow0(t); return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static private void sneakyThrow0(Throwable t) throws T { throw (T) t; } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, world!"); } } // (Java SE 5) import javax.swing.*; public class Hello extends JFrame { public Hello() { super("hello"); super.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); super.add(new JLabel("Hello, world!")); super.pack(); super.setVisible(true); } public static void main(final String[] args) { new Hello(); } } // Type your code here, or load an example. class Square { static int square(int num) { return num * num; } } public class Java { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } Java // Hello World in Java class HelloWorld { static public void main( String args[] ) { System.out.println( "Hello World!" ); } } Java Java abstract continue for new switch assert default goto package synchronized boolean do if private this break double implements protected throw byte else import public throws case enum instanceof return transient catch extends int short try char final interface static void class finally long strictfp volatile const float native super while _ // /* */ System.out.println " true false true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true false false true false true false true true true true false true true true 401 37 Java Java Java year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2017|Pearson|Java Software Solutions|Lewis, John and Loftus, William|9780134462028\n2011|Pearson|Data Structures and Other Objects Using Java|Main, Michael|9780132576246\n2013|Pearson|Building Java Programs (3rd Edition)|Reges, Stuart and Stepp, Marty|9780133360905\n2009|McGraw-Hill Education|Java Programming: From The Ground Up|Ralph Bravaco and Shai Simonson|9780073523354\n2011|Pearson|Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design|Lewis, John and Loftus, William|9780132149181\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Java in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference|Evans, Benjamin J and Flanagan, David|9781449370824\n2003|Pearson|C++ for Java Programmers|Weiss, Mark|9780139194245\n2013|Cengage Learning|Java Programming|Farrell, Joyce|9781285081953\n2014|Manning Publications|Java 8 in Action: Lambdas, Streams, and functional-style programming|Urma, Raoul-Gabriel and Fusco, Mario and Mycroft, Alan|9781617291999\n2006|Pearson|Thinking in Java|Eckel, Bruce|9780131872486\n2017|Mike Murach & Associates|Murach's Java Programming (5th Edition)|Joel Murach|9781943872077\n2012|Pearson|Absolute Java (5th Edition)|Savitch, Walter and Mock, Kenrick|9780132830317\n2005|Pearson|Data Structures and Algorithms in Java|Drake, Peter|9780131469143\n2009|Wiley|Big Java: Compatible with Java 5, 6 and 7|Horstmann, Cay S.|9780470509487\n2017|Pearson|Java How to Program, Early Objects (Deitel: How to Program)|Deitel, Paul and Deitel, Harvey|9780134743356\n2014|Pearson|Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (10th Edition)|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780133813463\n2000|Pearson|C for Java Programmers|Muldner, Tomasz|9780201702798\n2002|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 24 Hours (3rd Edition) (Sams Teach 24 Hours (Paperback))|Cadenhead, Rogers|9780672324604\n2012|Wiley|Java Concepts: Early Objects|Horstmann, Cay S.|9781118431122\n2013|O'Reilly Media|RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0: Designing and Developing Distributed Web Services|Burke, Bill|9781449361341\n2005|Wiley|Java Concepts|Horstmann, Cay S.|9780471697046\n2014|Sybex|OCA: Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-808|Boyarsky, Jeanne and Scott Selikoff|9781118957400\n2014|Pearson|Intro to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version, Student Value Edition (10th Edition)|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780133593495\n2008|McGraw-Hill Science/Engineerin|Introduction to Programming with Java A Problem Solving Approach|John S. Dean and Raymond H. Dean|9780073047027\n2007|Wiley|Java Concepts for AP Computer Science|Horstmann, Cay S.|9780470181607\n2007|Cengage Learning|Java Programming Lab Manual: From Problem Analysis To Program Design, 3rd Edition|Mayfield, Blayne|9781423901884\n2004|O'Reilly Media|Java Threads: Understanding and Mastering Concurrent Programming|Scott Oaks and Henry Wong|9780596007829\n2005|Cengage Learning|Java Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures|Malik, D. S.|9781418835408\n2009|Prentice Hall|Java How to Program: Late Objects Version|Deitel, Paul|9780136123712\n2012|Prentice Hall|Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version Plus Myprogramminglab with Pearson Etext -- Access Card Package|Liang, Y Daniel|9780133050578\n08/24/2012|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Java in a Nutshell|Flanagan, David|9780596007737\n2014|Pearson|Introduction to Java Programming, Brief Version Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (10th Edition)|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780133813487\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Java 8 Lambdas: Functional Programming For The Masses|Warburton, Richard|9781449370770\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Java Network Programming|Harold, Elliotte Rusty|9781449357672\n2012|McGraw Hill|Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction|Schildt, Herbert and Skrien, Dale|9780078022074\n2004|Pearson|Addison-Wesley's Java Backpack Reference Guide|DePasquale, Peter|9780321304278\n2002|Manning|Bitter Java|Tate, Bruce A.|9781930110434\n2008|Pearson|Programming with Alice and Java|Lewis, John and DePasquale, Peter|9780321512093\n2006||Java by Dissection|McDowell, Charlie|9781411652385\n2011|McGraw-Hill Education|Java The Complete Reference, 8th Edition|Schildt, Herbert|9780071606301\n2001|O'Reilly Media|Java Security (2nd Edition)|Oaks, Scott|9780596001575\n1996|Addison-Wesley Pub (Sd)|The Java Programming Language|Arnold, Ken and Gosling, James|9780201634556\n1998|O'Reilly Media|Java Swing (Java (O'Reilly))|Eckstein, Robert and Loy, Marc and Wood, Dave|9781565924550\n2002|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Fundamentals Of Computer Science Using Java|Hughes, David|9780763717612\n2017|Packt Publishing|Programming Kotlin: Get to grips quickly with the best Java alternative|Samuel, Stephen and Bocutiu, Stefan|9781787126367\n2017|Mercury Learning & Information|Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with Java|Gordon, V. Scott and Clevenger, John L.|9781683920274\n2016|Pearson|Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package|Reges, Stuart and Stepp, Marty|9780134448305\n2002|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|Java 2: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition|Schildt, Herbert|9780072224207\n2005|For Dummies|Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies|Burd, Barry A.|9780764588747\n2016|Packt Publishing|Neural Network Programming with Java: Create and unleash the power of neural networks by implementing professional Java code|Souza, Alan M.F. and Soares, Fabio M.|9781785880902\n2003|Prentice Hall|Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns and Java (2nd Edition)|Bruegge, Bernd and Dutoit, Allen H.|9780130471109\n1997|Addison-Wesley|The Java Programming Language (Java Series)|Arnold, Ken and Gosling, James|9780201310061\n2006|Wiley|Operating System Concepts with Java|Silberschatz, Abraham and Galvin, Peter B. and Gagne, Greg|9780471769071\n2012|O'Reilly Media|Programming Android: Java Programming for the New Generation of Mobile Devices|Mednieks, Zigurd and Dornin, Laird and Meike, G. Blake and Nakamura, Masumi|9781449316648\n2010|O'Reilly Media|Java: The Good Parts: Unearthing the Excellence in Java|Waldo, Jim|9780596803735\n1997|Butterworth-Heinemann|Software Development for Engineers, C/C++, Pascal, Assembly, Visual Basic, HTML, Java Script, Java DOS, Windows NT, UNIX|Buchanan, William|9780340700143\n2012|McGraw Hill|Java Programming (Oracle Press)|Sarang, Poornachandra|9780071633604\n2017|Pearson|Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, Student Value Edition Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText - Access Card Package|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780134756431\n1999|O'Reilly Media|Java I/O (Java Series)|Harold, Elliotte Rusty|9781565924857\n2005|Addison-Wesley Professional|Java Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Corner Cases|Bloch, Joshua and Gafter, Neal|9780321336781\n2004|Springer|Multimedia Introduction to Programming Using Java|Gries, David and Gries, Paul|9780387226811\n2002|Apress|Bug Patterns In Java|Allen, Eric|9781590590614\n2020|Sybex|OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer Complete Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-815, Exam 1Z0-816, and Exam 1Z0-817|Boyarsky, Jeanne and Selikoff, Scott|9781119619130\n1997|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|Java Programmer's Reference|Schildt, Herbert and O'Neil, Joe|9780078823688\n2002|Sams|Java for the Web With Servlets, Jsp, and Ejb: A Developer's Guide to Scalable Solutions|Kurniawan, Budi|9780735711952\n2007|John Wiley and Sons|Java Concepts, Compatible with Java 5 and 6, 5th Edition|Horstmann, Cay S.|9780470105559\n2014|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Intro to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version, 10/e|Liang, Y. and Liang, Y. Daniel|9780133762518\n2003|Course Technology|Data Structures Using Java|Malik, D. S.|9780619159504\n2010|Pearson Education|Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive: International Edition|Liang|9780132472753\n2006|Wiley|Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs|Magee, Jeff and Kramer, Jeff|9780470093559\n2000|O'Reilly Media|Learning Java (Java Series)|Knudsen, Jonathan and Niemeyer, Patrick|9781565927186\n2014|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power Of Java 8 Lambda Expressions|Subramaniam, Venkat|9781937785468\n2005|Cengage Learning|Java Programming: Introductory Concepts and Techniques (Available Titles Skills Assessment Manager (SAM) - Office 2010)|Shelly, Gary B. and Cashman, Thomas J. and Starks, Joy L.|9781418859831\n2014|Addison-Wesley Professional|Java Language Specification, Java SE 8 Edition, The (Java Series)|Gosling, James and Joy, Bill and Steele Jr., Guy and Bracha, Gilad and Buckley, Alex|9780133900699\n2007|Chapman and Hall/CRC|A Practical Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms using Java (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Algorithms and Data Structures series)|Goldman, Sally. A and Goldman, Kenneth. J|9781584884552\n2015|DT EDITORIAL SERVICES|Java 8 Programming: Black Book|WILEY INDIA and WILEY INDIA and WILEY INDIA|9789351197584\n2011|Wrox|Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer|Fain, Yakov|9780470889640\n2004|Prentice Hall|Just Java 2 (6th Edition)|van der Linden, Peter|9780131482111\n2020|O'Reilly Media|Learning Java: An Introduction to Real-World Programming with Java|Loy, Marc and Niemeyer, Patrick and Leuck, Daniel|9781492056270\n1999|Sams|Java Thread Programming|Hyde, Paul|9780672315855\n2014|Apress|Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries: Swing, JavaFX, JavaScript, JDBC and Network Programming APIs (Expert's Voice in Java)|Sharan, Kishori|9781430266617\n2003|Cambridge University Press|Java Frameworks and Components: Accelerate Your Web Application Development|Nash, Michael|9780521520591\n2001|Addison-Wesley Professional|Building Parsers with Java|Metsker, Steven John Metsker|9780201719628\n1996|Addison-Wesley|The Java Class Libraries: An Annotated Reference (Java Series) (v. 1)|Chan, Patrick and Lee, Rosanna|9780201634587\n2000|McGraw-Hill|Java 2 Programmer's Reference|ONeil, Joseph|9780072123548\n2007|Springer|Java for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications|Bal, Harshawardhan and Hujol, Johnny|9780387372372\n20130312|Springer Nature|Java kompakt|Matthias Hölzl; Allaithy Raed; Martin Wirsing|9783642285042\n2017|No Starch Press|Learn Java the Easy Way: A Hands-On Introduction to Programming|Payne, Bryson|9781593278052\n2018|Cengage Learning|Bundle: Java Programming, Loose-Leaf Version, 9th + MindTap Programming, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card|Farrell, Joyce|9781337756280\n20080514|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Java Web Services: Up and Running|Kalin, Martin|9780596521127\n2012|O'Reilly Media|Clojure Programming: Practical Lisp for the Java World|Emerick, Chas and Carper, Brian and Grand, Christophe|9781449394707\n2011|Wiley-IEEE Press|Practical Database Programming with Java|Bai, Ying|9780470889404\n2015|Wrox|Java Programming: 24-Hour Trainer|Fain, Yakov|9781118951453\n2009|McGraw-Hill Higher Education|An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java|Wu, C. Thomas|9780071283687\n2007|McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math|A Comprehensive Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java|Wu, C|9780073317083\n2014|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Code Card -- for Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design|Lewis, John and Lewis, John and Loftus, William|9780133781281\n2004|O'Reilly Media|Java Network Programming, Third Edition|Harold, Elliotte Rusty|9780596007218\n2000|Addison-Wesley|The Real-Time Specification for Java|Gosling, James and Bollella, Greg and Dibble, Peter and Furr, Steve and Turnbull, Mark|9780201703238\n1996|Waite Group Pr|Black Art of Java Game Programming|Fan, Joel and Tenitchi, Calin and Ries, Eric|9781571690432\n2000|Addison-Wesley|Advanced Programming for the Java 2 Platform|Austin, Calvin and Pawlan, Monica|9780201715019\n2000|Cambridge University Press|Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java|Wiener, Richard and Pinson, Lewis J.|9780521662208\n2017|For Dummies|Java For Dummies (For Dummies (Computers))|Burd, Barry|9781119235552\n2008|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Groovy: Dynamic Productivity for the Java Developer (Pragmatic Programmers)|Subramaniam, Venkat|9781934356098\n2008|CRC Press|Java Programming Fundamentals: Problem Solving Through Object Oriented Analysis and Design|Nair, Premchand S.|9781420065473\n2004|McGraw-Hill Education|Java Demystified|Keogh, Jim|9780072254549\n2008|Prentice Hall|Introduction to Java Programming|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780136042587\n1997|Cambridge University Press|Modern Compiler Implementation in Java|Appel, Andrew W.|9780521583886\n2004|Prentice Hall|Small Java How To Program|Deitel, Harvey M. and Deitel, Paul J.|9780131486607\n2017|Manning Publications|Functional Programming in Java: How functional techniques improve your Java programs|Saumont, Pierre-Yves|9781617292736\n1999|Wiley|Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans and the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition|Roman, Ed|9780471332299\n2003|Jones & Bartlett Publishers|Programming and Problem Solving with Java|Dale, Nell B. and Chip Weems and Mark R. Headington|9780763704902\n1996|Ventana Pr|Java Programming For The Internet: A Guide To Creating Dynamic, Interactive Internet Applications|Pratik R. Patel and Alan D. Hudson and Donald A. Ball|9781566043557\n2002|McGraw-Hill/OsborneMedia|Java Servlets Developer's Guide|Karl Moss and Michael Mueller and Lyssa Wald|9780072222623\n2019|Pearson|Mylab Programming with Pearson Etext -- Access Card -- For Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780134672816\n2004|Morgan Kaufmann|Java Cryptography Extensions: Practical Guide for Programmers (The Practical Guides)|Weiss, Jason R.|9780127427515\n2001|O'Reilly Media|Java Programming with Oracle JDBC|Bales, Donald|9780596000882\n2004|Prentice Hall|Java Application Development on Linux|Albing, Carl|9780131436978\n2006|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Java Web Development Illuminated (Jones and Bartlett Illuminated (Paperback))|Qian, Kai|9780763734237\n2000|Que Pub|Platinum Edition Using Xhtml, Xml and Java 2|O'Donnell, Jim|9780789724731\n1996|Addison-Wesley|Hooked on Java: Creating Hot Web Sites With Java Applets|Van Hoff, Arthur and Shaio, Sami and Starbuck, Orca and Sun Microsystems, Inc.|9780201488371\n2012||Java Programming: A Comprehensive 1st Skrien|Herbert Schildt, Dale John Skrien|9780071310376\n1996|Addison-wesley Pub. Co.|Hooked On Java: Creating Hot Web Sites With Java Applets|Van Hoff, Arthur.|9780201852745\n2010|Apress|The Definitive Guide to Jython: Python for the Java Platform (Expert's Voice in Software Development)|Juneau, Josh and Baker, Jim and Wierzbicki, Frank and Soto Muoz, Leo and Ng, Victor and Ng, Alex and Baker, Donna L.|9781430225270\n1999|Wiley|Concurrency: State Models & Java Programs|Magee, Jeff and Kramer, Jeff|9780471987109\n2021|Oxford University Press|Programming in Java|Sachin Malhotra,Saurabh Chaudhary|9780198094852\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Learning Wireless Java|Qusay Mahmoud|9780596002435\n2007|Addison Wesley|Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures|Lewis, John and DePasquale, Peter and Chase, Joseph|9780321429728\n2006|Springer|An Introduction to Network Programming with Java|Graba, Jan|9781846283802\n1997|O'Reilly Media|Java Virtual Machine (Java Series)|Downing, Troy and Meyer, Jon|9781565921948\n2002|Course Technology|Object-Oriented Application Development Using Java|Doke, E. Reed and Satzinger, John W. and Rebstock Williams, Susan|9780619035655\n2005|Lawrenceville Pr|A Guide To Programming in Java: Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5|Brown, Beth|9781580030717\n2004|Wrox|Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven|Hightower, Richard and Onstine, Warner and Visan, Paul and Payne, Damon and Gradecki, Joseph D.|9780764556173\n2019|Pearson|Building Java Programs, Student Value Edition|Reges, Stuart and Stepp, Marty|9780135472118\n1999|Sams|Java 2 for Professional Developers|Morgan, Michael|9780672316975\n1999|Manning Publications|Java Network Programming, 2nd Edition|Hughes, Merlin and Hamner, Derek and Hughes, Merlin|9781884777493\n2007|Course Technology|Modern Software Development Using Java|Tymann, Paul T. and Schneider, G.Michael|9781423901235\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Java Management Extensions: Managing Java Applications with JMX|J. Steven Perry|9780596002459\n2014|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Intro to Java Programming, Brief Version|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780133592689\n2004|Prentice Hall|Java Transaction Processing (Hewlett-Packard Professional Books): Design and Implementation|Mark Little and Jon Maron and Greg Pavlik and Jonathan Maron|9780130352903\n2003|IBM Press|Enterprise Java Programming with IBM WebSphere (2nd Edition)|Brown, Kyle and Craig, Gary and Hester, Greg and Pitt, David and Stinehour, Russell and Weitzel, Mark and Amsden, Jim and Jakab, Peter M. and Berg, Daniel|9780321185792\n2004|O'Reilly Media|Hardcore Java|Robert Simmons|9780596005689\n1999|Addison Wesley|Introduction to Programming Using Java: An Object-Oriented Approach: Java 2 Update|Arnow, David and Weiss, Gerald|9780201612721\n2009|Cengage Learning|Java Programming|Farrell, Joyce|9780324599510\n1997|O'Reilly Media|Java in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference for Java Programmers (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))|Flanagan, David|9781565922624\n2007|Cengage Learning PTR|Beginning Java Game Programming Second Edition|Harbour, Jonathan S.|9781598634761\n2001|Prentice Hall Ptr|Java 3D API Jump-Start|Aaron E. Walsh and Doug Gehringer|9780130340764\n1999|Prentice Hall|Java 2 Programmer's Interactive Workbook|Chu, Kevin and Brower, Eric|9780130166388\n2005|Wiley-Interscience|Modern Multithreading : Implementing, Testing, and Debugging Multithreaded Java and C++/Pthreads/Win32 Programs|Carver, Richard H. and Tai, Kuo-Chung|9780471725046\n2015|Apress|Pro Java 8 Programming|Brett Spell, Terrill|9781484206423\n2006|Pragmatic Bookshelf|From Java to Ruby: Things Every Manager Should Know (Pragmatic Programmers)|Tate, Bruce A.|9780976694090\n2011|Addison-Wesley Professional|Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures Through Data Structures with Java Integrated Development Environment Resource Kit|Gaddis, Tony and Muganda, Godfrey|9780132757638\n1999|Springer|Essential Java 2 fast: How to develop applications and applets with Java 2 (Essential Series)|Cowell, John|9781852330712\n2008|Apress|Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect|Tulach, Jaroslav|9781430209737\n2003|For Dummies|Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies (For Dummies (Computers))|Burd, Barry A.|9780764526466\n2000|Coriolis Group|Java Black Book: The Java Book Programmers Turn To First|Holzner, Steven|9781576105313\n20200417|Pearson Education (US)|Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version|Y. Daniel Liang|9780136801504\n2017|Pearson|Java Software Solutions, Student Value Edition Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText - Access Card Package|Lewis, John and Loftus, William|9780134756387\n1998|Wiley|Client/Server Programming with Java and CORBA, 2nd Edition|Orfali, Robert and Harkey, Dan|9780471245780\n2012|Packt Publishing|Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer Study Guide|M. Reese Richard|9781849687324\n2005|John Wiley & Sons|Concurrent And Real-time Programming In Java|Andrew Wellings|9780470011270\n2011|Oxford University Press|Programming in JAVA|Malhotra, Sachin and Choudhary, Saurabh|9780198063582\n1996|IDG Books|Java for Dummies|Aaron E. Walsh|9781568846415\n1998|Addison-Wesley|The Java Tutorial: Object-Oriented Programming for the Internet (2nd Edition)|Campione, Mary and Walrath, Kathy|9780201310078\n1999|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days (Teach Yourself in 21 Days Series)|Lemay, Laura and Cadenhead, Rogers|9780672316388\n2005|Course Technology|Java Programming|Farrell, Joyce|9780619213190\n2012|McGraw-Hill Education TAB|Kinect Open Source Programming Secrets: Hacking the Kinect with OpenNI, NITE, and Java|Davison, Andrew|9780071783170\n2003|Wiley|MySQL and Java Developer's Guide|Mark Matthews and Jim Cole and Joseph D. Gradecki|9780471269236\n2013|Pearson|MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Building Java Programs (MyProgrammingLab (Access Codes))|Reges, Stuart and Stepp, Marty|9780133379785\n1999|Prentice Hall|Java for Students 1.2|Bell, Doug and Parr, Mike|9780130109224\n1996|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Foundations of Java Programming for the World Wide Web|Walsh, Aaron E.|9781568848112\n2017|O'Reilly Media|Java Pocket Guide: Instant Help for Java Programmers|Liguori, Robert and Liguori, Patricia|9781491938690\n2001|Prentice Hall PTR|Core Java 2, Volume II: Advanced Features (5th Edition)|Horstmann, Cay and Cornell, Gary|9780130927385\n||Java|In Easy Steps|9780071077101\n2002|Prentice Hall|Java, Java, Java Object-Oriented Problem Solving (2nd Edition)|Morelli, Ralph|9780130333704\n2006|Sams Publishing|Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse|Hemrajani, Anil|9780672328961\n2002|Syngress|Programming Lego Mindstorms with Java (With CD-ROM)|Dario Laverde and Giulio Ferrari and Jurgen Stuber|9781928994558\n2007|AddisonWesley Professional|Eclipse Web Tools Platform: Developing Java Web Applications|Dai, Naci|9780321396853\n2001|O'Reilly Media|Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ|Price, Jason|9780596000875\n2016|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Java: The Ultimate Guide To Learn Java Programming And Computer Hacking (java For Beginners, Java For Dummies, Java Apps, Hacking) (html, Javascript, ... Developers, Coding, Css, Php) (volume 2)|Peter Hoffman and Matt Benton|9781523407811\n2003|John Wiley &Sons|Mastering AspectJ: Aspect-Oriented Programming in Java|Gradecki, Joseph D.|9780471431046\n2005|Addison Wesley|Starting Out with Java 5: Control Structures to Objects|Gaddis, Tony|9781576761717\n2008|I. K. International Pvt Ltd|Data Structures Through Java|Muniswamy|9788189866822\n2001|Prentice Hall|Weaving a Website: Programming in HTML, Java Script, Perl and Java|Anderson-Freed, Susan|9780130282200\n2006|Prentice Hall|Introduction to Java Programming (GOAL Series)|Liang, Y Daniel|9780132237383\n2002|Wiley|Java the UML Way: Integrating Object-Oriented Design and Programming|Lervik, Else and Havdal, Vegard B.|9780470843864\n2012|Apress|Pro JavaFX 2: A Definitive Guide to Rich Clients with Java Technology|Weaver, James and Gao, Weiqi and Chin, Stephen and Iverson, Dean and Vos, Johan|9781430268727\n2000|O'Reilly Media|Java Network Programming (Java (O'Reilly))|Harold, Elliotte Rusty|9781565928701\n2003|Sybex|Java Programming 10-Minute Solutions|Watson, Mark and Sybex|9780782142853\n1996|Mis Pr|Java Programming Basics|Au, Edith and Makower, Dave|9781558284692\n2002|Wrox|Beginning Java 2|Horton, Ivor|9780764543654\n2015|Kidware Software|Java For Kids: NetBeans 8 Programming Tutorial|Conrod, Philip and Tylee, Lou|9781937161880\n2018|Mercury Learning & Information|Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with JAVA|Gordon, V. Scott and Clevenger, John L.|9781683922193\n1999|Prentice Hall Ptr|Core Java 2 , Volume 2: Advanced Features (4th Edition)|Horstmann, Cay S. and Cornell, Gary|9780130819345\n2012|Pearson|MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Absolute Java (5th Edition)|Pearson Education and Mock, Kenrick|9780132846387\n2007|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Rails for Java Developers|Halloway, Stuart and Gehtland, Justin|9780977616695\n1997|Computing McGraw-Hill|Advanced Java 1.1 Programming|Rice, Jeffrey C. and Salisbury, Irving|9780079130891\n2020|O'Reilly Media|Programming AWS Lambda: Build and Deploy Serverless Applications with Java|Chapin, John and Roberts, Mike|9781492041054\n2019|Springer|Fundamentals of Java Programming|Ogihara, Mitsunori|9783030077853\n2020|O'Reilly Media|Quarkus Cookbook: Kubernetes-Optimized Java Solutions|Bueno, Alex Soto and Porter, Jason|9781492062653\n1996|Sybex Inc|Mastering Java|Phillips, Ivan and Hsu, Goang-Tay and Sankar, Krishna and Ries, Eric and Rohaly, Tim and Zukowski, John and Vanhelsuwe, Laurence|9780782119350\n2002|Wiley|Java Database Programming Bible|O'Donahue, John|9780764549243\n2009|Springer|A Concise and Practical Introduction to Programming Algorithms in Java (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)|Nielsen, Frank|9781848823389\n2006|Lawrenceville Pr|A Guide to Programming in Java: Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5|Brown, Beth|9781580030724\n2002|Pearson P T R|Java Web Services: For Experienced Programmers (Deitel Developers Series)|Deitel, Harvey M. and Deitel, Paul J. and Gadzik, J. P. and Lomeli, K. and Santry, S. E. and Zhang, S.|9780130461346\n2013|Kidware Software|Java For Kids - A Computer Programming Tutorial|Conrod, Philip and Tylee, Lou|9781937161606\n2003|Charles River Media|ANT: The Java Build Tool In Practice (Programming Series)|Matzke, Bernd|9781584502487\n2001|Pearson|On to Java (3rd Edition)|Winston, Patrick Henry and Narasimhan, Sundar|9780201725933\n2003|Apress|Java Regular Expressions: Taming the java.util.regex Engine|Mehran Habibi|9781590591079\n2000|Apress|Professional Java Programming|Spell, Brett|9781861003829\n1996|Osborne Mcgraw-Hill|The Java Handbook|Naughton, Patrick|9780078821998\n2003|Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated|Java Testing Patterns|Andrew Glover and Kyle Brown and Jon Thomas and Matthew Young|9780471448464\n2020|Payload Media|Android Studio 4.0 Development Essentials - Java Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio 4.0, Java and Android Jetpack|Smyth, Neil|9781951442224\n2001|Wiley|Java In Telecommunications: Solutions For Next Generation Networks|Thomas C. Jepsen and Farooq Anjum and Ravi Raj Bhat and Douglas Tait|9780471498261\n2007|Apress|Pro Java 6 3D Game Development: Java 3D, JOGL, JInput and JOAL APIs (Expert's Voice in Java)|Davison, Andrew|9781590598177\n1998|Addison-Wesley|Understanding Object-Oriented Programming With Java|Budd, Timothy|9780201308815\n1999|Wiley|Computing Concepts with Java 2 Essentials|Horstmann, Cay S.|9780471346098\n2002|Manning Publications|Java 2 Micro Edition|White, James and Hemphill, David A and Hemphill, David|9781930110335\n2005|Charles River Media|Java Messaging (Programming Series)|Bruno, Eric|9781584504184\n2000|Apress|Beginning Java 2 - Jdk 1.3 Edition (Programmer to Programmer)|Horton, Ivor|9781861003669\n2000|Sybex Inc|The Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide: Programmer's and Developers Exams (With CD-ROM)|Roberts, Simon and Heller, Philip and Ernest, Michael and Heller, Philip|9780782128253\n2003|Prentice Hall|Information Systems Programming with Java (2nd Edition)|Staugaard, Andrew|9780131018600\n2017|Packt Publishing|Mastering Concurrency Programming with Java 9 - Second Edition: Fast, reactive and parallel application development|Gonzalez, Javier Fernandez|9781785887949\n1999|McGraw-Hill Education|Java 2: The Complete Reference|Naughton, Patrick and Schildt, Herbert|9780072132878\n2001|Research & Education Association|Java Super Review w/ CD-ROM (Super Reviews Study Guides)|Rea and Staff of Research & Education Association and Randall Raus and Dr. Hang Lau|9780878913800\n1997|O'Reilly Media|Java in a Nutshell, Deluxe Edition (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))|Flanagan, David|9781565923041\n2017|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Code Card -- for Java How to Program, Early Objects|Deitel, Paul and Deitel, Harvey|9780134752129\n1996|Sams|Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days (Teach Yourself (Teach Yourself))|Lemay, Laura and Perkins, Charles L.|9781575210308\n2014|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Learn to Program with Minecraft Plugins: Create Flaming Cows in Java Using CanaryMod|Hunt, Andy|9781941222942\n2021|Sybex|OCP Java SE 11 Developer Complete Certication Kit|Boyarsky, Jeanne and Selikoff, Scott|9781119784746\n2009|Apress|Learn Objective-C for Java Developers (Learn Series)|Bucanek, James|9781430223696\n1999|Iuniverse|Principles Of Object-oriented Programming In Java 1.1|James W. Cooper|9781583482186\n2002|Addison-Wesley|Java Data Objects|Roos, Robin M.|9780321123800\n1998|O'Reilly Media|Java Cryptography (Java Series)|Knudsen, Jonathan|9781565924024\n1998|McGraw-Hill|Schaum's Outlines of Programming with Java|Hubbard, John R.|9780071342100\n2019|Apress|Practical Microservices Architectural Patterns: Event-Based Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud|Binildas Christudas|9781484245019\n2003|Que Pub|Java 2 Developer Exam Cram 2: Exam Cx-310-252A and Cx-310-027|Trottier, Alain|9780789729927\n1997|Prentice Hall Ptr|JAVA JUMP START: A Beginner's Guide to Internet Programming|Enete, Noel|9780135658543\n2002|Sams Publishing|JXTA: Java P2P Programming|Brookshier, Daniel and Govoni, Darren and Krishnan, Navaneeth and Soto, Juan|9780672323669\n2016|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Introduction to Java Programming, AP Version (1-year access)|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780134441160\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Java: Simple Beginner’s Guide to Java Programming (Tips and Tricks and Strategies of Java Programming) (Volume 1)|Laurence, Paul|9781718753914\n1999|Waite Group Pr|Java Programming for Linux|Meyers, Nathan|9781571691668\n2001|Apress|Professional WebObjects with Java|Thomas Termini and Pierce Wetter and Ben Galbraith and Jim Roepcke and Pero Maric and John Hopkins and Josh Flowers and Daniel Steinberg and Max Muller and Michael DeMann and Bernard Scholz|9781861004314\n2008|Morgan Kaufmann|Bluetooth Application Programming with the Java APIs Essentials Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)|Thompson, Timothy J. and Kumar, C Bala and Kline, Paul J.|9780123743428\n2012|Pearson College Div|Introduction to Java Programming|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780133051469\n2008|Packt Publishing|Java EE 5 Development with NetBeans 6|Heffelfinger, David|9781847195463\n|Pearson Education Limited|Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version Plus Pearson Mylab Programming with Pearson Etext, Global Edition||9781292222028\n|Wrox Press|Professional Oracle 8i Java|Wrox Press Author Team|9781861004154\n2005|Sams Publishing|Java After Hours: 10 Projects You'll Never Do at Work|Holzner, Steven|9780672327476\n1999|Apress|Professional JavaScript with DHTML, ASP, CGI, FESI, Netscape Enterprise Server, Windows Script Host, LiveConnect and Java|Chirelli, Andrea and Li, Sing and Wilton, Paul and McFarlane, Nigel and Updegrave, Stuart and Wilcox, Mark and Wootton, Cliff and McFarlane, Nigel and James De Carli|9781861002709\n2001|Sams|Wireless Java Programming With J2me|Yu Feng and Jun Zhu|9780672321351\n2017|Cengage Learning|Java Programming, Loose-leaf Version|Farrell, Joyce|9781337685917\n1996|Computing McGraw-Hill|Web Site Programming With Java|Harms, David and Fiske, Barton C. and Rice, Jeffrey C.|9780079129864\n2002|Charles River Media|Java Programming Fundamentals (CYBERROOKIES SERIES)|Seefeld, Kimberly|9781584502210\n2000|Sams|Java Server Pages Application Development|Scott M. Stirling and Andre Lei and Ben Forta and Edwin Smith and Larry Kim and Roger Kerr and David Aden|9780672319396\n2000|Addison-wesley Professional|Ldap Programming With Java (paperback)|Rob Weltman and Tony Dahbura|9780768682144\n20041228|Cambridge University Press|COBOL Programmers Swing with Java|E. Reed Doke; Bill C. Hardgrave; Richard A. Johnson|9780511081507\n1999|Holt Software Associates Inc.|Programming Concepts in Java 2nd Edition w/ IBM's VisualAge for Java 2.0 Software||9780921598329\n2007|AddisonWesley Professional|Next Generation Java Testing: TestNG and Advanced Concepts|Beust, C\Xe9dric|9780321503107\n20140328|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Client-Server Web Apps with JavaScript and Java|Casimir Saternos|9781449369316\n2014|Apress|Pro JavaFX 8: A Definitive Guide to Building Desktop, Mobile, and Embedded Java Clients|Vos, Johan and Gao, Weiqi and Weaver, James and Chin, Stephen and Iverson, Dean|9781430265740\n1999|Sams|Pure Java 2|Litwak, Kenneth|9780672316548\n2021|McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.|Programming with Java|Bradley, Julia Case and Millspaugh, Anita|9780071123099\n2006|BrainySoftware|Java 5: A Beginner's Tutorial (BrainySoftware)|Kurniawan, Budi|9780975212851\n2002|Sams Publishing|Java 2 Unleashed|Potts, Stephen and Pestrikov, Alex|9780672323942\n2002|Sams Publishing|Java Media APIs: Cross-Platform Imaging, Media and Visualization|Terrazas PH.D., Alejandro and Ostuni PH.D., John and Barlow, Michael|9780672320941\n2002|Microsoft Press|C# for Java Developers (Pro-Developer)|Jones, Allen and Freeman, Adam|9780735617797\n2001|Pearson Education (US)|Understanding Object-Oriented Programming with Java|Timothy A. Budd|9780201787047\n2001|Addison-Wesley Professional|Programming Open Service Gateways with Java Embedded Server™ Technology|Mike Hendrickson and Chen, Kirk and Gong, Li|9780201711028\n2013|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming in Java|Mohan, Permanand|9781482587524\n2021|CENGAGE INDIA|Java Programming: Advanced Topics (GTU) (with CD)|WILLIAMS RICHARD H.|9788131508688\n2002|Course Technology|Java Programming, Second Edition|Farrell, Joyce|9780619016593\n2022|N/a|Java An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming|Walter Savitch|9780273751427\n2003|O'Reilly Media|Java Extreme Programming Cookbook|Eric M. Burke and Brian M. Coyner|9780596003876\n2011|Course Technology|Java Programming From Problem Analysis To Program Design|Malik and D. S.|9781111577643\n2010|Packt Publishing|Google App Engine Java and GWT Application Development|Guermeur, Daniel and Unruh, Amy|9781849690447\n2002|Routledge|Java Programming for Engineers (Mechanical Engineering)|Sanchez, Julio|9780849308109\n2004|Wiley|Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Java|Wellings, Andrew|9780470844373\n2021|Jones & Bartlet|A Laboratory Course for Programming with Java|Dale|9789380108186\n2014|Apress|Learn Java for Web Development: Modern Java Web Development|Layka, Vishal|9781430259848\n1999|Alpha|The Complete Idiot's Guide to Java 2|Morrison, Michael|9780789721310\n2004|O'Reilly Media|Java Threads: Understanding and Mastering Concurrent Programming|Scott Oaks and Henry Wong|9780448446257\n2012|Pearson College Div|Java + MyProgrammingLab Access Code: How to Program|Deitel, Paul and Deitel, Harvey|9780132940955\n2006|Apress|Pro EJB 3: Java Persistence API (Expert's Voice in Java)|Keith, Mike and Schincariol, Merrick|9781590596456\n2012|PUP Department of Computer Science|Start Concurrent: An Introduction to Problem Solving in Java with a Focus on Concurrency, 2013 Edition|Wittman, Barry and Mathur, Aditya and Korb, Tim|9781557536723\n2008|Packt Publishing|DWR Java AJAX Applications|Sami Salkosuo|9781847192936\n1999|Springer|Formal Syntax and Semantics of Java (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1523))||9783540661580\n2004|Course Technology|Java Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design|Smith, Jo Ann|9780619160258\n2013|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Learning Java through Alice|Daly, Tebring and Wrigley, Eileen|9781491073933\n2002|Mc Press|Java for RPG Programmers|Coulthard, Phil and Farr, George|9781931182065\n2012|Pearson|MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Introduction to Java Programming, Brief Version (MyProgrammingLab (Access Codes))|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780132991568\n2016|Apress|Beginning Robotics Programming in Java with LEGO Mindstorms|Lu, Wei|9781484220047\n1999|Charles River Media|Graphics Programming With Java Second Edition/Book and Cd-Rom (Graphics Series)|Stevens, Roger T.|9781886801912\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Java: The Guide to Master Java Programming Fast (Booklet) (Volume 2)|Hoffman, Andrew|9781532852701\n2013|Packt Publishing|BPEL and Java Cookbook|Laznik, Jurij|9781849689205\n2003|Mcgraw-hill (tx)|An Introduction To Object-oriented Programming With Java|C. Thomas Wu|9780071217705\n2001|Sams Publishing|Jython for Java Programmers|Bill, Robert|9780735711112\n2000|Manning Publications|Server-Based Java Programming|Neward, Ted|9781884777714\n2016-09-26|Wiley Global Education US|Big Java Late Objects|Cay S. Horstmann|9781119321071\n2000|O'Reilly Media|The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|9781565928503\n20170404|Pearson Technology Group|Introduction to Programming in Java|Robert Sedgewick; Kevin Wayne|9780134512396\n2011|BrainySoftware|Java 7: A Beginner's Tutorial|Kurniawan, Budi|9780980839616\n2000|Holt Software Assoc Inc|Introduction to Programming in Java|Hume, J. N. Patterson and Stephenson, Christine|9780921598398\n20100824|Pearson Technology Group|Java EE 6 Tutorial, The|Eric Jendrock; Ian Evans; Devika Gollapudi; Kim Haase; Chinmayee Srivathsa|9780137084265\n2001|McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math|Objects Have Class: An Introduction to Programming with Java with CD-ROM and OLC|Poplawski, David A.|9780072505016\n2009|Pearson|Seam Framework: Experience the Evolution of Java EE (2nd Edition)|Yuan, Michael and Orshalick, Jacob and Heute, Thomas|9780137129393\n2004|Wiley|An Introduction to Programming and Object-Oriented Design Using Java|Ni?o, Jaime and Hosch, Frederick A.|9780471481676\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Learn Java 8 In a Week: A beginner's guide to Java Programming (Black Book)|Rathore, Mahavir DS|9781530669172\n2002|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Introduction To Cryptography With Java Applets|Bishop, David|9780763722074\n2017|Packt Publishing|Modular Programming in Java 9: Build large scale applications using Java modularity and Project Jigsaw|Kothagal, Koushik|9781787126909\n2015|机械工业出版社|Java Programming Language (Basic) (the original book version 10) - Java语言程序设计(基础篇)(原书第10版)|[美]Y.Daniel Liang|9787111506904\n1996|Coriolis Group|Java Programming EXplorer: Everything You Need to Develop Internet Applications with the Java Programming Language|Simkin, Steve and Bartlett, Neil and Leslie, Alex|9781883577810\n1998|Cambridge University Press|Java Gems: Jewels from Java Report|Dwight Deugo and Donald G. Firesmith|9780521648240\n2017|Addison-Wesley Professional|Effective Java|Joshua, Bloch|9780134686042\n1999|Coriolis Group|Java 2 Exam Cram Exam 310-025|William B. Brogden|9781576102916\n2010|Pearson Education|Introduction to Java Programming, Brief: International Edition|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780132473118\n1999|Coriolis Group|Java 2 Exam Prep (Exam: 310-025)|Brogden, Bill|9781576102619\n1999|Mc Pr Llc|Java Application Strategies For The As/400|Don Denoncourt|9781883884611\n2018|Packt Publishing|Developing Java Applications with Spring and Spring Boot|Oliveira, Claudio Eduardo de and Turnquist, Greg L. and Antonov, Alex|9781789534757\n2002|Prentice Hall|Practical Object-Oriented Development with UML and Java|Lee, Richard C. and Tepfenhart, William M.|9780130672384\n2019|Arcler Press|Java Programming Applications|Prudhomme, Gerard|9781774073193\n2000|Addison-Wesley|The Java 3D(TM) API Specification (2nd Edition)|Sowizral, Henry and Rushforth, Kevin and Deering, Michael|9780201710410\n20170830|Pearson Education (US)|Java Software Solutions|John Lewis; William Loftus|9780134544021\n2002|Apress|The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 1.4|Patterson, Jeremy and Habibi, Mehran and Camerlengo, Terry|9781590590300\n2019|Apress|Learn Java with Math: Using Fun Projects and Games|Dai, Ron|9781484252086\n2008|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Groovy Recipes: Greasing the Wheels of Java (Pragmatic Programmers)|Davis, Scott|9780978739294\n2004||Java Programming For Kids|Yakov Fain|9780971843950\n2001|Apress|Java XML Programmer's Reference|Eric Jung and Andrei Cioroianu and Dave Writz and Mohammad Akif and Steven Brodhead and James Hart|9781861005205\n2004-08-26|Wiley|Java 2 For Dummies|Barry Burd|9780764578496\n20150529|Pearson Education (US)|Starting Out with Java|Tony Gaddis|9780133957235\n2000|Morgan Kaufmann|Understanding SQL and Java Together: A Guide to SQLJ, JDBC, and Related Technologies (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Melton, Jim and Eisenberg, Andrew|9781558605626\n2003|Sams|Extreme Programming With Ant: Building and Deploying Java Applications With Jsp, Ejb, Xslt, Xdoclet, and Junit|Niemeyer, Glenn and Poteet, Jeremy|9780672325625\n2015|Packt Publishing|Learning Network Programming with Java|Reese, Richard|9781785882562\n1998|Wiley|Computer Graphics for Java Programmers|Ammeraal, Leen|9780471981428\n2014|Apress|Beginning Java 8 Games Development|Jackson, Wallace|9781484204153\n2017|Independently published|Programming: Python Programming, JAVA Programming, HTML and CSS Programming for Beginners|Academy, iCode|9781520676081\n2006|Wiley|Developing Java Software (third edition)|Winder, Russel and Roberts, Graham|9780470090251\n2004|ISTE Publishing Company|Java & Databases (Innovative Technology Series)||9781903996157\n2020|Apress|Beginning Quarkus Framework: Build Cloud-Native Enterprise Java Applications and Microservices|Koleoso, Tayo|9781484260319\n2000|John Wiley and Sons|(Wcs)Intro to Programming W/ Java|Nino|9780471399568\n2005|Heaton Research, Inc.|Introduction to Neural Networks with Java|Heaton, Jeff T|9780977320608\n2005|Charles River Media|Learning JAVA through Applications (Programming Series)|Jarc, Duane J|9781584503767\n20080212|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Programming and Problem Solving with Java|Nell Dale|9781449639808\n1999|Mcgraw-hill Education (ise Editions)|An Introduction To Object Oriented Programming With Java (mcgraw-hill International Editions)|C.thomas Wu|9780071168502\n2022|SYS-CON Media|Rich Internet Applications with Adobe Flex and Java : Secrets of the Masters|Fain, Yakov; Rasputnis, Victor; Tartakovsky, Anatole|9780977762224\n2002|Cengage Learning PTR|Java Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Russell, Joseph P.|9780761535225\n1999|Addison-Wesley Professional|Mr. Bunny's Big Cup o' Java|Egremont, Carlton|9780201615630\n2020|Apress|Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices: Optimize Java Persistence Performance in Spring Boot Applications|Anghel Leonard|9781484256268\n2019|Packt Publishing|Serverless Programming Cookbook: Practical solutions to building serverless applications using Java and AWS|Kanikathottu, Heartin|9781788623797\n2000|Morgan Kaufmann|Object-Oriented Implementation of Numerical Methods: An Introduction with Java & Smalltalk (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and Programming)|Besset, Didier H.|9781558606791\n1998|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself Java 1.2 in 21 Days|Lemay, Laura and Cadenhead, Rogers|9781575213903\n2015|Cengage Learning|Java Programming|Farrell, Joyce|9781305480537\n2002|Muska & Lipman/Premier-Trade|Java Security|Ganguli, Madhushree|9781931841856\n2009||Java Programming|D. S. Malik|9781439040348\n2017|Apress|Pro Java Clustering and Scalability: Building Real-Time Apps with Spring, Cassandra, Redis, WebSocket and RabbitMQ|Acetozi, Jorge|9781484229859\n2000|Apress|Definitive Guide to Swing for Java 2, Second Edition|Zukowski, John|9781893115781\n2019||Reviewing Java|Maureau, Alex|9780557043552\n2007|Pearson|Introduction To Java Programming Comprehensive Version Custom Edition Sixth Edition|Y. Daniel Liang|9780558100117\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Computer Programming: 6 Books in 1: Beginner's Guide + Best Practices to Programming Code with Python, JavaScript and Java|Masterson, Charlie|9781548828547\n2002|Manning Publications|Java 3D Programming|Selman, Daniel|9781930110359\n1999|Course Technology Ptr (Sd)|Java Programming: Comprehensive|Farrell, Joyce M.|9780760010709\n2011|Pearson College Div|Java Software Solutions|Lewis and John/ Loftus|9780132783385\n20140226|Pearson Education (US)|Java Software Solutions|John Lewis; William Loftus|9780133795318\n2005| Publishing, Incorporated|Ant Java Notes: An Accelerated Intro Guide to the Java Ant Build Tool|A. T. Bell|9781589397385\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Android: Android Programming And Android App Development For Beginners: (Learn How To Program Android Apps, How To Develop Android Applications Through Java Programming, Android For Dummies)|Publishing, UpSkill|9781534746183\n1997|Sams|Maximum Java 1.1|Vanderburg, Glenn|9781575212906\n2000||Java Network Programming|E. Harold|9780765561947\n2006|Wiley|Developing Chemical Information Systems: An Object-Oriented Approach Using Enterprise Java|Li, Fan|9780471751571\n2007|Cengage Learning Ptr|Mobile 3d Graphics: Learning 3d Graphics With The Java Micro Edition|Claus Höfele|9781598632927\n20060516|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Java I/O|Elliotte Rusty Harold|9781449390884\n2015-09-18|Packt Publishing|Java Hibernate Cookbook|Yogesh Prajapati|9781784391904\n2013|Springer|An Introduction to Network Programming with Java: Java 7 Compatible|Graba, Jan|9781447152545\n2021|Prentice Hall of India|Object Oriented Programming with C++ and Java [Oct 30, 2004] D. Samanta|Samanta|9788120316201\n2002|Apress|Beginning Java Web Services|Henry Bequet and Meeraj Kunnumpurath and Rhody, Sean and Andre Tost|9781861007537\n2007|New Age Publications (academic)|Internet And Java Programming|R. Krishnamoorty,prabhu R. Krishnamoorty|9788122413526\n2002|John Wiley &Sons|Java Web Services Programming|Mogha, Rashim|9780764549526\n2004|Sams Publishing|BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 Kick Start: Simplifying Java Web Applications and J2EE|Saganich Jr., Albert and Hardy, Tom and Kaye, Lawrence and Srivatsan, Sunila|9780672326226\n1996|Coriolis Group,U.S.|Kickass Java Programming: Cutting-Edge Java Techniques With an Attitude|Tonny Espeset|9781883577995\n2012|Jaico Publishing House|Introduction To Java Programming|K. Somasundaram|9788184954432\n2012|Wiley Global Education|Big Java Late Objects|Cay S. Horstmann|9781118214572\n2014|Addison-Wesley Professional|Java Tutorial, The: A Short Course on the Basics (Java Series)|Gallardo, Raymond and Hommel, Scott and Kannan, Sowmya and Gordon, Joni and Zakhour, Sharon Biocca|9780134034690\n2004|Springer|The JR Programming Language: Concurrent Programming in an Extended Java (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science (774))|Olsson, Ronald A. and Keen, Aaron W.|9781402080852\n1999|Prentice Hall Ptr|Core Java Media Framework|deCarmo, Linden|9780130115195\n1997|Charles River Media|Graphics Programming with Java|Stevens, Roger|9781886801622\n2014|Wspc|The Nonlinear Workbook: Chaos, Fractals, Cellular Automata, Genetic Algorithms, Gene Expression Programming, Support Vector Machine, Wavelets, Hidden ... Java And Symbolicc++ Programs|Steeb, Willi-Hans|9789814583473\n2002|BPB Publications|Learn Advanced Java Script Programming|Vijay Mukhi|9788170299370\n20070830|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Darkstar: The Java Game Server|Brendan Burns|9780596514846\n1996|Prentice Hall Ptr|Java Programming For The Internet|Marc Loy|9780132707787\n2002|London ; Taylor & Francis, 2002.|Java Programming For Spatial Sciences|Jo Wood|9780203166178\n2004|iUniverse|First Course: Data Structures and Algorithms Using Java: Data Structures and Algorithms Using JAVA|Hill, Edward|9780595318964\n2017|Pearson Education Limited|Java Plus Myprogramminglab With Pearson Etext|Savitch and Walter J.|9781292184944\n2001|Wiley|Mobile Information Device Profile For Java 2 Microedition: Professional Developer's Guide (professional Developer's Guide Series)|C. Enrique Ortiz and Eric Gigu?re|9780471034650\n1999|Wiley|Programming Windows with Java and WFC|Krell, Bruce E.|9780764532726\n2011||C For Java Programmers: A Primer|Charlie McDowell|9781257188796\n2009|China Water Power Press Pub. Date :2009-09|Java Case Programming Tutorials(chinese Edition)|Guo Zhen Min Sheng Gui Yong|9787508468280\n2002|Indianapolis, In : Wiley, 2002.|Wireless Java Programming For Enterprise Applications|Dan Harkey and Shan Appajodu and Mike Larkin|9780471218784\n2008|Prentice Hall|Java: Introduction To Problem Solving And Programming Value Package (includes Addison-wesley's Java Backpack Reference Guide)|Walter Savitch and Frank Carrano|9780135038253\n2007-02-15|Packt Publishing|Google Web Toolkit: GWT Java AJAX Programming|Prabhakar Chaganti|9781847191014\n20061107|Springer Nature|The Definitive Guide to Building Java Robots|Scott Preston|9781430200888\n2013|Cengage Learning|Bundle: Java Programming, 7th + Coursemate Printed Access Card|Joyce Farrell|9781285999722\n2002|Cengage Learning|Java With Object-oriented Programming (non-infotrac Version)|Paul S. Wang|9780534391447 Java java engineer java year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n1998|Making the future safe for the past: adding genericity to the Java programming language|10.1145/286936.286957|594|44|Gilad Bracha and Martin Odersky and David Stoutamire and P. Wadler|7862ab20bf14ff78eb74c5b17fd52a4d498eaec2\n1998|Compatible genericity with run-time types for the Java programming language|10.1145/286936.286958|150|13|Robert Cartwright and G. Steele|fb892076f2b162d2c061bfefdad88158cf522b99\n2008|Session-Based Distributed Programming in Java|10.1007/978-3-540-70592-5_22|149|19|Raymond Hu and N. Yoshida and Kohei Honda|1c657b0b5a77b302493a69820540d418ba18ba47\n2004|Adding wildcards to the Java programming language|10.1145/967900.968162|137|13|Mads Torgersen and Erik Ernst and Christian Plesner Hansen and P. Ahé and Gilad Bracha and N. Gafter|cec77c48196c68ae617911e7b316612396ad27ec\n2000|Java programming for high-performance numerical computing|10.1147/SJ.391.0021|117|8|J. Moreira and S. Midkiff and Manish Gupta and Pedro V. Artigas and M. Snir and Richard D. Lawrence|e6ba2aae171aaadf0d4648cbd254f279c5b92566\n2014|Mining billions of AST nodes to study actual and potential usage of Java language features|10.1145/2568225.2568295|97|7|Robert Dyer and Hridesh Rajan and H. Nguyen and T. Nguyen|d5fd3931b0f0492bd543aac33c953aa541f2d03c\n2011|ContextJ: Context-oriented Programming with Java|10.11185/IMT.6.399|95|9|M. Appeltauer and R. Hirschfeld and M. Haupt and Hidehiko Masuhara|6472be8854d79560923461f32c36026ebc97f883\n2000|NaturalJava: a natural language interface for programming in Java|10.1145/325737.325845|93|5|D. Price and E. Riloff and J. Zachary and Brandon Harvey|a11513ce3256ebea0eec68b38acbd8275723050d\n2013|Maxine: An approachable virtual machine for, and in, java|10.1145/2400682.2400689|89|12|Christian Wimmer and M. Haupt and M. V. D. Vanter and Mick J. Jordan and L. Daynès and Doug Simon|3a54e9d683c172acf9d2a503754f1c68b7daf611\n1998|Java as first programming language: a critical evaluation|10.1145/292422.292440|87|6|Said Hadjerrouit|2f80cbad16b5945f2f5029012999aeff12efd51d\n2007|Keyword programming in Java|10.1007/s10515-008-0041-9|78|3|Greg Little and Rob Miller|6f6c15e91faf8afa4ad9b48c224350f1bf135054\n2007|Interface-based programming assignments and automatic grading of java programs|10.1145/1268784.1268805|64|7|Michael T. Helmick|48142625261b1cca94ab650a6ccf10706e830f49\n2017|Investigating Static Analysis Errors in Student Java Programs|10.1145/3105726.3106182|62|2|S. Edwards and Nischel Kandru and Mukund B. M. Rajagopal|f0552a483f71919a32365012de15051c206c00ad\n2001|Concurrent Programming: The Java Programming Language|10.12694/scpe.v4i2.230|62|5|G. Gagne|fcfd49bdf3cecf170a4bf5974bdfa2abcd250397\n2000|A Java programming tool for students with visual disabilities|10.1145/354324.354356|58|3|Ann C. Smith and J. Francioni and Sam D. Matzek|8892647a286cd2141d5d18c1a9b00fc2e1c58ff4\n2017|Understanding the use of lambda expressions in Java|10.1145/3133909|56|8|D. Mazinanian and Ameya Ketkar and Nikolaos Tsantalis and Danny Dig|f3047998ef0ab6ffffe617397cf8efe99bd34b80\n2014|LeakWatch: Estimating Information Leakage from Java Programs|10.1007/978-3-319-11212-1_13|50|4|Tom Chothia and Yusuke Kawamoto and Chris Novakovic|c72cea83ed4b4649251f54a83adc18124f42de55\n2014|DeltaJ 1.5: delta-oriented programming for Java 1.5|10.1145/2647508.2647512|50|5|J. Koscielny and Sönke Holthusen and I. Schaefer and Sandro Schulze and Lorenzo Bettini and F. Damiani|777b8c22184ce1b10a56730d594adae962f10cbc\n2008|Caching and incrementalisation in the java query language|10.1145/1449764.1449766|40|10|Darren Willis and David J. Pearce and J. Noble|1ef340939607eaf1361c9da010da9c3c12dcde42\n2015|Genetic Algorithms in Java Basics|10.1007/978-1-4842-0328-6|40|3|Lee Jacobson and B. Kanber|94ebd1b97887bd36ca54d93581ac83b2911157b4\n2012|Using mobile phone programming to teach Java and advanced programming to computer scientists|10.1145/2157136.2157292|39|5|D. Riley|d6b50fc7e13a1057b077ab3bd48f87271d9af8b8\n2002|Language-specific make technology for the Java programming language|10.1145/582419.582453|39|3|M. Dmitriev|c6db9561b9769a5fc1618e1fe29ee3b7851555a1\n2010|Programming Finite Elements in Java|10.1007/978-1-84882-972-5|34|2|G. Nikishkov|a8f6e0d60e1364333694ccc60cb04d5cf5f44374\n2011|Safe Parallel Programming with Session Java|10.1007/978-3-642-21464-6_8|30|0|Nicholas Ng and N. Yoshida and Olivier Pernet and Raymond Hu and Yiannos Kryftis|870662bb6c66a2069a7392e2ad2bb67f9a65dd94\n2012|A machine-checked, type-safe model of Java concurrency: language, virtual machine, memory model, and verified compiler|10.5445/KSP/1000028867|30|2|Andreas Lochbihler|c36ff13c201aa3caaa8ed1179b206023fdd194ed\n1997|The Case for Java as a Programming Language|10.1109/4236.585172|30|2|A. Hoff|2aed90d637971b96a891f79187f3e6e92736b925\n1998|Concurrent programming: the Java programming language|10.5860/choice.36-1006|30|1|Stephen J. Hartley|f3919013a32e7236f1235dc39b085e8fa3357be4\n2002|Evaluation of Assertion Support for the Java Programming Language|10.5381/jot.2002.1.3.a1|28|0|Reinhold Plösch|0e6ee9ce96b9f5aae32f1da6fbf21a44d7ee198b\n2010|Web-Based Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MORPG) for Assessing Students' Java Programming Knowledge and Skills|10.1109/DIGITEL.2010.20|22|0|Maiga Chang and Kinshuk|c6446458e72ce254305ef3cd4eeb0fc62c71cb4e\n2012|Modeling the Knowledge Domain of the Java Programming Language as an Ontology|10.1007/978-3-642-33642-3_16|21|1|Aggeliki Kouneli and G. Solomou and C. Pierrakeas and A. Kameas|3915703932e988d909d0a9251009fa6c5933290e\n1997|Improving the interactivity and functionality of Web-based radiology teaching files with the Java programming language.|10.1148/RADIOGRAPHICS.17.6.9397464|20|2|J. Eng|09501e85462489a754a1cab8eafd9ccb759f8234\n2003|Assessment of the Java programming language for use in high integrity systems|10.1145/844091.844099|19|1|J. Kwon and A. Wellings and S. King|90b925874632d2a11c9d3ada8c963e899e363c4e\n1998|Applications of JAVA programming language to database management|10.1145/273244.273254|13|0|Bradley F. Burton and V. Marek|e502374c91f0b196836e965cf0ac88002d642bb3\n1999|SQLJ Part 1: SQL routines using the Java programming language|10.1145/344816.344864|13|1|A. Eisenberg and Jim Melton|75aac5614558f08595d4b737c075e89e47040337\n2018|Comparison of garbage collectors in Java programming language|10.23919/MIPRO.2018.8400277|12|0|H. Grgic and B. Mihaljević and A. Radovan|090173690ad7bcf3c2d83f840db65872d0d66b5f\n2018|Java Programming Language|10.1007/978-3-030-02619-6_35|1|0|Gerard O'Regan|6bffc1a6dff69fc47734945adfc4e04775d3b139\n1996|Java Programming Language|10.32388/4ejcag|1|0|D. Friedel and Anthony P. Potts|6e0f1aacb150c00ef2c9ad638c7fa495332086fa title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nEffective Java Programming Language Guide|2001|Joshua Bloch|101316|4.48|5484|299 cpp C++ 1985 Bjarne Stroustrup 79 pl 291 C++20 6 5 25234 69338 204 49 ada algol-68 c clu ml simula python csharp chapel d java lua perl php rust nim sql bcpl unix assembly-language regex 1998 C++ ( pronounced cee plus plus) is a general-purpose programming language. It has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, while also providing facilities for low-level memory manipulation. It was designed with a bias toward system programming and embedded, resource-constrained and large systems, with performance, efficiency and flexibility of use as its design highlights. C++ has also been found useful in many other contexts, with key strengths being software infrastructure and resource-constrained applications, including desktop applications, servers (e.g. e-commerce, web search or SQL servers), and performance-critical applications (e.g. telephone switches or space probes). C++ is a compiled language, with implementations of it available on many platforms. Many vendors provide C++ compilers, including the Free Software Foundation, Microsoft, Intel, and IBM. C++ is standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), with the latest standard version ratified and published by ISO in December 2014 as ISO/IEC 14882:2014 (informally known as C++14). The C++ programming language was initially standardized in 1998 as ISO/IEC 14882:1998, which was then amended by the C++03, ISO/IEC 14882:2003, standard. The current C++14 standard supersedes these and C++11, with new features and an enlarged standard library. Before the initial standardization in 1998, C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs since 1979, as an extension of the C language as he wanted an efficient and flexible language similar to C, which also provided high-level features for program organization. The C++17 standard is due in July 2017, with the draft largely implemented by some compilers already, and C++20 is the next planned standard thereafter. Many other programming languages have been influenced by C++, including C#, D, Java, and newer versions of C. 2001 4307 10943 1487 72038 2012 170927 277733 2161625 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\ngoogle mediapipe C++ #f34b7d 2824 386 2250 "MediaPipe is a cross-platform framework for building multimodal applied machine learning pipelines"\nfmtlib fmt C++ #f34b7d 6596 796 273 "A modern formatting library"\nTheCherno Hazel C++ #f34b7d 1589 265 130 "Hazel Engine"\narendst Sonoff-Tasmota C++ #f34b7d 7683 1795 281 "Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE or PlatformIO"\nocornut imgui C++ #f34b7d 16553 2604 474 "Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies"\nanhkgg SuperWeChatPC C++ #f34b7d 2071 573 474 超级微信电脑客户端,支持多开、防消息撤销、语音消息备份...开放WeChatSDK\ngnuradio gnuradio C++ #f34b7d 1798 1055 79 "GNU Radio"\nplaidml plaidml C++ #f34b7d 2457 214 120 "PlaidML is a framework for making deep learning work everywhere."\nTonyChen56 WeChatRobot C++ #f34b7d 1468 559 938 PC版微信机器人\nhuihut interview C++ #f34b7d 7108 2269 641 "📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。"\nskypjack entt C++ #f34b7d 2053 180 302 "Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity-component system (ECS) and much more"\nOneLoneCoder videos C++ #f34b7d 535 395 72 "The official distribution of olcConsoleGameEngine, a tool used in javidx9's YouTube videos and projects"\ndolphin-emu dolphin C++ #f34b7d 5521 1278 96 "Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements."\nosquery osquery C++ #f34b7d 14868 1796 457 "SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics."\ndanielkrupinski Osiris C++ #f34b7d 260 115 56 "Free open-source training software / cheat for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, written in modern C++. GUI powered by imgui."\ncarla-simulator carla C++ #f34b7d 3098 840 239 "Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research."\ngrpc grpc C++ #f34b7d 22945 5381 557 "The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)"\nFastLED FastLED C++ #f34b7d 3180 828 63 "The main FastLED library (successor to FastSPI_LED). Please direct questions/requests for advice to the reddit community - - we'd like to keep issues to just tracking bugs/enhancements/tasks. *NOTE* major library work is currently on hold"\nTarsCloud Tars C++ #f34b7d 7510 1822 243 "Tars is a high-performance RPC framework based on name service and Tars protocol, also integrated administration platform, and implemented hosting-service via flexible schedule."\napache thrift C++ #f34b7d 6723 3037 131 "Apache Thrift"\nNVIDIA DALI C++ #f34b7d 1829 208 245 "A library containing both highly optimized building blocks and an execution engine for data pre-processing in deep learning applications"\nhaoel leetcode C++ #f34b7d 11615 3642 295 "LeetCode Problems' Solutions"\nllvm llvm-project C++ #f34b7d 1832 557 213 "This is the canonical git mirror of the LLVM subversion repository. The repository does not accept github pull requests at this moment. Please submit your patches at"\npytorch pytorch C++ #f34b7d 31392 7706 966 "Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration"\nmicrosoft onnxruntime C++ #f34b7d 1113 247 135 "ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance scoring engine for ML models" cpp c_cpp clike text/x-c++src source.c++ programming c/C++.cpp 4 pl 1202 true 307 ace acorn-lang apache-hbase arduino arkscript arrow-format atomspace avi-synth basis-universal-format bazel beef berkeleydb binaryen bio blitzmax boomerang-decompiler bosque bucklescript c2 c3 calc4 candor cane capn-proto carbon chaiscript chapel chapel chika chisel chrysalisp ciel cir circle-lang cito cityhash-hash-function clay click clike cloc couchdb crema croc crystal cspydr curv cwerg cyber dale dashrep dex dplyr dragonbasic drakon duro ec ecr egel eiffel elena elfe emerald-lang emojicode emscripten emscripten encore enso erlang eyg f-prime factor fardlang felix fern fetlang ffmpeg filebench-wml firrtl fish flare flatbuffers flex flow flow9 flua flutter forthscript g-portugol gap gcc gcc gdl generate-ninja ghc go gradle graph-it gravity groff gura hal-format halide harlan hashlink haxe hhvm hla hobbes homa hpp huginn huwcode hyphy ibis imhex impala invokator ircis iterm2 j jakt jakt jank java java jeebox jinx jq jsil-compiler jsonnet jule julia kakoune-editor kerf koka kotlin ktexteditor-editor kuin kumir ladybird lax ldpl lean lesma leveldb lift linux lobster loci luna lwjgl mal manool markus matplotlib mewmew micro-cpp microarchitecture-description-language microblocks micropython mimium minecraft minizinc mongodb monkeyx mu mun-lang mys neeilang nim ninja nodejs numba nuua objectscript odin oil olc om onnx ooc oopsilon open-nn open-shading-language opencv orca p-star particles pawn-scripting-language pawn pep8 phorth php please-build pony postgresql pov-ray-sdl prql psyche-c pygments python pytorch qoir qore qt racket ragel rakudo ramen rapidbatch rapira raptorjit react-native real-time-concurrent-c redis retdec revolution-programming-language rhine rholang ricscript rigc ripple rocksdb root-lib roslyn-compiler ruby rust savi scikit-learn scipy score sdlang seq sham sile simit simple-binary-encoding skip smallbasic smc smpl solidity souper sourcepawn spatial speedie speedie spiral sporth sqlite squirrel stacklang stan subleq swallow swift t2b taichi tamgu tao3d tbox-lib tensorflow terra testml textadept-editor tiledb toy-lang treesheets triton tuplemarkup txtzyme ucl uno v v8 vale vcpkg-pm vdscript verona virgil vlc vsxu wa wart wasm wasmer wax wax whack wing winxed wiredtiger wonkey xgboost-model xgboost xl-lang xlwings-editor xodio yacas yara yasl z-flat z2 zeta zig zl zot false Bell Labs C cc cpp cxx c++ h hh hpp hxx h++ cpp c++ cc cp cxx h h++ hh hpp hxx inc inl ino ipp ixx re tcc tpp cpp cpp hpp c++ h++ cc hh cxx hxx C H cp CPP tpp true 4128238 61098 214 c 1 20 false C c++ c++m cc ccm CPP cpp cppm cxx cxxm h++ inl ipp ixx pcc tcc tpp true false text cpp C++ g++ United States C/C++ #include namespace Gui { } #include int main() { std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl; return 0; } 1 #include 2 #include 3 #include 4 5 int main() { 6 try { 7 std::vector vec{3, 4, 3, 1}; 8 int i{}; // Throws an exception, std::out_of_range (indexing for vec is from 0-3 not 1-4) 9 } 10 // An exception handler, catches std::out_of_range, which is thrown by 11 catch (std::out_of_range &e) { 12 std::cerr << "Accessing a non-existent element: " << e.what() << '\n'; 13 } 14 // To catch any other standard library exceptions (they derive from std::exception) 15 catch (std::exception &e) { 16 std::cerr << "Exception thrown: " << e.what() << '\n'; 17 } 18 // Catch any unrecognised exceptions (i.e. those which don't derive from std::exception) 19 catch (...) { 20 std::cerr << "Some fatal error\n"; 21 } 22 } // Type your code here, or load an example. int square(int num) { return num * num; } #include int main() { std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl; } C++ // Hello World in C++ (pre-ISO) #include main() { cout << "Hello World!" << endl; return 0; } C++ C++ true #define #defined #elif #else #endif #error #if #ifdef #ifndef #include #line #pragma #undef alignas alignof and and_eq asm atomic_cancel atomic_commit atomic_noexcept auto bitand bitor bool break case catch char char16_t char32_t class compl concept const constexpr const_cast continue decltype default delete do double dynamic_cast else enum explicit export extern false final float for friend goto if inline int import long module mutable namespace new noexcept not not_eq nullptr operator or or_eq override private protected public register reinterpret_cast requires return short signed sizeof static static_assert static_cast struct switch synchronized template this thread_local throw transaction_safe transaction_safe_dynamic true try typedef typeid typename union unsigned using virtual void volatile wchar_t while xor xor_eq // /* */ std::cout " = true false true true true true true true true true false true true true true true true true true 128 6 C++ C++ C++ year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2011|PEARSON INDIA|ADTs, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++|Nyhoff|9780131409095\n2013|Pearson|Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++|Weiss, Mark|9780132847377\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ Primer (5th Edition)|Lippman, Stanley and Lajoie, Josée and Moo, Barbara|9780321714114\n2001|Pearson|Data Structures with C++ Using STL|Ford, William and Topp, William|9780130858504\n2013|Pearson|Introduction to Programming with C++ (Myprogramminglab)|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780133252811\n2013|Pearson|C++ How to Program (Early Objects Version) (9th Edition)|Deitel, Paul and Deitel, Harvey|9780133378719\n2014|Cengage Learning|C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures|Malik, D. S.|9781285852751\n2011|Pearson|Engineering Problem Solving with C++ (3rd Edition)|Etter, Delores M. and Ingber, Jeanine A.|9780132492652\n2011|Pearson|Problem Solving With C++|Savitch, Walter|9780132162739\n2010|Pearson|C++ How to Program: Late Objects Version (How to Program (Deitel))|Deitel, Paul and Deitel, Harvey|9780132165419\n2007|Pearson|C++ Programming Today|Johnston, Barbara|9780136150992\n2003|Pearson|C++ for Java Programmers|Weiss, Mark|9780139194245\n2010|Wiley|C++ for Everyone|Horstmann, Cay S.|9780470927137\n1995|Pearson|Data Structures Using C and C++ (2nd Edition)|Langsam, Yedidyah and Augenstein, Moshe J. and Tenenbaum, Aaron M.|9780130369970\n2012|Cengage Learning|Introduction to Programming with C++|Zak, Diane|9781285061474\n2006|Pearson College Div|Data Structures And Algorithm Analysis in C++|Weiss, Mark Allen|9780321441461\n2011|Jones & Bartlett Learning|C++ Plus Data Structures|Dale, Nell|9781449646752\n2004|Addison-Wesley Professional|Developing Series 60 Applications: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers|Edwards, Leigh and Barker, Richard and Staff of EMCC Software Ltd.|9780321227225\n1997|Addison-Wesley Professional|The C++ Programming Language (3rd Edition)|Stroustrup, Bjarne|9780201889543\n2012|PEARSON INDIA|C++ Standard Library, The: A Tutorial And Reference 2Nd Edition|NICOLAI M JOSUTTIS|9780321623218\n2012|Pearson|Starting Out with Games & Graphics in C++|Gaddis, Tony|9780133128079\n2008|Addison Wesley|Problem Solving with C++|Savitch, Walter|9780321531346\n2009|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Programming And Problem Solving With C++|Dale, Nell|9780763771560\n2009|Course Technology|Introduction to C++ Programming, Brief Edition|D. S. Malik|9781423902461\n2008|Addison-Wesley Professional|Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++|Stroustrup, Bjarne|9780321543721\n2008|Cengage Learning|C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design|Malik, D. S.|9781423902096\n1998|Pearson|An Introduction to Computing Using C++ and Object Technology|Ford, William H. and Topp, William R.|9780132681520\n2004|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ Template Metaprogramming|Abrahams, David|9780321227256\n2017|Cengage Learning|C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures (MindTap Course List)|Malik, D. S.|9781337117562\n2012|Course Technology|C++ Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design|Smith, Jo Ann|9781133525806\n2011|Wiley|C++ for Everyone|Horstmann, Cay S.|9780470920923\n2010|Cengage Learning|C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design (Introduction to Programming)|Malik, D. S.|9780538798082\n2000|Course Technology|Understanding Programming: An Introduction Using C++|Cannon, Scott R.|9780534379759\n2009|Pearson|Absolute C++ (4th Edition)|Savitch, Walter|9780136083818\n1994|Mcgraw-Hill Osborne Media|C++ from the Ground Up: Learn C++ from the Master|Schildt, Herbert|9780078819698\n2019|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Embedded Programming with C++17: Create versatile and robust embedded solutions for MCUs and RTOSes with modern C++|Posch, Maya|9781788629300\n2013|Pearson|C++ How to Program plus MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (9th Edition)|Deitel, Paul and Deitel, Harvey|9780133450736\n2008|Prentice Hall|C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (2nd Edition) (Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series)|Blanchette, Jasmin and Summerfield, Mark|9780132354165\n2003|McGraw-Hill Education|C++ from the Ground Up, Third Edition|Schildt, Herbert|9780072228977\n2008|Cengage Learning|Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ (Introduction to Programming)|Farrell, Joyce|9781423902577\n2017|Pearson|Problem Solving with C++ Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package|Savitch, Walter|9780134710747\n2007|Prentice Hall|C++ How to Program (6th Edition)|Deitel, Paul J.|9780136152507\n1992|Addison-Wesley Pub (Sd)|Algorithms in C++|Sedgewick, Robert|9780201510591\n2005|Wrox|Professional C++|Solter, Nicholas A. and Kleper, Scott J.|9780764574849\n2003|Cambridge University Press|Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI: A Seamless Approach to Parallel Algorithms and their Implementation|Karniadakis, George Em|9780521520805\n2006|Prentice Hall PTR|C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4|Blanchette, Jasmin and Summerfield, Mark|9780131872493\n2005|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ Primer|Lippman, Stanley B. and Lajoie, Josee and Moo, Barbara E.|9780201721485\n1995|Computing McGraw-Hill|Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot: Rules for C and C++ Programming (Unix/C)|Holub, Allen I.|9780070296893\n2004|Course Technology|Assembly Language and Computer Architecture Using C++ and Java™|Dos Reis, Anthony J.|9780534405274\n1999|Addison-Wesley Professional|Advanced CORBA® Programming with C++|Henning, Michi and Vinoski, Steve|9780201379273\n2009|Pearson|Introduction to Programming with C++ (2nd Edition)|Liang, Y. Daniel|9780136097204\n1989|Pearson Ptr|Programming in C++|Dewhurst, Stephen|9780137231560\n2011|In Easy Steps Limited|C++ Programming in easy steps|McGrath, Mike|9781840784329\n2002|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design|Dewhurst, Stephen C.|9780321125187\n2017|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures to Objects (My Programming Lab)|Gaddis, Tony|9780134484198\n1994|Macmillan Coll Div|Object Oriented Programming In C++|Johnsonbaugh, Richard and Kalin, Martin|9780023606823\n2010|Wrox|Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2010|Horton, Ivor|9780470500880\n2008|Pearson|C++ Programming And Fundamental Concepts|Anderson Jr., Arthur E.|9780131182660\n2009|For Dummies|C++ All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies|Mueller, John Paul and Cogswell, Jeff|9780470317358\n1996|Addison-Wesley Professional|Inside the C++ Object Model|Lippman, Stanley B.|9780201834543\n2013|Packt Publishing|Boost.Asio C++ Network Programming|Torjo, John|9781782163268\n2002|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks|Debbie Lafferty and Schmidt, Douglas and Huston, Stephen|9780201795257\n1999|Addison-Wesley Professional|Essential C++|Lippman, Stanley B.|9780201485189\n2016|Packt Publishing|Beginning C++ Game Programming|Horton, John|9781786466198\n1998|Oxford University Press|An Introduction to C++ and Numerical Methods|Ortega, James M. and Grimshaw, Andrew S.|9780195117677\n2014|Pearson|Mylab Programming with Pearson Etext -- Access Card -- For Problem Solving with C++|Savitch, Walter|9780133834413\n1998|Sams|The Waite Group's Object-Oriented Programming in C++|Lafore, Robert and Waite Group|9781571691606\n2008|Packt Publishing|Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example: Code and explanation for real-world MFC C++ Applications|Stefan Björnander|9781847195562\n2002|Prentice Hall|C++ How to Program (4th Edition)|Deitel, Harvey M. and Deitel, Paul J.|9780130384744\n1998|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ For C Programmers, Third Edition (3rd Edition)|Pohl, Ira|9780201395198\n2012|Cambridge University Press|Numerical Methods in Finance with C++ (Mastering Mathematical Finance)|Capinski, Maciej J.|9780521177160\n2002|Wiley|Object-Oriented Programming in C++|Josuttis, Nicolai M.|9780470843994\n2006|Cengage Learning PTR|Beginning C++ Through Game Programming, Second Edition|Dawson, Michael|9781598633603\n2005|Peachpit Pr|C++ Programming|Ullman, Larry E. and Signer, Andreas|9780321356567\n2015|Apress|Advanced Metaprogramming in Classic C++|Di Gennaro, Davide|9781484210116\n1998|Waite Group Pr|C++ Primer Plus (Mitchell Waite Signature Series)|Prata, Stephen|9781571691316\n2018|Packt Publishing|Expert C++ Programming: Leveraging the power of modern C++ to build scalable modular applications|Swaminathan, Jeganathan and Posch, Maya and Galowicz, Jacek|9781788831390\n1995|O'Reilly & Associates|C++ The Core Language: A Foundation for C Programmers (Nutshell Handbooks)|Brown, Doug and Satir, Gregory|9781565921160\n1999|Microsoft Press|Learn Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Now|Sphar, Chuck|9781572319653\n2015|Pearson|Mylab Programming with Pearson Etext -- Access Code Card -- For Absolute C++|Savitch, Walter and Mock, Kenrick|9780134254005\n1995|McGraw-Hill College|Programming With Class: Introduction To Computer Science With C++|Kamin, Samuel N. and Reingold, Edward M.|9780070518339\n2005|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ Common Knowledge: Essential Intermediate Programming: Essential Intermediate Programming|Dewhurst, Stephen|9780321321923\n2005|Charles River Media|C++ Standard Library Practical Tips (Programming Series)|Reese, Greg|9781584504009\n2001|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days (Sams Teach 21 Days)|Liberty, Jesse|9780672320729\n2000|Microsoft Press|Microsoft Mastering: MFC Development Using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (DV-DLT Mastering)|Microsoft Press|9780735609259\n2001|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ Network Programming, Volume I: Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns: Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns|Schmidt, Douglas and Huston, Stephen|9780201604641\n2018|Manning Publications|Functional Programming in C++: How to improve your C++ programs using functional techniques|Cukic, Ivan|9781617293818\n2006|A-list Publishing|Hackish C++ Games & Demos|Michael Flenov|9781931769587\n1998|Sigs|Using Motif With C++ (sigs: Advances In Object Technology)|Daniel J. Bernstein|9780132073905\n2001|Irwin Professional Publishing|C++ Program Design|Davidson|9780072411638\n1989|Addison-Wesley|C++ primer|Lippman, Stanley B|9780201164879\n1996|Jones & Bartlett Pub|Programming and Problem Solving With C++|Dale, Nell B. and Weems, Chip and Headington, Mark and Dale, Nell|9780763702922\n2021|Reema Thareja|Object Oriented Programming With C++|OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS and OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS and OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS|9780199459636\n2005|For Dummies|C++ Timesaving Techniques For Dummies|Telles, Matthew|9780764579868\n2021|Prentice Hall of India|Unix System Programming Using C++|Chan, Terrence|9788120314689\n1992|Que Pub|C++ by Example (Programming Series)|Perry, Greg M.|9781565290389\n1996|Mcgraw-Hill|Schaum's Outlines - Programming With C++|Hubbard, John R. and Hubbard, John R.|9780070308374\n1994|Wiley|Programming for Graphics Files: In C and C++|Levine, John R. and Levine, John|9780471598565\n2020|Apress|Modern C++ for Absolute Beginners: A Friendly Introduction to C++ Programming Language and C++11 to C++20 Standards|Dmitrović, Slobodan|9781484260463\n2003|Jones And Bartlett Publishers|C++ Plus Data Structures|Dale, Nell|9780763704810\n2016|Packt Publishing|C++ Windows Programming|Bjornander, Stefan|9781786464224\n2007|Course Technology|An Introduction to Programming With C++ (Available Titles Skills Assessment Manager (SAM) - Office 2010)|Zak, Diane|9781418836184\n2007|Springer|Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics|Pozrikidis, Constantine|9780387689920\n1994|Morgan Kaufmann Pub|Windows Animation Programming With C++|Young, Michael J.|9780127737508\n2006|Addison Wesley|Problem Solving, Abstraction & Design Using C++ (5th Edition)|Friedman, Frank L. and Koffman, Elliot B.|9780321450050\n2006|Oxford University Press|Object-Oriented Programming with C++ (Oxford Higher Education)|Sahay, Sourav|9780195681529\n2013|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ Programming Language, The|Bjarne, Stroustrup|9780133522853\n2001|Pearson|C++ Programming with Design Patterns Revealed|Muldner, Tomasz|9780201722314\n1999|Wiley|Speech Recognition: Theory and C++ Implementation|Becchetti, Claudio and Ricotti, Lucio Prina|9780471977308\n1999|McGraw-Hill|Schaum's Easy Outline: Programming with C++|Hubbard, John R.|9780070527133\n1996|Prentice Hall|C++ and Object Oriented Programming|Irvine, Kip R.|9780023598524\n1999|Pearson|Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (2nd Edition)|Johnsonbaugh, Richard and Kalin, Martin|9780130158857\n2015|Apress|Practical C++ Financial Programming|Oliveira, Carlos|9781430267157\n2012|Wrox|Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2012|Horton, Ivor|9781118368084\n2004|Wiley|Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++|Duffy, Daniel J.|9780470855096\n1999|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, Third Edition|Liberty, Jesse|9780672315152\n2005|Course Technology|Program Development and Design Using C++|Bronson, Gary J.|9780619216771\n1995|Wiley-interscience|A Jump Start Course In C++ Programming|James W. Cooper and Richard B. Lam|9780471031710\n1993|Que Pub|Borland C++ Power Programming/Book and Disk|Walnum, Clayton|9781565291720\n1999|Que Pub|Practical C++|McGregor, Robert W.|9780789721440\n2008|Prentice Hall In Association With Trolltech Press|C++ Gui Programming With Qt 4|Blanchette, Jasmin.|9780137143979\n2005|Addison Wesley|Starting Out With C++: Brief Version Update, Visual C++ .net (4th Edition)|Tony Gaddis and Barret Krupnow|9780321419613\n1997|TBS|Object-oriented Programming with C++|E Balagurusamy|9780074620380\n2008|In Easy Steps Limited|C++ Programming In Easy Steps|McGrath, Mike|9781840783520\n1996|Addison-Wesley|Stl Tutorial & Reference Guide: C++ Programming With the Standard Template Library (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)|Musser, David R. and Saini, Atul|9780201633986\n2016|Packt Publishing|Boost.Asio C++ Network Programming Cookbook: Over 25 hands-on recipes to create robust and highly-effi cient cross-platform distributed applications with the Boost.Asio library|Radchuk, Dmytro|9781783986545\n2000|Scott Jones|Starting Out With The C++ (2nd Brief Edition)|Tony Gaddis|9781576760406\n2019|BPB Publications|Data Structures Through C++: Experience Data Structures C++ through animations|Kanetkar, Yashavant|9789388511360 C++ c++ engineer c++ year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n1986|C++ Programming Language|10.1002/9781118361054.ch3|7014|230|B. Stroustrup|c04e29b09f67158e7c4405ddad18108a1ddecbd4\n2018|TOPAS and TOPAS-Academic: an optimization program integrating computer algebra and crystallographic objects written in C++|10.1107/S1600576718000183|627|27|A. Coelho|f24ca222ed1a87ff7892d5bf969643eb240e86b3\n1991|Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms|10.1109/TOOLS.1997.681881|468|14|J. Coplien|20627f2ad92cf787efb4ec960e49b89d10bb4529\n2000|Introduction to the GiNaC Framework for Symbolic Computation within the C++ Programming Language|10.1006/jsco.2001.0494|389|39|Christian Bauer and A. Frink and R. Kreckel|5b2f780c3ce63f1795bbfa6e3e7e22d8ae5e268b\n2004|Supporting Students in C++ Programming Courses with Automatic Program Style Assessment|10.28945/300|84|6|Kirsti Ala-Mutka and Toni Uimonen and Hannu-Matti Järvinen|7880378ba289053eadf19cb03ce2f543616a2b53\n1999|An Overview of the C++ Programming Language|10.1201/9781420049114.sec3|24|3|B. Stroustrup|eb331db6ec60d64b9e0d90978ee7398d9e2f0605 html HTML 1991 Tim Berners-Lee 53 textMarkup 503 html5 4 6 25223 1590050 2347 371 2013 2018 7 51 sgml css javascript webgl dtd rfc xml unicode utf-8 http fat 1993 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web. Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render them into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the appearance of the document. HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. With HTML constructs, images and other objects, such as interactive forms, may be embedded into the rendered page. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. HTML elements are delineated by tags, written using angle brackets. Tags such as and introduce content into the page directly. Others such as


surround and provide information about document text and may include other tags as sub-elements. Browsers do not display the HTML tags, but use them to interpret the content of the page. HTML can embed programs written in a scripting language such as JavaScript which affect the behavior and content of web pages. Inclusion of CSS defines the look and layout of content. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), maintainer of both the HTML and the CSS standards, has encouraged the use of CSS over explicit presentational HTML since 1997. 2001 4897 15298 7612 13191 492136 777550 12648584 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nripienaar free-for-dev HTML #e34c26 23923 2569 587 "A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev"\nnax3t webdevbootcamp HTML #e34c26 739 506 106 "All source code for back-end projects from the Web Developer Bootcamp"\nIgglybuff awesome-piracy HTML #e34c26 7209 648 447 "A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links"\nadolfintel speedtest HTML #e34c26 2572 698 162 "Self-hosted HTML5 Speedtest. Easy setup, examples, configurable, mobile friendly. Supports PHP, Node, Multiple servers, and more"\njavascript-tutorial HTML #e34c26 931 298 335 "Современный учебник JavaScript"\nthelinuxchoice blackeye HTML #e34c26 1235 465 328 "The most complete Phishing Tool, with 32 templates +1 customizable"\nshishan100 Java-Interview-Advanced HTML #e34c26 467 208 222 中华石杉--互联网Java进阶面试训练营\nterkelg awesome-creative-coding HTML #e34c26 5334 408 221 "Creative Coding: Generative Art, Data visualization, Interaction Design, Resources."\ncod3rcursos web-moderno HTML #e34c26 831 441 69\nportainer portainer HTML #e34c26 12659 1201 276 "Making Docker management easy."\nmercyblitz jsr HTML #e34c26 1176 628 83 "Java Specification Requests"\ngithub training-kit HTML #e34c26 2328 3160 54 "Open source cheat sheets for Git and GitHub"\ngoogle styleguide HTML #e34c26 21536 7535 378 "Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects"\nblinkfox hexo-theme-matery HTML #e34c26 910 230 154 "A beautiful hexo blog theme with material design and responsive design.一个基于材料设计和响应式设计而成的全面、美观的Hexo主题。"\nstisla stisla HTML #e34c26 995 261 93 "Free Bootstrap Admin Template"\nfacebookresearch fastText HTML #e34c26 19504 3714 422 "Library for fast text representation and classification."\nsimple-icons simple-icons HTML #e34c26 7606 881 106 "SVG icons for popular brands"\nwhatwg html HTML #e34c26 2806 927 67 "HTML Standard"\nmicrosoft dotnet HTML #e34c26 11433 1806 111 "This repo is the official home of .NET on GitHub. It's a great starting point to find many .NET OSS projects from Microsoft and the community, including many that are part of the .NET Foundation."\nSamProf MatBlazor HTML #e34c26 520 51 95 "Material Design components for Blazor and Razor Components"\nbigcommerce cornerstone HTML #e34c26 124 245 6 "The BigCommerce Cornerstone theme"\nGTFOBins HTML #e34c26 1682 210 269 "Curated list of Unix binaries that can be exploited to bypass system security restrictions"\nKhronosGroup glTF HTML #e34c26 3332 610 77 "glTF – Runtime 3D Asset Delivery"\nw3c webcomponents HTML #e34c26 2838 258 88 "Web Components specifications"\nganlanyuan tiny-slider HTML #e34c26 1839 272 163 "Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes." xhtml html htmlmixed text/html text.html.basic markup h/HTML.html WHATWG textMarkup 2097 true 509 11ty abcl-lang abs ace activity-pub alma-007 apache-hbase aretext argdown arrow-format asciidots asciimath assemblyscript asterius-compiler astroml avail avi-synth awl ballerina bash basis-universal-format bazel bee beef berkeleydb bicep bitsy blackcoffee blitzmax blockml blur-markup-language bounce-lang bqn broccoli-2 bruijn bucardo bucklescript buzz cairo capn-proto caramel carbon cat categorical-query-language ceylon chatterbot chevrotain chicken chika cir civet claro clojure clojurescript closure-templates coco codecept codemirror coffeekup coffeescript cokescript colascript commonmark conceptual coq cor cortex couchdb croc cryptol crystal csvw curv cyber dafny daonode dashrep datascript dern dex dexvis dhall differential-datalog djangoql djot dllup dogescript dragonbasic drakon drupal duro ec ecr ecsharp edgelisp eff eiffel ejs elena elvish em emberjs-framework emerald-lang emojicode emscripten enso erlang euphoria eve eyg f-prime factor fancy fardlang fay felix ffmpeg fish flatbuffers flatline fleck flow9 flowchart-fun flownote flua flutter flux fold forest-lang fql frege frost fructure-editor frundis gap ghc gleam glicol glisp gluon go goal gogs-editor golo gradle gravity gridstudio-editor groff gun gura halide hasklig haste haxe haxelibs-pm hazel heron-lang hhvm highlightjs hilvl hjson hotcocoalisp hpp hrqr htl htmx htsql hurl huwcode hyperscript-lang hyperscript icedcoffeescript idio idyll imba imhex infusion-framework insitux invokator ioke ircis iterm2 ixml j jal-compiler java jedi jeeves jekyll jemplate jet jinja jinx jison jq jquery jsf jsil-compiler jslt jsoncanvas jsonnet k-framework kamby kami kamilalisp katex kefir kgl knight koka kotlin ktyek kubernetes kuin kumir kuroko ladybird lamdu-editor lamdu latte ld-json lean leo-editor leveldb lever ligo lil links-programming-language linux lispyscript literate-coffeescript lobster loci logica lsif-format luajit luna m3db mal manhood manim mapgen margin markdown marko markwhen maskjs mastodon mathics mathjson mathpix-markdown matplotlib mavo mech-lang melody mermaid mesh microblocks micropython minidsdb minizinc mirah mlscript mochajs monaco mond mongodb monkey monkeyx monte moya mu mustache myia mys mythryl nadesiko nearley nesc netlogo never newlisp nextflow ngnk ngs nim nit nlpl nltk nodejs noisecraft nomnoml noms-db note noulith noweb nulan numba objectscript observable-framework observable-lang observable-plot obsidian-lang oden odin ohayo ohm oil ok olc om ooc opa opam-pm open-nn open-shading-language opencv openverse p4p packagist-pm pact pan pandas parenscript parsers particles particles partiql pcre pegdown pegjs penrose pep8 php pinto pkl plaid-programming-language please-build pogoscript polyglot-compiler popr porffor pov-ray-sdl prettier prismjs project-mentat prometheus prql psyche pug pygments pyth python pytorch qalb qore quint racket rainbow rakudo ralph ramdascript ramen rant rapidbatch raptorjit react-native readable reason red redis ren-c revolution-programming-language ricscript rmarkdown robotframework roc rocksdb rockstar rosie roy rpscript ruby rust rye sanddance scala-js scikit-learn scipy score scribble scroll scroll seif sentient serious shadama shml sibilant simoji simplictiy sizzle skip skulpt slab slab slashdown slony smallbasic smpl snowman-decompiler solid-network solidity sophia space spatial speedie spiderbasic spiral spry sqlite squiggle stacklang statsplorer stencil storymatic strat subleq sugar svelte swi-prolog swift swym sympy tablam tabloid taf taijilang tangledown tao-lang tao3d tensorflow terra textadept-editor texti tibet tldraw toffeescript toontalk topshell tornado tosh treesheets tridash triton tuplemarkup twig twine txtzyme typecastjs u ucg uiua ultralisp-pm unseemly urweb v v8 vale vega-editor-app vega verona virgil visdown vlc vsxu vuejs vyper vyxal walt wasm wasmer wasp-lang wats wax web3js wenyan wing wiredtiger wonkey wren wyvern xarray xidoc xl-lang xlwings-editor xodio xtclang xtext yamp yang yara yawl yii yoptascript z-expressions zig zz false CERN html hta htm htmlhl inc xht xhtml html html htm xhtml xslt typescript true true 5570873 69531 60 1 5 true htm html html.hl xht 970 text html 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HTML Hello World! Hello World! HTML true true false false false false true false true false false false 116 7 HTML year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2005|O'Reilly Media|Head First Html With CSS & XHTML|Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Freeman and Elisabeth Robson|9780596101978\n2006|Cengage Learning|HTML Illustrated Complete (Illustrated Series)|Cox, Vicki and Wermers, Lynn and Reding, Elizabeth Eisner|9780619268442\n2001|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML and XHTML in 21 Days, Third Edition (3rd Edition)|Laura Lemay and Denise Tyler and Rafe Colburn|9780672320774\n2009|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|HTML A Beginner's Guide|Willard, Wendy|9780071611435\n2005|Cengage Learning|HTML BASICS, Third Edition (BASICS Series)|Barksdale, Karl and Turner, E. Shane|9780619266264\n2010|O'Reilly Media|HTML and XHTML Pocket Reference (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly))|Robbins, Jennifer Niederst|9780596805869\n2000|Wiley|Introduction to Interactive Programming on the Internet: Using HTML and JavaScript|Knuckles, Craig D.|9780471383666\n2005|Cengage Learning|HTML and JavaScript BASICS (BASICS Series)|Barksdale, Karl and Turner, E. Shane|9780619266257\n2000|Course Technology|New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML and Dynamic HTML - Comprehensive (New Perspectives (Course Technology Paperback))|Carey, Patrick|9780619019693\n2000|Course Technology|New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML Second Edition - Comprehensive|Carey, Patrick and Carey, Joan|9780619019686\n1999|Que Pub|Special Edition Using HTML 4 (6th Edition)|Holzschlag, Molly E.|9780789722676\n2005|Sybex|Integrated HTML and CSS: A Smarter, Faster Way to Learn|DeBolt, Virginia|9780782143782\n2000|Prima Tech|Learn HTML on the Mac in a Weekend|Steven E. Callihan|9780761530091\n2003|McGraw-Hill|Schaum's Easy Outline HTML|Mercer,David and Mercer, David|9780071422420\n2001|Mcgraw-hill Professional|Schaum's Outline Of Html|David Mercer|9780071373654\n1999|Addison-wesley Professional|Dynamic Html: The Html Developer's Guide|Jeff Rule|9780201379617\n2002|Charles River Media|Html & Xhtml Template Master CD-Rom|Kelly Valqui|9781584502081\n1998|Ventana Pr|The Html 4 Programmer's Reference: All Platforms|Mullen, Robert|9781566047302\n1995|Que Pub|Html Visual Quick Reference|Scharf, Dean|9780789704115\n1997|Sams|HTML 4 Unleashed, Professional Reference Edition (2nd Edition)|Darnell, Rick|9781575213804\n2003|Muska & Lipman/Premier-Trade|HTML Professional Projects|Gosney, John W.|9781592000555\n2000|Microsoft Press|HTML in action|Morris, Bruce|9781556159480\n2003|Wiley|HTML Complete Course|Baker, Donna L.|9780764540929\n2000|Course Technology|HTML Illustrated Brief, Second Edition|Vodnik, Sasha and Reding, Elizabeth Eisner|9780619018818\n2003|iUniverse, Inc.|Programming a REAL Internet Site with ASP and HTML: Book I: HTML and Basic ASP|Bosque, Marcelo|9780595271764\n1996|Sams|Html 3.2 and Cgi Unleashed: Professional Reference Edition|December, John and Ginsburg, Mark|9781575211770\n2000|Coriolis Group|HTML Black Book: The Programmer's Complete HTML Reference Book|Steven Holzner|9781576106174\n2001|Apress|HTML 4.01 Programmer's Reference|Chris Ullman and Sean Palmer and Simon Oliver and Stuart Conway and Cassandra Greer and Christian Jarolim and Gary Damschen and Daniel Maharry and Jon Stephens|9781861005335\n2017|Independently published|Programming: Python Programming, JAVA Programming, HTML and CSS Programming for Beginners|Academy, iCode|9781520676081\n2019|Adesh Silva|Computer Programming The Doctrine 2.0: Full Breakdown of HTML, Python, C, C++, Coding Raspberry PI, Java, SQL, HTML and Black Hat Hacking.|Silva, Adesh|9781999256753\n1997|Sams|HTML 4 Unleashed|Pozadzides, John|9781575212999\n1996|Que Pub|Html by Example|Stauffer, Todd|9780789708120\n1996|Springer-Verlag New York, LLC|HTML and The Art of Authoring For the World Wide Web|Bebo White|9780792396918\n2010|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML and CSS in One Hour a Day: Includes New HTML5 Coverage|Lemay, Laura and Colburn, Rafe|9780672331367\n1997|Ziff Davis Pr|Html 3.2 Manual of Style (HTMLMANUAL OF STYLE)|Aronson, Larry and Lowery, Joseph|9781562765293\n2009|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS: Video Learning Starter Kit|Sams Publishing|9780672330599\n2001|Software Pubns Pty Ltd|Introduction to Html|Cheryl Price|9781877225727\n2000|Prentice Hall Ptr|Html User's Interactive Workbook|Cohn, Alayna and Potter, John|9780130170040\n2010|Apress|Beginning Smartphone Web Development: Building JavaScript, CSS, HTML and Ajax-based Applications for iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Nokia S60|Frederick, Gail and Lal, Rajesh|9781430226215\n2013|McGraw-Hill Education|HTML: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition: CourseLoad ebook for HTML A BEGINNERS GD 5E|Willard, Wendy|9780071809283\n1997|Microsoft Press|Inside Dynamic HTML (Microsoft Programming Series)|Isaacs, Scott|9781572316867\n20071018|Springer Nature|Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML|Craig Cook; David Schultz|9781430203506\n1995|John Wiley & Sons|Creating Cool Web Pages With Html|Dave Taylor|9781568848228\n2008|Apress|The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design (Essentials)|Grannell, Craig|9781430204794\n2015|Apress|Custom SharePoint Solutions with HTML and JavaScript: For SharePoint On-Premises and SharePoint Online|Atkinson, Brandon|9781484205440\n2013|Apress|Beginning Windows Store Application Development: HTML and JavaScript Edition (The Expert's Voice in Windows 8)|Isaacs, Scott and Burns, Kyle|9781430257806\n2017|Independently published|HTML & CSS: Learn The Fundamentals In 7 days|Knapp, Micheal|9781520562599\n2019|Candlewick|Get Coding 2! Build Five Computer Games Using HTML and JavaScript|Whitney, David|9781536210309\n2020|Independently published|The Computer Programming Bible: A Step by Step Guide On How To Master From The Basics to Advanced of Python, C, C++, C#, HTML Coding Raspberry Pi3|Inc, C.P.A|9781661846282\n2018-09-22T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Computer Programming: The Bible: Learn From The Basics to Advanced of Python, C, C++, C#, HTML Coding, and Black Hat Hacking Step-by-Step IN NO TIME!|Architects, CyberPunk|9781727521900\n2015|Dot EDU|HTML Guide (Speedy Study Guides)|Publishing, Speedy|9781681856858\n2010|McGraw-Hill Education|HTML & XHTML DeMYSTiFieD|Cottrell, Lee|9780071748049\n2019|Manning|Web Design Playground: HTML & CSS The Interactive Way|McFedries, Paul|9781638350590\n2010|McGraw Hill|HTML & XHTML DeMYSTiFieD|Cottrell, Lee M.|9780071748056\n2010|Cengage Learning|HTML and JavaScript BASICS|Barksdale, Karl and Turner, E. Shane|9780538742351\n2012|Cengage Learning|New Perspectives on Blended HTML and CSS Fundamentals: Introductory|Bojack, Henry and Scollard, Sharon|9781285414652\n2021|ND Publishing|HTML Beginner's Crash Course: HTML for Beginner's Guide to Learning HTML, HTML & CSS, & Web Design (HTML5, HTML5 and CSS3, HTML Programming, HTML CSS, HTML for Beginners, HTML Programming)|Start Guides, Quick|9781777942885\n1999|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself Html 4 in 24 Hours (Sams Teach 24 Hours)|Oliver, Dick|9780672317248\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Programming: Computer Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of HTML5, JavaScript & CSS (Coding, C Programming, Java Programming, Web Design, JavaScript, Python, HTML and CSS)|Connor, Joseph|9781541006225\n2001|Que Publishing|HTML Goodies (2nd Edition)|Burns Ph.D., Joe|9780789726117\n2017|Independently published|HTML & CSS For Beginners: Your Step by Step Guide to Easily HtmL & Css Programming in 7 Days|Academy, iCode|9781520561400\n2002|McGraw-Hill Education|HTML & Web Design Tips & Techniques|Jamsa, Kris and King, Konrad and Anderson, Andy|9780072228250\n2017|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Introduction to Web Interaction Design: With HTML and CSS|Macaulay, Michael|9781138911857\n2007|Springer|An Introduction to HTML and JavaScript: for Scientists and Engineers|Brooks, David R.|9781846286568\n2008|Apress|HTML and CSS Web Standards Solutions: A Web Standardistas' Approach|Persson, Nicklas and Murphy, Christopher|9781430216063\n1995-08T|Hungry Minds Inc|Foundations of World Wide Web Programming With Html & Cgi/Book and Cd-Rom|Tittel, Ed and Gaither, Mark and Hassinger, Sebastian and Erwin, Mike|9781568847030\n2007|Apress|Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML: Modern Guide and Reference (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)|Cook, Craig and Schultz, David|9781590597477\n2003|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Osborne Complete Reference Series)|Powell,Thomas|9780072229424\n2004|The Guilford Press|How to Conduct Behavioral Research over the Internet: A Beginner's Guide to HTML and CGI/Perl (Methodology in the Social Sciences)|Fraley, R. Chris|9781572309975\n1997|Waite Group Pr|Html 4 How-To: The Definitive Html 4 Problem-Solver|Zakour, John and Foust, Jeff and Kerven, David|9781571691255\n2001|O'Reilly Media|Perl for Web Site Management: HTML Generation, Link Checking, Simple CGI, and More|Callender, John|9781565926479\n2020|Cyberpunk Architects|Computer Programming Bible: A Step by Step Guide On How To Master From The Basics to Advanced of Python, C, C++, C#, HTML Coding Raspberry Pi3|Inc, C P a|9781989120347\n2014|Independently published|jQuery Gems: The easy guide to the JavaScript library for beginners who are ready to start moving beyond basic HTML programming.|Sidelnikov, Greg|9781520274737\n2006|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself Html in 10 Minutes|Hayes, Deidre|9780672328787\n2012|Springer|Essential Dynamic HTML fast (Essential Series)|Ayesh, Aladdin|9781447103639\n2007|Sybex|Mastering Integrated HTML and CSS|DeBolt, Virginia|9780470097540\n2012|Wrox|Beginning iOS Application Development with HTML and JavaScript|Wagner, Richard|9781118159002\n1998|Hayden Books|Html Artistry: More Than Code|Ibanez, Ardith and Zee, Natalie|9781568304540\n1996|Que Pub|Platinum Edition Using HTML 3.2, Java 1.1, and CGI|Jim O'Donnell and Jerry Ablan and Tobin Anthony and Eric Ladd and Dr. Donald Doherty and Jeffry Dwight|9780789709325\n1997|Apress|Instant HTML Programmer's Reference Html|Homer, Alex and Ullman, Chris and Homer, Alex|9781861001566\n2017-09-11T00:00:01Z|Springer|Programming in HTML and PHP: Coding for Scientists and Engineers (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)|Brooks, David R.|9783319569727\n2001|McGraw-Hill/OsborneMedia|HTML Programmer's Reference, 2nd Edition|Whitworth, Dan|9780072132328\n2001-10-01T00:00:01Z|Course Technology Ptr|Programming Basics Using Microsoft Visual Basic, C++, Html and Java|Knowlton, Todd|9780619058012\n1999|Course Technology|HTML & JavaScript Programming Concepts (Computer Applications Series)|Barksdale, Karl and Turner, E. Shane|9780538688222\n2003|Course Technology|New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML and Dynamic HTML, 2nd Edition|Carey, Patrick|9780619187194\n1998|Que Pub|Using HTML 4 - Java 1.1 - Javascript 1.2 - Platinum Edition|Ladd, Eric and O'Donnell, Jim|9780789714770\n1997|Peachpit Pr|HTML for the World Wide Web, Second Edition (Visual QuickStart Guide)|Castro, Elizabeth|9780201688627\n2003|McGraw-Hill|Teach Yourself HTML Publishing on the World Wide Web|Bride, Mac|9780071419567\n1998|Que Pub|Special Edition Using Html 4|Holzschlag, Molly E.|9780789718518\n1996|Sams|Teach Yourself Web Publishing With Html 3.2 in 14 Days: Premier Edition (Teach Yourself (Teach Yourself))|Lemay, Laura|9781575210964\n2003|John Wiley &Sons|HTML in 10 Simple Steps or Less|Fuller, Robert G.|9780764541230\n1998|New Riders Pub|Creative Html Design|Weinman, Lynda and Weinman, William|9781562057046\n1996|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|Beyond Html|Karpinski, Richard|9780078821981\n1997|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|Dynamic Html in Action|Petrovsky, Michele|9780078824371\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|HTML Programming Professional Made Easy: Expert HTML Programming Language Success in a Day for any Computer Users|Key, Sam|9781508438649\n2020-02-28T00:00:01Z|Elluminet Press|HTML & CSS for Beginners: Learn the Fundamentals of Computer Programming (1) (Essential Coding)|Foster, Jo|9781913151140\n1999|Microsoft Press|Dynamic HTML Reference and Software Development Kit|Microsoft Corporation|9780735606388\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Html & CSS Programming: The Ultimate guide on How you can write Html and CSS in Under 10 Hours|Dawson, Ted|9781519536709\n1997|Que Pub|10 Minute Guide to Html Style Sheets (SAMS TEACH YOURSELF IN 10 MINUTES)|Zacker, Craig|9780789710345\n1998|Academic Press|Discovering HTML 4|Pfaffenberger, Bryan|9780125531672\n2018|Independently published|HTML Programming For Beginners: Answers all your Questions Step-by-Step (Programming for Beginners: A Friendly Q & A Guide)|Doyle, Ryshith|9781792923265\n2004|Althos|Introduction to Extensible HTML (xHTML)|Routt, Bill|9781932813005\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PHP - HTML for a customizable edit form (IT Easy Solutions - Programming & Office Automation) (Volume 1)|Taricco, Mr Gian Piero|9781514646670\n1997|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Html & Web Publishing Secrets|Heid, Jim and Block, Adam|9780764540035\n1998|Prentice Hall Ptr|Javascript and Html 4.0 User's Resource|Murray, William H. and Pappas, Chris H.|9780139774225\n2019|Adesh Silva|Computer Programming The Doctrine: An introduction to the language of computer programming. From user-friendly HTML to the more advanced Python. C, C++,C#, Coding, Rasberry PI and Black Hat Hacking|Silva, Adesh|9781999256746\n2002|Course Technology|New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML Third Edition - Introductory (New Perspectives (Course Technology Paperback))|Carey, Patrick|9780619101138\n2014|GRIN Verlag|HTML & Advanced HTML Programming for Beginners|Chikani, Nitin|9783656607526\n2013||Html & Css Programming Guide|Ramasamy, Venkatesh|9781304699787\n2000|Paraglyph Press / Dreamtech, New Delhi, India|Html Black Book: Comprehensive Problem Solver|Holzner and Steven|9788177220865\n2021|Jacob Parker|HTML & CSS: The Simplified Beginners Guide to build your websites and Easily Html & CSS Programming in 7 Days|Parker, Jacob|9781803060545 HTML html developer html year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2002|A typed representation for HTML and XML documents in Haskell|10.1017/S0956796802004392|70|8|Peter Thiemann|aefffbc84ecc2754b34b50bfdd2593ae90637e67\n2000|Modeling HTML in Haskell|10.1007/3-540-46584-7_18|28|2|Peter Thiemann|ef171868f99c03e4875c6b4e9b04e5ab07a1df34\n1998|Using HTML and JavaScript in introductory programming courses|10.1145/273133.273754|15|0|Rebecca T. Mercuri and N. Herrmann and J. Popyack|9b58c94021a5d7f6c1dd7052221a47bde042f5ff\n2013| — Putting your laboratory online in less than five minutes with WebPager tool: Automatic generation and real-time control of a LabVIEW based laboratory server from pluginless HTML page|10.1109/EXPAT.2013.6703063|4|0|Igor Titov and Evgeny Titov|77d6843d3dd20cd3b554aacfac82d0df2a1706c2\n2018|HTML Voice|10.1109/ICCUBEA.2018.8697733|2|0|Hashmeet Chadha and Satyam Mhatre and Unnati Ganatra and S. Pathak|081d9e7d4c794dc4975cc00d9dd5a856d031c787\n2018|Build an Online Shop Website Using Html Programming Language|10.1088/1757-899X/407/1/012064|2|0|E. S. Soegoto and H. Pasaribu|7eca57779b9bcb922028e10feb0e8c9757abea74\n2017|Recommendation of Instructional Video Clips for HTML Learners Based on the ID3 Algorithm|10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2017.84|1|0|Ting-Chia Hsu and Kai-Zhong Zhou|1bd14d790a2abaa69d9a7114cf864d970516f63b title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nHTML Black Book: The Programmer's Complete HTML Reference Book|2000|Steven Holzner|1922302|3.77|96|5\nHTML 4 for Dummies|1995|Ed Tittel|625442|3.46|130|10\nHtml: HTML & CSS: For Beginners: Your Step by Step Guide to Easily HtmL & Css Programming in 7 Days||iCode Academy|54826146|3.70|47|2\nHTML, XHTML & CSS for Dummies|2008|Ed Tittel|2557278|3.55|109|14\nHTML: Learn HTML The Smart Way! HTML for Beginners Guide to: Learning HTML, HTML & CSS, & Web Design (HTML5, HTML5 and CSS3, HTML Programming, HTML CSS, HTML for Beginners, HTML Programming Book 1)|2015|Quick Start Guides|46124453|3.89|18|0 css CSS 1996 Håkon Wium Lie 50 stylesheetLanguage 414 css3 4 7 25203 608659 963 418 2013 2018 2 48 html javascript webgl xml svg xpath 1996 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Although most often used to set the visual style of web pages and user interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL, and is applicable to rendering in speech, or on other media. Along with HTML and JavaScript, CSS is a cornerstone technology used by most websites to create visually engaging webpages, user interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many mobile applications. CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of presentation and content, including aspects such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple HTML pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content. Separation of formatting and content makes it possible to present the same markup page in different styles for different rendering methods, such as on-screen, in print, by voice (via speech-based browser or screen reader), and on Braille-based tactile devices. It can also display the web page differently depending on the screen size or viewing device. Readers can also specify a different style sheet, such as a CSS file stored on their own computer, to override the one the author specified. Changes to the graphic design of a document (or hundreds of documents) can be applied quickly and easily, by editing a few lines in the CSS file they use, rather than by changing markup in the documents. The CSS specification describes a priority scheme to determine which style rules apply if more than one rule matches against a particular element. In this so-called cascade, priorities (or weights) are calculated and assigned to rules, so that the results are predictable. The CSS specifications are maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Internet media type (MIME type) text/css is registered for use with CSS by RFC 2318 (March 1998). The W3C operates a free CSS validation service for CSS documents. 2001 1937 7498 3840 23290197 505671 808537 4446834 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nLanikSJ slack-dark-mode CSS #563d7c 425 52 202 "Slack Dark Mode for macOS Desktop"\nCyb3rWard0g HELK CSS #563d7c 1743 327 110 "The Hunting ELK"\nmicrosoft TypeScript-Node-Starter CSS #563d7c 5908 1323 307 "A starter template for TypeScript and Node with a detailed README describing how to use the two together."\nUndeadSec SocialFish CSS #563d7c 1216 441 97 "Educational Phishing Tool & Information Collector"\njonasschmedtmann advanced-css-course CSS #563d7c 1413 1726 86 "Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Advanced CSS course"\nnecolas normalize.css CSS #563d7c 36137 7356 423 "A modern alternative to CSS resets"\nvinceliuice Mojave-gtk-theme CSS #563d7c 352 71 58 "Mojave is a macos Mojave like theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell"\nnikitavoloboev my-mac-os CSS #563d7c 15117 629 171 "List of applications and tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing"\njgthms bulma CSS #563d7c 36439 2965 550 "Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox"\nrstacruz cheatsheets CSS #563d7c 7217 1704 226 "My cheatsheets"\ntroxler awesome-css-frameworks CSS #563d7c 2026 151 99 "List of awesome CSS frameworks"\npmarsceill just-the-docs CSS #563d7c 847 420 80 "A modern, high customizable, responsive Jekyll theme for documention with built-in search."\ntailwindcss tailwindcss CSS #563d7c 14288 666 761 "A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development."\nStylishThemes GitHub-Dark CSS #563d7c 5847 421 215 "Dark GitHub style"\nryanoasis nerd-fonts CSS #563d7c 16392 1030 650 "Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 40+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more"\nBlackrockDigital startbootstrap-sb-admin CSS #563d7c 2234 1587 29 "A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap"\nDMQ mvvm CSS #563d7c 3821 942 113 剖析vue实现原理,自己动手实现mvvm\nBNDong Cnblogs-Theme-SimpleMemory CSS #563d7c 300 256 67 "🍭 Cnblogs theme / Basic theme : SimpleMemory"\nuikit uikit CSS #563d7c 14876 2128 144 "A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces"\nBlackrockDigital startbootstrap-sb-admin-2 CSS #563d7c 7083 4238 166 "A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap"\ntheme-next hexo-theme-next CSS #563d7c 3901 1230 248 "Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo."\nmicrosoft azuredevopslabs CSS #563d7c 200 146 19 "Learn how you can plan smartly, collaborate better, and ship faster with a set of modern development services with Azure DevOps."\nTencent weui.js CSS #563d7c 2546 837 42 "A lightweight javascript library for WeUI."\ndaneden animate.css CSS #563d7c 61860 13095 738 "🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing."\nkitian616 jekyll-TeXt-theme CSS #563d7c 833 788 65 "💎 🐳 A super customizable Jekyll theme for personal site, team site, blog, project, documentation, etc." css css text/css source.css markup c/CSS.css W3C stylesheetLanguage Cascading Style Sheets true 416 abs ace al alumina apache-hbase argdown arrow-format asciidots atprotocol avail awl ballerina bazel beef bicep bitsy blackcoffee blitzmax blockml borgo bounce-lang bqn broccoli-2 bruijn bucklescript capn-proto caramel carp cat categorical-query-language ceylon chatterbot chevrotain chicken chisel cir civet claro clash clay clojurescript coco coffeekup coffeescript cokescript coq cor cortex couchdb crmsh croc cryptol crystal csvw curv cyber d3 dafny dak daonode deno dex dexvis dhall differential-datalog djangoql djot dragonbasic drupal duro ecr edgedb eiffel ejs elena elm elvish emojicode emscripten enso erlang euphoria eve eyg factor fancy fardlang felix ffmpeg fish flatbuffers flatline flix flow flow9 flowchart-fun flua flutter flux fql frost fructure-editor frundis futhark futurescript gap gforth ghc git gleam glicol gluon go goal gogs-editor golo gradle gravity gridstudio-editor groff gun gura hackett hakaru halide hasklig haxelibs-pm hazel heron-lang hhvm highlightjs hjson hrqr htmx htsql huginn hurl hy hyperscript-lang ibis icedcoffeescript idris idyll imba imhex impala infusion-framework inko invokator ioke iterm2 ixml jal-compiler jasmine java jeeves jekyll jet jflex jinx jison jq jquery jsil-compiler jsoncanvas jsonnet julia juvix k-framework katex kefir koka kotlin ktyek kumir kuroko ladybird ld-json leo-editor lesma lever lift ligo links-programming-language linux lispyscript literate-coffeescript lobster loci logica lsif-format luajit lucid-lang luna m3db mal manhood manim margin marko markwhen maskjs mastodon mathjson mathpix-markdown matplotlib mavo mdx melody mermaid microblocks micropython minilang minizinc mirah mlscript mochajs monaco mond mongodb monkeyx monte moya mu mun-lang myia mys mythryl nadesiko nearley nestedtext netlogo neut newlisp nextflow ngs nim ninja nit nlpl nltk nodejs noisecraft nomnoml note numba objectscript observable-framework observable-plot obsidian-lang oden ohayo ohm oil ok olc om onnx opa open-nn open-shading-language opencv openverse p-star p4p packagist-pm pact pandas parsers particles particles pawn-scripting-language pawn pegjs penrose pinto pkl plaid-programming-language plang please-build podlite poke polyglot-compiler popr postgresql potion pov-ray-sdl prettier prismjs project-mentat prometheus prql pug purescript pygments pyth python pytorch qalb qore quaint quint racket rainbow ramen rant rapidbatch raptorjit recfiles red redis redprl ricscript rmarkdown robotframework roc rockstar rosie roy ruby rust rye sanddance satysfi scala-js scikit-learn scipy scribble scroll sentient serious shadama shml sibilant simoji sizzle skip skulpt slab slony smallbasic smpl snowman-decompiler solid-network solidity sourcepawn space speedie spiderbasic sqlite sqrl stacklang statsplorer strat stringbean subleq sugarss svelte swift swym sympy tablam tabloid taf taijilang tampio tangledown terra textadept-editor tht tibet tiledb tldr tldraw toffeescript toontalk tornado tosh twine twtxt txtzyme u uiua urweb v v8 vega-editor-app vega vimwiki visdown vlc vsxu vuejs vyxal wasm wasp-lang web3js wenyan wing wiredtiger wonkey wren wyvern xarray xgboost-model xgboost xidoc xl-lang xtext yasnippet yawl yeti yii yoptascript zephir false CERN css css css true 2881847 45617 55 1 3 true css 3840 text css css Switzerland /*! * Bootstrap v2.3.1 * * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 * * * Designed and built with all the love in the world @twitter by @mdo and @fat. */ .clearfix{*zoom:1;}.clearfix:before,.clearfix:after{display:table;content:"";line-height:0;} .clearfix:after{clear:both;} .hide-text{font:0/0 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XHTML|Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Freeman and Elisabeth Robson|9780596101978\n2010|O'Reilly Media|CSS Cookbook, 3rd Edition (Animal Guide)|Christopher Schmitt|9780596155933\n2010|Course Technology, Cengage Learning|Blended Html, Xhtml, and CSS|Henry Bojack|9780538746335\n2006|Apress|Pro CSS Techniques (Expert's Voice)|Rubin, Dan and Lloyd, Ian and Croft, Jeffrey|9781590597323\n2004|Peachpit Press|DHTML and CSS Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide|Teague, Jason Cranford|9780321266910\n2004|Wiley|HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible (Bible) 3rd Edition|Pfaffenberger, Bryan and Schafer, Steven M. and White, Chuck and Karow, Bill|9780764557392\n2004|Wrox|Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS (Wrox Beginning Guides)|Duckett, Jon|9780764570780\n2009|McGraw-Hill Education|HTML, XHTML & CSS QuickSteps|Hart-Davis, Guy|9780071633178\n2017|Independently published|Programming: Python Programming, JAVA Programming, HTML and CSS Programming for Beginners|Academy, iCode|9781520676081\n2010|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML and CSS in One Hour a Day: Includes New HTML5 Coverage|Lemay, Laura and Colburn, Rafe|9780672331367\n20061017|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Cookbook|Christopher Schmitt|9780596554682\n2017|Packt Publishing|Enduring CSS|Frain, Ben|9781787284531\n2014|Apress|CSS Quick Syntax Reference|Olsson, Mikael|9781430264910\n20071018|Springer Nature|Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML|Craig Cook; David Schultz|9781430203506\n2015|Apress|Beginning CSS Preprocessors: With SASS, Compass.js and Less.js|Prabhu, Anirudh|9781484213476\n2008|Apress|The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design (Essentials)|Grannell, Craig|9781430204794\n2011|Apress|Pro CSS for High Traffic Websites (Expert's Voice in Web Design)|Kennedy, Antony and de Leon, Inayaili|9781430232896\n2013|Apress|CSS for Windows 8 App Development (Expert's Voice in Windows 8)|Foster, Jeremy|9781430249849\n2020|Packt Publishing|Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS: Develop future-proof responsive websites using the latest HTML5 and CSS techniques, 3rd Edition|Frain, Ben|9781839219795\n2022|SitePoint|Tailwind CSS|Gerchev, Ivaylo|9781098140991\n2020|Independently published|Coding for Kids Ages 9-15: Simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript lessons to get you started with Programming from Scratch|Mather, Bob|9798644382446\n2020|Apress|Modern CSS: Master the Key Concepts of CSS for Modern Web Development|Attardi, Joe|9781484262948\n2014|Adobe Press|CSS Animations and Transitions for the Modern Web|Bradley, Steven|9780133980547\n2013|O'Reilly Media|CSS Text: Styling Your Words|Meyer, Eric A.|9781449373740\n2021|Independently published|Coding for Absolute Beginners: Master the Basics of Computer Programming with Python, Java, SQL, C, C++, C#, HTML, and CSS|Warner, Andrew|9798543586372\n2014|Sams Publishing|HTML, CSS and JavaScript All in One, Sams Teach Yourself: Covering HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery|Meloni, Julie C.|9780133795189\n2011|For Dummies|HTML, XHTML and CSS For Dummies|Tittel, Ed and Noble, Jeff|9780470916599\n2019|Manning|Web Design Playground: HTML & CSS The Interactive Way|McFedries, Paul|9781638350590\n2015|No Starch Press|Build an HTML5 Game: A Developer's Guide with CSS and JavaScript|Bunyan, Karl|9781593275754\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites|Nixon, Robin|9781491949467\n2012|Cengage Learning|New Perspectives on Blended HTML and CSS Fundamentals: Introductory|Bojack, Henry and Scollard, Sharon|9781285414652\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Programming: Computer Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of HTML5, JavaScript & CSS (Coding, C Programming, Java Programming, Web Design, JavaScript, Python, HTML and CSS)|Connor, Joseph|9781541006225\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Computer Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics of Java, SQL, C, C++, C#, Python, HTML, CSS and Javascript|Alvin, Cooper|9781981497805\n2011|New Riders|CSS for Print Designers|Graffam, J. D.|9780321765888\n2017|Apress|CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions|Collison, Simon and Budd, Andy and Moll, Cameron|9781430223986\n2017|Independently published|HTML & CSS For Beginners: Your Step by Step Guide to Easily HtmL & Css Programming in 7 Days|Academy, iCode|9781520561400\n2010|Mike Murach & Associates|Murach's HTML, XHTML, and CSS|Anne Boehm|9781890774578\n2009|Apress|AdvancED CSS|Lewis, Joe and Moscovitz, Meitar|9781430219330\n2006|O'Reilly Media|CSS Cookbook (Cookbooks (O'Reilly))|Schmitt, Christopher|9780596527419\n2015|McGraw Hill|CSS & CSS3: 20 Lessons to Successful Web Development: 20 Lessons to Successful Web Development [ENHANCED EBOOK]|Nixon, Robin|9780071850216\n2008|Wrox|Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS|Duckett, Jon|9780470259313\n2008|For Dummies|HTML, XHTML, and CSS All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies|Harris, Andy and McCulloh, Chris|9780470186275\n2005-07-01T00:00:01Z|Teora USA, LLC|HTML, XHTML, CSS and XML by Example: A Practical Guide (By Example Series)|Teodoru Gugoiu|9781594960376\n2018|Apress|CSS Framework Alternatives: Explore Five Lightweight Alternatives to Bootstrap and Foundation with Project Examples|Shenoy, Aravind and Prabhu, Anirudh|9781484233993\n2017|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Introduction to Web Interaction Design: With HTML and CSS|Macaulay, Michael|9781138911857\n2008|Apress|HTML and CSS Web Standards Solutions: A Web Standardistas' Approach|Persson, Nicklas and Murphy, Christopher|9781430216063\n2007|Apress|Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML: Modern Guide and Reference (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)|Cook, Craig and Schultz, David|9781590597477\n2009|Wrox|Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery|York, Richard|9780470227794\n2018|Independently published|HTML, CSS & JavaScript for Complete Beginners: A Step by Step Guide to Learning HTML5, CSS3 and the JavaScript Programming Language|Hawramani, Ikram|9781790591848\n2007|Sybex|Mastering Integrated HTML and CSS|DeBolt, Virginia|9780470097540\n2007|Thomson Course Technology|New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS|Bojack, Henry|9781423906513\n2009|Apress|Getting StartED with CSS|Powers, David|9781430225430\n2003|Wiley|JavaScript: A Programmer's Companion from Basic through DHTML, CSS and DOM|Koch, Stefan|9780470847046\n2020-02-28T00:00:01Z|Elluminet Press|HTML & CSS for Beginners: Learn the Fundamentals of Computer Programming (1) (Essential Coding)|Foster, Jo|9781913151140\n2001|Prentice Hall|Essential CSS and DHTML for Web Professionals (2nd Edition)|Livingston, Dan|9780130649959\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Html & CSS Programming: The Ultimate guide on How you can write Html and CSS in Under 10 Hours|Dawson, Ted|9781519536709\n2019-09-03T00:00:01Z|Independently published|You Are The Css To My Html: Size 6 x 9 inch - 120 Pages - Lined (Ruled) Notebook/Journal|Journal, Programming and Coding Lovers|9781690768128\n43014|Packt Publishing|Mastering CSS|Rich Finelli|9781787120570\n2013||Html & Css Programming Guide|Ramasamy, Venkatesh|9781304699787\n20160613|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Table Layout in CSS|Eric A. Meyer|9781491930489\n2015-08-21T00:00:01Z||CSS Programming Professional Made Easy|Key, Sam|9781329461710\n2019|Independently published|Source Code: Path to Programming CSS|Society, Source Code|9781090804709\n20160912|Springer Nature|ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework and CSS|Lee Naylor|9781484221372\n2021|Jacob Parker|HTML & CSS: The Simplified Beginners Guide to build your websites and Easily Html & CSS Programming in 7 Days|Parker, Jacob|9781803060545\n2008T|Wiley|Beginning Web Programming With Html, Xhtml, And Css|Jon Duckett|9788126516971\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Python Programming In A Day & CSS Programming Professional Made Easy|Key, Sam|9781511454568\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|C++ Programming Professional Made Easy & CSS Programming Professional Made Easy|Key, Sam|9781517222819\n2014|Tsinghua University Press|HTML 5 and CSS 3 programming from basic to applied (with DVD-ROM disc 1)(Chinese Edition)|ZHU HONG TAO . ZHAO XI LAI|9787302317999\n20110223|Hachette|Css|Fabien Basmaison; Antoine Cailliau|9782822409711\n2007|Eyrolles|Css 2|Raphaël Goetter|9782212850734\n20160726|Springer Nature|CSS Mastery|Andy Budd; Emil Björklund|9781430258643\n2007|Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John|Beginning Css|Richard York|9780470175071\n20150604|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Secrets|Lea Verou|9781449372767\n20130821|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Text|Eric A. Meyer|9781449373771\n20181011|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Master|Tiffany B Brown|9781492071013\n20160113|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Floating|Eric A. Meyer|9781491929612\n20181022|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Modern CSS|Craig Buckler; Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski; Claudio Ribeiro; Tiffany B Brown; David Attard; Ahmed Bouchefr|9781492069973\n20130821|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Text|Eric A. Meyer|9781449373788\n20210815|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Master|Tiffany B Brown|9781098129484\n20160113|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Floating|Eric A. Meyer|9781491929599\n20200515|Springer Nature|Architecting CSS|Martine Dowden; Michael Dowden|9781484257500\n20150604|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Secrets|Lea Verou|9781449372774\n20091215|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Cookbook|Christopher Schmitt|9781449389055\n20091215|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Cookbook|Christopher Schmitt|9781449382940\n2017|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Html And Css|Micheal Knapp|9781542829908\n20160413|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Positioning in CSS|Eric A. Meyer|9781491930328\n20130912|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Jump Start CSS|Louis Lazaris|9781457192258\n20130912|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Jump Start CSS|Louis Lazaris|9781457192265\n20180308|Simon & Schuster|CSS in Depth|Keith Grant|9781638355861\n20180402|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CSS Pocket Reference|Eric Meyer|9781492033349\n20170525|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Flexbox in CSS|Estelle Weyl|9781491981436\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Html & Css For Beginners|iCode Academy|9781535236102\n2009|Prentice Hall|CSS Fundamentals [With DVD]|Montoya and Christian|9780137043835\n2022-04-22|Elluminet Press|HTML& CSS for Beginners|Jo Foster|9781913151706\n20071222|Springer Nature|Beginning CSS Web Development|Simon Collison|9781430202257\n20210125|ClydeBank Media|HTML & CSS QuickStart Guide|David DuRocher|9781636100029\n11/2021|Mike Murach & Associates|Murach's HTML and CSS|Zak Ruvalcaba, Anne Boehm|9781943872886\n20210505|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Modern CSS with Tailwind|Noel Rappin|9781680508574\n20181022|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|The Advanced CSS Collection|Craig Buckler; Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski; Claudio Ribeiro; Tiffany B Brown; David Attard; Ahmed Bouchefr|9781492069898\n20100325|Springer Nature|Getting StartED with CSS|David Powers|9781430225447\n2019|Anak Hebat Indonesia|Buku Sakti Html, Css & Javascript|Adam Saputra, S.Si.|9786232443723 CSS css developer css year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2016|An Empirical Study on the Use of CSS Preprocessors|10.1109/SANER.2016.18|22|1|D. Mazinanian and Nikolaos Tsantalis|c064a3f1e0d9d086baa50433435f884905e15177\n2018|CSS Preprocessing: Tools and Automation Techniques|10.3390/info9010017|3|0|R. Queirós|6f85bbca627498fa404f6f705b3000ca0155c989 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nHTML, XHTML & CSS for Dummies|2008|Ed Tittel|2557278|3.55|109|14 perl Perl 1987 Larry Wall 86 pl 114 5.38.2 5 8 16 25188 28878 83 2013 2024 129 533 1886 2286 248 2005 2018 20 30 pearl c lisp pascal sed coffeescript falcon groovy javascript julia lpc raku php python ruby powershell unix bourne-shell regex unicode haskell parrot-vm dtrace json awk fortran s-expressions yacc bison sql html xs rfc jvm apl perl-data-language pod 1987 Perl is a family of high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages. The languages in this family include Perl 5 and Perl 6. Though Perl is not officially an acronym, there are various backronyms in use, including "Practical Extraction and Reporting Language". Perl was originally developed by Larry Wall in 1987 as a general-purpose Unix scripting language to make report processing easier. Since then, it has undergone many changes and revisions. Perl 6, which began as a redesign of Perl 5 in 2000, eventually evolved into a separate language. Both languages continue to be developed independently by different development teams and liberally borrow ideas from one another. The Perl languages borrow features from other programming languages including C, shell script (sh), AWK, and sed. They provide powerful text processing facilities without the arbitrary data-length limits of many contemporary Unix commandline tools, facilitating easy manipulation of text files. Perl 5 gained widespread popularity in the late 1990s as a CGI scripting language, in part due to its then unsurpassed regular expression and string parsing abilities. In addition to CGI, Perl 5 is used for system administration, network programming, finance, bioinformatics, and other applications, such as for GUIs. It has been nicknamed "the Swiss Army chainsaw of scripting languages" because of its flexibility and power, and also its ugliness. In 1998, it was also referred to as the "duct tape that holds the Internet together", in reference to both its ubiquitous use as a glue language and its perceived inelegance. 2001 1299 4942 3709 23939 1995 69499 101542 Makefile.PL Rexfile ack cpanfile 169830 6 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nbrendangregg FlameGraph Perl #0298c3 8342 973 180 "Stack trace visualizer"\nwebmin webmin Perl #0298c3 1077 318 37 "Powerful and flexible web-based server management control panel"\nAlDanial cloc Perl #0298c3 7923 502 189 "cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages."\nSpiderLabs owasp-modsecurity-crs Perl #0298c3 1828 573 41 "OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) Project (Official Repository)"\nsullo nikto Perl #0298c3 3232 542 81 "Nikto web server scanner" cperl cperl perl perl perl text/x-perl source.perl programming p/ 15 pl 2355 true 117 ace al apache-hbase bash bazel beef berkeleydb blitzmax bucardo bucardo ceylon cir cito civet click clike cloc cosh cryptol cyber dale dashrep ec eiffel elymas erlang factor felix ffmpeg flare flex flow9 frege frundis gap ghc git go groff gura hakaru hhvm homa icarus idio idris iterm2 jal-compiler java jemplate jflex juicy kakoune-editor katex ko lean links-programming-language linux lobster mal markdown mathics mongodb mudlle mythryl ncl nesc newclay nextflow nianiolang nit nodejs noweb objectscript obsidian-lang opa opal opencv openrc-runscript pan pcre perl polyglot-compiler postgresql potion pov-ray-sdl pygments racket rakudo revolution-programming-language rholang ricscript roc rocksdb ruby skip slash slony smallbasic smpl snowball-programming-language souper sporth swi-prolog sympy tao3d tensorflow testml textframe tinyc-compiler txtzyme vcpkg-pm vlc vsxu wiredtiger wonkey zl false 1987 2024 94475 1254 6852 Unisys pl pm t pod pl al cgi fcgi perl ph plx pm psgi t pl pl pm t perl pl pm t pod perl c bourne-shell xml yaml json markdown tex pascal make diff lisp prolog sql yacc d true 496724 13482 163 1 true 5 false ack al cpanfile perl ph plh plx pm psgi rexfile pl p6 false 3152 text perl perl United States Perl #!/usr/local/bin/perl print "Perl\n" print("Hello, world!\n"); #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use IO::Handle; my ( $remaining, $total ); $remaining = $total = shift(@ARGV); STDOUT->autoflush(1); while ( $remaining ) { printf ( "Remaining %s/%s \r", $remaining--, $total ); sleep 1; } print "\n"; #!/usr/bin/perl print "Hello World\n"; Perl # Hello world in perl print "Hello World!\n"; Perl __DATA__ else lock qw __END__ elsif lt qx __FILE__ eq m s __LINE__ exp ne sub __PACKAGE__ for no tr and foreach or unless cmp ge package until continue gt q while CORE if qq xor do le qr y # =begin =cut print true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true 276 9 Perl Perl Perl year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2007|Prentice Hall|Perl by Example (4th Edition)|Quigley, Ellie|9780132381826\n2000|Addison-Wesley Professional|Network Programming with Perl|Stein, Lincoln D.|9780201615715\n1996|Sams|Perl 5 Unleashed|Husain, Kamran and Breedlove, Robert F.|9780672308918\n2001|Peachpit Press|Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web, Second Edition|Castro, Elizabeth|9780201735680\n2012|Wrox|Beginning Perl|Poe, Curtis|9781118013847\n1998|Peachpit Press|Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web (Visual QuickStart Guide)|Castro, Elizabeth|9780201353587\n1997|O'Reilly Media|Advanced Perl Programming (Perl Series)|Srinivasan, Sriram|9781565922204\n1997|O'Reilly Media|Mastering Regular Expressions: Powerful Techniques for Perl and Other Tools (Nutshell Handbooks)|Friedl, Jeffrey E. F.|9781565922570\n1998|Computing McGraw-Hill|Perl 5 Developer's Guide|Peschko, Ed and Dewolfe, Michelle|9780079136985\n2011|O'Reilly Media|Perl Pocket Reference: Programming Tools|Vromans, Johan|9781449303709\n2006|O'Reilly Media|Intermediate Perl|Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Phoenix and brian d foy|9780596102067\n1998|Addison-Wesley Professional|Effective Perl Programming: Writing Better Programs with Perl|Hall, Joseph N. and Schwartz, Randal|9780201419757\n1999|O'Reilly Media|The Perl CD Bookshelf: Perl in a Nutshell/Programming Perl, 2nd Edition/Perl Cookbook/Advanced Perl Programming/Learning Perl, 2nd Edition/Learning Perl on WIN32 Systems|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|9781565924628\n1999|Coriolis Group|Perl Core Language Little Black Book: The Essentials of the Perl Language|Holzner, Steven|9781576104262\n1997|O'Reilly Media|Learning Perl (Nutshell Handbooks)|Christiansen, Tom and Schwartz, Randal L.|9781565922846\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Mastering Perl: Creating Professional Programs with Perl|foy, brian d|9781449393113\n2003|For Dummies|Perl For Dummies|Hoffman, Paul|9780764537509\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Mastering Perl/Tk: Graphical User Interfaces in Perl|Lidie, Stephen and Walsh, Nancy|9781565927162\n2005|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself Perl in 24 Hours (3rd Edition)|Pierce, Clinton|9780672327933\n2007|Jones & Barlett Learning|Perl Programming For Medicine And Biology|Jules J. Berman|9780763743338\n2001|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|Instant Perl Modules|Sparling, Douglas and Wiles, Frank|9780072129625\n2001|Apress|Professional Perl Development|Arva, Adrian and Ellis, Joshua and Corliss, Arthur and Kobes, Randy and Wainwright, Peter and Wilcox, Mark and de Mauro, Pancrazio and Mauro, Pancrazio de and Oliver, Simon and Brown, Gavin|9781861004383\n2002|O'Reilly Media|The Perl CD Bookshelf, Version 3.0: 7 Bestselling Books on CD-ROM Includes a Bonus Book! Perl in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition|O'Reilly & Associates|9780596003890\n2001|O'Reilly Media|Perl CD Bookshelf 2.0 (Book & CD-ROM)|Various Authors|9780596001643\n2002|Addison-Wesley|The Web Wizard's Guide to Perl and CGI|David A. Lash|9780201764369\n2020|Apress|Advanced Perl Programming: From Advanced to Expert|"Rothwell, William ""Bo"""|9781484258620\n1998|O'Reilly Media|Perl 5 Pocket Reference|Vromans, Johan|9781565924956\n2003|Wiley-Liss|Perl Programming for Biologists|Jamison, D. Curtis|9780471430599\n2002|Manning Publications|Graphics Programming with Perl|Verbruggen, Martien|9781930110021\n2003|O'Reilly Media|Perl 6 Essentials|Allison Randal and Dan Sugalski and Leopold Totsch|9780596004996\n2001|Prentice Hall|Weaving a Website: Programming in HTML, Java Script, Perl and Java|Anderson-Freed, Susan|9780130282200\n1996|O'Reilly Media|Perl 5 Desktop Reference (A Nutshell Handbook)|Vromans, Johan|9781565921870\n2001|Sams Publishing|Win32 Perl Programming: The Standard Extensions|Roth, Dave|9781578702169\n2019|Apress|Beginning Perl Programming: From Novice to Professional|"Rothwell, William ""Bo"""|9781484250549\n2006|No Starch Press|Wicked Cool Perl Scripts: Useful Perl Scripts That Solve Difficult Problems|Oualline, Steve|9781593270629\n2001|Addison-wesley|Perl Debugged|Scott, Peter|9780201700541\n1999|Coriolis Group Books|Perl Black Book: The Most Comprehensive Perl Reference Available Today|Holzner, Steven|9781576104651\n2001|Addison-Wesley Professional|Writing CGI Applications with Perl|Meltzer, Kevin and Michalski, Brent|9780201710144\n2001|Coriolis Group|Perl Black Book, 2nd Edition|Holzner, Steven|9781588801937\n2000|Sams Publishing|Win32 Perl Scripting: The Administrator's Handbook|Roth, Dave|9781578702152\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Advanced programming in Perl for beginners|Oria San Martin, Dorian|9781533018731\n1996|Sams|Teach Yourself Cgi Programming With Perl in a Week (Sams Teach Yourself)|Herrmann, Eric|9781575210094\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Perl In Your Hands: For Beginners in Perl Programming|S, Gokul Amuthan|9781530959631\n1997|Hungry Minds Inc|Perl 5 for Dummies|Hoffman, Paul|9780764500442\n20010718|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Perl|Tom Phoenix; Randal L. Schwartz|9780596551926\n2009|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Combinatorial Pattern Matching Algorithms in Computational Biology Using Perl and R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Biology Series)|Valiente, Gabriel|9781420069730\n2012|Cambridge University Press|Unix And Perl To The Rescue!: A Field Guide For The Life Sciences (and Other Data-rich Pursuits)|Bradnam, Keith.|9780521169820\n1997|Prentice Hall Ptr|Cgi Developer's Resource: Web Programming in Tcl and Perl (Resource Series)|Ivler, J. M. and Husain, Kamran|9780137277513\n20030821|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Cookbook|Tom Christiansen; Nathan Torkington|9780596554965\n20011022|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics|James Tisdall|9780596550479\n2002|Wiley|Programming the Network with Perl|Barry, Paul|9780471486701\n2020|Apress|Pro Perl Programming: From Professional to Advanced|"Rothwell, William ""Bo"""|9781484256053\n1997|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself Perl 5 For Windows Nt In 21 Days|Till and David and Zhang and Tony|9780672310478\n2009|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Combinatorial Pattern Matching Algorithms in Computational Biology Using Perl and R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Biology Series)|Valiente, Gabriel|9781420069747\n2006|Springer|An Introduction to Language Processing with Perl and Prolog: An Outline of Theories, Implementation, and Application with Special Consideration of English, French, and German (Cognitive Technologies)|Nugues, Pierre M.|9783540343363\n2003|O'Reilly Media|Perl Cookbook, Second Edition|Christiansen, Tom and Torkington, Nathan|9780596003135\n2000|O'Reilly Media|Programming Perl (3rd Edition)|Wall, Larry and Christiansen, Tom and Orwant, Jon|9780596000271\n2003|Wiley-Blackwell|Programming for Linguists: Perl for Language Researchers|Hammond, Michael|9780631234340\n2012|O'Reilly Media|Intermediate Perl: Beyond The Basics of Learning Perl|Schwartz, Randal L. and foy, brian d and Phoenix, Tom|9781449393090\n2019|Apress|Beginning Perl Programming: From Novice to Professional|"Rothwell, William ""Bo"""|9781484250556\n2005|O'Reilly Media|Perl Best Practices: Standards and Styles for Developing Maintainable Code|Conway, Damian|9780596001735\n2005|O'Reilly Media|Advanced Perl Programming: The Worlds Most Highly Developed Perl Tutorial|Cozens, Simon|9780596004569\n2001|O'Reilly Media|Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics|James Tisdall|9780596000806\n2000|O'Reilly Media|Programming the Perl DBI: Database programming with Perl|Tim Bunce and Alligator Descartes|9781565926998\n2004||CGI Programming 101: Programming Perl for the World Wide Web, Second Edition|Jacqueline Hamilton|9780966942613\n2010|Addison-Wesley Professional|Effective Perl Programming: Ways to Write Better, More Idiomatic Perl (Effective Software Development)|Hall, Joseph N. and McAdams, Joshua A. and Foy, Brian D.|9780321718273\n2010|Addison-Wesley Professional|Effective Perl Programming: Ways to Write Better, More Idiomatic Perl (Effective Software Development Series)|Hall, Joseph and McAdams, Joshua and Foy, Brian|9780321496942\n1999|Manning Publications|Elements of Programming with Perl|Johnson, Andrew L|9781884777806\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Perl in A Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (2nd Edition)|Ellen Siever and Stephen Spainhour and Nathan Patwardhan|9780596002411\n2003|O'Reilly Media|Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics|James D. Tisdall|9780596003074\n2001|Manning Publications|Data Munging with Perl|Cross, David|9781930110007\n2017|Apress|Parsing with Perl 6 Regexes and Grammars: A Recursive Descent into Parsing|Lenz, Moritz|9781484232286\n1996|Addison-Wesley Professional|CGI Programming in C and Perl|Boutell, Thomas|9780201422191\n2006|O'Reilly Media|Perl Hacks: Tips & Tools for Programming, Debugging, and Surviving|"chromatic and Damian Conway and Curtis ""Ovid"" Poe"|9780596526740\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Perl Graphics Programming: Creating SVG, SWF (Flash), JPEG and PNG files with Perl|Wallace, Shawn|9780596002190\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Perl and XML: XML Processing with Perl|Ray, Erik T. and McIntosh, Jason|9780596002053\n2008|Wiley|Scripting with Objects: A Comparative Presentation of Object-Oriented Scripting with Perl and Python|Kak, Avinash C.|9780470397251\n2001|Prentice Hall|Perl How to Program|Deitel, Harvey M. and Deitel, Paul J. and Nieto, Tem R. and McPhie, D. C.|9780130284181\n2017|Apress|Perl 6 Fundamentals: A Primer with Examples, Projects, and Case Studies|Lenz, Moritz|9781484228999\n2005|O'Reilly Media|Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook: A Developer's Notebook|Ian Langworth and chromatic|9780596100926\n2006|Cengage Learning PTR|Perl Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Ford, Jr. Jerry Lee|9781598632224\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Programming Web Services with Perl|Randy J. Ray and Pavel Kulchenko|9780596002060\n2019|Independently published|PERL: PERL Programming for Beginners. Learn Programming PERL, 2019 Edition. (Step-by-Step PERL Programming)|Publishing, Nexcod|9781088570869\n2010|Apress|Beginning Perl (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Lee, James|9781430227939\n2002|Manning Publications|Extending and Embedding Perl|Tim Jenness and Simon Cozens|9781930110823\n2008|Wiley|Practical Text Mining with Perl|Bilisoly, Roger|9780470176436\n2020|Apress|Advanced Perl Programming: From Advanced to Expert|"Rothwell, William ""Bo"""|9781484258637\n2002|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself Perl in 21 Days (2nd Edition)|Lemay, Laura|9780672320354\n2003|O'Reilly Media|Learning Perl Objects, References, and Modules|Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Phoenix|9780596004781\n2005|Apress|Pro Perl Debugging|Lester, Andy and Foley, Richard|9781590594544\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Computer Science & Perl Programming: Best of TPJ|Jon Orwant|9780596003104\n1996|O'Reilly Media|Programming Perl|Christiansen, Tom and Schwartz, Randal L. and Wall, Larry|9781565921498\n2007|O'Reilly Media|Mastering Perl|brian d foy|9780596527242\n2005|Apress|Pro Perl Parsing|Frenz, Christopher M.|9781590595046\n2002|John Wiley &Sons|Perl Database Programming|Michalski, Brent|9780764549564\n1997|O'Reilly Media|Learning Perl on Win32 Systems: Perl Programming in Win32 (Perl Series)|Schwartz, Randal L. and Olson, Erik and Christiansen, Tom|9781565923249\n2017|Packt Publishing|Perl 6 Deep Dive: Data manipulation, concurrency, functional programming, and more|Shitov, Andrew|9781787123458\n2003|In Easy Steps Limited|PERL in easy steps|McGrath, Mike|9781840782608\n2007|Elsevier Inc.|Perl Scripting for Windows Security: Live Response, Forensic Analysis, and Monitoring|Harlan Carvey and Jeremy Faircloth|9781597491730\n2004|O'Reilly Media|Games Diversions & Perl Culture: Best of the Perl Journal|Jon Orwant|9780596003128\n2019|Apress|Perl 6 Quick Syntax Reference: A Pocket Guide to the Language, the Core Modules, and the Community|Merelo, J.J.|9781484249567\n2012|Cambridge University Press|UNIX and Perl to the Rescue!: A Field Guide for the Life Sciences (and Other Data-rich Pursuits)|Bradnam, Keith and Korf, Ian|9780521169820\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Perl Pocket Reference, 4th Edition|Vromans, Johan|9780596003746\n2006|Apress|Pro Perl Debugging: From Professional to Expert (Pro: From Professional to Expert)|Lester, Andy and Foley, Richard|9781430200444\n1991|O'Reilly Media|Programming Perl (Nutshell Handbooks)|Schwartz, Randal L. and Wall, Larry|9780937175644\n1993|O'Reilly Media|Learning Perl (Nutshell Handbooks)|Schwartz, Randal L.|9781565920422\n2020-02-29T00:00:01Z|Apress|Pro Perl Programming: From Professional to Advanced|"Rothwell, William ""Bo"""|9781484256046\n1999|O'Reilly Media|Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C: The Apache API and mod_perl|MacEachern, Doug and Stein, Lincoln|9781565925670\n2011|Syngress|Perl Scripting for Windows Security: Live Response, Forensic Analysis, and Monitoring|Carvey, Harlan|9780080555638\n2001|Apress|Professional Perl Programming|Simon Cozens|9781861004499\n1996|Sams|Teach Yourself Cgi Programming With Perl 5 in a Week (Teach Yourself Series)|Herrmann, Eric|9781575211961\n2004|Paraglyph Press|Perl Core Language Little Black Book, Second Edition|Steven Holzner|9781932111927\n2004|O'Reilly Media|Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, Second Edition|Allison Randal and Dan Sugalski and Leopold Toetsch|9780596007379\n1996|Sams|Teach Yourself Perl 5 in 21 Days (Sams Teach Yourself)|Till, David|9780672308949\n2014|Packt Publishing|Penetration Testing with Perl|Berdeaux, Douglas|9781783283453\n2002|Manning Publications|Web Development with Apache and Perl|Peterson, Theo and Petersen, Theo|9781930110069\n2000|O'Reilly Media|Perl 5 Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition: Programming Tools (O'Reilly Perl)|Vromans, Johan and Mui, Linda|9780596000325\n2001|O'Reilly Media|Perl for Web Site Management: HTML Generation, Link Checking, Simple CGI, and More|Callender, John|9781565926479\n2007|Oxford University Press|Perl for Exploring DNA|LeBlanc, Mark D. and Dyer, Betsey Dexter|9780195305890\n2001|Que Publishing|Perl for the Web|Radcliff, Chris|9780735711143\n1997|O'Reilly Media|Perl Resource Kit -- UNIX Edition|Siever, Ellen and Wall, Larry and Jepson, Brian and Futato, David and Patwardhan, Nathan|9781565923706\n2017|Packt Publishing|Perl 6 Deep Dive: Data manipulation, concurrency, functional programming, and more|Shitov, Andrew|9781787282049\n1996|Que Pub|Special Edition Using Perl 5 for Web Programming|Harlan, David and Doyle, Paul and Healy, Matthew D. and Foghlu, Micheal O and Powers, Shelley|9780789706591\n1997|Sams|Web Programming with Perl 5|Middleton, Bill and Deng, Brian and Kemp, Chris|9781575211121\n1999|Prentice Hall|A Little Book on Perl|Sebesta, Robert W.|9780139279553\n2004|Apress|Perl 6 Now: The Core Ideas Illustrated with Perl 5 (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Walters, Scott|9781590593950\n2000|For Dummies|Perl For Dummies?|Hoffman, Paul|9780764507762\n2015|Lulu Publishing Services|Programming Perl for Geoscientists|Oria San Martin, Dorian|9781483418438\n1997|White Mane Pub. Co|Web Client Programming with Perl|Wong, Clinton|9780942597264\n1999|New Riders Pub|Win32 Perl Programming: The Standard Extensions (The Mtp Windows Nt Professional Reference Series)|Roth, Dave|9781578700677\n1999-07-01T00:00:01Z|Prentice Hall Ptr|Perl Programmer's Interactive Workbook (Interactive Workbook (Prentice Hall))|Lowe, Vincent|9780130208682\n2004|Universal Publishers|On Perl: Perl for Students and Professionals|Kalita, Jugal K.|9781581125504\n1996|Waite Group Pr|Perl 5 How-To|Glover, Mike and Humphreys, Aidan and Weiss, Ed|9781571690586\n1999-02-11T00:00:01Z|O'Reilly Media|Programming Web Graphics with Perl and GNU Softwar|Shawn P. Wallace|9781565924789\n2009-03-20T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Learning PERL the Hard Way: Perl Programming for Beginners|Downey, Allen B.|9781441419033\n1999|O'Reilly Media|Perl in a Nutshell|Ellen Siever and Nathan Patwardhan and Spainhour, Stephen|9781565922860\n2002|Pearson P T R|Modern Perl Programming|Saltzman, Michael|9780130089656\n1998|Hungry Minds Inc|Perl for Dummies|Hoffman, Paul|9780764504600\n2015||Perl Programming Success In Day|Key, Sam|9781329502239\n1997|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Discover Perl 5 (Discover (Idg Books Worldwide, Inc.).)|Barkakati, Nabajyoti|9780764530760\n1996|Ziff Davis Pr|Programming Perl 5.0 Cgi Web Pages for Microsoft Windows Nt (PC Magazine (New York, N.Y.).)|Hagey, Jonathan|9781562764203\n2010|Springer|An Introduction to Language Processing with Perl and Prolog: An Outline of Theories, Implementation, and Application with Special Consideration of English, French, and German (Cognitive Technologies)|Nugues, Pierre M.|9783642064050\n2019|Independently Published|Perl|Nexcod Publishing|9781076869388\n2022||Programming Perl|Christiansen|9789350236505\n2019-11-21T00:00:01Z|Independently published|PERL PROGRAMMING|Toliver, Felicia|9781710286021\n2003|Tata Mcgraw-hill Education|Perl Programming For Bioinformatics|Harshawardhan P. Bal and Bal|9780070474475\n2005|O'Reilly Media|Extreme Programming with Perl|Nagler, Rob|9780596002664\n|NA|PROGRAMMING PERL 3/E|WALL|9788173662652\n2011T|Pearson Education|Effective Perl Programming 2/e: Ways to Write Better, More Idiomatic Perl|Hall|9788131774250\n1996|John Wiley & Sons Inc|60 Minute Guide to Cgi Programming With Perl 5|Farrell, Robert|9781568847801\n1999|Computing Mcgraw-hill|Perl|Martin C. Brown|9780072121421\n|New Riders|Applied Perl|William Weinman|9781562057343\n20120726|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Intermediate Perl|Randal L. Schwartz; brian d foy; Tom Phoenix|9781449343804\n2000|San Val|Programming Perl|Larry Wall and Tom Christiansen and Jon Orwant|9781417625642\n20061101|Springer Nature|Pro Perl|Peter Wainwright|9781430200147\n2007|O'reilly Media, Inc.|Mastering Perl|brian d foy|9780596551476\n2001|Wiley|Applied Perl|Peter Williams|9780764547836\n20140109|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Mastering Perl|brian d foy|9781449364977\n20140109|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Mastering Perl|brian d foy|9781449364960\n20010718|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Perl|Tom Phoenix|9780596517953\n||Programming Perl|Larry Wall; Steve Talbot; Randal L. Schwartz; Tom Christiansen|9781565928282\n20080908|BarCharts Inc.|Perl Guide|Scott Marino|9781423208150\n20210629|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Perl|Randal L. Schwartz; brian d foy; Tom Phoenix|9781492094906\n2012-09-27|Wiley|Beginning Perl|Curtis Poe|9781118235638\n20120217|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Perl|Tom Christiansen|9781449321475\n20120217|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Perl|Tom Christiansen; brian d foy; Larry Wall; Jon Orwant|9781449321468\n20140430|Pearson Technology Group|Perl Debugged|Peter Scott|9780133891454\n20161006|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Perl|Randal L. Schwartz; brian d foy; Tom Phoenix|9781491954270\n20080627|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Perl|Randal L. Schwartz; Tom Phoenix; brian d foy|9780596154318\n9/4/12|Wiley Professional Development (P&T)|Beginning Perl|Curtis Poe|9781118221877\n20080627|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Perl|Randal L. Schwartz; Tom Phoenix; brian d foy|9780596551858\n20030821|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Cookbook|Tom Christiansen; Nathan Torkington|9780596516864\n20100614|Springer Nature|Beginning Perl|James Lee|9781430227946\n20120726|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Intermediate Perl|Randal L. Schwartz; brian d foy; Tom Phoenix|9781449343811\n20131126|Random House Publishing Services|Perl One-Liners|Peteris Krumins|9781593275693\n2000||Advanced Perl Programming|Sriram Srinivasan / Larry Wall / Tom Christiansen / Ronald Schwartz|9781565925588\n2002|Sams|XML and Perl|Mark Riehl and Ilya Sterin and Llya Sterin|9780735712898\n||Perl Programming Essentials|Software Alchemy|9781114236967\n2000|D D C Pub|Advanced Perl Programming|Rob Roselius|9781562439774\n|Safari Press|Basic Perl Programming|Loy and Marc|9780596526030\n2001|Wrox Press, Inc.|Professional Perl Programming|Peter C. Wainwright and Arthur Corliss and Aldo Calpini and Simon Cozens and J. J. Merelo-Guervos|9780641537356\n20150102|Pearson Technology Group|Perl by Example|Ellie Quigley|9780133593044\n20020719|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Pocket Reference|Johan Vromans|9780596528942\n||Advanced Perl Programming|Sriram Srinivasan; Andy Oram|9781565928305\n1997|O'Reilly Media, Incorporated|Advanced Perl Programming|Sriram Srinivasan and Andy Oram|9780641500220\n2005||Programming In Perl|Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg|9780534376628\n||Advanced Perl Programming|Not Available|9780596002671\n20110719|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Pocket Reference|Johan Vromans|9781449312978\n20110719|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Pocket Reference|Johan Vromans|9781449313555\n20050331|Elsevier S & T|Higher-Order Perl|Mark Jason Dominus|9780080478340\n20020425|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl and XML|Erik T. Ray|9780596516406\n20020719|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Pocket Reference|Johan Vromans|9781449378844\n20021219|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Graphics Programming|Shawn Wallace|9781449358310\n|Longman Higher Education|Wall:programming Perl 2e||9781565920330\n20021219|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Graphics Programming|Shawn Wallace|9781449358303\n2011-05-09|Wiley|Perl For Dummies|Paul Hoffman|9781118085189\n20050712|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Best Practices|Damian Conway|9780596516369\n20170508|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Think Perl 6|Laurent Rosenfeld; Allen B. Downey|9781491980507\n|McGraw-Hill|Perl 5 complete|Peschko, Ed and DeWolfe, Michele|9780072129144\n20050628|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Advanced Perl Programming|Simon Cozens|9781449378912\n20020425|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl and XML|Erik T. Ray; Jason McIntosh|9781449366827\n20050628|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Advanced Perl Programming|Simon Cozens|9780596517113\n20061107|Springer Nature|Pro Perl Parsing|Christopher M. Frenz|9781430200499\n20180824|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Perl 6|brian d foy|9781491977644\n20050712|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Best Practices|Damian Conway|9780596555023\n1999|Longhorn Pr|Perl Power!: A Jumpstart Guide To Programming With Perl 5|Michael Schilli|9780201360684\n2000||Programming The Perl Dbi|Alligator Descartes / Tim Bunce|9780641508608\n1998||Cgi Programming With Perl|Ziff-Davis Education|9780737253542\n2000|D D C Pub|Perl Programming (5 Days)|Jeff Howell|9781562439767\n2006|Equity Press|Perl Programming Interview Questions, Answers, And Explanations: Perl Programming Certification Review|Itcookbook|9781933804484\n1999/08/24|Upper Saddle River, N.J. Prentice Hall PTR, c2000.|Perl 5 programmer's notebook|Jesse Feiler|9780130213211\n20021104|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Computer Science & Perl Programming|Jon Orwant|9781449371357\n2007|Oxford University Press|Perl for exploring DNA|Leblanc, Mark D. , 1962-|9780195327571\n19990818|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Mastering Algorithms with Perl|Jarkko Hietaniemi|9781449307271\n20061122|Springer Nature|Beginning Perl Web Development|Steve Suehring|9781430200895\n20000204|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming the Perl DBI|Tim Bunce; Alligator Descartes|9781449315368\n19990818|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Mastering Algorithms with Perl|Jarkko Hietaniemi; John Macdonald; Jon Orwant|9781449307196\n20000629|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CGI Programming with Perl|Scott Guelich|9781491904664\n20030925|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics|James Tisdall|9781449390907\n20011022|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics|James Tisdall|9780596516277\n2014-12-30|Packt Publishing|Penetration Testing with Perl|Douglas Berdeaux|9781783283460\n|Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Liss, c2003.|Perl programming for biologists||9780471722748\n2005-09-27|Wiley|Bioinformatics Biocomputing and Perl|Michael Moorhouse and Paul Barry|9780470026458\n|Cambridge, Ma : O'reilly, 2000.|Programming The Perl Dbi||9781565929753\n20030522|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Games, Diversions & Perl Culture|Jon Orwant|9781449397784\n20080514|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Perl Student Workbook|foy, brian d|9781449335205\n2007||Programming The Perl Dbi|Tim Bunce and Jeff Zucker|9780596005863\n20000629|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|CGI Programming with Perl|Scott Guelich; Shishir Gundavaram; Gunther Birznieks|9781449326791\n20030522|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Games, Diversions & Perl Culture|Jon Orwant|9781449397913\n20020603|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl in a Nutshell|Nathan Patwardhan; Ellen Siever; Stephen Spainhour|9780596516550\n20000204|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming the Perl DBI|Tim Bunce|9781449315917\n20021104|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Computer Science & Perl Programming|Jon Orwant|9781449371340\n20020603|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl in a Nutshell|Nathan Patwardhan; Ellen Siever; Stephen Spainhour|9781449378820\n20030925|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics|James Tisdall|9781449391553\n1997|O'reilly|Web Client Programming With Perl|Wong, Clinton.|9781565922143\n|Cambridge ; O'reilly, C1997.|Web Client Programming With Perl||9780585032238\n20021219|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Web Services with Perl|Randy J. Ray; Pavel Kulchenko|9780596516413\n2011-09-20|Wiley|Practical Text Mining with Perl|Roger Bilisoly|9781118210505\n20050714|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook|Ian Langworth; Chromatic|9781449313081\n20050714|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook|Ian Langworth|9781449313678\n20020809|Springer Nature|Writing Perl Modules for CPAN|Sam Tregar|9781430211525\n|O'reilly Media|Programming Cocoa Applications With Perl|Sugalski, Dan|9780596003586\n2003-01-10|Wiley|Programming the Network with Perl|Paul Barry|9780470849415\n20030609|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Perl Objects, References, and Modules|Randal L. Schwartz; Tom Phoenix|9781449365691\n1996|Simon & Schuster|Perl And Cgi Programming Starter Kit|Simon & Schuster|9781575210780\n2001||Perl Programming For The Absolute Beginner|Andy Harris|9780761536635\n1902|Addison-wesley Professional|Programming Perl In The .net Environment|Yevgeny Menaker and Michael Saltzman and Robert J. Oberg|9780130652065\n1998|Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John|Perl Cgi Programming - No Experience Required|Erik Strom|9780782121575\n20030609|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Perl Objects, References, and Modules|Randal L. Schwartz|9781449365707\n20120719|Cambridge University Press|UNIX and Perl to the Rescue!|Keith Bradnam; Ian Korf|9781139368575\n20120719|Cambridge University Press|UNIX and Perl to the Rescue!|Keith Bradnam; Ian Korf|9781139365741\n2003|Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated|Programming for Linguists: Perl for Language|Michael Hammond|9780631234333\n20140316|Emereo|Perl 254 Success Secrets - 254 Most Asked Questions On Perl - What You Need To Know|Janice Randolph|9781488538193\n2015-07-21|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Perl Programming Success In A Day: Beginners Guide To Fast, Easy, And Efficient Learning Of Perl Programming|Sam Key|9781515168584\n1997|Macmillan Technical Pub|Perl 5 Windows Nt Programming (using Series)|Mike Mcmillan|9781578700011\n1999|Coriolis Group Books|Perl Programming For Nt Blue Book: The Quickest Path To Expertise In Nt Administration Scripting Using Perl|Michael Mcmillan and James Sutherland|9781576104040\n1999|O'reilly|Writing Apache Modules With Perl And C|Stein, Lincoln D. , 1960-|9781565925670\n2000|Mcgraw-hill Professional|Perl Developer's Guide (book/cd-rom Package)|Ed S. Peschko and Ed Peschko and Michele Dewolfe and Michelle DeWolfe|9781402854194\n2003|APRESS|Real World SQL Server Administration with Perl|Linchi Shea|9781590590973\n1996||Using Perl 5 For Web Programming, Special Edition||9780641024894\n2000||Tuomas J. Lukka's Object-oriented Programming In Perl|Tuomas J. Lukka|9781893115033\n2002||Perl Programming For Biologists: Hands-on Tools For Bioinformatics|Unknown|9781891786143\n2012|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Perl Programming Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked|Vibrant Publishers|9781475188387\n2011|Xlibris Corporation 9/27/2011|Scientific Database And Programming Examples Using Php, Mysql, Xml, Matlab, Python, Perl: Using Php, Mysql, Xml, Matlab, Python, Perl (paperback Or Softback)|Cheung and K. Y.|9781465364432\nJuly 2000||Relational Database Programming for the Web with Perl and CGI|Brian Shensky|9780201432954\n2008-05-15|Wiley Global Research (STMS)|Scripting with Objects: A Comparative Presentation of Object-Oriented Scripting with Perl and Python|Avinash C. Kak|9781119095095\n2012|Cambridge University Press|Unix And Perl To The Rescue!: A Field Guide For The Life Sciences (and Other Data-rich Pursuits)|Bradnam, Keith.|9780521169820\n2001||Open Source: The Wiki Way: Quick Collaboration On The Web, Postgresql: Introduction And Concepts And Network Programming With Perl Package|Momjian|9780201787719\n2010||Array Programming Languages: FORTRAN, APL, Gnu Octave, J, Mathematica, MATLAB, Nial, Scilab, IDL, Supercollider, K, Numpy, Perl Data Language|Books and LLC and Group|9781157458708\n|Springer Berlin Heidelberg,|An Introduction To Language Processing With Perl And Prolog: An Outline Of Theories, Implementation, And Application With Special Consideration Of English, French, And German|Nugues, Pierre M. (author.)|9783540250319 Perl perl engineer perl year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2002|Programming for Linguists: Perl for Language Researchers|10.1002/9780470752234|20|0|Michael Hammond|008fce82b00d157447e1432559aa9193d8986bf9\n2014|Perldoop: Efficient execution of Perl scripts on Hadoop clusters|10.1109/BigData.2014.7004303|6|0|J. Abuín and J. C. Pichel and T. F. Pena and Pablo Gamallo and Marcos Garcia|a1139332895dd8827f2152413f66c2f6a5918bf8\n2015|Quantitative Linguistic Computing with Perl|10.1080/07268602.2015.1004657|3|0|Haoda Feng|fa316f617c3256ec4ee95c7fbb41fe488e42c217\n2005|VECT: an automatic visual Perl programming tool for nonprogrammers.|10.2144/05384RR02|2|0|Hui-Hsien Chou|06a478a88dc7d47277addc1d648ab7f3e749af0a\n2020|A newly developed free software tool set for averaging electroencephalogram implemented in the Perl programming language|10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05580|2|0|S. Suwazono and H. Arao|fca6d512fc3434c39663f289f7df06a403553dac\n2011|Joint Application of Perl Scripts and MCNPX in Solving the Dynamic-Geometry Related Problems in Proton Beam Radiotherapy (Selected Papers of the Joint International Conference of Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo : SNA + MC 2010)|10.15669/pnst.2.176|1|0|F. Guan and J. Poston and L. Braby|e28e642649d133b7f2f861a256c63b2d620c91b0\n2019|Running Perl 6|10.1007/978-1-4842-4956-7_1|1|0|J. Merelo|2146c6d9a24fd20503e7db406799eefa6ff0ae47\n2004|PERL PROGRAMMING FOR BIOLOGISTS, by D. Curtis Jamison, Wiley, Hoboken, 2003, ISBN 0-471-43059-5, ix + 191 pp. (Pbk, £27.95)|10.1017/S0263574704210943|1|0|A. Andrew|014606001ea7425a185967570b2c8711ed3fb42d\n2006|A Study on Perl Programming Language Aided Informetrics|10.11925/INFOTECH.1003-3513.2006.07.10|1|0|Chen Xin Chen Tun|c01b9d1786913352f097df4f480d04d5d8a9b222 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nProgramming Perl|1991|Tom Christiansen|675275|4.04|2104|52\nAdvanced Perl Programming (Perl Series)|1997|Sriram Srinivasan|570466|3.93|201|1\nEffective Perl Programming|1997|Joseph Hall|931057|4.22|103|10\nPerl for Dummies|1997|Paul E. Hoffman|1015718|3.42|48|5\nThe Perl CD Bookshelf: Perl in a Nutshell/Programming Perl, 2nd Edition/Perl Cookbook/Advanced Perl Programming/Learning Perl, 2nd Edition/Learning Perl on WIN32 Systems|1999|O'Reilly Media Inc.|570491|4.11|27|0\nProgramming the Perl DBI|2000|Tim Bunce|620583|3.47|77|3 php PHP 1995 Rasmus Lerdorf 101 pl 56 8.3.7 5 9 31 25180 904206 2012 2011 2024 1999 1399 7709 37688 1035 509 2005 2018 15 28 c hhvm parrot-vm java perl tcl falcon hack html x86-isa unicode wordpress json mysql mime javascript xml parrot-internal-representation cil ftp postgresql sqlite aws java-server-pages linux python mediawiki drupal 1994 PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Development Team. PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, but it now stands for the recursive acronym PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP code may be embedded into HTML or HTML5 markup, or it can be used in combination with various web template systems, web content management systems and web frameworks. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in the web server or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The web server software combines the results of the interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any type of data, including images, with the generated web page. PHP code may also be executed with a command-line interface (CLI) and can be used to implement standalone graphical applications. The standard PHP interpreter, powered by the Zend Engine, is free software released under the PHP License. PHP has been widely ported and can be deployed on most web servers on almost every operating system and platform, free of charge. The PHP language evolved without a written formal specification or standard until 2014, leaving the canonical PHP interpreter as a de facto standard. Since 2014 work has gone on to create a formal PHP specification. 2001 3151 7839 10104 24131 1997 202442 339509 .php .php_cs .php_cs.dist Phakefile 3479326 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nfzaninotto Faker PHP #4F5D95 21754 2507 375 "Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you"\nlaravel laravel PHP #4F5D95 54813 16809 929 "A PHP framework for web artisans"\nlaravel framework PHP #4F5D95 18676 6774 463\nmonicahq monica PHP #4F5D95 7726 935 302 "Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends and family."\nmautic mautic PHP #4F5D95 3421 1236 88 "Mautic: Open Source Marketing Automation Software."\ndanielmiessler SecLists PHP #4F5D95 19907 8011 550 "SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more."\nthe-benchmarker web-frameworks PHP #4F5D95 2932 243 204 "Which is the fastest web framework?"\nSeldaek monolog PHP #4F5D95 15663 1570 315 "Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services"\nfirefly-iii firefly-iii PHP #4F5D95 2718 426 130 "Firefly III: a personal finances manager"\neasy-swoole easyswoole PHP #4F5D95 2336 365 282 "High performance Coroutine PHP Framework, base on Swoole"\nPrestaShop PrestaShop PHP #4F5D95 3922 3305 77 "PrestaShop offers a fully scalable open source ecommerce solution."\nakaunting akaunting PHP #4F5D95 2097 797 137 "Free and Online Accounting Software"\nphacility phabricator PHP #4F5D95 10942 1385 116 "Open software engineering platform and fun adventure game"\nyiisoft yii2 PHP #4F5D95 13073 6810 94 "Yii 2: The Fast, Secure and Professional PHP Framework"\nswoft-cloud swoft PHP #4F5D95 3829 590 447 "🚀 PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework"\nelastic elasticsearch-php PHP #4F5D95 3510 712 106 "Official PHP low-level client for Elasticsearch."\nelementor elementor PHP #4F5D95 2505 632 81 "The most advanced frontend drag & drop page builder. Create high-end, pixel perfect websites at record speeds. Any theme, any page, any design."\nopencart opencart PHP #4F5D95 5040 3838 87 "A free shopping cart system. OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online e-commerce solution."\ntymondesigns jwt-auth PHP #4F5D95 8258 1047 134 "🔐 JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel & Lumen"\nlaravel cashier PHP #4F5D95 1655 411 41\nmagento magento2 PHP #4F5D95 7806 6717 128 "All Submissions you make to Magento Inc. (""Magento"") through GitHub are subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) You grant Magento a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no charge, royalty free, irrevocable license under your applicable copyrights and patents to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, display, publically perform, subli…"\ntennc webshell PHP #4F5D95 4829 3617 191 "This is a webshell open source project"\narea17 twill PHP #4F5D95 1507 162 119 "Twill is an open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible. Chat with us and others on Spectrum!"\nhyperf-cloud hyperf PHP #4F5D95 1186 167 366 "🚀 A coroutine framework that focuses on hyperspeed and flexibility, specifically used for build microservices or middlewares."\ncomposer composer PHP #4F5D95 20839 5592 354 "Dependency Manager for PHP" inc php php php application/x-httpd-php text.html.php programming p/PHP.php 10 pl Personal Home Page 2361 true 59 ace apache-hbase asciimath chaiscript chrysalisp cloc codecept cyber dexvis drupal eiffel flatbuffers flow9 fpp haxe hhvm hook huginn ioke jedi jekyll jison jquery latte ldpl leo-editor lux mal mongodb monkeyx nadesiko nodejs nuua packagist-pm pharen pharen phel phel php pov-ray-sdl prql pygments ramen sdms slim-framework smallbasic sourcepawn sqhtml srl swym textile tht toontalk twig typoscript wasmer wordpress yii zephir false 1999 2024 147515 1581 23287 Zend php phtml php3 php4 php5 php7 phps php aw ctp fcgi inc php3 php4 php5 phps phpt php php php[345] inc php phtml php3 php4 php5 php7 phps php php c pascal m4 json xml assembly-language yaml markdown cpp bourne-shell glsl html xslt xsd restructuredtext ini lua diff reason csv dtd yacc awk lex javascript python d make bash dockerfile true 2362804 30349 231 1 true 8 true aw ctp phakefile php php3 php4 php5 php_cs php_cs.dist phps phpt phtml false 1596 text php php PHP php-cli Canada PHP #!/usr/bin/php firstName = $firstName; $this->lastName = $lastName; } public function greet(): string { return 'Hello, my name is ' . $this->firstName . (($this->lastName != '') ? (' ' . $this->lastName) : '') . '.'; } public static function staticGreet(string $firstName, string $lastName) { return 'Hello, my name is ' . $firstName . ' ' . $lastName . '.'; } } $he = new Person('John', 'Smith'); $she = new Person('Sally', 'Davis'); $other = new Person('iAmine'); echo $he->greet(); // prints "Hello, my name is John Smith." echo '
'; echo $she->greet(); // prints "Hello, my name is Sally Davis." echo '
'; echo $other->greet(); // prints "Hello, my name is iAmine." echo '
'; echo Person::staticGreet('Jane', 'Doe'); // prints "Hello, my name is Jane Doe." PHP __CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __FUNCTION__ __halt_compiler() __LINE__ __METHOD__ __NAMESPACE__ __TRAIT__ abstract and array() as break callable case catch class clone const continue declare default die() do echo else elseif empty() enddeclare endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile eval() exit() extends final finally for foreach function global goto if implements include include_once instanceof insteadof interface isset() list() namespace new or print private protected public require require_once return static switch throw trait try unset() use var while xor yield // /* */ echo ' true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true true true true 274 26 PHP PHP PHP year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2009|O'Reilly Media|Head First PHP & MySQL: A Brain-Friendly Guide|Lynn Beighley and Michael Morrison|9780596006303\n2012|Peachpit Press|PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming: Visual QuickPro Guide (Visual QuickPro Guides)|Ullman, Larry|9780321832184\n2002|Prentice Hall|The Web Wizard's Guide to PHP|Lash, David|9780321121745\n2006|O'Reilly Media|PHP Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for PHP Programmers|Trachtenberg, Adam and Sklar, David|9780596101015\n2012|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL|Forbes, Alan|9781494267353\n2004|O'Reilly Media|Learning PHP 5|Sklar, David|9780596005603\n|Apress Distributed To The Book Trade Worldwide By Springer-verlag New York|Php Objects, Patterns, And Practice|Zandstra, Matt.|9781430229254\n2016|Apress|Design Patterns in PHP and Laravel|Dockins, Kelt|9781484224519\n2004|O'Reilly Media|Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL, 2nd Edition|Hugh E. Williams and David Lane|9780596005436\n2004|O'Reilly Media|Upgrading to PHP 5|Trachtenberg, Adam|9780596006365\n2012|O'Reilly Media|PHP & MySQL: The Missing Manual|McLaughlin, Brett|9781449325572\n2013|Apress|PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice|Zandstra, Matt|9781430260318\n2010|Apress|Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|Gilmore, W Jason|9781430231141\n2001|Peachpit Press|PHP Advanced for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickPro Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780201775976\n2004|Cengage Learning PTR|PHP 5 / MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Harris, Andy|9781592004942\n2016|Apress|PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice|ZANDSTRA, MATT|9781484219959\n2015|Apress|Learn PHP 7: Object Oriented Modular Programming using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, JSON, and MySQL|Prettyman, Steve|9781484217290\n2010|Packt Publishing|PHP 5 E-commerce Development|Peacock, Michael|9781847199645\n2011|Apress|Pro PHP Programming (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Gogala, Mladen and MacIntyre, Peter and MacDonald, Adam and Danchilla, Brian|9781430235606\n2006|Cengage Learning PTR|PHP for Teens|Sethi, Maneesh|9781598631395\n2008|Cengage Learning EMEA|Dynamic Web Application Development Using PHP and MySQL|Stobart, Simon and Parsons, David|9781844807536\n2006|, LLC|Phparchitect's Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide|Shafik, Davey and Ramsey, Ben|9780973862140\n2007|O'Reilly Media|Learning PHP & MySQL: Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Database-Driven Web Sites|Davis, Michele E. and Phillips, Jon A.|9780596514013\n2002|Sams Publishing|PHP and PostgreSQL Advanced Web Programming|Geschwinde, Ewald and Schoenig, Hans-Juergen|9780672323829\n|Novatec|PHP Com XML||9788575220252\n2007|Peachpit Press|PHP 5 Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780321376015\n2008|Wiley|Flash and PHP Bible|Keefe, Matthew|9780470258248\n2005|Addison-Wesley Professional|Spring Into PHP 5|Holzner, Steven|9780131498624\n2017|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Learn Php: The Complete Beginner's Guide To Learn Php Programming (php Guide)|Bruce Berke|9781544883847\n2016|Packt Publishing|Modular Programming with PHP 7|Ajzele, Branko|9781786462954\n2007|Packt Publishing|Learning Joomla! 1.5 Extension Development: Creating Modules, Components, and Plugins with PHP|LeBlanc, Joseph L.|9781847191304\n2005|O'Reilly Media|PHP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference|Hudson, Paul|9780596100674\n2016|Packt Publishing|PHP 7 Programming Blueprints|Palala, Jose and Helmich, Martin|9781785889714\n2004|Prentice Hall|PHP 5 Power Programming|Gutmans, Andi|9780131471498\n2009|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself PHP and MySQL: Video Learning Starter Kit|Sams Publishing|9780672330278\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Node.js for PHP Developers: Porting PHP to Node.js|Howard, Daniel|9781449333607\n2016|Apress|PHP CLI: Create Command Line Interface Scripts with PHP|Aley, Rob|9781484222379\n2010|Packt Publishing|PHP 5 Social Networking|Peacock, Michael|9781849512381\n2011|O'Reilly Media|PHP & MySQL: The Missing Manual|McLaughlin, Brett|9780596515867\n2005|O'Reilly Media|PHP Hacks: Tips & Tools For Creating Dynamic Websites|Herrington, Jack D.|9780596101398\n2020|Apress|Learn PHP 8: Using MySQL, JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5|Prettyman, Steve|9781484262399\n2015|Routledge|Web Programming for Business: PHP Object-Oriented Programming with Oracle|Paper, David|9780415818049\n2005|For Dummies|PHP and MySQL Everyday Apps For Dummies|Valade, Janet|9780764575877\n2006|O'Reilly Media|Learning PHP and MySQL|Michele E. Davis and Jon A. Phillips|9780596101107\n2008|Packt Publishing|Learning Drupal 6 Module Development: A practical tutorial for creating your first Drupal 6 modules with PHP|Butcher, Matt|9781847194442\n2019|Independently published|PHP: Advanced Detailed Approach to Master PHP Programming Language for Web Development|Martin, MG|9781075932557\n2006|McGraw-Hill Education|Oracle Database 10g Express Edition PHP Web Programming (Oracle Press)|McLaughlin, Michael|9780072263251\n2012|Springer|PHP and MySQL Manual: Simple, yet Powerful Web Programming (Springer Professional Computing)|Stobart, Simon and Vassileiou, Mike|9781447110552\n2001|Addison-Wesley|Create Dynamic Web Pages Using PHP and MySQL|Tansley, David|9780201734027\n2004|Course Technology PTR|PHP Game Programming|Rutledge, Matt|9781592001538\n31-10-2019|Packt Publishing|The PHP Workshop|Alexandru Busuioc; David Carr; Markus Gray; Vijay Joshi; Mark McCollum; Bart McLeod; M A Hossain Ton|9781838647285\n2014|Apress|PHP for Absolute Beginners|Lengstorf, Jason and Blom Hansen, Thomas|9781430268147\n2003|Apress|Advanced PHP for Flash|Webster, Steve and Rice, Matt and Palmer, James and Sutherland, Kev and Marks, Todd and Hanson, Jacob and Eide, Harvard and Eide, Håvard|9781590591871\n2018|Independently Published|Php: A Comprehensive Intermediate Guide To Learn The Concept Of Php Programming|Martin and Mg|9781730781094\n2004|Apress|Essential PHP Tools: Modules, Extensions, and Accelerators|Sklar, David|9781590592809\n2003|Wrox Press|PHP MySQL Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution|Chris Lea and Mike Buzzard and Cinis, Jessey and Thomas, Dilip|9781861008275\n2016|php[architect]|Functional Programming in PHP (2nd ed): a php[architect] guide|Holywell, Simon and Bruce, Kevin Hamilton|9781940111469\n2006|A-List Publishing|Hackish PHP Pranks & Tricks|Flenov, Michael|9781931769525\n2010|Packt Publishing|Magento 1.3: PHP Developer's Guide|Huskisson,Jamie|9781847197429\n2001|Pearson Educacion|PHP 4 - Serie Practica (Spanish Edition)|Fabrega Martinez, Pedro Pablo|9788420531120\n2006|Packt Publishing|Smarty PHP Template Programming And Applications|Hasin Hayder and J. P. Maia and Lucian Gheorghe|9781904811404\n2002|A-List Pub|Creating Your Web Site with PHP|Koterov, Dmitriy|9781931769044\n|Visibooks, LLC|The Visibooks Guide to PHP Basics|Paul Gruhn|9781597060332\n2016|Addison-Wesley Professional|PHP and MySQL Web Development (Developer's Library)|Luke, Welling and Thomson Laura|9780133038637\n2007|Packt Publishing|PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects: Practical PHP Mashups with Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!|Chow, Shu-Wai|9781847190888\n2014|Apress|PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy|Powers, David|9781484206355\n2016|Apress|PHP and MySQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach|Kromann, Frank M.|9781484206058\n2010|Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.|LAMP Programming, for Professionals - Covers MySQL 5.4 & PHP 6 (Book/CD-ROM/CentOS 5.4 DVD) by Sharanam Shah, Vaishali Shah (2010) Hardcover|Sharanam Shah and Vaishali Shah|9788184048438\n2007|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Filemaker Web Publishing: A Complete Guide To Using The API For PHP|Allyson Olm and Stephen Knight and Michael Petrov|9781598220414\n2017|Independently published|Object-Oriented PHP Best Practices: A Small Handbook of Conventions for Writing Readable, Sustainable OOPHP Code|Hawramani, Ikram|9781520921464\n20110110|Springer Nature|Pro PHP Refactoring|Francesco Trucchia; Jacopo Romei|9781430227281\n20160106|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|PHP Web Services|Lorna Jane Mitchell|9781491933046\n2008|Apress|PHP Object-Oriented Solutions|Powers, David|9781430210122\n2019|Independently Published|Php : A Beginner's Guide|Bruce Herbert|9781099807183\n20091001|Springer Nature|Zend Enterprise PHP Patterns|John Coggeshall; Morgan Tocker|9781430219750\n20100806|Springer Nature|Pro PHP and jQuery|Jason Lengstorf|9781430228486\n20080311|Springer Nature|Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP|Quentin Zervaas|9781430204756\n20070205|Springer Nature|Pro PHP XML and Web Services|Robert Richards|9781430201397\n2012|Apress|Pro PHP MVC (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Pitt, Chris|9781430241652\n2019|Independently published|PHP: A Step By Step Guide from Beginner to Expert (Learn PHP in 2 Hours and Start Programming Today)|Clyde, Alexander|9781078335126\n2015|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Php Programming: Learn Php Programming: - Crush It In One Day. Learn It Fast. Learn It Once. Get Coding Today.|Giggle Publishing|9781517659738\n20140804|Pearson Education (US)|Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP|Elizabeth Drake|9780133560107\n2009|Apress|PHP for Absolute Beginners (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Lengstorf, Jason|9781430224747\n2019||Php Mysql: Interview Exam, Certification Exam, 100 Questions And Answers|Ray Yao|9781798562062\n2015|Apress|Make an E-commerce Site in a Weekend: Using PHP|Harwani, Bintu|9781484216729\n2014|Apress|Practical PHP and MySQL Website Databases: A Simplified Approach (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|West, Adrian W.|9781430260776\n2004-02-20T00:00:01Z|Sams|Advanced PHP Programming|Schlossnagle, George|9780672325618\n2002|O'Reilly Media|PHP Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition|Rasmus Lerdorf|9780596004026\n2021|Apress|Pro PHP 8 MVC: Model View Controller Architecture-Driven Application Development|Pitt, Christopher|9781484269572\n2017|Peachpit Press|PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780134301914\n2010|Cengage Learning|PHP Programming with MySQL: The Web Technologies Series|Gosselin, Don and Kokoska, Diana and Easterbrooks, Robert|9781111790523\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL|Forbes, Alan|9781522792147\n2017|Peachpit Press|PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780134301846\n2010|Course Technology / Cengage Learning|PHP Programming with MySQL: The Web Technologies Series|Gosselin, Don and Kokoska, Diana and Easterbrooks, Robert|9780538745840\n2014|Packt Publishing|Building a Web Application with PHP and MariaDB: A Reference Guide|Sriparasa, Sai Srinivas|9781783981632\n2018|Apress|Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional|Kromann, Frank M.|9781430260448\n2011|O'Reilly Media|Head First PHP & MySQL|Morrison, Michael and Beighley, Lynn|9780596800802\n2016|Apress|PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice|ZANDSTRA, MATT|9781484219966\n2016|Peachpit Press|PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780134301884\n2021|Apress|PHP 8 Solutions: Dynamic Web Design and Development Made Easy|Powers, David|9781484271414\n2014|O'Reilly Media|PHP Cookbook: Solutions & Examples for PHP Programmers|Sklar, David and Trachtenberg, Adam|9781449363758\n2008|Addison-Wesley Professional|PHP and MySQL Web Development (4th Edition)|Welling, Luke and Thomson, Laura|9780672329166\n2011|Peachpit Press|PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites, Fourth Edition: Visual QuickPro Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780132767583\n2021|php[architect]|PHP Web Development with MySQL: A Hands On Approach to Application Programming|Marks, Kenneth E.|9781940111957\n2014|Peachpit Press|PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780321784070\n2018-05-21T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PHP Programming for Beginners: Programming Concepts. How to use PHP with MySQL and Oracle databases (MySqli, PDO)|Skudaev, Sergey|9781548980078\n2020-12-02T00:00:01Z|Paul Gibbs|PHP Tutorials: Programming with PHP and MySQL: Learn PHP 7 / 8 with MySQL databases for web Programming|Gibbs, Paul|9780992869755\n2012T|PP|PHP ADVANCED AND OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING: VISUAL QUICKPRO GUIDE|Ullman, Larry|9789332502093\n2019|Apress|PHP 7 Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy|Powers, David|9781484243381\n2019|Independently published|PHP: The Complete Guide for Beginners,Intermediate and Advanced Detailed Approach To Master PHP Programming|Martin, MG|9781080691098\n2020|Apress|Learn PHP 8: Using MySQL, JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5|Prettyman, Steve|9781484262405\n2009|Wrox|Beginning PHP 5.3|Doyle, Matt|9780470413968\n2017|Packt Publishing|PHP 7 Data Structures and Algorithms: Implement linked lists, stacks, and queues using PHP|Rahman, Mizanur|9781786463579\n2011|Peachpit Press|PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780321733450\n2017|Apress|PHP 7 Zend Certification Study Guide: Ace the ZCE 2017-PHP Exam|Beak, Andrew|9781484232460\n2016|Packt Publishing|PHP 7 Programming Cookbook|Bierer, Doug|9781785882548\n2013|Pearson|Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP|Drake, Elizabeth|9780133068306\n2016|In Easy Steps Limited|PHP 7 in easy steps|McGrath, Mike|9781840787467\n2012|Peachpit Press|PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming: Visual QuickPro Guide (Visual QuickPro Guides)|Ullman, Larry|9780133057782\n2016|Packt Publishing|PHP 7 Programming Cookbook|Bierer, Doug|9781785883446\n2013|Pearson|Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP (2-downloads)|Drake, Elizabeth|9780133251821\n2007|Manning Publications|PHP in Action: Objects, Design, Agility|Dagfinn Reiersol and Marcus Baker and Chris Shiflett|9781932394757\n2008|Apress|PHP Object-Oriented Solutions|Powers, David|9781430210115\n2016|Packt Publishing|Learning PHP 7|Lopez, Antonio|9781785883415\n2004|Sams Publishing|Advanced PHP Programming|Schlossnagle, George|9780672333149\n2016|Packt Publishing|Learning PHP 7|Lopez, Antonio|9781785880544\n2010|O'Reilly Media|PHP: The Good Parts: Delivering the Best of PHP|MacIntyre, Peter|9780596804374\n2015-04-14T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PhP: Learn PHP Programming Quick & Easy|Dimes, Troy|9781511594226\n2005|O'Reilly Media|Essential PHP Security|Shiflett, Chris|9780596006563\n2011|Peachpit Press|PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780132639880\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Learning PHP Design Patterns|Sanders, William|9781449344917\n2003|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours (3rd Edition): Php in 24 Hours|Zandstra, Matt|9780672326196\n2008|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself Ajax, JavaScript, and PHP All in One|Ballard, Phil and Moncur, Michael|9780768685442\n2016|Packt Publishing|PHP 7: Real World Application Development|Bierer, Doug and Hussain, Altaf and Ajzele, Branko|9781787120143\n2014|Packt Publishing|Web Application Development with Yii 2 and PHP|Safronov, Mark and Winesett, Jeffrey|9781783981892\n2015|McGraw-Hill Education|PHP and MySQL Web Development: A Beginner’s Guide (Beginner's Guide)|Matthews, Marty|9780071837316\n2006|O'Reilly Media|Programming PHP|Lerdorf, Rasmus and Tatroe, Kevin and MacIntyre, Peter|9780596006815\n2016-04-09T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PHP: Learn PHP in 24 Hours or Less - A Beginner’s Guide To Learning PHP Programming Now (PHP, PHP Programming, PHP Course)|Dwight, Robert|9781530904389\n2018|Apress|Practical PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB Website Databases: A Simplified Approach to Developing Database-Driven Websites|West, Adrian W. and Prettyman, Steve|9781484238431\n2008|John Wiley &Sons|PHP & MySQL Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies|Valade, Janet|9780470167779\n2005|SitePoint|No Nonsense XML Web Development With PHP: Master PHP 5's Powerful New XML Functionality|Myer, Thomas|9780975240205\n2015-05-18T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Php: Learn PHP In A DAY! - The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning the Basics of PHP In No Time (Learn PHP FAST - The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning ... of the PHP Programming Language In No Time)|Acodemy|9781511872171\n2009|MC Press|The IBM i Programmer's Guide to PHP|Olen, Jeff and Schroeder, Kevin|9781583470831\n2008|Cengage Learning PTR|PHP 6/MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Harris, Andrew B.|9781598637984\n2017|Packt Publishing|Functional PHP|Crettenand, Gilles|9781785880322\n2016|Packt Publishing|Modular Programming with PHP 7|Ajzele, Branko|9781786461469\n2022|Independently published|PHP Programming: A Step-by-Step Guide to Learn, in an Easy Way, the Fundamentals of PHP Programming Language 3nd Edition|Robinson, Daniel|9798403343497\n2015|Packt Publishing|Learning Phalcon PHP|Rada, Calin|9781783555109\n2010|Packt Publishing|PHP jQuery Cookbook|Joshi, Vijay|9781849512756\n2010|Apress|Pro PHP Security: From Application Security Principles to the Implementation of XSS Defenses (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Snyder, Chris and Myer, Thomas and Southwell, Michael|9781430233183\n2011|Apress|Pro PHP Security: From Application Security Principles to the Implementation of XSS Defenses (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Snyder, Chris and Thomas Myer and Michael Southwell|9781430233190\n2015-08-28T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PHP Programming For Beginners: The Simple Guide to Learning PHP Fast!|Warren, Tim|9781517080525\n2011|Wrox|PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer|Tarr, Andrea|9781118066881\n2002|O'Reilly Media|PHP Cookbook|Sklar, David and Trachtenberg, Adam|9781565926813\n2011|Packt Publishing|PHP Ajax Cookbook|Sedliak, Milan and Bhattarai, Roshan and Anbiah, R. Rajesh Jeba|9781849513098\n2006|Pearson|PHP and MySQL by Example|Quigley, Ellie and Gargenta, Marko|9780138006020\n2014|Apress|PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice|Zandstra, Matt|9781430260325\n2005|O'Reilly Media|PHPUnit Pocket Guide: Test-Driven Development in PHP|Bergmann, Sebastian|9780596101039\n2008|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself Ajax, JavaScript, and PHP All in One|Ballard, Phil and Moncur, Michael|9780672329654\n2011|Apress|Pro PHP Application Performance: Tuning PHP Web Projects for Maximum Performance (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Padilla, Armando and Hawkins, DUPTim|9781430228998\n2013|Packt Publishing|Apache Solr PHP Integration|Kumar, Jayant|9781782164937\n2016|Packt Publishing|Learning PHP 7 High Performance|Hussain, Altaf|9781785882265\n2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering PHP Design Patterns|Ali, Junade|9781785887130\n2010|New Riders|Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL (Voices That Matter)|Ullman, Larry|9780321678829\n2010|Wrox|Expert PHP and MySQL|Curioso, Andrew and Bradford, Ronald and Galbraith, Patrick|9780470563120\n2019-11-29T00:00:01Z|Independently published|PHP: The Ultimate Crash Course To Learn PHP with Practical Computer Coding Exercises|Academy, Computer Programming|9781713215486\n2005|Course Technology|PHP Programming with MySQL|Gosselin, Don|9780619216870\n2008|Addison-Wesley Professional|Securing PHP Web Applications|Ballad, Tricia and Ballad, William|9780321534347\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|PHP and MySQL Phrasebook (Developer's Library)|Wenz, Christian Wenz|9780321834638\n2009|Wrox|Professional PHP Design Patterns|Saray, Aaron|9780470496701\n2010|McGraw-Hill Education|Plug-In PHP: 100 Power Solutions: Simple Solutions to Practical PHP Problems|Nixon, Robin|9780071666596\n2009|Peachpit Press|PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780321617446\n2011|Microsoft Press|Integrating PHP with Windows|Hollosi, Arno|9780735647916\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Programming PHP|Lerdorf, Rasmus and Tatroe, Kevin|9781565926103\n2015|Apress|Learn PHP 7: Object Oriented Modular Programming using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, JSON, and MySQL|Prettyman, Steve|9781484217306\n2008|Peachpit Press|PHP for the World Wide Web, Third Edition|Ullman, Larry|9780321442499\n2001|Sams|PHP and MySQL Web Development|Luke Welling and Laura Thomson|9780672317842\n2022|Mike Murach & Associates|Murach's PHP and MySQL (4th Edition)|Joel Murach and Ray Harris|9781943873005\n2013|Packt Publishing|Persistence in PHP with Doctrine ORM|Dunglas, Kévin|9781782164104\n2016-09-24T00:00:01Z|Apress|Lumen Programming Guide: Writing PHP Microservices, REST and Web Service APIs|Redmond, Paul|9781484221860\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PHP Beginners Course: Understand basics of PHP / MySQL programming in 5 days|Thenmayer, Klaus|9781542609876\n2012|Packt Publishing|Web Application Development with Yii and PHP|Winesett, Jeffrey|9781849518727\n2010|Apress|Pro PHP Application Performance: Tuning PHP Web Projects for Maximum Performance (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Padilla, Armando and Hawkins, DUPTim|9781430228981\n2008|Cengage Learning PTR|PHP 6 Fast and Easy Web Development|Telles, Matt and Meloni, Julie C.|9781598634716\n2007|Apress|Beginning PHP and Oracle: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)|Gilmore, W Jason and Bryla, Bob|9781430203674\n1999|Apress|Professional PHP Programming|Castagnetto, Jesus M. and Rawat, Harish and Veliath, Deepak T.|9781861002969\n2009|Wrox|Beginning PHP 6, Apache, MySQL 6 Web Development|Boronczyk, Timothy and Naramore, Elizabeth and Gerner, Jason and Le Scouarnec, Yann and Stolz, Jeremy|9780470391143\n2015|Springer|Web Programming with PHP and MySQL: A Practical Guide|Bramer, Max|9783319226590\n2013|Packt Publishing|Instant PHP Web Scraping|Ward, Jacob|9781782164760\n2002|Pearson Technology Group|Open Source Development with LAMP: Using Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl, and PHP|Lee, James|9780201770612\n2001|Sams|Php Functions Essential Reference|Wilson, Tprbem and Michlitsch, Brett and Merrall, Graeme|9780735709706\n2003|Prentice Hall|Core PHP Programming (3rd Edition)|Atkinson, Leon and Suraski, Zeev|9780130463463\n2011|Apress|Pro PHP Programming (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|MacIntyre, Peter and Brian Danchilla and Mladen Gogala and Adam MacDonald|9781430235613\n2008|McGraw-Hill Education|Oracle Database Ajax & PHP Web Application Development (Oracle Press)|Barney, Lee and McLaughlin, Michael|9780071502771\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|PHP and MySQL Phrasebook (Developer's Library)|Wenz, Christian|9780133040333\n2004|SitePoint|The PHP Anthology: Object Oriented PHP Solution, Volume 1|Fuecks, Harry|9780957921856\n2004|Sams Publishing|PHP 5 Unleashed|John C. Coggeshall|9780672325113\n2004|Cengage Learning PTR|PHP 5 Fast & Easy Web Development|Meloni, Julie C.|9781592004737\n2004|SitePoint|Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP and MySQL: Learning PHP & MySQL Has Never Been So Easy!|Yank, Kevin|9780975240212\n2009|Apress|Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL: From Novice to Professional|Gilmore, W Jason|9781893115514\n2014-11-14T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PHP Programming and MySQL For Beginners: A Simple Start To PHP & MySQL Written By A Software Engineer (PHP Programming, MySQL, Computer Programming, Software Engineering) (Volume 1)|Sanderson, Scott|9781503216051\n2014|Packt Publishing|Building a Web Application with PHP and MariaDB: A Reference Guide|Sriparasa, Sai Srinivas|9781783981625\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Programming For Beginner's Box Set: Learn HTML, HTML5 & CSS3, Java, PHP & MySQL, C# With the Ultimate Guides For Beginner's (Programming for Beginners in under 8 hours!)|Wilson, T. J|9781515046530\n2007|SitePoint|The PHP Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks|Balbo, Ben and Fuecks, Harry and Shafik, Davey and Turmelle, Ligaya and O'Phinney, Matthew Weler|9780975841990\n2020|Apress|PHP 8 Quick Scripting Reference: A Pocket Guide to PHP Web Scripting|Olsson, Mikael|9781484266199\n2005|McGraw-Hill Education|How to Do Everything with PHP and MySQL|Vaswani, Vikram|9780071466547\n2008|Pearson Technology Group|PHP Developer's Cookbook|Hughes, Sterling|9780672323256\n2010|Apress|Pro PHP and jQuery (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Lengstorf, Jason|9781430228479\n2000-08-03T00:00:01Z|Pearson Education|Core Php Programming: Using Php to Build Dynamic Web Sites|Atkinson, Leon|9780130893987\n2005|Visual|PHP 5: Your visual blueprint for creating open source, server-side content|Boudreaux, Toby|9780764583322\n2017|Packt Publishing|PHP Reactive Programming: Leverage the power of Reactive Programming in PHP|Sikora, Martin|9781786462879\n2018|BPB Publications|PHP Beginner's Practical Guide|Guleria, Pratiyush|9789387284203\n1999|Prentice Hall Ptr|Core PHP Programming|Atkinson, Leon|9780130207876\n2003|Apress|PHP MySQL Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution|Chris Lea and Mike Buzzard and Dilip Thomas and Jessey White-Cinis|9781590591505\n2004|Peachpit Press|PHP for the World Wide Web, Second Edition|Ullman, Larry|9780321245656\n2018|CADCIM Technologies|Introducing PHP 7/MySQL|Purdue Univ, Prof. Sham Tickoo|9781942689713\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PHP: The Ultimate Step by Step guide for beginners on how to learn PHP and MYSQL programming in just 6 hours|Dawson, Ted|9781516927494\n2013|Packt Publishing|Apache Solr PHP Integration|Kumar, Jayant|9781782164920\n2000|Cengage Learning PTR|PHP Essentials (Prima Tech Linux Series)|Meloni, Julie C.|9780761527299\n2005|McGraw-Hill Education|How to Do Everything with PHP and MySQL|Vaswani, Vikram|9780072257953\n2013|Apress|Expert PHP and MySQL: Application Design and Development (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|Rochkind, Marc|9781430260080\n2009|Springer|An Introduction to PHP for Scientists and Engineers: Beyond JavaScript|Brooks, David R.|9781848002371\n2006|Apress|Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional (Beginning, from Novice to Professional)|Darie, Cristian and Bucica, Mihai and Balanescu, Emilian|9781590596487\n2000|Course Technology PTR|PHP Fast & Easy Web Development|Meloni, Julie C.|9780761530558\n2015-02-20T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Beginners Guide On PHP Programming: Quick And Easy Guide To Learn PHP With My-SQL|Long, James P.|9781511846783\n2008-08-13T00:00:01Z|Carolina Academic Press|A Web-Based Introduction to Programming: Essential Algorithms, Syntax and Control Structures Using PHP and XHTML|Michael J. O'kane|9781594605239\n2002|Sams|Php Programming for Windows (Landmark (New Riders))|Stopford, Andrew|9780735711693\n2002|Sams|Xml and Php|Vaswani, Vikram|9780735712270\n2019-11-28T00:00:01Z|Apress|Building Scalable PHP Web Applications Using the Cloud: A Simple Guide to Programming and Administering Cloud-Based Applications|Bartlett, Jonathan|9781484252116\n2003|Barnes&Nobles|PHP in Easy Steps|Mike McGrath and Mike McGrath|9780760747865\n2021|Packt Publishing|PHP 8 Programming Tips, Tricks and Best Practices: A practical guide to PHP 8 features, usage changes, and advanced programming techniques|Bierer, Doug|9781801071871\n2004|SitePoint|PHP Anthology: OBject Oriented PHP Solutions, Vol.2- Applications|Fuecks, Harry|9780957921849\n2007|Packt Publishing|PHP Oracle Web Development: Data processing, Security, Caching, XML, Web Services, and Ajax|Vasiliev, Yuli|9781847193636\n2002|Prentice Hall|Advanced PHP for Web Professionals|Cosentino, Christopher|9780130085399\n2008|Springer|An Introduction to PHP for Scientists and Engineers: Beyond JavaScript|Brooks, David R.|9781848002364\n2009|Packt Publishing|jQuery 1.3 with PHP|Verens, Kae|9781847196989\n2003|Springer|PHP and MySQL Manual: Simple, yet Powerful Web Programming (Springer Professional Computing)|Stobart, Simon and Vassileiou, Mike|9781852337476\n2004|Barnes & Noble|PHP 5 in Easy Steps|Mike McGrath|9780760763315\n2017|Apress|Pro Functional PHP Programming: Application Development Strategies for Performance Optimization, Concurrency, Testability, and Code Brevity|Aley, Rob|9781484229576\n1999|Computing McGraw-Hill|PHP3: Programming Browser-Based Applications with PHP|Medinets, David|9780071353427\n2007|VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K.|A PHP Compiler for the .NET Platform|Romeikat, Raphael|9783836414708\n2007|Springer|Ruby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers|Vohra, Deepak|9783540731443\n2022|Apress|Beginning PHP 8 and MySQL: For Programming and Web Development|Engebreth, Gunnard|9781484280812\n2019|Independently published|Python Programming: A beginners’ guide to understand machine learning and master coding. Includes Smalltalk, Java, TCL, JavaScript, Perl, Scheme, Common Lisp, Data Science Analysis, C++, PHP & Ruby|Bash, Adam|9781708047979\n2006|Packt Publishing|PHP Programming with PEAR: XML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs|Stephan, Schmidt and Stefanov, Stoyan and Aaron, Wormus and Carsten, Lucke|9781904811794\n2011|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|Easy PHP: An Easy Approach to PHP|Ahmed, Anil|9783847330219\n2002|Sybex|Mastering PHP 4.1 with CDROM|Jeremy Allen and Charles Hornberger|9780782129243\n2001|Apress|Wireless Web Development with PHP and WAP|Rischpater, Ray|9781893115934\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PHP - HTML for a customizable edit form (IT Easy Solutions - Programming & Office Automation) (Volume 1)|Taricco, Mr Gian Piero|9781514646670\n2005|McGraw-Hill|Teach Yourself PHP With MYSOL (Teach Yourself: Computers)|McBride, Nat|9780071461511\n2003-06-30T00:00:01Z|Anaya Multimedia-Anaya Interactiva|Desarrollo Web Con Php Y Mysql / PHP and MYSQL Web Development (Programacion / Programming) (Spanish Edition)|Welling, Luke|9788441515697\n|Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd|Programming PHP|MacIntyre, Peter|9789351102113\n20111025|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|PHP Master|Davey Shafik; Lorna Mitchell; Matthew Turland|9781457192623\n2020|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|PHP Shots: Learn PHP Tricks in few Minutes|Arora, Shagun|9786200482549\n2007|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|PHP Programming Solutions|Vaswani, Vikram|9780071487450\n20080101|Springer Nature|Essential PHP Tools|David Sklar|9781430207146\n2007|McGraw Hill|PHP Programming Solutions|Vaswani, Vikram|9780071596596\n2020|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|PRACTICE BOOK OF WEB TECHNOLOGIES-(PHP) FOR BEGINNERS: PHP PROGRAMMING|Singh, Chamkaur and Kaur, Sarabjeet and Singh Kalsi, Jasvir|9786202512510\n20130605||PHP This! A Beginners Guide to Learning Object Oriented PHP|Michelle Gosney|9781456615291\n2018||Php For Beginners 2019|Shekhar Mishra|9781792079795\n2004|Oreilly & Associates Inc|Php Security Collection - Pdf|Coggeshall, John and Malcolm, Clancy|9780596007416\n2008|Addison-Wesley Professional|Securing PHP Web Applications|Ballad, Tricia and Ballad, William|9780321574336\n2015|No Starch Press, Incorporated|Php And Mysql For Kids|Johann-Christian Hanke|9781593275655\n2009|ANAYA MULTIMEDIA|Programacion con PHP 6 y MySQL/ Programming with PHP 6 and MySQL (Spanish Edition)|Harris, Andy|9788441525528\n2007|Peachpit Press|PHP 5 Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide|Ullman, Larry|9780132712286\n2011|Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John|Php And Mysql 24-hour Trainer|Andrea Tarr|9781118172933\n2006|O'Reilly Media|Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL|Shillingford, Nadine|9780596100032\n2016-09-30|Packt Publishing|PHP 7: Real World Application Development|Doug Bierer and Altaf Hussain and Branko Ajzele|9781787129009\n2002|Muska & Lipman/Premier-Trade|PHP Fast & Easy Web Development, 2nd Edition|Meloni, Julie C.|9781931841870 PHP php developer php year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2017|Efficient and Flexible Discovery of PHP Application Vulnerabilities|10.1109/EuroSP.2017.14|42|6|M. Backes and K. Rieck and Malte Skoruppa and Ben Stock and Fabian Yamaguchi|4eb7e810e2aa6e9547dc3a12daae53ef70accd38\n2014|PHP AiR: Analyzing PHP systems with Rascal|10.1109/CSMR-WCRE.2014.6747217|26|1|M. Hills and P. Klint|ccdd735ec2aa48f844e69187e946e9d05e9fd7e3\n2014|Analysing Student Programs in the PHP Intelligent Tutoring System|10.1007/s40593-014-0014-z|22|1|Dinesha Weragama and J. Reye|b2cbbdb1efcdbf34cbe670dfcc786433991c2bb2\n2014|Maintenance Patterns of Large-Scale PHP Web Applications|10.1109/ICSME.2014.60|19|2|Panos Kyriakakis and A. Chatzigeorgiou|c35d1d04446b8cbe696493db22344cc6507584e8\n2014|Identifying and locating interference issues in PHP applications: the case of WordPress|10.1145/2597008.2597153|16|2|L. Eshkevari and G. Antoniol and J. Cordy and M. D. Penta|ef89f04493508d96938f9f4e14a7fdf80b723a0c\n2014|The Development of Web Based Expert System for Diagnosing Children Diseases Using PHP and MySQL|10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V10P134|12|0|Hustina waty and Randy Aprianggi|e4b687662191d88ae1249632f281317aca509e55\n2015|ANALISA KONSEP OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING PADA BAHASA PEMROGRAMAN PHP|10.31294/jki.v3i2.1662|10|1|Kadek Wibowo|aabde6301d2d5361962e5a633871656eff4aee0c\n2016|Aplikasi Diagnosis Gangguan Kecemasan Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining Berbasis Web dengan PHP dan MYSQL|10.15408/SIJSI.V9I1.2960|7|0|Raka Yusuf and Harni Kusniyati and Yurike Nuramelia|926bb33994dc8ced2416bdf997a19c0497e32220\n2016|E-learning of PHP based on the solutions of real-life problems|10.1007/S40692-015-0050-1|6|1|G. M. M. Bashir and A. S. L. Hoque and Bipul Chandra Dev Nath|4ea747a8a19da550a1085b5d9f6cd55c26970b47\n2012|Designing the Knowledge Base for a PHP Tutor|10.1007/978-3-642-30950-2_94|5|0|Dinesha Weragama and J. Reye|635811dd348e866aa4d7e7dc99a66f02c5dd16a1\n2020|Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Sma Al- Mukhtariyah Mamben Lauk Berbasis Php Dan Mysql Dengan Framework Codeigniter|10.29408/JIT.V3I1.1793|5|0|S. Suhartini and Muhamad Sadali and Yupi Kuspandi Putra|3293452be118ca6720c4a6ea1bfd2bf7198b713b\n2014|A logical error detector for novice PHP programmers|10.1109/VLHCC.2014.6883062|3|0|Tung Nguyen and C. Chua|c320cd427ae066bfe365b5461788c0bdf33d1507\n2017|Evolution of PHP Applications: A Systematic Literature Review|10.3991/ijes.v5i1.6437|3|0|Alinaswe Siame and D. Kunda|11bfca21cee85dfe9860f550c297f4967a1a96c4\n2013|Determination of Bahasa Melayu Word List From Friday Sermon Transcripts Using PHP and MySQL|10.11113/JT.V64.2071|2|0|M. Harun and Muhammad ‘Aasim Asyafi’ie bin Ahmad and S. Hamid and Fareha Abdul Rahman and P. I. Khalid|cfa538107946ab4e1f77ae41db99d8af9a0a3471\n2014|Sistem Pemrosesan Transaksi Pada Toko Bangunan Berbasis Web Dengan PHP dan MySQL|10.14710/JTSISKOM.2.2.2014.170-174|2|0|Rizky Gelar Maliq and R. Isnanto and Ike Pertiwi Windasari|dbfb0559140c92a193e4723fc8ca7242531286b9\n2016|SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN SURAT BERBASIS PHP DAN MYSQL DI INSTITUT SENI INDONESIA PADANGPANJANG|10.36275/stsp.v16i1.53|2|1|Irwan Yusti|71d4444fc6c57e59c4e1137b97d0b3da121e028a\n2017|Static optimization in PHP 7|10.1145/3033019.3033026|2|0|N. Popov and Biagio Cosenza and B. Juurlink and Dmitry Stogov|54cac445f04718a06b61f5616615baf28f4cc092\n2018|Vulnerability Detection in PHP Web Application Using Lexical Analysis Approach with Machine Learning|10.1109/ICODSE.2018.8705809|2|0|Dhika Rizki Anbiya and A. Purwarianti and Y. Asnar|b30cf4d01b0085647e6f146364eeaf97a88a5cf2\n2020|Information Retrieval Technique for Indonesian PDF Document with Modified Stemming Porter Method Using PHP|10.1088/1742-6596/1477/3/032016|2|0|Faizal Riza and S. Rifai and Akmal Dirgantara and Sfenrianto and Rasenda and Syarifudin Herdyansyah|66a1049603e6166b9cc4975433eb388c6fdb6c4d\n2011|Pro PHP Programming|10.1007/978-1-4302-3561-3|2|0|Peter B. MacIntyre and Brian Danchilla and Mladen Gogala|401a0b2b887c3d8c50f95ad8f59dff6a3f725df2\n2016|Evolution of method invocation and object instantiation patterns in a PHP ecosystem|10.1145/3003733.3003777|1|0|Panos Kyriakakis and A. Chatzigeorgiou and Apostolos Ampatzoglou and S. Xinogalos|b3cbb06d4fd1967a30cdab16989c18a2b18f4722\n2016|MIGRATION CODE PADA BACKEND CRIMEZONE DARI PHP KE SCALA|10.21609/JSI.V12I2.489|1|0|A. Suhendra and A. Bachtiar|b28d1b5faeb54e58c991f3eaca916db1c9dd757f\n2003|Object-Oriented Programming with PHP|10.1007/978-1-4302-1120-4_6|1|0|Luis Argerich and Wankyu Choi and J. Coggeshall and Ken Egervari and Martin Geisler and Zak Greant and Andrew F. Hill and C. Hubbard and James Moore and Devon O’Dell and Jon Parise and Harish Rawat and Tarique Sani and Christopher Scollo and Deepak Thomas and Chris Ullman|4fd455e698d4b0687184c1a2db10e05b89f4f2ad\n2019|Mutation Testing for Evaluating PHP Web Applications|10.4018/ijsi.2019100102|1|0|A. Saifan and M. Ata|e870a0eebcd0ce3ac4d41f93531a1904f9f3e66c\n2021|Analisis Perbandingan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP Laravel dengan PHP Native pada Pengembangan Website|10.36448/expert.v11i1.2012|1|0|R. Endra and Yuthsi Aprilinda and Yanuar Dharmawan and Wahyu Ramadhan|0a1a7f81189724590b1d1b73e2f85b59616414d7\n2015|The PHP Language: Types of Statement|10.1007/978-3-319-22659-0_3|1|0|M. Bramer|d1ced82bbe63acf677f5f0e5327cfb97b00da35d title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nProgramming PHP|2002|Rasmus Lerdorf|131900|3.92|642|36\nPHP and MySQL Web Development (Developer's Library)|2003|Luke Welling|40127|3.95|854|54\nPHP & MySQL For Dummies|2002|Janet Valade|40136|3.53|186|11\nProfessional PHP Programming|1999|Sascha Schumann|1517760|3.95|150|5\nAdvanced PHP Programming|2004|George Schlossnagle|503809|3.86|116|11 ruby Ruby 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto 108 pl 91 3.3.1 6 10 31 25180 705060 932 2010 2024 1098 5297 21790 432 458 2013 2018 20 76 rails c yarv jruby ada clu dylan eiffel lisp lua perl python smalltalk clojure coffeescript crystal d elixir falcon groovy ioke julia mirah nu rust swift unicode regex yaml json xml java csharp jvm llvmir javascript objective-c parrot-vm linux solaris 2007 Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan. According to its creator, Ruby was influenced by Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including functional, object-oriented, and imperative. It also has a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. 2001 1731 3048 2618 25768 185514 374367 .irbrc .pryrc .simplecov Appraisals Berksfile Brewfile Buildfile Capfile Dangerfile Deliverfile Fastfile Gemfile Guardfile Jarfile Mavenfile Podfile Puppetfile Rakefile Snapfile Steepfile Thorfile Vagrantfile buildfile 2659551 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nthepracticaldev Ruby #701516 10232 1313 360 "Where programmers share ideas and help each other grow"\nrails rails Ruby #701516 44018 17771 334 "Ruby on Rails"\nfaker-ruby faker Ruby #701516 8005 2100 122 "A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers."\njekyll jekyll Ruby #701516 38586 8424 318 "🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby"\nrapid7 metasploit-framework Ruby #701516 17501 8594 283 "Metasploit Framework"\nShopify liquid Ruby #701516 7357 957 91 "Liquid markup language. Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps."\ntootsuite mastodon Ruby #701516 18765 3265 424 "Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community"\nlynndylanhurley devise_token_auth Ruby #701516 2818 879 30 "Token based authentication for Rails JSON APIs. Designed to work with jToker and ng-token-auth."\nHomebrew homebrew-core Ruby #701516 6353 6781 198 "🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS"\nplataformatec devise Ruby #701516 20171 4823 118 "Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden."\ngithub explore Ruby #701516 1303 4960 74 "Community-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub"\nfastlane fastlane Ruby #701516 26631 4084 396 "🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps"\norbitalindex awesome-space Ruby #701516 637 32 423 "🛰️🚀A list of awesome space-related packages and resources maintained by The Orbital Index"\ndiscourse discourse Ruby #701516 28975 6539 249 "A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple."\nrest-client rest-client Ruby #701516 4728 877 58 "Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions."\nhuginn huginn Ruby #701516 22091 2380 253 "Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!"\nelastic logstash Ruby #701516 10512 2837 126 "Logstash - transport and process your logs, events, or other data"\nmperham sidekiq Ruby #701516 9802 1694 71 "Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby"\nsolidusio solidus Ruby #701516 2706 798 77 "Solidus, Rails eCommerce System"\nHomebrew brew Ruby #701516 18868 4230 352 "🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)"\neducation classroom Ruby #701516 1116 384 38 "GitHub Classroom automates repository creation and access control, making it easy for teachers to distribute starter code and collect assignments on GitHub."\nthoughtbot factory_bot Ruby #701516 6596 1878 54 "A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data."\nCocoaPods CocoaPods Ruby #701516 11889 2130 89 "The Cocoa Dependency Manager."\nruby ruby Ruby #701516 16129 4314 138 "The Ruby Programming Language [mirror]"\nsinatra sinatra Ruby #701516 10680 1923 60 "Classy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo)" jruby or macruby or rake or rb or rbx ruby macruby rake jruby rbx ruby ruby text/x-ruby source.ruby programming r/Ruby.rb 13 pl 2458 true 95 ace ante-esolang apache-hbase arrow-format bato bloom brain-flak capybara chaiscript civet cloc couchdb csvw cyber dexvis dgraph emberscript factor fancy ffmpeg flatbuffers flow9 flutter forest-lang gamerlanguage gap git glush golo gradle groff hamdown haml hcl hexagony hhvm hivemind homebrew-pm hook htmx inko invokator ioke iterm2 jekyll jison kakoune-editor knight kotlin ligo lily linux liquid lux mal markaby mastodon mirah mongodb mustache nit nodejs nydp olc plaid-programming-language pogoscript potion pygments pytorch qalb ragel ramen rapidbatch rbs react-native redis reia roc rouge ruby savi slash slim squiggle statsplorer stencil swift tensorflow testml toffeescript txtzyme v wenyan wren false 1998 2024 102768 985 12153 fj.sources rb rb builder eye fcgi gemspec god jbuilder mspec pluginspec podspec prawn rabl rake rbi rbuild rbw rbx ru ruby spec thor watchr rb rb rbw Rakefile rake gemspec rbx duby Gemfile Vagrantfile rb ruby ruby c yaml markdown rust erb m4 json python bourne-shell assembly-language make perl bash scheme cpp javascript toml yacc css lisp awk xml csv diff d idl sed z-shell html dockerfile true 396397 11438 224 1 true 3 true appraisals berksfile brewfile builder buildfile capfile dangerfile deliverfile eye fastfile gemfile gemfile.lock gemspec god guardfile irbrc jarfile jbuilder mavenfile mspec podfile podspec pryrc puppetfile rabl rake rb rbuild rbw rbx ru snapfile thor thorfile vagrantfile watchr false 5813 text ruby ruby Ruby ruby Japan Ruby module Foo end puts "Hello, world!" "Hello, World!".in_blue => "Hello, World!" # Type your code here, or load an example. def square(num) num * num end #!/usr/bin/env ruby print "Hello World" Ruby # Hello World in Ruby puts "Hello World!" Ruby Ruby true __ENCODING__ __FILE__ __LINE__ alias and BEGIN begin break case class def defined do else elsif END end ensure false for if in module next nil not or redo rescue retry return self super then true undef unless until when while yield # =begin =end puts " true false true false true false true true true true false true false true false true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true false true true 65 13 Ruby Ruby Ruby year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Computer Science Programming Basics in Ruby: Exploring Concepts and Curriculum with Ruby|Frieder, Ophir and Frieder, Gideon and Grossman, David|9781449355975\n2008|O'Reilly Media|The Ruby Programming Language: Everything You Need to Know|Flanagan, David and Matsumoto, Yukihiro|9780596516178\n2010|Cengage Learning|Ruby Programming (Introduction to Programming)|Ford, Jr. Jerry Lee|9781111222376\n2009|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Ruby 1.9: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide (Facets of Ruby)|Thomas, Dave and Fowler, Chad and Hunt, Andy|9781934356081\n2013|No Starch Press|Ruby Under a Microscope: An Illustrated Guide to Ruby Internals|Shaughnessy, Pat|9781593275273\n2006|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Enterprise Integration with Ruby|Schmidt, Maik|9780976694069\n2007|Apress|Practical Ruby Projects: Ideas for the Eclectic Programmer (Books for Professionals by Professionals)|Cyll, Christopher|9781590599112\n2006|Wrox|Beginning Ruby on Rails|Holzner, Steve|9780470069158\n2002|Syngress|Ruby Developers Guide|Syngress and Feldt, Robert and Johnson, Lyle and Ortiz, Jonothon|9781928994640\n2007|For Dummies|Ruby on Rails For Dummies|Burd, Barry|9780470081204\n2002|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself Ruby in 21 Days|Slagell, Mark|9780672322525\n2002|John Wiley & Sons|Making Use of Ruby w/WS|Mahadevan, Suresh|9780471219729\n2007|SitePoint|Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications|Lenz, Patrick|9780975841952\n2009|AddisonWesley Professional|Distributed Programming with Ruby|Bates, Mark|9780321638366\n2010|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Metaprogramming Ruby: Program Like the Ruby Pros|Paolo Perrotta|9781934356470\n20150424|Pearson Technology Group|Ruby on Rails Tutorial|Michael Hartl|9780134077789\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)|Metz, Sandi|9780132930888\n2008|Addison-Wesley Professional|Ruby Phrasebook|Clinton, Jason D|9780672328978\n2011|Addison-Wesley Professional|Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example (Livelessons)|Hartl, Michael|9780132492546\n2011|O'Reilly Media|MacRuby: The Definitive Guide: Ruby and Cocoa on OS X|Aimonetti, Matt|9781449380373\n2014|Apress|Ruby Quick Syntax Reference|Clements, Matt|9781430265696\n2007|No Starch Press|Ruby by Example: Concepts and Code|Baird, Kevin C.|9781593271602\n2009|Wrox|Ruby on Rails for Microsoft Developers|Cangiano, Antonio|9780470374955\n2020|Apress|Beginning Ruby 3: From Beginner to Pro|DiLeo, Carleton|9781484263235\n20170111|Springer Nature|Beginning Ruby|Peter Cooper|9781430223641\n20070501|Springer Nature|Beginning Ruby|Kenneth Cooper|9781430203643\n2017|Independently published|Ruby For Beginners: Your Guide To Easily Learn Ruby Programming in 7 days|Academy, iCode|9781521367704\n20071015|Springer Nature|Practical Ruby for System Administration|Andre Ben-Hamou|9781430201946\n2008|Emereo Pty Ltd|Using Ruby On Rails For Web Development, Introduction Guide To Ruby On Rails: An Extensive Roundup Of 100 Ultimate Resources|Jacob White|9781921573125\n2021|Packt Publishing|Polished Ruby Programming: Build better software with more intuitive, maintainable, scalable, and high-performance Ruby code|Evans, Jeremy|9781801072724\n2007|Addison-Wesley Professional|Design Patterns in Ruby (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)|Olsen, Russ|9780132702508\n2018|Addison-Wesley Professional|Practical Object-Oriented Design: An Agile Primer Using Ruby|Metz, Sandi|9780134456478\n2007|Addison-Wesley Professional|Design Patterns in Ruby|Olsen, Russ|9780321490452\n2020|Addison-Wesley Professional|Ruby on Rails Tutorial|Michael, Hartl|9780136702696\n2015|O'Reilly Media|Ruby Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented Scripting|Carlson, Lucas and Richardson, Leonard|9781449373719\n2011|Addison-Wesley Professional|Eloquent Ruby (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)|Olsen, Russ|9780321584106\n2007|Apress|Pro Active Record: Databases with Ruby and Rails (Expert's Voice)|Pytel, Chad and Yurek, Jonathan and Marshall, Kevin|9781590598474\n2010|Addison-Wesley Professional|Rails AntiPatterns: Best Practice Ruby on Rails Refactoring (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)|Pytel, Chad and Saleh, Tammer|9780132660068\n2013|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide (The Facets of Ruby)|Thomas, Dave and Hunt, Andy and Fowler, Chad|9781937785499\n2016-05-10T00:00:01Z||Intro To Ruby Programming: Beginners Guide Series|Elder, John|9780692714416\n2015-03-02T00:00:01Z|Addison-Wesley Professional|Ruby Way, The: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)|Fulton, Hal and Arko, André|9780321714633\n2014|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Metaprogramming Ruby 2: Program Like the Ruby Pros (Facets of Ruby)|Perrotta, Paolo|9781941222126\n2014|No Starch Press|Ruby Wizardry: An Introduction to Programming for Kids|Weinstein, Eric|9781593275662\n2014|Addison-Wesley Professional|Effective Ruby: 48 Specific Ways to Write Better Ruby (Effective Software Development Series)|Jones, Peter J.|9780133847062\n2015|Addison-Wesley Professional|Ruby Way, The: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)|Fulton, Hal and Arko, André|9780132480376\n2016|Addison-Wesley Professional|Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Web Development with Rails (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)|Hartl, Michael|9780134597508\n2010|Cengage Learning|Ruby Programming (Introduction to Programming)|Ford Jr., Jerry Lee|9781133172567\n2014|Addison-Wesley Professional|Learn Ruby the Hard Way: A Simple and Idiomatic Introduction to the Imaginative World Of Computational Thinking with Code (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series)|Shaw, Zed A.|9780133135633\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Ruby: Learn Ruby in 24 Hours or Less - A Beginner’s Guide To Learning Ruby Programming Now (Ruby, Ruby Programming, Ruby Course)|Dwight, Robert|9781533191618\n2021|ND Publishing|Ruby Beginner's Crash Course: Beginner's Guide to Ruby Programming, Ruby On Rails & Rails Programming|Start Guides, Quick|9781777942809\n2009|Manning Publications|The Well-Grounded Rubyist: Covers Ruby 1.9.1|David A. Black|9781933988658\n2020|Apress|Learn Rails 6: Accelerated Web Development with Ruby on Rails|Notodikromo, Adam|9781484260258\n2018-02-04T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Ruby Programming: Basics to Advanced Concepts|Andahi, Alban|9781984935014\n2007|No Starch Press|Ruby by Example: Concepts and Code|Baird, Kevin C.|9781593271480\n2010|Addison-Wesley Professional|Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)|Hartl, Michael|9780132564199\n2019|Packt Publishing|The Ruby Workshop: Develop powerful applications by writing clean, expressive code with Ruby and Ruby on Rails|Paul, Akshat and Philips, Peter and Szabó, Dániel and Wallace, Cheyne|9781838648879\n2006|O'Reilly Media|Ruby Cookbook (Cookbooks (O'Reilly))|Carlson, Lucas and Richardson, Leonard|9780596523695\n2001|O'Reilly Media|Ruby In A Nutshell|Yukihiro Matsumoto|9780596002145\n2018|Apress|Learn Rails 5.2: Accelerated Web Development with Ruby on Rails|Wintermeyer, Stefan|9781484234891\n2015-10-21T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|RUBY Beginner's Crash Course: Ruby for Beginner's Guide to Ruby Programming, Ruby On Rails & Rails Programming (Ruby, Operating Systems, Programming) (Volume 1)|Guides, Quick Start|9781518721649\n2009|Addison-Wesley Professional|Distributed Programming with Ruby (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)|Bates, Mark|9780321699930\n2009|O'Reilly Media|Head First Rails: A Learner's Companion to Ruby on Rails|Griffiths, David|9780596515775\n2009|O'Reilly Media|Ruby Best Practices: Increase Your Productivity - Write Better Code|Brown, Gregory T|9780596523008\n2006|Addison-Wesley Professional|The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition)|Fulton, Hal|9780672328848\n2006|Manning Publications|Ruby for Rails: Ruby Techniques for Rails Developers|David Black|9781932394696 Ruby ruby engineer ruby year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2010|BioRuby: bioinformatics software for the Ruby programming language|10.1093/bioinformatics/btq475|186|10|Naohisa Goto and P. Prins and M. Nakao and R. Bonnal and J. Aerts and Toshiaki Katayama|6806fe4a47310f6961cdaeca17fca6aed513d33f\n2001|Programming ruby|10.1145/505482.505496|40|5|Parasuram Anantharam|07cf5fc8f6a8cd4fdc419e541042297ff32f7c60\n2012|FSelector: a Ruby gem for feature selection|10.1093/bioinformatics/bts528|35|5|Tiejun Cheng and Yanli Wang and S. Bryant|9f44aa75bf8d4bd691ad30a31d4ae836774d7b3d\n2008|A little language for surveys: constructing an internal DSL in Ruby|10.1145/1593105.1593181|31|1|H. C. Cunningham|735dcf869561bd8c1cbcd51ab04a838ef79a1e9e\n2009|Feature-oriented programming with Ruby|10.1145/1629716.1629721|27|1|S. Günther and Sagar Sunkle|0a5e41f0b40a14c679edf1c45742e5d40e34de9e\n2009|The ruby intermediate language|10.1145/1640134.1640148|25|4|Michael Furr and Jong-hoon An and J. Foster and M. Hicks|0b6b91b17263b8b275514c19d6d74606836dcd39\n2014|FlowR: aspect oriented programming for information flow control in ruby|10.1145/2577080.2577090|17|1|Thomas Pasquier and J. Bacon and B. Shand|88725c499c0b425fcaaf36de32cdd287386a9870\n2014|αRby - An Embedding of Alloy in Ruby|10.1007/978-3-662-43652-3_5|16|3|Aleksandar Milicevic and I. Efrati and D. Jackson|c6709b3b8420194bacc64e8f1bd1149cbbeaf710\n2008|A machine vision extension for the Ruby programming language|10.1109/ICINFA.2008.4608143|7|0|J. Wedekind and B. Amavasai and K. Dutton and M. Boissenin|a0ea79afc0f997062f6305877ec38684fe9c33b6\n2008|Language design and implementation using ruby and the interpreter pattern|10.1145/1352135.1352155|4|0|Ariel Ortiz|602a908e10c1e586a5962823bbe7a3b749d822fb\n2018|Specializing ropes for ruby|10.1145/3237009.3237026|2|0|Kevin Menard and Chris Seaton and Benoit Daloze|6fcf92f1bf8a95512a01c0fef1236ac2610299db\n2020|Let’s Get It Started: Installing Ruby|10.1007/978-1-4842-1278-3_1|1|0|Pete Cooper|56bfb401cd9a9183005b3aae84ec7ed4c8c6b49f\n2013|A machine vision extension to the Ruby programming language using OpenCV and FFI|10.1109/IVCNZ.2013.6727013|1|0|A. Marburg and M. Hayes and A. Bainbridge-Smith|07e2461bccbd4a17609d022518a82bdba691c21d go Go 2009 Rob Pike and Ken Thompson and Robert Griesemer 97 pl 85 1.22.3 6 11 22 25171 147668 315 2014 2024 3418 17413 121611 9580 194 2009 2013 3 21 assembly-language linux freebsd solaris alef apl bcpl c csp limbo modula newsqueak oberon occam pascal python smalltalk crystal algol unix java utf-8 csharp rust erlang chapel cilk mongodb standard-ml cobol fortran scala dart 2009 Go (often referred to as golang) is a programming language created at Google in 2009 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. It is a compiled, statically typed language in the tradition of Algol and C, with garbage collection, limited structural typing, memory safety features and CSP-style concurrent programming features added. The compiler and other language tools originally developed by Google are all free and open source. 2009 2602 1153 1802 25039021 44945 91470 1083789 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nvmware octant Go #00ADD8 2406 121 2308 "A web-based, highly extensible platform for developers to better understand the complexity of Kubernetes clusters."\nquii learn-go-with-tests Go #00ADD8 7624 769 3121 "Learn Go with test-driven development"\ncnlh nps Go #00ADD8 7403 1139 2253 一款轻量级、功能强大的内网穿透代理服务器。支持tcp、udp流量转发,支持内网http代理、内网socks5代理,同时支持snappy压缩、站点保护、加密传输、多路复用、header修改等。支持web图形化管理,集成多用户模式。\niawia002 annie Go #00ADD8 7577 733 681 "👾 Fast, simple and clean video downloader"\nsqshq sampler Go #00ADD8 6099 267 3394 "A tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting. Configured with a simple YAML file."\nfatedier frp Go #00ADD8 27370 4960 1262 "A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet."\nprometheus prometheus Go #00ADD8 26226 3783 739 "The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database."\nunknwon the-way-to-go_ZH_CN Go #00ADD8 17200 4782 746 "《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》"\ngrafana loki Go #00ADD8 7087 469 299 "Like Prometheus, but for logs."\nwtfutil wtf Go #00ADD8 10146 521 1603 "The personal information dashboard for your terminal."\ncrawlab-team crawlab Go #00ADD8 2390 346 1549 "Distributed web crawler admin platform for spiders management regardless of languages and frameworks."\nkubernetes minikube Go #00ADD8 15590 2460 446 "Run Kubernetes locally"\ngolang go Go #00ADD8 63142 8820 1596 "The Go programming language"\nkubernetes kubernetes Go #00ADD8 57528 20099 1425 "Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management"\nDreamacro clash Go #00ADD8 3405 467 279 "A rule-based tunnel in Go."\ndeveloper-learning reading-go Go #00ADD8 4682 446 274 "Go 夜读 > Share the related technical topics of Go every week through zoom online live broadcast, every day on the WeChat/Slack to communicate programming technology topics. 每周通过 zoom 在线直播的方式分享 Go 相关的技术话题,每天大家在微信/Slack 上及时沟通交流编程技术话题。"\nistio istio Go #00ADD8 19423 3336 565 "Connect, secure, control, and observe services."\npulumi pulumi Go #00ADD8 3364 164 217 "Modern Infrastructure as Code - Create, deploy, and manage infrastructure on any cloud using your favorite language."\nnsqio nsq Go #00ADD8 16146 2111 294 "A realtime distributed messaging platform"\nFiloSottile mkcert Go #00ADD8 20261 740 503 "A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like."\nurfave cli Go #00ADD8 11779 946 437 "A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go"\ndrone drone Go #00ADD8 19329 1908 347 "Drone is a Container-Native, Continuous Delivery Platform"\ngoproxy Go #00ADD8 1062 54 477 "The most trusted Go module proxy in China."\ncortexproject cortex Go #00ADD8 1834 220 224 "A multitenant, horizontally scalable Prometheus as a Service"\naquasecurity trivy Go #00ADD8 2130 148 443 "A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers, Suitable for CI" golang golang go text/x-go source.go programming g/Go.go 14 pl golang true 90 abs ace ale ante-esolang aretext ark-lang arrow-format battlestar bebasic blacklight borgo borgo cir clay cloc comby cuelang cyber dafny dasel ddp dgraph differential-datalog drakon elvish eyg flatbuffers fo fql frundis funl g-fu gcc gentee gfoo git go goal gogs-editor gridstudio-editor h-lang hcl hera hhvm hujson ink-lang ivy jayfor jql json-with-comments jule ko ktyek kubernetes m3db mal mangle mgmt micro-editor moonbit multiaddr nit nomad noms-db observable-framework oden ok olc orange pipefish please-build prometheus pygments qoir rye simple-binary-encoding slope smc snowball-programming-language tawa tensorflow testml tmtp touch v vsxu wa wa wing yggdrasil false 1972 2024 63823 2696 13255 Google go go go go go go go assembly-language c markdown json bash html bourne-shell javascript perl yaml make css logos dockerfile cpp fortran-90 csv python objective-c awk matlab true 701726 6403 155 3 true 1 true go ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ true false 123 text go go Go golang Go // Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (1.0.0-dev) // DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING package linguist import ( "bytes" "fmt" "" ) // (needed to ensure safety because of naive import list construction.) var _ = thrift.ZERO var _ = fmt.Printf var _ = bytes.Equal func init() { } package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, world!") } package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func readword(ch chan string) { fmt.Println("Type a word, then hit Enter.") var word string fmt.Scanf("%s", &word) ch <- word } func timeout(t chan bool) { time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) t <- true } func main() { t := make(chan bool) go timeout(t) ch := make(chan string) go readword(ch) select { case word := <-ch: fmt.Println("Received", word) case <-t: fmt.Println("Timeout.") } } // Type your code here, or load an example. // Your function name should start with a capital letter. package main func Square(x int) int { return x * x } func main() {} package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World") } Go // Hello world in Go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Printf("Hello World\n") } Go Go true break case chan const continue default defer else fallthrough for func go goto if import interface map package range return select struct switch type var // /* */ fmt.Println " = true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true false true true true true true 5 26 Go Go Go year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2012|iUniverse|The Way To Go: A Thorough Introduction To The Go Programming Language|Balbaert, Ivo|9781469769165\n2016|Packt Publishing|Go Programming Blueprints: Build real-world, production-ready solutions in Go using cutting-edge technology and techniques, 2nd Edition|Ryer, Mat|9781786468949\n2013|Apress|TouchDevelop: Programming on the Go (Expert's Voice in Web Development)|Horspool, Nigel and Tillmann, Nikolai and Bishop, Judith|9781430261360\n2016|Manning Publications|Go Web Programming|Chang, Sau Sheong|9781617292569\n2015|Packt Publishing|Go Programming Blueprints|Ryer, Mat|9781783988020 Go go engineer go year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n1974|Structured Programming with go to Statements|10.1145/356635.356640|685|25|D. Knuth|3fdae4603265209ddf420cfaa9cbd0286c567c6c\n2008|When good instructions go bad: generalizing return-oriented programming to RISC|10.1145/1455770.1455776|403|28|E. Buchanan and Ryan Roemer and H. Shacham and S. Savage|bc6be5f3f1cf582c3613e3c7de6a793947335854\n2014|The Go Programming Language|10.1109/MS.2014.127|278|7|Jeffrey H. Meyerson|e2c3ace95d91ea0d25abce56d7c3e71201c87229\n2016|Static deadlock detection for concurrent go by global session graph synthesis|10.1145/2892208.2892232|54|2|Nicholas Ng and N. Yoshida|f3902b140f40cf972cb4f3a5489c9ca45b9ed867\n2018|A Static Verification Framework for Message Passing in Go Using Behavioural Types|10.1145/3180155.3180157|50|2|J. Lange and Nicholas Ng and Bernardo Toninho and N. Yoshida|e1a8c301be733b9a413dc21c45c1f013c5f81f94\n2019|Understanding Real-World Concurrency Bugs in Go|10.1145/3297858.3304069|45|4|Tengfei Tu and Xiaoyu Liu and Linhai Song and Yiying Zhang|246a2af5c477396f52a7af39e3c6a26049ae3310\n2010|GoHotDraw: evaluating the Go programming language with design patterns|10.1145/1937117.1937127|23|1|Frank Schmager and N. Cameron and J. Noble|ae564736323308356b53aefc2afc67a0764555f2\n2012|Go at Google|10.1145/2384716.2384720|22|0|R. Pike|8d058d199185c3cbb9446a4ce486a765bd242aa2\n2019|An Empirical Study of Messaging Passing Concurrency in Go Projects|10.1109/SANER.2019.8668036|22|1|Nicolas Dilley and J. Lange|a7029d89d1032c66412872fd17caa45ae635d6f6\n2020|Here We Go Again: Why Is It Difficult for Developers to Learn Another Programming Language?|10.1145/3377811.3380352|19|1|Nischal Shrestha and Colton Botta and Titus Barik and Chris Parnin|112353453760498067a78e5e53220b7a11df9db4\n2014|Concurrency in Go and Java: Performance analysis|10.1109/ICIST.2014.6920368|16|4|Naohiro Togashi and V. Klyuev|4b73e80c19f9cbb3881379f73e4bb134ea9d3cf8\n2014|Architecture-Based Code Generation: From π-ADL Architecture Descriptions to Implementations in the Go Language|10.1007/978-3-319-09970-5_13|14|1|Everton Cavalcante and F. Oquendo and T. Batista|b52c76f904dfd05395d17e2489614bc59ca99f29\n2014|bíogo: a simple high-performance bioinformatics toolkit for the Go language|10.1101/005033|12|1|R. Kortschak and Josh Bleecher Snyder and Manolis Maragkakis and D. Adelson|92c2f9e43a3799392a963d437adf3901ea6dc3d1\n2011|Deferred gratification: engineering for high performance garbage collection from the get go|10.1145/1988915.1988930|11|0|Ivan Jibaja and S. Blackburn and M. Haghighat and K. McKinley|6d712e3ccc708a2e7bcda5c2056ccfab43af8270\n2017|FML-based Dynamic Assessment Agent for Human-Machine Cooperative System on Game of Go|10.1142/S0218488517500295|11|0|Chang-Shing Lee and Mei-Hui Wang and Sheng-Chi Yang and Pi-Hsia Hung and Su-Wei Lin and Nan Shuo and N. Kubota and Chun-Hsun Chou and P. Chou and Chia-Hsiu Kao|2e99badd048590ded429bb08889538270241bbfd\n2020|Static Race Detection and Mutex Safety and Liveness for Go Programs (Artifact)|10.4230/DARTS.6.2.12|10|1|Julia Gabet and N. Yoshida|a5c89ffa3121aec2eace5f64cb75d915ee12a21c\n2020|goDASH — GO Accelerated HAS Framework for Rapid Prototyping|10.1109/QoMEX48832.2020.9123103|7|0|Darijo Raca and Maëlle Manifacier and Jason J. Quinlan|90e3d263241111cff7064037a0ade6b00323bb80\n2021|GoBench: A Benchmark Suite of Real-World Go Concurrency Bugs|10.1109/CGO51591.2021.9370317|7|3|Ting Yuan and Guangwei Li and Jie Lu and Chen Liu and Lian Li and Jingling Xue|c1bcb1da18bda80a92790a79bdff362980f731fd\n2018|Two-Phase Dynamic Analysis of Message-Passing Go Programs Based on Vector Clocks|10.1145/3236950.3236959|6|0|M. Sulzmann and K. Stadtmüller|e1116fdac1e58415c62e21c83f2d6bc5aab08035\n2017|Trace-Based Run-Time Analysis of Message-Passing Go Programs|10.1007/978-3-319-70389-3_6|5|1|M. Sulzmann and K. Stadtmüller|8185a6664d62ae017910c8960c302ed7ffac8e40\n2020|Bounded verification of message-passing concurrency in Go using Promela and Spin|10.4204/EPTCS.314.4|4|0|Nicolas Dilley and J. Lange|d98f1cf4376c7de5e65391c3d1fa372b03540b49\n2015|PARAGON: an approach for parallelization of power system contingency analysis using Go programming language|10.1002/ETEP.1999|4|1|S. Khaitan and J. McCalley|aec59c18d84b2544e119a6ad663b4c5865cca060\n2020|Static Race Detection and Mutex Safety and Liveness for Go Programs (extended version)|10.4230/LIPIcs.ECOOP.2020.4|3|1|Julia Gabet and N. Yoshida|6eef6ecf97976770bc407850aeb6f47ee8ccb19c\n2017|Overview of the Go Language|10.1007/978-1-4842-2692-6_2|3|1|J. Newmarch|e8230750cd61b5972228841186cacfdb856fa4d1\n2011|Pattern matching for object-like structures in the Go programming language|10.1145/2069172.2069180|2|0|Chanwit Kaewkasi and Pitchaya Kaewkasi|1787cbbc350b8f812633b14dba353cc4659bccfa\nnull|Evaluating the GO Programming Language with Design Patterns|10.26686/wgtn.16984801|1|0|Frank Schmager|ab5a1cf83194c5180bf9d0d992fe2514dfd54fe3 xml XML 1996 Tim Bray and Jean Paoli and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Eve Maler and François Yergeau and John W. Cowan 42 dataNotation 391 1.1 3 12 25167 97 2004 2018 63 12 sgml unicode soap ooxml utf-8 ascii html regex xpath xquery scala java smalltalk php python rdf javascript hytime json yaml s-expressions 1996 In computing, Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. The W3C's XML 1.0 Specification and several other related specifications—all of them free open standards—define XML. The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet. It is a textual data format with strong support via Unicode for different human languages. Although the design of XML focuses on documents, the language is widely used for the representation of arbitrary data structures such as those used in web services. Several schema systems exist to aid in the definition of XML-based languages, while programmers have developed many application programming interfaces (APIs) to aid the processing of XML data. 2001 2861 5441 4025 34138 2314 2700 .classpath .cproject .project App.config NuGet.config Settings.StyleCop Web.Debug.config Web.Release.config Web.config packages.config 3258 0 rss or xsd or wsdl xml xml text/xml text.xml data x/XML.xml W3C dataNotation Extensible Markup Language 2626 true 401 abcl-lang ace acorn-lang adamant aith al alumina apache-hbase aretext argdown arkscript arrow-format assemblyscript asterius-compiler atomspace avail ballerina basis-universal-format bazel bee beef berry bicep bitsy blech blitzmax blockml blz bounce-lang bqn broccoli-1 bruijn cali-lang capn-proto caramel carbon cat catala categorical-query-language ceylon chisel cir cito clash clay click cloc clojure clojurescript closure-templates coffeescript cokescript conan-pm cone coq corescript cosh crmsh croc cryptol crystal csvw curv cyber dafny dasel dashrep dedukti deno dex dexvis dgraph dixy drakon dreamlisp drupal dub-pm duro ec ecr ecsharp eff eiffel elegance elena elm elvish elymas emscripten encore enso erlang euphoria f-prime f-script factor fay felix ffmpeg firrtl fish flame-ir flare flatbuffers flow9 flowchart-fun flownote flutter fork-lang frundis fstar futhark futurescript gamerlanguage gap generate-ninja gforth ghc git gogs-editor gradle gravity gun gura hakaru halide hamler hashlink hasklig haste haxe haxelibs-pm heron-lang hhvm hilvl hjson homebrew-pm horse64 hpp hrqr htmx huginn hurl huwcode hyphy ibis icedcoffeescript idris idyll imba imhex impala ink invokator ioke iterm2 ivy ixml ixml j jakt jal-compiler java jedi jekyll jevko jflex jinx jison jlang jquery jsil-compiler json-schema jsonnet julia juniper juvix k-framework kamilalisp kaml katex kdl kitlang kitten ko koka kotlin ktexteditor-editor ktyek kuin kumir kuroko l2 ladybird lamdu-editor lamdu latino latte lawvere leo-editor lift ligo lil linotte linux literate-coffeescript litescript lobster luna lwjgl mages mai manhood marko markovjunior mastodon mathics matplotlib megaparsec melody micro-editor microblocks micropython minilang minizinc mirah mond mongodb monkeyx monte moya mu muon ncl neko nesc nestedtext netlogo never newlisp nexml nextflow nim ninja nit nltk nodejs nushell objectscript obsidian-lang odin ohm oil olc omgrofl opa opam-pm open-nn open-shading-language opencv openverse orca p-star p packagist-pm pact pan pandas particles particles particles partiql pep8 perl phel php pinto pkl plaid-programming-language plang please-build postgresql pov-ray-sdl powershell prettier prismjs project-mentat prometheus prql purescript pygments python pytorch qore quaint-lang quint r3 r4 racket rainbow rant rapidbatch react-native rebeca-modeling-language red redis reflex-framework revolution-programming-language rholang ricscript riff ripple rmarkdown robotframework rocksdb roslyn-compiler ruby rust rye savi scala-js scoop-pm score sdlang setlx shiv shml sile simple-binary-encoding skulpt slim-framework smali smallbasic smc smpl snowball-programming-language sourcepawn spatial speedie speedie spiderbasic spiral srl ssharp stacklang statsplorer ston subleq sugar susn swi-prolog swift sympy t2b tablam tamgu tao3d tap tensorflow testml textadept-editor textframe textile thjson tibet toontalk tornado toy-lang treesheets typecobol typescript ucg uno v v8 vale-assembly vale vcpkg-pm vlc volt vsxu wasmer wasp-lang wiredtiger wonkey wren wyvern xgboost-model xgboost xlwings-editor xtclang xtext yang yara yawl yeti yggdrasil yii z2 zephir zlang false xml adml admx ant axaml axml builds ccproj ccxml clixml cproject cscfg csdef csl csproj ct depproj dita ditamap ditaval dllconfig dotsettings filters fsproj fxml glade gml gmx grxml gst hzp iml ivy jelly jsproj kml launch mdpolicy mjml mm mod mxml natvis ncl ndproj nproj nuspec odd osm pkgproj pluginspec proj props ps1xml psc1 pt qhelp rdf res resx rs rss sch scxml sfproj shproj srdf storyboard sublime-snippet targets tml ts tsx ui urdf ux vbproj vcxproj vsixmanifest vssettings vstemplate vxml wixproj workflow wsdl wsf wxi wxl wxs x3d xacro xaml xib xlf xliff xmi xmldist xmp xproj xsd xspec xul zcml xml xml xsl rss xslt xsd wsdl wsf java true 1917452 42277 139 6 1 true adml admx ant app.config axml builds ccproj ccxml classpath clixml cproject cscfg csdef csl ct depproj ditamap ditaval dll.config dotsettings filters fsproj gmx grxml iml ivy jelly jsproj kml launch mdpolicy mjml natvis ndproj nproj nuget.config nuspec odd osm packages.config pkgproj plist proj project props ps1xml psc1 pt rdf resx rss scxml settings.stylecop sfproj shproj srdf storyboard sttheme sublime-snippet targets tmcommand tml tmlanguage tmpreferences tmsnippet tmtheme urdf ux vcxproj vsixmanifest vssettings vstemplate vxml web.config web.debug.config web.release.config wsf x3d xacro xib xlf xliff XML xml xml.dist xproj xspec xul zcml 1434 text xml xml 52.56 13.29 XML XML false false true false false false false true false false 151 37 XML year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n1998|Prentice Hall Ptr|Designing XML Internet Applications|Leventhal, Michael and Lewis, David and Fuchs, Matthew|9780136168225\n2004|Wrox|Beginning XML (Programmer to Programmer)|Hunter, David and Watt, Andrew and Rafter, Jeff and Duckett, Jon and Ayers, Danny and Chase, Nicholas and Fawcett, Joe and Gaven, Tom and Patterson, Bill|9780764570773\n2003|Wiley|XML Programming Bible|Benz, Brian and Durant, John R.|9780764538292\n1998|For Dummies|XML For Dummies|Tittel, Ed and Chandak, Ramesh and Mikula, Norbert|9780764503603\n2000|Que Pub|Platinum Edition Using Xhtml, Xml and Java 2|O'Donnell, Jim|9780789724731\n|Novatec|PHP Com XML||9788575220252\n1998|Prentice Hall Ptr|The XML Handbook (First Edition)|Goldfarb, Charles F. and Prescod, Paul|9780130811523\n2002|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself XML in 10 Minutes|Watt, Andrew H.|9780672324710\n2003|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure & XML Programming, Second Edition|Dejan Sunderic|9780072228960\n1999|Microsoft Press|XML in Action (IT Professional)|Pardi, William J|9780735605626\n2009|Wrox|Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data|Williams, Ian|9780470477250\n2005|McGraw-Hill Education|XML Demystified|Keogh, Jim and Davidson, Ken|9780072262100\n2000|Apress|Professional Visual Basic 6 XML|James G. Britt and Teun Duynstee|9781861003324\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|XML Programming Success in a Day: Beginner?s Guide to Fast, Easy, and Efficient Learning of XML Programming|Key, Sam|9781515212119\n2009|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Excel 2007 VBA Programming with XML and ASP (Wordware Applications Library)|Korol, Julitta|9781598220438\n2004|O'Reilly Media|XML Publishing with Axkit|Kip Hampton|9780596002169\n2002|Addison-Wesley|Real World Xml Web Services: For Vb and Vb.Net Developers (Developmentor Series (Dm))|Shohoud, Yasser|9780201774252\n2003|Microsoft Press|Microsoft® .NET Distributed Applications: Integrating XML Web Services and .NET Remoting (Pro-Developer)|MacDonald, Matthew and MacDonald, Matthew|9780735619333\n2003|Microsoft Press|MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET and Microsoft Visual C#™ .NET: ... Basic(r) .Net and Microsoft Visual C#(tm) .N|Corporation, Microsoft|9780735615861\n2004|Prentice Hall|Designing Web Services With the J2EE 1.4 Platform: Jax-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies|Singh, Inderjeet and Brydon, Sean and Murray, Greg and Ramachandran, Vijay and Violleau, Thierry and Stearns, Beth|9780321205216\n2006|Wrox|Professional SQL Server 2005 XML|Klein, Scott|9780764597923\n2001|Sybex|ASP, ADO, and XML Complete|Dave Evans, Greg Jarboe, Hollis Thomases, Mari Smith, Chris Treadaway and Inc., Sybex|9780782129717\n1999|Sams|XML Unleashed||9780672315145\n2002|Microsoft Press|Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .Net Platform|Short, Scott|9780735614062\n2002|Microsoft Press|XML Programming (Core Reference)|Rofail, Ash and Wyke, R Allen|9780735611856\n2002|Que Publishing|Special Edition Using XML|Gulbransen, David and Bartlett, Kynn and Bingham, Earl and Kachur, Alexander and Rawlings, Kenrick and Watt, Andrew|9780789727480\n2001|Wiley|Scripting XML and WMI for Microsoft(r) SQL Server 2000: Professional Developer's Guide|Martinsson, Tobias|9780471399513\n2003|Wiley|Web Design with XML: Generating Web Pages with XML ,CSS, XSLT and Formatting Objects|Knobloch, Manfred and Kopp, Matthias|9780470847183\n2000|Microsoft Press|XML and Soap Programming for BizTalk Servers (DV-MPS Programming)|Travis, Brian E|9780735611269\n2005|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Excel 2003 VBA Programming With XML And ASP|Korol, Julitta|9781556222252\n2002|Apress|Beginning C# XML: Essential XML Skills for C# Programmers|Steven Livingstone and Stewart Fraser|9781861006288\n2000|Osborne/McGraw-Hill|Oracle XML Handbook|Ben Chang|9780072124897\n||Xml Programming Bible|John Durant and Brian Benz|9780764555763\n2002|Manning Publications|J2ee and XML Development|Gabrick, Kurt A and Weiss, David B and Weiss, David|9781930110304\n2001|Apress|Java XML Programmer's Reference|Eric Jung and Andrei Cioroianu and Dave Writz and Mohammad Akif and Steven Brodhead and James Hart|9781861005205\n2007|Pearson Technology Group|Sams Teach Yourself .NET XML Web Services in 24 Hours|Augustyniak, Mark|9780672323300\n2000|Apress|Professional Oracle 8i Application Programming with Java, PL/SQL and XML|Michael Awai and Matthew Bortniker and John Carnell and Kelly Cox and Daniel O'Connor and Mario Zucca and Sean Dillon and Thomas Kyte and Ann Horton and Frank Hubeny and Glenn E. Mitchell II and Kevin Mukhar and Gary Nicol and Guy Ruth Hammond|9781861004840\n2006|Apress|The Definitive Guide to Berkeley DB XML|Brian, Daniel|9781590596661\n2014|Apress|Web Standards: Mastering HTML5, CSS3, and XML|Sikos, Leslie|9781484208830\n2006|Apress|Pro Apache XML|Sarang, Poornachandra|9781590596418\n2002|New Riders|Xml And|Evans, Kirk Allen.|9780735712003\n1998|For Dummies|XML For Dummies Quick Reference|Aviram, Mariva H.|9780764503832\n2000||Programming Sql Server With Xml [with 1]|Sankar and Krishna|9780735611757\n20100915|Springer Nature|Database and XML Technologies|Mong Li Lee; ‎Jeffrey Xu Yu; ‎Zohra Bellahsene|9783642156847\n20061114|Springer Nature|Foundation XML for Flash|Sas Jacobs|9781430200741\n20070205|Springer Nature|Pro PHP XML and Web Services|Robert Richards|9781430201397\n2000|Tsinghua University Press Pub. Date :2007-01|Sql Server 2005 Xml Advanced Programming(chinese Edition)|(mei)ke Lin (klein.s.) / Wang Xin|9787302141112\n20140804|Pearson Education (US)|Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP|Elizabeth Drake|9780133560107\n2004|Apress|Office 2003 XML for Power Users (Books for Professionals by Professionals)|MacDonald, Matthew|9781590592649\n2014|O'Reilly Media|SVG Essentials: Producing Scalable Vector Graphics with XML|Eisenberg, J. David and Bellamy-Royds, Amelia|9781449374358\n2005|O'Reilly Media|XSLT Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for XML and XSLT Developers, 2nd Edition|Mangano, Sal|9780596009748\n2013|Pearson|Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP|Drake, Elizabeth|9780133068306\n2017|Apress|XML and JSON Recipes for SQL Server: A Problem-Solution Approach|Grinberg, Alex|9781484231173\n2001|AddisonWesley Professional|Essential XML Quick Reference: A Programmer's Reference to XML, XPath, XSLT, XML Schema, SOAP, and More|Skonnard, Aaron|9780201740950\n2013|Pearson|Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP (2-downloads)|Drake, Elizabeth|9780133251821\n2001|O'Reilly Media|Python & XML|Jones, Christopher A. and Drake Jr, Fred L.|9780596001285\n2004|Apress|XML and FrameMaker|Ethier, Kay|9781590592762\n2019|Independently published|Dan Gookin's Guide to XML and JSON Programming|Gookin, Dan|9781088918326\n2002|Sams Publishing|XML Primer Plus|Chase, Nicholas|9780672324222\n2002|John Wiley &Sons|Visual Basic .NET and XML|Stephens, Rod|9780471120605\n2002|O'Reilly Media|Perl and XML: XML Processing with Perl|Ray, Erik T. and McIntosh, Jason|9780596002053\n2005|SitePoint|No Nonsense XML Web Development With PHP: Master PHP 5's Powerful New XML Functionality|Myer, Thomas|9780975240205\n2007|Wrox|Professional XML|Evjen, Bill and Sharkey, Kent and Thangarathinam, Thiru and Kay, Michael and Vernet, Alessandro and Ferguson, Sam|9780471777779\n2017|Apress|Pro RESTful APIs: Design, Build and Integrate with REST, JSON, XML and JAX-RS|Patni, Sanjay|9781484226650\n2003|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself XML in 21 Days (3rd Edition)|Holzner, Steven|9780672325762\n2002|For Dummies|Java and XML For Dummies|Burd, Barry|9780764516580\n2000|Pearson|XML How to Program|Deitel, Harvey M. and Deitel, Paul J. and Nieto, Tem R. and Lin, Ted and Sadhu, Praveen|9780130284174\n2000|Apress|Professional XML Databases|Williams, Kevin and Brundage, Michael and Michael Brundage and Patrick Dengler and Jeff Gabriel and Andy Hoskinson and Michael Kay and Thomas Maxwell and Marcelo Ochoa and Johnny Papa and Mohan Vanmane|9781861003584\n1999|Wiley|XML Bible|Harold, Elliotte Rusty|9780764532368\n2005-07-01T00:00:01Z|Teora USA, LLC|HTML, XHTML, CSS and XML by Example: A Practical Guide (By Example Series)|Teodoru Gugoiu|9781594960376\n2005|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself Xml in 24 Hours|Morrison, Michael|9780672327971\n2006|Course Technology PTR|Advanced XML Applications from the Experts at The XML Guild|The XML Guild|9781598632149\n2002|Addison-Wesley Professional|Processing XML with Java¿: A Guide to SAX, DOM, JDOM, JAXP, and TrAX (2 Volume Set)|Harold, Elliotte Rusty|9780201771862\n2002|Apress|XML Programming Using the Microsoft XML Parser|Lee, Wei-Meng and Foo, Soo Mee|9781893115422\n2006|Wrox|XML Problem Design Solution|Amiano, Mitch|9780471791195\n2001|Prentice Hall|XSLT and Xpath: A Guide to XML Transformations|Gardner, John Robert and Gardner, James Robert and Rendon, Zarella L.|9780130404466\n2003|Addison Wesley Publishing Company|J2EE Web Services: XML SOAP WSDL UDDI WS-I JAX-RPC JAXR SAAJ JAXP|Monson-Haefel, Richard|9780321146182\n2003|Addison-Wesley Professional|Xforms: Xml Powered Web Forms|Raman, T. V.|9780321154996\n2015||XML Programming Success In A Day|Key, Sam|9781329503212\n2001|Pearson P T R|SOAP: Cross Platform Web Services Development Using XML|Scott Seely and Kent Sharkey|9780130907639\n2003|Morgan Kaufmann|Modeling Business Objects with XML Schema (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and Programming)|Daum, Berthold|9780080511818\n1999|O'Reilly Media|XML Pocket Reference: Extensible Markup Language|Eckstein, Robert|9781565927094\n2003|Morgan Kaufmann|Modeling Business Objects with XML Schema (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and Programming)|Daum, Berthold|9781558608160\n2002|Addison-Wesley Professional|XML and Java¿: Developing Web Applications (2nd Edition)|Maruyama, Hiroshi|9780201770049\n2004|Prentice Hall Ptr|Xml in Office 2003: Information Sharing With Desktop Xml|Goldfarb, Charles F. and Walmsley, Priscilla|9780131421936\n2007|O'Reilly Media|Ajax on Java: The Essentials of XMLHttpRequest and XML Programming with Java|Olson, Steven Douglas|9780596101879\n2000|New Riders Press|Inside XML|Holzner, Steve|9780735710207\n1999|McGraw-Hill|Building Corporate Portals with XML|Aiken, Peter and Finkelstein, Clive|9780079137050\n2016|ACM Books|Reactive Internet Programming: State Chart XML in Action (ACM Books)|Barbier. Franck|9781970001761\n2002|Microsoft Press|Applied XML Programming for Microsoft® .NET|Esposito, Dino|9780735618015\n2001|Wrox Press|Beginning XML|David Hunter and Jeff Rafter and Jon Pinnock and Chris Dix and Kurt Cagle and Roger Kovack|9781861005595\n2002|Sams|Xml and Php|Vaswani, Vikram|9780735712270\n2003|Career Education|Programming The Web Using XML (Web Developer Series)|Pearlman, Ellen and Mullin, Eileen|9780072845501\n2002|Morgan Kaufmann|System Architecture with XML (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and Programming)|Daum, Berthold and Merten, Udo|9781558607453\n2004|Made Simple|XML Made Simple (Made Simple Programming)|Henderson, Robert and Deane, Sharon|9780750659987\n2003|Wrox|Professional XML Development with Apache Tools: Xerces, Xalan, FOP, Cocoon, Axis, Xindice|Leung, Theodore W.|9780764543555\n2003|Wordware Publishing, Inc.|Learn Microsoft Excel 2002: VBA Programming with XML and ASP|Korol, Julitta|9781556227615\n1999|Wiley|XML Specification Guide|Graham, Ian S. and Quin, Liam R. E.|9780471327530\n2017-09-18T00:00:01Z|Independently published|XML Processing with Scala (Programming with Scala)|Upadhyaya, Bhim|9781549772054\n2002|Sams|Cocoon: Building Xml Applications|Ziegeler, Carsten and Langham, Matthew|9780735712355\n2009|Apress|Foundation XML and E4X for Flash and Flex (Foundations)|Jacobs, Sas|9781430216346\n2009|Springer|Database and XML Technologies: 6th International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2009, Lyon, France, August 24, 2009. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5679)||9783642035548\n2003|Microsoft Press|Programming Microsoft(r) .Net XML Web Services (Pro-Developer)|Foggon, Damien and Ullman, Chris and Maharry, Daniel and Watson, Karli|9780735619128\n2001|Morgan Kaufmann|Enterprise XML Clearly Explained|Standefer, Robert|9780126633559\n2000|Pearson Education|The XML Handbook (3rd Edition)|Charles F. Goldfarb and Paul Prescod|9780130550682\n2002|Syngress|Developing .Net Web Services With Xml|David Jorgensen|9781928994817\n2001|Que Pub|XML and Java from Scratch|Chase, Nicholas|9780789724762\n2006|Apress|Beginning XML with DOM and Ajax: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: From Novice to Professional)|Jacobs, Sas|9781590596760\n1999|Morgan Kaufmann|Data on the Web: From Relations to Semistructured Data and XML (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Abiteboul, Serge and Buneman, Peter and Suciu, Dan|9781558606227\n2002|Apress|XML Programming: Web Applications and Web Services With JSP and ASP|Alexander Nakhimovsky and Tom Myers|9781590590034\n1999|Apress|Professional Java XML Programming with servlets and JSP|Myers, Thomas J.|9781861002853\n2002|Prentice Hall Ptr|Fundamentals of Web Applications Using .Net and XML|Eric Bell and Hao Howard Feng and Edward L.W. Soong and David Zhang and Shijia Sam Zhu|9780130417909\n1999|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical|Simon St. Laurent and Robert J. Biggar|9780071346214\n2003|Wiley|Water: Simplified Web Services and XML Programming|Plusch, Mike|9780764525360\n2002|Sybex|Cocoon 2 Programming: Web Publishing with XML and Java|Bill Brogden and Conrad D'Cruz and Mark Gaither|9780782141313\n2001-06-30T00:00:01Z|Microsoft Press|Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with XML (Pro-Developer)|Malcolm, Graeme|9780735613690\n2003|Addison-Wesley Professional|First Look at ADO.NET and System Xml v 2.0|Homer, Alex and Sussman, Dave and Fussell, Mark|9780321228390\n2001|Que Pub|Special Edition Using Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE): With JSP, Servlets, EJB 2.0, JNDI, JMS, JDBC, CORBA, XML and RMI|Wutka, Mark|9780789725035\n2002|Microsoft Press|Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with XML (2nd Edition) (Developer Reference)|Malcolm, Graeme and Content Masters, Ltd|9780735617742\n2004|Charles River Media|XML for Web Designers Using Macromedia™ Studio MX 2004 (Internet Series)|Ruse, Kevin|9781584503019\n2002|Syngress|Developing Web Services with Java APIs for XML (JAX Pack) with CDROM|Hablutzel, Robert|9781928994855\n|Wiley Dreamtech|Professional Xml|Bill Evjen|9788126512256\n20080101|Springer Nature|XML and FrameMaker|Kay Ethier|9781430207191\n2002|Random House|CodeNotes for XML|Brill, Gregory|9780679647287\n1999|Manning Publications|XML Programming with VB and ASP|Wilson, Mark and Wilson, Tracey|9781884777875\n2022|TECHMEDIA|INSIDE XML AUTHORIZED EDITION FOR INDIAN SUB-CONTINENT|STEVEN HOLZNER|9788176355056\n|Bpb Publications|Learn Excel 2002 Vba Programming With Xml Asp||9788176567824\n2003|McGraw-Hill|Programming the Web Using Xml (Web Developer Series)|Pearlman, Ellen and Mullin, Eileen|9780071215046\n2008|VDM Verlag Dr. Müller|Designing a Feature Tracking Web-Tool Using Java and XML|Bornkessel, Daniel|9783836472838\n2016|ACM Books|Reactive Internet Programming: State Chart XML in Action (ACM Books)|Barbier. Franck|9781970001792\n2012|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|An Answer Set Programming Based Formal Language for XML Authorisations: with Temporal Constraints|Policarpio, Sean|9783659151132\n20220214|Springer Nature|XML|Margit Becher|9783658354350\n20011218|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Python & XML|Christopher A. Jones|9781491948866\n20051017|McGraw-Hill Professional|XML Demystified|Jim Keogh; Ken Davidson|9780071487894\n20031124|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|.NET & XML|Niel M. Bornstein|9781491901298\n20011218|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Python & XML|Christopher A. Jones; Fred L. Drake Jr|9781491948859\n20031124|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|.NET & XML|Niel M. Bornstein|9781491901304\n042007|Wiley Professional Development (P&T)|Professional XML|Bill Evjen; Kent Sharkey; Thiru Thangarathinam|9781118014851\n20080101|Springer Nature|XML Programming Using the Microsoft XML Parser|Wei-Meng Lee; Soo Mee Foo|9781430208297\n2002|Sams|XML and Perl|Mark Riehl and Ilya Sterin and Llya Sterin|9780735712898\n2002|New Riders|Xml And|Evans, Kirk Allen.|9780735712003\n2001|Sams|XML in Flash|Craig Swann and Gregg Caines|9780672323157\n2006|John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.|Beginning Xml Databases|Gavin Powell|9780470107775\n2001|Wrox Press, Inc.|Professional Java Xml|Sudhir Ancha and Jeremy Michael Crosbie and John Davies and Judy Skubal and Karli Watson|9780641589270\n20130111|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|XML and InDesign|Dorothy J. Hoskins|9781449344122\n2002|Prentice Hall|Developing Xml Applications|Lars M. Garshol|9780130889027\n20020425|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl and XML|Erik T. Ray; Jason McIntosh|9781449366827\n20061121|Springer Nature|Pro Apache XML|Poornachandra Sarang|9781430201663\n1999|Manning Pubns Co|Java Xml Programming|Nazmul Idris|9781884777837\n20130111|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|XML and InDesign|Dorothy J. Hoskins|9781449344146\n20020425|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Perl and XML|Erik T. Ray|9780596516406 XML xml developer xml year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2006|LINQ: reconciling object, relations and XML in the .NET framework|10.1145/1142473.1142552|434|58|E. Meijer and B. Beckman and G. Bierman|8ad190feef8bc7744f6b3f155661f5a1c3389ab5\n2003|XDuce: A statically typed XML processing language|10.1145/767193.767195|357|24|H. Hosoya and B. Pierce|c488504779ab5a4e33ab5b58f71e8d6702701a17\n2002|XQuery: A Typed Functional Language for Querying XML|10.1007/978-3-540-44833-4_7|171|3|P. Wadler|a368b3942754bd8033e07d440272e4c82a8c36a1\n2002|XL: an XML programming language for web service specification and composition|10.1145/511446.511456|129|4|D. Florescu and A. Grünhagen and D. Kossmann|d6a269fae3fa76bded548a617ee7d846769a6021\n2002|Towards a Declarative Query and Transformation Language for XML and Semistructured Data: Simulation Unification|10.1007/3-540-45619-8_18|118|5|François Bry and Sebastian Schaffert|f3103b548e8ea7d16ab1896339aedf43ad21a5d2\n2006|biXid: a bidirectional transformation language for XML|10.1145/1159803.1159830|67|4|Shinya Kawanaka and H. Hosoya|e2c3c14c671ebc328e8db710251dff78019bbb61\n2001|XML schema language: taking XML to the next level|10.1109/6294.918217|52|5|J. Roy and A. Ramanujan|350b3eec3ea853f150d120b74605309f673ca9a7\n2003|XPath-logic and XPathLog: A logic-programming style XML data manipulation language|10.1017/S147106840300187X|45|2|Wolfgang May|1b3ef01041884e2151a9b2eae43b58ae16a55014\n2014|BiFluX: A Bidirectional Functional Update Language for XML|10.1145/2643135.2643141|36|3|Hugo Pacheco and Tao Zan and Zhenjiang Hu|a7a4490f25a194bd2609c0c98c5e2a2ebff5bcb0\n2007|Querying XML documents in logic programming*|10.1017/S1471068407003183|31|0|J. Almendros-Jiménez and A. Becerra-Terón and F. J. Enciso-Baños|b73c3e0759ce3b65a9b62b6297aeccd3bd494f4a\n2002|XML programming with SQL/XML and XQuery|10.1147/sj.414.0642|30|2|J. Funderburk and S. Malaika and B. Reinwald|dccdd7c09b1b48be5ad389fb86152851bf918636\n2004|A High-Level Language for Specifying XML Data Transformations|10.1007/978-3-540-30204-9_11|27|0|Tadeusz Pankowski|3af2401bd61ba956bb269a45a701e1d3e9da3f93\n2007|XCentric: logic programming for XML processing|10.1145/1316902.1316904|27|1|Jorge Coelho and Mário Florido|fff40acdda2b6ef583ddc6430e9524a6efcd63d4\n2006|Scalable Programming Abstractions for XML Services|10.1007/11808107_5|26|0|B. Emir and S. Maneth and Martin Odersky|32fa6510c382571f53d6c110e68aedbe34aaa182\n2013|Fuzzy Markup Language: A XML Based Language for Enabling Full Interoperability in Fuzzy Systems Design|10.1007/978-3-642-35488-5_2|25|2|G. Acampora|8dda5f07469d5c31176d3a990f9d271da4d4c15d\n2003|Type-Based XML Processing in Logic Programming|10.1007/3-540-36388-2_19|21|0|Jorge Coelho and Mário Florido|012d8d0ef2962a0addddeb589a3f49d0926f8f24\n2015|Streaming transformation of XML to RDF using XPath-based mappings|10.1145/2814864.2814880|13|2|Jyun-Yao Huang and C. Lange and S. Auer|0bf807c6a9f72cc4ce841fea043c3a84828d66bd\n2012|LotusX: A Position-Aware XML Graphical Search System with Auto-Completion|10.1109/ICDE.2012.123|12|0|Chunbin Lin and Jiaheng Lu and T. Ling and B. Cautis|4895dda8333b9779ff9f7e307d48fc14ca8eea0c\n2014|Securing XML with Role-Based Access Control: Case Study in Health Care|10.4018/978-1-4666-4514-1.CH013|12|0|A. D. L. R. Algarin and S. Demurjian and Timoteus B. Ziminski and Yaira K. Rivera Sánchez and Robert Kuykendall|afc83cf3d895cc9e41558f16a49e2fe58be861aa\n2006|Programming with heterogeneous structures: manipulating XML data using bondi|10.1145/1151699.1151731|12|0|F. Huang and C. Jay and D. Skillicorn|5c7fcdf6e6464a37e0bc94834c4548612262812b\n2013|Use of XML Schema Definition for the Development of Semantically Interoperable Healthcare Applications|10.1007/978-3-642-53956-5_9|11|0|L. Cavalini and T. Cook|ebf3df2b7c5d5aadbb398bbfab44c7b15a987304\n2008|Xobe Sensor Networks: Integrating XML in sensor network programming|10.1109/INSS.2008.4610868|9|0|N. Hoeller and C. Reinke and Sven Groppe and V. Linnemann|56dddc0d3a4c7ceb490ef0291d73ff2ecccdf8d3\n2013|A visual programming language for XML manipulation|10.1016/j.jvlc.2012.11.001|9|1|Gilbert Tekli and R. Chbeir and J. Fayolle|737c0a97c37115e57dc44347d33988113e796a3e\n2002|Experimenting with the circus language for XML modeling and transformation|10.1145/585058.585074|8|0|Jean-Yves Vion-Dury and Veronika Lux and E. Pietriga|c047b46244ce65da6ebcae29068b81a2a8bb6a74\n2019|xml2jupyter: Mapping parameters between XML and Jupyter widgets|10.1101/601211|8|0|R. Heiland and Daniel Mishler and T. Zhang and Eric Bower and P. Macklin|fea58831709cc49d3d2b33bf94fd8fbb32a74bdb\n2016|XML database for Hadith and narrators|10.3844/AJASSP.2016.55.63|7|1|M. M. Najeeb|5aa93c0f81532a5c43f4fab1e8687cdea5c7b8b5\n2011|A Formal Language for XML Authorisations Based on Answer Set Programming and Temporal Interval Logic Constraints|10.4018/jsse.2011010102|6|0|Sean Policarpio and Yan Zhang|55b5bd2bfcc55fe257fb67ac6274ff76d0e9b9e0\n2005|The Query Language to XML Documents Connected by XLink Links|10.1007/s11086-005-0026-4|5|0|D. Lizorkin|7b857d2e8b597d4bd4724e092c32313b976792e3\n2005|Implementation of the XML linking language XLink by functional methods|10.1007/s11086-005-0011-y|5|0|D. Lizorkin and K. Lisovsky|04b44c10741753aeecc618e3a123a0826f042b65\n2015|Avoiding Security Pitfalls with Functional Programming: A Report on the Development of a Secure XML Validator|10.1109/ICSE.2015.149|5|0|Damien Doligez and C. Faure and T. Hardin and M. Maarek|d444919ac1ef0ce64d27447058cf8e371f9e8b74\n2000|Integrating XML and object-based programming for distributed collaboration|10.1109/ENABL.2000.883739|4|0|Vassil Roussev and P. Dewan and Naveen Koorakula and Sriram Sellappa|6b42308074880263cb71972008f0ed31c52bb866\n2002|Cross-fertilizing logic programming and XML for knowledge representation|10.4018/978-1-930708-13-6.CH003|4|0|H. Boley|2db3c829b68f99ea25d3a13f4194e8aa58157211\n2017|Research on XML Schema Transformation Algorithm|10.12783/DTCSE/CIMNS2017/17429|4|0|Bin Ji and Jiaju Wu and Huijun Liu and Li-rong Meng and Peng Wanyi|7b88f4f87223881c0b849911d4ed3724bb7090a9\n2011|An XML experiment description language for ns-3|10.4108/ICST.SIMUTOOLS.2011.245586|4|0|G. Riley and Joshua Pelkey|e0115394c7ca4afc0f60ad500d55fe4a6adbad0c\n2011|XIVD: Runtime Detection of XPath Injection Vulnerabilities in XML Databases through Aspect Oriented Programming|10.1007/978-3-642-22555-0_21|4|0|V. Shanmughaneethi and Ra. Yagna Pravin and S. Swamynathan|3c616070af9a536db1c9245e647dc707715e5c15\n2002|XML Programming Using the Microsoft XML Parser|10.1007/978-1-4302-0829-7|2|1|S. M. Foo and W. Lee|29fae73cdcb21b1c8e3b874f2d3fa21e99b42b69\n2002|Embedding XML processing toolkit on general purpose programming language|10.1109/APSEC.2002.1182985|2|0|T. Kamina and T. Tamai|a9a62d49806cadb8ce937e853c231e94fac86cff json JSON 2001 Douglas Crockford 47 dataNotation 592 1 3 13 25166 21 2007 2016 14 11 javascript xml java http unicode utf-8 soap yaml csv protobuf gzip xpath css hocon s-expressions geojson 2013 In computing, JavaScript Object Notation or JSON ( JAY-sən), is an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types (or any other serializable value). It is a very common data format used for asynchronous browser–server communication, including as a replacement for XML in some AJAX-style systems. JSON is a language-independent data format. It was derived from JavaScript, but as of 2017 many programming languages include code to generate and parse JSON-format data. The official Internet media type for JSON is application/json. JSON filenames use the extension .json. Douglas Crockford originally specified the JSON format in the early 2000s; two competing standards, RFC 7159 and ECMA-404, defined it in 2013. The ECMA standard describes only the allowed syntax, whereas the RFC covers some security and interoperability considerations. A restricted profile of JSON, known as I-JSON (short for "Internet JSON"), seeks to overcome some of the interoperability problems with JSON. It is defined in RFC 7493.. 2005 3994 1329 2473 1575082 2000 6 6 .arcconfig .auto-changelog .c8rc .htmlhintrc .imgbotconfig .nycrc .tern-config .tern-project .watchmanconfig Pipfile.lock composer.lock 133 0 geojson or jsonl or topojson json javascript application/json source.json data j/JSON.json dataNotation true 615 11ty aardvark abs ace activity-pub adept ait al alma-007 alumina ana ante aretext argdown arkscript arquero arret arrow-format asdf assemblyscript asterius-compiler atprotocol attoparsec austral avail badlanguage ballerina bamboo basis-universal-format bazel bebasic bend berry bicep binaryen bitsy bizubee blackcoffee blacklight blazex blech blockml blur-markup-language blz borgo bosque bounce-lang bpkg-pm broccoli-2 bucklescript buzz c3 cairo calcit candy capn-proto caramel carbon cat catala ceylon chaiscript chatterbot chevrotain chisel cir circle-lang cito civet claro clash cloc clojurescript closure-templates coco coconut codecept codemirror coffeekup coffeescript cokescript colascript comby common-workflow-language commonmark concise-encoding cor corescript cortex cosh couchdb crmsh crush crystal cson cspydr css-doodle csvw cuelang cyber d3 dafny dak daonode dasel dat-protocol datafun datascript ddp deno dexvis dgraph dhall differential-datalog dixy djangoql dogescript drupal dub-pm earl-grey eco-editor ecr edh eiffel ejs elm elpi elvish emberjs-framework emberscript emesh emscripten enso erlang esoteric-reaction euphoria eve exkited eyg f-prime factor farcaster fardlang fay fetlang firrtl flame-ir flatbuffers flow flow9 flowchart-fun flownote flutter flux fold fork-lang forthscript fpp fstar futhark futurescript generate-ninja getlang ghc gintonic gleam glicol glisp glms go gogs-editor gradle grid-notation gridstudio-editor gun hacspec halide hashlink haxe haxelibs-pm hcl hera heron-lang hhvm highlightjs hina hjson hocon hodor homebrew-pm hotcocoalisp hrqr htl htmx httplang huginn hurl hush hyperscript-lang hyperscript ibis icedcoffeescript idyll imba imhex impala infusion-framework ink inko insitux invokator iode ion iterm2 jakt jal-compiler jammy jank jaqt jasmine java jcof jedi jedlang jekyll jemplate jesth jesth jet jevko jflex jinja jison-lex jison jisp jlang jmap jq jql jquery jsf jsil-compiler jslt json-graph-format json-ld json-schema json-script json-url json-with-comments json5 json5 jsoniq jsonnet jsonnet jsparagus julia juvix k-framework kal kamilalisp kaml kasaya katex kdl keras kgl khepri kima kitlang ko kode koka kotlin ktexteditor-editor kubernetes kumir kuroko ladybird lamdu-editor lamdu latte-js latte lawvere ld-json ld-json lem-editor leo-editor lesma lever lezer lift ligo link links-programming-language linux lispyscript literate-coffeescript litescript livr lobster lodash logica lsd luna lwjgl m3db mal manhood manim mapgen maraca-lang marko markus markwhen marp maskjs mastodon mathics mathjson mathpix-markdown matplotlib mavo mdx mech-lang megaparsec melody mermaid micro-editor microblocks microl micropython minidsdb minizinc mirth mlscript mochajs monaco mond mongodb monte moonbit moya mu muldis mun-lang mys nadesiko nearley neko nestedtext neut nextflow ngs nilscript nim nit nlpl nltk nodejs noisecraft nomnoml noms-db noon note nulan nushell nuua observable-framework observable-lang observable-plot obsidian-lang obsidian ohayo ohm oil ok olc onnx oopsilon opencv openverse orca p packagist-pm pact pandas parboiled2 parsers particles particles particles pasukon pearscript pegjs penrose perl pharen phel php pikelet pipefish pkl pkl plaid-programming-language plang please-build pod6 podlite pogoscript pomsky popr porffor postcss postgresql powershell prettier prismjs project-mentat prometheus prql psvg psyche pug purescript pycket pygments python pytorch qalb qore quaint quint racket rakudo ralph ramdascript raml rant react-native readable reason recursivetext redis redprl reflex-framework ren-c retdec revolution-programming-language rholang ricscript rigc robotframework roc rocksdb rockstar roslyn-compiler roy royalscript rpscript ru ruby runiq rust rye sanddance savi scala-js scikit-learn scipy scoop-pm score scrapscript scroll scroll scryer sdlang sdms seif semicolon semver sentient seq serious shml sibilant sile simoji sizzle skip skulpt slab slashdown slim-framework smallbasic smpl snowman-decompiler solidity sophie space speedie speedie spider spiral spry sqrl squiggle srl ssb ssharp stacklang star statsplorer stencil ston storymatic strat sugarss superjson superjson susn svelte swallow sweetjs swi-prolog swift sympy tablam taichi taijilang tamgu tangledown tao3d tawa taxa tea-pm tensorflow testml textile tht tibet tidyverse tiledb timpani tlc tldr tldraw tmtp toffeescript toki-sona toontalk topshell tornado tosh touch toy-lang tree-annotation-operator tridash triton truth tsquery twine txtzyme typecastjs typecobol typescript u ucg ucg ucl uiua ultralisp-pm uno unseemly v v8 vale-assembly vcpkg-pm vega-editor-app vega veryl violent-es virgil visdown vlc volt vuejs vyxal walt wasmer wasp-lang wdl web3js wenyan wing winxed wiredtiger wisp wlambda wonkey worst wyvern xarray xgboost-model xgboost xlwings-editor xodio xtclang xtext yamp yang yii yoptascript zephir zig false json 4DForm 4DProject avsc geojson gltf har ice JSON-tmLanguage jsonl mcmeta tfstate tfstatebackup topojson webapp webmanifest yy yyp json json Pipfile.lock typescript true 355741 9228 69 javascript 1 1 true arcconfig avsc composer.lock geojson gltf har htmlhintrc json json-tmlanguage jsonl mcmeta tern-config tern-project tfstate tfstate.backup topojson watchmanconfig webapp webmanifest yyp text United States { "id": 1, "name": "Foo", "price": 123, "tags": ["Bar","Eek"], "stock": { "warehouse":300, "retail":20 } } var y = {a: undefined}; var ys = JSON.stringify(y, function (k, v){return (v === undefined) ? "UNDEFINED" : v}); { "hello": "world" } JSON JSON false true false false false true false true false true false true false false false true false 17 10 JSON year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2018|Apress|Beginning Reactive Programming with Swift: Using RxSwift, Amazon Web Services, and JSON with iOS and macOS|Feiler, Jesse|9781484236208\n2015|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Learn Json In A Day : The Ultimate Crash Course To Learning The Basics Of Json In No Time|Acodemy|9781519158413\n2015|Apress|Beginning JSON|SMITH, BEN|9781484202029\n2020|Bowker|MySQL & JSON A Practical Programming Guide: Second Edition|Stokes, David|9780578783246\n2017|Apress|XML and JSON Recipes for SQL Server: A Problem-Solution Approach|Grinberg, Alex|9781484231173\n2019|Independently published|Dan Gookin's Guide to XML and JSON Programming|Gookin, Dan|9781088918326\n2013|Packt Publishing|JavaScript and JSON Essentials|Sriparasa, Sai Srinivas|9781783286041\n2013|Packt Publishing|Developing RESTful Services with JAX-RS 2.0, WebSockets, and JSON|Kalali, Masoud and Mehta, Bhakti|9781782178132\n2015|Packt Publishing|JavaScript JSON Cookbook|Rischpater, Ray|9781785284359\n2021|Apress|Pro Power BI Theme Creation: JSON Stylesheets for Automated Dashboard Formatting|Aspin, Adam|9781484270684\n2013|Packt Publishing|Developing RESTful Services with JAX-RS 2.0, WebSockets, and JSON|Kalali, Masoud and Mehta, Bhakti|9781782178125\n20160518|Springer Nature|JSON Quick Syntax Reference|Wallace Jackson|9781484218631\n23-04-2018|Packt Publishing|JavaScript and JSON Essentials|Bruno Joseph D'mello; Sai Srinivas Sriparasa|9781788628761\n20190110|Springer Nature|Java XML and JSON|Jeff Friesen|9781484243305\n20160615|Springer Nature|Java XML and JSON|JEFF FRIESEN|9781484219164\n20140323|Emereo|JSON 296 Success Secrets - 296 Most Asked Questions On JSON - What You Need To Know|Laura Davenport|9781488539138\n|Packt Pub.|Developing RESTful services with JAX-RS 2.0, WebSockets, and JSON|Kalali, Masoud.|9781782178125 JSON json developer json year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2014|Simplifying the interaction between cognitive models and task environments with the JSON Network Interface|10.3758/s13428-013-0425-z|16|4|Ryan M. Hope and M. Schoelles and Wayne D. Gray|0326b8861e0bda7a0657a2d9e835a727fb31d0b2\n2018|Keamanan RESTful Web Service Menggunakan JSON Web Token (JWT) HMAC SHA-512|10.22146/JNTETI.V7I2.417|14|3|Alam Rahmatulloh and Heni Sulastri and R. Nugroho|a380221c7055d96ade6226a5c4d9de49537025bf\n2019|Schemas and Types for JSON Data: From Theory to Practice|10.1145/3299869.3314032|10|0|M. Baazizi and Dario Colazzo and G. Ghelli and C. Sartiani|e17258d751b7e732b88d4255948baf0d67fce6f5\n2018|Survey on JSON Data Modelling|10.1088/1742-6596/1069/1/012101|7|0|Teng Lv and Ping Yan and Weimin He|923f14a6a5f78ef90794ffa5efe1121f512b9b58\n2017|Implementasi JSON untuk Minimasi Penggunaan Jumlah Kolom Suatu Tabel Pada Database PostgreSQL|10.21070/JOINCS.V1I1.802|5|1|M. A. Rosid|6b6d9197323171c9e0b36379319b941a133908fe\n2016|PENCARIAN INFORMASI DATA PESAWAT MENGGUNAKAN NOMOR REGISTRASI PESAWAT DENGAN MEMANFAATKAN DATABASE DAN JSON|10.28989/compiler.v5i2.172|2|0|Yulis Robert Latumaone and Haruno Sajati and Nurcahyani Dewi Retnowati|e798f6fedeb8929587cdb9440b0412f5d8fe5cd4\n2019|On Massive JSON Data Model and Schema|10.1088/1742-6596/1302/2/022031|2|0|Teng Lv and Ping Yan and Weimin He|100e2fa6c426a52e36078003a7001d324e1e099e\n2016|Implementation of AJAX and JSON to Improve Web Application Performance|10.26623/transformatika.v14i1.363|1|0|M. Z. Abdillah|316dba7d3e7a522ce0b326fa6535d370872b1f1f\n2019|A Survey on JSON Data Stores|10.4018/978-1-5225-8446-9.CH003|1|0|L. Irshad and Zongmin Ma and Li Yan|228bef45279542a6205efb8d7ba5624263936514\n2020|Research and Application of Data Exchange based on JSON|10.1109/IPEC49694.2020.9115155|1|0|Changxia Sun and Xia Zeng and Chengzhong Sun and Haiping Si and Yanling Li|d5be81bd9bc79273083731c53f7dbd079688095b typescript TypeScript 2012 Anders Hejlsberg 87 pl 159 5.4 5 14 9 25153 2014 2024 2135 12318 99410 5892 616 2015 2018 7 25 javascript java csharp delphi turbo-pascal jquery mongodb d3 visual-studio-editor eclipse-editor emacs-editor vim sublime-editor visual-studio-code-editor maven-pom dart coffeescript elm 2012 TypeScript is a free and open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript, and adds optional static typing to the language. Anders Hejlsberg, lead architect of C# and creator of Delphi and Turbo Pascal, has worked on the development of TypeScript. TypeScript may be used to develop JavaScript applications for client-side or server-side (Node.js) execution. TypeScript is designed for development of large applications and compiles to JavaScript. As TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, existing JavaScript programs are also valid TypeScript programs. TypeScript supports definition files that can contain type information of existing JavaScript libraries, much like C++ header files can describe the structure of existing object files. This enables other programs to use the values defined in the files as if they were statically typed TypeScript entities. There are third-party header files for popular libraries such as jQuery, MongoDB, and D3.js. TypeScript headers for the Node.js basic modules are also available, allowing development of Node.js programs within TypeScript. The TypeScript compiler is itself written in TypeScript and compiled to JavaScript. It is licensed under the Apache 2 License. TypeScript is included as a first-class programming language in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 and later, beside C# and other Microsoft languages. An official extension allows Visual Studio 2012 to support TypeScript as well. 2006 1098 428 523 8157205 2012 35920 47650 3281749 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nprojectstorm react-diagrams TypeScript #2b7489 3230 409 525 "a super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works"\nFlaque quirk TypeScript #2b7489 1581 132 293 "✨🐙 A GPL Licensed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy app for iOS and Android"\numijs qiankun TypeScript #2b7489 1162 77 835 "📦🚀Blazing fast, simple and completed solution for micro frontends."\nfelixrieseberg windows95 TypeScript #2b7489 16471 963 204 "💩🚀 Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows."\nangular angular TypeScript #2b7489 51134 14228 1167 "One framework. Mobile & desktop."\nzeit now TypeScript #2b7489 3631 416 151 "The easiest way to deploy websites"\ndavidkpiano xstate TypeScript #2b7489 6618 248 439 "State machines and statecharts for the modern web."\nstorybookjs storybook TypeScript #2b7489 41039 3446 941 "UI component dev & test: React, Vue, Angular, React Native, Ember, Web Components & more!"\nosdnk react-native-reanimated-bottom-sheet TypeScript #2b7489 795 67 146 "Highly configurable bottom sheet component made with react-native-reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler"\ntypescript-eslint typescript-eslint TypeScript #2b7489 4722 297 465 "✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript"\nsantiq bulletproof-nodejs TypeScript #2b7489 569 111 123 "Implementation of a bulletproof node.js API 🛡️"\nmicrosoft TypeScript TypeScript #2b7489 53347 7319 1165 "TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output."\nmicrosoft vscode TypeScript #2b7489 82411 11813 1876 "Visual Studio Code"\nbotpress botpress TypeScript #2b7489 7632 844 158 "The open-source Conversational Platform with built-in language understanding (NLU), beautiful graphical interface and dialog manager. Easily create chatbots and AI-based virtual assistants."\ntensorflow tfjs TypeScript #2b7489 11505 870 220 "A WebGL accelerated JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models."\nDefinitelyTyped DefinitelyTyped TypeScript #2b7489 24096 18791 607 "The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions."\nangular components TypeScript #2b7489 18688 4888 245 "Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular"\nmicrosoft azure-pipelines-tasks TypeScript #2b7489 1626 1266 53 "Tasks for Azure Pipelines"\ntypeorm typeorm TypeScript #2b7489 14911 1989 577 "ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms."\ntheia-ide theia TypeScript #2b7489 5270 678 372 "Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript."\ngrafana grafana TypeScript #2b7489 30810 5910 676 "The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More"\nmicrosoft WebTemplateStudio TypeScript #2b7489 1527 115 856 "Microsoft Web Template Studio quickly builds web applications using a wizard-based UI to turn your needs into a foundation of best patterns and practices"\ndoczjs docz TypeScript #2b7489 16315 740 352 "✍🏻It has never been so easy to document your things!"\ndarkreader darkreader TypeScript #2b7489 4129 682 238 "Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension"\nremaxjs remax TypeScript #2b7489 878 46 600 全新的小程序开发体验 ts deno ts-node typescript javascript application/typescript source.ts programming t/TypeScript.ts pl true 171 11ty ace argdown arret arrow-format assemblyscript assemblyscript atprotocol austral bicep bitsy blur-markup-language borgo bosque broccoli-2 bucklescript bun buzz candy caramel cat chevrotain cir cito civet civet civet claro cloc closure-templates codecept codemirror cortex d3 deno deno dex differential-datalog dts dts elpi elvish emberjs-framework emscripten enso erg eve fardlang flatbuffers flow9 flowchart-fun getlang ghc gleam glisp gridstudio-editor gun hera heron-lang hhvm highlightjs htmx huwcode hyperscript-lang imba insitux jakt jsil-compiler json-url json5 koka kotlin kumir leo-editor lesma ligo link lobster lodash luna mal mapgen marko markwhen marp maskjs mastodon mathjson mathpix-markdown mdx mech-lang melody mermaid mlscript mochajs monaco mond neut nilscript nodejs nomnoml nulan observable-framework observable-plot obsidian-lang ohayo ohm ok openverse parsers particles particles pegjs penrose pod6 podlite porffor porffor postcss prettier prometheus prql psvg pug quint react-native recursivetext rholang roc rpscript rust sanddance savi sdms seq serious slashdown spiral sqrl static-typescript static-typescript storymatic superjson svelte tao3d tawa tea-pm timpani tldraw truth tsquery twine typescript uno v v8 vega-editor-app vega veryl virgil vuejs wasp-lang wax wax web3js wenyan wing wonkey xlwings-editor xtext yoptascript false 2014 2024 39579 981 71312 Microsoft ts tsx ts cts mts ts ts ts tsx typescript typescript javascript json markdown yaml diff xml bourne-shell dockerfile true 231896 1542 107 javascript 1 true 5 true mts tsx ts text typescript TypeScript node-typescript console.log("Hello, World!"); console.log("Hello, world!"); class Person { private name: string; private age: number; private salary: number; constructor(name: string, age: number, salary: number) { = name; this.age = age; this.salary = salary; } toString(): string { return `${} (${this.age}) (${this.salary})`; // As of version 1.4 } } console.log("Hello World"); TypeScript // Hello world in TypeScript alert('Hello world!'); TypeScript true // /* */ console.log " true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true false true true true true true true true true 56 8 TypeScript TypeScript TypeScript year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2016|Packt Publishing|TypeScript Blueprints|Wolff, Ivo Gabe de|9781785887017\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Beginning Angular 2 with Typescript|Lim, Greg|9781542916677\n2021|Packt Publishing|Mastering TypeScript: Build enterprise-ready, modular web applications using TypeScript 4 and modern frameworks, 4th Edition|Rozentals, Nathan|9781800561601\n2018|Packt Publishing|Learn React with TypeScript 3: Beginner's guide to modern React web development with TypeScript 3|Rippon, Carl|9781789618129\n2020|Packt Publishing|Vue.js 3 Cookbook: Discover actionable solutions for building modern web apps with the latest Vue features and TypeScript|Ribeiro, Heitor Ramon|9781838827397\n2021|Packt Publishing|The TypeScript Workshop: A practical guide to confident, effective TypeScript programming|Grynhaus, Ben and Hudgens, Jordan and Hunte, Rayon and Morgan, Matt and Stefanovski, Wekoslav|9781838828493\n2021|Packt Publishing|TypeScript 4 Design Patterns and Best Practices: Discover effective techniques and design patterns for every programming task|Despoudis, Theo|9781800563421\n2021|Apress|Essential TypeScript 4: From Beginner to Pro|Freeman, Adam|9781484270110\n2019|Packt Publishing|Advanced TypeScript Programming Projects: Build 9 different apps with TypeScript 3 and JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue|O'Hanlon, Peter|9781788991018\n2019|Manning|Programming with Types: Examples in TypeScript|Riscutia, Vlad|9781638350262\n2019|Packt Publishing|Advanced TypeScript Programming Projects: Build 9 different apps with TypeScript 3 and JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue|O'Hanlon, Peter|9781789133042\n2019-01-30T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Functional Programming with TypeScript: Explore functional and reactive programming to create robust and testable TypeScript applications|Jansen, Remo H.|9781788831437\n2016|Packt Publishing|TypeScript Design Patterns|Vane, Vilic|9781785882289\n2019|Packt Publishing|Angular Projects: Build nine real-world applications from scratch using Angular 8 and TypeScript|Mohammed, Zama Khan|9781838550387\n2021|Packt Publishing|Deno Web Development: Write, test, maintain, and deploy JavaScript and TypeScript web applications using Deno|Santos, Alexandre Portela dos|9781800201149\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Beginning Angular with Typescript (updated to Angular 5)|Lim, Greg|9781981969913\n2017|Packt Publishing|Mastering TypeScript|Rozentals, Nathan|9781786468710\n2016|Packt Publishing|TypeScript Design Patterns|Vane, Vilic|9781785280832\n2013|Apress|TypeScript Revealed|Maharry, Dan|9781430257264\n2019|Apress|Angular for Material Design: Leverage Angular Material and TypeScript to Build a Rich User Interface for Web Apps|Kotaru, Venkata Keerti|9781484254349\n2016|Packt Publishing|TypeScript Blueprints|Wolff, Ivo Gabe de|9781785888779\n2017|Packt Publishing|TypeScript 2.x By Example: Build engaging applications with TypeScript, Angular, and NativeScript on the Azure platform|Ohri, Sachin|9781787280878\n2018|Packt Publishing|Learning TypeScript 2.x: Develop and maintain captivating web applications with ease, 2nd Edition|Jansen, Remo H.|9781788396608\n2019|The October Foundation|Building Chatbots in TypeScript with the Microsoft Bot Framework: Programming Useful Bots in the Node.JS SDK|Szul, Michael|9780578513492\n2017-08-24T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|TypeScript High Performance: Code for performance, use asynchronous programming, and deliver resources efficiently|Kher, Ajinkya|9781785288647\n|SHROFF|PROGRAMMING TYPESCRIPT||9789352138340\n2019|Independently Published|Design Patterns In Typescript|Deepak Sukdeo Sapkale|9781078401661\n2020|China Electric Power Press|TypeScript Programming(Chinese Edition)|[ MEI ] BAO LI SI QIE ER NI|9787519845964\n2019|Independently published|"TypeScript Programming Notebook: A TypeScript Programming Notebook|Journal|Diary For Daily Use"|LLC Publishing, Sanders Industries|9781686791451\n2013|Wrox|Typescript Programming|Zoltan Arvai and Attila Hajdrik|9781118705377\n20191018|Packt Publishing|Refactoring TypeScript|James Hickey|9781839218415\n30-05-2018|Packt Publishing|TypeScript Microservices|Parth Ghiya|9781788836852\n2015-04-23|Packt Publishing|Mastering TypeScript|Nathan Rozentals|9781784393991\n20191017|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Effective TypeScript|Dan Vanderkam|9781492053699\n20220603|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning TypeScript|Josh Goldberg|9781098110284\n20200210|Simon & Schuster|TypeScript Quickly|Anton Moiseev; Yakov Fain|9781638351436\n20190425|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming TypeScript|Boris Cherny|9781492037606\n20141021|Packt Publishing|TypeScript Essentials|Christopher Nance|9781783985777\n2017-08-24|Packt Publishing|TypeScript High Performance|Ajinkya Kher|9781782174387\n29-07-2021|Packt Publishing|The TypeScript Workshop|Ben Grynhaus; Jordan Hudgens; Rayon Hunte; Matt Morgan; Wekoslav Stefanovski|9781838826765\n2018||Mastering Typescript Programming Techniques|Tamas Piros|9781787121416\n20220323|Taylor & Francis|TypeScript for Beginners|Sufyan bin Uzayr|9781000539967\n28-02-2019|Packt Publishing|Mastering TypeScript 3|Nathan Rozentals|9781789537475\n2019-11-18|Independently Published|Typescript Programming Language|Typescript Publishing|9781708839802\n||Design Patterns In Typescript|Dimitris Loukas|9781789347951\n2018-08-30|Packt Publishing|TypeScript 3.0 Quick Start Guide|Patrick Desjardins|9781789347937\n2017-02-24|Packt Publishing|Mastering TypeScript - Second Edition|Nathan Rozentals|9781786467485\n20181205|Simon & Schuster|Angular Development with TypeScript|Anton Moiseev; Yakov Fain|9781638355250\n20210312|Springer Nature|Developing Web Components with TypeScript|Jörg Krause|9781484268407\n30-01-2019|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Functional Programming with TypeScript|Remo H. Jansen|9781788838184\n20171207|Packt Publishing|TypeScript 2.x for Angular Developers|Christian Nwamba|9781786464361\n15-09-2021|Packt Publishing|TypeScript 4 Design Patterns and Best Practices|Theo Despoudis|9781800565418\n22-11-2019|Packt Publishing|Learn TypeScript 3 by Building Web Applications|Sebastien Dubois; Alexis Georges; Basarat Ali Syed|9781789617863\n31-10-2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On TypeScript for C# and .NET Core Developers|Francesco Abbruzzese|9781789133325 TypeScript typescript developer year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2014|Understanding TypeScript|10.1007/978-3-662-44202-9_11|158|23|G. Bierman and M. Abadi and Mads Torgersen|1469b0cbb109c2a788a346dd0480070de8334dea\n2015|Safe & Efficient Gradual Typing for TypeScript|10.1145/2676726.2676971|93|12|Aseem Rastogi and N. Swamy and C. Fournet and G. Bierman and Panagiotis Vekris|26ac3ad840d8d773eec2ab7fc60d441b34c6adc5\n2015|Concrete Types for TypeScript|10.4230/LIPIcs.ECOOP.2015.76|46|7|G. Richards and Francesco Zappa Nardelli and J. Vitek|0b9d9312d42ee79ff09d47be9146bea121dac3c2\n2014|Checking correctness of TypeScript interfaces for JavaScript libraries|10.1145/2714064.2660215|38|0|Asger Feldthaus and Anders Møller|0c85abd759cbe878b186a8b01f202a38f048f445\n2015|An empirical investigation of the effects of type systems and code completion on API usability using TypeScript and JavaScript in MS visual studio|10.1145/2816707.2816720|14|0|Lars Fischer and Stefan Hanenberg|2020498cd27feb41069b39a0982b65d033e49ffb\n2017|Mixed Messages: Measuring Conformance and Non-Interference in TypeScript|10.4230/LIPIcs.ECOOP.2017.28|11|1|Jack Williams and J. Garrett Morris and P. Wadler and Jakub Zalewski|aac07bd3202a7da8ab2d627bf15a2ac97c1837cd\n2019|Static TypeScript: an implementation of a static compiler for the TypeScript language|10.1145/3357390.3361032|5|1|T. Ball and J. D. Halleux and Michal Moskal|80fedaa1921bb6e42069f83679ae2c42f863a68e\n2022|To Type or Not to Type? A Systematic Comparison of the Software Quality of JavaScript and TypeScript Applications on GitHub|10.48550/arXiv.2203.11115|1|0|J. Bogner and Manuel Merkel|475615b230f0fe5a8dffa5970a90c0d98c94827c title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nTypeScript for C# programmers|2013|Steve Fenton|18884379|3.67|9|3\nTypeScript for JavaScript Programmers|2012|Steve Fenton|19315341|3.50|4|1 sql SQL 1974 Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce 50 queryLanguage 49 9 3 15 25152 224 2005 2016 12 15 sql-92 datalog linq powershell c sql-psm sqlpl transact-sql mysql pl-sql ada postgresql plpgsql java perl python tcl javascript xml xquery dot-ql isbl quel mumps isbn doi 1986 SQL ( ( listen) ESS-kew-EL or ( listen) SEE-kwəl or SKWEEL, Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). In comparison to older read/write APIs like ISAM or VSAM, SQL offers two main advantages: first, it introduced the concept of accessing many records with one single command; and second, it eliminates the need to specify how to reach a record, e.g. with or without an index. Originally based upon relational algebra and tuple relational calculus, SQL consists of a data definition language, data manipulation language, and data control language. The scope of SQL includes data insert, query, update and delete, schema creation and modification, and data access control. Although SQL is often described as, and to a great extent is, a declarative language (4GL), it also includes procedural elements. SQL was one of the first commercial languages for Edgar F. Codd's relational model, as described in his influential 1970 paper, "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks". Despite not entirely adhering to the relational model as described by Codd, it became the most widely used database language. SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986, and of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987. Since then, the standard has been revised to include a larger set of features. Despite the existence of such standards, most SQL code is not completely portable among different database systems without adjustments. 2001 3084 4159 4153 29004 602 641 1222 0 sql sql text/x-sql source.sql data s/SQL.sql 9 ISO/IEC queryLanguage Structured Query Language 533 true 59 ace arrow-format atomspace ballerina bucardo categorical-query-language cloc dexvis differential-datalog drakon drupal eiffel erlang factor gogs-editor haxelibs-pm hhvm htsql ibis impala java kefir lil lil links-programming-language logica mal mastodon minidsdb minidsdb nesc nim nodejs olc openverse particles partiql perl pgbouncer postgresql prql prql pygments redshift revolution-programming-language sdms slony sourcepawn sqhtml sqlite tornado tql ultralisp-pm urweb v wasmer wasp-lang yawl yii false IBM sql cql ddl inc mysql prc tab udf viw sql sql 7179119 219617 273 2 9 true cql mysql psql SQL sql tab udf viw 2975 text sql sql United States SQL --this is the most basic oracle sql command select * from dual; SELECT 'Hello World'; SQL # Hello World in SQL SELECT 'Hello World'; SQL ADD ALL ALLOCATE ALTER AND ANY ARE AS ASC ASSERTION AT AUTHORIZATION AVG BEGIN BETWEEN BIT BOOLEAN BOTH BY CALL CASCADE CASCADED CASE CAST CHAR CHARACTER CHECK CLOSE COLLATE COLLATION COLUMN COMMIT CONNECT CONNECTION CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINTS CONTINUE CONVERT CORRESPONDING COUNT CREATE CURRENT CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP CURRENT_USER CURSOR DEALLOCATE DEC DECIMAL DECLARE DEFERRABLE DEFERRED DELETE DESC DESCRIBE DIAGNOSTICS DISCONNECT DISTINCT DOUBLE DROP ELSE END ENDEXEC ESCAPE EXCEPT EXCEPTION EXEC EXECUTE EXISTS EXPLAIN EXTERNAL FALSE FETCH FIRST FLOAT FOR FOREIGN FOUND FROM FULL FUNCTION GET GET_CURRENT_CONNECTION GLOBAL GO GOTO GRANT GROUP HAVING HOUR IDENTITY IMMEDIATE IN INDICATOR INITIALLY INNER INOUT INPUT INSENSITIVE INSERT INT INTEGER INTERSECT INTO IS ISOLATION JOIN KEY LAST LEFT LIKE LONGINT LOWER LTRIM MATCH MAX MIN MINUTE NATIONAL NATURAL NCHAR NVARCHAR NEXT NO NOT NULL NULLIF NUMERIC OF ON ONLY OPEN OPTION OR ORDER OUT OUTER OUTPUT OVERLAPS PAD PARTIAL PREPARE PRESERVE PRIMARY PRIOR PRIVILEGES PROCEDURE PUBLIC READ REAL REFERENCES RELATIVE RESTRICT REVOKE RIGHT ROLLBACK ROWS RTRIM SCHEMA SCROLL SECOND SELECT SESSION_USER SET SMALLINT SOME SPACE SQL SQLCODE SQLERROR SQLSTATE SUBSTR SUBSTRING SUM SYSTEM_USER TABLE TEMPORARY TIMEZONE_HOUR TIMEZONE_MINUTE TO TRAILING TRANSACTION TRANSLATE TRANSLATION TRUE UNION UNIQUE UNKNOWN UPDATE UPPER USER USING VALUES VARCHAR VARYING VIEW WHENEVER WHERE WITH WORK WRITE XML XMLEXISTS XMLPARSE XMLSERIALIZE YEAR -- /* */ ' TRUE FALSE true true true true true true true false true false 182 37 sql SQL year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2008|Cengage Learning|A Guide to SQL (Available Titles Skills Assessment Manager (SAM) - Office 2010)|Pratt, Philip J. and Last, Mary Z.|9780324597684\n2009|Cengage Learning|ASP .NET Programming with C# & SQL Server (Web Technologies)|Gosselin, Don|9781423903246\n2007|Addison-Wesley Professional|SQL for MySQL Developers: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference|van der Lans, Rick|9780131497351\n2012|Wrox|Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Programming|Atkinson, Paul and Vieira, Robert|9781118102282\n2014|Questing Vole Press|SQL (Database Programming)|Fehily, Chris|9781937842314\n2013|Microsoft Press|Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Step by Step (Step by Step Developer)|LeBlanc, Patrick|9780735663862\n2009|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Essential SQL on SQL Server 2008|Bagui, Dr. Sikha and Earp, Dr. Richard|9780763781385\n2012|Apress|SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (Expert's Voice in SQL Server)|Brimhall, Jason and Dye, David and Roberts, Timothy and Sheffield, Wayne and Gennick, Jonathan and Sack, Joseph|9781430242000\n2014|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|SQL Server 2014 Design & Programming|Toth, Kalman|9781499529593\n1999|Mcgraw-hill Osborne Media|Oracle Sql & Pl/sql Annotated Archives|Kevin Loney and Rachel Carmichael|9780078825361\n2009|Microsoft Press|Inside Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008: T-SQL Programming (Developer Reference)|Itzik Ben-Gan and Dejan Sarka and Roger Wolter and Greg Low and Ed Katibah and Isaac Kunen|9780735626027\n2004|Course Technology|A Guide to SQL|Pratt, Philip J.|9780619216740\n2007|For Dummies|SQL All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies|Taylor, Allen G.|9780470119280\n2005|Wrox|Beginning Transact-SQL with SQL Server 2000 and 2005|Turley, Paul|9780764579554\n2012|Apress|Beginning SQL Server 2012 for Developers (Expert's Voice SQL Server)|Dewson, Robin|9781430237501\n2000|Wrox|Professional SQL Server 2000 DTS (Data Transformation Services)|Chaffin, Mark and Knight, Brian and Robinson, Todd|9780764543685\n2006|Wrox|Beginning SQL Server 2005 Programming|Vieira, Robert|9780764584336\n2008|Wrox|Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services|Turley, Paul and Silva, Thiago and Smith, Bryan C. and Withee, Ken|9780470242018\n2006|For Dummies|Oracle PL / SQL For Dummies|Michael Rosenblum and Paul Dorsey|9780764599576\n2005|O'Reilly Media|Learning SQL|Beaulieu, Alan|9780596007270\n2006|Sams Publishing|Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Unleashed|Ray Rankins and Paul Bertucci and Chris Gallelli and Alex T. Silverstein|9780672328244\n2000|Microsoft Press|Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000|Kalen Delaney|9780735609983\n2006|Microsoft Press|Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Querying (Developer Reference)|Itzik Ben-Gan and Lubor Kollar and Dejan Sarka|9780735623132\n2005|Apress|Pro SQL Server 2005|Thomas Rizzo and Adam Machanic and Robin Dewson and Rob Walters and Joseph Sack and Julian Skinner and Louis Davidson|9781590594773\n2003|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure & XML Programming, Second Edition|Dejan Sunderic|9780072228960\n2000|Sams|Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)|Plew, Ronald R. and Stephens, Ryan K.|9780672318993\n2001|McGraw-Hill Companies|Troubleshooting SQL||9780072134896\n2001|Addison-Wesley Professional|Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML, The|Henderson, Ken|9780201700466\n2005|Morgan Kaufmann|Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming Third Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Celko, Joe|9780123693792\n2012|Apress|Pro T-SQL 2012 Programmer's Guide (Expert's Voice in SQL Server)|Coles, Michael and Shaw, Scott and Natarajan, Jay and Bruchez, Rudi|9781430245964\n2009|Jones & Bartlett Learning|The Sql Programming Language|Kirk Scott|9780763766740\n1999|Sams|SQL Unleashed|Youness, Sakhr and Boutquin, Pierre and Ladanyi, Hans|9780672317095\n2006|Morgan Kaufmann|Joe Celko's Analytics and OLAP in SQL (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Celko, Joe|9780123695123\n2008|Morgan Kaufmann|Joe Celko's Thinking in Sets: Auxiliary, Temporal, and Virtual Tables in SQL (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Celko, Joe|9780123741370\n1997|Morgan Kaufmann|Joe Celko's SQL Puzzles and Answers (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Celko, Joe|9781558604537\n1998|Ventana Pr|The SQL Programmer's Reference: Windows 95/Nt & Unix|Freeze, Wayne S.|9781566047609\n2006|O'Reilly Media|Programming SQL Server 2005: Prepare for Deeper SQL Server Waters|Bill Hamilton|9780596004798\n2001|Microsoft Press|Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2000 Technical Reference (Developer Reference)|Seidman, Claude|9780735612716\n2007|Open University Worldwide|The Database Language Sql|Open University. Relational databases: theory and practice Course Team|9780749215750\n2009|Microsoft Press|Smart Business Intelligence Solutions with Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 (Developer Reference)|Langit, Lynn and Goff, Kevin S.|9780735625808\n1999|Sams|Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Programming Unleashed (2nd Edition)|John Papa and Matthew Shepker and Peter Debetta and Dave Martin and Randy Charles Morin|9780672312939\n2007|McGraw-Hill Education|MCTS SQL Server 2005 Implementation & Maintenance Study Guide (Exam 70-431)|Carpenter, Tom|9780072263213\n2006|Wrox|Professional SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services|Turley, Paul and Bryant, Todd and Counihan, James and DuVarney, Dave|9780764584978\n2016|McGraw-Hill Education|Microsoft SQL Server 2016: A Beginner's Guide, Sixth Edition|Petkovic, Dusan|9781259641800\n2010|McGraw-Hill Education|Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services, Second Edition|Nanda, Ashwani|9780071736404\n2004|Rational Press|The Rational Guide to: SQL Server Reporting Services (Rational Guides)|Mann, A. T.|9780972688895\n2006|Wrox|Professional SQL Server 2005 XML|Klein, Scott|9780764597923\n2000|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|SQL Server 2000 Design & T-SQL Programming|Reilly, Michael and Poolet, Michelle|9780072123753\n2018|Packt Publishing|SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services with R: Data exploration, modeling, and advanced analytics|Kastrun, Tomaz and Koesmarno, Julie|9781787283572\n2009|O'Reilly Media|SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code|Date, C. J.|9780596523060\n2011|McGraw-Hill Education|Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Master Data Services|Graham, Tyler and Selhorn, Suzanne|9780071756235\n2009|Sybex|Mastering SQL Server 2008|Lee, Michael and Bieker, Gentry|9780470289044\n2001|Wiley|Scripting XML and WMI for Microsoft(r) SQL Server 2000: Professional Developer's Guide|Martinsson, Tobias|9780471399513\n1989|Que Pub|Sql Programmer's Guide (programming Series)|Umang Gupta and William Gietz|9780880223904\n2020|Questing Vole Press|SQL Database Programming (Fifth Edition)|Fehily, Chris|9781937842475\n1994|Addison-Wesley|Introduction to SQL (2nd Edition)|Van Der Lans, Rick F. and Cools, Diane and Gray, Andrea|9780201624250\n2007|McGraw-Hill Interamericana|Programacion avanzada con SQL Server 2005/ Advance Programming with SQL Server 2005 (Spanish Edition)|Brust, Andrew J.|9789701058930\n2012|IBM Press|DB2 SQL Tuning Tips for z/OS Developers (IBM Press)|Andrews, Tony|9780133038460\n2010|Red Gate Books|Defensive Database Programming with SQL Server||9781906434458\n2010|For Dummies|SQL For Dummies|Taylor, Allen G.|9780470557419\n2001|Sybex|SQL Server Developer's Guide to OLAP with Analysis Services|Mike Gunderloy and Tim Sneath|9780782129571\n2000|Morgan Kaufmann|Understanding SQL and Java Together: A Guide to SQLJ, JDBC, and Related Technologies (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Melton, Jim and Eisenberg, Andrew|9781558605626\n2006|Microsoft Press|Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2005|Brust, Andrew and Forte, Stephen|9780735619234\n2006|Apress|Beginning SQL Server 2005 for Developers: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)|Dewson, Robin|9781590595886\n1990|QED Information Sciences|Embedded SQL for DB2: Application design and programming|Sayles, Jonathan|9780894353086\n2005-03-04|Wiley|Beginning SQL|Paul Wilton and John Colby|9780764596322\n1999|Sams|Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Unleashed|Bjeletich, Sharon and Gallagher, Simon and Minocha, Vipul and Mable, Greg|9780672312274\n2001|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|Instant SQL Server 2000 Applications|Buczek, Greg|9780072133202\n2006|Wrox|Professional SQL Server 2005 CLR Programming: with Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Aggregates and Types|Derek Comingore and Douglas Hinson|9780470054031\n2004|Sas Institute|Sas 9.1 Sql Procedure User's Guide|Inc Sas Institute and Sas Institute|9781590473344\n2008|Microsoft Press|Programming Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008|Leonard Lobel and Andrew J. Brust and Stephen Forte|9780735638198\n2000||Programming Sql Server With Xml [with 1]|Sankar and Krishna|9780735611757\n2010|Course Technology/cengage Learning,| Programming With C# And Sql Server|Gosselin, Don|9780840031259\n2019|BPB Publications|Python Data Persistence: With SQL and NOSQL Databases|Lathkar, Malhar|9789388511759\n2007|Syngress|How to Cheat at Securing SQL Server 2005|Timothy Blum and Kevvie Fowler and Raymond Arthur Gabriel and K. Brian Kelley and Matt Shepherd|9781597491969\n2020|Wiley-IEEE Press|SQL Server Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET: Concepts, Designs and Implementations|Bai, Ying|9781119608608\n2007|ANAYA MULTIMEDIA|Bases de datos con SQL Server 2005 (Paso A Paso) (Spanish Edition)|Solid Quality Learning|9788441521315\n2019||Sql|Ryan Turner|9781076176479\n2004|Vk Publishers|Database Programming Using & Sql Server 2000 (secrets Of Developing An Accounting Package Revealed)|Bharathi Krishna K. and Krishna K.|9788190133159\n1997|Microsoft Press|Hitchhiker's Guide to Visual Basic and SQL Server: William R. Vaughn (Microsoft Programming Series)|Vaughn, William|9781572315679\n2015|Apress|SQL Server T-SQL Recipes|Dye, David and Brimhall, Jason and Roberts, Timothy and Sheffield, Wayne and Sack, Joseph and Gennick, Jonathan|9781484200612\n2016|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Sql: Learn Sql In 24 Hours Or Less - A Beginner's Guide To Learning Sql Programming Now (sql, Sql Programming, Sql Course)|Robert Dwight|9781532716959\n20061101|Springer Nature|Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus|Lex deHaan|9781430200000\n2005|McGraw-Hill Education|SQL Demystified|Oppel, Andrew|9780071486729\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|SQL: Simplified SQL Programming & Database Management For Beginners. Your Step-By-Step Guide to Learning The SQL Database (Simplified Programming- SQL)|Gosling, Steve|9781985732681\n2009|Packt Publishing|Oracle SQL Developer 2.1|Harper,Sue|9781847196262\n2012|Apress|Pro SQL Server 2012 BI Solutions (Expert's Voice in SQL Server)|Root, Randal and Mason, Caryn|9781430234890\n1994|Gupta Corp|Power Programming With Sql Windows|Rajesh Lalwani|9780131915459\n2000|Peer Information|Professional SQL Server 2000 Programming|Rob Vieira|9781861004482\n1999|Apress|Professional SQL Server 7.0 Programming|Rob Vieira|9781861002310\n2014|Questing Vole Press|Sql Short Course (database Programming)|Chris Fehily|9781937842338\n2000|SAS Institute,|SAS SQL Procedure User's Guide,Version 8|SAS Institute Staff and Publishing SAS Publishing and SAS Publishing|9781580255998\n2000|McGraw-Hill/OsborneMedia|SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure Programming||9780072125665\n1997|Itp - Media|Official Sybase SQL Anywhere Developer's Guide|Richmond, Ian and Clayton, Steve and Ball, Derek|9781850328605\n2020|BPB Publications|Learn SQL with MySQL: Retrieve and Manipulate Data Using SQL Commands with Ease (English Edition)|Pajankar, Ashwin|9789389898088\n2020|Independently Published|Computer Programming: 4 Books In 1: Sql For Beginners, C# For Beginners, C# For Intermediate, Hacking With Kali Linux, Everything You Need For Mastering Programming & Cyber Security|Sutherland, Andrew|9781658138703\n2019|Independently Published|Sql: The Ultimate Guide To Programming In Sql For Beginners, With Exercises For Learning Sql Languages And The Coding, Easily And In A Short Time (step-by-step Guide)|Daniel Géron|9781708021979\n2000|Tsinghua University Press Pub. Date :2007-01|Sql Server 2005 Xml Advanced Programming(chinese Edition)|(mei)ke Lin (klein.s.) / Wang Xin|9787302141112\n1997|Microsoft Press|Inside Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 (Microsoft Programming Series)|Soukup, Ron|9781572313316\n1996|Microsoft Press|Hitchhiker's Guide to Visual Basic for SQL Server 95 (Solution developer series)|Vaughn, William|9781556159060\n1999|John Wiley & Sons|Essential Sqlj Programming: The Complete Guide To The Ansi Standard For Embedded Sql In Java|Julie Basu and Probal Shyamal Shome|9780471349204\n2021|microsoft|Microsoft Official Course 2073A: Programming a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Course (Microsoft Official Course)||9780758061041\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Realizing Generic Data Warehouses by Generic SQL Programming: Teradata Edition (In the Age of Big Data: Generically Data Warehousing)|Jiang, Bin|9781512127287\n2020|Ben Chan|Programming For Data Science: 2 Books in 1: Cyber Security, SQL Programming, Beginners Course for Kids, and Newbies (Crash Course 2021)|Chan, Ben|9783949231407\n2019|ClydeBank Media LLC|SQL QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner's Guide to Managing, Analyzing, and Manipulating Data With SQL|Shields, Walter|9781945051838\n2014|Cengage Learning|A Guide to SQL|Pratt, Philip J. and Last, Mary Z.|9781111527273\n2022|Independently published|SQL: 2 Books in 1 - The Ultimate Beginner & Intermediate Guides To Mastering SQL Programming Quickly (Computer Programming)|Reed, Mark|9798415220236\n2017|Pragmatic Programmers, LLC, The|SQL Antipatterns: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming (Pragmatic Programmers)|Karwin, Bill|9781934356555\n2013|Cengage Learning|MCSA Guide to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Exam 70-462) (Networking (Course Technology))|Akkawi, Faisal and Akkawi, Kayed and Schofield|9781285821139\n2022|Independently published|SQL: The Ultimate Intermediate Guide to Learning SQL Programming Step by Step (Computer Programming)|Reed, Mark|9798402491663\n2019|Apress|SQL Server 2019 Revealed: Including Big Data Clusters and Machine Learning|Ward, Bob|9781484254196\n2016|McGraw-Hill Education|Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2016, Fourth Edition|Larson, Brian|9781259641497\n2020|Packt Publishing|Learn SQL Database Programming: Query and manipulate databases from popular relational database servers using SQL|Bush, Josephine|9781838981709\n2019-12-13T00:00:01Z|Apress|Beginning Database Programming Using ASP.NET Core 3: With MVC, Razor Pages, Web API, jQuery, Angular, SQL Server, and NoSQL|Joshi, Bipin|9781484255087\n2017-12-15T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|SQL: Learn SQL In 2 Hours And Start Programming Today!|Alvin, Cooper|9781981745982\n2014|Rampant TechPress|SQL Design Patterns: The Expert Guide to SQL Programming (IT In-Focus) (Volume 4)|Tropashko, Vadim|9780977671540\n2012|Microsoft Press|Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals (Developer Reference)|Ben-Gan, Itzik|9780735658141\n2020|Packt Publishing|Learn SQL Database Programming: Query and manipulate databases from popular relational database servers using SQL|Bush, Josephine|9781838984762\n2020|Apress|Practical Azure SQL Database for Modern Developers: Building Applications in the Microsoft Cloud|Mauri, Davide and Coriani, Silvano and Hoffman, Anna and Mishra, Sanjay and Popovic, Jovan|9781484263709\n2020|In Easy Steps Limited|SQL in easy steps|McGrath, Mike|9781840789027\n2021|Wiley|SQL for Data Scientists: A Beginner's Guide for Building Datasets for Analysis|Teate, Renee M. P.|9781119669395\n2017|McGraw-Hill Education|OCA Oracle Database SQL Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-071) (Oracle Press)|O'Hearn, Steve|9781259584619\n2014|Morgan Kaufmann|Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Celko, Joe|9780128007617\n2018|Apress|SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning: Troubleshoot and Optimize Query Performance|Fritchey, Grant|9781484238882\n2018|Apress|Beginning DAX with Power BI: The SQL Pro’s Guide to Better Business Intelligence|Seamark, Philip|9781484234778\n2020|Apress|SQL Server Data Automation Through Frameworks: Building Metadata-Driven Frameworks with T-SQL, SSIS, and Azure Data Factory|Andy Leonard and Kent Bradshaw|9781484262139\n2020|Apress|SQL Server 2019 AlwaysOn: Supporting 24x7 Applications with Continuous Uptime|Carter, Peter A.|9781484264799\n2012|Apress|SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (Expert's Voice in SQL Server)|Brimhall, Jason and Dye, David and Roberts, Timothy and Sheffield, Wayne and Gennick, Jonathan and Sack, Joseph|9781430242017\n2005|McGraw-Hill Education|SQL Demystified|Oppel, Andrew|9780072262247\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Programming: Computer Programming for Beginners: Learn the Basics of Java, SQL & C++ (Coding, C Programming, Java Programming, SQL Programming, JavaScript, Python, PHP)|Connor, Joseph|9781518662584\n2018|Apress|Securing SQL Server: DBAs Defending the Database|Carter, Peter A.|9781484241615\n2012|In Easy Steps Limited|SQL in easy steps|McGrath, Mike|9781840785432\n2008|Wiley|SQL Bible|Kriegel, Alex and Trukhnov, Boris M.|9780470229064\n2012|Microsoft Press|Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals (Developer Reference)|Ben-Gan, Itzik|9780735673953\n2019|Independently published|SQL: Comprehensive Beginners Guide to SQL Programming with Exercises and Case Studies|Jacobs, Paige|9781793213433\n2019|Independently published|SQL For Beginners SQL Made Easy: A Step-By-Step Guide to SQL Programming for the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced User (Including Projects and Exercises)|Berg, Craig|9781695283565\n2013|Microsoft Press|Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Step by Step (Step by Step Developer)|LeBlanc, Patrick|9780735670037\n2015|Apress|Extending SSIS with .NET Scripting: A Toolkit for SQL Server Integration Services|van Rossum, Joost and Baccaro, Regis|9781484206386\n2014|McGraw-Hill Education|Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning & Optimization|Nevarez, Benjamin|9780071829427\n2008|For Dummies|Microsoft SQL Server 2008 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies|Schneider, Robert D. and Gibson, Darril|9780470179543\n2019|Independently published|SQL Programming: The Ultimate Guide with Exercises, Tips and Tricks to Learn SQL|Parker, Damon|9781671682191\n2019|Clydebank Media Llc|SQL Quickstart Guide: The Simplified Beginner's Guide to Managing, Analyzing, and Manipulating Data With SQL|Shields, Walter|9781636100197\n2017|Apress|Building Custom Tasks for SQL Server Integration Services|Leonard, Andy|9781484229408\n2012|Morgan Kaufmann|Joe Celko's Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Celko, Joe|9780123877567\n2016-11-03T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|SQL: Easy SQL Programming & Database Management For Beginners, Your Step-By-Step Guide To Learning The SQL Database (SQL Series)|Alvaro, Felix|9781539916055\n2019-07-28T00:00:01Z|Independently published|Coding by Doing: For Absolute Beginners – 2 Books in One – Learn SQL and Python Programming: Learn Programming Fast|Coding Languages Academy|9781082841828\n2017|Apress|XML and JSON Recipes for SQL Server: A Problem-Solution Approach|Grinberg, Alex|9781484231173\n2020|Packt Publishing|Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2019: Reliability, scalability, and security both on premises and in the cloud|Gorman, Kellyn and Hirt, Allan and Noderer, Dave and Pearson, Mitchell and Rowland-Jones, James and Ryan, Dustin and Sirpal, Arun and Woody, Buck|9781838829827\n2009|Packt Publishing|Oracle SQL Developer 2.1|Harper, Sue|9781847196279\n2016|Packt Publishing|SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services Cookbook|Priyankara, Dinesh and Cain, Robert C.|9781786467997\n2020|Apress|Pro SQL Server Relational Database Design and Implementation: Best Practices for Scalability and Performance|Davidson, Louis|9781484264973\n2005|Morgan Kaufmann|Joe Celko's SQL Programming Style (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Celko, Joe|9780120887972\n2019-12-05T00:00:01Z|Independently published|SQL Computer Programming for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide To Learn SQL Programming Basics, SQL Languages, Queries and Practice Problems, SQL Server and Database, Coding Languages for Beginners|Hack, Anthony|9781671803763\n2017-11-13T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|"SQL Programming & Database Management For Absolute Beginners SQL Server, Structured Query Language Fundamentals: ""Learn - By Doing"" Approach And Master SQL"|Sullivan, William|9781979683821\n2009|Microsoft Press|Inside Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008: T-SQL Querying|Itzik Ben-Gan and Lubor Kollar and Dejan Sarka and Steve Kass|9780735638303\n2009|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself SQL in One Hour a Day|Stephens, Ryan and Plew, Ron and Jones, Arie|9780672330254\n2019|Apress|Query Store for SQL Server 2019: Identify and Fix Poorly Performing Queries|Boggiano, Tracy and Fritchey, Grant|9781484250044\n2009|Microsoft Press|Inside Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008: T-SQL Querying (Developer Reference)|Itzik Ben-Gan and Lubor Kollar and Dejan Sarka and Steve Kass|9780735626034\n2010-05-31T00:00:01Z|Red gate books|Defensive Database Programming with SQL Server|Kuznetsov, Alex|9781906434496\n2008|Microsoft Press|Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 T-SQL Fundamentals (Developer Reference)|Ben-Gan, Itzik|9780735626010\n2021|BPB Publications|Learn T-SQL From Scratch: An Easy-to-Follow Guide for Designing, Developing, and Deploying Databases in the SQL Server and Writing T-SQL Queries Efficiently (English Edition)|Shukla, Brahmanand|9789391392413\n2009|Microsoft Press|Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Programming (Developer Reference)|Ben-Gan, Itzik and Sarka, Dejan and Wolter, Roger and Low, Greg and Katibah, Ed and Kunen, Isaac|9780735646476\n2015|Apress|SQL Server T-SQL Recipes|Dye, David and Brimhall, Jason and Roberts, Timothy and Sheffield, Wayne and Sack, Joseph and Gennick, Jonathan|9781484200629\n2020|Apress|Refactoring Legacy T-SQL for Improved Performance: Modern Practices for SQL Server Applications|Bohm, Lisa|9781484255810\n2012|Morgan Kaufmann|Joe Celko's Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Celko, Joe|9780123877338\n2016|Apress|Beginning SQL Queries: From Novice to Professional|Churcher, Clare|9781484219553\n2018|Apress|MySQL Connector/Python Revealed: SQL and NoSQL Data Storage Using MySQL for Python Programmers|Krogh, Jesper Wisborg|9781484236949\n2013|Sams Publishing|Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Unleashed|Rankins, Ray and Bertucci, Paul and Gallelli, Chris and Silverstein, Alex T.|9780133408515\n2006|McGraw-Hill Education|Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Programming in T-SQL & .NET|Sunderic, Dejan|9780072262285\n2020|nelly B.L. International Consulting LTD.|SQL: 3 books in 1 - The Ultimate Beginners, Intermediate and Expert Guide to Master SQL Programming|Turner, Ryan|9781647710804\n2018|Apress|Pro SQL Server on Linux: Including Container-Based Deployment with Docker and Kubernetes|Ward, Bob|9781484241288\n2019-09-10T00:00:01Z|Independently published|SQL Programming: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to Learning SQL for Beginners|Johnson, Bryan|9781692193959\n2018|Apress|SQL Primer: An Accelerated Introduction to SQL Basics|Batra, Rahul|9781484235768\n2010|Morgan Kaufmann|Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)|Celko, Joe|9780123820228\n2016|Apress|Beginning SQL Queries: From Novice to Professional|Churcher, Clare|9781484219546\n2012|Joes 2 Pros International LLC|SQL Queries 2012 Joes 2 Pros (R) Volume 4: Query Programming Objects for SQL Server 2012 (SQL Exam Prep Series 70-461 Volume 4 of 5)|Morelan, Rick and Dave, Pinal|9781939666031\n2021|Apress|High Performance SQL Server: Consistent Response for Mission-Critical Applications|Nevarez, Benjamin|9781484264911 SQL sql developer sql year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2017|Synthesizing highly expressive SQL queries from input-output examples|10.1145/3062341.3062365|127|18|Chenglong Wang and Alvin Cheung and R. Bodík|8c7cf9c759dcca3195dea6e27c2e25ee9a05671c\n2009|Semantic Mapping between Natural Language Questions and SQL Queries via Syntactic Pairing|10.1007/978-3-642-12550-8_17|59|1|A. Giordani and Alessandro Moschitti|1f8a99790dd9124d528a718e55a0b27683685c77\n2009|The Script-Writer's Dream: How to Write Great SQL in Your Own Language, and Be Sure It Will Succeed|10.1007/978-3-642-03793-1_3|55|12|Ezra Cooper|c93c5db888d9d33b7834f9c791a390d65b2e9bf7\n2017|A Formal Semantics of SQL Queries, Its Validation, and Applications|10.14778/3151113.3151116|33|3|P. Guagliardo and L. Libkin|6fbeb731108f983aa5899e5bd0ee190c7943bffb\n2020|Efficiently Translating Complex SQL Query to MapReduce Jobflow on Cloud|10.1109/TCC.2017.2700842|24|0|Zhiang Wu and Aibo Song and Jie Cao and Junzhou Luo and Lu Zhang|186e8be20c8f665ad61720389b7c0a7358e1a105\n1996|SQL language summary|10.1145/234313.234374|19|2|Jim Melton|a9c2ff098f01a290a569b4cabaffe3210558c5ee\n2019|ML2SQL - Compiling a Declarative Machine Learning Language to SQL and Python|10.5441/002/edbt.2019.56|15|0|Maximilian E. Schüle and Matthias Bungeroth and Dimitri Vorona and A. Kemper and Stephan Günnemann and Thomas Neumann|d0a8f899cc206bcbc438b752b3e3667ef175b997\n1999|SQLJ Part 1: SQL routines using the Java programming language|10.1145/344816.344864|13|1|A. Eisenberg and Jim Melton|75aac5614558f08595d4b737c075e89e47040337\n2019|The Power of SQL Lambda Functions|10.5441/002/edbt.2019.49|12|0|Maximilian E. Schüle and Dimitri Vorona and Linnea Passing and Harald Lang and A. Kemper and Stephan Günnemann and Thomas Neumann|c8b92b0f91b4bbfbd1d591d2fec58626dd6abc38\n2015|Provenance for SQL through Abstract Interpretation: Value-less, but Worthwhile|10.14778/2824032.2824089|11|0|T. Müller and Torsten Grust|b1a57f8ed3084ba83cfcd896460777db15b638c8\n2017|Recommender system for learning SQL using hints|10.1080/10494820.2016.1244084|10|0|D. Lavbic and Tadej Matek and Aljaz Zrnec|ceb4ab8fb183838573b87cec5bd25c906949be24\n2014|Secured web application using combination of Query Tokenization and Adaptive Method in preventing SQL Injection Attacks|10.1109/I4CT.2014.6914229|9|2|Noor Ashitah Abu Othman and Fakariah Hani Mohd Ali and Mashyum Binti Mohd Noh|303cdd670ae8d664e6529b1bf6dfb443c077d2d8\n2009|Automatic Grading System on SQL Programming|10.1109/EmbeddedCom-ScalCom.2009.105|9|0|Haifeng Ke and Gaoyan Zhang and Hui Yan|a7954d5f57238a8dd66538407545cedbb3f67254\n2020|Duoquest: A Dual-Specification System for Expressive SQL Queries|10.1145/3318464.3389776|8|1|Christopher Baik and Zhongjun (Mark) Jin and Michael J. Cafarella and H. Jagadish|d7723ecfc43b0a6c4178f57ae53f8f4aabfd5f62\n1992|Functional SOL (FSOL), an SQL upward-compatible database programming language|10.1016/0020-0255(92)90015-Z|8|0|P. Valduriez and S. Danforth|7bde5edcbcf2edf9ca50cda548d3ed43c2b6fd13\n2019|Big SQL systems: an experimental evaluation|10.1007/s10586-019-02914-4|7|0|Victor Aluko and S. Sakr|3060d85dd740a8687b0834449c885d494be34db2\n2018|Meet cyrus: the query by voice mobile assistant for the tutoring and formative assessment of SQL learners|10.1145/3297280.3297523|5|1|Josue Espinosa Godinez and H. Jamil|3b86d14de4a21a0c30bca827fa8b0dea4c0b9396\n2020|Explaining Causes Behind SQL Query Formulation Errors|10.1109/FIE44824.2020.9274114|5|3|Toni Taipalus|8e0d0c73e91bb449ace38403402cd5713978c0c8\n2021|SQLRepair: Identifying and Repairing Mistakes in Student-Authored SQL Queries|10.1109/ICSE-SEET52601.2021.00030|5|3|Kai Presler-Marshall and S. Heckman and Kathryn T. Stolee|0a0e2ef9f1cab6b872f84dc3d2af85f8abf41967\n2017|Database Query Analyzer (DBQA): A Data-Oriented SQL Clause Visualization Tool|10.1145/3125659.3125688|4|1|Ryan Hardt and Esther Gutzmer|2621b328ec60ba6ac556b83f993ab28726027a94\n2008|An Evolutionary Method for Natural Language to SQL Translation|10.1007/978-3-540-89694-4_44|4|1|A. Afonso and L. C. Brito and Oto Vale|5d82136298dfca0da6c2ce808c87816696f14e40\n2018|Perancangan Aplikasi Pendeteksi Kesalahan Perintah SQL Query Menggunakan Algoritma Knuth Morris Pratt|10.30865/JURIKOM.V5I4.954|4|0|G. L. Ginting and Dian Puspita Napitupulu and Pristiwanto Pristiwanto|588c66889c14e86166d8e41cd6ebadda5ff2da65\n1995|Information Technology. Programming Language. The SQL Ada Module Description Language (SAMeDL).|10.3403/00539178|4|1|M. Graham|d5067e3310269f48c6035eee6db9d4e0e52f7b6e\n2017|A Typeful Integration of SQL into Curry|10.4204/EPTCS.234.8|3|0|M. 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Akbar|e19bbcf1c7ec995207888a0e8120e7cf04bc6f1b\n2019|SWRL Parallel Reasoning Method with Spark SQL|10.1109/icis46139.2019.8940207|3|0|Wan Li and Huaai Kang and Dongbo Ma and Weiwei Wei|fd6f4d41bf848523ab01b02e0d3438a4aec0fa50\n2019|A Review on Methods for Prevention of SQL Injection Attack|10.32628/IJSRST196258|3|0|Sweta Raut and Akshay Nikhare and Yogesh Punde and Snehal Manerao and Shubham Choudhary|76973c38a22770272431ee4c2b1981dc4a5c4383\n2019|SqlSol: An accurate SQL Query Synthesizer|10.1007/978-3-030-32409-4_7|3|0|Lin Cheng|eab5621008e6eb7221a1fe51fd4091a9fcc870f1\n2020|SWRL Parallel Reasoning Implementation with Spark SQL|10.1088/1757-899X/719/1/012020|3|0|Wan Li and Huaai Kang and Dongbo Ma and Weiwei Wei|a84fa79f3f38fa34859e323e092d24b19467278b\n2017|SQL Injection: The Longest Running Sequel in Programming History|10.15394/JDFSL.2017.1475|3|0|M. Horner and Thomas Hyslip|50275fe35ff9889a681ac8f584fecc5b178f10a9\n2016|S4J - Integrating SQL into Java at Compiler-Level|10.1007/978-3-319-46254-7_24|2|0|Keven Richly and M. Lorenz and Sebastian Oergel|5ca3eadf08f8c40d6a9980beda942b95c5b57acb\n2020|SQL for data scientists|10.14778/3415478.3415526|2|0|Uwe Röhm and L. Brent and Tim Dawborn and Bryn Jeffries|49244f6a94793935cd5c43c4165f41f55e006f30\n2020|Detection of SQL Injection Vulnerability in Embedded SQL|10.1587/transinf.2019edl8143|2|0|Young-Su Jang|3963e5801d6c2d0b051bd3519fb9c14d67f57b81\n2020|Translation of Array-Based Loops to Spark SQL|10.1109/BigData50022.2020.9378136|1|0|Md Hasanuzzaman Noor and L. Fegaras|234ba3a287178ddce5af915d5c16950d3e0a4064\n2020|Verification supported refactoring of embedded sql|10.1007/s11219-020-09517-y|1|0|Mirko Spasic and Milena Vujosevic-Janicic|826a68181bc2d39ab370bce1f48255ed0e97fcd2\n2020|Efficient dam management using SQL and GIS|10.37023/ee.7.2.1|1|0|Mario Jancetić and N. Kranjčić and Milan Rezo|4695c4d9c2484935742a3974090cac1e4f95c984\n2021|Data Transformation from SQL to NoSQL MongoDB Based on R Programming Language|10.1109/ISMSIT52890.2021.9604548|1|0|F. Hasan and Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar|90dcbe721505cef84e7f4649dc2b4ccbbd4e3ba3 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nSQL, PL/SQL: The Programming Language of Oracle|2002|Ivan Bayross|1678914|4.05|729|77\nSQL for Dummies|1997|Allen G. Taylor|2164512|3.48|178|10\nJoe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming|1995|Joe Celko|1032791|3.96|172|11\nOracle PL/SQL Programming|1993|Steven Feuerstein|2405226|3.93|250|14\nThe Language of SQL|2010|Larry Rockoff|13895510|3.95|79|5 csharp C# 2000 Anders Hejlsberg 83 pl 65 12.0 5 16 25146 351091 802 235 2014 2018 5 30 spec-sharp eiffel java modula-3 object-pascal ml visual-basic icon haskell rust jsharp f-sharp chapel crystal d dart hack kotlin monkey nemerle oxygene swift vala unity-engine c turbo-pascal smalltalk linq a-sharp ada cil fortran visual-studio-editor morfik 2017 C# (pronounced as see sharp) is a multi-paradigm programming language encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. It was developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative and later approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270:2006). C# is one of the programming languages designed for the Common Language Infrastructure. C# is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. Its development team is led by Anders Hejlsberg. The most recent version is C# 11, which was released in 2022 along with .NET 7. The language is being actively developed with a new version being released yearly along with the latest .NET version. The Unity game engine uses C# as its primary scripting language. 2001 2794 4097 4580 2356196 82607 133078 2161625 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nmxgmn WaveFunctionCollapse C# #178600 12814 642 580 "Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics."\nppy osu C# #178600 3486 733 227 "rhythm is just a *click* away!"\ndotnet samples C# #178600 618 1379 71 "Sample code and snippets used in the .NET documentation"\nHMBSbige ShadowsocksR-Windows C# #178600 677 194 208 "【自用】Forked from shadowsocksr and shadowsocksrr"\ndotnet coreclr C# #178600 11992 2818 177 "CoreCLR is the runtime for .NET Core. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, primitive data types and low-level classes."\nEduardoPires EquinoxProject C# #178600 2873 883 128 "Full ASP.NET Core 2.2 application with DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing"\nconfluentinc confluent-kafka-dotnet C# #178600 1172 366 69 "Confluent's Apache Kafka .NET client"\nasc-lab dotnetcore-microservices-poc C# #178600 529 167 153 "Very simplified insurance sales system made in a microservices architecture using .NET Core"\nthangchung awesome-dotnet-core C# #178600 9843 1502 307 "🐝 A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software"\njellyfin jellyfin C# #178600 3666 346 407 "The Free Software Media System"\n0xd4d dnSpy C# #178600 11499 1810 374 ".NET debugger and assembly editor"\ndotnetcore WTM C# #178600 932 220 252 WTM框架是针对中小规模后台管理系统的开发利器。基于DotNetCore,实现0编码创建项目,0编码生成业务模块。框架严格遵循MVVM的开发模式,并深得MVVM的精髓。对于新手,可以快速上手搭建项目;对于高手,可以把那些繁琐重复的工作交给框架生成,专心攻克需求难点。框架经过数十个真实项目检测,可以极大提高开发效率,降低开发成本。\nJasonGT NorthwindTraders C# #178600 2559 873 138 "Northwind Traders is a sample application built using ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core."\naspnet EntityFrameworkCore C# #178600 8039 2058 143 "Entity Framework Core is a lightweight and extensible version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology"\nmicrosoft appcenter C# #178600 367 70 49 "Central repository for App Center open source resources and planning."\nAzure azure-powershell C# #178600 1598 1679 58 "Microsoft Azure PowerShell"\nHangfireIO Hangfire C# #178600 5046 1139 132 "An easy way to perform background job processing in your .NET and .NET Core applications. No Windows Service or separate process required"\ngrandnode grandnode C# #178600 797 324 83 "Free and Open Source Ecommerce Shopping Cart solution based on ASP.NET CORE and MongoDB"\nquasar QuasarRAT C# #178600 2618 1155 95 "Remote Administration Tool for Windows"\nmigueldeicaza gui.cs C# #178600 2674 201 232 "Console-based user interface toolkit for .NET applications."\ndotnetcore CAP C# #178600 3096 623 179 "Distributed transaction solution in micro-service base on eventually consistency, also an eventbus with Outbox pattern"\nMaterialDesignInXAML MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit C# #178600 7150 1706 211 "Google's Material Design in XAML & WPF, for C# & VB.Net."\n2dust v2rayN C# #178600 581 111 486\nAzure DotNetty C# #178600 2571 673 69 "DotNetty project – a port of netty, event-driven asynchronous network application framework"\nGoogleCloudPlatform microservices-demo C# #178600 5767 865 372 "Sample cloud-native application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, gRPC and OpenCensus. Provided for illustration and demo purposes." csharp or cake or cakescript csharp clike text/x-csharp source.cs programming c/CSharp.cs 5 pl 3445 true 70 ace adamant arrow-format bazel beef bicep cat chapel cir cito clike cloc dafny deno drakon ecsharp eiffel flame-ir flatbuffers flow9 gap groff hhvm imhex ink invokator ioke jinx jison jsil-compiler koka mages mal manhood markovjunior mond monkeyx moya muon nemerle nodejs opencv p particles plang pomsky pov-ray-sdl powershell prql pygments racket rant ripple roslyn-compiler scoop-pm sdlang simple-binary-encoding snowball-programming-language sourcepawn sqlite ssharp tensorflow typecobol uno v vale-assembly violent-es wax wax wonkey false Microsoft cs cs cake csx linq cs cs cs csharp true 217261 19747 193 1 12 true cs false text csharp United States C# using System; namespace MongoDB.Serialization.Descriptors { internal class BsonPropertyValue { public bool IsDictionary { get; private set; } public Type Type { get; private set; } public object Value { get; private set; } public BsonPropertyValue(Type type, object value, bool isDictionary) { Type = type; Value = value; IsDictionary = isDictionary; } } } class main { static void Main(string[] args) { System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!"); } } using System.Windows.Forms; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { MessageBox.Show("Hello, World!"); System.Console.WriteLine("Is almost the same argument!"); } } class Program { static int Square(int num) => num * num; } System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); C# CSharp C# true abstract add alias as ascending async await base bool break byte case catch char checked class const continue decimal default delegate descending do double dynamic else enum event explicit extern false finally fixed float for foreach from get global goto group if implicit in int interface internal into is join let lock long namespace new null object operator orderby out override params partial private protected public readonly record ref remove return sbyte sealed select set short sizeof stackalloc static string struct switch this throw true try typeof uint ulong unchecked unsafe ushort using value var virtual void volatile where while yield // /* */ Console.WriteLine " true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true true 3 0 C# C# C# year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2015|Cengage Learning|C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design|Doyle, Barbara|9781285856872\n2016|Pearson|Starting out with Visual C#|Gaddis, Tony|9780134382609\n2013|Microsoft Press|Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Step by Step|Sharp, John|9780735681835 C# c# developer r R 1993 Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman 78 pl arrayLang 34 4.4.0 5 17 25133 26230 84 226 2005 2016 7 13 common-lisp s scheme julia c fortran java python latex apl matlab octave knitr sweave utf-8 rstudio eclipse-editor emacs-editor lyx-editor perl ruby f-sharp spss stata mathematica 1993 R is an open source programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics that is supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis. Polls, surveys of data miners, and studies of scholarly literature databases show that R's popularity has increased substantially in recent years. R is a GNU package. The source code for the R software environment is written primarily in C, Fortran, and R. R is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. While R has a command line interface, there are several graphical front-ends available. 2003 3651 1479 2219 376707 1999 20273 29347 .Rprofile expr-dist 689533 9 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nrstudio bookdown R #198CE7 1586 711 44 "Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown"\nhadley r4ds R #198CE7 2051 2560 44 "R for data science: a book"\nrfordatascience tidytuesday R #198CE7 1062 490 94 "Official repo for the #tidytuesday project"\nrstudio shiny R #198CE7 3527 1528 46 "Easy interactive web applications with R"\nrstudio rmarkdown R #198CE7 1596 676 29 "Dynamic Documents for R"\nswirldev swirl_courses R #198CE7 3009 6259 30 "🎓 A collection of interactive courses for the swirl R package."\ngriffithlab rnaseq_tutorial R #198CE7 767 417 30 "Informatics for RNA-seq: A web resource for analysis on the cloud. Educational tutorials and working pipelines for RNA-seq analysis including an introduction to: cloud computing, critical file formats, reference genomes, gene annotation, expression, differential expression, alternative splicing, data visualization, and interpretation."\nsatijalab seurat R #198CE7 540 326 25 "R toolkit for single cell genomics" R or Rscript or splus Rscript r r text/x-rsrc source.r programming r/R.R 11 pl 2426 true 40 ace arrow-format catala checked-c cloc dexvis dplyr eiffel ggplot2 hal-format highlightjs ibis invokator jsl lux mal mongodb nit nodejs observable-framework ohayo oil particles pygments racket raptorjit red ren-c revolution-programming-language rmarkdown rye scipy spry statsplorer statsplorer tea-pl tidyverse v8 xgboost-model xgboost false University of Auckland r R RData rds rda r rd rsx R r R RData rds rda r true 1075613 14173 116 2 4 true expr-dist R r rd rprofile rsx false 179 text r r R r-base United States R hello <- function() { print("hello, world!") } hello() print("Hello, world!") install.packages("caTools") # install external package library(caTools) # external package providing write.gif function jet.colors <- colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000")) dx <- 400 # define width dy <- 400 # define height C <- complex( real=rep(seq(-2.2, 1.0, length.out=dx), each=dy ), imag=rep(seq(-1.2, 1.2, length.out=dy), dx ) ) C <- matrix(C,dy,dx) # reshape as square matrix of complex numbers Z <- 0 # initialize Z to zero X <- array(0, c(dy,dx,20)) # initialize output 3D array for (k in 1:20) { # loop with 20 iterations Z <- Z^2+C # the central difference equation X[,,k] <- exp(-abs(Z)) # capture results } write.gif(X, "Mandelbrot.gif", col=jet.colors, delay=100) cat("Hello World") # Hello World in R cat("Hello world\n") R if else repeat while function for in next break TRUE FALSE NULL Inf NaN NA NA_integer_ NA_real_ NA_complex_ NA_character_ ... # print " = TRUE FALSE true true true false true true true true true true true false true true true false true true false 40 9 R R R year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2009|Oxford University Press|Building Bioinformatics Solutions: with Perl, R and MySQL|Bessant, Conrad and Shadforth, Ian and Oakley, Darren|9780199230235\n2014|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)|Jones, Owen and Maillardet, Robert and Robinson, Andrew|9781466569997\n2013|Wiley|Data Mining and Business Analytics with R|Ledolter, Johannes|9781118447147\n2009|Springer Verlag|Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R (Use R!)|Christian P. Robert and George Casella|9781441915757\n2008|Springer|Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R (Statistics and Computing)|John M. Chambers|9780387759357\n2020|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Interactive Web-Based Data Visualization with R, plotly, and shiny (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)|Sievert, Carson|9781138331457\n2008|Springer|Data Manipulation with R (Use R!)|Spector, Phil|9780387747309\n2020|O'Reilly Media|Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python|Bruce, Peter and Bruce, Andrew and Gedeck, Peter|9781492072942\n2007|Cambridge University Press|A First Course in Statistical Programming with R|Braun, W. John|9780521694247\n2008|Chapman and Hall/CRC|R Programming for Bioinformatics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer Science & Data Analysis)|Gentleman, Robert|9781420063677\n2013|Packt Publishing|Web Application Development with R Using Shiny|Beeley, Chris|9781783284474\n2009|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)|Jones, Owen and Maillardet, Robert and Robinson, Andrew|9781420068726\n2004|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Linear Models with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)|Faraway, Julian J.|9781584884255\n2015|O'Reilly Media|R Packages: Organize, Test, Document, and Share Your Code|Wickham, Hadley|9781491910597\n2016|CRC Press|R for Programmers: Mastering the Tools|Zhang, Dan|9781498736817\n2015|Packt Publishing|Building a Recommendation System with R|Gorakala, Suresh K. and Usuelli, Michele|9781783554492\n2020|CRC Press|Mathematics and Programming for Machine Learning with R|Claster, William|9780367507855\n2016|Packt Publishing|RStudio for R Statistical Computing Cookbook|Cirillo, Andrea|9781784391034\n2016|Routledge|Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R|Gries, Stefan Th.|9781138816282\n2017|Apress|Functional Data Structures in R: Advanced Statistical Programming in R|Mailund, Thomas|9781484231432\n2005|Springer|Analysis of Integrated and Cointegrated Time Series with R (Use R)|Pfaff, Bernhard|9780387279596\n2020||Visual Linguistics With R|Christoph Rühlemann|9789027207104\n2017|O'Reilly Media|Efficient R Programming: A Practical Guide to Smarter Programming|Gillespie, Colin and Lovelace, Robin|9781491950784\n2010|Packt Publishing|Statistical Analysis with R|M. Quick, John|9781849512084\n2016|Packt Publishing|Big Data Analytics with R: Leverage R Programming to uncover hidden patterns in your Big Data|Walkowiak, Simon|9781786466457\n2011|O'Reilly Media|Getting Started with RStudio: An Integrated Development Environment for R|Verzani, John|9781449309039\n2019|Manning Publications|Practical Data Science with R|Nina Zumel and John Mount|9781617295874\n2007|Cambridge University Press|A First Course in Statistical Programming with R|Braun, W. John and Murdoch, Duncan J.|9780521872652\n2015|SAGE Publications Ltd|An Introduction to R for Spatial Analysis and Mapping|Brunsdon, Chris and Comber, Lex|9781446272947\n2014|Packt Publishing|R Machine Learning Essentials|Usuelli, Michele|9781783987740\n2016|Packt Publishing|R Data Structures and Algorithms|Prakash, Dr. PKS and Rao, Achyutuni Sri Krishna|9781786465153\n2019|Packt Publishing|R Machine Learning Projects: Implement supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning techniques using R 3.5|Chinnamgari, Dr. Sunil Kumar|9781789807943\n2018|Apress|Machine Learning Using R: With Time Series and Industry-Based Use Cases in R|Ramasubramanian, Karthik and Singh, Abhishek|9781484242148\n2017|Springer|Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis: With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R|Heumann, Christian and Schomaker, Michael and Shalabh|9783319461625\n2012|Wiley|The Essential R Reference|Gardener, Mark|9781118391419\n2014|Apress|Using R for Statistics|Baldock, Sarah|9781484201398\n20161212|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|R for Data Science|Hadley Wickham; Garrett Grolemund|9781491910344\n2018|Manning Publications|Beyond Spreadsheets with R: A beginner's guide to R and RStudio|Carroll, Dr Jonathan|9781617294594\n2020|Apress|Advanced R 4 Data Programming and the Cloud: Using PostgreSQL, AWS, and Shiny|Wiley, Matt and Wiley, Joshua F.|9781484259726\n2014|Springer|Beginning Data Science with R|Pathak, Manas A.|9783319120652 R r data scientist r year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2017|brms: An R Package for Bayesian Multilevel Models Using Stan|10.18637/JSS.V080.I01|3062|267|P. Bürkner|4bf0e9786d6638dc7d4b1fc929def68da9003c4e\n2017|Advanced Bayesian Multilevel Modeling with the R Package brms|10.32614/RJ-2018-017|928|89|P. Bürkner|232a4da46a5f77ff1fc725fd06a4967a57c3b651\n2006|Support Vector Machines in R|10.18637/JSS.V015.I09|555|32|Alexandros Karatzoglou and David Meyer and K. Hornik|1c0020ad0f0a6c7bed9fc395b292d9007e17d72f\n2010|EBImage—an R package for image processing with applications to cellular phenotypes|10.1093/bioinformatics/btq046|507|26|Grégoire Pau and Florian Fuchs and O. Sklyar and M. Boutros and W. Huber|c7ba786c84c9c5161604e021551a23f098028eba\n2012|Evaluating the Design of the R Language - Objects and Functions for Data Analysis|10.1007/978-3-642-31057-7_6|125|4|Floréal Morandat and B. Hill and Leo Osvald and J. Vitek|85dbdb61a133eecbde3cf635de9c84eaecf249fa\n2019|formr: A study framework allowing for automated feedback generation and complex longitudinal experience-sampling studies using R|10.3758/s13428-019-01236-y|98|3|Ruben C. Arslan and Matthias Walther and Cyril S. Tata|220ea16cf578f440570b383dfbea6b4b24a5a6bd\n2016|Optimizing R language execution via aggressive speculation|10.1145/2989225.2989236|29|0|Lukas Stadler and Adam Welc and Christian Humer and Mick J. Jordan|c17ac40f0fb475c810c70a52b3dd6535454eabf4\n2012|Tight Coupling of R and Distributed Linear Algebra for High-Level Programming with Big Data|10.1109/SC.Companion.2012.113|13|0|D. Schmidt and G. Ostrouchov and Wei-Chen Chen and Pragneshkumar B. Patel|bcc6a968df0d63be5bd21044a81c956377796d81\n2012|The Functional Programming Language R and the Paradigm of Dynamic Scientific Programming - (Position Paper)|10.1007/978-3-642-40447-4_12|5|0|B. T. Widemann and Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick and C. Grelck|134c0c03c08b6496c7c6075a4366a96c4708ece1 powershell PowerShell 2006 Jeffrey Snover 60 pl 69 7.4.2 5 18 16 25127 2016 2024 1409 7156 44220 985 108 2016 2018 4 10 perl csharp digital-command-language sql tcl puppet jscript vbscript linux ascii awk grep sed xml cli-assembly ooxml bash 2006 PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language. Initially a Windows component only, known as Windows PowerShell, it was made open-source and cross-platform on 18 August 2016 with the introduction of PowerShell Core. The former is built on .NET Framework while the latter on .NET Core. In PowerShell, administrative tasks are generally performed by cmdlets (pronounced command-lets), which are specialized .NET classes implementing a particular operation. These work by accessing data in different data stores, like the file system or registry, which are made available to PowerShell via providers. Third-party developers can develop their own cmdlets and add them to PowerShell. Sets of cmdlets may be combined into scripts. PowerShell provides full access to COM and WMI, enabling administrators to perform administrative tasks on both local and remote Windows systems as well as WS-Management and CIM enabling management of remote Linux systems and network devices. PowerShell also provides a hosting API with which the PowerShell runtime can be embedded inside other applications. These applications can then use PowerShell functionality to implement certain operations, including those exposed via the graphical interface. This capability has been used by Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 to expose its management functionality as PowerShell cmdlets and providers and implement the graphical management tools as PowerShell hosts which invoke the necessary cmdlets. Other Microsoft applications including Microsoft SQL Server 2008 also expose their management interface via PowerShell cmdlets. PowerShell includes its own extensive, console-based help (similar to man pages in Unix shells) accessible via the Get-Help cmdlet. Local help contents can be retrieved from the Internet via Update-Help cmdlet. Alternatively, help from the web can be acquired on a case-by-case basis via the -online switch to Get-Help. 2004 1173 680 1897 14465871 24804 33120 161144 24 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nAzure azure-quickstart-templates PowerShell #012456 5646 8219 173 "Azure Quickstart Templates"\nfireeye commando-vm PowerShell #012456 2883 631 217 "Complete Mandiant Offensive VM (Commando VM), a fully customizable Windows-based pentesting virtual machine distribution."\ndotnet docs PowerShell #012456 1949 3479 52 "This repository contains .NET Documentation."\nMicrosoftDocs azure-docs PowerShell #012456 3023 7981 127 "Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure"\nmicrosoft azure-pipelines-image-generation PowerShell #012456 527 288 39 "Azure Pipelines VM image generation for Microsoft-hosted CI/CD"\nredcanaryco atomic-red-team PowerShell #012456 2427 764 106 "Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE's ATT&CK."\nSharePoint sp-dev-docs PowerShell #012456 803 585 18 "SharePoint Developer Documentation"\nPowerShellMafia PowerSploit PowerShell #012456 5774 2124 180 "PowerSploit - A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework"\naspnet Blazor PowerShell #012456 8382 669 125 "Blazor is a .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly"\nDisassembler0 Win10-Initial-Setup-Script PowerShell #012456 2542 607 95 "PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019"\nBloodHoundAD BloodHound PowerShell #012456 3358 622 114 "Six Degrees of Domain Admin"\nSycnex Windows10Debloater PowerShell #012456 2759 362 222 "Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware."\nfireeye flare-vm PowerShell #012456 1575 266 78\ndotnet machinelearning-samples PowerShell #012456 1966 908 106 "Samples for ML.NET, an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET."\ndahlbyk posh-git PowerShell #012456 3788 610 75 "A PowerShell environment for Git"\ndfinke ImportExcel PowerShell #012456 1083 206 42 "PowerShell module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel"\nhak5 bashbunny-payloads PowerShell #012456 1176 844 30 "The Official Bash Bunny Payload Repository"\nsamratashok nishang PowerShell #012456 3127 1193 105 "Nishang - Offensive PowerShell for red team, penetration testing and offensive security."\nMicrosoftDocs dynamics-365-unified-operations-public PowerShell #012456 91 253 12 "Documentation for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Dynamics 365 for Retail, and Dynamics 365 for Talent"\nlukesampson scoop-extras PowerShell #012456 580 405 19 """Extras"" bucket for Scoop"\nMicrosoftDocs OfficeDocs-Exchange PowerShell #012456 47 219 4 "Contains documentation for Exchange Server and Exchange Online"\nMicrosoftDocs windows-driver-docs PowerShell #012456 239 390 3 "The official Windows Driver Kit documentation sources"\nMicrosoftDocs appcenter-docs PowerShell #012456 51 186 1 "content repo for Visual Studio App Center on" posh or pwsh pwsh powershell powershell application/x-powershell source.powershell programming p/PowerShell.ps1 pl true 70 aardvark ace al argdown avi-synth bazel bicep blacklight boomerang-decompiler carp chrysalisp clash clojurescript couchdb crush cryptol crystal curv deno ecr elixir emscripten enso flow flutter gleam huginn hurl ink kubernetes latino lift linotte luna mages mal mongodb neko nodejs nushell onnx opencv p pony pov-ray-sdl powershell pygments python pytorch racket rakudo rocksdb roslyn-compiler rust scoop-pm score solidity spiral star swift taichi tiledb typecobol vale-assembly vcpkg-pm wasp-lang wiredtiger xgboost-model xgboost zig false 2015 2024 11960 589 2647 Microsoft ps1 psd1 psm1 ps1 ps1 psm1 csharp csharp powershell xml yaml markdown xsd json xaml bourne-shell svg csv razor dockerfile xslt plantuml python true 274986 19576 122 1 true 7 true ps1 psd1 psm1 text powershell PowerShell #!/usr/bin/env pwsh # source: param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Clean")][switch]$Clean, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Test")][switch]$Test ) import-module $PSScriptRoot/PowerShellStandard.psm1 -force if ( $Clean ) { Start-Clean return } Start-Build if ( $Test ) { Invoke-Test } Write-Host "Hello, world!" name value1 value2 name -Param1 value1 -Param2 value2 'Hello World' PowerShell # Hello World in Microsoft Powershell 'Hello World!' PowerShell begin break catch class continue data define do dynamicparam else elseif end exit filter finally for foreach from function if in param process return switch throw trap try until using var while workflow parallel sequence inlinescript configuration # <# #> echo ' = true true true true true true true true true true false true true true 107 3 PowerShell PowerShell year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2014|Cengage Learning PTR|Windows PowerShell Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd|Ford, Jr. Jerry Lee|9781305260344\n2012|O'Reilly Media|Windows PowerShell for Developers: Enhance Your Productivity and Enable Rapid Application Development|Finke, Douglas|9781449322700\n2011|Manning Publications|Windows PowerShell in Action, Second Edition|Payette, Bruce|9781935182139\n2014|Packt Publishing|Windows PowerShell 4.0 for .NET Developers|Talaat, Sherif|9781849688765\n2013|Microsoft Press|Windows PowerShell 3.0 Step by Step (Step by Step Developer)|Wilson, Ed|9780735663398\n2008|Addison-Wesley Professional|Essential PowerShell|Schwichtenberg, Holger|9780672329661\n2008|Wrox|Professional Windows PowerShell Programming: Snapins, Cmdlets, Hosts and Providers (Wrox Professional Guides)|Kumaravel, Arul and White, Jon and Li, Michael Naixin and Happell, Scott and Xie, Guohui and Vutukuri, Krishna C.|9780470173930\n2014|Apress|Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration Revealed|Chaganti, Ravikanth|9781484200162\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: Tips and Tricks to Learn Powershell Programming (Volume 2)|Jones, Mr Daniel|9781548211981\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Learn Powershell Programming (Volume 1)|Jones, Mr Daniel|9781548556839\n2017|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: Become A Master In Powershell|Richard Dorsey|9781547290239\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PowerShell: PowerShell Command Line 2017 - Easy Beginners Guide To Write And Run Scripts And Learn Basic PowerShell Commands! (Programming, C++, SQL)|Nelson, Francisco|9781545226506\n2017|Apress|Troubleshooting SharePoint: The Complete Guide to Tools, Best Practices, PowerShell One-Liners, and Scripts|Simpkins, Stacy|9781484231388\n2012|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Cmd Your Computer: Using Command Prompt, Powershell & Run Commands To Control And Program In The 21st Century.|Cask J. Thomson|9781470066697\n2020|Wiley|PowerShell 7 for IT Professionals: A Guide to Using PowerShell 7 to Manage Windows Systems|Lee, Thomas|9781119644705\n2016|Manning|Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches|Jones, Don|9781638353898\n2020|No Starch Press|PowerShell for Sysadmins: Workflow Automation Made Easy|Bertram, Adam|9781593279196\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Windows PowerShell Pocket Reference: Portable Help for PowerShell Scripters (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly))|Holmes, Lee|9781449320966\n2019|Apress|Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services|Beach, Brian and Armentrout, Steven and Bozo, Rodney and Tsouris, Emmanuel|9781484248508\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Windows PowerShell Cookbook: The Complete Guide to Scripting Microsoft's Command Shell|Holmes, Lee|9781449320683\n2015|Microsoft Press|Windows PowerShell Step by Step|Wilson, Ed|9780735675117\n2019|Apress|PowerShell and Python Together: Targeting Digital Investigations|Hosmer, Chet|9781484245040\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PowerShell: For Beginners! Master The PowerShell Command Line In 24 Hours (Python Programming, Javascript, Computer Programming, C++, SQL, Computer Hacking, Programming)|Artuso, Alex|9781530411825\n2018|Apress|Pro PowerShell Desired State Configuration: An In-Depth Guide to Windows PowerShell DSC|Chaganti, Ravikanth|9781484234839\n2008|Cengage Learning PTR|Microsoft Windows PowerShell 2.0 Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 2nd Edition|Ford, Jr. Jerry Lee|9781598638998\n2013|Manning Publications|PowerShell in Depth: An administrator's guide|Jones, Don and Siddaway, Richard and Hicks, Jeffrey|9781617290558\n2015|Packt Publishing|Microsoft Hyper-V PowerShell Automation|Menon, Vinith|9781784392208\n2015|Apress|Pro PowerShell for Database Developers|Cafferky, Bryan P.|9781484205419\n2015|Packt Publishing|Windows PowerShell for .NET Developers - Second Edition|Venkatesan, Chendrayan and Talaat, Sherif|9781785280269\n2010|O'Reilly Media|Windows PowerShell Cookbook: The Complete Guide to Scripting Microsoft's New Command Shell|Holmes, Lee|9780596801502\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: The Ultimate Windows Powershell Beginners Guide. Learn Powershell Scripting In A Day! (Powershell, Powershell guide, Powershell scripting, ... Hacking, Tor, Programming, Command Line)|Jones, Jack|9781545494325\n2016|Packt Publishing|Microsoft Exchange Server PowerShell Essentials|Banerjee, Biswanath|9781782176039\n2015|Packt Publishing|Microsoft System Center PowerShell Essentials|HP, Guruprasad and Patel, Harshul|9781784393267\n2016|Apress|Troubleshooting Windows Server with PowerShell|Schauland, Derek and Jacobs, Donald|9781484218518\n2014|Apress|Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services: DevOps for the AWS Cloud|Beach, Brian|9781430264521\n2006|Cengage Learning PTR|Microsoft Windows PowerShell Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Ford Jr., Jerry Lee|9781598633542\n2013|Packt Publishing|Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Powershell Cookbook: Second Edition|Andersson, Jonas and Pfeiffer, Mike|9781849689427\n2014|Apress|Beginning PowerShell for SharePoint 2013|Charlebois-Laprade, Nikolas|9781430264736\n2008|Sams Publishing|Essential PowerShell|Schwichtenberg Holger|9780132715195\n2011|Sybex|Automating Active Directory Administration with Windows PowerShell 2.0|St. Cyr, Ken and Hunter, Laura E.|9781118027318\n2018|Independently published|CMD Your Computer: An In-Depth Guide to Command Prompt, Batch Programming and Powershell|Thomson, Cask J.|9781719982535\n2009|Wrox|Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration with Windows PowerShell|Muthusamy, Ananthakumar|9780470477281\n2009|Microsoft Press|Windows PowerShell 2.0 Best Practices (IT Best Practices - Microsoft Press)|Ed Wilson|9780735626461\n2008|Apress|Pro Windows PowerShell|Deshev, Hristo|9781590599402\n2014|Apress|Pro Exchange 2013 SP1 PowerShell Administration: For Exchange On-Premises and Office 365|de Rooij, Michel and Wesselius, Jaap|9781430268475\n2022|Independently published|PowerShell Programming, For Beginners, Quick Start Guide: PowerShell Programming Language Crash Course Tutorial, Textbook & Exercises|Yao, Ray|9798404004441\n2011|Sybex|Automating SharePoint 2010 with Windows PowerShell 2.0|Lapointe, Gary and Bray, Shannon|9780470939208\n2015|Packt Publishing|Windows PowerShell for .NET Developers - Second Edition|Venkatesan, Chendrayan and Talaat, Sherif|9781785287435\n2011|Packt Publishing|Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Windows PowerShell 2.0: Expert Cookbook|Pentsarskyy, Yaroslav|9781849684118\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: Advanced Strategies to Learn and Execute Powershell Programming (Volume 5)|Jones, Mr Daniel|9781976408359\n2016-09-17T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PowerShell: For Beginners! - Learn How To Write And Run Scripts From The PowerShell Command Line (Python Programming, Javascript, Computer Programming)|Larson, David|9781537717135\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: Best Practices to Learn and Execute Powershell Programming (Volume 4)|Jones, Mr Daniel|9781976055096\n2018|Independently published|Advanced Programming With Sample Codings: 4 Books In 1- Arduino, C++, Powershell and Python Programming with Sample Designs and Codings|Webber, Zach|9781791316761\n2014|Packt Publishing|PowerShell Troubleshooting Guide|Shepard, Michael|9781782173571\n2018-05-20T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PowerShell: The Utmost Intermediate Course Guide in Fundamentals and Concept of PowerShell Programming (Volume 2)|Webber, Zach|9781719524995\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: The What, When and How of Powershell (David Chang - Programming) (Volume 1)|Chang, David|9781548542726\n2018-05-20T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: 2 Books in 1: The Comprehensive Beginners Guide to Taking Control of The PowerShell Command Line & Best Practices to Excel While Learning PowerShell Programming|Price, Miles|9781719359023\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|PowerShell: Best Practices to Excel While Learning PowerShell Programming|Price, Miles|9781987737899\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Programming for Beginners: 6 Books in 1- Powershell Programming(3 Book series) & Docker Programming(3 Book series)|Jones, Mr Daniel|9781975980177\n2009|For Dummies|Windows Powershell 2 For Dummies|Steve Seguis|9780470535769\n||Acp Ms Windows Powershell Programming|Jerry Lee Ford Jr.|9781337684279\n21-09-2017|Packt Publishing|Windows Server 2016 Automation with PowerShell Cookbook - Second Edition|Thomas Lee|9781787126404\n20210616|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|PowerShell Cookbook|Lee Holmes|9781098101565\n20170320|De Gruyter|Learning PowerShell|Jonathan Hassell|9781501506611\n2017-06-14|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: The Ultimate Windows Powershell Beginners Guide - Part 2. Take Your Powershell Scripting Further! (powershell, Powershell Guide, ... Hacking, Tor, Programming, Command Line)|Jack Jones|9781548105365\n20100607|Simon & Schuster|PowerShell in Practice|Richard Siddaway|9781638352594\n20210611|Springer Nature|PowerShell for Beginners|Ian Waters|9781484270646\n29-06-2021|Packt Publishing|Mastering PowerShell Scripting|Chris Dent|9781800208575\n20121222|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Windows PowerShell Cookbook|Lee Holmes|9781449364281\n20100819|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Windows PowerShell Cookbook|Lee Holmes|9781449399627\n20141031|Simon & Schuster|PowerShell in Depth|Don Jones; Jeffery Hicks; Richard Siddaway|9781638353294\n20080406|Springer Nature|Pro Windows PowerShell|Hristo Deshev|9781430205463\n20210422|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|PowerShell Pocket Reference|Lee Holmes|9781098101633\n20211125|Springer Nature|PowerShell Fast Track|Vikas Sukhija|9781484277591\n20121222|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Windows PowerShell Cookbook|Lee Holmes|9781449364274\n2016|O'Reilly Media, Incorporated|Windows Powershell For Developers|Douglas Finke|9781491937471\n20131125|Packt Publishing|Instant Windows PowerShell Guide|Harshul Patel|9781849686792\n20121210|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Windows PowerShell Pocket Reference|Lee Holmes|9781449363390\n20120706|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Windows PowerShell for Developers|Douglas Finke|9781449322687\n20201019|Springer Nature|Building Better PowerShell Code|Adam Bertram|9781484263884\n20121210|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Windows PowerShell Pocket Reference|Lee Holmes|9781449363383\n20170919|Simon & Schuster|Windows PowerShell in Action|Bruce Payette; Richard Siddaway|9781638351566\n20100224|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Windows PowerShell 2.0 - Crashkurs|Peter Monadjemi|9783866457119\n20120706|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Windows PowerShell for Developers|Douglas Finke|9781449322663\n20120601|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Windows PowerShell 2.0 - Crashkurs|Peter Monadjemi|9783848301041\n2017|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: Simple And Effective Strategies To Execute Powershell Programming (volume 3)|Mr Daniel Jones|9781548212247\n2015|Microsoft Press|Windows Powershell Step By Step|Ed Wilson|9781509300457\n2016|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell : The Complete Beginner's Guide|Byron Francis|9781540670021\n2018|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Learn And Understand Powershell Programming Effectively|Webber and Zach|9781987665505\n2018|Independently Published|Powershell: 21 Sample Codes And Advance Crash Course Guide In Powershell Programming|Zach Webber|9781723976858\n2013-04-25|Packt Publishing|PowerShell 3.0 Advanced Administration Handbook|Sherif Talaat and Haijun Fu|9781849686433\n20170523|Springer Nature|Beginning PowerShell for SharePoint 2016|Nikolas Charlebois-Laprade; John Edward Naguib|9781484228845\n20151124|Springer Nature|Pro PowerShell for Microsoft Azure|Sherif Talaat|9781484206652\n|Microsoft Press,|Windows Powershell Step By Step|Wilson, Ed , 1957- (author.)|9781509300433\n20180327|Springer Nature|Essential PowerShell for Office 365|Vlad Catrinescu|9781484231296\n2017|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Powershell: Powershell Command Line Tips - Learn How To Write And Run Scripts, Plus Basic Powershell Commands! (python Programming, Computer Hacking, Programming)|Chester Mckinney|9781542744911\n2014-01-16|Packt Publishing|Windows PowerShell 4.0 for .NET Developers|Sherif Talaat|9781849688772\n20171111|Simon & Schuster|Learn PowerShell Scripting in a Month of Lunches|Don Jones; Jeffery Hicks|9781638351559\n|Nelson Education|Microsoft Windows Powershell Programming For The Absolute Beginner|Jerry Lee Ford|9781305260351\n20130326|Packt Publishing|Instant Windows Powershell 3.0 Windows Management Instrumentation Starter|Brenton J.W. Blawat|9781849689632\n2008|John Wiley & Sons|Professional Windows Powershell Programming: Snapins, Cmdlets, Hosts And Providers|Jon White and Arul Kumaravel and Michael Naixin Li and Scott Happell and Guohui Xie and Krishna C. Vutukuri|9780470289860\n2022-03-29|Wiley|Windows Server 2022 & Powershell All-in-One For Dummies|Sara Perrott|9781119867845\n2011|Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John|Automating Active Directory Administration With Windows Powershell 2. 0|Ken St. Cyr and Laura E. Hunter|9781118118542\n2018-11-03|Independently Published|Powershell: The Complete 3 Books In 1 For Beginners, Intermediate And 21 Sample Codings And Advance Crash Course Guide In Powershell Programming|Zach Webber|9781730803901 PowerShell powershell developer year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2018|Detecting Malicious PowerShell Commands using Deep Neural Networks|10.1145/3196494.3196511|54|8|Danny Hendler and Shay Kels and Amir Rubin|2ce5684b7b0a14e3ea3c1f281c8f1f9e1db56b7f\n2018|AST-Based Deep Learning for Detecting Malicious PowerShell|10.1145/3243734.3278496|21|0|Gili Rusak and Abdullah Al-Dujaili and Una-May O’Reilly|77369f12dd131a755129b1b5b923b1d479eff5db\n2013|Working with PowerShell|10.1007/978-1-4302-4942-9_3|1|0|R. Garrett|e0390ca20fd2572a1f6e41898fdd39e030649bf6 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nWindows PowerShell for Developers|2012|Douglas Finke|19180557|3.70|64|7\nPowershell: Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Learn Powershell Programming||Daniel Jones|57036557|1.00|2|0\nWindows PowerShell 2 for Dummies|2009|Steve Seguis|7014705|3.94|18|1 bash Bash 1989 Brian Fox 64 pl 224 5.2 4 19 13 25114 17 c gettext bourne-shell login linux almquist-shell android regex perl awk unix emacs-editor 1989 Bash is a Unix shell and command language written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell. First released in 1989, it has been distributed widely as the default login shell for most Linux distributions and Apple's macOS (formerly OS X). A version is also available for Windows 10. Bash is a command processor that typically runs in a text window, where the user types commands that cause actions. Bash can also read and execute commands from a file, called a script. Like all Unix shells, it supports filename globbing (wildcard matching), piping, here documents, command substitution, variables, and control structures for condition-testing and iteration. The keywords, syntax and other basic features of the language are all copied from sh. Other features, e.g., history, are copied from csh and ksh. Bash is a POSIX-compliant shell, but with a number of extensions. The shell's name is an acronym for Bourne-again shell, punning on the name of the Bourne shell that it replaces and on the term "born again" that denotes spiritual rebirth in contemporary American Christianity. A security hole in Bash dating from version 1.03 (August 1989), dubbed Shellshock, was discovered in early September 2014 and quickly led to a range of attacks across the Internet. Patches to fix the bugs were made available soon after the bugs were identified, but not all computers have been updated. 2001 1271 1835 1360 4547 358317 640005 .bash_aliases .bash_history .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .cshrc .env .env.example .flaskenv .kshrc .login .profile .zlogin .zlogout .zprofile .zshenv .zshrc 9fs PKGBUILD bash_aliases bash_logout bash_profile bashrc cshrc gradlew kshrc login man profile zlogin zlogout zprofile zshenv zshrc 1579442 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nkaldi-asr kaldi Shell #89e051 7031 3224 623 "This is the official location of the Kaldi project."\ndylanaraps pure-bash-bible Shell #89e051 14224 1102 899 "📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes."\npi-hole pi-hole Shell #89e051 17711 1224 847 "A black hole for Internet advertisements"\ntrimstray nginx-admins-handbook Shell #89e051 9683 677 986 "How to improve NGINX performance, security, and other important things; @ssllabs A+ 100%, @mozilla A+ 120/100."\nv1s1t0r1sh3r3 airgeddon Shell #89e051 2052 515 286 "This is a multi-use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks."\nesc0rtd3w wifi-hacker Shell #89e051 811 283 420 "Shell Script For Attacking Wireless Connections Using Built-In Kali Tools. Supports All Securities (WEP, WPS, WPA, WPA2)"\ntoniblyx my-arsenal-of-aws-security-tools Shell #89e051 2624 378 440 "List of open source tools for AWS security: defensive, offensive, auditing, DFIR, etc."\nrobbyrussell oh-my-zsh Shell #89e051 94524 17446 1679 "🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 1,300+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community."\ntermux termux-packages Shell #89e051 2485 827 109 "Android terminal and Linux environment - packages repository."\nwmnnd nginx-certbot Shell #89e051 579 208 127 "Boilerplate configuration for nginx and certbot with docker-compose"\ntomav docker-mailserver Shell #89e051 4463 747 140 "A fullstack but simple mailserver (smtp, imap, antispam, antivirus, ssl...) using Docker."\ndotnet core Shell #89e051 11705 2542 339 "Home repository for .NET Core"\nthelinuxchoice saycheese Shell #89e051 152 105 45 "Grab target's webcam shots by link"\nhashicorp vault-helm Shell #89e051 108 34 106 "Helm chart to install Vault and other associated components."\nNeilpang Shell #89e051 14044 1787 406 "A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol"\nmathiasbynens dotfiles Shell #89e051 22044 7799 200 "🔧 .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS"\ndennyzhang cheatsheet-kubernetes-A4 Shell #89e051 436 246 62 "📖 Kubernetes CheatSheets In A4"\nromkatv powerlevel10k Shell #89e051 1514 72 357 "A fast reimplementation of Powerlevel9k ZSH theme"\nskywind3000 awesome-cheatsheets Shell #89e051 4926 917 146 "超级速查表 - 编程语言、框架和开发工具的速查表,单个文件包含一切你需要知道的东西 ⚡️"\nfouldsy azure-mol-samples Shell #89e051 357 131 39 "Supporting resources for ""Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches"" (Manning Publications)"\nvulhub vulhub Shell #89e051 4211 1485 250 "Pre-Built Vulnerable Environments Based on Docker-Compose"\nnvm-sh nvm Shell #89e051 36851 3480 616 "Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions"\neaszlab kubeasz Shell #89e051 3840 1573 407 使用Ansible脚本安装K8S集群,介绍组件交互原理,方便直接,不受国内网络环境影响\ndylanaraps neofetch Shell #89e051 6957 441 186 "🖼️ A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+"\nashishb android-security-awesome Shell #89e051 4067 1026 65 "A collection of android security related resources" sh or shell-script or bash or zsh ash bash dash ksh mksh pdksh rc sh zsh sh shell text/x-sh programming s/ pl Bourne Again Shell 1851 true 227 abcl-lang amber apache-hbase arkscript arrow-format avail awl ballerina bash bazel bebasic blacklight blz bpkg-pm bucardo bython caramel ceylon chapel cir civet civet clamp clash cloc clojurescript codecept coq cortex cosh couchdb crmsh cryptol crystal cspydr cuneiform dafny datafun dex dgraph dllup drakon dreamlisp dub-pm ecr eiffel elegance elena elfe emscripten encore enso erg erlang f-prime fardlang fay felix firrtl fleck flow flow9 flownote flutter fp3 fstar gforth ghc git go gun gura gwion halide hamdown haml harlan hera hhvm highlightjs hjson homa homebrew-pm horse64 huginn hurl idio idris impala invokator ioke iterm2 jal-compiler jank jasmine java jedi jekyll jelly jemplate jflex jq json-script jsonnet jsparagus k-framework kamilalisp kefir kotlin kubernetes l2 ladybird lambda-zero lamdu-editor lamdu latino lean linearml links-programming-language linux litescript little lobster luna m3db mal manool mastodon mathjson mermaid mgmt minizinc mirah mongodb monkeyx mu mun-lang nadesiko netlogo nextflow nianiolang nim nit nodejs nqc obsidian-lang ohm oil olc ooc opa opal opam-pm open-nn open-shading-language opencv openverse oxyl pan pandas php pomsky pony popr postgresql preforth prismjs pygments python pytorch racket ramen reason redis reflex-framework revolution-programming-language rholang riff rocksdb rosie ruby rust rye scikit-learn score sentient setlx simple-binary-encoding skip skulpt slash slony smali smpl spatial sqrl stoneknifeforth sugartex swi-prolog swift tao3d tensorflow testml textadept-editor tibet tiledb u ultralisp-pm uno v-golf v8 vale-assembly vcpkg-pm virgil vuejs vyper wart wasp-lang wiredtiger wonkey wyvern xidoc xl-lang xxl yggdrasil zephir zlang false 1996 2024 1509 3 1459 GNU Project bash sh sh bash bats cgi command env fcgi ksh shin tmux tool zsh zsh-theme sh sh ksh bash ebuild eclass exheres-0 exlib zsh .bashrc bashrc .bash_* bash_* zshrc .zshrc .kshrc kshrc PKGBUILD typescript c bourne-shell m4 bash html make yacc perl assembly-language sed tex markdown awk true 61750 4774 100 1 true 5 true text shell bash bash United States #!/bin/sh echo "sh" echo "Hello, world!" cd "$SOMEWHERE" && ./do_something || echo "An error occurred" >&2 #!/bin/sh echo "Hello World" Bash Shell if then do else elif while until for in esac fi fin fil done exit set unset export function # echo " = true true true true true true true true true false true true false false true false true true 33 1 Bash Shell year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n1998|O'Reilly Media|Learning the bash Shell, 2nd Edition|Newham, Cameron and Rosenblatt, Bill|9781565923478\n2004|Sams|Linux Shell Scripting with Bash|Burtch, Ken O.|9780672326424\n2019|In Easy Steps Limited|Bash in easy steps|McGrath, Mike|9781840788099\n2018|Packt Publishing|Mastering Linux Shell Scripting: A practical guide to Linux command-line, Bash scripting, and Shell programming, 2nd Edition|Ebrahim, Mokhtar and Mallett, Andrew|9781788990554\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Shell Scripting: How to Automate Command Line Tasks Using Bash Scripting and Shell Programming|Cannon, Jaosn|9781517380434\n2005|O'Reilly Media|Learning the bash Shell: Unix Shell Programming (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))|Newham, Cameron|9780596009656\n2014|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Command Line Kung Fu: Bash Scripting Tricks, Linux Shell Programming Tips, and Bash One-liners|Cannon, Jason|9781499222036\n2004|Apress|From Bash to Z Shell: Conquering the Command Line|Kiddle, Oliver and Stephenson, Peter and Peek, Jerry|9781590593769\n2018|Packt Publishing|Mastering Linux Shell Scripting,: A practical guide to Linux command-line, Bash scripting, and Shell programming, 2nd Edition|Ebrahim, Mokhtar and Mallett, Andrew|9781788990158\n2015|Apress|Pro Bash Programming, Second Edition: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell|Johnson, Chris and Varma, Jayant|9781484201220\n2017-06-21T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Mastering Bash: A Step-by-Step Guide to working with Bash Programming and Shell Scripting|Zarrelli, Giorgio|9781784396879\n2015|In Easy Steps Ltd|Unix in easy steps: Commanding the BASH shell|McGrath, Mike|9781840786736\n2015|Apress|Pro Bash Programming, Second Edition: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell|Johnson, Chris and Varma, Jayant|9781484201213\n2009|Apress|Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the Linux Shell (Expert's Voice in Linux)|Johnson, Chris|9781430219972\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Shell Programming and Bash Scripting: Ultimate Beginners Guide Book|Collins, Robert|9781540637703\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Linux Command Line: FAST and EASY!: Linux Commands, Bash Scripting Tricks, Linux Shell Programming Tips and Bash One-Liners|Gimson, Matthew|9781519127044\n2019-12-09T00:00:01Z|Independently published|LINUX Command-Line for Beginners: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Starting Guide to Learn Linux from Scratch to Bash Scripting and Shell Programming|Mach, Dylan|9781673712551\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Shell Programming: Bash Scripting from First Steps To Confident User|Johnson, Sean|9781544208978\n20070524|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|bash Cookbook|Carl Albing|9780596554705\n20070524|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|bash Cookbook|Carl Albing|9780596516031\n21-06-2017|Packt Publishing|Mastering Bash|Giorgio Zarrelli|9781784391980\n20091205|Springer Nature|Pro Bash Programming|Chris Johnson|9781430219989\n20160217|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Bash Pocket Reference|Arnold Robbins|9781491941560\n03/2014|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Bash kurz & gut|Günther, Karsten|9783955617653\n20160217|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Bash Pocket Reference|Arnold Robbins|9781491941546\n03/2014|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Bash kurz & gut|Günther, Karsten|9783955617660\n28-09-2018|Packt Publishing|Bash Quick Start Guide|Tom Ryder|9781789534085\n20050329|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning the bash Shell|Cameron Newham|9780596519063\n20050329|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning the bash Shell|Cameron Newham|9780596555009\n20040129|Pearson Technology Group|Linux Shell Scripting with Bash|Ken O. Burtch|9780768663495\n||Bash Scripting, Linux And Shell Programming Complete Guide|Frahaan Hussain|9781838984595\n20111215|De Gruyter|Eine praktische Einführung in die Informatik mit Bash und Python|Tobias Häberlein|9783486714456\n2015,[2015]|Apress,,Springer Science+Business Media New York|Pro Bash programming,UNIX Shells,UNIX (Computer file),UNIX (Computer file),UNIX Shells|Johnson, Chris F. A. and Varma, Jayant| Shell bash developer year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2021|Explainable Natural Language to Bash Translation using Abstract Syntax Tree|10.18653/v1/2021.conll-1.20|3|0|Shikhar Bharadwaj and S. Shevade|6fe61d77b8a4a090899867b79e32efd658f848e7 rust Rust 2010 Graydon Hoare 83 pl 100 1.78.0 5 20 29 25106 29951 122 2010 2024 1483 12294 95455 10063 181 2014 2018 3 28 linux freebsd android ios alef csharp cyclone erlang haskell haxe limbo newsqueak ruby scheme standard-ml swift crystal elm idris c ml go java ocaml llvmir d nim emacs-editor 2016 Rust is a systems programming language sponsored by Mozilla Research, which describes it as a "safe, concurrent, practical language," supporting functional and imperative-procedural paradigms. Rust is syntactically similar to C++, but its designers intend it to provide better memory safety while maintaining performance. Rust is an open source programming language. Its designers have refined the language through the experiences of writing the Servo web browser layout engine and the Rust compiler. A large portion of current commits to the project are from community members. Rust won first place for "most loved programming language" in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey in 2016 and 2017; it is referenced in The Book of Mozilla as "oxidised metal". 2010 1159 336 956 29414838 2010 9148 15753 356891 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nrust-lang rust Rust #dea584 38932 6045 851 "Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software."\nxi-editor druid Rust #dea584 623 33 162 "Data-oriented Rust UI design toolkit."\nyewstack yew Rust #dea584 8506 323 422 "Rust framework for building client web apps"\ngetzola zola Rust #dea584 2306 215 156 "A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in."\nwasmerio wasmer Rust #dea584 4321 146 315 "The Universal WebAssembly Runtime"\ncloudflare wrangler Rust #dea584 644 63 185 "🤠 wrangle your cloudflare workers"\nrust-unofficial awesome-rust Rust #dea584 12178 807 497 "A curated list of Rust code and resources."\nCraneStation wasmtime Rust #dea584 1282 90 130 "Standalone JIT-style runtime for WebAssembly, using Cranelift"\ntokio-rs tokio Rust #dea584 5810 483 326 "A runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Provides I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, ..."\nSergioBenitez Rocket Rust #dea584 7888 551 273 "A web framework for Rust."\nhyperium hyper Rust #dea584 5153 752 171 "An HTTP library for Rust"\nrust-lang-nursery futures-rs Rust #dea584 2833 350 85 "Zero-cost asynchronous programming in Rust"\nSpotifyd spotifyd Rust #dea584 2017 106 112 "A spotify daemon"\nmaps4print azul Rust #dea584 3105 123 211 "Desktop GUI Framework"\nrust-lang regex Rust #dea584 1200 189 42 "An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs."\nservo servo Rust #dea584 14762 2222 210 "The Servo Browser Engine"\ntokio-rs tracing Rust #dea584 262 27 127 "Application level tracing for Rust."\nCraneStation cranelift Rust #dea584 2066 172 138 "Cranelift code generator"\nggez ggez Rust #dea584 1715 213 79 "Rust library to create a Good Game Easily"\nrust-lang cargo Rust #dea584 4696 989 109 "The Rust package manager"\nsharkdp bat Rust #dea584 15094 295 413 "A cat(1) clone with wings."\nparitytech substrate Rust #dea584 1437 374 95 "Substrate: The platform for blockchain innovators"\ngfx-rs gfx Rust #dea584 3334 389 111 "A low-overhead Vulkan-like GPU API for Rust."\nrust-lang rust-clippy Rust #dea584 3740 498 114 "A bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code"\nseanmonstar reqwest Rust #dea584 1782 277 109 "An easy and powerful Rust HTTP Client" rs rust rust text/x-rustsrc source.rust programming r/ 31 pl true 109 ace alumina alumina amber ante-esolang ante aretext arret astro bend blazex borgo cairo cairo calcit calypso candy carth cir cosh cotton crush curly cyber cytosol dafny datafun deno differential-datalog edgedb enso erg esoteric-reaction factor fish flatbuffers gleam glicol gluon hacspec hacspec hhvm hurl hush hvm2 inko invokator jazz jingo jsparagus jule kami kavascript leo-editor linux luna mal markus mech-lang melody mewl micro-mitten mlatu mlscript mongodb moonbit mun-lang nodejs noulith nushell observable-framework olc passerine pikelet pomsky project-mentat prql pygments reason rio roc ron ruby rust scryer serious simple-binary-encoding simple-binary-encoding snowball-programming-language surrealdb svgbob tablam tao-lang tsar ucg uiua unseemly uxf veryl vlc wasmer weebasic wing wlambda worst wu xlwings-editor xsv-app zz false 2010 2024 259266 6746 47502 Mozilla rs rlib rs rsin rs rs rs rlib rust rust markdown diff toml make yaml javascript bourne-shell html c dockerfile json python typescript puppet xml cpp svg css assembly-language asciidoc powershell xslt z-shell cmake wasm logos bash d true 333092 141 175 1 true 1 true rs true false text rust rust Rust rustc Rust extern crate foo; extern crate bar; use foo::{self, quix}; use bar::car::*; use bar; fn main() { println!("Hello {}", "World"); panic!("Goodbye") } fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } // Type your code here, or load an example. pub fn square(num: i32) -> i32 { num * num } // If you use `main()`, declare it as `pub` to see it in the output: // pub fn main() { ... } fn main() { println!("Hello World"); } Rust // Hello world in Rust fn main() { println!("Hello World!"); } Rust Rust abstract alignof as become box break const continue crate do else enum extern false final fn for if impl in let loop macro match mod move mut offsetof override priv proc pub pure ref return Self self sizeof static struct super trait true type typeof unsafe unsized use virtual where while yield // /* */ println! " true false true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true 65 36 Rust Rust Rust year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2018|No Starch Press|The Rust Programming Language|Klabnik, Steve and Nichols, Carol|9781593278281\n2020|Manning Publications|Rust in Action|McNamara, TS|9781617294556\n2020|Packt Publishing|Creative Projects for Rust Programmers: Build exciting projects on domains such as web apps, WebAssembly, games, and parsing|Milanesi, Carlo|9781789346220\n2019|Packt Publishing|Rust Programming Cookbook: Explore the latest features of Rust 2018 for building fast and secure apps|Matzinger, Claus|9781789530667\n2019-08-12T00:00:01Z|No Starch Press|The Rust Programming Language (Covers Rust 2018)|Klabnik, Steve and Nichols, Carol|9781718500440\n2021|No Starch Press|Rust for Rustaceans: Idiomatic Programming for Experienced Developers|Gjengset, Jon|9781718501850\n2021|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Hands-on Rust|Wolverson, Herbert|9781680508802\n2021|No Starch Press|Rust for Rustaceans: Idiomatic Programming for Experienced Developers|Gjengset, Jon|9781718501867\n2019|No Starch Press|The Rust Programming Language (Covers Rust 2018)|Klabnik, Steve and Nichols, Carol|9781718500457\n2022|O'Reilly Media|Command-Line Rust: A Project-Based Primer for Writing Rust CLIs|Youens-Clark, Ken|9781098109431\n2021|Wiley|Beginning Rust Programming|Messier, Ric|9781119712978\n2020|Packt Publishing|Creative Projects for Rust Programmers: Build exciting projects on domains such as web apps, WebAssembly, games, and parsing|Milanesi, Carlo|9781789343878\n2021|Manning|Rust in Action|McNamara, Tim|9781638356226\n2021|Packt Publishing - ebooks Account|Rust Web Programming: A hands-on guide to developing fast and secure web apps with the Rust programming language|Flitton, Maxwell|9781800560819\n2019-01-25T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Rust: Learn programming techniques to build effective, maintainable, and readable code in Rust 2018|Matzinger, Claus|9781788995528\n2018|No Starch Press|The Rust Programming Language|Klabnik, Steve and Nichols, Carol|9781593278519\n2019-05-22T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|The Complete Rust Programming Reference Guide: Design, develop, and deploy effective software systems using the advanced constructs of Rust|Sharma, Rahul and Kaihlavirta, Vesa and Matzinger, Claus|9781838828103\n2020|Apress|Rust for the IoT: Building Internet of Things Apps with Rust and Raspberry Pi|Nusairat, Joseph Faisal|9781484258590\n2020|Apress|Rust for the IoT: Building Internet of Things Apps with Rust and Raspberry Pi|Nusairat, Joseph Faisal|9781484258606\n2019|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Microservices with Rust: Build, test, and deploy scalable and reactive microservices with Rust 2018|Kolodin, Denis|9781789341980\n2019|Apress|Practical Machine Learning with Rust: Creating Intelligent Applications in Rust|Bhattacharjee, Joydeep|9781484251218\n2019|Packt Publishing|Rust Programming Cookbook: Explore the latest features of Rust 2018 for building fast and secure apps|Matzinger, Claus|9781789531749\n2021|Wiley|Beginning Rust Programming|Messier, Ric|9781119712879\n2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Functional Programming in Rust: Build modular and reactive applications with functional programming techniques in Rust 2018|Johnson, Andrew|9781788831581\n2018|Packt Publishing|Rust High Performance: Learn to skyrocket the performance of your Rust applications|Eguia Moraza, Iban|9781788478236\n2018|Packt Publishing|Rust Programming By Example: Enter the world of Rust by building engaging, concurrent, reactive, and robust applications|Gomez, Guillaume and Boucher, Antoni|9781788470308\n2021|Apress|Practical Rust Web Projects: Building Cloud and Web-Based Applications|Lyu, Shing|9781484265895\n2018-05-31T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Functional Programming in Rust: Build modular and reactive applications with functional programming techniques in Rust 2018|Johnson, Andrew|9781788839358\n2020-12-24T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Practical System Programming for Rust Developers: Build fast and secure software for Linux/Unix systems with the help of practical examples|Eshwarla, Prabhu|9781800560963\n2020|Apress|Practical Rust Projects: Building Game, Physical Computing, and Machine Learning Applications|Lyu, Shing|9781484255995\n2018-01-15T00:00:00.000Z|Armstrong Publications LLC|Step Ahead with Rust: Systems Programming in Rust|Jonathan Creekmore and James Miller|9780999361801\n2019|Packt Publishing|Mastering Rust: Learn about memory safety, type system, concurrency, and the new features of Rust 2018 edition, 2nd Edition|Sharma, Rahul and Kaihlavirta, Vesa|9781789341188\n2018|Packt Publishing|Rust Quick Start Guide: The easiest way to learn Rust programming|Arbuckle, Daniel|9781789616705\n2018-01-11T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Rust Programming By Example: Enter the world of Rust by building engaging, concurrent, reactive, and robust applications|Gomez, Guillaume and Boucher, Antoni|9781788390637\n2020|Apress|Practical Rust Projects: Building Game, Physical Computing, and Machine Learning Applications|Lyu, Shing|9781484255988\n2019||The Rust Programming Language|Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols|9781098122539\n2019|Electronic Industry Press|Rust programming(Chinese Edition)|ZHANG HAN DONG ZHU|9787121354854\n2022|Packt Publishing - ebooks Account|Practical WebAssembly-Explore the fundamentals of WebAssembly programming using Rust|Sendil Kumar Nellaiyapen|9781838828004\n2022|BPB Publications|Learn Rust Programming: Safe Code, Supports Low Level and Embedded Systems Programming with a Strong Ecosystem (English Edition)|Matzinger, Claus|9789355511546\n2022|BPB Publications|Rust Crash Course: Build High-Performance, Efficient and Productive Software with the Power of Next-Generation Programming Skills (English Edition)|Kumar, Abhishek|9789355510952\n24-11-2017|Packt Publishing|Learning Rust|Paul Johnson|9781785888885\n2021|O'reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Rust|Jim Blandy and Jason Orendorff and Leonora F.S. Tindall|9781492052562\n2017-05-30|Packt Publishing|Mastering Rust|Vesa Kaihlavirta|9781785881374\n20210611|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Rust|Jim Blandy; Jason Orendorff; Leonora F .S. Tindall|9781492052548\n20171121|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Rust|Jim Blandy; Jason Orendorff|9781491927236\n2015-05-27|Packt Publishing|Rust Essentials|Ivo Balbaert|9781785282133\n2017-07-27|Packt Publishing|Rust Cookbook|Vigneshwer Dhinakaran|9781785886218\n20180322|Springer Nature|Beginning Rust|Carlo Milanesi|9781484234686\n2021|翔泳社|Rust In Action|Tim McNamara|9784798160221\n26-02-2021|Packt Publishing|Rust Web Programming|Maxwell Flitton|9781800566095\n2022|O'reilly Media, Inc.|Command-line Rust|Ken Youens-Clark|9781098109400\n20220225|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Rust Brain Teasers|Herbert Wolverson|9781680509557\n20220113|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Command-Line Rust|Ken Youens-Clark|9781098109387\n||Network Programming With Rust|Abhishek Chanda|9781789348071\n30-10-2018|Packt Publishing|Rust Quick Start Guide|Daniel Arbuckle|9781789610611\n43047|Packt Publishing|Rust Essentials - Second Edition|Ivo Balbaert|9781788399135\n29-03-2018|Packt Publishing|Rust Standard Library Cookbook|Jan Hohenheim, Daniel Durante|9781788629652\n||Learn Rust In 7 Days|Matthew Stoodley|9781789805499\n2022-06-30|Packt Publishing|Rust Web Development with Rocket|Karuna Murti|9781800560826\n31-05-2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Concurrency with Rust|Brian L. Troutwine|9781788478359\n24-12-2020|Packt Publishing|Practical System Programming for Rust Developers|Prabhu Eshwarla|9781800562011\n29-04-2022|Packt Publishing|Game Development with Rust and WebAssembly|Eric Smith|9781801074995\n43607|Packt Publishing|The Complete Rust Programming Reference Guide|Rahul Sharma; Vesa Kaihlavirta; Claus Matzinger|9781838826383\n21-01-2022|Packt Publishing|Speed Up Your Python with Rust|Maxwell Flitton|9781801812320\n25-01-2019|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Rust|Claus Matzinger|9781788991490 Rust rust engineer year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2014|The rust language|10.1145/2663171.2663188|238|25|Nicholas D. Matsakis and Felix S. Klock|50eba68089cf51323d95631c2f59ff916848863f\n2017|RustBelt: securing the foundations of the rust programming language|10.1145/3158154|192|23|Ralf Jung and Jacques-Henri Jourdan and R. Krebbers and Derek Dreyer|6a8ceba15f95d03617e79aaba35515776c4bc4d9\n2020|Is Rust Used Safely by Software Developers?|10.1145/3377811.3380413|23|5|A. Evans and Bradford Campbell and M. Soffa|8f564873814a12526a844d69c216ba2b599bdf9a\n2020|Understanding memory and thread safety practices and issues in real-world Rust programs|10.1145/3385412.3386036|23|5|Boqin Qin and Yilun Chen and Zeming Yu and Linhai Song and Yiying Zhang|d536933053c16f6ab16f92468542084630e72f55\n2017|POSTER: Rust SGX SDK: Towards Memory Safety in Intel SGX Enclave|10.1145/3133956.3138824|21|4|Yu Ding and Ran Duan and Long Li and Yueqiang Cheng and Yulong Zhang and Tanghui Chen and Tao Wei and Huibo Wang|187e2d1c888c5c0529e5a50c8c90efe9889cbd69\n2017|Sandcrust: Automatic Sandboxing of Unsafe Components in Rust|10.1145/3144555.3144562|20|3|Benjamin Lamowski and C. Weinhold and A. Lackorzynski and Hermann Härtig|2b7bd2b93f5aa66a65d9cfc7f0222a16d3aca007\n2018|Verifying Rust Programs with SMACK|10.1007/978-3-030-01090-4_32|20|1|Marek S. Baranowski and Shaobo He and Z. Rakamaric|350795523676e071a64d8d60acd30252db2c7eec\n2021|Safe systems programming in Rust|10.1145/3418295|17|0|Ralf Jung and Jacques-Henri Jourdan and R. Krebbers and Derek Dreyer|01bd07b28877e088aefc9a54ba842b8aa3b804f5\n2018|KRust: A Formal Executable Semantics of Rust|10.1109/TASE.2018.00014|12|1|Feng Wang and Fu Song and Min Zhang and Xiaoran Zhu and Jun Zhang|dc734f8a1e20f7de5dbbe8c668c0683381bbcb1a\n2019|Exploring Rust for Unikernel Development|10.1145/3365137.3365395|12|0|Stefan Lankes and J. Breitbart and Simon Pickartz|efa6eb7b43f19f8b072f9323ac2e838618537932\n2020|Understanding and evolving the Rust programming language|10.22028/D291-31946|11|1|Ralf Jung|37d7114d5a9bc202742bd0c248fe8af1a689d1b6\n2018|Fidelius Charm: Isolating Unsafe Rust Code|10.1145/3176258.3176330|8|2|Hussain M. J. Almohri and David Evans|d72458f9501963670b50ee9fe78e622425955630\n2020|Design of a DSL for Converting Rust Programming Language into RTL|10.1007/978-3-030-39746-3_36|8|0|K. Takano and Tetsuya Oda and M. Kohata|aaf8eeb909892036436dff4bef41a0924e730d6c\n2019|Identifying Barriers to Adoption for Rust through Online Discourse|10.4230/OASIcs.PLATEAU.2018.5|7|0|Anna Zeng and Will Crichton|6f6a28a3115e147e443a545fd8f75cf7a3babf1b\n2020|Memory-Safety Challenge Considered Solved? An In-Depth Study with All Rust CVEs|10.1145/3466642|6|1|Hui Xu and Zhuangbin Chen and Mingshen Sun and Yangfan Zhou and Michael R. Lyu|164b3187c0d904f04e96ac5f0d5b9fdeab0da547\n2020|Securing UnSafe Rust Programs with XRust|10.1145/3377811.3380325|6|2|Peiming Liu and Gang Zhao and Jeff Huang|f3b75979611c111233c9cd5e6674e71be83b6f13\n2021|GhostCell: separating permissions from data in Rust|10.1145/3473597|5|1|Joshua Yanovski and Hoang-Hai Dang and Ralf Jung and Derek Dreyer|c2e188799c7bdca68f6334b329682e12b1d58da9\n2021|A Lightweight Formalism for Reference Lifetimes and Borrowing in Rust|10.1145/3443420|5|0|David J. Pearce|fede987ed6b38a516655cc05c3ed55a19068b1a9\n2016|What can the programming language Rust do for astrophysics?|10.1017/S1743921316013168|5|0|S. Blanco-Cuaresma and É. Bolmont|4567c1f22d80334eade2ceb396d43ae8e895b131\n2017|On utilizing rust programming language for Internet of Things|10.1109/CICN.2017.8319363|4|0|Tunç Uzlu and E. Saykol|c9cb48a5680fe6911ca620897980c51a8aa5f9a6\n2019|Structured Stream Parallelism for Rust|10.1145/3355378.3355384|3|0|Ricardo Pieper and Dalvan Griebler and L. G. Fernandes|2739f9c914bb01de599f4549b0e847b10c83c3df\n2021|Keeping Safe Rust Safe with Galeed|10.1145/3485832.3485903|3|0|Elijah Rivera and Samuel Mergendahl and Howie Shrobe and H. Okhravi and N. Burow|ff3de8816bc7685668a56da5c30eecc76c817558\n2022|RustHornBelt: a semantic foundation for functional verification of Rust programs with unsafe code|10.1145/3519939.3523704|2|0|Yusuke Matsushita and Xavier Denis and Jacques-Henri Jourdan and Derek Dreyer|36674fd3bc28fd3f01711de8785171c720a97a25\n2020|Towards Profile-Guided Optimization for Safe and Efficient Parallel Stream Processing in Rust|10.1109/SBAC-PAD49847.2020.00047|2|0|Stefan Sydow and Mohannad Nabelsee and S. Glesner and Paula Herber|336759267740e25049691e8f74374721dc4718a4\n2021|Rudra: Finding Memory Safety Bugs in Rust at the Ecosystem Scale|10.1145/3477132.3483570|2|1|Yechan Bae and Youngsuk Kim and Ammar Askar and Jungwon Lim and Taesoo Kim|57b463af9a5699fb4011435cee3429f51ce86113\n2018|Detecting Unsafe Raw Pointer Dereferencing Behavior in Rust|10.1587/TRANSINF.2018EDL8040|1|0|Zhijian Huang and Y. Wang and J. Liu|0dd40638f259c5b99cab356706943ee7697c811d\n2019|Basics of Rust|10.1007/978-1-4842-5121-8_1|1|0|J. Bhattacharjee|cc5c9f522aa65cb5ddb5f2dae650a3e7a0739b03\n2019|Devise Rust Compiler Optimizations on RISC-V Architectures with SIMD Instructions|10.1145/3339186.3339193|1|0|Heng Lin and Piyo Chen and Yuan-Shin Hwang and Jenq-Kuen Lee|fcee0c1a34783b7f7253dfccae2f29af38dd3259\n2019|Verification of Safety Functions Implemented in Rust - a Symbolic Execution based approach|10.1109/INDIN41052.2019.8972014|1|0|Marcus Lindner and Nils Fitinghoff and Johan Eriksson and P. Lindgren|f17890851dcaa805c0d47cc084113626c298382b\n2022|Verifying Dynamic Trait Objects in Rust|10.1109/ICSE-SEIP55303.2022.9794041|1|0|Alexa VanHattum and Daniel Schwartz-Narbonne and Nathan Chong and Adrian Sampson|1ff44db7ee219174273efba0e4a42bf24c1807cf\n2021|SafeDrop: Detecting Memory Deallocation Bugs of Rust Programs via Static Data-Flow Analysis|10.1145/3542948|1|0|Mohan Cui and Chengjun Chen and Hui Xu and Yangfan Zhou|9d0046724361849d494d42338bbb77874dd0bdf4\n2020|VRLifeTime -- An IDE Tool to Avoid Concurrency and Memory Bugs in Rust|10.1145/3372297.3420024|1|0|Ziyi Zhang and Boqin Qin and Yilun Chen and Linhai Song and Yiying Zhang|38a0f156a77cdac95dbac2affdeb3b9e91cc531c\n2020|Approach of a Coding Conventions for Warning and Suggestion in Transpiler for Rust Convert to RTL|10.1109/GCCE50665.2020.9292032|1|0|K. Takano and Tetsuya Oda and M. Kohata|9046c775dcb9ad9e21eaece1f90537f9741acf51\n2021|Translating C to safer Rust|10.1145/3485498|1|0|Mehmet Emre and Ryan Schroeder and Kyle Dewey and B. Hardekopf|d0fb133db727fc51913e623041a6e86eb99e8c6c\n2021|Performance vs Programming Effort between Rust and C on Multicore Architectures: Case Study in N-Body|10.1109/CLEI53233.2021.9640225|1|0|Manuel Costanzo and Enzo Rucci and M. Naiouf and A. D. Giusti|74dfb86326be51d0cc2d0aee69d3266d8994ea31\n2019|On Evaluating Rust as a Programming Language for the Future of Massive Agent-Based Simulations|10.1007/978-981-15-1078-6_2|1|0|Alessia Antelmi and G. Cordasco and Matteo D'Auria and Daniele De Vinco and A. Negro and Carmine Spagnuolo|f57083b736fa347d6e48d09bdc09a308df017eeb swift Swift 2014 Chris Lattner 87 pl 31 5.10 6 21 30 25105 154306 375 2015 2024 2010 2480 10327 67064 7447 101 2014 2018 43 11 linux freebsd csharp clu d haskell objective-c python ruby rust ios llvmir c smalltalk java unicode android kotlin 2014 Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux. Swift is designed to work with Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the large body of existing Objective-C (ObjC) code written for Apple products. It is built with the open source LLVM compiler framework and has been included in Xcode since version 6. On platforms other than Linux, it uses the Objective-C runtime library which allows C, Objective-C, C++ and Swift code to run within one program. Apple intended Swift to support many core concepts associated with Objective-C, notably dynamic dispatch, widespread late binding, extensible programming and similar features, but "safer" (easier to catch software bugs); Swift has features addressing some common programming errors like null pointers and provides syntactic sugar to help avoid the pyramid of doom. Swift supports the concept of protocol extensibility, an extensibility system that can be applied to types, structs and classes, which Apple promotes as a real change in programming paradigms they term "protocol-oriented programming" (similar to traits). Swift was introduced at Apple's 2014 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). It underwent an upgrade to version 1.2 during 2014 and a more major upgrade to Swift 2 at WWDC 2015. Initially a proprietary language, version 2.2 was made open-source software under the Apache License 2.0 on December 3, 2015, for Apple's platforms and Linux. In March 2017, Swift made the top 10 in the monthly TIOBE index ranking of popular programming languages, while since then it slipped down the list to 20. 2014 1501 518 1256 42946389 25149 42531 1044892 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nLoopKit Loop Swift #ffac45 478 657 49 "An automated insulin delivery app template for iOS, built on LoopKit"\nbrentsimmons NetNewsWire Swift #ffac45 2174 151 728 "RSS reader for macOS."\ndkhamsing open-source-ios-apps Swift #ffac45 21111 3506 354 "📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps"\npedrommcarrasco Brooklyn Swift #ffac45 2926 131 200 "🍎 Screensaver inspired by Apple's Event on October 30, 2018"\nyonaskolb XcodeGen Swift #ffac45 2618 239 128 "A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project"\nmozilla-mobile firefox-ios Swift #ffac45 8877 2061 77 "Firefox for iOS"\nhttpswift swifter Swift #ffac45 2776 406 56 "Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language."\nWenchaoD FSPagerView Swift #ffac45 4633 551 142 "FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders."\nmarmelroy PhoneNumberKit Swift #ffac45 3094 357 97 "A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber."\nAlamofire Alamofire Swift #ffac45 31815 5728 273 "Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift"\nJohnCoates Aerial Swift #ffac45 15249 815 273 "Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac"\nReactiveX RxSwift Swift #ffac45 17102 2889 232 "Reactive Programming in Swift"\nluispadron UICircularProgressRing Swift #ffac45 1198 211 94 "A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift"\napple swift-log Swift #ffac45 1383 69 81 "A Logging API for Swift"\nstephencelis SQLite.swift Swift #ffac45 6327 1092 86 "A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3."\nmatteocrippa awesome-swift Swift #ffac45 17867 2509 205 "A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!"\nSCENEE FloatingPanel Swift #ffac45 2768 188 128 "A clean and easy-to-use floating panel UI component for iOS"\nkrzyzanowskim CryptoSwift Swift #ffac45 7218 823 93 "CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift"\nserhii-londar open-source-mac-os-apps Swift #ffac45 18202 1211 360 "🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS."\nHeroTransitions Hero Swift #ffac45 17276 1368 227 "Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS"\nQuick Quick Swift #ffac45 8386 777 82 "The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework."\nradex SwiftyUserDefaults Swift #ffac45 3871 266 55 "Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults"\nsindresorhus Gifski Swift #ffac45 3753 109 595 "🌈 Convert videos to high-quality GIFs on your Mac"\nMortennn Dozer Swift #ffac45 2187 78 162 "Hide status bar icons on macOS"\nmxcl PromiseKit Swift #ffac45 11928 1160 135 "Promises for Swift & ObjC." text swift text/x-swift source.swift programming s/Swift.swift 20 pl true 33 ace ante-esolang arrow-format cir cloc dixy flatbuffers flow9 flutter gradle homebrew-pm iterm2 kai koka kotlin mal mongodb opencv plot project-mentat pygments react-native reason roc stencil swift tensorflow uno wasmer wax wax wing zolang false 2010 2024 196634 1509 25789 Apple swift swift swift swift swift swift swift cpp cmake python markdown json objective-c restructuredtext yaml tex c objective-cpp bash llvmir bourne-shell xml vim-script make lisp html pascal d css assembly-language ini powershell javascript ruby awk matlab true 372965 3754 216 1 true 5 true swift false 9077 text swift swift Swift println("Hello, world") print("Hello, world!") var someSortOfPrintableObject: SupportsToString ... print(someSortOfPrintableObject.toString()) // Type your code here, or load an example. func square(n: Int) -> Int { return n * n } print("Hello World") Swift // Hello world in Swift println("Hello, world!") Swift Swift associatedtype class deinit enum extension func import init inout internal let operator private protocol public static struct subscript typealias var break case continue default defer do else fallthrough for guard if in repeat return switch where while as catch dynamicType false is nil rethrows super self Self throw throws true try #column #file #function #line #available #column #else#elseif #endif #file #function #if #line #selector associativity convenience dynamic didSet final get infix indirect lazy left mutating none nonmutating optional override postfix precedence prefix Protocol required right set Type unowned weak willSet // /* */ print " true false true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true true false true true 125 19 Swift Swift Swift year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2014|Peachpit Press|Swift for Beginners: Develop and Design|Pitre, Boisy G.|9780134044705\n2014|Apress|Transitioning to Swift|Gardner, Scott and Gardner, Scott|9781484204078\n2016|Big Nerd Ranch Guides|Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (Big Nerd Ranch Guides)|Mathias, Matthew and Gallagher, John|9780134610610\n2018|Packt Publishing|Learn Swift by Building Applications: Explore Swift programming through iOS app development|Atanasov, Emil|9781786463920\n2015|Big Nerd Ranch Guides|Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (Big Nerd Ranch Guides)|Mathias, Matthew and Gallagher, John|9780134398013\n2019|Packt Publishing|Mastering Swift 5: Deep dive into the latest edition of the Swift programming language, 5th Edition|Hoffman, Jon|9781789139860\n2015|Razeware LLC|The Swift Apprentice: Beginning Programming with Swift 2|Clayton, Janie and Gallagher, Alexis and Galloway, Matt and Ganem, Eli and Kerber, Erik and Morrow, Ben|9781942878131\n2016|Wrox|Swift iOS 24-Hour Trainer|Mishra, Abhishek|9781119073550\n2017|Packt Publishing|Mastering Swift 4 - Fourth Edition: An in-depth and comprehensive guide to modern programming techniques with Swift|Hoffman, Jon|9781788477802\n2015|Packt Publishing|Application Development with Swift|Ghareeb, Hossam|9781785288173\n2017|Razeware LLC|Swift Apprentice Third Edition: Beginning Programming with Swift 4| Team and Clayton, Janie and Gallagher, Alexis and Galloway, Matt and Morrow, Ben and Pupaza, Cosmin and van Impe, Steven|9781942878438\n2015-11-04|Packt Publishing|Mastering Swift 2|Jon Hoffman|9781785886034\n2020|Packt Publishing|iOS 13 Programming for Beginners: Get started with building iOS apps with Swift 5 and Xcode 11, 4th Edition|Sahar, Ahmad and Clayton, Craig|9781838821906\n2015|Apress|Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS|Goodwill, James and Matlock, Wesley|9781484204016\n2014|O'Reilly Media|iOS 8 Swift Programming Cookbook: Solutions & Examples for iOS Apps|Nahavandipoor, Vandad|9781491908693\n2017|Apress|macOS Programming for Absolute Beginners: Developing Apps Using Swift and Xcode|Wang, Wallace|9781484226612\n2019|Packt Publishing|Swift Protocol-Oriented Programming: Increase productivity and build faster applications with Swift 5, 4th Edition|Hoffman, Jon|9781789349023\n2017|Wiley|Swift in the Cloud|Williamson, Leigh and Ponzo, John and Bohrer, Patrick and Olivieri, Ricardo and Weinmeister, Karl and Kallner, Samuel|9781119368472\n2015|Apress|Learn Swift on the Mac: For OS X and iOS|Malik, Waqar|9781484203774\n2015|O'Reilly Media|iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook: Simple Solutions for Game Development Problems|Manning, Jonathon and Buttfield-Addison, Paris|9781491920800\n2016|Packt Publishing|Object Oriented Programming with Swift 2|Hillar, Gaston C.|9781785885693\n2020|Packt Publishing|Mastering Swift 5.3: Upgrade your knowledge and become an expert in the latest version of the Swift programming language, 6th Edition|Hoffman, Jon|9781800562158\n2015-11-06|Packt Publishing|Swift High Performance|Kostiantyn Koval|9781785282201\n2016|Packt Publishing|Swift Data Structure and Algorithms|Azar, Erik and Alebicto, Mario Eguiluz|9781785884504\n43892|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Swift 5 Microservices Development|Ralph Kuepper; Tanner Nelson|9781789534832\n2016|Apress|Migrating to Swift from Flash and ActionScript|Adams, Radoslava Leseva and Lesev, Hristo|9781484216668\n2016|Apress|Beginning CareKit Development: Develop CareKit Applications Using Swift|Baxter, Christopher|9781484222263\n2018|Packt Publishing|Reactive Programming with Swift 4: Build asynchronous reactive applications with easy-to-maintain and clean code using RxSwift and Xcode 9|Singh, Navdeep|9781787120211\n2019|Apress|Swift 5 for Absolute Beginners: Learn to Develop Apps for iOS|Kaczmarek, Stefan and Lees, Brad and Bennett, Gary|9781484248683\n2017|Apress|iOS Code Testing: Test-Driven Development and Behavior-Driven Development with Swift|Mishra, Abhishek|9781484226896\n2015-10-27|Packt Publishing|Swift 2 Blueprints|Cecil Costa|9781783980765\n2014|Apress|Swift Quick Syntax Reference|Campbell, Matthew|9781484204399\n2016-01-06|Wiley Professional Development (P&T)|Swift iOS 24-Hour Trainer|Abhishek Mishra|9781119073420\n2015|Apress|Migrating to Swift from Web Development|Liao, Sean and Punak, Mark and Nemec, Anthony|9781484209318\n2015|Apress|Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners|Egges, Arjan|9781484206508\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Beginner's Guide to iOS 10 App Development Using Swift 3: Xcode, Swift and App Design Fundamentals|Yamacli, Serhan|9781540452153\n2017|Packt Publishing|Swift iOS Programming for Kids: Help your kids build simple and engaging applications with Swift 3.0|Sommer, Steffen D. and Campagno, Jim|9781787125650\n2015|Apress|Swift OS X Programming for Absolute Beginners|Wang, Wallace|9781484212332\n2015|Big Nerd Ranch, Exclusive Worldwide Distribution Of The English Edition Of This Book By Pearson Technology Group|Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide|Mathias, Matthew (author.)|9780134398068\n2015|Apress|Developing for Apple TV using tvOS and Swift|Bennett, Gary and Lees, Brad and Kaczmarek, Stefan|9781484217153\n20161115|Springer Nature|Build iOS Database Apps with Swift and SQLite|Kevin Languedoc|9781484222324\n2015|Apress|Learn Swift 2 on the Mac: For OS X and iOS|Malik, Waqar|9781484216279\n2021|Razeware LLC|Swift Apprentice (Seventh Edition): Beginning Programming with Swift|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Ganim, Eli and Pupăză, Cosmin and Galloway, Matt and Morrow, Ben and Gallagher, Alexis and Amer, Ehab Yosry|9781950325528\n2021|Razeware LLC|Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift (Third Edition)|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Mishali, Shai and Pillet, Florent and Todorov, Marin and Gardner, Scott|9781950325498\n2020-11-27T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|iOS 14 Programming for Beginners: Get started with building iOS apps with Swift 5.3 and Xcode 12, 5th Edition|Sahar, Ahmad|9781800209749\n2021|Razeware LLC|Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift (Second Edition)|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Gardner, Scott and Mishali, Shai and Pillet, Florent and Todorov, Marin|9781950325467\n2021|Packt Publishing|iOS 15 Programming for Beginners: Kickstart your mobile app development journey by building iOS apps with Swift 5.5 and Xcode 13, 6th Edition|Sahar, Ahmad|9781801811248\n2019|Independently published|Swift: The Complete Guide for Beginners,Intermediate and Advanced Detailed Strategies To Master Swift Programming|Martin, MG|9781096672289\n2021|Packt Publishing|Mastering iOS 14 Programming: Build professional-grade iOS 14 applications with Swift 5.3 and Xcode 12.4, 4th Edition|Alebicto, Mario Eguiluz and Barker, Chris and Wals, Donny|9781838822842\n2020|Big Nerd Ranch Guides|Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (Big Nerd Ranch Guides)|Ward, Mikey|9780135264201\n2019-11-25T00:00:01Z|Razeware LLC|Swift Apprentice (Fifth Edition): Beginning Programming with Swift|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Amer, Ehab and Gallagher, Alexis and Galloway, Matt and Ganim, Eli and Morrow, Ben and Pupaza, Cosmin|9781950325078\n2019|Apress|Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 5: Exploring the iOS SDK|Wang, Wallace|9781484248652\n2018|Packt Publishing|Swift Game Development: Learn iOS 12 game development using SpriteKit, SceneKit and ARKit 2.0, 3rd Edition|Shekar, Siddharth and Haney, Stephen|9781788472807\n2019|Apress|Pro iPhone Development with Swift 5: Design and Manage Top Quality Apps|Wang, Wallace|9781484249444\n2021|Razeware LLC|Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift (Fourth Edition): Implementing Practical Data Structures with Swift|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Lau, Kelvin and Ngo, Vincent|9781950325405\n2014|Apress|Beginning Xcode: Swift Edition|Knott, Matthew|9781484205389\n2017-12-26T00:00:01Z|Addison-Wesley Professional|Metal Programming Guide: Tutorial and Reference via Swift|Clayton, Janie|9780134668949\n2021|BPB Publications|iOS 15 Application Development for Beginners: Learn Swift Programming and Build iPhone Apps with SwiftUI and Xcode 13 (English Edition)|Kulsreshtha, Arpit|9789355511102\n2019-12-05T00:00:01Z|Razeware LLC|Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift (First Edition)|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Gardner, Scott and Mishali, Shai and Pillet, Florent and Todorov, Marin|9781942878841\n2019|Razeware LLC|Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift (Third Edition): Implementing Practical Data Structures with Swift|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Lau, Kelvin and Ngo, Vincent|9781942878995\n2020|Packt Publishing|iOS 13 Programming for Beginners: Get started with building iOS apps with Swift 5 and Xcode 11, 4th Edition|Sahar, Ahmad and Clayton, Craig|9781838820633\n2017|Apress|Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 4: Exploring the iOS SDK|Maskrey, Molly K.|9781484230725\n2021|Packt Publishing|Swift Cookbook: Over 60 proven recipes for developing better iOS applications with Swift 5.3, 2nd Edition|Moon, Keith and Barker, Chris|9781839210624\n2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Full-Stack Development with Swift: Develop full-stack web and native mobile applications using Swift and Vapor|Patel, Ankur|9781788626279\n2019-06-25T00:00:01Z|In Easy Steps Limited|Swift Programming in easy steps: Develop iOS apps - covers iOS 12 and Swift 5|Bartlett, Darryl|9781840787771\n2017|Razeware LLC|RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift| Team and Pillet, Florent and Bontognali, Junior and Todorov, Marin and Gardner, Scott|9781942878346\n2019|Independently published|Beginner’s Guide to iOS 13 App Development Using Swift 5.1: Xcode, Swift and App Design Fundamentals|Yamacli, Serhan|9781703090772\n2017|Apress|macOS Programming for Absolute Beginners: Developing Apps Using Swift and Xcode|Wang, Wallace|9781484226629\n2020|Packt Publishing|Learn SwiftUI: An introductory guide to creating intuitive cross-platform user interfaces using Swift 5|Barker, Chris|9781839210877\n2015|Peachpit Press|Swift for Beginners: Develop and Design|Pitre, Boisy G.|9780134289786\n2019-12-14T00:00:01Z|Devslopes|iOS 13 & Swift 5 Programming|Wahlbeck, Mark|9780578618111\n2015-02-01T00:00:01Z|Prentice Hall|Swift for Programmers (Deitel Developer Series)|Deitel, Paul J. and Deitel, Harvey|9780134021362\n2017|Apress|Learn Computer Science with Swift: Computation Concepts, Programming Paradigms, Data Management, and Modern Component Architectures with Swift and Playgrounds|Feiler, Jesse|9781484230657\n2017-03-22T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Swift iOS Programming for Kids|Sommer, Steffen D. and Campagno, Jim|9781787120747\n2018-05-31T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Beginning Swift: Master the fundamentals of programming in Swift 4|Kerr, Rob and Morstol, Kare|9781789534313\n2016|Packt Publishing|Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift|Hauser, Dr. Dominik|9781785880049\n2015|O'Reilly Media|Swift Pocket Reference|Gray, Anthony|9781491915424\n2017|Packt Publishing|Swift Functional Programming - Second Edition: Ease the creation, testing, and maintenance of Swift codes|Nayebi, Dr. Fatih|9781787283459\n2016|Packt Publishing|Swift Data Structure and Algorithms|Azar, Erik and Alebicto, Mario Eguiluz|9781785884658\n2017|Addison-Wesley Professional|iOS and macOS Performance Tuning: Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Objective-C, and Swift (Developer's Library)|Weiher, Marcel|9780133085532\n2017|Packt Publishing|Swift 4 Protocol-Oriented Programming: Bring predictability, performance, and productivity to your Swift applications, 3rd Edition|Hoffman, Jon|9781788473828\n2016|Packt Publishing|Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift|Hauser, Dr. Dominik|9781785880735\n2018|Packt Publishing|iOS 12 Programming for Beginners: An introductory guide to iOS app development with Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10, 3rd Edition|Clayton, Craig|9781789348668\n2017-08-08T00:00:01Z|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Functional Programming: A PragPub Anthology: Exploring Clojure, Elixir, Haskell, Scala, and Swift||9781680502336\n2016-12-07T00:00:01Z|Razeware LLC|The Swift Apprentice Second Edition: Beginning programming with Swift 3| Team and Clayton, Janie and Gallagher, Alexis and Galloway, Matt and Ganem, Eli and Kerber, Erik and Morrow, Ben and Pupaza, Cosmin and Van Impe, Steven|9781942878230\n2017|Packt Publishing|Swift 4 Programming Cookbook: 50 task-oriented recipes to make you productive with Swift 4|Moon, Keith|9781786460899\n2015|Packt Publishing|Swift Cookbook - 50 Recipes to Help You Harness Swift|Costa, Cecil|9781784391898\n2015|Packt Publishing|Game Development with Swift: Embrace the mobile gaming revolution and bring your iPhone game ideas to life with Swift|Haney, Stephen|9781783550531\n2016|Packt Publishing|Swift 2 By Example|Scalzo, Giordano|9781785882777\n2018-01-09T00:00:01Z|O'Reilly Media|iOS 11 Swift Programming Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for iOS Apps|Nahavandipoor, Vandad|9781491992470\n2015-12-15T00:00:01Z|O'Reilly Media|Swift Pocket Reference: Programming for Ios and OS X: Covers Swift 2.1|Gray, Anthony|9781491940075\n2015|Apress|Pro Design Patterns in Swift|Freeman, Adam|9781484203958\n2014|Wrox|Beginning Swift Programming|Lee, Wei-Meng|9781119009313\n2018|Independently published|Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures in Swift 4: Get ready for programming job interviews. Write better, faster Swift code. (Swift Clinic)|Nyisztor, Karoly|9781973291749\n2016|O'Reilly Media|iOS 10 Swift Programming Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for iOS Apps|Nahavandipoor, Vandad|9781491966433\n2015|Apress|Pro Design Patterns in Swift|Freeman, Adam|9781484203941\n2021|Addison-Wesley Professional|Programming in Swift (Developer's Library)|Kochan, Stephen G. and Mick, Patrick|9780134037578\n2015|Apress|Swift OS X Programming for Absolute Beginners|Wang, Wallace|9781484212349\n2017|Packt Publishing|Swift 4 Protocol-Oriented Programming: Bring predictability, performance, and productivity to your Swift applications, 3rd Edition|Hoffman, Jon|9781788470032\n2017|Packt Publishing|Swift Functional Programming - Second Edition: Ease the creation, testing, and maintenance of Swift codes|Nayebi, Dr. Fatih|9781787284500\n2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering Swift 3|Hoffman, Jon|9781786466129\n2017|Packt Publishing|Mastering Swift 3 - Linux|Hoffman, Jon|9781786460479\n2015|Packt Publishing|Learning Swift|Wagner, Andrew|9781784399627\n2017|BackupBrain|Bluetooth Low Energy in iOS Swift (Kindle Edition): Your Guide to Programming the Internet of Things (Bluetooth Low Energy Programming Book 1)|Gaitatzis, Tony|9781775128007\n2015|Packt Publishing|Swift 2 Design Patterns|Lange, Julien|9781785886119\n2018-01-31T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Learn iOS 11 Programming with Swift 4 - Second Edition: Learn the fundamentals of iOS app development with Swift 4 and Xcode 9|Clayton, Craig|9781788390750\n2016|Packt Publishing|Swift 2 By Example|Scalzo, Giordano|9781785882920\n2014|Peachpit Press|Swift Translation Guide for Objective-C: Develop and Design|Kelly, Maurice|9780134044798\n2016|Addison-Wesley Professional|Learning Swift 2 Programming (2nd Edition)|Schatz, Jacob|9780134431598\n2015-09-11T00:00:01Z|Tenaya Creek Press|Understanding Swift Programming|Will, Craig A.|9780996228107\n2018-10-31T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Mastering iOS 12 Programming: Build professional-grade iOS applications with Swift and Xcode 10, 3rd Edition|Wals, Donny|9781789133202\n2015|Apress|Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 2: Exploring the iOS SDK|Mark, David and Topley, Kim and Nutting, Jack and Olsson, Fredrik and LAMARCHE, JEFF|9781484217542\n2016|Apress|OS X App Development with CloudKit and Swift|Wade, Bruce|9781484218808\n2016-01-19T00:00:01Z|O'Reilly Media|iOS 9 Swift Programming Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for iOS Apps|Nahavandipoor, Vandad|9781491936696\n2015|Apress|Program the Internet of Things with Swift for iOS|Bakir, Ahmed and de la Torriente, Manny and Chesler, Gheorghe|9781484211946\n2015|Apress|Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners|Egges, Arjan|9781484206515\n2017|Packt Publishing|Mastering iOS 11 Programming: Build professional-grade iOS applications with Swift 4 and Xcode 9, 2nd Edition|Wals, Donny|9781788398237\n2017|Apress|Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS: Develop 2D and 3D games Using Apple's SceneKit and SpriteKit|Goodwill, James and Matlock, Wesley|9781484223109\n2016|Packt Publishing|Swift 3 New Features|Elliott, Keith|9781786462718\n2015|Apress|Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS|Goodwill, James and Matlock, Wesley|9781484204009\n2015|Addison-Wesley Professional|Learning Swift Programming (Addison-Wesley Learning)|Schatz, Jacob|9780133950403\n2014|Apress|Transitioning to Swift|Gardner, Scott|9781484204061\n2016|Razeware LLC|The Swift Apprentice: Updated for Swift 2.2: Beginning Programming with Swift 2.2| Team and Clayton, Janie and Gallagher, Alexis and Galloway, Matt and Ganem, Eli and Kerber, Erik and Morrow, Ben|9781942878179\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Introducing iOS 8: Swift Programming from Idea to App Store|Derico, Steve|9781491908617\n2018|Apress|Pro iPhone Development with Swift 4: Design and Manage Top Quality Apps|Maskrey, Molly and Wang, Wallace|9781484233818 Swift swift developer swift year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2015|The Swift Programming Language|10.1007/978-1-4842-0400-9_17|46|4|James Goodwill and Wesley Matlock|adcd58959ad2a95ba8aa1bb09326d3ed066aa9e8\n2016|An Empirical Study on the Usage of the Swift Programming Language|10.1109/SANER.2016.66|23|0|Marcel Rebouças and G. Pinto and Felipe Ebert and Weslley Torres and Alexander Serebrenik and F. C. Filho|b4be0cea3fc620a8f1028a4c8acf102e329f38a6\n2018|How Swift Developers Handle Errors|10.1145/3196398.3196428|15|0|Nathan Cassee and G. Pinto and F. C. Filho and Alexander Serebrenik|4692e9bacf9d1697c7360f04397b470bd2b4c537\n2015|Swift vs. Objective-C: A New Programming Language|10.9781/ijimai.2015.3310|12|0|Cristian González García and Jordán Pascual Espada and B. C. P. García-Bustelo and J. M. C. Lovelle|1da51dd08d172e1aec5db020817067a2cda12973\n2017|Visualizing Swift Projects as Cities|10.1109/ICSE-C.2017.115|5|0|Rafael Nunes and Marcel Rebouças and Francisco Soares-Neto and F. C. Filho|f23f315af89fa658b106470f999f96aec8730c6f\n2020|SWAN: a static analysis framework for swift|10.1145/3368089.3417924|5|0|Daniil Tiganov and Jeff Cho and Karim Ali and Julian Dolby|6494787cc4de4a9ff732b3f16d3f3059752f09a9\n2017|Dynamic atomicity: optimizing swift memory management|10.1145/3133841.3133843|4|1|D. Ungar and D. Grove and H. Franke|8439f7a913630eea665f55bfe35fb5b95b8ad3f5\n2014|Using Nion Swift for Data Collection, Analysis and Display|10.1017/S1431927614007272|3|0|C. Meyer and N. Dellby and Z. Dellby and T. Lovejoy and M. Sarahan and G. Skone and O. Krivanek|c2a158f586b5f2db34f5cbb625f59bd419b2099d\n2015|Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS|10.1007/978-1-4842-0400-9|3|0|James Goodwill and Wesley Matlock|99b7243cb20522080cf5ba1df32371278b055f34\n2019|Optimization of swift protocols|10.1145/3360590|2|0|R. Barik and Manu Sridharan and M. Ramanathan and Milind Chabbi|0187acc7b8ad265dd57ec91b415b8c59ccfb0a98\n2020|Trans-Compiler based Mobile Applications code converter: swift to java|10.1109/NILES50944.2020.9257928|2|0|Ahmad A. Muhammad and Amira G. Mahmoud and Shaymaa S. Elkalyouby and Rameez B. Hamza and A. Yousef|25ff1d466b8c50ebc94a57e0a8a0a9a5663a2e53\n2020|An SKOS-Based Vocabulary on the Swift Programming Language|10.1007/978-3-030-62466-8_16|2|0|Christian Grévisse and S. Rothkugel|c70241f4e51e7f1196655dfd6325e310e88ff373\n2015|EL FUTURO DE APPLE: SWIFT VERSUS OBJECTIVE-C|10.14483/UDISTRITAL.JOUR.REDES.2015.2.A01|1|0|Cristian González García and B. J. P. Espada and Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo and J. M. C. Lovelle|2f7f41682a955c403fb854c7b050e0f36be4f409\n2015|A Swift Introduction to Swift App Development (Abstract Only)|10.1145/2676723.2678281|1|0|Michael P. Rogers and W. Siever|7b99beb5efb01555560035b37e40b21fa655d4c0\n2016|An Introduction to Swift|10.1007/978-1-4842-2223-2_23|1|0|Molly K. Maskrey and Kim Topley and David Mark and Fredrik Olsson and Jeff LaMarche|278ef58012ab40dec51e86e5ad8a942f86c5fabc\n2015|Program the Internet of Things with Swift for iOS|10.1007/978-1-4842-1194-6|1|0|A. Bakir and Gheorghe Chesler and Manny de la Torriente|320e46cdb72465d8474765664650d3fbed5165a6\n2018|Introducing Automatic Time Stamping (ATS) with a Reference Implementation in Swift|10.1109/ISORC.2018.00028|1|0|Sean Hamilton and Dhiman Sengupta and Rajesh E. Gupta|de6f049ff887591e8445247c752a0bea1a03b278\n2015|The Swift Language|10.1007/978-1-4842-0650-8_1|1|0|A. Egges|587238b49d4bf004dc20bac441ebbc692e69a144\n2017|Promotion of Educational Effectiveness by Translation-based Programming Language Learning Using Java and Swift|10.24251/HICSS.2017.016|1|0|Juhua Li and Kazunori Sakamoto and H. Washizaki and Y. Fukazawa|06a96400093f770fc2ec6e978e89adec99321162 scala Scala 2004 Martin Odersky 86 pl 32 3.4.2 6 22 25079 369728 624 26 2018 2018 7 4 jvm javascript llvmir eiffel erlang haskell java lisp pizza standard-ml ocaml scheme smalltalk oz ceylon fantom f-sharp kotlin lasso red java-bytecode c android pascal csharp python ml csp groovy clojure php ruby 2004 Scala ( SKAH-lah) is a general-purpose programming language providing support for functional programming and a strong static type system. Designed to be concise, many of Scala's design decisions aimed to address criticisms of Java. Scala source code is intended to be compiled to Java bytecode, so that the resulting executable code runs on a Java virtual machine. Scala provides language interoperability with Java, so that libraries written in both languages may be referenced directly in Scala or Java code. Like Java, Scala is object-oriented, and uses a curly-brace syntax reminiscent of the C programming language. Unlike Java, Scala has many features of functional programming languages like Scheme, Standard ML and Haskell, including currying, type inference, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching. It also has an advanced type system supporting algebraic data types, covariance and contravariance, higher-order types (but not higher-rank types), and anonymous types. Other features of Scala not present in Java include operator overloading, optional parameters, named parameters, and raw strings. Conversely, a feature of Java not in Scala is checked exceptions, which have proved controversial. The name Scala is a portmanteau of scalable and language, signifying that it is designed to grow with the demands of its users. 2004 1496 832 1472 3254510 2007 21181 34541 219084 21 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nAzure mmlspark Scala #c22d40 1637 354 79 "Microsoft Machine Learning for Apache Spark"\nlampepfl dotty Scala #c22d40 3551 535 72 "Research compiler that will become Scala 3"\nfreechipsproject chisel3 Scala #c22d40 933 212 45 "Chisel 3: A Modern Hardware Design Language"\napache spark Scala #c22d40 23299 19958 464 "Apache Spark"\ncloudstateio cloudstate Scala #c22d40 246 26 127 "Towards Serverless 2.0"\nornicar lila Scala #c22d40 5805 862 132 "♞ the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞"\nyahoo kafka-manager Scala #c22d40 7893 1920 187 "A tool for managing Apache Kafka."\ntypelevel cats Scala #c22d40 3436 874 68 "Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming."\nscala scala Scala #c22d40 12057 2789 154 "The Scala programming language"\nchipsalliance rocket-chip Scala #c22d40 1180 495 34 "Rocket Chip Generator"\nInterestingLab waterdrop Scala #c22d40 573 187 45 生产环境的海量数据计算产品,文档地址:\nfpinscala fpinscala Scala #c22d40 4475 2519 59 "Code, exercises, answers, and hints to go along with the book ""Functional Programming in Scala"""\napache incubator-livy Scala #c22d40 375 242 30 "Mirror of Apache livy (Incubating)"\nscalameta metals Scala #c22d40 874 106 60 "Scala language server with rich IDE features 🚀"\nlw-lin CoolplaySpark Scala #c22d40 2688 1180 89 "酷玩 Spark: Spark 源代码解析、Spark 类库等"\ntwitter-archive snowflake Scala #c22d40 5447 922 84 "Snowflake is a network service for generating unique ID numbers at high scale with some simple guarantees."\nprisma prisma Scala #c22d40 15534 903 348 "💾 Database Tools incl. ORM, Migrations and Admin UI (Postgres, MySQL & MongoDB)"\nakka alpakka Scala #c22d40 1027 490 15 "Alpakka is a Reactive Enterprise Integration library for Java and Scala, based on Reactive Streams and Akka."\nmilessabin shapeless Scala #c22d40 2855 465 24 "Generic programming for Scala"\ngitbucket gitbucket Scala #c22d40 7803 1077 53 "A Git platform powered by Scala with easy installation, high extensibility & GitHub API compatibility" scala scala clike text/x-scala source.scala programming s/Scala.scala 39 pl 6814 true 33 ace baysick chisel cloc effekt enso felix firrtl flix gradle k-framework kotlin lift luna mal mlscript mlscript netlogo obsidian-lang opencv parboiled parboiled2 pegdown pygments rholang scala-js spark spatial topshell vale vyxal xgboost-model xgboost false École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne scala sc scala kojo sbt sc scala scala scala sc scala true 139471 4525 138 jvm 1 3 true kojo sbt scala false text scala Scala scala Switzerland Scala #!/bin/sh exec scala "$0" "$@" !# object HelloWorld { def main(args: Array[String]) { println("Hello, world!") } } println("Hello, world!") val urls = List("", "") def fromURL(url: String) = .getLines().mkString("\n") val t = System.currentTimeMillis() println("time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis - t) + "ms") // Type your code here, or load an example. object Square { def square(num: Int): Int = num * num } object HelloWorld extends App { println("Hello World") } Scala // Hello world in Scala object HelloWorld extends App { println("Hello world!") } Scala Scala abstract case catch class def do else extends false final finally for forSome if implicit import lazy match new null object override package private protected return sealed super this throw trait try true type val var while with yield // /* */ println " true false true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true 130 26 Scala Scala Scala year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2016|Artima Press|Programming in Scala: Updated for Scala 2.12|Odersky, Martin and Spoon, Lex and Venners, Bill|9780981531687\n2014|Manning Publications|Functional Programming in Scala|Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason|9781617290657\n2012|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)|Lewis, Mark C.|9781439896662\n2016|Packt Publishing|Scala High Performance Programming|Theron, Vincent and Diamant, Michael|9781786466044\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Scala Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented and Functional Programming|Alexander, Alvin|9781449339616\n2020|Artima Inc|Programming in Scala|Martin Odersky and Spoon, Lex and Venners, Bill|9780981531618\n2015|Packt Publishing|Scala Functional Programming Patterns|S.Khot, Atul|9781783985845\n2016|Packt Publishing|Scala for Data Science: Leverage the power of Scala with different tools to build scalable, robust data science applications|Bugnion, Pascal|9781785281372\n2013|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure: Write Lean Programs for the JVM|Bevilacqua-Linn, Michael|9781937785475\n2009|Apress|Beginning Scala (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|Pollak, David|9781430219897\n2018|Packt Publishing|Scala Reactive Programming: Build scalable, functional reactive microservices with Akka, Play, and Lagom|Posa, Rambabu|9781787288645\n20091001|Springer Nature|Beginning Scala|David Pollak|9781430219903\n2014|Packt Publishing|Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala|Prokopec, Aleksandar|9781783281411\n20141204|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Scala|Dean Wampler|9781491950166\n20171017|Springer Nature|Programming with Scala|Bhim P. Upadhyaya|9783319693682\n2017|Packt Publishing|Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics: Explore the concepts of functional programming, data streaming, and machine learning|Karim, Md. Rezaul and Alla, Sridhar|9781783550500\n2021|Artima Press|Programming in Scala Fifth Edition|Odersky and Martin and Spoon and Lex and Venners and Bill and Sommers and Frank|9780997148008\n2016|Addison-Wesley Professional|Scala for the Impatient|S., Horstmann Cay|9780134540658\n2014|Manning|Functional Programming in Scala|Chiusano , Paul and Bjarnason, Runar|9781638353959\n2021|O'Reilly Media|Scala Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented and Functional Programming|Alexander, Alvin|9781492051541\n2020|Li Haoyi|Hands-on Scala Programming: Learn Scala in a Practical, Project-Based Way|Li, Haoyi|9789811456930\n2014|Packt Publishing|Scala for Machine Learning|Nicolas, Patrick R.|9781783558759\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|Scala for the Impatient|S., Horstmann Cay|9780132761802\n2010|Addison-Wesley Professional|Scala for the Impatient|Horstmann, Cay|9780321774095\n2019|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Data Analysis with Scala: Perform data collection, processing, manipulation, and visualization with Scala|Gupta, Rajesh|9781789346114\n2018-05-24T00:00:01Z|Independently published|100+ Frequently Asked Interview Questions & Answers In Scala: Scala Programming (Interview Q & A Series)|Ojha, Bandana|9781982987701\n2018|Packt Publishing|Scala Design Patterns: Design modular, clean, and scalable applications by applying proven design patterns in Scala, 2nd Edition|Nikolov, Ivan|9781788472098\n2014|Packt Publishing|Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala|Prokopec, Aleksandar|9781783281428\n2019|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Data Analysis with Scala: Perform data collection, processing, manipulation, and visualization with Scala|Gupta, Rajesh|9781789344264\n2017|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Object-Orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)|Lewis, Mark C. and Lacher, Lisa L.|9781498732178\n2021|Manning Publications|Get Programming with Scala|Sfregola, Daniela|9781617295270\n2016|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Introduction to Programming and Problem-Solving Using Scala (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing Book 19)|Lewis, Mark C. and Lacher, Lisa|9781498730952\n2013|Manning Publications|Scala in Action: Covers Scala 2.10|Nilanjan Raychaudhuri|9781935182757\n2017|Packt Publishing|Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala - Second Edition|Prokopec, Aleksandar|9781786466891\n2016|Packt Publishing|Scala High Performance Programming|Theron, Vincent and Diamant, Michael|9781786467089\n2016|Packt Publishing|Scala Design Patterns|Nikolov, Ivan|9781785882029\n2019-07-06T00:00:01Z|Apress|Scala Programming for Big Data Analytics: Get Started With Big Data Analytics Using Apache Spark|Elahi, Irfan|9781484248096\n2015|Apress|Beginning Scala|Layka, Vishal and Pollak, David|9781484202326\n2020-02-11T00:00:01Z|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Modern Systems Programming with Scala Native: Write Lean, High-Performance Code without the JVM|Whaling, Richard|9781680506228\n2015|Packt Publishing|Scala Data Analysis Cookbook|Manivannan, Arun|9781784394998\n2015|Packt Publishing|RESTful Web Services with Scala|Dirksen, Jos|9781785283499\n2016|Packt Publishing|Scala Design Patterns|Nikolov, Ivan|9781785882500\n2016|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Introduction to Programming and Problem-Solving Using Scala (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing Book 19)|Lewis, Mark C. and Lacher, Lisa|9781498730969\n2017-07-25T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics: Explore the concepts of functional programming, data streaming, and machine learning|Karim, Md. Rezaul and Alla, Sridhar|9781785280849\n2018|Packt Publishing|Learn Scala Programming: A comprehensive guide covering functional and reactive programming with Scala 2.13, Akka, and Lagom|Schmidt, Slava|9781788830997\n2016|Wrox|Professional Scala|Bogucki, Janek and Lacava, Alessandro and Bedrytski, Aliaksandr and de Detrich, Matthew and Neil, Benjamin|9781119267263\n2016|Packt Publishing|Building a Recommendation Engine with Scala|Ansari, Saleem|9781785282584\n2014|Packt Publishing|Scala for Machine Learning|Nicolas, Patrick R.|9781783558742\n2018|Packt Publishing|Scala Programming Projects: Build real world projects using popular Scala frameworks like Play, Akka, and Spark|Valot, Mikael and Jorand, Nicolas|9781788397643\n2014|Packt Publishing|Scala for Java Developers|Alexandre, Thomas|9781783283637\n2018|Apress|Practical Apache Spark: Using the Scala API|Chellappan, Subhashini and Ganesan, Dharanitharan|9781484236529\n2018|Packt Publishing|Mastering Functional Programming: Functional techniques for sequential and parallel programming with Scala|Kmetiuk, Anatolii|9781788620796\n2018-10-31T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Learn Scala Programming: A comprehensive guide covering functional and reactive programming with Scala 2.13, Akka, and Lagom|Schmidt, Slava|9781788836302\n2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering Scala Machine Learning|Kozlov, Alex|9781785880889\n2012|Artima Inc|Actors in Scala|Haller, Philipp and Sommers, Frank|9780981531656\n2017|Apress|Practical Scala DSLs: Real-World Applications Using Domain Specific Languages|Riti, Pierluigi|9781484230367\n2016-10-16T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Scala programming: Learn Scala Programming FAST and EASY! (Programming is Easy) (Volume 11)|Gimson, Matthew|9781539510796\n2013T||Atomic Scala - learn programming in the language of the future|Bruce Eckel, Dianne Marsh|9780981872513\n2016|Packt Publishing|Scientific Computing with Scala|Jancauskas, Vytautas|9781785886942\n2018|Packt Publishing|Modern Scala Projects: Leverage the power of Scala for building data-driven and high-performant projects|Gurusamy, Ilango|9781788624114\n2013|Springer|Scala Design Patterns: Patterns for Practical Reuse and Design|Hunt, John|9783319021911\n2015|Packt Publishing|RESTful Web Services with Scala|Dirksen, Jos|9781785289408\n2013|Springer|Scala Design Patterns: Patterns for Practical Reuse and Design|Hunt, John|9783319021928\n2018-01-30T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Learning Scala Programming: Object-oriented programming meets functional reactive to create Scalable and Concurrent programs|Sharma, Vikash|9781788392822\n2016-02-29|Packt Publishing - ebooks Account|Reactive Programming with Scala and Akka|Prasanna Kumar Sathyanarayanan|9781783984343\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Scala programming: Learning Scala fast!|Archer, Ralph|9781518888489\n2017-09-18T00:00:01Z|Independently published|XML Processing with Scala (Programming with Scala)|Upadhyaya, Bhim|9781549772054\n2017-05-29T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|A taste of Functional Programming in Scala|Mandal, Malay|9781547018949\n2013|O'Reilly Media|Lift Cookbook: Recipes from the Community for Building Web Applications with Scala|Dallaway, Richard|9781449362683\n2017-07-27T00:00:01Z|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala|Lewis, Mark C.|9781138460836\n2015|Dreamtech Press India|Functional Programming In Scala|Chiusano Bjarnason|9789351197638\n2016|Machinery Industry Press|Scala programming combat(Chinese Edition)|Alvin Alexander ZHU|9787111526865\n2015|Createspace|Learn Scala For Java Developers|Toby Weston|9781508734178\n20200123|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Modern Systems Programming with Scala Native|Richard Whaling|9781680507492\n2015|Apress|Concurrent Application Development Using Akka With Scala|Meetu Maltiar and Vikas Hazrati|9781430258964\n|Electronic Industry Press|Scala Programming (4th Edition) (by The Blog Post)(chinese Edition)|[ De ] Martin Odersky ( Ma Ding · Ao De Si Ji ) , Lex Spoon ( Lai Si · Peng ) , Bill Venners ( Bi Er · Wen Na Si ) , Gao Yu Xiang Yi|9787121402722\n20130801|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Scala Cookbook|Alvin Alexander|9781449340322\n20090915|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Scala|Dean Wampler; Alex Payne|9781449379261\n2017-09-19|Packt Publishing|Scala Microservices|Jatin Puri and Selvam Palanimalai|9781786460134\n||Professional Scala|Nimish Narang|9781789531190\n20141204|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Scala|Dean Wampler; Alex Payne|9781491950159\n20210810|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Scala Cookbook|Alvin Alexander|9781492051497\n20141211|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Scala|Jason Swartz|9781449368845\n20130801|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Scala Cookbook|Alvin Alexander|9781449340339\n20210526|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Scala|Dean Wampler|9781492077848\n31-07-2018|Packt Publishing|Professional Scala|Mads Hartmann; Ruslan Shevchenko|9781789534702\n20141211|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Learning Scala|Jason Swartz|9781449368838\n20131003|Simon & Schuster|Play for Scala|Peter Hilton; Erik Bakker|9781638353713\n20130124|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Testing in Scala|Daniel Hinojosa|9781449360337\n2010||Scala (programming Language)|Surhone and Lambert M. and Timpledon and Miriam T. and Marseken and Susan F.|9786130925253\n2016-09-15|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|Concurrency in Scala|Marvin Hansen|9783659946080\n30-01-2018|Packt Publishing|Learning Scala Programming|Vikash Sharma|9781788391610\n20120513|Simon & Schuster|Scala in Depth|Josh Suereth|9781638352648\n20130408|Simon & Schuster|Scala in Action|Nilanjan Raychaudhuri|9781638352419\n20100923|Cambridge University Press|Steps in Scala|Christos K. K. Loverdos; Apostolos Syropoulos|9780511795985\n28-02-2018|Packt Publishing|Scala Reactive Programming|Rambabu Posa|9781787282872\n30-07-2018|Packt Publishing|Modern Scala Projects|Ilango gurusamy|9781788625272\n20220125|Springer Nature|Beginning Scala 3|David Pollak; Vishal Layka; Andres Sacco|9781484274224\n20130124|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Testing in Scala|Daniel Hinojosa|9781449360344\n29-09-2018|Packt Publishing|Scala Programming Projects|Mikael Valot; Nicolas Jorand|9781788395342\n2020||Practical Fp In Scala|Gabriel Volpe|9781714556793\n20171212|Springer Nature|Scala for Java Developers|Toby Weston|9781484231081\n20211005|Simon & Schuster|Get Programming with Scala|Daniela Sfregola|9781638352259\n2016-12-08|Packt Publishing|Building Applications with Scala|Diego Pacheco|9781786461681\n27-04-2016|Packt Publishing|Scientific Computing with Scala|Vytautas Jancauskas|9781785887475\n28-01-2016|Packt Publishing|Scala for Data Science|Pascal Bugnion|9781785289385\n28-06-2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering Scala Machine Learning|Alex Kozlov|9781785885266\n29-12-2015|Packt Publishing|Scala Functional Programming Patterns|Atul S. Khot|9781783985852\n2016-12-08|Packt Publishing|Building Applications with Scala|Diego Pacheco|9781786461483\n20140425|Packt Publishing|Scala for Java Developers|Thomas Alexandre|9781783283644\n31-01-2018|Packt Publishing|Scala Machine Learning Projects|Md. Rezaul Karim|9781788471473\n2019|Independently Published|Scala Tutorials: Computer Programming Language Scala Tutorials To Learn The Easy Way!|Nitin Kanani|9781678687601\n2017|O'Reilly Media, Incorporated|Scala For Spark In Production|Alexy Khrabrov and Andy Petrella and Xavier Tordoir|9781491929285\n2015-11-12|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Scala Programming: Learn Scala Programming Fast And Easy! (programming Is Easy) (volume 11)|Matthew Gimson|9781519203540\n22-02-2017|Packt Publishing|Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala|Aleksandar Prokopec|9781786462145\n20150529|Packt Publishing|Mastering Play Framework for Scala|Shiti Saxena|9781783983810\n26-09-2017|Packt Publishing|Scala for Machine Learning - Second Edition|Patrick R. Nicolas|9781787126206\n20190226|Springer Nature|Data Structures and Algorithms with Scala|Bhim P. Upadhyaya|9783030125615\n2016-01-05|Packt Publishing|Building a Recommendation Engine with Scala|Saleem Ansari|9781785282980\n2016-02-29|Packt Publishing|Reactive Programming with Scala and Akka|Prasanna Kumar Sathyanarayanan|9781783984350\n20190705|Springer Nature|Scala Programming for Big Data Analytics|Irfan Elahi|9781484248102\n30-04-2019|Packt Publishing|Machine Learning with Scala Quick Start Guide|Md. Rezaul Karim|9781789345414\n20160826|CRC Press|Introduction to Programming and Problem-Solving Using Scala|Mark C. Lewis|9781498730976\n20121105|Taylor & Francis|Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala|Mark C. Lewis|9781466558724\n20170106|Taylor & Francis|Object-Orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala|Mark C. Lewis; Lisa L. Lacher|9781498732192\n20121105|Taylor & Francis|Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala|Mark C. Lewis|9781498759687 Scala scala engineer scala year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2012|Chisel: Constructing hardware in a Scala embedded language|10.1145/2228360.2228584|597|85|J. Bachrach and H. Vo and B. Richards and Yunsup Lee and Andrew Waterman and R. Avizienis and J. Wawrzynek and K. Asanović|021464b67bb87cf6132b2eb5b0c4a61f31ec2775\n2014|Unifying functional and object-oriented programming with Scala|10.1145/2591013|50|6|Martin Odersky and Tiark Rompf|ac6a6e4601cd33d43cc71e8c1f6998d19228da64\n2011|Scala to the Power of Z3: Integrating SMT and Programming|10.1007/978-3-642-22438-6_30|40|0|A. Köksal and Viktor Kuncak and Philippe Suter|4a0eb42ded1878f39539aceca207f55dea2d8fbe\n2011|Closing the Gap Between Specification and Programming: VDM++ and Scala|10.29007/2w2f|12|3|K. Havelund|bf49af99588dcf766f2964ed2f0c7a6a526b2b92\n2010|Named and default arguments for polymorphic object-oriented languages: a discussion on the design implemented in the Scala language|10.1145/1774088.1774529|7|0|Lukas Rytz and Martin Odersky|d1d423354d12e5bca47e8aad6d0374d772b3acfb\n2016|Lightweight Session Programming in Scala (Artifact)|10.4230/DARTS.2.1.11|6|0|A. Scalas and N. Yoshida|62eb6ce864f9f5a03de6814e0d07cfbbfefea67d\n2016|A scalable infrastructure for teaching concepts of programming languages in Scala with WebLab: an experience report|10.1145/2998392.2998402|4|0|T. V. D. Lippe and Thomas Smith and Daniël A. A. Pelsmaeker and E. Visser|00ae557f0b8b87cb0fbb51b9f09858f2ce7df2e7\n2017|Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala|10.5860/choice.50-5635|4|0|Mark C. Lewis|adf89c24062d6bfde6d410687db812d3b62364fc\n2018|The Scala Language|10.1007/978-1-4842-3108-1_1|4|1|T. Weston|d37fe7e79b56102ee8ad9e5ae6e88142ffa11546\n2018|Scalagna 0.1: towards multi-tier programming with Scala and Scala.js|10.1145/3191697.3191731|4|0|Bob Reynders and Michael Greefs and D. Devriese and F. Piessens|54eb28a939999162d48773b236679fb40969b5bd\n2019|Scala implicits are everywhere: a large-scale study of the use of Scala implicits in the wild|10.1145/3360589|3|1|Filip Krikava and H. Miller and J. Vitek|f251ead7ee9604c89ac9e961bf82c61387003a8d\n2013|What are the Odds?: probabilistic programming in Scala|10.1145/2489837.2489848|3|0|Sandro Stucki and Nada Amin and Manohar Jonnalagedda and Tiark Rompf|dbf9f9b4d9345da707ddf3ffb4c699f09e45479f\n2021|Integrated Modeling and Development of Component-Based Embedded Software in Scala|10.1007/978-3-030-89159-6_16|3|0|K. Havelund and R. Bocchino|9578f08a6492ad0b8de98f42040e2ca633d36b9e\n2015|Associated types and constraint propagation for generic programming in Scala|10.1134/S0361768815040064|3|0|Artem Pelenitsyn|bc8f8736fa0e350445fae4f75fb4fd6dd9cf30d6\n2015|Distributed programming in Scala with APGAS|10.1145/2774975.2774977|2|1|Philippe Suter and O. Tardieu and Josh Milthorpe|1b566c35d3f4ed8850cf08eac619b0626c469142\n2016|Scowl: a Scala DSL for programming with the OWL API|10.21105/JOSS.00023|2|0|J. Balhoff|0e163b6bea8cd698c47661936fee17f6b061f637\n2012|Towards an agent-oriented programming language based on Scala|10.1063/1.4756170|2|0|Dejan Mitrovic and M. Ivanović and Z. Budimac|8265cc5bd3c727b6beb0f1c3cd477db425a3c12c\n2020|Implementing a Language for Distributed Systems: Choices and Experiences with Type Level and Macro Programming in Scala|10.22152/|2|0|P. Weisenburger and G. Salvaneschi|fa594cdb544a7d4f08d9d8246a810ae0e45ebc63\n2010|Extension of scala language by distributed and parallel computing tools with Linda coordination system|10.1007/S10559-010-9238-6|1|0|M. Glybovets and S. S. Gorohovskiy and M. S. Stukalo|97733d941f73d4f7b738b1285c4a3f0156bfd225\n2019|A tool written in Scala for preparation and analysis in MD simulation and 3D-RISM calculation of biomolecules|10.2142/biophysico.16.0_485|1|0|I. Onishi and Hiroto Tsuji and M. Irisa|12d2edebec462ed4571dc0aadea5991d54281802\n2019|Hybrid Taint Flow Analysis in Scala|10.1109/SSCI44817.2019.9002738|1|0|Mohammadreza Ashouri and C. Kreitz|38f3bd7f797332a97c4a5e2fa05e2aa9704a02e1\n2020|Kaizen: a scalable concolic fuzzing tool for Scala|10.1145/3426426.3428487|1|0|Mohammadreza Ashouri|6d04b9af1801e0ac90e04f238a23c3c5357b55d6\n2020|A Study of Big Data Analytics using Apache Spark with Python and Scala|10.1109/ICISS49785.2020.9315863|1|0|Y. Gupta and Surbhi Kumari|b932ecaf6825fb5a8b838dab9a0e66e7cea3eabf\n2015|Programming in Scala|10.1007/978-1-4842-0964-6_2|1|0|M. Guller|c70cd8d8c27808f6118bdd1bfd1d52fa13b8a6e8\n2019|Programming Behavioral Test Models for SMT Solving in Scala|10.1109/ICSTW.2019.00032|1|0|B. Aichernig and Benedikt Maderbacher and Stefan Tiran|d5130df1d0dffd54c5eba84255ef93804324de92\n2017|Implementation of a MIX Emulator: A Case Study of the Scala Programming Language Facilities|10.1515/acss-2017-0017|1|0|R. Batdalov and O. Ņikiforova|9d0840c9135fb1092d4ef9f0c59aaee46e371964 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nProgramming in Scala|2008|Martin Odersky|5852455|4.19|1325|87\nFunctional Programming in Scala|2013|Rúnar Bjarnason|19105535|4.44|486|45\nProgramming Scala|2009|Venkat Subramaniam|6163823|3.29|100|10\nProgramming Scala: Scalability = Functional Programming + Objects|2009|Dean Wampler|6724274|3.68|204|21 matlab MATLAB 1984 Cleve Moler 60 pl arrayLang 15 R2024a 4 23 25074 10609 25 21 2017 2018 39 2 mathlab c java linux ia-32 apl pl-0 speakeasy julia octave scilab csharp fortran python mupad simulink r perl xml sql maple mathematica idl sagemath s perl-data-language numpy scipy matplotlib lua ruby javascript jvm hdf powerpc solaris sparc subversion json isbn 1984 MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment. A proprietary programming language developed by MathWorks, MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, Fortran and Python. Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an optional toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine, allowing access to symbolic computing abilities. An additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and model-based design for dynamic and embedded systems. As of 2017, MATLAB has over 2 million users across industry and academia. MATLAB users come from various backgrounds of engineering, science, and economics. 2001 2338 1565 2461 20412 2497 2791 311901 4 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nluanfujun deep-photo-styletransfer MATLAB #e16737 9275 1342 92 "Code and data for paper ""Deep Photo Style Transfer"":"\nHuangCongQing Algorithms_MathModels MATLAB #e16737 376 162 47 "【国赛】【美赛】数学建模相关算法 MATLAB实现"\nAvaisP machine-learning-programming-assignments-coursera-andrew-ng MATLAB #e16737 218 214 14 "Solutions to Andrew NG's machine learning course on Coursera" octave matlab octave text/x-octave source.matlab programming m/MATLAB.m 12 pl 2216 true 17 arrow-format badlanguage cir cloc eff eiffel go invokator iterm2 jsl linux mal mathics ncl scipy simit swift false University of New Mexico matlab m m m 2661579 32228 66 1 2024 false m true text United States Matlab function [ d, d_mean, d_std ] = normalize( d ) d_mean = mean(d); d = d - repmat(d_mean, size(d,1), 1); d_std = std(d); d = d./ repmat(d_std, size(d,1), 1); end [X,Y] = meshgrid(-10:0.25:10,-10:0.25:10); f = sinc(sqrt((X/pi).^2+(Y/pi).^2)); surf(X,Y,f); axis([-10 10 -10 10 -0.3 1]) xlabel('{\bfx}') ylabel('{\bfy}') zlabel('{\bfsinc} ({\bfR})') disp('Hello World') Matlab % Hello World in MATLAB. disp('Hello World'); MATLAB % %{ %} disp ' true true true true true true true true true true true false true 177 35 Matlab MATLAB MATLAB year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2010|McGraw-Hill Education|Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers|Palm, William|9780073534879\n2012|Pearson|Engineering Computation with MATLAB|Smith, David|9780132568708\n2015|Cengage Learning|MATLAB Programming for Engineers|Chapman, Stephen J.|9781111576714\n2013|Academic Press|MATLAB for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in MATLAB|Wallisch, Pascal and Lusignan, Michael E. and Benayoun, Marc D. and Baker, Tanya I. and Dickey, Adam Seth and Hatsopoulos, Nicholas G.|9780123838360\n2008|Cengage Learning|Essentials of MATLAB Programming|Chapman, Stephen J.|9780495295686\n2009|Pearson|Engineering Computation With MATLAB|Smith, David M.|9780136080633\n2011|CL Engineering|Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB|Ingle, Vinay K. and Proakis, John G.|9781111427375\n2011|Wiley|Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab|Solomon, Chris and Breckon, Toby|9780470844731\n2014|CRC Press|Essential MATLAB and Octave|Rogel-Salazar, Jesus|9781482234633\n2017|Apress|MATLAB Deep Learning: With Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence|Kim, Phil|9781484228456\n2009|CRC Press|MATLAB with Applications to Engineering, Physics and Finance|Baez-Lopez, David|9781439806975\n2005|Springer|Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB|Voyiadjis, George Z and Kattan, Peter I.|9783540243533\n2003|Prentice Hall|Matlab Programming|Kuncicky, David C.|9780130351272\n2017|SDC Publications|An Engineer's Introduction to Programming with MATLAB 2017|Shawna Lockhart and Eric Tilleson|9781630571252\n2017|Academic Press|MATLAB Programming for Biomedical Engineers and Scientists|King, Andrew P. and Aljabar, Paul|9780128122037\n2004|McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math|Introduction to Matlab 7 for Engineers (McGraw-Hill's Best: Basic Engineering Series and Tools)|Palm III,William|9780072548181\n2005|Wiley-Interscience|Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB|Yang, Won Y. and Cao, Wenwu and Chung, Tae-Sang and Morris, John|9780471698333\n2001|SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics|Spectral Methods in MATLAB (Software, Environments, Tools)|Trefethen, Lloyd N.|9780898714654\n2009|Academic Press|Essential Matlab for Engineers and Scientists (Hahn and Attaway Bundle)|Hahn, Brian and Valentine Ph.D., Daniel|9780123748836\n2006|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab And Wavelets (Electrical Engineering)|Weeks, Michael|9780977858200\n2005|Oxford University Press|Getting Started with MATLAB 7: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers (The Oxford Series in Electrical And Computer Engineering)|Pratap, Rudra|9780195179378\n2009|Prentice Hall|MATLAB and Its Applications in Engineering: Based on Matlab 7.5 (R2007b)|Bansal, Raj Kumar and Goel, Ashok Kumar and Sharma, Manoj Kumar|9788131716816\n2008|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Classical Mechanics With MATLAB Applications|Hasbun, Javier|9780763746360\n2007|Addison Wesley|Engineering Computation with MATLAB|Smith, David M|9780321481085\n2001|Prentice Hall|Numerical Analysis and Graphic Visualization with MATLAB (2nd Edition)|Nakamura, Shoichiro|9780130654892\n|CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing|Essentials of MATLAB (R) Programming, International Edition|Chapman, Stephen|9781305970717\n2004|Course Technology|Introduction to Digital Image Processing with MATLAB|McAndrew, Alasdair|9780534400118\n2004|CRC Press|Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB|John Okyere Attia|9780849318924\n2022|PHI|Lab Primer Through Matlab|JAYADEVAN, R.|9788120349322\n2006|Dog Ear Publishing, LLC|MATLAB Advanced GUI Development|Scott T. Smith|9781598581812\n1998|Oxford University Press|Getting Started with MATLAB 5, A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers|Pratap, Rudra|9780195129472\n2005-02-04|Wiley|Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB|Sergey E. Lyshevski|9780471723851\n2020|Wiley|Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB|Yang, Won Y. and Cao, Wenwu and Kim, Jaekwon and Park, Kyung W. and Park, Ho-Hyun and Joung, Jingon and Ro, Jong-Suk and Lee, Han L. and Hong, Cheol-Ho and Im, Taeho|9781119626800\n2019|Springer|Linear Algebra, Signal Processing, and Wavelets - A Unified Approach: MATLAB Version (Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology)|Øyvind Ryan|9783030018122\n2003|Springer|Scientific Computing with MATLAB (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering 2)|Quarteroni, Alfio and Saleri, Fausto|9783540443636\n2018|CRC Press|Programming with MATLAB for Scientists: A Beginner’s Introduction|Mikhailov, Eugeniy E.|9781498738286\n2005|Chapman and Hall/CRC|An Introduction to Numerical Methods: A MATLAB Approach|Kharab, Abdelwahab and Kharab, Abdelwahab and Guenther, Ronald B.|9781584885573\n2006|Morgan and Claypool Publishers|Learning Programming using MATLAB (Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering)|Sayood, Khalid|9781598291421\n2014|PEARSON INDIA|Programming in MATLAB|PATEL / MITTAL|9789332524811\n2019|Independently Published|Optimization Introduction With Matlab|Lopez and J.|9781099648281\n1991|Electronic Industry|Matlab Advanced Programming (matlab Practical Guide Series)|Su Jin Ming Bian Zhu|9787121013768\n2013|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|One Dimensional Analysis Program for Scramjet and Ramjet Flowpaths: Conceptual Analysis and Simulation of Scramjet/Ramjet Engine with MATLAB Programming|Ganapathy, Rohan M. and Maruthaiyan, Pradhapraj and Johnson, Pradeep|9783659323973\n2013|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|Matlab for Regional Economists|Zheng, Shi|9783659366703\n1997|Prentice Hall|Mastering Dsp Concepts Using Matlab|Ambardar, Ashok and Borghesani, Craig|9780135349762\n1997|Arnold,|Essential Matlab For Scientists And Engineers|Brian D. Hahn|9780340691441\n2020|SDC Publications|Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2020|Huei-Huang Lee|9781630573973\n20171127|Springer Nature|Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists|Sandeep Nagar|9781484231890\n2004|Springer|Scientific Computing With Matlab (texts In Computational Science And Engineering)|Alfio Quarteroni and Fausto Saleri|9783540208372\n2010|Springer|An Introduction to Scientific Computing: Twelve Computational Projects Solved with MATLAB|Danaila, Ionut and Joly, Pascal and Kaber, Sidi Mahmoud and Postel, Marie|9781441921611\n2008|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Computational Partial Differential Equations Using MATLAB (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Mathematics & Nonlinear Science)|Li, Jichun and Chen, Yi-Tung|9781420089059\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Programming for Numerical Analysis (Matlab Solutions)|Lopez, Cesar|9781484202951\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Graphical Programming: Practical hands-on MATLAB solutions|Lopez, Cesar|9781484203163\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Differential Equations|Lopez, Cesar|9781484203101\n2012|Springer|MATLAB for Psychologists|Borgo, Mauro and Soranzo, Alessandro and Grassi, Massimo|9781461421979\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Linear Algebra|Lopez, Cesar|9781484203224\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Control Systems Engineering|Lopez, Cesar|9781484202890\n20010806|Cambridge University Press|A Guide to MATLAB|Brian R. Hunt; Ronald L. Lipsman; Jonathan M. Rosenberg|9780511074813\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Differential and Integral Calculus|Lopez, Cesar|9781484203040\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Symbolic Algebra and Calculus Tools|Lopez, Cesar|9781484203439\n2021|Vikas Publishing|Matlab : Demystified Basic Concepts And Applications|DR. KANDARPA KUMAR SARMA|9788125937128\n2017|Chapman and Hall/CRC|A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming|Register, Andy H.|9781138460867\n2013|Morgan Kaufmann|Accelerating MATLAB with GPU Computing: A Primer with Examples|Suh, Jung W. and Kim, Youngmin|9780124079168\n2017|Wiley-Blackwell|Practical Finite Element Modeling in Earth Science using Matlab|Simpson, Guy|9781119248668\n2014|Springer|Exercises in Computational Mathematics with MATLAB (Problem Books in Mathematics)|Lyche, Tom and Merrien, Jean-Louis|9783662435113\n2016|Cengage Learning|Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB (Activate Learning with these NEW titles from Engineering!)|Schilling, Robert J. and Harris, Sandra L|9781305887206\n2016|Routledge|Programming Behavioral Experiments with MATLAB and Psychtoolbox: 9 Simple Steps for Students and Researchers|Misirlisoy, Erman|9781138671928\n2011|Springer|Numerical Methods for the Life Scientist: Binding and Enzyme Kinetics Calculated with GNU Octave and MATLAB|Prinz, Heino|9783642208201\n2013|Springer|A Journey from Robot to Digital Human: Mathematical Principles and Applications with MATLAB Programming (Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies Book 1)|Gu, Edward Y L|9783642390470\n2019|Cengage Learning|MATLAB Programming for Engineers|Chapman, Stephen J.|9780357030394\n2020|Academic Press|Programming for Electrical Engineers: MATLAB and Spice|Squire Ph.D., James C. and Brown Ph.D., Julie Phillips|9780128215029\n2019|Cengage Learning|MATLAB Programming for Engineers|Chapman, Stephen J.|9780357030523\n2017|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|Operations Research with Lingo: Solutions of Linear Programming Problems through LINGO and MATLAB|Gahan, Padmabati and Pattnaik, Monalisha|9783330328457\n2014|For Dummies|MATLAB For Dummies|Sizemore, Jim and Mueller, John Paul|9781118820032\n2020-07-28T00:00:01Z|Mercury Learning & Information|Programming Fundamentals Using MATLAB|Weeks PhD, Michael|9781683925552\n2007|McGraw-Hill Education|A Concise Introduction to Matlab|Palm, William|9780073385839\n2020|Academic Press|Programming Mathematics Using MATLAB|Oberbroeckling, Lisa A.|9780128178003\n2000|Pearson|Numerical Methods with MATLAB : Implementations and Applications|Recktenwald, Gerald|9780201308600\n2019-06-19T00:00:01Z|SDC Publications|An Engineer's Introduction to Programming with MATLAB 2019|Shawna Lockhart and Eric Tilleson|9781630572921\n2019|Apress|Beginning MATLAB and Simulink: From Novice to Professional|Eshkabilov, Sulaymon|9781484250600\n2003|Pearson|Numerical Methods Using Matlab|Mathews, John and Fink, Kurtis|9780130652485\n2008|Academic Press|MATLAB for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in MATLAB|Wallisch, Pascal and Lusignan, Michael E. and Benayoun, Marc D. and Baker, Tanya I. and Dickey, Adam Seth and Hatsopoulos, Nicholas G.|9780123745514\n2009|New Age Science|MATLAB for Mechanical Engineers|R. V. Dukkipati|9781906574130\n2017|Academic Press|Neural Data Science: A Primer with MATLAB and Python|Nylen, Erik Lee and Wallisch, Pascal|9780128040430\n2015|Cengage Learning|MATLAB Programming for Engineers|Chapman, Stephen J.|9781305445369\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Optimization Techniques|Lopez, Cesar|9781484202920\n2012-01-01T00:00:01Z|CL-Engineering|MATLAB Programming with Applications for Engineers|Stephen J. Chapman|9780495668077\n2019|Apress|Beginning MATLAB and Simulink: From Novice to Professional|Eshkabilov, Sulaymon|9781484250617\n2019-09-30T00:00:01Z|SDC Publications|Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2019|Huei-Huang Lee|9781630572976\n2017|Cengage Learning|Essentials of MATLAB Programming|Chapman, Stephen J.|9781337515368\n2001|Academic Press|A Matlab Companion for Multivariable Calculus|Cooper, Jeffery|9780121876258\n2020|BPB Publications|Fundamental Concepts of MATLAB Programming: From Learning the Basics to Solving a Problem with MATLAB (English Edition)|Bakariya, Dr. Brijesh and Parmar, Dr. Kulwinder Singh|9789389845822\n2009|Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics|Insight Through Computing: A MATLAB Introduction to Computational Science and Engineering|Van Loan, Charles F. and Fan, K.-Y. Daisy|9780898716917\n2016-08-10T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|MATLAB - Programming with MATLAB for Beginners: A Practical Introduction To Programming And Problem Solving (MATLAB for Engineers, MATLAB for Scientists, MATLAB Programming for Dummies)|Learning, UpSkill|9781536991444\n2011|Wiley|Financial Risk Forecasting: The Theory and Practice of Forecasting Market Risk with Implementation in R and Matlab|Danielsson, Jon|9780470669433\n2020|Apress|Practical MATLAB Deep Learning: A Project-Based Approach|Paluszek, Michael and Thomas, Stephanie|9781484251249\n2003|Springer|MATLAB for Engineers Explained|Gustafsson, Fredrik and Bergman, Niclas|9781852336974\n2007|CL Engineering|MATLAB Programming for Engineers|Chapman, Stephen J.|9780495244493\n2009|Wiley|Applied Optimization with MATLAB Programming|Venkataraman, P.|9780470084885\n2018|Routledge|Hack Audio: An Introduction to Computer Programming and Digital Signal Processing in MATLAB (Audio Engineering Society Presents)|Tarr, Eric|9781351018456\n2020|Apress|Practical MATLAB Modeling with Simulink: Programming and Simulating Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations|Eshkabilov, Sulaymon L.|9781484257982\n2017|Cengage Learning|Essentials of MATLAB Programming|Chapman, Stephen J.|9781305970656\n2015|Chapman and Hall/CRC|R and MATLAB (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series Book 30)|Hiebeler, David E.|9781466568396\n2018|Mercury Learning and Information|Mathematical Methods for Physics: Using MATLAB and Maple|Claycomb, J. R.|9781683920984\n2003|Pearson Prentice Hall|Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB|Gonzalez, Rafael C. and Woods, Richard E. and Eddins, Steven L.|9780130085191\n2010|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|MATLAB for Beginners: A Gentle Approach - Revised Edition|Kattan, Peter I|9781453683811\n2017|Academic Press|MATLAB Programming for Biomedical Engineers and Scientists|King, Andrew P. and Aljabar, Paul|9780128135105\n2018|SDC Publications|Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2018|Huei-Huang Lee|9781630571719\n2005|Springer|An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB|Otto, Steve and Denier, James P.|9781852339197\n2020|Apress|Practical MATLAB Modeling with Simulink: Programming and Simulating Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations|Eshkabilov, Sulaymon L.|9781484257999\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Matrix Algebra (Matlab Solutions)|Lopez, Cesar|9781484203071\n1996|Pearson|Engineering Problem Solving with MATLAB|Etter, Delores|9780133976885\n2006|McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math|Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists|Chapra, Steven|9780073132907\n2016|Morgan Kaufmann|GPU Programming in MATLAB|Ploskas, Nikolaos and Samaras, Nikolaos|9780128051320\n2016|Apress|MATLAB Machine Learning|Paluszek, Michael and Thomas, Stephanie|9781484222508\n2011|Springer|Programming for Engineers: A Foundational Approach to Learning C and Matlab|Bradley, Aaron R.|9783642233029\n2008-07-30T00:00:01Z|Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics|Linear Programming with MATLAB (MPS-SIAM Series on Optimization)|Ferris, Michael C. and Mangasarian, Olvi L. and Wright, Stephen J.|9780898716436\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Matlab And Python Programming: A Practical Guide For Engineers And Data Scientists (Matlab And Python Programming for Beginners)|Learning, UpSkill|9781540599568\n2012|Cengage Learning|MATLAB Programming with Applications for Engineers|Chapman, Stephen J.|9781285402796\n2016-09-13T00:00:01Z|SDC Publications|Programming with MATLAB 2016|Huei-Huang Lee|9781630570132\n2016|Morgan Kaufmann|GPU Programming in MATLAB|Ploskas, Nikolaos and Samaras, Nikolaos|9780128051337\n2020|Independently published|Design Optimization using Matlab and SolidWorks|Suresh, Prof Krishnan|9781653515608\n2013|Wiley|Financial Modelling: Theory, Implementation and Practice with MATLAB Source (The Wiley Finance Series)|Kienitz, Joerg and Wetterau, Daniel|9780470744895\n2019|CRC Press|Fundamentals of Graphics Using MATLAB|Parekh, Ranjan|9780429591730\n2009-07-23T00:00:01Z|Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics|Parallel MATLAB for Multicore and Multinode Computers (Software, Environments and Tools)|Kepner, Jeremy|9780898716733\n2021|SDC Publications|Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2021|Huei-Huang Lee|9781630574918\n2017|SDC Publications|Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2017|Huei-Huang Lee|9781630571405\n2007|Wiley|Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists: An Introduction with Applications Using MATLAB|Gilat, Amos and Subramaniam, Vish|9780471734406\n2014|Academic Press|Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications: Using MATLAB|Ford, William|9780123944351\n2005-10-06T00:00:01Z|CL Engineering|Essentials of MATLAB Programming|Chapman, Stephen J.|9780495073000\n2018|SDC Publications|An Engineer's Introduction to Programming with MATLAB 2018|Shawna Lockhart and Eric Tilleson|9781630572068\n2008|Wiley|Stochastic Simulation and Applications in Finance with MATLAB Programs|Huynh, Huu Tue and Lai, Van Son and Soumare, Issouf|9780470725382\n2020-07-08T14:21:52.970-00:00|Mercury Learning and Information|Programming Fundamentals Using MATLAB|Weeks, Michael C.|9781683925545\n2014|Springer|Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, 2)|Quarteroni, Alfio and Saleri, Fausto and Gervasio, Paola|9783642453663\n2014|Academic Press|Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications: Using MATLAB|Ford, William|9780123947840\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Graphical Programming: Practical hands-on MATLAB solutions|Lopez, Cesar|9781484203170\n2009|CRC Press|Numerical and Analytical Methods with MATLAB (Applied and Computational Mechanics)|Bober, William and Tsai, Chi-Tay and Masory, Oren|9781420093568\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Phasor Methods of AC Circuit Analysis: - Designed using MATLAB Object Oriented Programming|Agrawal, Prof Jai P|9781720666028\n2002-05-02T00:00:01Z|Wiley|MATLAB Tutorial Update to Version 6 to accompany Control Systems Engineering|Nise, Norman S.|9780471250913\n2011|Wiley|Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab|Solomon, Chris and Breckon, Toby|9780470844724\n2014|Ferret Publishing|Programming with MATLAB for Engineers||9780966960167\n2014|Springer|Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering Book 2)|Quarteroni, Alfio and Saleri, Fausto and Gervasio, Paola|9783642453670\n2010|Springer|Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering Book 2)|Quarteroni, Alfio|9783642124303\n2010|Jones & Bartlett Learning|Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB & Wavelets|Weeks, Michael|9780763784225\n1999|Cengage Learning|Contemporary Linear Systems Using MATLAB (Pws Bookware Companion Series.)|Strum, Robert S. and Kirk, Donald E.|9780534371722\n2008|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Computational Partial Differential Equations Using MATLAB (Textbooks in Mathematics)|Li, Jichun and Chen, Yi-Tung|9781420089042\n2009|Springer|Signals and Systems with MATLAB|Yang, Won Young|9783540929543\n2013|Morgan Kaufmann|Accelerating MATLAB with GPU Computing: A Primer with Examples|Suh, Jung W. and Kim, Youngmin|9780124080805\n2001|Wiley-Interscience|Applied Optimization with MATLAB Programming|Venkataraman, P.|9780471349587\n2013|Packt Publishing|Visual Media Processing Using Matlab Beginner's Guide|Siogkas, George|9781849697217\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Optimization Techniques|Lopez, Cesar|9781484202937\n2017|Wiley|Engineering Biostatistics: An Introduction using MATLAB and WinBUGS (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)|Vidakovic, Brani|9781119168980\n2010|Academic Press|MATLAB for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in MATLAB|Wallisch, Pascal and Lusignan, Michael E. and Benayoun, Marc D. and Baker, Tanya I. and Dickey, Adam Seth and Hatsopoulos, Nicholas G.|9780080923284\n2011|Springer|Programming for Engineers: A Foundational Approach to Learning C and Matlab|Bradley, Aaron R.|9783642233036\n2016|Routledge|Programming Behavioral Experiments with MATLAB and Psychtoolbox: 9 Simple Steps for Students and Researchers|Misirlisoy, Erman|9781138671935\n2019|Springer|Boundary Value Problems for Engineers: with MATLAB Solutions|Ali Ümit Keskin|9783030210809\n2004|Wiley-Interscience|Introduction to Numerical Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Using MATLAB|Stanoyevitch, Alexander|9780471697381\n2013|McGraw-Hill Education|MATLAB Numerical Methods with Chemical Engineering Applications|Al-Malah, Kamal I.M.|9780071831291\n2015|Springer|The Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics: An Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM® and Matlab (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications Book 113)|Moukalled, F. and Mangani, L. and Darwish, M.|9783319168746\n2005|Springer|An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB|Otto, Steve and Denier, James P.|9781846281334\n2014|Apress|MATLAB Control Systems Engineering|Lopez, Cesar|9781484202906\n2004|CL Engineering|Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB (with CD-ROM)|Schilling, Robert J. and Harris, Sandra L|9780534391508\n2020|Wiley|Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB|Yang, Won Y. and Cao, Wenwu and Kim, Jaekwon and Park, Kyung W. and Park, Ho-Hyun and Joung , Jingon and Ro, Jong-Suk and Lee, Han L. and Hong, Cheol-Ho and Im, Taeho|9781119626824\n1999|Wiley|Introduction to Engineering Programming: In C, Matlab and Java|Austin, Mark and Chancogne, David|9780471001164\n2011|Chapman and Hall/CRC|An Introduction to Numerical Methods: A MATLAB Approach, Third Edition|Kharab, Abdelwahab and Kharab, Abdelwahab and Guenther, Ronald B.|9781439868997\n2020|De Gruyter|MATLAB Programming: Mathematical Problem Solutions (De Gruyter STEM)|Dingyü Xue|9783110663563\n2014|Springer|Exercises in Computational Mathematics with MATLAB (Problem Books in Mathematics)|Lyche, Tom and Merrien, Jean-Louis|9783662435106\n2010|CRC Press|Computational Intelligence Paradigms: Theory & Applications using MATLAB|Sumathi, S. and Sumathi|9781439809037 Matlab matlab engineer matlab year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2002|The Eyelink Toolbox: Eye tracking with MATLAB and the Psychophysics Toolbox|10.3758/BF03195489|848|47|F. Cornelissen and Enno M Peters and J. Palmer|d0ed7b7fad72097d327cc5fd946cbd1a4e74b7e3\n1994|Using MATLAB as a programming language for numerical analysis|10.1080/0020739940250402|50|0|J. H. Mathews and Kurtis D. Fink|0b0be159982bbee3c9c0ddcbcf31232c1aee82f1\n2017|SDPNAL+: A Matlab software for semidefinite programming with bound constraints (version 1.0)|10.1080/10556788.2019.1576176|41|3|Defeng Sun and K. Toh and Yancheng Yuan and Xinyuan Zhao|48536ec4ce40bba11064a8c1b07e850ee0e396b3\n2013|Design of FPGA-controlled power electronics and drives using MATLAB Simulink|10.1109/ECCE-ASIA.2013.6579155|40|5|Y. Siwakoti and G. Town|5bf67012ede77841fb8263f48a850ae3cd8126ec\n2014|MATLAB Optimization Techniques|10.1007/978-1-4842-0292-0|33|3|C. López|b4f91965499d8b1514bf2c6c82e785b3143557c6\n2006|Teaching the introductory computer programming course for engineers using Matlab|10.1109/FIE.2008.4720302|30|0|A. Azemi and L. L. Pauley|ff6e31e8ea88cc6144a333338370ad6ac7dc5939\n2018|BioSigKit: A Matlab Toolbox and Interface for Analysis of BioSignals|10.21105/joss.00671|28|0|Hooman Sedghamiz|75c6b61aadee9c1d73119a60c42944de4e1a1a00\n2001|Teaching programming skills with MATLAB|10.18260/1-2--9874|26|0|M. Herniter and D. Scott and Rakesh Pangasa|797815e5f7aabad61c29676c7c5c31f81655db7f\n2019|A Comprehensive Framework for Physiologically‐Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Matlab|10.1002/psp4.12399|19|1|Felix Stader and M. Penny and M. Siccardi and C. Marzolini|aacb41c32a57a51a7ee867e84a33be768eeebca5\n2012|McSAF: A Static Analysis Framework for MATLAB|10.1007/978-3-642-31057-7_7|15|2|Jesse Doherty and L. Hendren|7afae83f0bf5e23da82d403856545140b868261b\n2006|MATLAB as an introductory programming language|10.1002/cae.20064|14|0|M. Wirth and P. Kovesi|09f940ced7ab73bf079c3957f509d32206c2cbc0\n2016|A MATLAB subset to C compiler targeting embedded systems|10.1002/spe.2408|12|3|João Bispo and João MP Cardoso|b88e27a57916b2237a2d8e31e5e710ac0852ec53\n2014|Parallel performance comparison of alternating group explicit method between parallel virtual machine and matlab distributed computing for solving large sparse partial differential equations|10.1166/ASL.2014.5330|11|0|N. Alias and H. F. S. Saipol and A. C. A. Ghani and M. N. Mustaffa|055015bec06b739c2ad7ac94b1cd517ef4485999\n2015|A Matlab code to fit periodic data|10.5335/RBCA.2015.4618|11|0|R. Brum and J. Ramalho and L. Rocha and L. Isoldi and E. D. D. Santos|854d0eca1173ec4b467b120f753d5f5b1d73d190\n2013|Advanced remote laboratory for control systems based on Matlab and .NET platform|10.1109/ICETA.2013.6674400|10|0|P. Bisták|6d67d1aacd08b5e14500938599631d01c5bb71c0\n2015|MATLAB Function Based Approach to FOC of PMSM Drive|10.1109/EMS.2015.81|10|0|O. C. Kivanc and S. Ozturk|04be37568ec4069667bbe22cbffdc7f2524d2b9b\n1997|MATLAB as an econometric programming environment|10.1002/(SICI)1099-1255(199711/12)12:6<735::AID-JAE471>3.0.CO;2-7|9|1|Francisco Cribari‐Neto and Mark J. Jensen|cfd6a43559d31a3bcca1fffaa4978853ce5d5bda\n2014|MATLAB Control Systems Engineering|10.1007/978-1-4842-0289-0|8|0|C. López|a77172dffd1a3a407af0680a9afbea66fc754eed\n2014|Contract-Based Verification of MATLAB and Simulink Matrix-Manipulating Code|10.1007/978-3-319-11737-9_26|8|1|J. Wiik and Pontus Boström|5e7912085fd135f8c19d7fc3ab607f2090777ec2\n2015|Programación de Controladores Lógicos (PLC) mediante Ladder y Lenguaje de Control Estructurado (SCL) en MATLAB|10.19053/01211129.3555|8|1|Heyder Paez-Logreira and Ronald Zamora-Musa and José Bohórquez-Pérez|7e29910f19a0d713c5aaffd72ac0cb724aaed807\n2016|Porting Matlab Applications to High-Performance C++ Codes: CPU/GPU-Accelerated Spherical Deconvolution of Diffusion MRI Data|10.1007/978-3-319-49583-5_49|8|0|Francisco Javier García Blas and M. F. Dolz and J. Sánchez and J. Carretero and Alessandro Daducci and Y. Alemán‐Gómez and Erick Jorge Canales-Rodríguez|66fcf726eec6a8e904e273f449451591e2b6519b\n2016|Heuristic production line balancing problem solution with MATLAB software programming|10.1108/IJCST-01-2016-0002|8|0|A. Türkmen and Y. Yeşil and Mahmut Kayar|79997df420e398deb6391c0c8938f36e7dbbaeed\n2020|A history of MATLAB|10.1145/3386331|7|0|C. Moler and Jack Little|38ac69cc1e3a5d7e715d66929cdd022999d01f26\n2016|RoBO-2L, a Matlab interface for extended offline programming of KUKA industrial robots|10.1109/MECATRONICS.2016.7547117|7|0|J. Golz and Tim Wruetz and Dominik Eickmann and R. Biesenbach|9df38a5ee9b195def8b333b2a1639c241984da36\n2014|MATLAB Programming for Numerical Analysis|10.1007/978-1-4842-0295-1|6|1|C. López|01d0935f76f57fc2e87cb35a60c9923648eedb7c\n2019|Programming in MATLAB|10.1201/9781315228457-6|6|0|J. Miguel and D. Báez‐López and David Alfredo Báez Villegas|fc133c3152399d53c213ba53875aec37ba50d9ac\n2004|Using Matlab To Teach The Introductory Computer Programming Course For Engineers|10.18260/1-2--12728|5|0|A. Azemi and L. L. Pauley|c1d3ee8f51da4df128ffe8cdd556ca9647f30aab\n2017|MATLAB Implementation of 128-key length SAFER+ Cipher System|10.9790/9622-0702054955|5|1|M. K. Mahmood|f289bcc24b1fb801301e47634202928a00580903\n2006|Learning Programming Using MATLAB|10.2200/S00051ED1V01Y200609EEL003|4|0|K. Sayood|4a5d1e744f03a4b7a79df8ff05b1e5aea5720a4f\n2017|Analysis by STAAD-PRO and Design of Structural Elements by MATLAB|10.18488/JOURNAL.2.2017.75.145.164|4|0|S. Harle|563bef77282115b1cccb8e4881a3f3cbda9dd4f9\n2016|Design and implementation of a RoBO-2L MATLAB toolbox for a motion control of a robotic manipulator|10.1109/SSD.2016.7473678|3|0|H. Elshatarat and Mohammed Baniyounis and R. Biesenbach|3b091e6798d97e7275dcb03bf46ecb3acf765e3f\n2018|A Brief Introduction to MATLAB|10.1007/978-3-319-67125-3_2|3|0|M. Okereke and S. Keates|95a5c7ef63d5ebceb8ec17ca8a8271c91cde860a\n2018|GELAB - A Matlab Toolbox for Grammatical Evolution|10.1007/978-3-030-03496-2_22|3|0|Muhammad Adil Raja and C. Ryan|d5d94e191b27846bb4f06cc01d72b5ed9b869aa7\n2011|McLAB: enabling programming language, compiler and software engineering research for matlab|10.1145/2048147.2048203|2|0|L. Hendren and Jesse Doherty and Anton Dubrau and R. Garg and Nurudeen Lameed and Soroush Radpour and Amina Aslam and Toheed Aslam and Andrew Casey and Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert and Jun Li and Clark Verbrugge and Olivier Savary Bélanger|54603028d353893ad2b357771b6a1e2f7b11ca5b\n2009|Supporting image algebra in the Matlab programming language for compression research|10.1117/12.829203|1|0|M. Schmalz and G. Ritter and Joseph N. Wilson and Eric T. Hayden|cea8433a106f0ffa807ac00d02972a7d34c2d0eb title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nMATLAB Programming for Engineers|1999|Stephen J. Chapman|4467285|4.10|114|6\nMATLAB for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in MATLAB|2008|Pascal Wallisch|3922239|3.94|32|0\nMATLAB for Engineers|2010|Holly Moore|18128130|3.95|37|1\nGetting Started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers|2009|Rudra Pratap|13368999|4.01|72|4\nMATLAB for Control Engineers|2007|Katsuhiko Ogata|2185450|4.00|38|0\nEssential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists|1997|Brian D. Hahn|546841|3.86|43|3\nIntroduction to MATLAB for Engineers|1998|William J. Palm III|10706762|3.88|17|1\nAn Engineers Guide to MATLAB|2000|Edward B. Magrab|3884382|4.29|7|0\nEssentials of MATLAB Programming|2005|Stephen J. Chapman|1175135|4.00|17|0\nGetting Started with MATLAB 7: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers|2005|Rudra Pratap|337141|4.03|105|5 lua Lua 1993 Roberto Ierusalimschy 83 pl 64 5.4.6 5 24 25072 4670 24 115 2006 2024 5 18 clu modula-2 scheme snobol falcon gamemonkey-script io javascript julia minid red ruby squirrel tcl lisp python modula awk ada eiffel haskell sql vhdl self raku parrot-vm android c 1993 Lua ( LOO-ə, from Portuguese: lua [ˈlu.(w)ɐ] meaning moon) is a lightweight, multi-paradigm programming language designed primarily for embedded systems and clients. Lua is cross-platform, since the interpreter is written in ANSI C, and has a relatively simple C API. Lua was originally designed in 1993 as a language for extending software applications to meet the increasing demand for customization at the time. It provided the basic facilities of most procedural programming languages, but more complicated or domain-specific features were not included; rather, it included mechanisms for extending the language, allowing programmers to implement such features. As Lua was intended to be a general embeddable extension language, the designers of Lua focused on improving its speed, portability, extensibility, and ease-of-use in development. 2002 1069 2096 2536 46150 2000 23389 34346 .luacheckrc 243541 10 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nvulnersCom nmap-vulners Lua #000080 1613 245 112 "NSE script based on API"\nkoreader koreader Lua #000080 5226 668 103 "An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices"\nstijnwop guidanceSteering Lua #000080 174 55 15 "Guidance Steering (AutoTrack) for Farming Simulator 19."\ncmusatyalab openface Lua #000080 12574 3099 141 "Face recognition with deep neural networks."\ncardwing Codes-for-Lane-Detection Lua #000080 375 125 92 "Learning Lightweight Lane Detection CNNs by Self Attention Distillation (ICCV 2019)"\nKong kong Lua #000080 23291 2898 452 "🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway"\nnagadomi waifu2x Lua #000080 15744 1802 374 "Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art"\nopentibiabr OTServBR-Global Lua #000080 57 81 14 "OTServBR-Global 10x and 12x for OpenTibia community. | Supported by:"\nTencent LuaPanda Lua #000080 329 74 48 "Lua Debugger for VS Code" lua lua lua text/x-lua source.lua programming l/Lua.lua 30 pl 2196 true 73 ace arrow-format blitzmax bounce-lang buzz buzz carbon cir circle-lang cloc commonmark concurr cspydr cyber deno djot drakon emscripten encore factor fennel flatbuffers haxe hina hook hush ibis jakt jammy jammy lean lil lil lily luajit mal matplotlib micro-editor minilang mongodb moonscript moonscript mun-lang mycroft nelua oopsilon php pragtical prismjs pygments raptorjit redis rmarkdown rosie savi sile speedie sporth tbox-lib terra textadept-editor titan tl tl ucl urweb vlc wasm wax wax wonkey wren wu false Tecgraf lua fcgi nse p8 pd_lua rbxs rockspec wlua lua lua wlua lua c c++ true 64497 1106 118 1 5 true lua nse p8 pd_lua rbxs wlua false text lua lua Lua lua5.4 Brazil Lua -- A simple counting object that increments an internal counter whenever it receives a bang at its first inlet, or changes to whatever number it receives at its second inlet. local HelloCounter = pd.Class:new():register("h-counter") function HelloCounter:initialize(sel, atoms) self.inlets = 2 self.outlets = 1 self.num = 0 return true end function HelloCounter:in_1_bang() self:outlet(1, "float", {self.num}) self.num = self.num + 1 end function HelloCounter:in_2_float(f) self.num = f end print("Hello, world!") $ cc -o example example.c -llua $ ./example Result: 8 print("Hello World") Lua # Hello World in Lua print "Hello world" Lua and break do else elseif end false for function goto if in local nil not or repeat return then true until while -- --[[ --]] print " true false true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true false true true 35 13 Lua Lua Lua year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2013|Packt Publishing|LÖVE for Lua Game Programming|Akinlaja, Darmie|9781782161608\n2003|Roberto Ierusalimschy|Programming In Lua|Ierusalimschy, Roberto|9788590379812\n2006||Lua 5.1 Reference Manual|Ierusalimschy, Roberto and de Figueiredo, Luiz Henrique and Celes, Waldemar|9788590379836\n2012|Apress|Learn Lua for iOS Game Development|Varma, Jayant|9781430246626\n2011|John Wiley & Sons|Beginning Lua Programming|Kurt Jung and Aaron Brown|9781118079119\n2013|Packt Publishing|CryENGINE Game Programming with C++, C#, and Lua|Lundgren, Filip and Pearce-Authers, Ruan|9781849695909\n2013|Apress|Learn Lua for iOS Game Development|Varma, Jayant|9781430246633\n2018-07-27T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Lua Quick Start Guide: The easiest way to learn Lua programming|Szauer, Gabor|9781789343229\n2018|Packt Publishing|Lua Quick Start Guide: The easiest way to learn Lua programming|Szauer, Gabor|9781789340136\n2021|Packt Publishing|Coding Roblox Games Made Easy: The ultimate guide to creating games with Roblox Studio and Lua programming|Brumbaugh, Zander|9781800566361\n2009|Apress|Beginning Lua with World of Warcraft Add-ons|Emmerich, Paul|9781430223719\n2007|Wrox|Beginning Lua Programming|Jung, Kurt|9780470069172\n2013-01-03T00:00:01Z||Programming in Lua|Ierusalimschy, Roberto|9788590379850\n2021|Sams Publishing|Coding with Roblox Lua in 24 Hours: The Official Roblox Guide|Official Roblox Books (HarperCollins)|9780136829287\n2012|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Basic ROBLOX Lua Programming: (Black and White Edition)|LaRouche, Brandon John|9781475026047\n2021|Packt Publishing - ebooks Account|Coding Roblox Games Made Easy: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Games with Roblox Studio and Lua programming|Zander Brumbaugh|9781800561991\n2008||Lua Programming Gems||9788590379843\n2009|Apress|Beginning Lua with World of Warcraft Add-ons|Emmerich, Paul|9781430223726\n2014|Packt Publishing|Learning Game AI Programming with Lua|Young, David|9781783281336\n2013|Packt Publishing|CryENGINE Game Programming with C++, C#, and Lua|Lundgren, Filip and Pearce-Authers, Ruan|9781849695916\n2015|Packt Publishing|Lua Game Development Cookbook: Over 70 recipes that will help you master the elements and best practices required to build a modern game engine using Lua|Kasuba, Mario|9781849515504\n2018-12-20T00:00:01Z|Apress|Developing Games on the Raspberry Pi: App Programming with Lua and LÖVE|Kenlon, Seth|9781484241691\n2013|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|ComputerCraft: Lua Programming in Minecraft|Monk, Matthew and Monk, Simon|9781481927659\n2001|O'Reilly Media|Programming Lua|Roberto Ierusalimschy|9780596101114\n2019||Lua Programming Language, First Edition|Lua Publishing|9781704204666\n2010||Lua Programming Language: Lua, Luatex, Luaforge|Books and LLC|9781157436553\n2007|John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.|Beginning Lua Programming|Kurt Jung|9780470139523\n2009||Lua (programming Language)|Frederic P. Miller and Agnes F. Vandome and John McBrewster and Miller and Frederic P. and Vandome and Agnes F. and McBrewster and John|9786130256982\n|Brandon Larouche|Basic Roblox Lua Programming||9780985451301\n20150728|Packt Publishing|Lua Game Development Cookbook|Mario Kasuba|9781849515511\n2009|ToÌkyoÌ : AsukiÌmediawaÌkusu, ToÌkyoÌ : KadokawaguruÌpupaburisshingu. 2009 ;|Programming In Lua Lua Programming Language Official Reference (2009) Isbn: 4048677977 [japanese Import]|Roberto Ierusalimschy; Kei ShinjoÌ|9784048677974\n20131003|Packt Publishing|LOVE for Lua Game Programming|Darmie Akinlaja|9781782161615\n20141128|Packt Publishing|Learning Game AI Programming with Lua|David Young|9781783281343\n|Packt Pub.|LÖve For Lua Game Programming: Master The Lua Programming Language And Build Exciting Strategy-based Games In 2d Using The LÖve Framework|Akinlaja, Darmie.|9781782161608 Lua lua developer lua year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2014|Typed Lua: An Optional Type System for Lua|10.1145/2617548.2617553|20|1|André Murbach Maidl and Fabio Mascarenhas and R. Ierusalimschy|ea5301e30ef4b41aec9fa4195b6203cf109460d7\n2009|Programming with Multiple Paradigms in Lua|10.1007/978-3-642-11999-6_1|14|0|R. Ierusalimschy|f2b781bf970a8b7c73aa12bd87c1fc615f83a9b2\n2003|Processing sequence annotation data using the Lua programming language.|10.11234/GI1990.14.154|11|0|Y. Ueno and Masanori Arita and Toshitaka Kumagai and K. Asai|cb7050a0e9215caa9956b66f67ee691697f11009\n2017|Lua Code: Security Overview and Practical Approaches to Static Analysis|10.1109/SPW.2017.38|9|0|Andrei Costin|88cc784a7e846af8889eeb524f9b0dc480d6368a\n2017|Luandri: A Clean Lua Interface to the Indri Search Engine|10.1145/3077136.3080650|5|0|Bhaskar Mitra and Fernando Diaz and Nick Craswell|0af8eea643b0391fb552db4828d7706366ee546f\n2015|Unit test code generator for lua programming language|10.1109/ICODSE.2015.7437005|5|0|Junno Tantra Pratama Wibowo and B. Hendradjaya and Yani Widyani|73eac2f3afa05a25133296f4d89df3c8472e6a1f\n2013|LuaRocks - A Declarative and Extensible Package Management System for Lua|10.1007/978-3-642-40922-6_2|4|0|Hisham H. Muhammad and Fabio Mascarenhas and R. Ierusalimschy|f14491f989fc88b8e64986ff25bcee3e4bec41a6\n2015|GUI rendering engine utilizing Lua as script|10.1109/CEWS.2015.7867151|3|0|Dusan Zivkov and Daniel Kurtjak and Mladen Grumic|084164a7f0f9bf5c01de64acea10b7add97fb427\n2015|Operational Semantics for Featherweight Lua|10.31979/etd.xysf-s2af|3|1|Hao Lin|efa547deaa7a77b4e9009cd38bb8035d611c968a\n2012|From visual scripting to Lua|10.1145/2389836.2389848|1|0|Mwawi F. Msiska and L. V. Zijl|d2a9f3989f76dec14c09105735ef0d66245fe407\n2016|Towards a GPU Abstraction for Lua|10.1109/SBAC-PADW.2016.11|1|0|Raphael Ribeiro and Paulo Motta|0fd3290aea2a7b33cd37dab5a9c0a13c928b87cc\n2019|Beginning Lua Scripting|10.1007/978-1-4842-5073-0_8|1|0|Jaken Chandler Herman|3fbf132d1d63c88d6560bc41570058b9b6f2590a\n2017|Remote Sensing Image Processing Functions in Lua Language|10.6062/JCIS.2017.08.03.0133|1|0|R. F. B. Marujo and Leila Maria Garcia Fonseca and T. Körting and H. N. Bendini and G. R. Queiroz and L. Vinhas and K. Ferreira|a5233f484177b2d6a042c864a80392eb45cc768a title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nProgramming in Lua|2001|Roberto Ierusalimschy|1321894|3.97|323|21 kotlin Kotlin 2011 Andrey Breslav 84 pl 22 2.0 6 25 35 25058 33854 138 2012 2024 1504 5679 48462 183 6 2018 2018 1 1 jvm java-bytecode javascript java scala groovy csharp gosu swift llvmir android pascal perl eclipse-editor maven-pom emacs-editor 2011 Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or use the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Its primary development is from a team of JetBrains programmers based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. While the syntax is not compatible with Java, Kotlin is designed to interoperate with Java code and is reliant on Java code from the existing Java Class Library, such as the collections framework. As of Android Studio 3.0 (Beta version) Kotlin is a fully supported programming language on Android and lets the user choose between targeting Java 6- or Java 8-compatible bytecode. 2014 1638 416 489 41819039 2013 5947 7829 901474 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\ngoogle iosched Kotlin #F18E33 19058 5939 894 "The Google I/O 2019 Android App"\ninorichi tachiyomi Kotlin #F18E33 4268 601 327 "Free and open source manga reader for Android"\nchrisbanes tivi Kotlin #F18E33 2337 303 128 "Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app, which connects to It is still in its early stages of development and currently only contains two pieces of UI. It is under heavy development."\ndbacinski Design-Patterns-In-Kotlin Kotlin #F18E33 3176 392 169 "Design Patterns implemented in Kotlin"\nKotlin kotlinx.coroutines Kotlin #F18E33 5850 763 291 "Library support for Kotlin coroutines"\ngooglesamples android-architecture-components Kotlin #F18E33 14412 4418 391 "Samples for Android Architecture Components."\nkizitonwose CalendarView Kotlin #F18E33 979 62 132 "A highly customizable calendar library for Android, powered by RecyclerView."\ngooglesamples android-sunflower Kotlin #F18E33 8355 1602 343 "A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with Android Jetpack."\ngooglesamples android-UniversalMusicPlayer Kotlin #F18E33 11093 3339 110 "This sample shows how to implement an audio media app that works across multiple form factors and provide a consistent user experience on Android phones, tablets, Auto, Wear and Cast devices"\nshadowsocks shadowsocks-android Kotlin #F18E33 26014 10047 739 "A shadowsocks client for Android"\nhoodiearon fq-book Kotlin #F18E33 1392 467 105 "📖 《这本书能让你连接互联网》科学上网Freestyle,了解网络基础知识与实践蹭网操作"\nandroid plaid Kotlin #F18E33 13763 2813 197 "An Android app which provides design news & inspiration as well as being an example of implementing material design."\nJetBrains Exposed Kotlin #F18E33 2964 267 94 "Kotlin SQL Framework"\nairbnb MvRx Kotlin #F18E33 3188 217 92 "MvRx: Android on Autopilot"\nKotlinBy awesome-kotlin Kotlin #F18E33 7695 852 180 "A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java."\nJetBrains kotlin Kotlin #F18E33 28954 3382 421 "The Kotlin Programming Language"\ncashapp sqldelight Kotlin #F18E33 2745 205 189 "SQLDelight - Generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from SQL"\nCypherpunkArmory UserLAnd Kotlin #F18E33 1312 137 45 "Main UserLAnd Repository"\ngooglesamples android-dynamic-features Kotlin #F18E33 401 129 36\nInsertKoinIO koin Kotlin #F18E33 4173 256 170 "KOIN - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin"\neycorsican kitsunebi-android Kotlin #F18E33 546 105 75 "A fully-featured V2Ray client for Android."\nsanogueralorenzo Android-Kotlin-Clean-Architecture Kotlin #F18E33 767 146 59 "Android Sample Clean Architecture App written in Kotlin"\narturbosch detekt Kotlin #F18E33 2289 258 116 "Static code analysis for Kotlin"\nanthonycr Lightning-Browser Kotlin #F18E33 1442 679 36 "A lightweight Android browser with modern navigation"\nkittinunf fuel Kotlin #F18E33 3012 316 88 "The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android" text clike text/x-kotlin source.kotlin programming k/Kotlin.kt 48 pl true 22 ace avail ceu cloc flatbuffers flutter gradle kotlin ladybird lwjgl mal melody moirai opencv partiql pkl project-mentat pygments python react-native xtclang yakou-lang false 2008 2024 185118 1193 92427 JetBrains kt kts kt ktm kts kt kt kts kt kts kotlin java gradle xml javascript cpp json markdown swift typescript c objective-c bourne-shell idl objective-cpp protobuf ruby bash groovy html css yaml dockerfile diff python reason cmake csv asciidoc ejs toml vtl-lang puppet llvmir scala true 136758 5276 249 jvm 1 true 2 true kt ktm kts false text kotlin Kotlin package addressbook class Contact( val name : String, val emails : List, val addresses : List, val phonenums : List ) class EmailAddress( val user : String, val host : String ) class PostalAddress( val streetAddress : String, val city : String, val zip : String, val state : USState?, val country : Country ) { assert {(state == null) xor (country == Countries["US"]) } } class PhoneNumber( val country : Country, val areaCode : Int, val number : Long ) object Countries { fun get(id : CountryID) : Country = countryTable[id] private var table : Map? = null private val countryTable : Map get() { if (table == null) { table = HashMap() for (line in TextFile("countries.txt").lines(stripWhiteSpace = true)) { table[line] = Country(line) } } return table } } class Country(val name : String) println("Hello, world!") // returns null if... // - foo() returns null, // - or if foo() is non-null, but bar() returns null, // - or if foo() and bar() are non-null, but baz() returns null. // vice versa, return value is non-null if and only if foo(), bar() and baz() are non-null foo()?.bar()?.baz() // Type your code here, or load an example. fun square(num: Int): Int = num * num fun main() { println("Hello World") } Kotlin // Hello world in Kotlin fun main(args : Array) { println("Hello, world!") } Kotlin Kotlin as as? break class continue do else false for fun if in !in interface is !is null object package return super this throw true try typealias val var when while by catch constructor delegate dynamic field file finally get import init param property receiver set setparam where actual abstract annotation companion const crossinline data enum expect external final infix inline inner internal lateinit noinline open operator out override private protected public reified sealed suspend tailrec vararg field it + - * / % * = += -= *= /= %= ++ -- && || ! == != === !== < > <= >= [ ] !! ?. ?: :: .. : ? ->; @ ; $ _ // /* */ println " true false true true true false true true true true true true true true true true false true true true false true true true false true 99 16 Kotlin Kotlin Kotlin year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2019|Razeware LLC|Reactive Programming with Kotlin (First Edition): Learn Rx with RxJava, RxKotlin, and RXAndroid|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Sullivan, Alex|9781942878797\n2019|Packt Publishing|Mastering Kotlin: Learn advanced Kotlin programming techniques to build apps for Android, iOS, and the web|Ebel, Nate|9781838552367\n2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Serverless Applications with Kotlin: Develop scalable and cost-effective web applications using AWS Lambda and Kotlin|Trivedi, Hardik and Kulkarni, Ameya|9781788993708\n2017|Packt Publishing|Android Development with Kotlin: Enhance your skills for Android development using Kotlin|Moskala, Marcin and Wojda, Igor|9781787128989\n2017|Packt Publishing|Kotlin Blueprints: A practical guide to building industry-grade web, mobile, and desktop applications in Kotlin using frameworks such as Spring Boot and Node.js|Belagali, Ashish and Trivedi, Hardik and Chordiya, Akshay|9781788470421\n2018-06-25T00:00:01Z|Big Nerd Ranch Guides|Kotlin Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide|Skeen, Josh and Greenhalgh, David|9780135161630\n2020|Payload Media|Android Studio 4.0 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio 4.0, Kotlin and Android Jetpack|Smyth, Neil|9781951442200\n2019|Packt Publishing|Android Programming with Kotlin for Beginners: Build Android apps starting from zero programming experience with the new Kotlin programming language|Horton, John|9781789800883\n2022|BPB Publications|Kotlin In-Depth: A Guide to a Multipurpose Programming Language for Server-Side, Front-End, Android, and Multiplatform Mobile (English Edition)|Sedunov, Aleksei|9789391030636\n2021|Payload Media|Android Studio 4.2 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio 4.2, Kotlin and Android Jetpack|Smyth, Neil|9781951442309\n2019-10-01T00:00:01Z|Razeware LLC|Kotlin Apprentice (Second Edition): Beginning Programming with Kotlin|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Galata, Irina and Shapiro, Ellen and Howard, Joe|9781950325009\n2019-04-30T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Android Programming with Kotlin for Beginners: Build Android apps starting from zero programming experience with the new Kotlin programming language|Horton, John|9781789615401\n2019|Packt Publishing|Mastering Kotlin: Learn advanced Kotlin programming techniques to build apps for Android, iOS, and the web|Ebel, Nate|9781838555726\n2021|Big Nerd Ranch Guides|Kotlin Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (Big Nerd Ranch Guides)|Greenhalgh, David and Skeen, Josh|9780136870487\n2021|Manning|Functional Programming in Kotlin|Vermeulen, Marco and Bjarnason , Rúnar and Chiusano , Paul|9781638350972\n2017|Manning|Kotlin in Action|Jemerov, Dmitry and Isakova, Svetlana|9781638353690\n2021|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming DSLs in Kotlin|Subramaniam, Venkat|9781680507935\n2021|Razeware LLC|Kotlin Apprentice (Third Edition): Beginning Programming with Kotlin|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Galata, Irina and Gonda, Victoria and Howard, Joe and Shapiro, Ellen|9781950325375\n2021|Payload Media, Inc.|Android Studio Arctic Fox Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio 2020.31 and Kotlin|Smyth, Neil|9781951442347\n2021|Big Nerd Ranch Guides|Kotlin Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (Big Nerd Ranch Guides)|Greenhalgh, David and Skeen, Josh|9780136891055\n2018|Addison-Wesley Professional|Kotlin for Android App Development (Developer's Library)|Sommerhoff, Peter|9780134854229\n2021|Manning Publications|Functional Programming in Kotlin|Vermeulen, Marco and Bjarnason, Rúnar and Chiusano, Paul|9781617297168\n2019|Apress|Learn Kotlin for Android Development: The Next Generation Language for Modern Android Apps Programming|Späth, Peter|9781484244678\n2019|Packt Publishing|Learn Kotlin Programming: A comprehensive guide to OOP, functions, concurrency, and coroutines in Kotlin 1.3, 2nd Edition|Samuel, Stephen and Bocutiu, Stefan|9781789802351\n2019-05-30T00:00:01Z|Apress|Learn Kotlin for Android Development: The Next Generation Language for Modern Android Apps Programming|Späth, Peter|9781484244661\n2021|Wiley|Programming Kotlin Applications: Building Mobile and Server-Side Applications with Kotlin|McLaughlin, Brett|9781119696186\n2022|Razeware LLC|Functional Programming in Kotlin by Tutorials (First Edition): A Practical Approach to Writing Safer, More Reliable Apps|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Carli, Massimo|9781950325672\n2020|Payload Media|Android Studio 3.6 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android 10 (Q) Apps Using Android Studio 3.6, Kotlin and Android Jetpack|Smyth, Neil|9781951442125\n2018|Razeware LLC|Kotlin Apprentice: Beginning Programming with Kotlin| Team and Galata, Irina and Howard, Joe and Lucas, Dick and Shapiro, Ellen|9781942878506\n2018|Payload Media, Inc.|Android Studio 3.2 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android 9 Apps Using Android Studio 3.2, Kotlin and Android Jetpack|Smyth, Neil|9780960010929\n2018|Packt Publishing|Kotlin Programming By Example: Build real-world Android and web applications the Kotlin way|Adelekan, Iyanu|9781788474542\n2017-12-05T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Reactive Programming in Kotlin: Design and build non-blocking, asynchronous Kotlin applications with RXKotlin, Reactor-Kotlin, Android, and Spring|Chakraborty, Rivu|9781788473026\n2018|Packt Publishing|Mastering High Performance with Kotlin: Overcome performance difficulties in Kotlin with a range of exciting techniques and solutions|Kucherenko, Igor|9781788998352\n2022|Springer|The First Line of Code: Android Programming with Kotlin|Guo, Lin|9789811917998\n2018|Packt Publishing|Kotlin Standard Library Cookbook: Master the powerful Kotlin standard library through practical code examples|Urbanowicz, Samuel|9781788837668\n2018|Packt Publishing|Kotlin Programming Cookbook: Explore more than 100 recipes that show how to build robust mobile and web applications with Kotlin, Spring Boot, and Android|Roy, Aanand Shekhar and Karanpuria, Rashi|9781788472142\n2021|Razeware LLC|Reactive Programming with Kotlin (Second Edition): Learn RX with RxJava, RxKotlin and RxAndroid|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Sullivan, Alex|9781950325252\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Easy Minecraft® Mod Programming: Learn to Code Minecraft® Mods with Kotlin|Norman, Michael D. and Norman, Isaac S.|9781984336927\n2020|BPB Publications|Kotlin In-Depth [Vol-I]: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Multi-Paradigm Language (English Edition)|Sedunov, Aleksei|9789389328585\n2018-10-31T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin: Build robust software with reusable code using OOP principles and design patterns in Kotlin|Khan, Abid and Kucherenko, Igor|9781789617726\n2018|Packt Publishing|Kotlin Quick Start Guide: Core features to get you ready for developing applications|Devcic, Marko|9781789342598\n2019-12-20T00:00:01Z|Independently published|Kotlin Programming Journal: Notebook For Kotlin Programming: Blank Ruled Notebook / Lined Journal Gift For Kotlin Programmers, 120 pages, 6x9 inches, Matte.|Publishing, Dascity|9781678586218\n2019|BPB Publications|Kotlin At a Glance|Saxena, Swati|9789388511490\n2016||Fundamental Kotlin|Miloš Vasić|9788692030703\n2021|Springer International Publishing AG|Beginners Guide To Kotlin Programming|John Hunt|9783030808921\n2019||Hands-on Reactive Programming With Kotlin|Abid. Roy Khan (aanand Shekhar. Iglesias, Juan Antonio Medina.)|9781789535013\n20180809|Pearson Technology Group|Kotlin Programming|Josh Skeen; David Greenhalgh|9780135162361\n20191114|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Kotlin Cookbook|Ken Kousen|9781492046639\n23-02-2018|Packt Publishing|Functional Kotlin|Mario Arias; Rivu Chakraborty|9781788397360\n2019|Independently Published|Kotlin Programming|Bruce Herbert|9781099987274\n20190912|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Kotlin|Venkat Subramaniam|9781680507294\n||Kotlin For Beginners|Peter Sommerhoff|9781788625944\n2019|O'reilly Media|Head First Kotlin|Dawn Griffiths and David Griffiths|9781491996669\n2020|John Wiley & Sons|Programming Kotlin Applications|Brett McLaughlin|9781119696162\n20190213|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Head First Kotlin|Dawn Griffiths; David Griffiths|9781491996645\n29-05-2019|Packt Publishing|Learn Kotlin Programming|Stephen Samuel; Stefan Bocutiu|9781789808742\n25-01-2018|Packt Publishing|Kotlin Programming Cookbook|Aanand Shekhar Roy; Rashi Karanpuria|9781788475211\n20210816|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Java to Kotlin|Duncan McGregor; Nat Pryce|9781492082224\n20201209|Wiley Professional Development (P&T)|Programming Kotlin Applications|Brett McLaughlin|9781119696216\n20210323|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming DSLs in Kotlin|Venkat Subramaniam|9781680508260\n28-03-2018|Packt Publishing|Kotlin Programming By Example|Iyanu Adelekan|9781788479783\n43074|Packt Publishing|Reactive Programming in Kotlin|Rivu Chakraborty|9781788470254\n30-07-2018|Packt Publishing|Kotlin Standard Library Cookbook|Samuel Urbanowicz|9781788834643\n20211206|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programming Android with Kotlin|Pierre-Olivier Laurence; Amanda Hinchman-Dominguez; G. Blake Meike; Mike Dunn|9781492062950\n20190421|Simon & Schuster|The Joy of Kotlin|Pierre-Yves Saumont|9781638350125\n2019-08-16|Independently Published|Kotlin Basics: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Learn Kotlin Programming Step By Step|Moaml Mohmmed|9781686750861\n20211008|Springer Nature|Beginner's Guide to Kotlin Programming|John Hunt|9783030808938\n20210518|Springer Nature|Learn to Program with Kotlin|Tim Lavers|9781484268155\n43047|Packt Publishing|Mastering Android Development with Kotlin|Milos Vasic|9781788474665\n29-01-2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Microservices with Kotlin|Juan Antonio Medina Iglesias|9781788473491\n20181112|Springer Nature|Learn Android Studio 3 with Kotlin|Ted Hagos|9781484239070\n21-01-2022|Packt Publishing|Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices|Alexey Soshin; Anton Arhipov|9781801816281\n2022-02-18|Payload Media, Inc.|Android Studio Bumble Bee Essentials - Kotlin Edition|Neil Smyth|9781951442408\n15-06-2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Design Patterns with Kotlin|Alexey Soshin|9781788999595\n20210615|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Kotlin and Android Development featuring Jetpack|Michael Fazio|9781680508680\n20180625|Packt Publishing|Learning Kotlin by building Android Applications|Eunice Obugyei; Natarajan Raman|9781788471497\n29-09-2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Serverless Applications with Kotlin|Hardik Trivedi; Ameya Kulkarni|9781788991049\n2020-12-08|Payload Media, Inc.|Android Studio 4.1 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition|Neil Smyth|9781951442248\n2020-04-30|Packt Publishing|Android Studio 3.6 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition|Neil Smyth|9781800561045\n2020|Packt Publishing|Android Studio 4.0 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition|Neil Smyth|9781800569065\n2020-04-01|Payload Media, Inc.|Android Studio 3.6 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition|Neil Smyth|9781951442132\n2019-05-17|Packt Publishing|Android Studio 3.5 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition|Neil Smyth|9781951442026\n2021-08-10|Packt Publishing|Android Studio 4.2 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition|Neil Smyth|9781803245614\n44624|Packt Publishing|Simplifying Application Development with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile|Róbert Nagy|9781801819657\n31-10-2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin|Abid Khan; Igor Kucherenko|9781789619645\n30-11-2018|Packt Publishing|Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE|Raghavendra Rao K|9781788994392\n2021-10-18|Packt Publishing|Android Studio Arctic Fox Essentials - Kotlin Edition|Neil Smyth|9781803247830\n18-05-2018|Packt Publishing|Building Applications with Spring 5 and Kotlin|Milos Vasic|9781788473156\n2020||Android Studio 4. 0 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition|Neil Smyth|9781800560437\n2020|Packt Publishing, Limited|Android Studio 3. 6 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition|Neil Smyth|9781800567665\n20220524|Packt Publishing|Kickstart Modern Android Development with Jetpack and Kotlin|Catalin Ghita|9781801818216\n04/2020|BPB Publications|Cracking Kotlin Interview: Solutions to Your Basic to Advanced Programming Questions|Swati Saxena|9789389845266\n03/2020|BPB Publications|Kotlin In-depth [Vol-II]: A comprehensive guide to modern multi-paradigm language|Aleksei Sedunov|9789389423228 Kotlin kotlin developer year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2018|An empirical study on quality of Android applications written in Kotlin language|10.1007/s10664-019-09727-4|26|5|Bruno Góis Mateus and Matias Martinez|3b5a5ef67d8a888fa8dd00ab532ed2a8a80fbc49\n2019|Characterizing the transition to Kotlin of Android apps: a study on F-Droid, Play Store, and GitHub|10.1145/3340496.3342759|17|3|Riccardo Coppola and Luca Ardito and Marco Torchiano|390cadb4db85664b4db1b61db5808960e00a7b14\n2018|Are you still smelling it?: A comparative study between Java and Kotlin language|10.1145/3267183.3267186|16|3|Matheus Flauzino and Júlio Veríssimo and Ricardo Terra and Elder Cirilo and Vinicius H. S. Durelli and R. Durelli|0dd08a98d01a5f68f853ae074d83a120aa5bc649\n2018|A COMPARATIVE STUDY: JAVA VS KOTLIN PROGRAMMING IN ANDROID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT|10.26483/IJARCS.V9I3.5978|16|1|Madhurima Banerjee and Subham Bose and A. Kundu and Madhuleena Mukherjee|b047262d0a95f9d910e5336703c08d1a78902e31\n2019|On the adoption, usage and evolution of Kotlin features in Android development|10.1145/3382494.3410676|11|0|B. Mateus and Matias Martinez|f4fb9104e6058762946c2552545b2394702c4652\n2018|Detecting anomalies in Kotlin code|10.1145/3236454.3236457|8|1|T. Bryksin and V. Petukhov and Kirill Smirenko and Nikita Povarov|72ba890c67e01159d2c7084e2f3ae1cc98c4eedf\n2020|Using Large-Scale Anomaly Detection on Code to Improve Kotlin Compiler|10.1145/3379597.3387447|5|0|T. Bryksin and V. Petukhov and Ilya Alexin and Stanislav Prikhodko and A. Shpilman and V. Kovalenko and Nikita Povarov|547b52a967ecb98837816e7a632693e25a5eac7d\n2019|ReduKtor: How We Stopped Worrying About Bugs in Kotlin Compiler|10.1109/ASE.2019.00038|4|0|Daniil Stepanov and M. Akhin and Mikhail A. Belyaev|ef7ce4364fe2a60ac0ab6217e60cffa1db3432f8\n2019|Kotlin language for science and Kmath library|10.1063/1.5130103|4|0|A. Nozik|d75ca59b9807de9fb3d75dd31b1d9bee84f5c621\n2020|Transitioning to Teaching Android With Kotlin and Jetpack Components|10.1145/3328778.3372603|2|1|A. Esakia|97bd27928eb288e20d6805be1b07353d31b7f68a\n2021|A Severity-Based Classification Assessment of Code Smells in Kotlin and Java Application|10.1007/s13369-021-06077-6|2|0|Aakanshi Gupta and Nidhi Kumari Chauhan|2ce7e53004edb91a387ee15c95544b11eb0f6d74\n2017|Spring Boot with Groovy, Scala, and Kotlin|10.1007/978-1-4842-2931-6_17|1|0|K. Reddy|b4a3369f3f6b3637dd3f1693eb6311bd81e2a7bd\n2021|How does Migrating to Kotlin Impact the Run-time Efficiency of Android Apps?|10.1109/SCAM52516.2021.00014|1|0|Michael Peters and Gian Luca Scoccia and I. Malavolta|c3b69c72401f6c217f5a4a64c0995e2cefed624c\n2021|Kotlin coroutines: design and implementation|10.1145/3486607.3486751|1|0|Roman Elizarov and Mikhail A. Belyaev and M. Akhin and Ilmir Usmanov|0113bac81892215e87a7fd47f89fa30dadabc9e8\n2020|Why did developers migrate Android Applications from Java to Kotlin|10.1109/TSE.2021.3120367|1|0|Matias Martinez and B. Mateus|a1c938db94cfd9b971081b8a7cc0ef677ba8b12d\n2020|Type-Centric Kotlin Compiler Fuzzing: Preserving Test Program Correctness by Preserving Types|10.1109/ICST49551.2021.00044|1|0|Daniil Stepanov and M. Akhin and Mikhail A. Belyaev|854efa7220f72835a789b2826eaaa4e4ec3b3c95 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nKotlin for Android Developers: Learn Kotlin the easy way while developing an Android App||Antonio Leiva|50360838|3.81|117|17\nProgramming Kotlin||Stephen Samuel|55025626|3.96|27|4\nKotlin Apprentice: Beginning Programming with Kotlin|| Team|63806537|0.0|0|0\nReactive Programming in Kotlin: Design and build non-blocking, asynchronous Kotlin applications with RXKotlin, Reactor-Kotlin, Android, and Spring||Rivu Chakraborty|57362464|3.93|14|2\nProgramming Kotlin||Venkat Subramaniam|66381682|5.00|1|0\nKotlin Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide||Matthew Mathias|58631045|0.0|0|0 haskell Haskell 1990 Paul Hudak and John Hughes 83 pl 80 2010 6 26 25039 115163 311 463 2014 2018 5 13 clean fp hope id iswim krc lisp miranda ml standard-ml scheme sisal agda csharp linq cayenne clojure coffeescript curry elm epigram f-sharp frege hack idris java livescript mercury raku python rust scala swift c c-- llvmir opengl javascript lazyml pandoc-app cryptol jvm 1990 Haskell is a standardized, general-purpose purely functional programming language, with non-strict semantics and strong static typing. It is named after logician Haskell Curry. The latest standard of Haskell is Haskell 2010. As of May 2016, a group is working on the next version, Haskell 2020. Haskell features a type system with type inference and lazy evaluation. Type classes first appeared in the Haskell programming language. Its main implementation is the Glasgow Haskell Compiler. Haskell is based on the semantics, but not the syntax, of the language Miranda, which served to focus the efforts of the initial Haskell working group. Haskell is used widely in academia and industry. 2001 1177 1499 1802 27404990 1996 12846 29991 126924 4 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nkoalaman shellcheck Haskell #5e5086 16292 821 422 "ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts"\nfacebook duckling Haskell #5e5086 2567 435 119 "Language, engine, and tooling for expressing, testing, and evaluating composable language rules on input strings."\nunisonweb unison Haskell #5e5086 2110 92 208 "Next generation programming language, currently in development" runghc runhaskell runhugs haskell haskell text/x-haskell source.haskell programming h/Haskell.hs pl 1555 true 89 ace aith astatine asterius-compiler atomspace attoparsec badlanguage boomerang-decompiler bruijn carp carth civet clash cloc cryptol curly curry curry darcs datafun dex dhall differential-datalog edh egison elm encore enso expresso fay felix flare forest-lang fp3 frank-lang fstar futhark ghc ghc gren hakaru hamler harlan haste helium idris json-lambda juvix kalyn kei keli kima kitlang kitten koka lambcalc lamdu-editor lamdu lawvere ligo lucid-lang luna mal megaparsec mlscript monte mushroom neut nit octune oden pact pandoc-app parsec particles plam psyche-c purescript pygments reflex-framework scrapscript simplictiy sixten slab son topaz-lang ucl wasp-lang z-expressions false Yale University && Chalmers University && Microsoft && University of Edinburgh hs lhs hs hs-boot hsc hs hs hs lhs haskell true 37628 495 156 2 2010 false hs hsc lhs false text haskell Haskell ghc United States and United Kingdom Haskell import Data.Char main :: IO () main = do let hello = "hello world" putStrLn $ map toUpper hello module Main where main :: IO () main = putStrLn "Hello, world!" $ ghci Prelude> import Data.Int Prelude Data.Int> fromIntegral (32767 :: Int16) :: Int8 -1 Prelude Data.Int> fromInteger (2^64 :: Integer) :: Int32 0 module Example where sumOverArray :: [Int] -> Int sumOverArray (x:xs) = x + sumOverArray xs sumOverArray [] = 0 module Main where main = putStrLn "Hello World" Haskell -- Hello World in Haskell main = putStrLn "Hello World" Haskell Haskell ! ' '' - -< -<< -> :: ; <- , = => > ? # \* @ [|, |] \ \_ ` {, } {-, -} | ~ as case of class data family instance default deriving do forall foreign hiding if then else import infix infixl infixr let in mdo module newtype proc qualified rec type where -- {- -} putStrLn " true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true 70 34 Haskell Haskell Haskell year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2016|Cambridge University Press|Programming in Haskell|Hutton, Graham|9781316626221\n2008|O'Reilly Media|Real World Haskell|Bryan O'Sullivan and John Goerzen and Don Stewart|9780596514983\n2011|No Starch Press|Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!: A Beginner's Guide|Lipovaca, Miran|9781593272838\n1992|Cambridge University Press|Introduction to Functional Programming Systems Using Haskell (Cambridge Computer Science Texts, Series Number 27)|Davie, Antony J. T.|9780521277242\n2014|Packt Publishing|Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook|Shukla, Nishant|9781783286331\n2000|Cambridge University Press|The Haskell School of Expression: Learning Functional Programming through Multimedia|Paul Hudak|9780521644082\n2002|Assn for Computing Machinery|Haskell Workshop Acm Sigplan 2002|Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Staff and ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Workshop|9781581136050\n2004|College Publications|The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming. Second Edition (Texts in Computing)|Kees Doets and Jan van Eijck|9780954300692\n2015|O'Reilly Media|Developing Web Apps with Haskell and Yesod: Safety-Driven Web Development|Snoyman, Michael|9781491915592\n42314|Packt Publishing|Haskell Design Patterns|Ryan Lemmer|9781783988730\n2020|Cambridge University Press|Algorithm Design with Haskell|Bird, Richard and Gibbons, Jeremy|9781108491617\n2018|Manning Publications|Get Programming with Haskell|Kurt, Will|9781617293764\n2011|No Starch Press|Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!: A Beginner's Guide|Lipovaca, Miran|9781593272951\n2014|Cambridge University Press|Thinking Functionally with Haskell|Bird, Richard|9781107452640\n2007|Cambridge University Press|Programming in Haskell|Graham Hutton|9780521692694\n2014|Packt Publishing|Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook|Shukla, Nishant|9781783286348\n2016|Packt Publishing|Haskell High Performance Programming|Thomasson, Samuli|9781786464217\n2017|Packt Publishing|Haskell Cookbook: Build functional applications using Monads, Applicatives, and Functors|Sajanikar, Yogesh|9781786462657\n1998-05-09T00:00:01Z|Prentice Hall|Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell (2nd Edition)|Bird, Richard|9780134843469\n2015|Packt Publishing|Haskell Design Patterns: Take your Haskell and functional programming skills to the next level by exploring new idioms and design patterns|Lemmer, Ryan|9781783988723\n2012|O'Reilly Media|Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod|Snoyman, Michael|9781449316976\n2013|Packt Publishing|Haskell Financial Data Modeling and Predictive Analytics|Ryzhov, Pavel|9781782169437\n2007-01-15T00:00:01Z|Cambridge University Press|Programming in Haskell|Graham Hutton|9780521871723\n2000|Cambridge University Press|The Haskell School of Expression: Learning Functional Programming through Multimedia|Hudak, Paul|9780521643382\n2004|College Publications|The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming. Second edition|Doets, Kees and Eijck, van Jan|9781954300699\n20160901|Cambridge University Press|Programming in Haskell|Graham Hutton|9781316863220\n|Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd|Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell||9789351102335\n2003|Cambridge University Press|Haskell 98 Language and Libraries: The Revised Report|Simon L. Peyton Jones|9780521826143\n2014|People Post Press|Highlights of cutting-edge programming languages: Haskell Fun Learning Guide(Chinese Edition)|[ SI LUO WEN NI YA ] Miran Lipovaca|9787115335593\n20121018|De Gruyter|Haskell|Ernst-Erich Doberkat|9783486718539\n2006|Association For Computing Machinery|Haskell '06|Acm Sigplan Haskell Workshop (10th : 2006 : Portland, Oregon) and Acm Special Interest Group On Programming Languages|9781595934895\n2012|Cambridge University Press|Programming In Haskell|Professor Graham Hutton|9780511813672\n20070115|Cambridge University Press|Programming in Haskell|Graham Hutton|9780511292187\n20081115|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Real World Haskell|Bryan O'Sullivan|9780596803322\n20081115|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Real World Haskell|Bryan O'Sullivan; John Goerzen; Donald Bruce Stewart|9780596554309\n20070115|Cambridge University Press|Programming in Haskell|Graham Hutton|9781139637534\n||Haskell (programming Language)|Miller and Frederic P. and Vandome and Agnes F. and McBrewster and John|9786132660435\n||Programming In Haskell|Graham Hutton|9781316784099\n20210713|Simon & Schuster|Haskell in Depth|Vitaly Bragilevsky|9781638356929\n20150925|Pearson International Content|Haskell pdf Ebook|Simon Thompson|9781292127576\n2018|Cambridge University Press|Haskell School Of Music|Paul Hudak and Donya Quick|9781108241861\n20190610|Springer Nature|Haskell Quick Syntax Reference|Stefania Loredana Nita; Marius Mihailescu|9781484245071\n2000|Mcgraw-hill Osborne Media|Functional Programming With Haskell|Michael G. Hinchey and Steven A. Jarvis|9780077093303\n20180306|Simon & Schuster|Get Programming with Haskell|Will Kurt|9781638356776\n20200709|Cambridge University Press|Algorithm Design with Haskell|Richard Bird; Jeremy Gibbons|9781108858267\n26-09-2016|Packt Publishing|Haskell High Performance Programming|Samuli Thomasson|9781786466914\n2015-05-28|Packt Publishing|Learning Haskell Data Analysis|James Church|9781784395230\n20141009|Cambridge University Press|Thinking Functionally with Haskell|Richard Bird|9781316189986\n2005|Acm Press|Haskell '05: proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2005 Haskell Workshop : September 30, 2005, Tallinn, Estonia|Acm Sigplan Haskell Workshop (2005 : Tallinn, Estonia)|9781595930712\n2016||Haskell Programming From First Principles|Christopher Allen and Julie Moronuki|9781945388033\n20000228|Cambridge University Press|The Haskell School of Expression|Paul Hudak|9781107263925\n20000228|Cambridge University Press|The Haskell School of Expression|Paul Hudak|9781107266483\n2005|Acm Press|Haskell '05: proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2005 Haskell Workshop : September 30, 2005, Tallinn, Estonia|Acm Sigplan Haskell Workshop (2005 : Tallinn, Estonia)|9781595930712\n20181004|Cambridge University Press|The Haskell School of Music|Paul Hudak; Donya Quick|9781108271493\n20130712|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell|Simon Marlow|9781449335922\n||Introduction to Functional Programming, Haskell 1.3|Richard Bird|9780134843384\n20130712|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell|Simon Marlow|9781449335908\n2007|Association For Computing Machinery|Haskell '07: Proceedings Of The Acm Sigplan 2007 Haskell Workshop : Freiburg, Germany, September 30, 2007|ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages|9781595936745\n31-10-2018|Packt Publishing|Getting Started with Haskell Data Analysis|James Church|9781789808605\n2011||Articles On Haskell Programming Language Family, Including|Hephaestus Books|9781243296672\n2013-10-25|Packt Publishing|Haskell Financial Data Modeling and Predictive Analytics|Pavel Ryzhov|9781782169444\n2004|Association For Computing Machinery|Haskell '04: Proceedings Of The Acm Sigplan 2004 Haskell Workshop September 22-22, 2004, Snowbird, Utah, Usa|Association for Computing Machinery and ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages|9781581138504\n20150217|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Developing Web Apps with Haskell and Yesod|Michael Snoyman|9781491915578\n20150217|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Developing Web Apps with Haskell and Yesod|Michael Snoyman|9781491915554\n1992|Cambridge University Press|Introduction To Functional Programming Systems Using Haskell (cambridge Computer Science Texts)|Antony J. T. Davie|9780521258302\n||JAVA BY DISSECTION The Essentials of Java Programming - Javaplace Edition with Haskell - The Craft of Functional Programming|Pohl and Ira|9780582849426 Haskell haskell developer haskell year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2002|Template meta-programming for Haskell|10.1145/581690.581691|527|62|T. Sheard and S. Jones|9cf2790a364e5c14fb37bbd8026902712ac6b2aa\n2011|Accelerating Haskell array codes with multicore GPUs|10.1145/1926354.1926358|254|33|M. Chakravarty and G. Keller and Sean Lee and T. L. McDonell and Vinod Grover|4726ec683a7db8e97ebd845b98e294ead537888a\n1999|The Haskell School of Expression: Learning Functional Programming through Multimedia|10.1017/CBO9780511818073|199|16|P. Hudak|41cb1636d156537ead0a6b8045b26a00864bfae4\n2008|Comparing libraries for generic programming in haskell|10.1145/1411286.1411301|84|4|A. R. Yakushev and J. Jeuring and Patrik Jansson and Alex Gerdes and O. Kiselyov and B. C. Oliveira|51eb0e70ed65f59141a17d29b3790aab08b12e58\n2017|Ask-Elle: an Adaptable Programming Tutor for Haskell Giving Automated Feedback|10.1007/s40593-015-0080-x|70|9|Alex Gerdes and B. Heeren and J. Jeuring and L. T. V. Binsbergen|90a7ef598330801986e41e5ae185276329b42825\n2013|Hasochism: the pleasure and pain of dependently typed haskell programming|10.1145/2503778.2503786|54|3|S. Lindley and Conor McBride|9ff209527963fb71d3a2452dd3512158639993fb\n2000|FranTk - a declarative GUI language for Haskell|10.1145/351240.351250|50|3|M. Sage|0a0976e003e205c4dc2551f7b557b0dcb08082fc\n2009|Attribute grammars fly first-class: how to do aspect oriented programming in Haskell|10.1145/1596550.1596586|50|3|Marcos Viera and S. Swierstra and W. Swierstra|51fcb83978c204f062d6b86b367495752c607f09\n2003|Polytypic Programming in Haskell|10.1007/978-3-540-27861-0_11|36|7|U. Norell and Patrik Jansson|ba46a21d4c8471664326927ed813ad78f1d48355\n2015|A typechecker plugin for units of measure: domain-specific constraint solving in GHC Haskell|10.1145/2804302.2804305|29|1|Adam Gundry|d963e1217287c00d732f5204d20a3873f5db09e9\n2000|Distributed Programming in Haskell with Ports|10.1007/3-540-45361-X_7|25|3|F. Huch and U. Norbisrath|a1a9747208e4e2b403e2d07334ef04f2e648ce89\n2014|Promoting functions to type families in Haskell|10.1145/2775050.2633361|25|1|R. Eisenberg and Jan Stolarek|d3f760683b98a6c662cd5e515c54c082ab63b920\n2011|Eden - Parallel Functional Programming with Haskell|10.1007/978-3-642-32096-5_4|24|4|R. Loogen|32feaf7dc73338e84c7e0ce92bb50f8a160a245b\n2013|An EDSL approach to high performance Haskell programming|10.1145/2503778.2503789|22|3|J. Ankner and Josef Svenningsson|a9feb2a0dd2dd85def2084ac9785f41795932f09\n2017|Session Types with Linearity in Haskell|10.13052/RP-9788793519817|21|1|Dominic A. Orchard and N. Yoshida|7c3e5bdff48b2830a35a0087e3610d09b93dd96a\n2015|Haskell clone detection using pattern comparing algorithm|10.1109/EMES.2015.7158423|15|0|Sergej Chodarev and E. Pietriková and J. Kollár|8cbcff03c1119ed4f8355f40dd9e767081492cc6\n2010|Generic programming with C++ concepts and Haskell type classes—a comparison|10.1017/S095679681000016X|13|0|Jean-Philippe Bernardy and Patrik Jansson and Marcin Zalewski and S. Schupp|ba21705e0ce61b899205260d78fad259acab811d\n2015|Understanding beginners' mistakes with Haskell|10.1017/S0956796815000179|12|1|V. Tirronen and Samuel Uusi-Mäkelä and Ville Isomöttönen|62f3eaec30521360445110584271e36880563f69\n2012|Haskell vs. f# vs. scala: a high-level language features and parallelism support comparison|10.1145/2364474.2364483|8|1|Prabhat Totoo and Pantazis Deligiannis and Hans-Wolfgang Loidl|170ac8c4d10a9bfae6da19fb21933cfb561ace73\n2016|Composable scheduler activations for Haskell|10.1017/S0956796816000071|7|0|K. Sivaramakrishnan and T. Harris and S. Marlow and S. Jones|302eefdee1e482e1d31aa6f7a8c767f5e0b29747\n2012|Deterministic Parallel Programming with Haskell|10.1109/MCSE.2012.68|7|0|Duncan Coutts and Andres Löh|b88bde4843d794fe6380a78a9d0e642e0e0ee2e9\n2015|Polymonad programming in Haskell|10.1145/2897336.2897340|7|2|J. Bracker and H. Nilsson|34b9460068fdb7e19b1d12cc5d678313d6198e33\n1994|Programming Reactive Systems in Haskell|10.1007/978-1-4471-3573-9_4|6|1|Sigbjørn Finne and S. Jones|80d85b3350baa9acbcdaa740bca45d5aba1db637\n2017|Hardware software co-design in Haskell|10.1145/3122955.3122970|6|0|M. Aronsson and M. Sheeran|938b3f682f74c26274e52344b51e3cc1725b72bf\n2012|Parallel programming in Haskell almost for free: an embedding of intel's array building blocks|10.1145/2364474.2364477|6|0|Bo Joel Svensson and M. Sheeran|2fb44d66edcae5096dc546d0e5a25a0b5b1ca97e\n2020|Algorithm Design with Haskell|10.1017/9781108869041|6|1|R. Bird and J. Gibbons|6b01a61e5af971986f78c51a6605a0adf8a7cbb3\n1991|TIP in Haskell - another Exercise in Functional Programming|10.1007/978-1-4471-3196-0_22|5|0|C. Runciman|4cabdf996a1376e623040ab79e539f8debf01de9\n2006|GenI: natural language generation in Haskell|10.1145/1159842.1159858|5|1|Eric Kow|e903da230650b20c7116e0b4b07e7bd533c60af7\n2005|Functional programming languages for verification tools: a comparison of Standard ML and Haskell|10.1007/s10009-004-0184-3|4|0|M. Leucker and T. Noll and P. Stevens and Michael Weber|bb7c485843e97b376ef02d71798cee12daa04178\n2016|High-performance client-side web applications through Haskell EDSLs|10.1145/2976002.2976015|3|0|A. Ekblad|465b59bf4909f9ef5040da20b1d084e02005bb07\n2008|A Library for Processing Ad hoc Data in Haskell - Embedding a Data Description Language|10.1007/978-3-642-24452-0_10|3|0|Yan Wang and Verónica Gaspes|b533fb5e42edd7234991be0fdde794bc683836ab\n2018|A Purely Functional Computer Algebra System Embedded in Haskell|10.1007/978-3-319-99639-4|3|0|Hiromi Ishii|313e883a7f66075b6573704768f7790e568c1ded\n2014|Learn Physics by Programming in Haskell|10.4204/EPTCS.170.5|3|0|S. Walck|f7a8926d40dada932192f465709deb970f245d3f\n2020|Towards secure IoT programming in Haskell|10.1145/3406088.3409027|2|0|Nachiappan Valliappan and Robert Krook and Alejandro Russo and K. Claessen|19aa46db9aca26b92d479332dab89584e61ef93a title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nProgramming in Haskell|2006|Graham Hutton|897319|3.98|306|28\nHaskell Programming From First Principles|2015|Christopher Allen|45391585|4.55|130|22\nHaskell: The Craft of Functional Programming|1996|Simon Thompson|943123|3.53|159|8\nThe Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming|2004|Kees Doets|463917|3.67|110|5 clojure Clojure 2007 Rich Hickey 80 pl lisp 22 1.12.0 5 27 7 24995 163418 378 2010 2024 685 1451 10392 0 149 2013 2018 9 36 jvm csharp common-lisp erlang haskell mathematica ml prolog scheme java racket ruby elixir lisp maven-pom s-expressions csp actionscript python unicode 2007 Clojure ( , like "closure") is a dialect of the Lisp programming language. Clojure is a general-purpose programming language with an emphasis on functional programming. It runs on the Java virtual machine and the Common Language Runtime. Like other Lisps, Clojure treats code as data and has a macro system. The current development process is community-driven, overseen by Rich Hickey as its benevolent dictator for life (BDFL). Clojure encourages immutability and immutable data structures. While its type system is entirely dynamic, recent efforts have also sought the implementation of gradual typing. Clojure encourages programmers to be explicit about managing state and identity. This focus on programming with immutable values and explicit progression-of-time constructs is intended to facilitate developing more robust programs, especially multithreaded ones. Clojure is used in industry by firms such as Funding Circle, Walmart, Puppet, and other large software firms. Commercial support for Clojure is provided by Cognitect. Annual Clojure conferences are organised every year across the globe, the most famous of them being Clojure/conj (US east coast), Clojure/West (US west coast), and EuroClojure (Europe). The latest stable version of Clojure is 1.8, released on January 19, 2016. The first stable release was version 1.0, released on May 4, 2009. Clojure is free software released under the Eclipse Public License. 2008 610 363 594 16561990 2005 13795 25889 riemann.config 82125 9 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\ntonsky FiraCode Clojure #db5855 38337 1263 1065 "Monospaced font with programming ligatures"\nstatus-im status-react Clojure #db5855 2759 701 44 "a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum"\nfunctional-koans clojure-koans Clojure #db5855 3168 1833 22 "A set of exercises for learning Clojure"\nDay8 re-frame Clojure #db5855 3897 515 61 "A Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs, in Clojurescript."\nmetabase metabase Clojure #db5855 16675 2211 484 "The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company 😋"\nring-clojure ring Clojure #db5855 2869 437 31 "Clojure HTTP server abstraction"\nLightTable LightTable Clojure #db5855 10751 913 65 "The Light Table IDE ⛺"\nreagent-project reagent Clojure #db5855 3544 294 48 "A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js" bb clojure clojure text/x-clojure source.clojure programming c/Clojure.clj 42 pl true 22 ace clojure clojurescript datascript felix femtolisp fleck flow9 fstar hasklig insitux jank julia linux lux mal multiaddr opal opencv pan pygments wah false 2006 2024 4370 218 346 Cognitect clj cljc edn clj cljs cljc edn clj bb boot cl2 cljc cljs cljshl cljscm cljx hic clj clj cljc clj cljs cljc edn clojure java clojure markdown yaml html xml bourne-shell true 59897 469 105 jvm 1 true 1 true boot cl2 clj cljs.hl cljscm cljx hic riemann.config text clojure clojure Clojure clojure United States Clojure (defn rand "Returns a random floating point number between 0 (inclusive) and n (default 1) (exclusive)." ([] (scm* [n] (random-real))) ([n] (* (rand) n))) (println "Hello, world!") ;; A typical entry point of a Clojure program: ;; `-main` function (defn -main ; name [& args] ; (variable) parameters (println "Hello, World!")) ; body (println "Hello World") Clojure ; Hello world in Clojure (defn hello [] (println "Hello world!")) (hello) Clojure ; (comment ) println " false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true 60 7 Clojure Clojure year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2015|Packt Publishing|Clojure Reactive Programming|Borges, Leonardo|9781783986668\n2012|O'Reilly Media|Clojure Programming: Practical Lisp for the Java World|Emerick, Chas and Carper, Brian and Grand, Christophe|9781449394707\n2011|Manning Publications|The Joy of Clojure: Thinking the Clojure Way|Michael Fogus and Chris Houser|9781935182641\n2015|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Clojure Applied: From Practice to Practitioner|Vandgrift, Ben and Miller, Alex|9781680500745\n2014|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Mastering Clojure Macros: Write Cleaner, Faster, Smarter Code|Jones, Colin|9781941222225\n2012|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Clojure|Halloway, Stuart and Bedra, Aaron|9781934356869\n2014|Packt Publishing|Mastering Clojure Data Analysis|Rochester, Eric|9781783284139\n2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering Clojure|Wali, Akhil|9781785889745\n2016|Packt Publishing|Clojure for Java Developers|Diaz, Eduardo|9781785281501\n2014|Manning Publications|The Joy of Clojure|Michael Fogus and Chris Houser|9781617291418\n2021|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Web Development with Clojure|Sotnikov, Dmitri and Brown, Scot|9781680508840\n2020|Packt Publishing|The Clojure Workshop: Use functional programming to build data-centric applications with Clojure and ClojureScript|Fahey, Joseph and Haratyk, Thomas and McCaughie, Scott and Sharvit, Yehonathan and Szydlo, Konrad|9781838825119\n2016|Wrox|Professional Clojure|Anderson, Jeremy and Gaare, Michael and Holguín, Justin and Bailey, Nick and Pratley, Timothy|9781119267294\n2016|Wrox|Professional Clojure|Anderson, Jeremy and Gaare, Michael and Holguín, Justin and Bailey, Nick and Pratley, Timothy|9781119267270\n2018-03-20T00:00:01Z|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Clojure (The Pragmatic Programmers)|Miller, Alex and Halloway, Stuart and Bedra, Aaron|9781680502466\n2015|Packt Publishing|Clojure for Data Science|Garner, Henry|9781784397180\n2015|Packt Publishing|Clojure Reactive Programming - How to Develop Concurrent and Asynchronous Applications with Clojure|Borges, Leonardo|9781783986675\n2014|O'Reilly Media|Clojure Cookbook: Recipes for Functional Programming|VanderHart, Luke and Neufeld, Ryan|9781449366179\n2015|Addison-Wesley Professional|Clojure Recipes (Developer's Library)|Gamble, Julian|9780133430073\n2014|Packt Publishing|Clojure for Machine Learning|Wali, Akhil|9781783284351\n2009-06-07T00:00:01Z|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Clojure (Pragmatic Programmers)|Halloway, Stuart|9781934356333\n2010|Apress|Practical Clojure (Expert's Voice in Open Source)|VanderHart, Luke and Sierra, Stuart|9781430272304\n2015|Packt Publishing|Clojure Data Structures and Algorithms Cookbook|Naccache, Rafik|9781785281457\n2016|Packt Publishing|Clojure Programming Cookbook|Hashimoto, Makoto and Modrzyk, Nicolas|9781785885037\n2013|Packt Publishing|Clojure High Performance Programming|Kumar, Shantanu|9781782165606\n2013|Packt Publishing|Clojure for Domain-specific Languages|D. Kelker, Ryan|9781782166504\n2016|Packt Publishing|Clojure for Finance|Washington, Timothy|9781785289286\n2010-09-01|dpunkt|Clojure|Stefan Kamphausen and Tim Oliver Kaiser|9783898648905\n20140305|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Clojure Cookbook|Luke VanderHart; Ryan Neufeld|9781449366414\n20180509|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Getting Clojure|Russ Olsen|9781680506099\n20150414|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Living Clojure|Carin Meier|9781491909294\n28-03-2016|Packt Publishing|Mastering Clojure|Akhil Wali|9781785882050\n20191115|Packt Publishing|Clojure Polymorphism|Paul Stadig|9781838988371\n20150414|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Living Clojure|Carin Meier|9781491909287\n20151216|Simon & Schuster|Clojure in Action|Amit Rathore|9781638355335\n25-01-2018|Packt Publishing|Microservices with Clojure|Anuj Kumar|9781788626316\n20120330|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Clojure Programming|Chas Emerick; Brian Carper; Christophe Grand|9781449335359\n20140305|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Clojure Cookbook|Luke VanderHart; Ryan Neufeld|9781449366407\n20120330|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Clojure Programming|Chas Emerick; Brian Carper; Christophe Grand|9781449335342\n2016|Packt Publishing Ltd|Clojure Programming Cookbook|Makoto Hashimoto and Nicolas Modrzyk|9781785888519\n20140528|Simon & Schuster|The Joy of Clojure|Chris Houser; Michael Fogus|9781638351283\n2013-11-20|Packt Publishing|Clojure High Performance Programming|Shantanu Kumar|9781782165613\n2016-01-11|Packt Publishing|Clojure for Finance|Timothy Washington|9781785287619\n28-10-2016|Packt Publishing|Clojure Programming Cookbook|Makoto Hashimoto|9781785888519\n20150903|Packt Publishing|Clojure for Data Science|Henry Garner|9781784397500\n20150224|Packt Publishing|Clojure Web Development Essentials|Ryan Baldwin|9781784394875\n2014-04-24|Packt Publishing|Clojure for Machine Learning|Akhil Wali|9781783284368\n20160714|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Web Development with Clojure|Dmitri Sotnikov|9781680505306\n23-02-2016|Packt Publishing|Clojure for Java Developers|Eduardo Diaz|9781785280412\n2013-12-18|Packt Publishing|Clojure for Domain-specific Languages|Ryan D. Kelker|9781782166511\n20151015|Random House Publishing Services|Clojure for the Brave and True|Daniel Higginbotham|9781593277239\n2015|Packt Publishing 2015-09-29|Clojure High Performance Programming - Second Edition|Kumar and Shantanu|9781785283642\n20150929|Packt Publishing|Clojure High Performance Programming - Second Edition|Shantanu Kumar|9781785287671\n20141030|Emereo|Clojure 134 Success Secrets - 134 Most Asked Questions On Clojure - What You Need To Know|Cynthia Harmon|9781488813016\n25-01-2019|Packt Publishing|Hands-On Reactive Programming with Clojure|Konrad Szydlo; Leonardo Borges|9781789341966 Clojure clojure engineer clojure year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2008|The Clojure programming language|10.1145/1408681.1408682|187|20|R. Hickey|d9567af818aae84bae7ec340aff4a7a664e1777a\n2010|Getting Started with Google App Engine and Clojure|10.1109/MIC.2010.92|36|3|Aaron Bedra|1bc8d663955e442c0ec6564e1abb6e05349ed048\n2020|A history of Clojure|10.1145/3386321|12|3|R. Hickey|f931ff3469da7d1537f338b63b0051e8709b4470\n2010|Practical Clojure|10.1007/978-1-4302-7230-4|5|0|Luke VanderHart and S. Sierra|733c78d87b4b684e6de3d7b5463fd837484e663a\n2010|cljRobust - Clojure Programming API for Lego Mindstorms NXT|10.1007/978-3-642-13541-5_6|4|0|K. Kułakowski|452889551382a4ba973482d6ac70599a1c889e02\n2017|An open source implementation of an intuitionistic fuzzy inference system in Clojure|10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2017.8015697|2|0|Amaury Hernández-Águila and Mario García Valdez and O. Castillo and J. J. M. Guervós|3a851fc47e922137f1829ca3fcce286982784a2f\n2019|Towards Static Verification of Clojure Contract-Based Programs|10.1007/978-3-030-29852-4_5|2|0|Gheorghe Pinzaru and V. Rivera|26132abec6e92e8df28cdea73b9b5f0411edf17d title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nProgramming Clojure|2009|Stuart Halloway|6025753|3.82|559|45\nClojure Programming|2011|Chas Emerick|15799459|4.18|423|30\nClojure Reactive Programming|2015|Leonardo Borges|44920753|3.81|21|1\nClojure Cookbook: Recipes for Functional Programming|2014|Luke VanderHart|26177078|3.75|55|5\nClojure High Performance Programming|2013|Shantanu Kumar|26977256|2.84|19|4 coffeescript CoffeeScript 2009 Jeremy Ashkenas 69 pl 32 2.7.0 5 28 9 24991 2009 2024 509 1978 16466 83 332 2013 2018 10 30 haskell javascript perl python ruby yaml livescript rails jquery maven-pom java markdown elm haxe dart opa typescript 2011 CoffeeScript is a programming language that transcompiles to JavaScript. It adds syntactic sugar inspired by Ruby, Python and Haskell in an effort to enhance JavaScript's brevity and readability. Specific additional features include list comprehension and pattern matching. CoffeeScript support is included in Ruby on Rails version 3.1 and Play Framework. In 2011, Brendan Eich referenced CoffeeScript as an influence on his thoughts about the future of JavaScript. 2010 295 205 394 27403236 2009 44937 68631 Cakefile 64590 7 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\ncypress-io cypress CoffeeScript #244776 14465 770 668 "Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser."\nbasecamp trix CoffeeScript #244776 13950 661 171 "A rich text editor for everyday writing"\ncodecombat codecombat CoffeeScript #244776 6869 3506 42 "Game for learning how to code."\noverleaf overleaf CoffeeScript #244776 5599 712 110 "A web-based collaborative LaTeX editor"\nFelisCatus SwitchyOmega CoffeeScript #244776 13272 2230 266 "Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily."\nphilc vimium CoffeeScript #244776 11430 1380 164 "The hacker's browser." coffee or coffee-script coffee coffee coffeescript text/x-coffeescript programming c/ pl coffee true 34 ace blackcoffee civet civet coffeekup coffeescript cson daonode dexvis eiffel emberscript fjs fold grid-notation hera hhvm icedcoffeescript jedi jekyll kode lispyscript literate-coffeescript mal mochajs nodejs pug pygments statsplorer taijilang taxa testml toffeescript u false 2009 2023 5205 279 458 coffee litcoffee coffee litcoffee coffee _coffee cake cjsx iced coffee coffee coffee litcoffee markdown coffeescript html javascript css json svg yaml xml javascript true 46000 216 136 1 true 2 true _coffee cakefile cjsx coffee iced text coffeescript coffee CoffeeScript coffeescript United States console.log "Hello, World!" console.log "Hello, world!" author = "Wittgenstein" quote = "A picture is a fact. -- #{ author }" sentence = "#{ 22 / 7 } is a decent approximation of π" alert "Hello World" CoffeeScript // Hello world in CoffeeScript alert "Hello, World!" CoffeeScript and or is isnt not on yes @ no off true false null this new delete typeof in instanceof return throw break continue debugger if else switch for while do try catch finally class extends super undefined then unless until loop of by when # ### console.log " true false true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true 17 0 CoffeeScript CoffeeScript year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2013|Packt Publishing|CoffeeScript Application Development|Young, Ian|9781782162667\n2014|Manning|CoffeeScript in Action|Patrick Lee|9781617290626\n2012|Packt Publishing|CoffeeScript Programming with jQuery, Rails, and Node.js|Erasmus, Michael|9781849519588\n2012-12-13|Packt Publishing|CoffeeScript Programming with jQuery, Rails, and Node.js|Michael Erasmus|9781849519595\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|Programming in CoffeeScript (Developer's Library)|Bates, Mark|9780132946148\n2015|Packt Publishing|CoffeeScript Application Development Cookbook|Hatfield, Mike|9781783289707\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|Programming in CoffeeScript (Developer's Library)|Bates, Mark|9780321820105\n2013|Wiley|Smashing CoffeeScript|Hudson, Alex|9781118454374\n20121128|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Jump Start CoffeeScript|Earle Castledine|9781457191961\n20140508|Simon & Schuster|CoffeeScript in Action|Patrick Lee|9781638352921\n20121128|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Jump Start CoffeeScript|Earle Castledine|9781457191954\n20120119|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|The Little Book on CoffeeScript|Alex MacCaw|9781449325541\n20120119|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|The Little Book on CoffeeScript|Alex MacCaw|9781449325558 CoffeeScript coffeescript title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nProgramming in CoffeeScript (Developer's Library)|2012|Mark Bates|19193715|3.50|22|2\nCoffeescript Programming with Jquery, Rails, and Node.Js|2012|Michael Erasmus|23544945|3.50|10|2\nProgramming in Coffeescript|2012|Mark Bates|46311721|0.0|0|0\nProgramming in Coffeescript|2012|Mark Bates|46311722|0.0|0|0 elixir Elixir 2011 José Valim 96 pl 14 1.16 5 29 8 24961 44835 211 2011 2024 2011 673 3329 24093 23 294 2011 2022 1 55 erlang ruby clojure lfe unicode utf-8 2011 Elixir is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM). Elixir builds on top of Erlang and shares the same abstractions for building distributed, fault-tolerant applications. Elixir also provides a productive tooling and an extensible design. The latter is supported by compile-time metaprogramming with macros and polymorphism via protocols. Elixir is used by companies such as E-MetroTel, Pinterest and Moz. Elixir is also used for web development, by companies such as Bleacher Report, Discord, and Inverse, and for building embedded systems. The community organizes yearly events in United States, Europe and Japan as well as minor local events and conferences. 2013 413 283 197 38202780 4594 6816 mix.lock 89242 10 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nphoenixframework phoenix_live_view Elixir #6e4a7e 2197 180 90 "Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML"\nelixir-lang elixir Elixir #6e4a7e 15832 2267 174 "Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications"\nelixir-ecto ecto Elixir #6e4a7e 4322 1019 44 "A database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir"\nphoenixframework phoenix Elixir #6e4a7e 14194 1801 136 "Productive. Reliable. Fast."\nabsinthe-graphql absinthe Elixir #6e4a7e 2846 280 49 "The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir"\nderekkraan horde Elixir #6e4a7e 569 44 32 "Horde is a distributed Supervisor and Registry backed by DeltaCrdt"\nadriankumpf teslamate Elixir #6e4a7e 136 15 44 "A self-hosted data logger for your Tesla 🚘"\npoanetwork blockscout Elixir #6e4a7e 639 229 30 "Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains."\nchrismccord phoenix_live_view_example Elixir #6e4a7e 273 91 10 elixir elixir source.elixir programming e/Elixir.exs pl true 14 05ab1e ace cloc couchdb elixir erlang euphoria eyg felix gleam macchiato mal prql pygments false 2011 2024 33749 1567 735 Plataformatec ex exs ex exs exs ex eex exs ex exs elixir elixir markdown erlang yaml bourne-shell eex make powershell true 62402 214 128 1 true 1 true ex exs false text elixir Elixir elixir Brazil Elixir %{"cowboy": {:hex, :cowboy, "1.0.0"}, "cowlib": {:hex, :cowlib, "1.0.1"}, "hackney": {:hex, :hackney, "0.14.3"}, "hound": {:hex, :hound, "0.6.0"}, "httpoison": {:hex, :httpoison, "0.5.0"}, "idna": {:hex, :idna, "1.0.1"}, "phoenix": {:hex, :phoenix, "0.10.0"}, "plug": {:hex, :plug, "0.11.1"}, "poison": {:hex, :poison, "1.3.1"}, "ranch": {:hex, :ranch, "1.0.0"}} IO.puts("Hello, world!") task = Task.async fn -> perform_complex_action() end other_time_consuming_action() Task.await task #!/usr/bin/env elixir IO.puts "Hello World" Elixir # Hello world in Elixir defmodule HelloWorld do IO.puts "Hello, World!" end Elixir after and catch do else end false fn in nil not or rescue true when # IO.puts " true false true true true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true false true true true false true true true true true true false true true true true false true 31 3 Elixir Elixir year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2016|Packt Publishing|Learning Elixir|Ballou, Kenny|9781785881749\n2016|Pragmatic Bookshelf|"Programming Elixir 1.2: Functional |> Concurrent |> Pragmatic |> Fun"|Thomas, Dave|9781680501667\n2016|Pragmatic Bookshelf|"Programming Elixir 1.3: Functional |> Concurrent |> Pragmatic |> Fun"|Thomas, Dave|9781680502008\n2018|Pragmatic Bookshelf|"Programming Elixir ≥ 1.6: Functional |> Concurrent |> Pragmatic |> Fun"|Thomas, Dave|9781680502992\n2016|Manning Publications|The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook|Tan Wei Hao, Benjamin|9781633430112\n2015|Packt Publishing|Elixir Cookbook|Pereira, Paulo A|9781784397517\n2015|Manning|Elixir in Action|Juric, Saša|9781617292019\n2022|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Phoenix LiveView: Interactive Elixir Web Programming Without Writing Any JavaScript|Tate, Bruce A. and DeBenedetto, Sophie|9781680508215\n2016|Packt Publishing|Learning Elixir|Ballou, Kenny|9781785883477\n2016|Apress|Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers|Loder, Wolfgang|9781484223949\n2018|Packt Publishing|Phoenix Web Development: Create rich web applications using functional programming techniques with Phoenix and Elixir|Voloz, Mike and Richey, Brandon|9781787284777\n20180314|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Adopting Elixir|Ben Marx; Jose Valim; Bruce Tate|9781680505849\n20161222|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Introducing Elixir|Simon St. Laurent; J. David Eisenberg|9781491956854\n20151216|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Introducing Elixir|Laurent, Simon St.; Eisenberg, J. David|9781449369996\n20140910|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Introducing Elixir|Simon St. Laurent|9781449369972\n30-07-2018|Packt Publishing|Mastering Elixir|Andre Albuquerque; Daniel Caixinha|9781788472241\n20190416|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Ecto: Build Database Apps in Elixir for Scalability and Performance|Wilson, Darin and Meadows-Jonsson, Eric|9781680502824\n20220622|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programmer Passport: Elixir|Bruce Tate|9781680509625\n20191202|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Designing Elixir Systems With OTP|James Edward Gray II; Bruce A. Tate|9781680507379\n20210725|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir|Svilen Gospodinov|9781680508963\n20180327|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe|Bruce Williams; Ben Wilson|9781680505931\n20220106|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves|Alexander Koutmos; Bruce Tate; Frank Hunleth|9781680509472\n20220802|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Build a Binary Clock with Elixir and Nerves|Frank Hunleth; Bruce Tate|9781680509236\n20190117|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir|Fred Hebert|9781680506549\n20191202|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Designing Elixir Systems With OTP|James Edward Gray II; Bruce A. Tate|9781680507379\n20210120|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Genetic Algorithms in Elixir|Sean Moriarity|9781680507942\n20221025|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Exploring Graphs With Elixir|Tony Hammond|9781680508406\n20210330|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Testing Elixir|Andrea Leopardi; Jeffrey Matthias|9781680507829\n20150129|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Metaprogramming Elixir|Chris McCord|9781680500417\n20180201|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Learn Functional Programming with Elixir|Ulisses Almeida|9781680502459\n20180101|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix|Lance Halvorsen|9781680502435 Elixir elixir developer year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2016|Elixir programming language evaluation for IoT|10.1109/ISCE.2016.7797392|6|0|Geovane Fedrecheski and L. Costa and M. Zuffo|bb548cf88bde14637e67dce390ed5c4b1e339d11\n2020|A Gradual Type System for Elixir|10.1145/3427081.3427084|2|0|Mauricio Cassola and Agustín Talagorria and Alberto Pardo and Marcos Viera|2f7b1940b91bc5a13cc44e0dc6ff0fa26298de3d\n2017|An Elixir library for programming concurrent and distributed embedded systems|10.1145/3079368.3079383|1|0|Humberto Rodríguez-Avila and E. G. Boix and W. Meuter|8b499715223c14b95dcbac77fdf03c0bb285a833 erlang Erlang 1986 Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding and Mike Williams 75 pl 14 27.0 6 30 31 24944 104319 306 2009 2024 511 2927 11203 427 51 2006 2018 10 9 prolog smalltalk plex f-sharp clojure rust scala opa elixir dart oz java ascii occam csp lfe lisp 1986 Erlang ( ER-lang) is a general-purpose, concurrent, functional programming language, as well as a garbage-collected runtime system. The term Erlang is used interchangeably with Erlang/OTP, or OTP, which consists of the Erlang runtime system, a number of ready-to-use components mainly written in Erlang, and a set of design principles for Erlang programs. The Erlang runtime system is known for its designs that are well suited for systems with the following characteristics: Distributed Fault-tolerant Soft real-time, Highly available, non-stop applications Hot swapping, where code can be changed without stopping a system. The Erlang programming language is known for the following properties: Immutable data Pattern matching Functional programming The sequential subset of the Erlang language supports eager evaluation, single assignment, and dynamic typing. It was originally a proprietary language within Ericsson, developed by Joe Armstrong, Robert Virding and Mike Williams in 1986, but was released as open source in 1998. Erlang/OTP is supported and maintained by the OTP product unit at Ericsson. 2001 857 605 1311 9646 1998 9214 14920 Emakefile rebar.config rebar.config.lock rebar.lock 28645 3 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nemqx emqx Erlang #B83998 4937 943 140 "EMQ X Broker - Scalable Distributed MQTT Message Broker for IoT in 5G Era"\nrabbitmq rabbitmq-server Erlang #B83998 6212 1921 158 "Open source multi-protocol messaging broker" escript erlang erlang text/x-erlang source.erlang programming e/Erlang.erl 49 pl 1728 true 15 ace alpaca caramel couchdb cuneiform drakon elixir erlang gleam gleam hamler mal pygments reia sophia false 2009 2024 56140 1082 11513 Ericsson erl hrl erl appsrc es escript hrl xrl yrl erl erl hrl es escript erl hrl erlang erlang c markdown make json bourne-shell cpp xml java elixir xsd assembly-language python html sql perl lisp d m4 yaml sed bash dockerfile ini dtd css javascript diff svg xslt plantuml true 48215 308 147 3 true 27 true app.src emakefile erl hrl rebar.config rebar.config.lock rebar.lock xrl yrl false text erlang Erlang erlang Sweden Erlang #!/usr/bin/env escript -export([main/1]). main([]) -> io:format("Hello, World!~n"). -module(main). -export([main/0]). main() -> io:fwrite("Hello, world!\n"). %% Second version -module(counter). -export([start/0, codeswitch/1]). start() -> loop(0). loop(Sum) -> receive {increment, Count} -> loop(Sum+Count); reset -> loop(0); {counter, Pid} -> Pid ! {counter, Sum}, loop(Sum); code_switch -> ?MODULE:codeswitch(Sum) end. codeswitch(Sum) -> loop(Sum). -module(square). -export([square/1]). square(A) -> A*A. -module(erlang_hw). -export([start/0]). start() -> io:format("Hello World~n"). Erlang %% Hello World in Erlang -module(hello). -export([hello/0]). hello() -> io:format("Hello World!~n", []). Erlang Erlang after and andalso begin bnot bor bsl bsr bxor case catch cond div end fun if let not of or orelse receive rem try when xor % io:format true false true true true true true true true true true true true true false true false true 29 37 Erlang Erlang year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2012|Springer|Handbook of Neuroevolution Through Erlang|Sher, Gene I.|9781461444626\n2004|Acm Press|Erlang '04: Proceedings Of The Acm Sigplan 2004 Erlang Workshop : September 22-22, 2004, Snowbird, Utah, Usa|Acm Sigplan Erlang Workshop (2004 : Snowbird, Utah)|9781581139181\n2012|Springer|Handbook of Neuroevolution Through Erlang|Sher, Gene I.|9781461444633\n2010|Manning Publications|Erlang and OTP in Action|Martin Logan and Eric Merritt and Richard Carlsson|9781933988788\n2009|O'Reilly Media|Erlang Programming: A Concurrent Approach to Software Development|Cesarini, Francesco and Thompson, Simon|9780596518189\n2016|Apress|Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers|Loder, Wolfgang|9781484223949\n1996|Prentice Hall|Concurrent Programming in Erlang (2nd Edition)|Virding, Robert and Wikstrom, Claes and Williams, Mike|9780135083017\n1993|Prentice Hall|Concurrent Programming in Erlang|Armstrong, Joe and Virding, Robert and Williams, Mike|9780132857925\n2017|O'reilly Media, Inc.|Introducing Erlang|Simon St. Laurent|9781491973349\n|Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd|Programming Erlang||9789351104674\n20170306|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Introducing Erlang|Simon St. Laurent|9781491973325\n20090611|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Erlang Programming|Francesco Cesarini; Simon Thompson|9780596555856\n||Erlang Programming Language: Erlang, Ejabberd, Mnesia, Couchdb, Wings 3d, Open Telecom Platform, Rabbitmq, Tsung, Yaws|Books and LLC|9781155181370\n20090611|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Erlang Programming|Francesco Cesarini|9780596551018\n2013||Études For Erlang|J. David Eisenberg|9781449366452\n|Acm Press|Erlang '05: proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2005 Erlang Workshop : September 25, 2005, Tallinn, Estonia|Acm Sigplan Erlang Workshop (4th : 2005 : Tallinn, Estonia)|9781595930668\n20120605|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Building Web Applications with Erlang|Zachary Kessin|9781449320652\n20101115|Simon & Schuster|Erlang and OTP in Action|Eric Merritt; Martin Logan; Richard Carlsson|9781638354260\n20120605|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Building Web Applications with Erlang|Zachary Kessin|9781449320669\n2011||Articles On Erlang Programming Language, Including|Hephaestus Books|9781242972508\n2019|Addison-wesley Professional|Building Scalable Applications With Erlang (developer's Library)|Jerry Jackson|9780321636461\n20130113|Random House Publishing Services|Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!|Fred Hebert|9781593275044\n2011-09-22|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|Research and implementation of Lobby System in Erlang|Wilson Tuladhar and Yury Dorofeev and Yeli Zhu|9783846503676 Erlang erlang engineer erlang year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n1990|ERLANG - an experimental telephony programming language|10.1109/ISS.1990.765711|46|1|J. Armstrong and S. R. Virding|85e842b75d9c9330fb9bf425dacbf2eceb2fcc38\n2012|A Domain-Specific Language for Scripting Refactorings in Erlang|10.1007/978-3-642-28872-2_34|43|1|Huiqing Li and S. Thompson|eb67b9e9396f66bcd693eb27032e3cfa00eae54a\n2009|Erlang for concurrent programming|10.1145/1467247.1467263|36|4|J. Larson|b482d10ebb7784e249a8726ba6506b92a043bb5a\n2010|Programming language support to context-aware adaptation: a case-study with Erlang|10.1145/1808984.1808991|36|2|C. Ghezzi and Matteo Pradella and G. Salvaneschi|0a7250626ba4fd978f400cf9aacc0de623b63c13\n2012|Handbook of Neuroevolution Through Erlang|10.1007/978-1-4614-4463-3|29|0|Gene I. Sher|d00b0d3d92a057b5eca17c97b0d5225da4864a1f\n2016|A Reversible Semantics for Erlang|10.1007/978-3-319-63139-4_15|25|3|Naoki Nishida and Adrián Palacios and G. Vidal|f863d757999ecc375533e08aa7d13be71d2b502c\n2017|InterSCSimulator: Large-Scale Traffic Simulation in Smart Cities Using Erlang|10.1007/978-3-319-91587-6_15|22|3|E. Santana and Nelson Lago and Fabio Kon and D. Milojicic|6c95a1826fb9ddcca4956cff60c9cb01059ec132\n2012|Drop the phone and talk to the physical world: Programming the internet of things with Erlang|10.1109/SESENA.2012.6225763|19|0|A. Sivieri and L. Mottola and G. Cugola|d6b1666dd2e995bb901e0f75af99d3b2e7d69218\n2016|An Erlang Implementation of Multiparty Session Actors|10.4204/EPTCS.223.3|18|0|S. Fowler|e64ba877ad7f75090095fc5dd5760a2b288a7962\n2018|Functional Federated Learning in Erlang (ffl-erl)|10.1007/978-3-030-16202-3_10|17|0|G. Ulm and Emil Gustavsson and M. Jirstrand|18d663d6163b8fa1beba7aff99a80bdaa5590819\n2012|eJason: An Implementation of Jason in Erlang|10.1007/978-3-642-38700-5_1|14|0|Álvaro Fernández Díaz and Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund|89545ea3c22a8376ffc758a8041341a0b4b2957c\n2013|Multicore profiling for Erlang programs using percept2|10.1145/2505305.2505311|14|0|Huiqing Li and S. Thompson|1b6688abd714ee5e466b3283cf15c3f347e23b0f\n2012|On Using Erlang for Parallelization - Experience from Parallelizing Dialyzer|10.1007/978-3-642-40447-4_19|12|0|Stavros Aronis and Konstantinos Sagonas|632de998f5b85a5bf3ba03529158f62287d2d925\n2005|Using the Erlang language for multi-agent systems implementation|10.1109/IAT.2005.141|12|0|A. Stefano and C. Santoro|3d1d62ef159b0dbbab39d482aabb6156aae59309\n2008|Erlang for Concurrent Programming|10.1145/1454456.1454463|11|2|J. Larson|3cdb7cad5cb98fbcf786583929b9dcf3d95e8f22\n2007|Programming distributed erlang applications: pitfalls and recipes|10.1145/1292520.1292527|10|1|Hans Svensson and Lars-Åke Fredlund|489333bd8f4bd37bd040a21da14f18bc630e7102\n2014|BEAMJIT: a just-in-time compiling runtime for Erlang|10.1145/2633448.2633450|7|1|Frej Drejhammar and L. Rasmusson|e44ca98cf46a2e19ff517736f3225994ba7f695d\n2019|Evaluation of JADE multi-agent system and Erlang holonic control implementations for a manufacturing cell|10.1080/0951192X.2019.1571231|6|0|K. Kruger and A. Basson|f9dcd0c7e647f9dfcd3eec1cd29918ebc9523d90\n2009|Programming Erlang - Software for a Concurrent World by Joe Armstrong, Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2007, p. 536. ISBN-10: 193435600X|10.1017/S0956796809007163|5|0|K. Sankar|d41eac81e1e3d68dcf422586e1c9db9b3058f78e\n2019|Playing with Bisimulation in Erlang|10.1007/978-3-030-21485-2_6|5|1|I. Lanese and D. Sangiorgi and G. Zavattaro|6af114c50b40a55e904ce80740322b0bce2398b5\n2016|Debugging Meets Testing in Erlang|10.1007/978-3-319-41135-4_10|4|0|S. Tamarit and A. Riesco and Enrique Martin-Martin and R. Caballero|a625b26fee4b262b6d5902d16805f2feb85c64a1\n1995|Implementation of the real-time functional language Erlang on a massively parallel platform, with applications to telecommunications services|10.1007/BFb0046731|4|0|Beshar Zuhdy and P. Fritzson and Kent Engström|b250b2d633a2d34134a0c489f92ecd501705e4db\n2007|Learning programming with erlang|10.1145/1292520.1292534|4|2|F. Huch|2a561bb28b376ccdc97c3f667e9764909833a6d9\n2017|Towards an Isabelle/HOL formalisation of core Erlang|10.1145/3123569.3123576|4|0|J. Harrison|0349abfb8b685437e2aefb04825d31cbb53d4d98\n2011|Teaching concurrency-oriented programming with Erlang|10.1145/1953163.1953223|4|0|Ariel Ortiz|b7a37dd3f2752f5d3be6769a246fe1ad1131c9fb\n2018|Typing the wild in Erlang|10.1145/3239332.3242766|3|1|Nachiappan Valliappan and John Hughes|b34337c00ef07089528ca34c121a40b47cbfe307\n2016|ValiErlang: A Structural Testing Tool for Erlang Programs|10.1145/2993288.2993300|2|0|Alexandre P. Oliveira and P. Souza and S. Souza|3ebd35c684490a4d778dd9b67471214cd0d69c0e\n2016|Polymorphic Types in Erlang Function Specifications|10.1007/978-3-319-29604-3_12|2|0|F. J. López-Fraguas and Manuel Montenegro and J. Rodríguez-Hortalá|62f656c97d2e48eea9706f197d87189c7ec50572\n2018|An Evaluation of Erlang for Implementing Standby Redundancy in a Manufacturing Station Controller|10.1007/978-3-030-03003-2_25|2|0|G. Hawkridge and A. Basson and K. Kruger|c59ec7d32a839649fe9ae5fd18d264191031ce20\n2018|Implementation and Evaluation of IEC 61499 Basic Function Blocks in Erlang|10.1109/ETFA.2018.8502470|2|0|Laurin Prenzel and Julien Provost|72e5b8c00df2832cb92aff55edc8605f15a6ba84\n2018|Towards Green Computing in Erlang|10.24193/SUBBI.2018.1.05|2|0|A. Mezsaros and G. Nagy and István Bozó and M. Tóth|d206d0330c653ae31ae8a68abff521b2263bf298\n2012|An Extension to Computing Elements in Erlang for Actor Based Concurrent Programming|10.1109/ISORCW.2012.28|2|0|Kang Lianghuan and Cao Donggang|a4cae1617168d2a31c9b56abb4dbb8f77fa824b0\n2017|Structuring Erlang BEAM control flow|10.1145/3123569.3123572|1|0|D. Lukács and M. Tóth|294db656bf16be7ffa8d33511c022478227cfa05\n2012|Erlang meets WSNs: A functional approach to WSN programming|10.1109/PerComW.2012.6197575|1|0|A. Sivieri|4b7c6c6f993e598a0250f651724086cf78a890e1\n2020|A Proof Assistant Based Formalisation of Core Erlang|10.1007/978-3-030-57761-2_7|1|0|Péter Bereczky and D'aniel Horp'acsi and S. Thompson|453d42665878ac1b5787cd46c1c2321db69f7cb0\n2021|Bidirectional typing for Erlang|10.1145/3471871.3472966|1|0|Nithin Vadukkumchery Rajendrakumar and Annette Bieniusa|2dae5bb95f2ba11afa4ffc598c1ce663a7a29331\n2012|Supporting cloud computing using Erlang Programming Language|10.1109/TELFOR.2012.6419488|1|1|Abd El-Fattah Hussein and O. Ibrahim|7d8e01ca6dda72b0d179099826a30a65effc5953 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nProgramming Erlang|2007|Joe Armstrong|794755|3.97|643|34\nERLANG Programming|2009|Francesco Cesarini|4891279|4.06|190|10\nConcurrent Programming ERLANG|1995|Joe Armstrong|794756|4.00|15|2\nIntroducing Erlang: Getting Started in Functional Programming|2012|Simon St. Laurent|21537283|3.95|41|4\nERLANG and Elixir for Imperative Programmers||Wolfgang Loder|52899452|3.00|1|0\nConcurrent Programming in ERLANG|1993|Joe Armstrong|2594672|4.50|2|1 sas SAS 1976 Anthony James Barr 43 pl 8 9.4 3 31 24932 142 2010 2018 3 14 html linux 1976 The SAS language is a computer programming language used for statistical analysis, created by Anthony James Barr at North Carolina State University. It can read in data from common spreadsheets and databases and output the results of statistical analyses in tables, graphs, and as RTF, HTML and PDF documents. The SAS language runs under compilers that can be used on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and various other UNIX and mainframe computers. The SAS System and World Programming System (WPS) are SAS language compilers. 2008 151 50 92 19060492 1990 1240 1350 8407 0 text sas text/x-sas programming s/ 21 pl Statistical Analysis System 733 true 10 bazel beef eiffel flow9 gap hhvm jsl pov-ray-sdl racket tea-pl false North Carolina State University sas sas SAS sas 361103 4682 47 1 9 true sas 8860 text United States SAS /* Example DATA step code for linguist */ libname source 'C:\path\to\file' data work.working_copy; set source.original_file.sas7bdat; run; data work.working_copy; set work.working_copy; if Purge = 1 then delete; run; data work.working_copy; set work.working_copy; if ImportantVariable = . then MissingFlag = 1; run; %macro putit( string= ); %put &string; %mend; %putit(string=Hello World) SAS /* Hello world in SAS */ * Writes as output title; TITLE "Hello World!"; * writes to the log; data _null_; PUT "Hello world!"; run; Sas * /* */ true true true true false 96 10 SAS SAS year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2005|Pearson|Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language|Cody, Ron and Smith, Jeffrey|9780131465329\n1995|Duxbury Press|Quick Start to Data Analysis with SAS|DiIorio, Frank and Hardy, Kenneth A.|9780534237608\n2009|Duxbury Press|Learning SAS in the Computer Lab (Advanced (Cengage Learning))|Elliott, Rebecca J. and Morrell, Christopher H.|9780495559689\n2014|SAS Institute|SAS Macro Programming Made Easy, Third Edition|Burlew, Michele M.|9781612906935\n2008|Springer|SAS for Data Analysis: Intermediate Statistical Methods (Statistics and Computing)|Marasinghe, Mervyn G. and Kennedy, William J.|9780387773711\n2011|SAS Institute|SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS 9, Third Edition|SAS Institute|9781607649250\n2007|SAS Publishing|SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS 9|SAS Publishing|9781599945590\n2013||SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques|Davetta Dunlap|9781612905280\n|Sas Institute|SAS programming with Medicare administrative data|Gillingham, Matthew (author.)|9781612903224\n1996|SAS Institute|The SAS Workbook|Cody|9781555447571\n2012|Sas Institute|The Little Sas Book|Lora D. Delwiche and Susan J. Slaughter|9781629590134\n2008|SAS Institute|Stock Market Analysis Using the SAS System: Portfolio Selection and Evaluation|Institute, SAS|9781555446239\n1991|Appleton & Lange|Applied Statistics and the Sas Programming Language|Cody, Ronald P. and Smith Jeffrey K. and Smith, Jeffrey K.|9780135005545\n2000|Sas Inst|Introduction To Programming Concepts Using Sas Software Course Notes|Unknown|9781580256513\n20180905|SAS Institute Inc.|SAS Certification Prep Guide|Frank Voehl; H. James Harrington; Rick Fernandez; Brett Trusko|9781635269918\n2007|Wiley-interscience|Sas 9 Study Guide: Preparing For The Base Programming Certification Exam For Sas 9|Ali Hezaveh|9780470164983\n1997|Duxbury Resource Center|Sas Applications Programming: A Gentle Introduction|Frank C. Diiorio|9780534499709\n2000|Sas Inst|Sas Programming I: Essentials Course Notes|SAS institute|9781580256490\n2007|SAS Institute|SAS Graphics for Java: Examples Using SAS AppDev Studio and the Output Delivery System (SAS Press)|Wendy Bohnenkamp and Jackie Iverson|9781590476932\n2020|Routledge|SAS Programming for Elementary Statistics|Goad, Carla L.|9781138589025\n20190211|SAS Institute Inc.|SAS Certified Specialist Prep Guide|Lori M. Poloni-Staudinger; Michael R. Wolf|9781642951769\n2021|SPSS Inc.|SPSS Programming and Data Management: A Guide for SPSS and SAS Users, 3rd Edition|Raynald Levesque and SPSS Inc.|9781568273747\n2006|SAS Institute,|SAS Programming 1: Essentials: Course Notes|SAS|9781599947334\n2004|Sas Institute|Sas 9.1 Sql Procedure User's Guide|Inc Sas Institute and Sas Institute|9781590473344\n2020|Packt Publishing|Mastering SAS Programming for Data Warehousing: An advanced programming guide to designing and managing Data Warehouses using SAS|Wahi, Monika|9781789532371\n2008|SAS Institute|An Array of Challenges Test Your SAS Skills|Virgile, Robert|9781555448066\n2011|Springer|R for SAS and SPSS Users (Statistics and Computing)|Muenchen, Robert A.|9781461406853\n1994|Springer|Static Analysis: First International Static Analysis Symposium, SAS '94, Namur, Belgium, September 28 - 30, 1994. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 864)||9783540584858\n20201207|SAS Institute Inc.|SAS Visual Analytics for SAS Viya|SAS Institute Inc.|9781952365102\n2000|Breakfast Communications Corp|Professional SAS Programming Logic|Aster, Rick|9781891957055\n1991|Pws-kent Publishing Co, Us|Sas Applications Programming: A Gentle Introduction|Frank C Diiorio|9780534984649\n2000|SAS Institute,|SAS SQL Procedure User's Guide,Version 8|SAS Institute Staff and Publishing SAS Publishing and SAS Publishing|9781580255998\n2012|SAS Institute|SAS Hash Object Programming Made Easy|Burlew, Michele M.|9781607648017\n20201125|SAS Institute Inc.|SAS Graphics for Clinical Trials by Example|Kriss Harris; Richann Watson|9781952365973\n20200626|SAS Institute Inc.|End-to-End Data Science with SAS|James Gearheart|9781642958065\n20170106|SAS Institute Inc.|Step-by-Step Programming with Base SAS 9.4|SAS Institute|9781629608068\n2005|Sas|Sas Programming Iii: Advanced Techniques Instructor-based Training|Sas|9781590478349\n2013|SAS Institute|PROC REPORT by Example: Techniques for Building Professional Reports Using SAS|Fine, Lisa|9781612907840\n2018|Vibrant Publishers|Sas Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked (job Interview Questions Series)|Publishers, Vibrant|9781949395129\n2019-02-11T00:00:01Z|SAS Institute|SAS Certified Specialist Prep Guide: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4||9781642951790\n2008|SAGE Publications, Inc|Data Analysis Using SAS|Peng, Chao-Ying Joanne|9781412956741\n2012|Springer|SAS for Epidemiologists: Applications and Methods|DiMaggio, Charles|9781461448549\n2007|SAS Institute|Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide|Cody, Ron|9781599941653\n2015|SAS Institute|Statistical Programming in SAS|Bailer, John|9781599946566\n2015-09-04T00:00:01Z|SAS Institute|SAS Certification Prep Guide: Base Programming for SAS 9, Third Edition||9781607649243\n2017-12-01T00:00:01Z|SAS Institute|SAS Certification Prep Guide: Base Programming for SAS 9, Fourth Edition|Institute, SAS|9781635263732\n2014|Notion Press|SAS Clinical Programming: In 18 Easy Steps|Prasad, Y. Lakshmi|9789384381639\n2019-10-16T00:00:01Z|SAS Institute|SAS Certified Professional Prep Guide: Advanced Programming Using SAS 9.4||9781642954678\n2017|SAS Institute|Practical and Efficient SAS Programming: The Insider's Guide|Messineo, Martha|9781635260236\n2014-03-01T00:00:01Z|SAS Institute|SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Second Edition|Shostak, Jack|9781612906041\n2019|SAS Institute|SAS Certified Professional Prep Guide: Advanced Programming Using SAS 9.4|Sas and Sas Institute|9781642956917\n2011|Springer|R for SAS and SPSS Users (Statistics and Computing)|Muenchen, Robert A.|9781461406846\n2019-02-11T00:00:01Z|SAS Institute|SAS Certified Specialist Prep Guide: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4||9781642951905\n2010|SAGE Publications Ltd|Discovering Statistics Using SAS|Field, Andy and Miles, Jeremy|9781849200929\n2008|SAS Institute|SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques Course Notes|SAS|9781607642381\n2014|SAS Institute|Multiple Imputation of Missing Data Using SAS|Berglund, Patricia and Heeringa, Steven G.|9781612904528\n2015|SAS Institute|SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS9, Fourth Edition||9781629593548\n2009|Jossey-Bass|SAS Essentials: A Guide to Mastering SAS for Research|Elliott, Alan C. and Woodward, Wayne A.|9780470461297\n2019|Chapman and Hall/CRC|Statistical Programming in SAS|Bailer, A. John|9780367358006\n2017|Packt Publishing|Big Data Analytics with SAS: Get actionable insights from your Big Data using the power of SAS|Pope, David|9781788294317\n2001|Psychology Press|Conducting Meta-Analysis Using SAS (Multivariate Applications Series)|Winfred Arthur Jr. and Winston Bennett Jr. and Allen I. Huffcutt|9780805838091\n2015-06-04T00:00:01Z|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Beginning SAS Programming: a true beginner's guide for learning SAS|Guo, Yufeng|9781514218990\n1997|Prentice Hall|Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language|Cody, Ronald P. and Smith, Jeffrey K.|9780137436422\n2009|SAS Publishing|SAS Certification Prep Guide SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS 9, Second Edition|SAS Publishing|9781607640448\n2012|SAS Institute|Cody's Collection of Popular SAS Programming Tasks and How to Tackle Them|Cody, Ron|9781612903330\n2011|Breakfast Communications Corporation|Professional SAS Programmer's Pocket Reference|Rick Aster|9781891957185\n2019|Routledge|Statistical Programming in SAS|Bailer, A. John|9780367357979\n2005-09T|SAS Publishing|SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry|Jack Shostak|9781590477939\n2010-08-25T00:00:01Z|SAS Institute|SAS Programming for Enterprise Guide Users, Second Edition|Constable, Neil|9781607645283\n2018|SAS Institute|SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Second Edition|Shostak, Jack|9781635269147\n1995|SAS Publishing|SAS Programming by Example|Ronald P. Cody and Ray Pass|9781555446819\n2009|SAS Publishing|SAS Certification Prep Guide: Base Programming for SAS 9, Second Edition|SAS Publishing|9781607640455\n2017|SAS Institute|Step-by-Step Programming with Base SAS 9.4, Second Edition||9781629598949\n2012|Wiley|Using SAS for Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition|Hill, R. Carter|9781118361726\n2012|SAS Institute|Data Quality for Analytics Using SAS|Svolba, Gerhard|9781612902272\n2006|SAS Publishing|SAS Macro Programming Made Easy, Second Edition|Michele M. Burlew|9781590478820\n2006|SAS Publishing|SAS Certification Prep Guide: Base Programming for SAS 9|SAS|9781590479223\n2008-12-03T00:00:01Z|SAS Institute|Step-By-Step Programming With Base SAS Software|Institute, SAS|9781580257916\n2005|Breakfast Communications Corp|Professional SAS Programming Shortcuts: Over 1,000 Ways to Improve Your SAS Programs|Aster, Rick|9781891957116\n2015-03-20|SAS Institute Inc.|SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques|SAS Institute Inc.|9781629597508\n2007|SAS Institute|Basic Statistics Using SAS Enterprise Guide:: A Primer|Der, Geoff and Everitt, Brian S.|9781599945736\n1998|SAS Publishing|SAS Macro Programming Made Easy|Burlew, Michele M.|9781580253437\n1991|Cengage Learning|SAS Applications Programming: A Gentle Introduction (Duxbury Series in Statistics & Decision Sciences)|DiIorio, Frank C.|9780534923907\n2015|Apress|SAS Programming and Data Visualization Techniques: A Power User's Guide|Holland, Philip R.|9781484205693\n2011-07-01T00:00:01Z|Posts and Telecom Press|Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language (5th Edition) (Chinese Edition)|[Mei]Luo Na De·Ke Di Ling Jie Fu Li·Shi Mi Si|9787115252784\n1998|SAS Institute|SAS for Monte Carlo Studies: A Guide for Quantitative Researchers|Fan Ph.D., Xitao|9781590471418\n2021|SAS Institute|Getting Started with SAS Programming: Using SAS Studio in the Cloud (Hardcover edition)|Cody, Ron|9781953329202\n2018|SAS Institute|SAS Macro Programming Made Easy, Third Edition|Burlew, Michele M.|9781635269079\n2015|SAS Institute|Bayesian Analysis of Item Response Theory Models Using SAS|Stone, Clement A. and Zhu, Xiaowen|9781629596501\n2014|Wiley|Big Data, Big Innovation: Enabling Competitive Differentiation through Business Analytics (Wiley and SAS Business Series)|Stubbs, Evan|9781118925522\n2008|Springer|SAS for Data Analysis: Intermediate Statistical Methods (Statistics and Computing)|Marasinghe, Mervyn G. and William J. Kennedy|9780387773728\n2021|SAS Institute Inc.|SAS Programming 1:Essentials Course Notes|Bennett|9781629597355\n2016|CRC Press|Practical Statistical Methods: A SAS Programming Approach|Padgett, Lakshmi|9781439812549\n2007|Wiley-Interscience|Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise Miner|Matignon, Randall|9780470149010 SAS sas programmer sas year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n1986|Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language|10.2307/1271202|465|33|R. Cody and Jeffrey K. Smith|c0f9432b13bf1e85e5e647b9259e5164584f8220\n1990|What is the SAS System|10.1007/978-1-4615-9670-7_1|100|16|P. Herzberg|ccc9387e43de6ac9ec81b3144ce7735ac28409fa\n1986|Applied statistics and the SAS programming language (2nd ed.)|10.1037/025856|97|10|R. Cody and Jeffrey K. Smith|44ed2d49283af3772a79d7d2be46980e77d15e4f\n2007|Static Analysis, 14th International Symposium, SAS 2007, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, August 22-24, 2007, Proceedings|10.1007/978-3-540-74061-2|57|0|H. R. Nielson and G. Filé|3f7c96ddded4474e87f9bc389e34ee6943e5429b\n2008|SAS for Data Analysis: Intermediate Statistical Methods|10.18637/jss.v028.b01|17|0|W. Hartmann|ef23a88c303f1aec557b2f8e879207e948b0b7d2\n2006|Applied Statistics and the SAS® Programming Language, Statistical Analysis of Medical Data Using SAS|10.1198/tech.2006.s418|7|1||59a2fa02065323cb7b8bd63ffc346cafe4b21b72\n2016|Applied Statistics And The Sas Programming Language|10.1080/00401706.1998.10485547|6|1|Steffen Beich|522574159223e99ca5ed977f22a03001f4802102\n2008|Introduction to the SAS Language|10.1007/978-0-387-77372-8_1|1|0|M. Marasinghe and W. J. Kennedy|0c9a658f80a626cdc628692e03ca1642ec9ebf87\n2020|Automated Test Assembly Using SAS Operations Research Software in a Medical Licensing Examination|10.1177/0146621619847169|1|0|Can Shao and Silu Liu and H. Yang and Tsung-hsun Tsai|08f1de70767e9d28d43b9ae6be6c83def88e3278\n2012|%PROC_R: A SAS Macro that Enables Native R Programming in the Base SAS Environment|10.18637/JSS.V046.C02|1|0|Xin Wei|193c9e1f3166bc06301dcf8b4a11ddaefa7bcb15 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nLearning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide|2007|Ron Cody|1320285|4.29|127|9\nSAS For Dummies|2007|Stephen McDaniel|970688|3.57|28|4 prolog Prolog 1972 Alain Colmerauer 58 pl 11 5 32 24921 3771 8 63 2012 2018 9 10 poplog swi-prolog visual-prolog mercury oz erlang datalog unicode lambda-prolog html xml rdf owl actionscript lisp planner agentspeak 1972 Prolog is a general-purpose logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics. Prolog has its roots in first-order logic, a formal logic, and unlike many other programming languages, Prolog is intended as primarily a declarative programming language: the program logic is expressed in terms of relations, represented as facts and rules. A computation is initiated by running a query over these relations. The language was first conceived by a group around Alain Colmerauer in Marseille, France, in the early 1970s and the first Prolog system was developed in 1972 by Colmerauer with Philippe Roussel. Prolog was one of the first logic programming languages, and remains the most popular among such languages today, with several free and commercial implementations available. The language has been used for theorem proving, expert systems, term rewriting, type inference, and automated planning, as well as its original intended field of use, natural language processing. Modern Prolog environments support the creation of graphical user interfaces, as well as administrative and networked applications. Prolog is well-suited for specific tasks that benefit from rule-based logical queries such as searching databases, voice control systems, and filling templates. 2001 1127 1469 1748 23485 9245 11137 22512 0 swipl yap prolog source.prolog programming p/ 41 pl 562 true 17 cloc clpr euphoria fern gaea juicy mal opencv perl picat podlite progol proto-gnosis pygments scryer scryer swi-prolog false University of Edinburgh && Aix-Marseille University pl pro P pl pro prolog yap pro ecl prolog pro pl pl pro P 51482 446 73 1 P prolog yap pl p6 pro text Prolog swi-prolog United Kingdom and France Prolog %6.8 subset(Set, Subset) :- append(L1, Subset, Set). powerset(Set, Subset) :- bagof(Subset, subset(Set, Subset), Subset). :- initialization main. main :- write("Hello, world!"), nl. rule(q0, 1, q0, 1, right). rule(q0, b, qf, 1, stay). helloWorld :- write('Hello World'). :- helloWorld. Prolog % Hello World in Prolog hello :- display('Hello World!') , nl . Prolog % /* */ write ' true false true true true true true true true true true true false true true true 100 23 Prolog Prolog year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2006|College Publications|Learn Prolog Now! (Texts in Computing, Vol. 7)|Patrick Blackburn and Johan Bos and Kristina Striegnitz|9781904987178\n1990|Addison-Wesley Pub (Sd)|Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence|Bratko, Ivan|9780201416060\n1988|Oxford University Press|Logic with Prolog (Oxford Applied Mathematics and Computing Science Series)|Gibbins, Peter|9780198596592\n2003|Kendall Hunt Publishing|INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: PRINCIPLES, C, C++, SCHEME AND PROLOG|Yinong Chen|9780757503672\n1998|Routledge|An Introduction to Natural Language Processing Through Prolog (Learning about Language)|Matthews, Clive|9780582066229\n2005|Springer|Logic Programming with Prolog|Bramer, Max|9781852339388\n2003|MIT Press|The Practice of Prolog (Logic Programming)|Sterling, Leon S.|9780262514453\n1988|Addison-Wesley|Computing With Logic: Logic Programming With Prolog|Maier, David and Warren, David S.|9780805366815\n1993|Alfred Waller Ltd|Application Programming in Quintus Prolog|Lucas, Robert|9781872474045\n1992|Wiley|Techniques of Prolog Programming with Implementation of Logical Negation and Quantified Goals|Van Le, T.|9780471571759\n1983|Tab Books|Disc For Turbo Prolog Advanced Programming Techniques|Hashim|9780830666645\n1997|Springer|Clause and Effect: Prolog Programming for the Working Programmer|Clocksin, William F.|9783540652373\n1988|The Mit Press|Concurrent Prolog - 2 Vol. Set: Collected Papers (logic Programming)|Ehud Shapiro; with a foreword by Kazuhiro Fuchi|9780262192552\n1987|Prentice-hall International|Productive Prolog Programming (prentice-hall International Series In Computer Science)|Peter Schnupp|9780137251100\n1986|Addison-Wesley Pub. Co|Prolog programming: Applications for database systems, expert systems, and natural language systems|Marcus, Claudia|9780201146479\n2007|Alpha Science Intl Ltd|Introduction To Prolog|R. P. Suri|9781842653968\n1984|Research Studies Press Wiley|A Prolog Database System|Li, Deyi , 1944-|9780863800146\n1988|Scott Foresman & Co|Prolog Programming In Depth|Michael A. Covington and Donald Nute and Andre Vellino|9780673186591\n1991|Oxford University Press|Knowledge Systems Through Prolog|Kim, Steven H.|9780195072419\n1996|Prentice Hall|From Logic Programming to Prolog|Apt, Krzysztof R.|9780132303682\n2015|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Prolog Programming Success in a Day: Beginners Guide to Fast, Easy and Efficient Learning of Prolog Programming|Key, Sam|9781516878444\n1989|Springer|Concepts, Design, and Performance Analysis of a Parallel Prolog Machine (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (404))|Beer, Joachim|9783540520535\n2011-08-31T00:00:01Z|Pearson Education Canada|Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence (4th Edition) (International Computer Science Series)|Bratko, Ivan|9780321417466\n2019-11-15T00:00:01Z|Kendall Hunt Pub Co|Introduction to Programming Languages: Programming in C C++ Scheme Prolog C# and Python|Chen, Yinong|9781792407994\n2013|Springer|Logic Programming with Prolog|Bramer, Max|9781447154877\n2017|Independently published|Expert Systems in Prolog|Merritt, Dennis|9781723821868\n1994|Springer-Verlag|Programming in Prolog|Clocksin, W. F. and Mellish, C. S.|9780387583501\n1990|The MIT Press|The Practice of Prolog (Logic Programming)||9780262193016\n1997|Springer|Clause and Effect: Prolog Programming for the Working Programmer|Clocksin, William F.|9783540629719\n2013|Springer|Logic Programming with Prolog|Bramer, Max|9781447154860\n1996|Prentice Hall|Prolog Programming in Depth|Covington, Michael A. and Nute, Donald and Vellino, Andre|9780131386457\n2009|The MIT Press|The Craft of Prolog (Logic Programming)|O'Keefe, Richard|9780262512275\n2000|Pearson|Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence|Bratko, Ivan|9780201403756\n1990|The MIT Press|The Craft of Prolog (Logic Programming)|Richard A. O'Keefe|9780262150392\n1984|Springer Berlin Heidelberg|Programming in Prolog|Clocksin, William F.|9783540150114\n1986|Addison-Wesley|Prolog programming for artificial intelligence (International computer science series)|Bratko, Ivan|9780201142242\n1989-12-18T00:00:01Z|Springer|An Introduction to Programming in Prolog|Saint-Dizier, Patrick|9780387971445\n2012-01-26T00:00:01Z|Kendall Hunt Publishing|INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: PRINCIPLES, C, C++, SCHEME AND PROLOG|CHEN YINONG and TSAI WEI-TEK|9780757529740\n2015-08-26T00:00:01Z||Prolog Programming Success In A Day|Key, Sam|9781329502369\n1990|Wiley|Logic, Programming and Prolog|Nilsson, Ulf and Maluszynski, Jan|9780471926252\n1987|The MIT Press|Concurrent Prolog - Vol. 2: Collected Papers (Logic Programming)||9780262192675\n1995|Wiley|Logic, Programming and Prolog|Nilsson, Ulf and Maluszynski, Jan|9780471959960\n1987|Springer|Programming in PROLOG|Clocksin, William F and Clocksin, W F and Mellish, C S|9780387175393\n1987-12-31T00:00:01Z|Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K|Programming in Prolog|Clocksin, W F|9783540175391\n1996|Prentice Hall|An Introduction to Logic Programming Through Prolog (Prentice Hall International Series in Computer Science)|Spivey, J. M. and Spivey, Michael|9780135360477\n1991|Wiley|Prolog for Natural Language Processing|Gal, Annie and Lapalme, Guy and Saint-Dizier, Patrick and Somers, Harold|9780471930129\n2001|Cengage Learning EMEA|Prolog Programming for Students: With Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence Topics|Callear, David|9781844801121\n1999|Springer|Agent-Oriented Programming: From Prolog to Guarded Definite Clauses (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1630))|Huntbach, Matthew M. and Ringwood, Graem A.|9783540666837\n1985|Palgrave HE UK|Prolog Programming and Applications (MacMillan Computer Science)|Burnham, W. and Hall, Alex|9780333391594\n1987|H.W. Sams|Advanced Turbo prolog programming|Shafer, Dan|9780672225734\n1987|The MIT Press|Concurrent Prolog - Vol. 1: Collected Papers (Volume 1) (Logic Programming)||9780262192668\n2001|Thomson Learning|Prolog Programming for Students: With Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence Topics|Callear, David|9780826454966\n1981|Springer-Verlag|Programming in Prolog|Clocksin, W. F|9780387110462\n1994|Addison-Wesley|Prolog ++: The Power of Object-Oriented and Logic Programming (International Series in Logic Programming)|Moss, Chris|9780201565072\n2021|PEARSON INDIA|Prolog : Programming for Artificial Intelligence, 3/e|BRATKO|9788131711347\n1986|Springer-Verlag Telos|Programming in PROLOG|Clocksin, W. F. and Mellish, C. S.|9780387150116\n1989|Springer|Prolog Versus You: An Introduction to Logic Programming|Johansson, Anna-Lena and Eriksson-Granskog, Agneta and Edman, Anneli|9783540175773\n2012|Springer Science & Business Media|Programming In Prolog|W. F. Clocksin and C. S. Mellish|9783642968730\n1984-01-01T00:00:01Z|Springer Berlin Heidelberg|Programming in Prolog|Clocksin, William F.|9783540110460\n20121206|Springer Nature|Programming in Prolog|William F. Clocksin; Christopher S. Mellish|9783642554810\n2011|Springer|Adventure in Prolog (Springer Compass International)|Merritt, Dennis|9781461280071\n2013|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|Prolog and inductive reasoning: a logic programming language|Alsmail, Kumeel Alsmail|9783659486784\n1989|Wiley|Prolog Programming|Nigel Ford|9780471921417\n1987|Longman Higher Education Division (a Pearson Education Company)|Further Programming Prolog|Hepburn|9780745802879\n20220323|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Programmer Passport: Prolog|Bruce Tate|9781680509380\n1985|Macmillan International Higher Education|Prolog Programming And Applications||9781349079629\n1985|Wiley|Prolog Programming And Applications|W. D Burnham|9780470202630\n||Logic Programming With Prolog|Bramer and Max|9781848008410\n||Introduction To Turbo Prolog|Carl Townsend|9788170291046\n20040114|CRC Press|Problem Solving With Prolog|John Stobo|9780203168905\n20140714|Princeton University Press|The Implementation of Prolog|Patrice Boizumault|9781400863440\n1992-04-01|Mit Pr|Prolog Vlsi Implementations (logic Programming)|Pierluigi Civera|9780262031707\n2012|Springer-Verlag New York, LLC|Building Expert Systems in Prolog|Dennis Merritt|9781461389132\n1988|Tab Books|Turbo Prolog Advanced Programming Techniques|Safaa H Hashim|9780830693085\n1988|Prentice Hall|Introduction To Programming In Prolog|Danny Crookes|9780137101481\n|John Wiley & Sons|PROLOG for Natural Language Processing||9780471930891\n1988|Prentice Hall|Expert Systems Programming In Turbo Prolog|Daniel H. Marcellus|9780132958417\n2012|Springer Science & Business Media|An Introduction To Programming In Prolog|Patrick Saint-Dizier|9781461233329\n1990|Springer-verlag Berlin And Heidelberg Gmbh & Co. K|An Introduction To Programming In Prolog|Patrick Saint-dizier|9783540971443\n1990|Mit Pr|Prolog And It's Applications (logic Programming Series)||9780262521512\n1990|Pearson Higher Education|Logic Programming: Prolog And Stream Parallel Languages|Jan Newmarch|9780724807000\n1986|Addison-wesley Professional|Logic Programming: Prolog Its Appl Vid Pkg|Kowalski|9780201145045\n1996|Mcgraw Hill Higher Education|Programming Languages: Paradigm And Practice: Prolog Minimanual|Appleby|9780070053199\n1988|Sigma Press|Prolog Through Examples: A Practical Programming Guide|I. Kononenko and N. Lavrac|9781850580720\n1991|Mcgraw Hill Higher Education|Programming Languages: Paradigm And Practice: Prolog Mini-manual|J.k|9780070025790\n1990|Alfred Waller Ltd|Prolog Programming: A Tutorial Introduction (artificial Intelligence Texts)|Carlton Mcdonald and Masoud Yazdani|9780632012466\n20160701|Taylor & Francis|An Introduction to Natural Language Processing Through Prolog|Clive Matthews|9781317898337\n1987|Prentice Hall Europe (a Pearson Education Company)|Hepburn: Further Programming In Prolog - Writing Application Programs (cloth)|Philip Henry Hepburn|9780745801735\n1994|Open University Worldwide|Programming And Programming Languages: Prolog V. 2 (course M353)||9780749247966\n2015-06-29|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|A Quick Guide To An Introduction to Expert System Using PROLOG|Alemu Kumilachew Tegegnie and Adane Nega Tarekegn|9783659749155\n|Wiley|Techniques Of Prolog Programming: With Implementation Of Logical Negation And Quantified Goals|Van Le, T.|\n1988|Prentice Hall|Introduction To Programming In Prolog (prentice Hall International Series In Computer Science)|Danny Crookes|9780137101467\n1992|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Techniques Of Prolog Programming With Implementation Of Logical Negation And Quantified Goals Software||9780471591085\n1993|John Wiley And Sons Ltd|The Techniques Of Prolog Programming With Implementation Of Logical Negation And Quantified Goals|T. Van Le|9780471599708\n1990|Prentice Hall|Logic Programming: Prolog And Stream Parallel Languages (prentice Hall Advances In Computer Science Series)|J. D. Newmarch|9780135398425 Prolog prolog developer prolog year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n1987|Programming in Prolog|10.1007/978-3-642-97005-4|1301|102|W. Clocksin and C. Mellish|ec74eaf722b5fb9c49e3fe38fe30ddf3dda61d72\n1987|Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis|10.2307/414538|397|27|F. Pereira and S. Shieber|547d483ed1e80066693af561f63daa30ffa8e9fa\n1977|Prolog - the language and its implementation compared with Lisp|10.1145/800228.806939|157|6|D. Warren and L. Pereira and Fernando C Pereira|57f796c1bb843b65ba45c42aa00c1068c529eae0\n1992|High-performance logic programming with the Aquarius Prolog compiler|10.1109/2.108055|141|8|P. V. Roy and A. Despain|901aabda7822b120245399bde172dbaf2cc68d9d\n1982|Partial evaluation as a means for inferencing data structures in an applicative language: a theory and implementation in the case of prolog|10.1145/582153.582181|134|4|J. Komorowski|bd0021d9a1816dad9759c43dc0a0889917fcdd22\n2005|Logic Programming with Prolog|10.1007/978-1-4471-5487-7|116|30|M. Bramer|ae8a471753922d18c550cd0fa7db01055c82e85f\n1985|If Prolog is the Answer, What is the Question? or What it Takes to Support AI Programming Paradigms|10.1109/TSE.1985.231888|69|0|D. Bobrow|b3f45bca1bcbd81fd5319341ad15907b37d85890\n1986|Tokio: Logic Programming Language Based on Temporal Logic and its Compilation to Prolog|10.1007/3-540-16492-8_119|61|4|M. Fujita and S. Kono and Hidehiko Tanaka and T. Moto-Oka|6266ea0a988231d0d73544cca601e9300fc9ec0b\n1985|Reasoning about protein topology using the logic programming language PROLOG|10.1016/0263-7855(85)80027-8|60|0|C. Rawlings and W. Taylor and J. Nyakairu and John Fox and M. Sternberg|5cae6a91ba51c2febd78839a801c3085c1849610\n1984|Systems programming in concurrent prolog|10.1145/800017.800520|55|1|E. Shapiro|29607edfbf48bd0d820f9d45854e19320c7520d1\n1991|Prolog programming techniques|10.1007/BF00120879|39|1|P. Brna and A. Bundy and Tony Dodd and M. Eisenstadt and C. Looi and H. Pain and D. Robertson and Barbara M. Smith and M. Someren|d1e1c791ea0fb12f3929ee1362fca0e571b18e5f\n1986|Prolog programming: applications for database systems, expert systems, and natural language systems|10.1016/0950-5849(87)90357-0|15|0|C. Marcus|f6bb99f3f2e0eac5f238729fae7a99d36c5dca2f\n1989|Rapid prototyping of programming language semantics using Prolog|10.1109/CMPSAC.1989.65123|14|0|B. Bryant and Aiqin Pan|b5e4a9cbbbb5b528668f5cb70628160e9240b18a\n1986|Programming in Modal Logic: An Extension of PROLOG based on Modal Logic|10.1007/3-540-18024-9_24|12|1|Y. Sakakibara|5e6f4bb243db724e65fe1c56c177a58350e69f88\n1984|On implementing Prolog in functional programming|10.1007/BF03037326|11|0|M. Carlsson|319932ff3d51905bb0557c8076982b1e6c22c8e9\n2010|Natural language processing: a prolog perspective|10.1007/s10462-009-9151-4|6|0|Christian Bitter and David A. Elizondo and Yingjie Yang|389a0f41524e226c6a01e31040e6e8ee279b824b\n1970|Prolog As A First Programming Language|10.2495/SEHE940321|6|0|Martin P. Lee and J. Pryce and A. Harrison|db49d728b8ceec7570695c877c66a02e268d6685\n1986|Pitfalls in PROLOG programming|10.1145/15095.15102|5|0|K. Ng and W. Ma|3cee6a1787ec611e962a733b5be822749be11505\n1985|Prolog Programming and Applications|10.1109/mex.1986.4306988|5|0|W. D. Burnham and A. Hall and R. Bharath|f12d2a1753264f09e792e1343742640d136f289f\n1990|A plea for a readable Prolog programming style|10.1145/101356.101360|4|0|Robert McLaughlin|beea2925d73b4bf7edb8017644b6068123b9831a\n1988|Enhancing Prolog to Support Prolog Programming Environments|10.1007/3-540-19027-9_21|4|0|A. Martelli and G. Rossi|281a193b8fcd79442cd54d98e8e95ccaed15d162\n2012|An adaptive prolog programming language with machine learning|10.1109/CCIS.2012.6664359|1|0|Benjie Lu and Zhiqing Liu and Hui Gao|a22535f08ebba5e76633ceb8a321cbb156727dfc\n2013|Design an Arm Robot through Prolog Programming Language|10.4172/2168-9695.1000104|1|0|A. Azad and T. Rashid|1e2d636b3b4df2802b0815122ba551c001f7235a title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nPROLOG: Programming for Artificial Intelligence|1986|Ivan Bratko|2059933|3.75|166|4\nProgramming in PROLOG: Using the ISO Standard|1981|William F. Clocksin|1601676|3.57|83|4\nThe Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming Techniques|1994|Leon Sterling|2365132|3.91|22|2\nThe Art Of Prolog: Advanced Programming Techniques|1986|Leon Sterling|1710377|3.79|43|2\nLogic Programming with PROLOG|2005|Max Bramer|2069010|3.56|16|0 objective-c Objective-C 1984 Brad Cox 68 pl 55 2.0 5 33 24920 235352 445 499 2005 2018 22 14 c smalltalk groovy java nu objective-j tom-oopl swift ios simula ada self ruby llvmir linux vala 1984 Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language. It was the main programming language used by Apple for the OS X and iOS operating systems, and their respective application programming interfaces (APIs) Cocoa and Cocoa Touch prior to the introduction of Swift. The programming language Objective-C was originally developed in the early 1980s. It was selected as the main language used by NeXT for its NeXTSTEP operating system, from which OS X and iOS are derived. Portable Objective-C programs that do not use the Cocoa or Cocoa Touch libraries, or those using parts that may be ported or reimplemented for other systems, can also be compiled for any system supported by GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) or Clang. Objective-C source code 'implementation' program files usually have .m filename extensions, while Objective-C 'header/interface' files have .h extensions, the same as C header files. Objective-C++ files are denoted with a .mm file extension. 2002 910 1275 1901 39809523 97044 167113 535667 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nMustangYM WeChatExtension-ForMac Objective-C #438eff 1706 302 460 Mac版微信的功能拓展\nfirebase firebase-ios-sdk Objective-C #438eff 1341 317 54 "Firebase iOS SDK"\nFlipboard FLEX Objective-C #438eff 10723 1223 112 "An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS"\nsparkle-project Sparkle Objective-C #438eff 4445 795 54 "A software update framework for macOS"\nSunnyyoung WeChatTweak-macOS Objective-C #438eff 3641 479 210 "A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开"\ngnachman iTerm2 Objective-C #438eff 9157 917 200 "iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things."\nreact-native-community react-native-permissions Objective-C #438eff 1592 506 50 "Check and request user permissions in ReactNative (iOS and Android)"\nreact-native-webrtc react-native-webrtc Objective-C #438eff 2291 556 54 "The WebRTC module for React Native"\nbanchichen TZImagePickerController Objective-C #438eff 6628 1487 106 "一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览、裁剪功能,支持iOS6+。 A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, support iOS6+"\ngit-up GitUp Objective-C #438eff 8649 567 81 "The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived."\nkstenerud KSCrash Objective-C #438eff 2785 421 51 "The Ultimate iOS Crash Reporter"\nhalfrost Halfrost-Field Objective-C #438eff 4210 702 102 "✍️ 这里是写博客的地方 —— Halfrost-Field 冰霜之地"\nWenchaoD FSCalendar Objective-C #438eff 8285 1457 124 "A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift"\nfacebook Shimmer Objective-C #438eff 9052 1092 58 "An easy way to add a simple, shimmering effect to any view in an iOS app."\nliberalisman iOS-InterviewQuestion-collection Objective-C #438eff 2176 419 91 "iOS 开发者在面试过程中,常见的一些面试题,建议尽量弄懂了原理,并且多实践。"\nrealm realm-cocoa Objective-C #438eff 13425 1754 71 "Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite"\nluggit react-native-config Objective-C #438eff 2536 440 62 "Bring some 12 factor love to your mobile apps!"\npujiaxin33 JXPagingView Objective-C #438eff 911 154 94 类似微博主页、简书主页等效果。多页面嵌套,既可以上下滑动,也可以左右滑动切换页面。支持HeaderView悬浮、支持下拉刷新、上拉加载更多。\nnst iOS-Runtime-Headers Objective-C #438eff 7298 1564 42 "iOS Objective-C headers as derived from runtime introspection"\nkayanouriko E-HentaiViewer Objective-C #438eff 534 78 43 一个E-Hentai的iOS端阅读器\nzendesk zendesk_sdk_ios Objective-C #438eff 105 72 4 "Zendesk Mobile SDK for iOS"\nKJCracks Clutch Objective-C #438eff 2607 534 58 "Fast iOS executable dumper"\nAliSoftware OHHTTPStubs Objective-C #438eff 4256 512 49 "Stub your network requests easily! Test your apps with fake network data and custom response time, response code and headers!"\nopenid AppAuth-iOS Objective-C #438eff 657 328 18 "iOS and macOS SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers."\nuber ios-snapshot-test-case Objective-C #438eff 977 99 26 "Snapshot view unit tests for iOS" obj-c or objc or objectivec objectivec clike text/x-objectivec source.objc programming o/Objective C.m 19 pl objectivec 1247 true 58 ace bazel blitzmax blockml cir cloc cooc drakon dreamlisp ec eiffel f-script felix ffmpeg fish flow9 flutter gcc ghc go gradle gravity gun hashlink haxe hhvm imhex invokator iterm2 java julia kotlin lobster lwjgl mal matplotlib mongodb monkeyx mosaic ncl nim opencv pygments python pytorch react-native revolution-programming-language score sile swift tamgu tbox-lib tensorflow v vlc wonkey worldwideweb-browser zig false Apple h m mm C m h m h h m mm C 12380 4276 154 c 1 2 true m true text objective-c Objective-C gobjc United States Objective-C #import "Foo.h" @implementation Foo @end #import int main() { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSLog(@"Hello, world!"); [pool drain]; return 0; } -(void) firstLabel: (int)param1 secondLabel: (int)param2; /* Build on OS X: clang -framework Foundation -fobjc-arc objc.m -o objc Build on Linux with GNUstep: clang `gnustep-config --objc-flags` `gnustep-config --base-libs` -fobjc-nonfragile-abi -fobjc-arc objc.m -o objc */ #import int main(void) { NSLog(@"Hello World"); } Objective-C /* Hello World in Objective-C. ** Since the standard implementation is identical to K&R C, ** a version that says hello to a set of people passed on ** the command line is shown here. */ #include #include int main(int argc,char **argv) { id set = [Set new]; argv++;while (--argc) [set add:[String str:*argv++]]; [set do:{ :each | printf("hello, %s!\n",[each str]); }]; return 0; } Objective C auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if inline int long register restrict return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while _Bool _Complex _Imaginary BOOL Class bycopy byref id IMP in inout nil NO NULL oneway out Protocol SEL self Super YES @ @interface @end @implementation @protocol @class @public @protected @private @property @try @throw @catch() @finally @synthesize @dynamic @selector atomic nonatomic retain // /* */ printf " false true true true true false true true true true true true true false true true false true true true true 15 0 Objective-C Objective-C Objective-C year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2012|Addison-Wesley Professional|Programming in Objective-C (Developer's Library)|Kochan, Stephen G.|9780321887283\n2008|Apress|Learn Objective-C on the Mac (Learn Series)|Knaster, Scott and Dalrymple, Mark|9781430218159\n2011|Wiley|Objective-C|DeVoe, Jiva|9780470479223\n2012|Apress|Learn Objective-C on the Mac: For OS X and iOS|Knaster, Scott and Dalrymple, Mark and Malik, Waqar|9781430241881\n2011|Apress|Objective-C for Absolute Beginners: iPhone, iPad and Mac Programming Made Easy|Bennett, Gary and Fisher, Mitchell and Lees, Brad|9781430236535\n2011|O'Reilly Media|Head First iPhone and iPad Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone and iPad|Pilone, Dan and Pilone, Tracey|9781449387822\n2009|Apress|Learn Objective-C for Java Developers (Learn Series)|Bucanek, James|9781430223696\n2010|McGraw-Hill Education|Objective-C for iPhone Developers, A Beginner's Guide|Brannan, James|9780071703284\n2011|O'Reilly Media|Learning the iOS 4 SDK for JavaScript Programmers: Create Native Apps with Objective-C and Xcode|Goodman, Danny|9781449388454\n2011|Apress|Pro Objective-C Design Patterns for iOS|Chung, Carlo|9781430233312\n2011|Manning Publications|Objective-C Fundamentals|Fairbairn, Christopher and Ruffenach, Collin and Fahrenkrug, Johannes|9781935182535 Objective-C objective-c engineer title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nProgramming in Objective C|1999|Stephen G. Kochan|116159|3.96|445|21\nProgramming in Objective-C 2.0|2008|Stephen G. Kochan|3467967|3.85|370|16\nObjective-C Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide|2011|Aaron Hillegass|14382053|4.17|634|41\nThe Objective-C Programming Language||Apple Inc.|15769650|3.62|24|0 julia Julia 2012 Jeff Bezanson and Alan Edelman and Stefan Karpinski and Viral B. Shah 87 pl arrayLang 10 v1.10.3 5 34 24 24919 15211 36 2011 2024 932 5433 45137 5097 191 2015 2018 2 21 c scheme llvmir fortran ia-32 linux freebsd lisp lua mathematica wolfram matlab perl python r ruby regex unicode utf-8 common-lisp dylan algol fortress html xml json arm powerpc 2012 Julia is a high-level dynamic programming language designed to address the needs of high-performance numerical analysis and computational science, without the typical need of separate compilation to be fast, while also being effective for general-purpose programming, web use or as a specification language. Distinctive aspects of Julia's design include a type system with parametric polymorphism and types in a fully dynamic programming language and multiple dispatch as its core programming paradigm. It allows concurrent, parallel and distributed computing, and direct calling of C and Fortran libraries without glue code. Julia is garbage-collected, uses eager evaluation and includes efficient libraries for floating-point calculations, linear algebra, random number generation, fast Fourier transforms and regular expression matching. 2012 640 377 1075 38455554 2536 5895 53507 3 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nJuliaLang julia Julia #a270ba 23614 3524 510 "The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing."\nJuliaLang IJulia.jl Julia #a270ba 1780 298 38 "Julia kernel for Jupyter" julia julia julia text/x-julia source.julia programming j/Julia.jl 35 pl true 10 ace cir cloc dex invokator julia links-programming-language mal polyglot-compiler pygments false 2009 2024 66736 1858 1623 jl jl jl jl jl julia julia markdown toml c make cpp llvmir bourne-shell diff xml scheme lisp assembly-language tex yaml json objective-c python svg pascal clojure d css dockerfile true 88390 85 158 4 true 1 true jl false 7592 text julia julia Julia julia Various Julia #!/usr/bin/env julia # From help_screen = """ usage: fullpath *[relative-paths] [-c] Prints the fullpath of the paths If no paths are given as args, it will read them from stdin If there is only one path, the trailing newline is omitted The -c flag will copy the results into your pasteboard """ help = false copy = false dir = pwd() paths = [] for arg = ARGS if arg == "-h" || arg == "--help" help = true elseif arg == "-c" || arg == "--copy" copy = true elseif arg != "" push!(paths, arg) end end if help print(help_screen) exit() end function notempty(string) return !isempty(string) end if length(paths) == 0 paths = filter(notempty, map(chomp, readlines())) end function print_paths(stream, paths) if length(paths) == 1 path = paths[1] print(stream, "$dir/$path") else for path = paths println(stream, "$dir/$path") end end end if copy read, write, process = readandwrite(`pbcopy`) print_paths(write, paths) close(write) end print_paths(STDOUT, paths) println("Hello, world!") julia> p(x) = 2x^2 + 1; f(x, y) = 1 + 2p(x)y julia> println("Hello world!", " I'm on cloud ", f(0, 4), " as Julia supports recognizable syntax!") Hello world! I'm on cloud 9 as Julia supports recognizable syntax! println("Hello World") Julia # Hello world in Julia println("Hello, World!") Julia begin while if for try return break continue function macro quote let local global const do struct abstract typealias bitstype type immutable module baremodule using import export importall end else catch finally true false # #= =# println " true false true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true 22 36 Julia Julia Julia year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2020|SAV Publishing|The Little Book of Julia Algorithms: A workbook to develop fluency in Julia programming|Sengupta, Ahan and Lau, William|9781838173609\n2019|Independently published|Julia Programming for Operations Research|Kwon, Changhyun|9781798205471\n2017|Apress|Beginning Julia Programming: For Engineers and Scientists|Nagar, Sandeep|9781484231715\n2019|Apress|Julia Quick Syntax Reference: A Pocket Guide for Data Science Programming|Lobianco, Antonello|9781484251898\n2019-06-10T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Julia High Performance: Optimizations, distributed computing, multithreading, and GPU programming with Julia 1.0 and beyond, 2nd Edition|Sengupta, Avik|9781788298117\n2019|McGraw-Hill Education TAB|Tanmay Teaches Julia for Beginners: A Springboard to Machine Learning for All Ages|Bakshi, Tanmay|9781260456646\n2019|Packt Publishing|Julia High Performance: Optimizations, distributed computing, multithreading, and GPU programming with Julia 1.0 and beyond, 2nd Edition|Sengupta, Avik|9781788292306\n2018|Packt Publishing|Julia Programming Projects: Learn Julia 1.x by building apps for data analysis, visualization, machine learning, and the web|Salceanu, Adrian|9781788297257\n2019|Packt Publishing|Julia 1.0 Programming Complete Reference Guide: Discover Julia, a high-performance language for technical computing|Balbaert, Ivo and Salceanu, Adrian|9781838824679\n2019|Packt Publishing|Julia 1.0 Programming Complete Reference Guide: Discover Julia, a high-performance language for technical computing|Balbaert, Ivo and Salceanu, Adrian|9781838822248\n2018|Packt Publishing|Julia Programming Projects: Learn Julia 1.x by building apps for data analysis, visualization, machine learning, and the web|Salceanu, Adrian|9781788292740\n2018|Packt Publishing|Julia 1.0 Programming: Dynamic and high-performance programming to build fast scientific applications, 2nd Edition|Balbaert, Ivo|9781788990059\n2019|McGraw-Hill Education TAB|Tanmay Teaches Julia for Beginners: A Springboard to Machine Learning for All Ages|Bakshi, Tanmay|9781260456639\n2018-11-29T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Julia 1.0 Programming Cookbook: Over 100 numerical and distributed computing recipes for your daily data science workflow|Kaminski, Bogumil and Szufel, Przemyslaw|9781788998369\n2016|Packt Publishing|Julia High Performance|Sengupta, Avik|9781785887826\n2021|BPB Publications|Hands-On Julia Programming: An Authoritative Guide to the Production-Ready Systems in Julia (English Edition)|Dash, Sambit Kumar|9789391030889\n2018|Packt Publishing|Julia 1.0 Programming: Dynamic and high-performance programming to build fast scientific applications, 2nd Edition|Balbaert, Ivo|9781788999090\n2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Julia Programming for Operations Research: A Primer on Computing|Kwon, Changhyun|9781533328793\n2016|Packt Publishing|Julia Cookbook|Rohit, Jalem Raj|9781785882012\n2018|Packt Publishing|Julia 1.0 Programming Cookbook: Over 100 numerical and distributed computing recipes for your daily data science workflow|Kamiński, Bogumił and Szufel, Przemysław|9781788998826\n2017-11-27T00:00:01Z|Apress|Beginning Julia Programming: For Engineers and Scientists|Nagar, Sandeep|9781484231708\n2018|Springer|Numerical Linear Algebra: A Concise Introduction with MATLAB and Julia (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)|Bornemann, Folkmar|9783319742229 Julia julia engineer year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2018|Optim: A mathematical optimization package for Julia|10.21105/JOSS.00615|198|8|P. K. Mogensen and A. N. Riseth|5b9beb63591876dc225ea00e04d77498fc28a5ea\n2017|Effective Extensible Programming: Unleashing Julia on GPUs|10.1109/TPDS.2018.2872064|78|4|Tim Besard and Christophe Foket and B. De Sutter|7d905f4b07f6eb91177edcf307bc80f9f5c1f33a\n2017|Nemo/Hecke: Computer Algebra and Number Theory Packages for the Julia Programming Language|10.1145/3087604.3087611|61|5|C. Fieker and W. Hart and Tommy Hofmann and Fredrik Johansson|05272de903f0d6ce2bfe6651b53e9147d0d233a5\n2019|Julia for robotics: simulation and real-time control in a high-level programming language|10.1109/ICRA.2019.8793875|28|0|T. Koolen and R. Deits|dbae8cb7428e868cfacd210cda2cc50364f191be\n2016|ToQ.jl: A high-level programming language for D-Wave machines based on Julia|10.1109/HPEC.2016.7761616|27|3|D. O'Malley and V. Vesselinov|3b98415124b1d661f0c29f030d7f4ae67ca4978a\n2020|Gridap: An extensible Finite Element toolbox in Julia|10.21105/joss.02520|25|1|S. Badia and F. Verdugo|27276e58e2d6c5f44d02185534638e6519f9cae8\n2016|Systems Modeling and Programming in a Unified Environment Based on Julia|10.1007/978-3-319-47169-3_15|25|2|H. Elmqvist and T. Henningsson and M. Otter|9a2ebe28b9786c7a6afb0122b8228d084be23f3f\n2021|Makie.jl: Flexible high-performance data visualization for Julia|10.21105/joss.03349|19|1|S. Danisch and Julius Krumbiegel|725fcbf7514d2464e5540972dfa16ed7ebea9949\n2018|GaussianProcesses.jl: A Nonparametric Bayes Package for the Julia Language|10.18637/jss.v102.i01|13|1|Jamie Fairbrother and C. Nemeth and M. Rischard and Johanni Brea and Thomas Pinder|915aa124c64dc217b69b1c2e50a22c69e04a5c05\n2019|Illustrating the Benefits of Openness: A Large-Scale Spatial Economic Dispatch Model Using the Julia Language|10.3390/EN12061153|12|0|Jens Weibezahn and M. Kendziorski|a304837d021df72ccd0a7edeb69e049626ae9569\n2020|A New Kid on the Block: Application of Julia to Hartree-Fock Calculations.|10.1021/acs.jctc.0c00337|8|0|David L. Poole and Jorge L. Galvez Vallejo and M. Gordon|8d9735c0cb63af04356f32dc15ba2ac36e07fb64\n2019|Efficient Stochastic Programming in Julia|10.1287/ijoc.2022.1158|8|1|Martin Biel and M. Johansson|84694fa560d1eaf48e9a1a191709529c56561838\n2016|JuPOETs: a constrained multiobjective optimization approach to estimate biochemical model ensembles in the Julia programming language|10.1186/s12918-016-0380-2|8|1|D. Bassen and Michael Vilkhovoy and Mason Minot and J. Butcher and J. Varner|80405e5f33de6bea69c162c1e204e34c04ec7e85\n2014|Experimental Multi-threading Support for the Julia Programming Language|10.1109/HPTCDL.2014.11|7|0|T. Knopp|7d31348dd404654dd26031091125e56941e64b2e\n2020|BioStructures.jl: read, write and manipulate macromolecular structures in Julia|10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa502|6|0|Joe G. Greener and Joel Selvaraj and Ben Ward|9e75082cb736566d8ceb53dacdda6065b7fb3264\n2020|NetworkDynamics.jl - Composing and simulating complex networks in Julia|10.1063/5.0051387|6|0|Michael Q. Lindner and Lucas Lincoln and Fenja Drauschke and J. M. Koulen and Hannes Würfel and A. Plietzsch and F. Hellmann|9e7d4d08eee494f88042aa2829bac1cdd8f36910\n2021|MRIReco.jl: An MRI reconstruction framework written in Julia|10.1002/mrm.28792|6|0|T. Knopp and M. Grosser|0e7b3a418f2c49671b802fa3c5435860a520349a\n2020|Performance of Julia for High Energy Physics Analyses|10.1007/s41781-021-00053-3|6|2|M. Stanitzki and J. Strube|1cfdfc910076aee3a9798ef6552ac944dfccefe1\n2021|Metatheory.jl: Fast and Elegant Algebraic Computation in Julia with Extensible Equality Saturation|10.21105/joss.03078|4|0|Alessandro Cheli|46b544baa83079f1a59bdafc13e63a2583e27f57\n2021|EBIC.JL: an efficient implementation of evolutionary biclustering algorithm in Julia|10.1145/3449726.3463197|3|0|Pawel Renc and P. Orzechowski and A. Byrski and Jaroslaw Was and J. Moore|b288b373226d3145347f05d7ea9c13c590efdcb4\n2020|WordTokenizers.jl: Basic tools for tokenizing natural language in Julia|10.21105/joss.01956|3|0|Ayush Kaushal and Lyndon White and Mike Innes and Rohit Kumar|19a981faaf3c2be82298f214bf5b80a38c4ce0eb\n2020|The JuliaConnectoR: a functionally oriented interface for integrating Julia in R|10.18637/jss.v101.i06|2|0|S. Lenz and Maren Hackenberg and H. Binder|ca7fd29ec1460159815f8424f1dfb93177623efd\n2020|Archmodels.Jl: Estimating Arch Models in Julia|10.2139/ssrn.3551503|2|1|S. Broda and Marc S. Paolella|7f6b300bc93f948345a85689c297f8dcb685930a\n2021|Comparing Julia to Performance Portable Parallel Programming Models for HPC|10.1109/PMBS54543.2021.00016|2|0|Wei-Chen Lin and S. McIntosh-Smith|53aa513eb7efba2755658cff885056f45c83b361\n2019|Statistically significant performance testing of Julia scientific programming language|10.1088/1742-6596/1205/1/012017|2|0|M. N. Gevorkyan and A. V. Demidova and A. Korolkova and D. Kulyabov|7f1df9117e930987fde207b23ba3bf0dfc453f77\n2022|Plots.jl - a user extendable plotting API for the julia programming language|10.48550/arXiv.2204.08775|2|0|Simon Christ and D. Schwabeneder and Christopher Rackauckas|677154c1f6140ea18aea3674a258347a3f08d61a\n2020|Julia Programming Language Benchmark Using a Flight Simulation|10.1109/AERO47225.2020.9172277|2|0|R. Sells|3763cc8a899da4a106f0d84b6c1ed1496cb081fc\n2020|"JlBox v1.0: A Julia based mixed-phase atmospheric chemistry\nbox-model"|10.5194/gmd-2020-344|1|1|La-mei Huang and D. Topping|c6b7f380d0818a97e5e04e261c7bb66523c5c8e7\n2021|Rapid prototyping of evolution-driven biclustering methods in Julia|10.1145/3449726.3462739|1|0|Pawel Renc and P. Orzechowski and A. Byrski and Jaroslaw Was and J. Moore|b4eaa7e68500e18841d8ecbbaf75389e188f4cb3\n2021|RADIv1: a non-steady-state early diagenetic model for ocean sediments in Julia and MATLAB/GNU Octave|10.5194/gmd-2021-211|1|0|Olivier Sulpis and M. Humphreys and M. Wilhelmus and D. Carroll and W. Berelson and D. Menemenlis and Jack Middelburg and J. Adkins|9c31814ff2a9ccee98588ba2ff21ed496563356c\n2021|AuditoryStimuli.jl: A Julia package for generating real-time auditory stimuli|10.21105/joss.03613|1|0|R. Luke|6233b051235e6a0f44a8e15afc9258abd1247e66\n2020|Application of a numerical-analytical approach in the process of modeling differential equations in the Julia language|10.1088/1742-6596/1694/1/012026|1|0|A. V. Fedorov and A. O. Masolova and A. Korolkova and D. S. Kulyabov|d5379b60247a15e6009b5b4961c70fa90e892bd7\n2021|Julia Language in Computational Mechanics: A New Competitor|10.1007/s11831-021-09636-0|1|0|Lei Xiao and Gang Mei and Ning Xi and F. Piccialli|1ef389a28b48ff11e8da8bb26a79ce7c0853e841\n2019|The Usage of Julia Programming in Grounding Grids Simulations : An alternative to MATLAB and Python|10.1109/sipda47030.2019.8951702|1|0|Rodolfo A. R. Moura and M. Schroeder and S. J. S. Silva and E. Nepomuceno and P. H. N. Vieira and A. Lima|183303bc57f9f6b3c05c5828dd34a02b19a4784b\n2018|An Overview of the Julia Programming Language|10.1145/3277104.3277119|1|0|Tyler A. Cabutto and Sean P. Heeney and S. Ault and Guifen Mao and Jin Wang|3e62ce30a835230fa8d51c053e4bd2541cfc5fb8 lisp Lisp 1958 John McCarthy 31 pl lisp 130 2 35 24917 92994 232 arc autolisp clojure common-lisp emacs-lisp eulisp interlisp islisp lfe newlisp portable-standard-lisp racket rpl scheme cadence-skill spice-lisp t information-processing-language clips clu cowsel dylan elixir falcon forth haskell io ioke javascript julia logo lua ml nim nu ops5 perl pop-2 pop-11 python r ruby scala swift smalltalk tcl wolfram fortran s-expressions lisp-machine-lisp openlisp picolisp lisp-2 multics acl2 jvm yarv emacs-editor autocad-app lilypond algol flavors c xml 1958 Lisp (historically, LISP) is a family of computer programming languages with a long history and a distinctive, fully parenthesized prefix notation. Originally specified in 1958, Lisp is the second-oldest high-level programming language in widespread use today. Only Fortran is older, by one year. Lisp has changed since its early days, and many dialects have existed over its history. Today, the best known general-purpose Lisp dialects are Common Lisp and Scheme. Lisp was originally created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs, influenced by the notation of Alonzo Church's lambda calculus. It quickly became the favored programming language for artificial intelligence (AI) research. As one of the earliest programming languages, Lisp pioneered many ideas in computer science, including tree data structures, automatic storage management, dynamic typing, conditionals, higher-order functions, recursion, the self-hosting compiler, and the read–eval–print loop. The name LISP derives from "LISt Processor". Linked lists are one of Lisp's major data structures, and Lisp source code is made of lists. Thus, Lisp programs can manipulate source code as a data structure, giving rise to the macro systems that allow programmers to create new syntax or new domain-specific languages embedded in Lisp. The interchangeability of code and data gives Lisp its instantly recognizable syntax. All program code is written as s-expressions, or parenthesized lists. A function call or syntactic form is written as a list with the function or operator's name first, and the arguments following; for instance, a function f that takes three arguments would be called as (f arg1 arg2 arg3). 2001 1517 1344 2307 18016 l/Lisp.lsp 38 pl 14 true 137 abcl-lang ace april arrow-format austral bio bio bucklescript candor capn-proto caramel carp catala chicken chrysalisp cir clamp clay cloc concurr coq dedukti dendral dern dex edgelisp eff egison elegance encore erlang factor fancy felix femtolisp flow9 fstar gap generate-ninja gforth ghc git graph-it gura hakaru hal-format harlan hhvm huginn hurl hush idio invokator ioke ixml jakt jflex jslt julia kalyn kamby kamilalisp kitten koka kona lamdu-editor lamdu lawvere lem-editor ligo lil lila-lang links-programming-language lux maclisp magit mal mgmt mimix-stream-language mockingbird-notation monte mu mudlle nemerle nesc newlisp ninja nodejs noweb opa opal parenscript particles penrose perl plaid-programming-language please-build poke polyglot-compiler popr postgresql potion pygments python qore quicklisp-pm quint r4 ralph redprl revolution-programming-language rosie ruby savi scroll scryer setlx shill simit skip slony smallbasic smpl solid sugar swift tridash ultralisp-pm urweb virgil wyvern xl-lang xtclang yasnippet yeti z-expressions zephir false MIT lsp true 61481 303 38 1 asd el lisp lsp cl jl text United States LISP (defun -reverse (list) (let ((return-value '())) (dolist (e list) (push e return-value)) return-value)) ; LISP (DEFUN hello () (PRINT (LIST 'HELLO 'WORLD)) ) (hello) Lisp PRINT false true true true 75 25 Lisp year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n1995|Pearson|ANSI Common LISP|Graham, Paul|9780133708752\n1991|Morgan Kaufmann|Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp|Norvig, Peter|9781558601918\n1989|Springer|The Art of LISP Programming|Jones, Robin|9780387195681\n2012|O'Reilly Media|Clojure Programming: Practical Lisp for the Java World|Emerick, Chas and Carper, Brian and Grand, Christophe|9781449394707\n2004|Free Software Foundation|An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp|Chassell, Robert J.|9781882114566\n1984|Assn For Computing Machinery|Acm Symposium On Lisp And Functional Programming, 1984|No Author|9780897911429\n1992|Assn For Computing Machinery|Acm Conference On Lisp And Functional Programming, 1992|Association For Computing Machinery|9780897914819\n2001|CMP|The AutoCADET's Guide to Visual LISP|Kramer, Bill|9781578200894\n2021|Apress|Programming Algorithms in Lisp: Writing Efficient Programs with Examples in ANSI Common Lisp|Domkin, Vsevolod|9781484264270\n2020|Apress|The Common Lisp Condition System: Beyond Exception Handling with Control Flow Mechanisms|"Herda, Michał ""phoe"""|9781484261330\n2006||Sketchy Lisp|Nils M Holm|9781411674486\n20160101|Springer Nature|Common Lisp Recipes|Edmund Weitz|9781484211762\n2012||Let Over Lambda: 50 Years Of Lisp|Doug Hoyte|9781257130733\n2008|Free Software Foundation|An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp|Robert J. Chassell|9781882114023\n2019|Pearson|Lisp (3rd Edition)|Winston, Patrick and Horn, Berthold|9780201083194\n1990-02-20T00:00:01Z|Springer|LISP, Lore, and Logic: An Algebraic View of LISP Programming, Foundations, and Applications|Stark, W. Richard|9780387970721\n1985|Wiley|Programming in Common LISP|Brooks, Rodney A.|9780471818885\n1995|W H Freeman & Co|The Elements of Artificial Intelligence Using Common Lisp|Tanimoto, Steven L.|9780716782698\n1984|Addison-Wesley|LISP|Winston, Patrick Henry|9780201083729\n2012|Apress|Practical Common Lisp (Expert's Voice in Programming Languages)|Seibel, Peter|9781430242901\n2020|Apress|The Common Lisp Condition System: Beyond Exception Handling with Control Flow Mechanisms|"Michał ""phoe"" Herda"|9781484261347\n2014|Morgan Kaufmann|Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp|Norvig, Peter|9780080571157\n1990|Springer|LISP, Lore, and Logic: An Algebraic View of LISP Programming, Foundations, and Applications|Stark, W. Richard|9780683300055\n2012|Springer|LISP Lore: A Guide to Programming the LISP Machine|Bromley, H. and Lamson, Richard|9780898382280\n1989-08-01T00:00:01Z|Addison-Wesley|Common Lisp Programming for Artificial Intelligence (International Computer Science Series)|Hasemer, Tony and Domingue, John|9780201175790\n1991-02-01T00:00:01Z|McGraw-Hill College|Programming Paradigms in Lisp (McGraw-Hill series in artificial intelligence)|Sangal, Rajeev|9780070546660\n2001-12-01T00:00:01Z|Free Software Foundation|An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp|Chassell, Robert J.|9781882114436\n1987|Prentice Hall|The t Programming Language: A Dialect of Lisp|Stephen Slade|9780138819057\n1989|Springer|The Art of Lisp Programming|Jones, Robin and Maynard, Clive and Stewart, Ian|9783540195689\n2015|Springer|A Practical Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using LISP (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Book 327)|Argüelles Mendez, Luis|9783319231860\n2012|Springer|Computer Algebra with LISP and REDUCE: An Introduction to Computer-aided Pure Mathematics (Mathematics and Its Applications, 72)|Brackx, F. and Constales, D.|9789401055499\n1982T|Association for Computing Machinery|Conference Record of the 1982 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming||9780897910828\n2021|unknown|Lisp programming (Korean edition)||9788979148756\n2017|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Lisp (programming language): First Look|Blokdyk, Gerard|9781979912426\n2018|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|Lisp (programming language): First Look|Blokdyk, Gerardus|9781983817557\n1991|De Gruyter|Software-Konstruktion mit LISP (Programmierung Komplexer Systeme / Programming Complex Syste)|Belli, Fevzi|9783110117868\n2020|Independently published|"Lisp Programming Notebook: Notebook for Computer Programmers & Developers | Programming Languages: A Notebook for Computer Programmers and developers 6x9 inches with 120 White pages"|Languages, Programming|9781656246073\n||Lisp Programming Language Family: Lisp, Logo, Autolisp, Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Dylan, Lisp Machine Lisp, Maclisp|Books and LLC|9781156778203\n1989|Delmar Pub|Lisp Programming|Bergwall Productions Inc|9780806411798\n2012|Springer Science & Business Media|Common Lisp Modules|Mark Watson|9781461231868\n||Lisp Programming Language: Lisp, Symbolics, Lisp Machine, Common Lisp, S-expression, Kent Pitman, Bill Schelter, Gerald Jay Sussman, Cdr Coding|Books and LLC|9781156778197\n20061101|Springer Nature|Practical Common Lisp|Peter Seibel|9781430200178\n2011|Springer|Lisp Lore: A Guide To Programming The Lisp Machine|H. Bromley|9781461291893\n2013-01-16|Springer|Lisp Lore: A Guide To Programming The Lisp Machine|H. Bromley|9781475756708\n20020509|Taylor & Francis|Advanced LISP Technology|B. Thagesen|9780203300879\n1984|Newnes Technical Books|LISP for micros|Oakey, Steve.|9780408014427\n20101015|Random House Publishing Services|Land of Lisp|Conrad Barski|9781593273491\n||An Introduction To Lisp|Peter Smith|9780862381875\n20210128|Springer Nature|Programming Algorithms in Lisp|Vsevolod Domkin|9781484264287\n20031204|Cambridge University Press|Lisp in Small Pieces|Christian Queinnec|9781139632485\n1983|Alfred Waller Ltd|Lisp Programming (computer Science Texts)|I. Danicic|9780632011810\n2012|Springer Science & Business Media|The Art Of Lisp Programming|Robin Jones and Clive Maynard and Ian Stewart|9781447117193\n2007|Goodheart-willcox Pub|Visual Lisp Programming: Principles And Techniques|Rod R. Rawls and Mark A. Hagen and Paul F. Richard|9781590708101\n2007|Goodheart-willcox Pub|Visual Lisp Programming: Principles And Techniques|Rod R. Rawls and Mark Hagen and Paul Richard|9781590708118\n2011||Articles On Lisp Programming Language, Including|Hephaestus Books|9781243305664\n1988|Wiley|An Introduction To Programming In Lisp|H. Wertz|9780471914907\n20141014|Emereo|LISP 246 Success Secrets - 246 Most Asked Questions On LISP - What You Need To Know|Edward Carver|9781488806179\n1994|Assn For Computing Machinery|Acm Conference On Lisp & Functional Programming 1994|Association for Computing Machinery|9780897916431\n2011||Articles On Lisp Programming Language Family, Including|Hephaestus Books|9781243316851\n2018|Emereo|Lisp (programming language) Complete Self-Assessment Guide|Gerardus Blokdyk|9780655127703\n1986|The Mit Press|Performance And Evaluation Of Lisp Systems (computer Systems Series)|Richard P. Gabriel|9780262571937\n1990|Natl Technical Information|Lisp Programming Language Artificial Intelligence Applications: March 1988-1990||9789993982715\n|Morgan Kaufman Publishers|Paradigms Of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies In Common Lisp|Norvig, Peter.|\n1991|Morgan Kaufmann Pub|Paradigms Of Artificial Intelligence Programming Case Studies In Common Lisp|Peter Norvig|9781558602304\n1986|Assn For Computing Machinery|Proceedings Of The 1986 Acm Conference On Lisp And Functional Programming|the Association for Computing Machinery and SIGPLAN and SIGACT and SIGART|9780897912006\n1989|Mit Pr|The Paralation Model Architecture Independent Parallel Programming †Lisp S/w Macintosh|Gary W. Sabot|9780262691284\n1990|New York : ACM Press, c1990.|Proceedings of the 1990 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming|the Association for Computing Machinery and SIGPLAN and SIGACT and SIGART in cooperation with SIGSAM|9780897913683\n|New York, N.Y. : ACM Press, c1988.|Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming|the Association for Computing Machinery and SIGPLAN and SIGACT and SIGART|9780897912730\n1995|Springer|Vlisp A Verified Implementation Of Scheme: A Special Issue Of Lisp And Symbolic Computation, An International Journal Vol. 8, Nos. 1 & 2 March 1995|Guttman, Joshua D. and Wand, Mitchell.|9780792395669 lisp engineer lisp year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n1977|Prolog - the language and its implementation compared with Lisp|10.1145/800228.806939|157|6|D. Warren and L. Pereira and Fernando C Pereira|57f796c1bb843b65ba45c42aa00c1068c529eae0\n1985|From Problems to Programs via Plans: The Content and Structure of Knowledge for Introductory LISP Programming|10.2190/WK8C-BYCF-VQ5C-E307|95|3|E. Soloway|3396bf7e5b877fe9bd921045021523dca0cbf224\n1989|A Parallel Lisp Language PaiLisp and Its Kernel Specification|10.1007/BFb0024150|38|0|Takayasu Ito and M. Matsui|cb80e839c67a7a28f1cc087daf8175f259fbfce7\n1899|The LISP 2 programming language and system|10.1145/1464291.1464362|32|1|P. Abrahams and J. Barnett and E. Book and Donna Firth and S. L. Kameny and C. Weissman and L. Hawkinson and Michael I. Levin and Robert A. Saunders|85827cf800d963c44edee1c79d9431cf46fdeef8\n1988|A graphical programming language interface for an intelligent LISP tutor|10.1145/57167.57173|29|3|B. Reiser and P. Friedmann and J. Gevins and D. Kimberg and M. Ranney|dbaac20183c16da10c00740c604f8bcc6323e2c6\n2019|Milestones from the Pure Lisp theorem prover to ACL2|10.1007/s00165-019-00490-3|16|1|J. S. Moore|9608e7fb5b37c9208fe8af63e10e83e029a23405\n1993|Analogies in an Intelligent Programming Environment for Learning LISP|10.1007/978-3-662-11334-9_19|12|0|G. Weber|a59e807afd0c3f61defdb7db0cd5741a3f8bb6ba\n1987|Book Review: The T Programming Language: A Dialect of Lisp by Stephen Slade, Prentice Hall, Inc. 1987|10.1145/35596.885636|12|0|Erik Urdang|5a945c97779914efddd223bc0d050a091dbe1273\n1994|Can Tracing Tools Contribute to Programming Proficiency? The LISP Evaluation Modeler|10.1080/1049482940040104|11|0|L. Mann and M. Linn and M. Clancy|ba96d0ab5f02616d5483975f3563ba0dd185143a\n2002|A Formal Pattern Language for Refactoring of Lisp Programs|10.1109/CSMR.2002.995803|9|0|A. Leitão|20a22ae8a26cb87ecf67b45c4839e0c987549e05\n2002|A formal pattern language for refactoring of Lisp programs|10.1109/CSMR.2002.995803|8|0|A.M. Leitdo|084719ac3394878b29380eb0e617babb4282d345\n1985|From lisp machine to language lab|10.3758/BF03200950|7|0|Hank Bromley and R. Jarvella and I. Lundberg|8034e045a43a4fe2d99633bfebd6ed526fedbc2d\n1997|Methodologies for teaching new programming languages: a case study teaching LISP|10.1145/299359.299373|7|0|A. Nicholson and K. M. Fraser|03dc300364b2809e0e0e8b719158a85debf67bf1\n2020|Evolution of Emacs Lisp|10.1145/3386324|5|1|Stefan Monnier and Michael Sperber|02529e1f4bdb2ed31b5437a5375f34e9b6023711\n2013|Lisping Copyleft: A Close Reading of the Lisp LGPL|10.5033/IFOSSLR.V5I1.75|4|0|E. Greenbaum|339b555a9d6164b7add5d88116475ff4b06c0c63\n1989|A language-only course in LISP with PC scheme|10.1145/65293.71220|3|0|K. Lambert|32d210767fbf267cf60b8273401c8e212fa42d9b\n1990|LISP as a second language: Functional aspects|10.2307/833351|3|0|P. Desain|dcb84f01de141a94db41c155b4bd970b5d6ba741\n2001|Programming at the end of the learning curve: Lisp scripting for image processing|10.1109/HCC.2001.995268|3|0|S. Tanimoto and Jeremy W. Baer|dbb19cacc908da52797ce699cd017d4f868e556b\n1987|A small lisp interpreter as a project in a programming language course|10.1145/36093.36097|3|0|T. McMillan|53efa86d2103a87349b6bfaed88abefea6ba6dce\n1990|An effective Lisp project for a programming languages course|10.1145/122153.122162|2|0|M. Meredith|bf94bffb48b0385e2241230a6630959834937843\n1988|The symbolic programming environment (SPE#8482;): a common Lisp development environment for Sun workstations|10.1145/1317250.1317251|2|0|Aaron Endelman and Steve Gadol|82d2f163fac3edf79be3c552332085532ab89518\n2017|The LISP 2 Project|10.1353/ahc.2017.0033|2|0|P. McJones|2542b5e02a37c4a14ce1274877cbefac495098e3\n2008|Programming in Lisp|10.1002/9780470316818.CH3|2|0|L. Tierney|59b941c01b3b90799f25915750195e2002a7c092\n1990|LISP, Lore, and Logic: An Algebraic View of LISP Programming, Foundations, and Applications|10.5860/choice.28-0344|2|0|W. R. Stark|519c91b4125277c48fe6108cea5c73fc9e4fcd8f\n1980|An Algorithm for Translating Lisp Programs into Reduction Language Programs|10.1007/3-540-09981-6_14|1|0|Alexis Koster|4b4930dac0835b0b396274c1ac1321560b807845 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nCommon LISP: The Language|1984|Guy L. Steele Jr.|1529534|4.28|78|3\nAn Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp||Robert J. Chassell|1162587|3.45|40|4\nParadigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common LISP|1991|Peter Norvig|80981|4.33|439|9\nLISP Lore: A Guide to Programming the LISP Machine|1986|Hank Bromley|3724482|4.00|5|0\nLISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual|1962|John McCarthy|4019912|4.43|28|2\nLisp, Lore, and Logic: An Algebraic View of LISP Programming, Foundations, and Applications|1990|W. Richard Stark|812519|3.50|4|0 mathematica Mathematica 1988 Stephen Wolfram 47 pl mathematics physics chemistry biology arrayLang 7 14.0 3 36 24893 1678 11 157 2008 2018 12 6 wolfram linux c java modelica sql fortran cuda opencl http eclipse-editor visual-studio-editor haskell applescript racket visual-basic python clojure excel-app matlab sagemath mongodb wsdl labview 1988 Wolfram Mathematica (usually termed Mathematica) is a modern technical computing system spanning most areas of technical computing — including neural networks, machine learning, image processing, geometry, data science, visualizations, and others. The system is used in many technical, scientific, engineering, mathematical, and computing fields. It was conceived by Stephen Wolfram and is developed by Wolfram Research of Champaign, Illinois. The Wolfram Language is the programming language used in Mathematica. 2016 228 256 5 49024 2402 2662 22012 2 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nAutodesk maya-usd Mathematica #ccc 97 16 43 "A common USD (Universal Scene Description) plugin for Autodesk Maya" mma or wolfram or wolfram language or wolfram lang or wl text mathematica text/x-mathematica source.mathematica programming m/Mathematica.nb pl Wolfram Language 1410 true 9 cir cloc mathics monte ncl particles pygments scroll wlambda false Wolfram Research mathematica cdf m ma mt nb nbp wl wlt nb nb cdf nbp ma false 148741 1553 59 1 14 true cdf ma mathematica mt nbp wl wlt m false text mathematica United States Mathematica Test[1 + 2, 3, TestID -> "One plus two"] Print["Hello World"] Mathematica (* Hello World in Mathematica *) Hello[] := Print["Hello, World!"] Mathematica (* *) Print " true true true false true true true false true 72 21 Mathematica year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n1996|Addison-Wesley Professional|Programming in Mathematica|Maeder, Roman E.|9780201854497\n1994|Addison-Wesley|Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers|Bahder, Thomas B.|9780201540901\n2011|Wiley|Principles of Linear Algebra with Mathematica|Shiskowski, Kenneth M. and Frinkle, Karl|9780470637951\n1997|Academic Press|A Physicist's Guide to Mathematica|Tam, Patrick T.|9780126831900\n2001|Morgan Kaufmann|Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence)|Jacob, Christian|9781558606371\n2010|O'Reilly Media|Mathematica Cookbook: Building Blocks for Science, Engineering, Finance, Music, and More|Mangano, Sal|9780596520991\n2009|Cambridge University Press|Computational Discrete Mathematics (Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica ®)|Pemmaraju, Sriram|9780521121460\n1995|Springer|An Introduction to Programming With Mathematica|Gaylord, Richard J. and Kamin, Samuel N. and Wellin, Paul R.|9780387944340\n2009|Academic Press|Mathematica Navigator: Mathematics, Statistics and Graphics, Third Edition|Ruskeepaa, Heikki|9780123741646\n2004|Springer|The Mathematica GuideBook for Graphics|Trott, Michael|9780387950105\n2000|Cambridge University Press|The Beginner's Guide to MATHEMATICA ®, Version 4|Glynn, Jerry and Gray, Theodore|9780521777698\n1999|Springer|Mathematica in Action|Wagon, Stan|9780387986845\n1992|Addison-Wesley|The Beginner's Guide to Mathematica Version 2|Gray, Theodore W. and Glynn, Jerry|9780201582215\n2004|Wiley|Mathematica Technology Resource Manual to accompany Differential Equations, 2e|Borrelli, Robert L. and Coleman, Courtney S. and Switkes, Jennifer|9780471483861\n1996|Academic Press|The Mathematica Bundle: The Mathematica Programmer II|Maeder, Roman E.|9780124649927\n1996|Wolfram Media Inc|The Mathematica Book|Wolfram, Stephen|9780965053204\n1996|Cambridge University Press|The MATHEMATICA ® Book, Version 3|Wolfram, Stephen|9780521588881\n2018|Springer|Mathematica for Bioinformatics: A Wolfram Language Approach to Omics|Mias, George|9783319723778\n2001|Cambridge University Press|MathLink ® Paperback with CD-ROM: Network Programming with MATHEMATICA ®|Miyaji, Chikara|9780521645980\n2020|Wolfram Media|Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language|Hastings, Cliff and Mischo, Kelvin and Morrison, Michael|9781579550387\n2021|Apress|Beginning Mathematica and Wolfram for Data Science: Applications in Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks|Villalobos Alva, Jalil|9781484265949\n1997|Prentice Hall|Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers: Using Mathematica to Do Science|Gass, Richard|9780132276122\n1994|Academic Pr|The Mathematica Programmer|Maeder, Roman E.|9780124649903\n2019|Springer|Using Mathematica for Quantum Mechanics: A Student’s Manual|Schmied, Roman|9789811375880\n2008|Academic Press|Mathematica by Example|Abell, Martha L. L. and Braselton, James P.|9780123743183\n2008|Academic Press|A Physicist's Guide to Mathematica|Tam, Patrick T.|9780126831924\n2004|Springer|The Mathematica GuideBook for Programming|Trott, Michael|9780387942827\n2011|Academic Press|A Physicist's Guide to Mathematica|Tam, Patrick T.|9780080926247\n2001|Birkhäuser|Nonlinear Physics with Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers|Enns, Richard H. and McGuire, George C.|9780817642235\n2005|Springer|The Mathematica GuideBook for Numerics|Trott, Michael|9780387950112\n2007|Springer|The Mathematica GuideBook for Symbolics|Trott, Michael|9780387288154\n2002|Academic Press|Mathematica for Microeconomics|Stinespring, John Robert|9780126709612\n2005|Springer|The Mathematica GuideBook for Symbolics (w/ DVD)|Trott, Michael|9780387950204\n2016|Wiley|Micromechanics with Mathematica|Nomura, Seiichi|9781118385708\n2019|Springer|Using Mathematica for Quantum Mechanics: A Student’s Manual|Schmied, Roman|9789811375873\n2009|Cambridge University Press|The Student's Introduction to MATHEMATICA ®: A Handbook for Precalculus, Calculus, and Linear Algebra|Torrence, Bruce F. and Torrence, Eve A.|9780521717892\n1991|Addison-Wesley|Programming in Mathematica (2nd Edition)|Maeder, Roman E.|9780201548785\n1994|Springer|Mathematica Graphics: Techniques & Applications|Wickham-Jones, Tom|9780387940472\n2004|Springer|Computational Geosciences with Mathematica|Haneberg, William|9783540402459\n1989|Addison-Wesley|Programming in Mathematica|Maeder, Roman E.|9780201510027\n1991-04-01T00:00:01Z|Addison-Wesley|A Programming in Mathematica (2nd Edition)|Maeder, Roman E.|9780201548778\n1998|Academic Press|Mathematica Navigator: Graphics and Methods of Applied Mathematics|Ruskeepaa, Heikki|9780126036404\n2014|Springer|The Mathematica GuideBook for Programming|Trott, Michael|9781461264217\n2002|Academic Press|Computing with Mathematica|Hoft, Margret H. and Hoft, Hartmut F.W.|9780123516664\n2005|Wiley|Getting Started with Mathematica|Cheung, C-K. and Keough, G. E. and Landraitis, Charles and Gross, R.|9780471478157\n1994|Birkhäuser|Mathematica as a Tool: An introduction with practical examples|Kaufmann, Stephan|9783764350314\n2001|Cambridge University Press|MathLink ® Hardback with CD-ROM: Network Programming with MATHEMATICA ®|Miyaji, Chikara|9780521641722\n1996|Wolfram Media/Cambridge|The Mathematica Book|Wolfram, Stephen|9780965053211\n1994|Birkhauser|Mathematica As a Tool: An Introduction With Practical Examples|Kaufmann, Stephan|9780817650315\n1999|Wolfram Media Inc|The Mathematica Book|Wolfram, Stephen|9781579550042\n2020|Springer|Using Mathematica For Quantum Mechanics|Roman Schmied|9789811375903\n2018|Science Press|WOLFRAM MATHEMATICA Practical Programming Guide(Chinese Edition)|[ MEI ] KE LI FU · HEI SI TING SI DENG ZHU|9787030580641\n2014|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|Approximation and Antenna and Filter Synthesis: Some Moduli in Programming Environment MATHEMATICA|Kyurkchiev, Nikolay and Andreev, Andrey|9783659533228\n2009|CRC Press|Structural Dynamics of Earthquake Engineering: Theory and Application using Mathematica and Matlab (Woodhead Publishing in Materials)||9781439801321\n2012|Springer|Intelligent Routines: Solving Mathematical Analysis with Matlab, Mathcad, Mathematica and Maple (Intelligent Systems Reference Library Book 39)|Anastassiou, George A. and Iatan, Iuliana F.|9783642284755\n20100402|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Mathematica Cookbook|Sal Mangano|9781449390761\n1996|Addision Wesley Pub.|Programming In Mathematica|Maeder, Roman.|9780201854497\n20140509|Elsevier S & T|Mathematica by Example|Martha L Abell; James P. Braselton|9781483259284\n24-12-2015|Packt Publishing|Mathematica Data Analysis|Sergiy Suchok|9781785884450\n1991|New York : W.H. Freeman, c1991.|Mathematica in action|Wagon and Stan and S.|9780716722021\n2003|Crc Press|Modelling Metabolism With Mathematica|Peter Mulquiney and Philip W. Kuchel|9780849314681\n1995/01/01|London ; New York : c1994.|First steps in Mathematica|Werner Burkhardt|9780387198750\n2017|de Gruyter GmbH, Walter|Mathematica Und Wolfram Language|Christian H. Weiß|9783110425222\n2005|Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, United States|Calculus : Labs for Mathematica|O'Connor|9780763734251\n20121206|Springer Nature|Computational Geosciences with Mathematica|William Haneberg|9783642185540\n20160919|Elsevier S & T|Differential Equations with Mathematica|Martha L. Abell; James P. Braselton|9780128047774\n20030514|Taylor & Francis|Modelling Metabolism with Mathematica|Peter Mulquiney; Philip W. Kuchel|9780203503935\n20220118|Elsevier S & T|Differential Equations with Mathematica|Martha L. Abell; James P. Braselton|9780323984362\n20010223|Elsevier S & T|Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica|Christian Jacob|9780080508450 Mathematica mathematica engineer mathematica year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2011|A 99 line code for discretized Michell truss optimization written in Mathematica|10.1007/S00158-010-0557-Z|101|2|T. Sokół|a251bde86d0b6e4f377acd820812c9abdfa6705d\n2004|The Mathematica guidebook for programming|10.1007/978-1-4419-8503-3|70|3|M. Trott|2255e498f8eac2e834763ad55fbce1172ca00b3f\n1995|Computer simulations with Mathematica - explorations in complex physical and biological systems|10.1063/1.2808263|69|0|R. Gaylord and P. Wellin|abb646532692e7c4483a6a2d242723e4cea41d1c\n1997|Psychophysica: Mathematica notebooks for psychophysical experiments (cinematica--psychometrica--quest).|10.1163/156856897X00384|35|0|A. Watson and J. Solomon|75ff0704b310a10e5ef276cd69d60fb2bbf4b24c\n1994|The Mathematica programmer|10.5860/choice.31-6096|29|1|Roman Maeder|99e45dded79f54dfe60856fb708f2d804d1910e8\n2000|Symbolic Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Mathematica|10.1111/1467-9884.00233|23|1|Colin Rose and Murray D. Smith|8f5208baacf72f1a072dc7bb6c7c28c085ba9555\n1995|Bayesian Statistics Using Mathematica|10.1080/00031305.1995.10476118|13|0|P. Cook and L. Broemeling|51709e378f27279f52815fe857992e85ccbe35e3\n2003|"MathGridLink - A bridge between Mathematica and ""the Grid"""|10.11309/JSSSTCONFERENCE.2003.0.72.0|12|1|Tepeneu Dorin and 哲雄 井田|f296979d100339ff8b3e91f370949350200446c9\n1994|Quantum mechanics using computer algebra : includes sample programs for REDUCE, MAPLE, MATHEMATICA and C++|10.1142/2362|8|0|W. Steeb|357711658754c08f57edf6020d6b6a3753f31902\n1994|Fuzzifying a target motion analysis model using Fril and Mathematica|10.1109/FUZZY.1994.343900|6|0|J. Baldwin and T. Martin|88d8fb392f43eac1c20388524964a5a5d01c71b8\n2006|Mathematica 5.2|10.1198/000313006X110483|5|0|Joseph Hilbe|63f04087aeecb06178a5b0566ba63a512763b47b\n2013|Programming with Mathematica|10.1017/cbo9781316337738.002|4|2|P. Wellin|2d9566bcbccf2d29076a51da21138e4068942251\n1991|FINDING LEAST SQUARES LINES WITH MATHEMATICA|10.1080/10511979108965603|1|0|J. H. Mathews|0e2ce36de1921a31e3f40cbe4a20cf6cea54c943\n2000|Simulating and visualizing neural networks with Mathematica|10.1080/002073900434341|1|0|P. Watters|36652f8f558f03496c9d357983848021bbe35f2c\n1997|Review of mathematica|10.1080/10807039709383692|1|0|S. Vaughn|ce020359bbf874e67edafed118c845d0d31e5b9d\n1997|Mathematica solutions to the ISSAC system challenge 1997|10.1145/274888.274889|1|0|M. Trott|9e6ca630a377185ff64bb766240390f76bed1e5c\n2005|Some useful MATHEMATICA teaching examples|10.2298/FUEE0502329T|1|0|Milan B. Tasic and P. Stanimirović and I. Stanimirović and M. Petković and N. Stojkovic|8675054685157feda551facaae639d5aecb7bb65\n2009|Using Mathematica within E-Prime|10.20982/TQMP.05.2.P059|1|0|D. Cousineau|f33e08870a07bacf039a43cb514bd653f8c2822d\n2014|Short Introduction to Wolfram’s Mathematica|10.1007/978-3-7091-1777-4_6|1|0|Y. Vetyukov|d649b954d1f945739077ab40c3e0b57fead15456\n2019|A Simple Way for Estimating Mechanical Properties from Stress-Strain Diagram using MATLAB and Mathematica|10.1109/ISMSIT.2019.8932881|1|0|E. Yılmaz and S. Yavuz|662fabd1a23db95bd9f9e1bd5b7bb06273b6dc78\n2018|Computational Mathematics with the Wolfram Language and Mathematica|10.1007/978-1-4842-4212-4_4|1|0|Agus Kurniawan|dfddef679a3c8fceb2e16fb969204a90e03e7a7f title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nMathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer|1988|Stephen Wolfram|448090|3.79|19|0\nAn Introduction to Programming with Mathematica(r)|2005|Paul R. Wellin|687991|3.67|15|0\nProgramming in Mathematica|1989|Roman E. Maeder|687997|4.25|12|1 dart Dart 2011 Lars Bak 72 pl 11 3.4 6 37 24885 1555 2015 2018 1 26 csharp erlang javascript smalltalk strongtalk c android ios eclipse-editor linux sublime-editor emacs-editor vim visual-studio-code-editor algol ruby self coffeescript elm fantom go haxe opa typescript 2011 Dart is a general-purpose programming language originally developed by Google and later approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-408). It is used to build web, server and mobile applications, and for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It is open-source software under a permissive free software license (modified BSD license). Dart is an object-oriented, class defined, single inheritance language using a C-style syntax that transcompiles optionally into JavaScript. It supports interfaces, mixins, abstract classes, reified generics, optional typing, and a sound type system. 2011 389 614 763 33033735 2011 3075 5727 737948 26 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nlohanidamodar flutter_ui_challenges Dart #00B4AB 913 252 401 "Trying to replicate various app UIs in flutter"\nFilledStacks flutter-tutorials Dart #00B4AB 735 217 156 "The repo contains the source code for all the tutorials on the FilledStacks Youtube channel."\nalibaba flutter-go Dart #00B4AB 16608 2283 1293 "flutter 开发者帮助 APP,包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档"\nmobxjs mobx.dart Dart #00B4AB 763 73 95 "MobX for the Dart language. Hassle-free, reactive state-management for your Dart and Flutter apps."\nflutter flutter Dart #00B4AB 74265 9095 2535 "Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps."\nxuelongqy flutter_easyrefresh Dart #00B4AB 1101 167 206 "A widget provided to the flutter scroll component pull-refresh and push-load."\niampawan GDG-DevFest-App Dart #00B4AB 364 91 228 "An App Template For GDG DevFest"\nhuextrat TheGorgeousLogin Dart #00B4AB 834 226 87 "Login page built with @flutter 😍"\nfelangel bloc Dart #00B4AB 2455 446 237 "A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern"\nasjqkkkk flutter-todos Dart #00B4AB 692 98 474 "📝 全面而又精美的Flutter Todo-List app, 除了适合日常使用,作为flutter的实践项目也是超级合适的哟!"\nOpenFlutter flutter_screenutil Dart #00B4AB 1010 106 125 "Flutter screen adaptation, font adaptation, get screen information"\ndevefy Flutter-Story-App-UI Dart #00B4AB 414 148 106\nleisim hive Dart #00B4AB 325 20 154 "Lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart."\nflutter plugins Dart #00B4AB 7934 3259 534 "Plugins for Flutter, including FlutterFire, maintained by the Flutter team"\nSh1d0w multi_image_picker Dart #00B4AB 410 84 63 "Flutter plugin that allows you to display multi image picker on iOS and Android. 👌🔝🎉"\nmdanics fluttergram Dart #00B4AB 786 218 46 "A fully functional Instagram clone written in Flutter using Firebase / Firestore"\nflutter samples Dart #00B4AB 3985 1004 368 "A collection of Flutter examples and demos."\nflutter flutter_web Dart #00B4AB 4411 299 279 "Bring your Flutter code to web browsers"\nbrianegan flutter_architecture_samples Dart #00B4AB 3791 646 171 "TodoMVC for Flutter"\nmemspace zefyr Dart #00B4AB 772 137 55 "Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications."\nduytq94 flutter-chat-demo Dart #00B4AB 413 152 67 "This is the demo for chat app by Flutter"\npeng8350 flutter_pulltorefresh Dart #00B4AB 748 119 115 "a widget provided to the flutter scroll component drop-down refresh and pull up load."\ntheyakka fluro Dart #00B4AB 1703 148 143 "Fluro is a Flutter routing library that adds flexible routing options like wildcards, named parameters and clear route definitions."\nMarcioQuimbundo uber_clone Dart #00B4AB 363 166 36\npauldemarco flutter_blue Dart #00B4AB 834 288 67 "Bluetooth plugin for Flutter" dart dart dart application/dart source.dart programming d/Dart.dart 22 pl true 11 ace buzz candy flatbuffers flutter mal olc pointless pygments smc wren false Google dart dart dart dart dart dart true 38325 208 135 1 3 true dart text dart dart Dart import 'dart:math' as math; class Point { num x, y; Point(this.x, this.y); num distanceTo(Point other) { var dx = x - other.x; var dy = y - other.y; return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } } void main() { var p = new Point(2, 3); var q = new Point(3, 4); print('distance from p to q = ${p.distanceTo(q)}'); } void main() { print('Hello, world!'); } // Import the math library to get access to the sqrt function. import 'dart:math' as math; // Create a class for Point. class Point { // Final variables cannot be changed once they are assigned. // Create two instance variables. final num x, y; // A constructor, with syntactic sugar for setting instance variables. Point(this.x, this.y); // A named constructor with an initializer list. Point.origin() : x = 0, y = 0; // A method. num distanceTo(Point other) { var dx = x - other.x; var dy = y - other.y; return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } // Example of Operator Overloading Point operator +(Point other) => new Point(x + other.x, y + other.y); } // All Dart programs start with main(). void main() { // Instantiate point objects. var p1 = new Point(10, 10); var p2 = new Point.origin(); var distance = p1.distanceTo(p2); print(distance); } // Type your code here, or load an example. int square(int num) { return num * num; } int main(List args) { return square(int.fromEnvironment("input")); } main() { print('Hello World'); } Dart // Hello world in Dart main() { print('Hello world!'); } Dart Dart abstract as assert async await break case catch class const continue covariant default deferred do dynamic else enum export extends external factory false final finally for get if implements import in is library new null operator part rethrow return set static super switch sync this throw true try typedef var void while with yield // /* */ print ' true false true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true 30 6 Dart Dart Dart year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2014|Apress|Dart for Absolute Beginners|Kopec, David|9781430264811\n2014|Apress|Web Programming with Dart|Belchin, Moises and Juberias, Patricia|9781484205570\n2014|Packt Publishing|Learning Dart|Balbaert, Ivo and Ridjanovic, Dzenan|9781849697422\n2014|Apress|Dart for Absolute Beginners|Kopec, David|9781430264828\n2015|Apress|Web Programming with Dart|Belchin, Moises and Juberias, Patricia|9781484205563\n2021|Packt Publishing|Flutter Cookbook: Over 100 proven techniques and solutions for app development with Flutter 2.2 and Dart|Alessandria, Simone and Kayfitz, Brian|9781838827373\n2021|Bowker|Dart Apprentice (First Edition): Beginning Programming with Dart|Tutorial Team, raywenderlich and Sande, Jonathan and Galloway, Matt|9781950325320\n2015|Addison-Wesley Professional|Dart Programming Language, The|Bracha, Gilad|9780133429954\n2019|Packt Publishing|Flutter for Beginners: An introductory guide to building cross-platform mobile applications with Flutter and Dart 2|Biessek, Alessandro|9781788990523\n2014|Packt Publishing|Mastering Dart|Akopkokhyants, Sergey|9781783989577\n2014|Packt Publishing|Learning Dart|Balbaert, Ivo and Ridjanovic, Dzenan|9781849697439\n2019|Apress|Quick Start Guide to Dart Programming: Create High-Performance Applications for the Web and Mobile|Sinha, Sanjib|9781484255629\n2014|Packt Publishing|Dart Cookbook|Balbaert, Ivo|9781783989638\n2015|Addison-Wesley Professional|The Dart Programming Language|Bracha, Gilad|9780321927705\n2019|Apress|Introducing Dart Sass: A Practical Introduction to the Replacement for Sass, Built on Dart|Libby, Alex|9781484243725\n2015|Packt Publishing|Dart By Example|Mitchell, Davy|9781785289798\n2019|Apress|Quick Start Guide to Dart Programming: Create High-Performance Applications for the Web and Mobile|Sinha, Sanjib|9781484255612\n2014|Packt Publishing|Dart Cookbook|Balbaert, Ivo|9781783989621\n2015|Packt Publishing|Dart By Example|Mitchell, Davy|9781785282478\n2014|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Dart 1 for Everyone: Fast, Flexible, Structured Code for the Modern Web|Strom, Chris|9781941222256\n2021|De Gruyter Oldenbourg|Modern App Development with Dart and Flutter 2: A Comprehensive Introduction to Flutter (de Gruyter Stem)|Meiller, Dieter|9783110721270\n20150525|Packt Publishing|Dart Essentials|Martin Sikora|9781783989614\n2013|Apress|Beginning Dart|Dylan McClung|9781430257974\n20130115|Simon & Schuster|Dart in Action|Chris Buckett|9781638352846\n20150925|Packt Publishing|Learning Dart - Second Edition|Ivo Balbaert; Dzenan Ridjanovic|9781785288531\n2019||Learn Dart The Hard Way|Sanjib Sinha|9781074723538\n20210920|De Gruyter|App-Entwicklung mit Dart und Flutter 2|Dieter Meiller|9783110753172\n20200505|De Gruyter|Moderne App-Entwicklung mit Dart und Flutter|Dieter Meiller|9783110690705\n2021|Walter De Gruyter Gmbh & Co Kg|Modern App Development With Dart And Flutter 2|Dieter Meiller|9783110721331\n20210621|De Gruyter|Modern App Development with Dart and Flutter 2|Dieter Meiller|9783110721607 Dart dart developer year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2015|Spicing Up Dart with Side Effects|10.1145/2742694.2747873|8|2|E. Meijer and K. Millikin and Gilad Bracha|a3cd2932e0511bc9603395791a8f14e1fb78ecda\n2016|Type unsoundness in practice: an empirical study of Dart|10.1145/2989225.2989227|6|0|Gianluca Mezzetti and Anders Møller and Fabio Strocco|0675029b48e3d49abde25b71de11681d952c4c65\n2015|Message safety in Dart|10.1145/2816707.2816711|5|0|Erik Ernst and Anders Møller and Mathias Schwarz and Fabio Strocco|1220a095ecabbd68b84112990be1f7363adda3f0\n2020|A Freights Status Management System Based on Dart and Flutter Programming Language|10.1088/1742-6596/1530/1/012020|3|0|Ghusoon Idan Arb and K. Al-Majdi|6a772efe74fee9b0c1f8194e3337666a80b11e8f\n2020|JAVA and DART programming languages: conceptual comparison|10.11591/IJEECS.V17.I2.PP845-849|2|0|A. M. Hassan|4aa90271fcb9625127f1aa3c280ecee1d40a35ea\n2014|Ensuring that your dart will hit the mark: An introduction to dart contracts|10.1109/IRI.2014.7051913|1|0|Patrice Chalin|e42a5d2cb0beb083db8236809b3105f98ad274eb cobol COBOL 1959 Howard Bromberg and Norman Discount and Vernon Reeves and Jean E. Sammet and William Selden and Gertrude Tierney and Grace Hopper 55 pl 4 5 38 24869 123 4 94 2013 2018 4 6 comtran eiffel flow-matic smalltalk pl-i plb algol-58 fact algol unicode xml unix utf-8 jcl pascal 1959 COBOL (, an acronym for common business-oriented language) is a compiled English-like computer programming language designed for business use. It is imperative, procedural and, since 2002, object-oriented. COBOL is primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. COBOL is still widely used in legacy applications deployed on mainframe computers, such as large-scale batch and transaction processing jobs. But due to its declining popularity and the retirement of experienced COBOL programmers, programs are being migrated to new platforms, rewritten in modern languages or replaced with software packages. Most programming in COBOL is now purely to maintain existing applications. COBOL was designed in 1959 by CODASYL and was partly based on previous programming language design work by Grace Hopper, commonly referred to as "the (grand)mother of COBOL". It was created as part of a US Department of Defense effort to create a portable programming language for data processing. Intended as a stopgap, the Department of Defense promptly forced computer manufacturers to provide it, resulting in its widespread adoption. It was standardized in 1968 and has since been revised four times. Expansions include support for structured and object-oriented programming. The current standard is ISO/IEC 1989:2014. COBOL has an English-like syntax, which was designed to be self-documenting and highly readable. However, it is verbose and uses over 300 reserved words. In contrast with modern, succinct syntax like y = x;, COBOL has a more English-like syntax (in this case, MOVE x TO y). COBOL code is split into four divisions (identification, environment, data and procedure) containing a rigid hierarchy of sections, paragraphs and sentences. Lacking a large standard library, the standard specifies 43 statements, 87 functions and just one class. Academic computer scientists were generally uninterested in business applications when COBOL was created and were not involved in its design; it was (effectively) designed from the ground up as a computer language for business, with an emphasis on inputs and outputs, whose only data types were numbers and strings of text. COBOL has been criticized throughout its life, however, for its verbosity, design process and poor support for structured programming, which resulted in monolithic and incomprehensible programs. 2001 1302 1151 2255 6799 628 667 3411 0 cobol cobol text/x-cobol source.cobol programming c/COBOL.cbl 25 pl COmmon Business Oriented Language 139 true 5 ace cloc particles pygments typecobol false Conference/Committee on Data Systems Languages cbl cob cpy cbl cob cpy cob cbl ccp cobol cpy cbl cob COB cpy CPY cbl cob cpy ../leetSheets/cobol.jpg 187188 2616 492 7 CBL cbl ccp COB cob cobol cpy text cobol Cobol open-cobol United States COBOL program-id. hello. procedure division. display "Hello, World!". stop run. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. MAIN. PROCEDURE DIVISION. DISPLAY "Hello, world!". STOP RUN. 19.52.48 JOB 3 $HASP100 COBUCLG ON READER1 COBOL BASE TEST 19.52.48 JOB 3 IEF677I WARNING MESSAGE(S) FOR JOB COBUCLG ISSUED 19.52.48 JOB 3 $HASP373 COBUCLG STARTED - INIT 1 - CLASS A - SYS BSP1 19.52.48 JOB 3 IEC130I SYSPUNCH DD STATEMENT MISSING 19.52.48 JOB 3 IEC130I SYSLIB DD STATEMENT MISSING 19.52.48 JOB 3 IEC130I SYSPUNCH DD STATEMENT MISSING 19.52.48 JOB 3 IEFACTRT - Stepname Procstep Program Retcode 19.52.48 JOB 3 COBUCLG BASETEST COB IKFCBL00 RC= 0000 19.52.48 JOB 3 COBUCLG BASETEST LKED IEWL RC= 0000 19.52.48 JOB 3 +HELLO, WORLD 19.52.48 JOB 3 COBUCLG BASETEST GO PGM=*.DD RC= 0000 19.52.48 JOB 3 $HASP395 COBUCLG ENDED identification division. program-id. cobol. procedure division. main. display 'Hello World.' end-display. stop run. COBOL * Hello World in COBOL ***************************** IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MAIN SECTION. DISPLAY "Hello World!" STOP RUN. **************************** COBOL ACCEPT ACCESS ADD ADDRESS ADVANCING AFTER ALL ALPHABET ALPHABETIC ALPHABETIC-LOWER ALPHABETIC-UPPER ALPHANUMERIC ALPHANUMERIC-EDITED ALSO ALTER ALTERNATE AND ANY APPLY ARE AREA AREAS ASCENDING ASSIGN AT AUTHOR BASIS BEFORE BEGINNING BINARY BLANK BLOCK BOTTOM BY CALL CANCEL CBL CD CF CH CHARACTER CHARACTERS CLASS CLASS-ID CLOCK-UNITS CLOSE COBOL CODE CODE-SET COLLATING COLUMN COM-REG COMMA COMMON COMMUNICATION COMP COMP-1 COMP-2 COMP-3 COMP-4 COMP-5 COMPUTATIONAL COMPUTATIONAL-1 COMPUTATIONAL-2 COMPUTATIONAL-3 COMPUTATIONAL-4 COMPUTATIONAL-5 COMPUTE CONFIGURATION CONTAINS CONTENT CONTINUE CONTROL CONTROLS CONVERTING COPY CORR CORRESPONDING COUNT CURRENCY DATA DATE-COMPILED DATE-WRITTEN DAY DAY-OF-WEEK DBCS DE DEBUG-CONTENTS DEBUG-ITEM DEBUG-LINE DEBUG-NAME DEBUG-SUB-1 DEBUG-SUB-2 DEBUG-SUB-3 DEBUGGING DECIMAL-POINT DECLARATIVES DELETE DELIMITED DELIMITER DEPENDING DESCENDING DESTINATION DETAIL DISPLAY DISPLAY-1 DIVIDE DIVISION DOWN DUPLICATES DYNAMIC EGCS EGI EJECT ELSE EMI ENABLE END END-ADD END-CALL END-COMPUTE END-DELETE END-DIVIDE END-EVALUATE END-IF END-INVOKE END-MULTIPLY END-OF-PAGE END-PERFORM END-READ END-RECEIVE END-RETURN END-REWRITE END-SEARCH END-START END-STRING END-SUBTRACT END-UNSTRING END-WRITE ENDING ENTER ENTRY ENVIRONMENT EOP EQUAL ERROR ESI EVALUATE EVERY EXCEPTION EXIT EXTEND EXTERNAL FALSE FD FILE FILE-CONTROL FILLER FINAL FIRST FOOTING FOR FROM FUNCTION GENERATE GIVING GLOBAL GO GOBACK GREATER GROUP HEADING HIGH-VALUE HIGH-VALUES I-O I-O-CONTROL ID IDENTIFICATION IF IN INDEX INDEXED INDICATE INHERITS INITIAL INITIALIZE INITIATE INPUT INPUT-OUTPUT INSERT INSPECT INSTALLATION INTO INVALID INVOKE IS JUST JUSTIFIED KANJI KEY LABEL LAST LEADING LEFT LENGTH LESS LIMIT LIMITS LINAGE LINAGE-COUNTER LINE LINE-COUNTER LINES LINKAGE LOCAL-STORAGE LOCK LOW-VALUE LOW-VALUES MEMORY MERGE MESSAGE METACLASS METHOD METHOD-ID MODE MODULES MORE-LABELS MOVE MULTIPLE MULTIPLY NATIVE NATIVE_BINARY NEGATIVE NEXT NO NOT NULL NULLS NUMBER NUMERIC NUMERIC-EDITED OBJECT OBJECT-COMPUTER OCCURS OF OFF OMITTED ON OPEN OPTIONAL OR ORDER ORGANIZATION OTHER OUTPUT OVERFLOW OVERRIDE PACKED-DECIMAL PADDING PAGE PAGE-COUNTER PASSWORD PERFORM PF PH PIC PICTURE PLUS POINTER POSITION POSITIVE PRINTING PROCEDURE PROCEDURE-POINTER PROCEDURES PROCEED PROCESSING PROGRAM PROGRAM-ID PURGE QUEUE QUOTE QUOTES RANDOM RD READ READY RECEIVE RECORD RECORDING RECORDS RECURSIVE REDEFINES REEL REFERENCE REFERENCES RELATIVE RELEASE RELOAD REMAINDER REMOVAL RENAMES REPLACE REPLACING REPORT REPORTING REPORTS REPOSITORY RERUN RESERVE RESET RETURN RETURN-CODE RETURNING REVERSED REWIND REWRITE RF RH RIGHT ROUNDED RUN SAME SD SEARCH SECTION SECURITY SEGMENT SEGMENT-LIMIT SELECT SELF SEND SENTENCE SEPARATE SEQUENCE SEQUENTIAL SERVICE SET SHIFT-IN SHIFT-OUT SIGN SIZE SKIP1 SKIP2 SKIP3 SORT SORT-CONTROL SORT-CORE-SIZE SORT-FILE-SIZE SORT-MERGE SORT-MESSAGE SORT-MODE-SIZE SORT-RETURN SOURCE SOURCE-COMPUTER SPACE SPACES SPECIAL-NAMES STANDARD STANDARD-1 STANDARD-2 START STATUS STOP STRING SUB-QUEUE-1 SUB-QUEUE-2 SUB-QUEUE-3 SUBTRACT SUM SUPER SUPPRESS SYMBOLIC SYNC SYNCHRONIZED TABLE TALLY TALLYING TAPE TERMINAL TERMINATE TEST TEXT THAN THEN THROUGH THRU TIME TIMES TITLE TO TOP TRACE TRAILING TRUE TYPE UNIT UNSTRING UNTIL UP UPON USAGE USE USING VALUE VALUES VARYING WHEN WHEN-COMPILED WITH WORDS WORKING-STORAGE WRITE WRITE-ONLY ZERO ZEROES ZEROS *> DISPLAY TRUE FALSE true true true true true true false true true false false 301 20 Cobol COBOL COBOL year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2005|Wiley|COBOL for the 21st Century|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A. and Ley, James P.|9780471722618\n1999|Wiley|Successful COBOL Upgrades: Highlights and Programming Techniques|Chae, Young and Rogers, Steven|9780471330110\n1999|Wiley|Structured Cobol Programming: For the Year 2000 and Beyond, 9th Edition|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A.|9780471318811\n1991|Mitchell McGraw-Hill|Modern COBOL programming|Price, Wilson T|9780070510449\n1998|Wiley|Structured COBOL Programming: Year 2000 Update Version (with Syntax Guide and Disk)|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A.|9780471299875\n1987|McGraw-Hill|Cobol Programming Problems and Solutions|Roy, M.|9780074518656\n1972|Heinemann Educational|Cobol programming: A complete course in writing Cobol programs|Watters, John|9780435778033\n1973|Anaheim Pub Co|Introduction to Computer Programming: ANSI Cobol|Shelly, Gary B.|9780882361031\n1984|South-western Pub. Co|Programming Principles With Cobol I|Don B Medley|9780538104203\n20041228|Cambridge University Press|COBOL Programmers Swing with Java|E. Reed Doke; Bill C. Hardgrave; Richard A. Johnson|9780511081507\n1995|Butterworth-Heinemann|Cobol for Students|Parkin, Andrew and Yorke, Richard|9780340645529\n1987|Fresno, Calif. : M. Murach & Associates, c1986-|Structured ANS COBOL|Mike Murach and Paul Noll|9780911625387\n1992|Wiley|Micro Focus Workbench: Developing Mainframe COBOL Applications on the PC|Jatich, Alida and Nowak, Phil|9780471556114\n1996|Wiley|Structured COBOL Programming: With Syntax Guide and Student Program and Data Disk|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A.|9780471138860\n1984|Prentice Hall|Cobol Programming|Peter Abel|9780835908351\n1981|D.Van Nostrand|Introductory Structured Cobol Programming|Popkin, Gary S.,|9780442231668\n1997|Cambridge University Press|Object-Oriented COBOL (SIGS: Advances in Object Technology)|Arranga, Edmund C. and Coyle, Frank P.|9780132611404\n2003|Morgan Kaufmann|From COBOL to OOP (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and Programming)|Knasmüller, Markus|9781558608221\n1997|Mike Murach & Associates Inc|Structured Cobol Methods: How to Design, Code, and Test Your Programs So They're Easier to Debug, Document, and Maintain|Noll, Paul|9780911625943\n1986|McGraw-Hill College|Structured Cobol|Philippakis, A. S. and Kazmier, Leonard J.|9780070498099\n1997|Wiley|An Introduction to Object COBOL|Doke, E. Reed and Hardgrave, Bill C.|9780471183464\n1992|Mike Murach & Associates Inc|Cics for the Cobol Programmer: An Introductory Course (Pt. 1)|Lowe, Doug|9780911625608\n2021|CENEAGE LEARNING INDIA PVT LTD|Structured Cobol Programming|Shelly|9788131503829\n1979|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Introduction To Business Data Processing With Basic, Fortran And Cobol Programming|Donald Keith Caver|9780471030911\n1971||Fundamentals of COBOL Programming|Carl Feingold|9780697081018\n1983|W.C. Brown Co|Fundamentals of structured COBOL programming|Feingold, Carl|9780697081735\n1987|Prentice Hall|Programming Standards And Guidelines: Cobol Edition|Barry K. Nirmal|9780137298235\n1997|Wiley|Mastering Cobal: Let the PC Teach You COBOL Programming|Woollard, Rex and Bonner, Andrea|9780471159742\n1976|Watfac|An Introduction To Cobol And Watbol ; A Structured Programming Approach|Cowsan and D. D. ; Dirksen and P. H. ; Graham and J. W.|9780919884038\n1990|McGraw-Hill|COBOL II: Programming Techniques, Efficiency Considerations, Debugging Techniques (IBM McGraw-Hill Series)|Bookman, Harvey|9780070065338\n1986|Mike Murach & Associates Inc|How To Evaluate-and Improve-your Cobol Programming Methods: A Guide For Managers|Paul Noll|9780911625288\n|Geelong, Vic. : Deakin University, 1992.|Cobol Programming|P. A. Crump and R. D. Pearson|9780730013242\n2010|Equity Press|Cobol Programming Interview Questions: Cobol Job Interview Review Guide|Terry Sanchez-clark|9781933804453\n1983|Hyperion Books|Methodical Programming in COBOL|Ray Welland|9780273018209\n1985|Kent Pub Co|Introductory Structured Cobol Programming||9780534231668\n|Dubuque, Iowa : W.c. Brown Col., C1983.|Fundamentals Of Structured Cobol Programming||9780697081865\n1994|Course Technology Inc|Using Micro Focus Cobol Workbench|Leona Roen|9780877098140\n1976|Linnet Books|COBOL programming: An introduction for librarians|Brophy, Peter|9780208015273\n1991|Thomson Learning|Structured Programming In Cobol (complete Course Texts)|B.j. Holmes|9781870941822\n1971|Mcgraw-hill|Elementary Cobol Programming;: A Step By Step Approach|Gordon Bitter Davis|9780070157804\n1997|Wiley|Getting Started With Micro Focus Personal COBOL for Windows|Doke, E. Reed|9780471184904\n2004|Mike Murach & Associates|Murach's Mainframe COBOL|Mike Murach and Anne Prince and Raul Menendez|9781890774240\n2001|Wiley|Programming In COBOL / 400|Cooper, James and Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A.|9780471418467\n1998|Wiley|Advanced COBOL for Structured and Object-Oriented Programming, 3rdEdition|Brown, Gary DeWard|9780471314813\n2008|Charles River Media|Java for COBOL Programmers (Programming Series)|Byrne, John C.|9781584505655\n2014|Apress|Beginning COBOL for Programmers|Coughlan, Michael|9781430262541\n1989|Mike Murach & Associates Inc|Vsam for the Cobol Programmer: Concepts, Cobol, Jcl, Idcams|Lowe, Doug|9780911625455\n2002|Wiley|COBOL for the 21st Century|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A. and Ley, James P.|9780471073215\n2000|Mike Murach & Associates Inc|Murach's Structured COBOL|Murach, Mike and Prince, Anne and Menendez, Raul|9781890774059\n1998|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself COBOL in 24 Hours|Hubbell, Thane|9780768685206\n1998|Sams Publishing|Sams Teach Yourself COBOL in 24 Hours|Hubbell, Thane|9780672314537\n1998|Sams|Cobol Unleashed|Wessler, Jon|9780672312540\n1994-02-02T00:00:01Z|Wiley|Structured COBOL Programming, 7th Edition|Stern, Nancy and Stern, Robert A.|9780471597476\n1977|Prentice Hall|Cobol Programming: A Structural Approach|Nickerson, Robert C.|9780876261293\n1999-11-18T00:00:01Z|Course Technology|Structured COBOL Programming, Second Edition (Shelly Cashman Series)|Shelly, Gary B. and Cashman, Thomas J. and Foreman, Roy O.|9780789557032\n2002|Charles River Media|Java for Cobol Programmers (Programming Series)|Byrne, John C and Cross, Jim|9781584502289\n1992|Wiley|Advanced ANSI COBOL with Structured Programming: For VS COBOL II and Microsoft Micro Focus COBOL|Brown, Gary DeWard|9780471547860\n1978T|W. C. Brown Co|Fundamentals of structured COBOL programming|Feingold, Carl|9780697081285\n1998-03-09T00:00:01Z|Wiley|Structured Cobol Programming|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A.|9780471183846\n1970|John Wiley & Sons|COBOL Programming|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A.|9780471823179\n1994|Wiley|Structured COBOL Programming Seventh Edition with Wiley COBOL Syntax Reference Guide with IBM and VAX Enhancements|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A.|9780471008385\n2002|iUniverse|Structured Programming with COBOL Examples|Parsons, Earl H.|9780595650347\n2003|Apress|COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET: A Guide for the Reformed Mainframe Programmer|Chris L. Richardson|9781590590485\n1970|Wiley-Interscience|A guide to COBOL programming|McCracken, Daniel D|9780471582434\n2008|Pearson Technology Group|C for COBOL Programmers: A Business Approach|Gearing, Jim|9780805316605\n1991-07-01T00:00:01Z|McGraw-Hill College|Modern Cobol Programming|Price, Wilson T. and Olson, Jack|9780078375279\n1985-04-01T00:00:01Z|Pearson College Div|Structured Cobol Programming|Grauer, Robert T.|9780138542177\n2002|iUniverse|Structured Programming with COBOL Examples|Parsons, Earl|9780595250943\n1995|Course Technology|Structured COBOL Programming (Shelly Cashman Series)|Shelly, Gary B. and Cashman, Thomas J. and Foreman, Roy O.|9780878354863\n1985T|Anaheim Pub. Co|Structured COBOL|Shelly, Gary B|9780878351978\n1989-06-01T00:00:01Z|McGraw-Hill Education - Europe|COBOL Programming: Problems and Solutions: Refer to Title When This ISBN Is the Main ISBN|Roy|9780074603185\n1994|Sams|Teach Yourself Cobol in 21 Days (Sams Teach Yourself)|Budlong, Mo|9780672304699\n1990|McGraw-Hill Inc.,US|Structured Cobol|Welburn, Tyler and Price, Wilson|9780070691667\n1976|Wiley|A simplified guide to structured COBOL programming|McCracken, Daniel D|9780471582847\n1974-06-01T00:00:01Z|Anaheim Pub Co|Advanced ANSI Cobol Disk/Tape Programming Efficiencies (Their ANSI COBOL series)|Shelly, Gary B. and Cashman, Thomas J.|9780882361055\n1980|Reston Pub. Co|Cobol programming, a structured approach|Abel, Peter|9780835908337\n1991|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Structured Cobol Programming 6ed||9780471549291\n1991|Wiley|Structured COBOL Programming, Syntax Guide|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A.|9780471540281\n1991|William C Brown Pub|Fundamentals of Structured Cobol Programming|Feingold, Carl and Wolff, Louis|9780697067227\n1984|Letts Educational|Structured Programming in Cobol|Holmes, B. J.|9780905435411\n1988-01-01T00:00:01Z|Harcourt College Pub|Beginning Structured Cobol|Coburn, Edward J.|9780155053700\n1981|John Wiley & Sons|Beyond Cobol|Brown, Gary|9780471099499\n2007|STERN/ STERN|Structured Cobol Programming, 8Th Ed|WILEY INDIA and WILEY INDIA and WILEY INDIA|9788126511877\n1997|Boyd & Fraser Pub. Co.|Comprehensive Structured COBOL|Horn, L. Wayne and Gleason, Gary M. and Horn, Lister Wayne|9780877096214\n1984|Computing McGraw-Hill|Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Programming With Structured Cobol (Schaum's Outlines)|Newcomer, Lawrence R.|9780070379985\n1983|Palgrave Macmillan|Mastering COBOL Programming (Macmillan Master Series)|Hutty, R.|9780333343852\n1977|Winthrop Publishers|High level COBOL programming (Winthrop computer systems series)|Weinberg, Gerald M.;|9780876263297\n2001|Wiley|Structured COBOL Programming: Update Version for 2001 - 2002|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A.|9780471438656\n1981-06T|Anaheim Pub Co|Introduction to Computer Programming Structured COBOL|Shelly, Gary B. and Cashman, Thomas J.|9780882362267\n1977|Wiley|Advanced ANS COBOL with structured programming|Brown, Gary DeWard|9780471106425\n1985|Wiley|Structured COBOL programming|Stern, Nancy B|9780471871507\n1975|John Wiley & Sons|COBOL Programming|Stern, Nancy B.|9780471823292\n1982-10-01T00:00:01Z|Hodder & Stoughton Educational Division|Teach Yourself Computer Programming in COBOL (Teach Yourself)|Fisher, M.|9780340203835\n1997|Wiley|Structured COBOL programming|Stern, Nancy B|9780471170662\n1990|Wiley|Structured COBOL Programming|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert A.|9780471524212\n1990|Prentice Hall|Professional Programming in Cobol|Johnson, Bruce M. and Ruwe, Marcia|9780137255733\n2005-09-14T00:00:01Z|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Structured COBOL Programming|Stern, Nancy B.|9780471755395\n1974|R. D. Irwin|COBOL logic and programming (Irwin-Dorsey information processing series)|McCameron, Fritz A|9780256015812\n1991-02-01T00:00:01Z|McGraw-Hill College|Modern Cobol Programming/Book and Disk|Price, Wilson T.|9780078375262\n1971|Holt Rinehart and Winston|American National Standard COBOL Programming|Newell, John C.|9780030863127\n1977-06-01T00:00:01Z|Anaheim Pub Co|Introduction to Computer Programming: Structured Cobol (With Charts)|Shelly, Gary B.|9780882361116\n1973|Wiley|Modular programming in COBOL (Business data processing: a Wiley series)|Armstrong, Russell M|9780471033257\n1972|John Wiley & Sons|COBOL Support Packages: Programming and Productivity AIDS (Chemistry of Functional Groups)|Naftaly, Stanley M.|9780471628408\n1981|R.D. Irwin|COBOL logic and programming: A structured approach (The Irwin series in information and decision sciences)|McCameron, Fritz A|9780256024838\n1990|Wiley|VS COBOL II for COBOL Programmers|Sandler, Robert J.|9780471622260\n19900704|Bloomsbury UK|COBOL 85 Programming|Roger Hutty|9781349208111\n1979|John Wiley & Sons|Structured COBOL Programming|Stern, Nancy B.|9780471049135\n19971111|Bloomsbury UK|Mastering COBOL Programming|Roger Hutty; Mary Spence|9781349143276\n1984|Reston Pub. Co|COBOL programming: A structured approach|Abel, Peter|9780835908085\n1988|Prentice Hall|Cobol Programming: A Structured Approach|Abel, Peter|9780131392472\n1990|Krieger Pub Co|Structured Programming With Cobol and Jsp|Thompson, John B.|9780862382452\n2018|Forgotten Books|American National Standard, Programming Language Cobol (Classic Reprint)|Standards, National Bureau of|9780428621605\n1977|Winthrop Publishers|COBOL for students: A programming primer (Winthrop computer systems series)|Finkenaur, Robert G|9780876261323\n19911111|Bloomsbury UK|COBOL|Tony Royce|9781349122387\n1991|William C Brown Pub|Structured Cobol|Gerard A. Paquette|9780697077639\n1970|Heinemann Educational|Cobol Programming|Watters, John.|9780435778019\n1988||Cobol Programming: A Structured Approach|Peter Abel|9780131398900\n1980/05/08|John Wiley & Sons|Structured COBOL|Ruth Ashley|9780471053620\n1987|New York : McGraw-Hill, c1987.|Structured COBOL|step approach|9780070157880\n1998|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Cobol Programming|Nancy B. Stern|9780471315391\n1983|Mcgraw-hill Education|Cobol Programming|M.k. Roy and D.ghosh Dastidar|9780074518663\n1982|John Wiley & Sons|Cobol Programming|J.m. Triance|9780471894957\n1989|W.c. Brown|Structured Cobol|Matthews, Robert I.|9780697067777\n||COBOL Programming|Triance and J. M.|9780850122497\n19921111|Bloomsbury UK|Structured COBOL|Tony Royce|9781349122400\n1990|Wiley|Simplified Structured Cobol With Microsoft Microfocus Cobol|Mccracken and Daniel D.; Golden and Donald G.|9780471514077\n1988/02/01|St. Louis : Times Mirror/Mosby College Pub., 1988.|Structured COBOL|College Pub. and 1988.|9780801616624\n1993|Mcgraw-hill|Cobol/370: For Vs Cobol And Cobol Ii Programmers (j Ranade Ibm Series)|Harvey Bookman|9780070065833\n1990|John Wiley And Sons Ltd|Structured Cobol Programming|Nancy Stern and Robert A. Stern|9780471534006\n1994|John Wiley And Sons Ltd|Structured Cobol Programming|Nancy Stern and Robert A. Stern|9780471305804\n1982|Bobbs-merrill Educational Pub|Structured Cobol Programming|Morris Pollack|9780672976919\n2000||Structured Cobol Programming|Gary B. Shelly / Cashman / Foreman / Thomas J. Cashman|9780789557155\n1998|Prentice Hall Ptr|Cobol Programmer's Notebook|James Edward Keogh|9780139774140\n2002|Wiley|Structured Cobol Programming|Nancy B Stern|9780471232148\n1999|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Structured Cobol Programming|Nancy B. Stern and Robert A. Stern|9780471362197\n1985|D C Heath & Co|Structured Cobol (college)|Gary Haggard|9780669062076\n1996|Wiley|Structured Cobol Programming|Nancy Stern and Robert A. M. Stern and Robert A. Stern|9789971512460\n1977|Prentice-hall|Ans Cobol Programming|James A Saxon|9780130377708\n1984|Blackwell Publishers|Structured Cobol Programming|J. M. Triance|9780850124217\n1974|Manchester University Press|Programming In Cobol|John M. Triance|9780719005923\n1999|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Structured Cobol Programming|Nancy B. Stern and Robert A. Stern|9780471384304\n1972|Prentice-hall|Ansi Cobol Programming|Saxon and James A|9780130377395\n1982|Bobbs-merrill Educational Pub|Structured Cobol Programming|Morris Pollack|9780672976902\n2000|Wiley|Structured Cobol Programming, Getting Started With Fujitsu Cobol 3.0|Nancy Stern and Robert A. Stern and Calvin Priester|9780471378839\n1988/04/27|John Wiley & Sons|Structured COBOL Programming|Robert A. Stern and Nancy B. Stern|9780471632870\n|Watsonville, Calif. : Mitchell Pub., C1989.|Modern Cobol Programming||9780075552901\n1987|Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1985.|Structured COBOL programming|Robert T. Grauer|9780138534905\n1976|New York : Academic Press, c1976|Programming standard COBOL|Winchung A. Chai and Henry W. Chai|9780121665500\n|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Structured COBOL Programming|Stern, Nancy B. and Stern, Robert Mitchell|9780471323730\n|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Structured Cobol Programming 8e + Microfocus Personal Cobol For Windows + Mastering Cobol Computer Based Training Set||9780471255253\n|Watsonville, Calif. : Mitchell Pub., C1989.|Modern Cobol Programming||9780075564966\n1986|Glenview, Ill. : Scott, Foresman, C1986.|Structured Cobol Programming|J K Pierson and Jeretta Horn|9780673159137\n1984/11/01|Monterey, Calif. : Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., c1985.|Beginning structured COBOL|Donald Keith Carver|9780534037956\n1972|Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1972]|ANSI COBOL programming|James A. Saxon and H.S. Englander|9780130377210\n2015-01-05|Wiley|COBOL Software Modernization|Franck Barbier and Jean-Luc Recoussine|9781119073222\n1996|Course Technology Ptr|Structured Cobol Programming: With Microfocus Cobol For Windows 1.1|Gary B. Shelly and Thomas J. Cashman and Roy O. Foreman|9780789512963\n1991|Mcgraw-hill Education (ise Editions)|Comprehensive Cobol: Advanced Cobol Programming (chapters 14-26) Vol Ii|Andrew S. Philippakis and Leonard J. Kazmier|9780071127684\n1975|Petrocelli Books|Cobol Programming: An Introduction|Torgil Ekman|9780884053156\n2004|Prentice-hall Of India|Computer Programming In Cobol|V. Rajaram and H.v. Sahashrabuddhe|9788120300309\n1981|Van Nostrand Reinhold Co|Introductory Structured Cobol Programming|Gary S Popkin|9780442267711\n1975|Prentice Hall|Fundamental Ansi Cobol Programming|James B. Maginnis|9780133392340\n1994|Dame Publications|Application Programming Using Cobol|N/a|9780873932509\n1987|Little, Brown|Fundamentals Of Structured Cobol|Robert C Nickerson|9780316606622\n1996||Structured Cobol Programming Seventh Edition With Syntax Guide Cobol Cbt Set|Nancy Stern|9780471160083\n1984|Pearson College Div|Structured Ans Cobol Programming|William M. Fuori and Stephen Gaughran|9780138544300\n1973|Science Research Associates|Programming In Standard Cobol|Gopal K. Kapur|9780574179807\n1977|Dryden Press|Elements Of Cobol Programming|Wilson T. Price; Jack Olson|9780030183713\n||Wie Structured COBOL Programming|Stern and Robert A. and Ley and James P. and Nancy|9780471428855\n1987|Holt Rinehart & Winston|Structured Programming In Cobol|Robert Boettcher|9780030705595\n1979|Allyn And Bacon|Cobol Programming And Applications|C. Joseph Sass|9780205065509\n1976|Allyn And Bacon|Fundamentals Of Cobol Programming|Walker, Terry M.|9780205048847\n1980|Van Nostrand Reinhold|Introductory Structured Cobol Programming|Gary Popkin|9780442267735\n1973|W. C. Brown Co|Fundamentals Of Cobol Programming|Carl Feingold|9780697081070\n1985|Kent Pub Co|Introductory Structured Cobol Programming|Popkin and Gary S.|9780534045661\n1970|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Guide To Cobol Programming|Daniel D. Mccracken and Umberto Garbassi|9780471582441\n1977|A Wiley-qed Publication|High Level Cobol Programming|Gerald Weinberg|9780894351266\n2014|Apress,|Beginning Cobol For Programmers|Coughlan, Michael|\n1997|29th Street Pr|Programming In Cobol 400|Virginia Willis|9781882419326\nOctober 1997||Structured Cobol Programming Eighth Edition and Mastering COBOL: Computer Based Training|Rex Woollard and Nancy Stern|9780471184089\n1991|Mcgraw-hill Education (ise Editions)|Comprehensive Cobol: Fundamentals Of Cobol Programming (chapters 1-13) Vol I|Andrew S. Philippakis and Leonard J. Kazmier|9780071127677\n|Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1974, c1975]|Fundamental ANSI COBOL programming|Maginnis and James B.|9780133392180\n1982|Rockville, MD : Computer Science Press, c1982.|Essentials of COBOL programming|Gerald N Pitts|9780914894346\n1995|New York : McGraw-Hill, c1996.|Reengineering COBOL with objects|step to sustainable legacy systems|9780070377745\n1984|Wiley|Using Structured Cobol. Cobol Book 2. (data Processing Training Series) (bk. 2)|Ruth Ashley|9780471871859\n1991|Prentice Hall|Cobol From Micro To Mainframe, Structured Cobol Programming Volume 1 (volume 1)|Robert T. Grauer & Carol Vazquez Villar|9780131402782\n1989|Prentice Hall|Crystal Clear Cobol: An Introduction To Cobol And Structured Programming (v. 1)|Trotter and William H.|9780131950177\n1975|Harcourt Brace Jovanovich|Introduction To Standard Cobol Programming|Fredric Stuart|9780155459632\n1974|Intext Educational Publishers|An Introduction To Cobol Programming|Paul W Murrill|9780700224579\n1994|Dame|Advanced Application Programming Using Cobol|Kenneth D Douglas|9780873932806\n1998|John Wiley And Sons Ltd|Structures Cobol Programming 8e Set|Stern|9780471321033\n1993|*a Wiley-qed Publication|Vse Cobol Ii Power Programming|David S. Kirk|9780471573586\n1990|Palgrave|Cobol 85 Programming (computer Science)|Roger Hutty|9780333484302\n1994|Dame|Comprehensive Application Programming Using Cobol|Kenneth D Douglas|9780873932912\n1978|Krieger Pub Co|Essentials Of Structured Cobol Programming|Jan Lee Mize and William W. Cotterman|9780534005801\n1994||Structured Cobol Programming 7e Tr|Nancy B. Stern|9780471306740\n1986|Van Nostrand Reinhold|Cobol For The Ibm Pc|Lim, Pacifico A.|9780442259709\n1997|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Structured Cobol Programming 8e Tb|Stern and Nancy B.|9780471167808\n1982|Holt Rinehart & Winston|Elements Of Structured Cobol Programming|Wilson T. Price|9780030580529\n1988|W.c. Brown|Fundamentals Of Structured Cobol Programming|Carl Feingold|9780697009692\n1994|Wiley|Structured Cobol Programming Seventh Edition With Syntax Reference Guide And Micro Focus Personal Cobol Compiler And Mf Cobol Student Manual Set|Nancy B. Stern and Robert A. Stern|9780471034483\n1992|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Structured Cobol Programming 6e Tr|N Stern|9780471535430\n1985|South-western Pub|Programming Principles With Cobol Ii|Ronald W. Eaves and Don B. Medley|9780538104609\n1988|John Wiley And Sons Ltd|Stern: Structured Cobol Programming 5ed|N Stern|9780471610533\n1993|Micro Focus Pub|Object Orientation For Cobol Programming|Raymond Obin|9781569280058\n1994|Dubuque, IA : Business & Educational Technologies, c1994.|Using Micro Focus Personal COBOL|Mark W. Smith and Douglas Coker|9780697226457\n1991|Wiley|Getting Started With Rm/cobol Sixth Edition Set 5.25 And Structured Cobol Programming|Nancy B. Stern and Robert A. Stern|9780471533597\n1991|John Wiley & Sons Inc.|Getting Started With Rm/cobal-85/structured Cobol Programming/with Free Cobol Syntax Referen...|Nancy Stern and Robert Stern|9780471533603\n1990|Palgrave Macmillan|Cobol 85 Programming (computer Science Series)|Roger Hutty|9780333484296\n1984|J. Wiley|A Practical Approach To Cobol Programming|Sharad Kant|9780470273920\n1977|Petrocelli/charter|Reducing Cobol Complexity Through Structured Programming|Carma L Mcclure|9780884054665\n1983|Palgrave Macmillan|Mastering Cobol Programming (macmillan Modern Shakespeare)|R. Hutty|9780333343845\n2002|Pearson Education|Cobol Programming Using The .net Framework|Ronald D. Reeves|9780130668431\n1983|Palgrave, Formerly Macmillan Press|Mastering Cobol Programming (macmillan Master Guides)|R. Hutty|9780333354575\n1978|Van Nostrand Reinhold|Reducing Cobol Complexity Through Structured Programming|Carma L. Mcclure|9780442804664\n1969|Prentice-hall|Fundamental Cobol For Ibm System 360|Robert L Jones|9780133321142\n1976|Facet Publishing|Cobol Programming: An Introduction For Librarians|Peter Brophy|9780851572154\n1999|John Wiley And Sons|Structured Cobol Programming Fujitsu Compiler Cd|Stern|9780471350286\n2010|New Age International Publisher|A Practical Approach To Cobol Programming|Sharad Kant|9788122427752\n1984|International Thomson Publishing|Programming The Ibm Personal Computer: Cobol|Graham and N.|9780030595639\n1997|Palgrave|Mastering Cobol Programming (macmillan Master Series)|Roger Hutty and Mary Spence|9780333681060\n1988|Prentice Hall|Advanced Structured Cobol And Program Design|Don Cassel|9780130114952\n1988|Prentice Hall|Cobol For The Ibm Personal Computer|Kip R. Irvine|9780131397347\n1983|Newnes Technical Books|Cobol For Micros (newnes Programming Books)|Norman Stang|9780408013420\n1984|New York : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1984.|Programming the IBM Personal Computer, COBOL|Neill Graham|9780030639937\n20080101|Springer Nature|COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET|Chris L. Richardson|9781430207726\n1983|Teach Yourself|Teach Yourself Computer Programming In Cobol|Random House Staff|9780679102595\n20140106|Emereo|COBOL 177 Success Secrets - 177 Most Asked Questions On COBOL - What You Need To Know|Wayne Russell|9781488533242\n05/2001|Mike Murach & Associates|Murach's CICS for the COBOL Programmer|Doug Lowe, Raul Menendez|9781943872428\n|D C Heath & Co|Application Programming And File Processing In Cobol|Yuksel Uckan|9780669165715\n1994|Boyd & Fraser Pub Co|Structured Cobol Programming: Interactive And Batch Processing|Bernard L. Levite|9780877098928\n1988|Wiley|A Simplified Guide To Structured Cobol Programming|Daniel D. Mccracken and Donald G. Golden|9780471886587\n1992|D C Heath & Co|Application Programming And File Processing In Cobol|Yuksel Uckan|9780669165708\n||Programming Principles With Cobol I: Instructors' Manual||9780538277051\n1997|John Wiley & Sons|Structured Cobol Programming With Syntax Guide And Student Program, Data Disk And Micro Focus Personal Cobol For Windows And Getting Started With Microfocus Cobol For Windows|Nancy Stern and Robert A. Stern and John Crawford and E. Reed Doke|9780471184966\n1984|Barrons Educational Series Inc|Computer Programming In Cobol The Easy Way|Beverly Rosendorf|9780812028010\n1989|Wadsworth Pub|A Complete Course In Structured Cobol Programming|John C Molluzzo|9780534100926\n1988|John Wiley And Sons (wie)|A Simplified Guide To Structured Cobol Programming|Daniel D. Mccracken and Donald G. Golden|9780471610540\n|Scott, Foresman|Instructor's Manual To Accompany Structured Cobol Programming|Horn, Jeretta A.|9780673481054\n1997||Structured Cobol Programming Eighth Edition And Getting Started With Ryan Mcfarland Cobol 3.5 Inch Disks, Second Edition|J. Janossy and Nancy Stern|9780471184096\n1997|Wiley|Structured Cobol Programming Eighth Edition With Syntax Guide And Student Program And Data Disk And Micro Focus Personal Cobol 2.0 For Dos Compiler ... Micro Focus Personal Cobol Student Manual|Nancy B. Stern and Robert A. Stern and John B. Crawford|9780471184959\n1987|Wellesley, Mass. : QED Information Sciences, c1988.|Handbook of COBOL techniques and programming standards|Partners and Computer|9780894352270\n2004|John Wiley & Sons|Structured Cobol Programming: With Microfocus Net Express 4.0|Nancy Stern|9780471690580\n1989|Krieger Pub Co|Structured Programming With Cobol And Jsp (polytechnic Series)|John B. Thompson|9780862381547\n1983|Ccd Online Systems|Cics/vs Command Level Programming With Cobol Examples|S. David Lee|9780131338852\n1970-06|Addison-wesley Pub Co|Basic Cobol Programming: Self-instructional Manual And Text|L.m. Spitzearth|9780201071337\n1981|Financial Times Prentice Hall (a Pearson Education Company)|Pocket Guide To Cobol (pitman Programming Pocket Guides)|Ray Welland|9780273016502\n|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Cobol 2000 Upd Mf Comp Doke Bonner Set||9780471321293\n|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Stern/structured Cobol Programming Seventh Edition With Syntax Reference Guide 2e And Stern/getting Started With Micro Focus Cobol Set|Stern|9780471014355\n1986|Mike Murach & Associates Inc|Structured Ans Cobol, Part 1: A Course For Novices Using A Subset Of 1974 And 1985 Ans Cobol (pt. 1)|Mike Murach|9780911625370\n11/1/1984|Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall, c1985.|COBOL with an emphasis on structured program design|Dennis F. Galletta|9780131398580\n1988|Wiley|Simplified Guide To Structured Cobol Programming: Instructor's Manual|Donald G. Golden and Daniel D. McCracken|9780471600190\n|Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1979.|Solutions manual to accompany COBOL programming and applications||9780205065523\n|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Website To Accompany Structured Cobol Programming, 10th Edition||9780471232131\n1986|C C D Online Systems, Incorporated|Cics/Vs Command Level Programming With Cobol Examples|S. David Lee|9780961181017\n1999|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Structured Cobol Programming: For The Year 2000 And Beyond|Nancy Stern|9780471362487\n1989|William C Brown Pub|Essentials Of Cics Vs Command Level Programming Using Cobol|Robert William Lowe|9780697073211\n1994|*a Wiley-qed Publication|Os/2 Presentation Manager Programming For Cobol Programmers, Rev.ed.|Robert B. Chapman|9780471561408\n1976|Hayden Book Co|Cobol With Style: Programming Proverbs (hayden Computer Programming Series)|Louis J Chmura|9780810457812\n1987|Wadsworth Pub Co|Structured Cobol Programming (wadsworth Series In Computer Information Systems)|John C. Molluzzo|9780534071882\n1994|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Structured Cobol Programming 7e - Instructor's Resource Guide (paper Only)|Nancy B. Stern|9780471306757\n1985|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Study Guide To Accompany Structured Cobol Programming, 4th Edition|Nancy Stern|9780471880677\n1985|Prentice Hall|Cobol Programming For The Ibm Pc And Pc Xt|William M. Fuori|9789993270805\n1985|Amer Natl Standards Inst|Programming Language Cobol (ansi X3 23-1985, Fips 21-3)|Unknown|9789993129134\n1992|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Stern: Teachers Manual To Accompany Structured Cobol Programming 6ed (manual)|Stern|9780471535447\n2001|Object-z Publishing|Elements Of Cobol Web Programming : Using Micro Focus Net Express|Price and Wilson T|9780965594516\n1997|Macmillan Digital Publishing|Cobol Programming Starter Kit (includes Cd-rom) C/ww95/us|Microfocus Personal|9780672312045\n1984|Wiley|Introduction To Structured Cobol (data Processing Training Series) (bk. 1)|Ruth Ashley|9780471870258\n1977|Mike Murach & Associates|Structured Programming For The Cobol Programmer: Design Documentation Coding Testing|Paul Noll|9780911625035\n1996|Ibm|Ibm Visualage For Cobol For Os/2 Object: Oriented Programming|Ibm Redbooks|9780738409344\n1973|Wadsworth Pub. Co.|American National Standard Cobol For The Ibm System 360-370|Drummond, Marshall E.|9780534001490\n1980|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Introduction To Business Data Processing With Basic, Fortran And Cobol Programming|Donald Keith Carver|9780471063032\n1999|M V S Training, Incorporated|Cobol For Os/390 Power Programming With Complete Year 2000 Section|David S. Kirk|9781892559029\n1977|Scott Foresman & Co|Cobol For Students: A Programming Primer (little, Brown Computer Systems Series)|Robert G. Finkenaur|9780316283205\n1985|R.d. Irwin|Cobol Logic And Programming (the Irwin Series In Information And Decision Sciences)|Fritz A Mccameron|9780256032109\n1986|Mcgraw-hill Book Company, New York|Schaum's Outling Series: Theory And Problems Of Programming With Advanced Structured Cobol|Lawrence R. Newcomer|9780070379992\n1984|R.d. Irwin|Essentials Of Cobol Programming (the Irwin Series In Information And Decision Sciences)|Roger R Mcgrath|9780256029956\n1997|Made Simple|Cobol Made Simple: (programming For The Year 2000 Problem) (made Simple Books)|Conor Sexton|9780750638340\n1982|William C Brown Pub|Business Applications Of Structured Cobol Programming (allyn And Bacon Computer Science Series)|Anne L. Topping|9780205077502\n1971|Mcgraw-hill|Instructor's Manual To Accompany Elementary Cobol Programming, A Step By Step Approach|Gordon Bitter Davis|9780070157811\n1992|Wiley|Vax Cobol On-line: Interactive Programming Concepts And Examples (wiley Professional Computing)|James G. Janossy|9780471551966\n1999||Structured Cobol Programming 9e Sol Programming Assignments For The Year 2000 & Beyond +d3|Nancy B. Stern|9780471332596\n1985|Brooks/cole Pub Co|Structured Cobol Programming And Data-processing Methods (brooks/cole Series In Computer Science)|Richard Mccalla|9780534044886\n2000|A H Wheeler Publishing Co Ltd|General Computing: Programming Languages - Basic, Cobol And Fortran (wheeler's Question Bank On Computer Science)|Subhash Mehta|9788175440784\n1988|Prentice Hall|The Cics Companion: A Reference Guide To Cobol Command Level Programming (mainframe Software Series)|Thomas Robert Gildersleeve|9780131344617\n1975|Wiley-interscience|Effective Use Of Ans Cobol Computer Programming Language (business Data Processing, A Wiley Series)|Laurence S Cohn|9780471164364\n1985|Ccd Online Systems|Ims/vs Dl/i Programming With Cobol Examples (ccd Online Systems Data Processing Series)|David Lee|9780961181048\n1994|Mcgraw-hill|Schaum's Outline Of Theory And Problems Of Programming With Modern Structured Cobol (schaum's Outlines)|Lawrence R. Newcomer|9780070380196\n1992|Van Nostrand Reinhold Computer|The Cobol Presentation Manager Programming Guide: For Os/2 Versions 1.3 And 2.0 (vnr Computer Library)|David Dill|9780442012939\n1980|Van Nostrand Reinhold|A Guide To Structured Cobol With Efficiency Techniques And Special Algorithms (van Nostrand Reinhold Data Processing Series)|Pacifico A. Lim|9780442245856\n|New York, Wiley [c1972]|Cobol Support Packages: Programming And Productivity Aids [by] Stanley M. Naftaly, Michael C. Cohen [and] Bruce G. Johnson||9780471622109\n1994|John Wiley & Sons Inc|Stern Structured Cobol Programming Seventh Edition And Wiley Syntax Reference Guide Second Edition And Stern Getting Started With Ryan Mcfarland Dual Med Set|Nancy Stern|9780471045106 COBOL cobol developer cobol year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n1976|A study of errors, error-proneness, and error diagnosis in Cobol|10.1145/359970.359991|59|3|C. Litecky and G. Davis|0ae9de76083b4c52136049dc7e0212a57d2be99e\n2010|Migrating from COBOL to Java|10.1109/ICSM.2010.5609583|41|3|H. Sneed|cd620781e4fb1729d66e09f1753ceb6dc6011add\n1996|Object-oriented COBOL|10.1201/9780849331350.ch17|22|3|E. C. Arranga and Frank P. Coyle|422657a2aa3ac33ab058ae758fdcdd7ed3e7b4b4\n1979|An implementation of structured walk-throughs in teaching Cobol programming|10.1145/359114.359116|21|0|Ronald S. Lemos|14d9e6e6c93402073cc01e64c6d30bd0c27b185b\n1987|Implications of automated restructuring of COBOL|10.1145/24900.24908|18|0|J. W. Miller and Burton M. Strauss|a1c6d7d68d2bd0168958c1e671ac4cede66e2542\n1979|Exploring software science relations in cobol and api|10.1109/CMPSAC.1979.762584|14|0|S. Zweben and K. Fung|359f381d8e35fccd4f59799dc26a2b62c18902ca\n2000|Cobol in an Object-Oriented World: A Learning Perspective|10.1109/52.841601|13|0|B. Hardgrave and E. Doke|30eeb73fb3a27fe03503d0b8ec23757b28efd682\n1983|Cost-benefit impact study on the adoption of the draft proposed revised X3.23 American National Standard programming language COBOL|10.6028/NBS.IR.83-2639|9|0|M. Fiorello and J. Cugini|32357d3a28ef8dbe3f0231b7f8221204bd80cd26\n2000|Cobol for the Next Millennium|10.1109/52.841606|8|0|Don Schricker|3390e1b5e9d9ed0883a5451249d1f00304f0edf4\n1980|Structured Programming in COBOL - The Corrent Options|10.1093/comjnl/23.3.194|4|0|J. M. Triance|4c7788321fee507324960b2f379965a5d97c8644\n1976|An introductory COBOL course with structured programming|10.1145/800107.803441|4|0|Asad Khailany|59d15bbc5f950e4827596d5a53c402fc6fe5db4f\n1978|The cost-effectiveness of team debugging in teaching cobol programming|10.1145/990555.990623|4|0|Ronald S. Lemos|3da3fa58a1b1575f382535765829d78cb2cf0306\n2012|A Toolchain for Metrics-based Comparison of COBOL and Migrated Java Systems|10.1007/BF03323484|3|1|Jan Jelschen and A. Winter|9520e40b3bf5bd351bf75f7cd1c1a899ad0faf79\n2015|Grace Hopper: Compilers and Cobol|10.1109/MITP.2015.6|3|0|George O. Strawn and Candace Strawn|f70f56977fdeb32ede03fabd85e49c62ca4e94ee\n1997|Facilitating COBOL programmers' transition to the C language|10.1145/268820.268876|2|0|Ritu Agarwal and Jayesh Prasad|7ec7ab7cfa8716e31c44378a0a3527e0cacf8326\n1978|ACM SIGPLAN history of programming languages conference COBOL 60 language summary|10.1145/960118.808377|2|0|S. Hautaniemi|3f13750bca503cab4a411c996277b2be87ecf0df\n1973|B73-1 An Introduction to Cobol Programming|10.1109/T-C.1973.223607|2|0|K. Siler|b5dddc982de38a810cc1c486021320f7a446a0c6\n2013|Design of a Reverse Engineering Model (A Case Study of COBOL to Java Migration)|10.5120/13734-1532|1|0|Aditya Trivedi and U. Suman|4ac6817bba526d3a2d558ce4f920ce7082696529\n2014|Beginning COBOL for Programmers|10.1007/978-1-4302-6254-1|1|0|Michael Coughlan|69a84011a9ef5a16a13e2b428c5ee223b0a9a00c\n2000|COBOL Script: a business-oriented scripting language|10.1109/EDOC.2000.882363|1|0|T. Imajo and T. Miyake and S. Sato and T. Ito and D. Yokotsuka and Y. Tsujihata and S. Uemura|7a68a5640d97453aeb2a2cd85d424671f54e167c title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nCobol Programming|1983|M.K. Roy|4944251|4.11|9|1\nStructured Cobol Programming|1979|Nancy B. Stern|9030220|4.33|15|0\nDB2 for the COBOL Programmer, Part 1|1998|Curtis Garvin|2637661|3.58|12|1\nIMS for the COBOL Programmer: Database Processing with DL/I|1985|Steve Eckols|2866873|4.12|33|3\nMurach's CICS for the COBOL Programmer|2001|Raul Menendez|1002732|3.96|25|1\nVsam For The Cobol Programmer: Concepts, Cobol, Jcl, Idcams|1982|Doug Lowe|1555249|2.60|5|1\nDB2 for the COBOL Programmer|1999|Curtis Garvin|1458408|4.17|6|1\nCobol Programming A Complete Course In Writing Cobol Programs|1972|John Watters|5144775|2.00|4|0\nDB2 for the COBOL Programmer: An Introductory Course|1991|Steve Eckols|2866874|4.11|9|0\nCOBOL for Dummies [With One/Cheatsheet]|1997|Arthur Griffith|2386608|2.33|3|0 cuda CUDA 2007 36 pl 16 12.5 4 39 24851 9400 32 25 2012 2017 2 3 linux c fortran opengl opencl llvmir python perl java ruby lua haskell r matlab idl mathematica common-lisp f-sharp 2007 CUDA is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model created by Nvidia. It allows software developers and software engineers to use a CUDA-enabled graphics processing unit (GPU) for general purpose processing – an approach termed GPGPU (General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units). The CUDA platform is a software layer that gives direct access to the GPU's virtual instruction set and parallel computational elements, for the execution of compute kernels. The CUDA platform is designed to work with programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran. This accessibility makes it easier for specialists in parallel programming to use GPU resources, in contrast to prior APIs like Direct3D and OpenGL, which required advanced skills in graphics programming. Also, CUDA supports programming frameworks such as OpenACC and OpenCL. When it was first introduced by Nvidia, the name CUDA was an acronym for Compute Unified Device Architecture, but Nvidia subsequently dropped the use of the acronym. 2006 1966 444 1315 7933386 3764 4379 18135 3 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nrapidsai cudf Cuda #3A4E3A 1931 274 187 "cuDF - GPU DataFrame Library"\nDeepGraphLearning graphvite Cuda #3A4E3A 433 47 285 "A general and high-performance graph embedding system for various applications" c_cpp clike text/x-c++src source.cuda-c++ programming c/ pl Compute Unified Device Architecture true 16 cir circle-lang factor ffmpeg futhark hvm2 numba open-nn open-shading-language opencv pygments pytorch spiral taichi xgboost-model xgboost false Nvidia cu cuh cu cu cuh 38623 769 41 12 true cu cuh text #include #include /** * CUDA Kernel Device code * * Computes the vector addition of A and B into C. The 3 vectors have the same * number of elements numElements. */ __global__ void vectorAdd(const float *A, const float *B, float *C, int numElements) { int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; if (i < numElements) { C[i] = A[i] + B[i]; } } /** * Host main routine */ int main(void) { // Error code to check return values for CUDA calls cudaError_t err = cudaSuccess; // Launch the Vector Add CUDA Kernel int threadsPerBlock = 256; int blocksPerGrid =(numElements + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock; vectorAdd<<>>(d_A, d_B, d_C, numElements); err = cudaGetLastError(); if (err != cudaSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to launch vectorAdd kernel (error code %s)!\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Reset the device and exit err = cudaDeviceReset(); return 0; } import numpy from pycublas import CUBLASMatrix A = CUBLASMatrix( numpy.mat([[1,2,3]],[[4,5,6]],numpy.float32) ) B = CUBLASMatrix( numpy.mat([[2,3]],[4,5],[[6,7]],numpy.float32) ) C = A*B print C.np_mat() #include __global__ void hello_world(){ printf("Hello World\n"); } int main() { hello_world<<<1,1>>>(); return 0; } CUDA // Hello world in CUDA #include const int N = 16; const int blocksize = 16; __global__ void hello(char *a, int *b) { a[threadIdx.x] += b[threadIdx.x]; } int main() { char a[N] = "Hello \0\0\0\0\0\0"; int b[N] = {15, 10, 6, 0, -11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; char *ad; int *bd; const int csize = N*sizeof(char); const int isize = N*sizeof(int); printf("%s", a); cudaMalloc( (void**)&ad, csize ); cudaMalloc( (void**)&bd, isize ); cudaMemcpy( ad, a, csize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); cudaMemcpy( bd, b, isize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); dim3 dimBlock( blocksize, 1 ); dim3 dimGrid( 1, 1 ); hello<<>>(ad, bd); cudaMemcpy( a, ad, csize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost ); cudaFree( ad ); cudaFree( bd ); printf("%s\n", a); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } Cuda /* */ printf false true true true true false 35 29 Cuda year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2010|Addison-Wesley Professional|CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming|Sanders / Kandrot, Jason|9780131387683\n2013|Pearson|Cuda Handbook|Nicholas Wilt|9780133261493\n2014|Machinery Industry Press|CUDA Programming: A Developers Guide to Parallel Computing with GPUs(Chinese Edition)|[ MEI ] KU KE ( Shane Cook )|9787111448617\n2010|Addison-Wesley Professional|CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming|Sanders, Jason and Kandrot, Edward|9780132180139\n2019-09-27T00:00:01Z|Packt Publishing|Learn CUDA Programming: A beginner's guide to GPU programming and parallel computing with CUDA 10.x and C/C++|Han, Jaegeun and Sharma, Bharatkumar|9781788996242\n2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On GPU Programming with Python and CUDA: Explore high-performance parallel computing with CUDA|Tuomanen, Dr. Brian|9781788993913\n2014|Wrox|Professional CUDA C Programming|Cheng, John and Grossman, Max and McKercher, Ty|9781118739327\n2014|Wrox|Professional CUDA C Programming|Cheng, John and Grossman, Max and McKercher, Ty|9781118739310\n2013|Addison-Wesley Professional|The CUDA Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to GPU Programming|Wilt, Nicholas Wilt|9780321809469\n2013|Morgan Kaufmann|CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers: Best Practices for Efficient CUDA Fortran Programming|Ruetsch, Gregory and Fatica, Massimiliano|9780124169708\n2012|Morgan Kaufmann|CUDA Programming: A Developer's Guide to Parallel Computing with GPUs (Applications of Gpu Computing)|Cook, Shane|9780124159884\n2011|Morgan Kaufmann|CUDA Application Design and Development|Farber, Rob|9780123884329\n2013|Addison-Wesley Professional|CUDA Handbook, The: A Comprehensive Guide to GPU Programming|Wilt, Nicholas|9780133261509\n2012|Morgan Kaufmann|CUDA Programming: A Developer's Guide to Parallel Computing with GPUs (Applications of Gpu Computing)|Cook, Shane|9780124159334\n2011|Morgan Kaufmann|CUDA Application Design and Development|Farber, Rob|9780123884268\n2018|Apress|Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 2: Autoencoding in the Complex Domain|Masters, Timothy|9781484236468\n2012|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|Image Processing Using CUDA: Designing an object oriented framework for CUDA based image processing|Shete, Pritam and Bose, Surojit Kumar|9783659135569\n2016|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Cuda Winner|Charles Brown|9781540660251\n2016|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Cuda For Newbies|Dylan Skinner|9781540604323\n2015|Addison-Wesley Longman, Incorporated|Cuda For Engineers|Duane Storti|9780134177519\n2010|Pearson|CUDA by Example|Jason Sanders and Edward Kandrot|9780132180146\n2019-09-27|Packt Publishing|Learn CUDA Programming|Jaegeun Han and Bharatkumar Sharma|9781788991292\n20151102|Pearson Technology Group|CUDA for Engineers|Duane Storti; Mete Yurtoglu|9780134177557\n2014-09-02|Wiley Professional Development (P&T)|Professional CUDA C Programming|John Cheng, Max Grossman, Ty McKercher|9781118739273\n20220602|Cambridge University Press|Programming in Parallel with CUDA Programming in Parallel with CUDA|Richard Ansorge|9781108858885\n09/2013|Elsevier S & T|CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers: Best Practices for Efficient CUDA Fortran Programming|Ruetsch, Gregory; Fatica, Massimiliano|9780124169722\n20180119|Taylor & Francis|GPU Parallel Program Development Using CUDA|Tolga Soyata|9781498750806\n27-11-2018|Packt Publishing|Hands-On GPU Programming with Python and CUDA|Dr. Brian Tuomanen|9781788995221\n|Wrox|Nvidia Gpu Programming: Massively Parallel Programming With Cuda|Cook and Shane|9780470939055\n2013|Addison-wesley|The Cuda Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide To Gpu Programming|Wilt, Nicholas , 1970-|9780133261516\n20180704|Springer Nature|Deep Belief Nets in C and CUDA C: Volume 3|Timothy Masters|9781484237212\n20180423|Springer Nature|Deep Belief Nets in C and CUDA C: Volume 1|Timothy Masters|9781484235911\n2019-01-23|LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing|Novel Open Source Morphology Using GPU Processing With LTU- CUDA|Jagannathan Gnanasekaran|9786139444151 Cuda cuda engineer cuda year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2010|CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming|10.12694/SCPE.V11I4.663|1084|118|Jie Cheng|64ce52ec9f550ddd980e209ca68ff38947cf9061\n2012|accULL: An OpenACC Implementation with CUDA and OpenCL Support|10.1007/978-3-642-32820-6_86|84|2|Ruymán Reyes and I. López-Rodríguez and J. Fumero and F. Sande|871d9641582562f9a83ed785ce3051f3e9e95483\n2011|GPU programming in a high level language: compiling X10 to CUDA|10.1145/2212736.2212744|59|8|D. Cunningham and R. Bordawekar and V. Saraswat|c0f1c45ef7c9fb9751fdcc268daac62b70a7bd78\n2009|GPU-accelerated SART reconstruction using the CUDA programming environment|10.1117/12.811559|49|5|B. Keck and H. Hofmann and H. Scherl and M. Kowarschik and J. Hornegger|e7b73201f2763e2e7b6d828b6dfa95fdbe31ba17\n2016|CAMPARY: Cuda Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library and Applications|10.1007/978-3-319-42432-3_29|37|4|M. Joldes and J. Muller and V. Popescu and W. Tucker|1f324e5b66a3710250b44db80506fd8fde4c712f\n2012|Overview and comparison of OpenCL and CUDA technology for GPGPU|10.1109/APCCAS.2012.6419068|34|1|Ching-Lung Su and Po-Yu Chen and Chun-Chieh Lan and Lung-Sheng Huang and Kuo-Hsuan Wu|f88d8ee763f8fc5e80a59be045926f6df13ac9fc\n2017|BARRACUDA: binary-level analysis of runtime RAces in CUDA programs|10.1145/3062341.3062342|25|7|Ariel Eizenberg and Yuanfeng Peng and Toma Pigli and William Mansky and Joseph Devietti|069794b44b81c8b0651c8ea39594a91cd6081142\n2013|Efficient compilation of CUDA kernels for high-performance computing on FPGAs|10.1145/2514641.2514652|22|0|Alexandros Papakonstantinou and Karthik Gururaj and J. Stratton and Deming Chen and J. Cong and W. Hwu|f24f326226d8143a1ff0afed7042edcd85534a3b\n2011|Evolving CUDA PTX programs by quantum inspired linear genetic programming|10.1145/2001858.2002026|14|0|L. F. Cupertino and C. D. Silva and D. M. Dias and M. Pacheco and C. Bentes|78c1cb63859f9ea84c772c8ec4fc72c7791a2a7c\n2013|CUDA Expression Templates for Electromagnetic Applications on GPUs [EM Programmer's Notebook]|10.1109/MAP.2013.6735497|12|0|A. Breglia and A. Capozzoli and C. Curcio and A. Liseno|becd4d7bad6d6b316e755b4038fa3cccd00662f0\n2014|C2CU : A CUDA C Program Generator for Bulk Execution of a Sequential Algorithm|10.1007/978-3-319-11194-0_14|11|0|Daisuke Takafuji and K. Nakano and Yasuaki Ito|827cf47256651fc955ce880efc65e8292d445401\n2014|Parallelized Seeded Region Growing Using CUDA|10.1155/2014/856453|9|1|Seongjin Park and Jeongjin Lee and Hyunna Lee and Juneseuk Shin and Jinwook Seo and K. Lee and Y. Shin and B. H. Kim|9c2bc31d176bbea810a7c1b654054271efd75135\n2020|Porting a Legacy CUDA Stencil Code to oneAPI|10.1109/IPDPSW50202.2020.00070|9|0|Steffen Christgau and T. Steinke|8a91d5e27422f66ecbf4d24965484a7a778e74f9\n2020|Computer vision algorithms acceleration using graphic processors NVIDIA CUDA|10.1007/s10586-020-03090-6|9|0|Mouna Afif and Yahia Said and M. Atri|e3adb20131eedbbdb31befa59e40a1d32a3c4847\n2015|SciPAL: Expression Templates and Composition Closure Objects for High Performance Computational Physics with CUDA and OpenMP|10.1145/2686886|8|0|S. Kramer and J. Hagemann|ad752065baa739eac4144fc98ce595cd6a68dfa2\n2019|Real-time moving human detection using HOG and Fourier descriptor based on CUDA implementation|10.1007/s11554-019-00935-1|7|0|Haythem Bahri and Marwa Chouchene and F. Sayadi and Mohamed Atri|5eea36b60acc51b215442d4e04875d97066b59b6\n2011|Using a commercial graphical processing unit and the CUDA programming language to accelerate scientific image processing applications|10.1117/12.872217|7|0|R. Broussard and R. Ives|af5e6a48632822ddff4d961f97a79bfedb58d4aa\n2018|Efficient 2D Convolution Filters Implementations on Graphics Processing Unit Using NVIDIA CUDA|10.5815/IJIGSP.2018.08.01|6|0|Mouna Afif and Yahia Said and Mohamed Atri|29958dcd1f577c4961d495c203871028c8b23538\n2016|Breast Cancer Prediction by Logistic Regression with CUDA Parallel Programming Support|10.4172/2572-4118.1000111|5|0|Aless and R. Peretti and F. Amenta|d28520dd4a74a1768a205fc0cedaae33a2a81758\n2018|Efficient implementation of integrall image algorithm on NVIDIA CUDA|10.1109/ASET.2018.8379824|3|0|Mouna Afif and Yahia Said and Mohamed Atri|92787e77b59c0a25b8b39d18f33981a12cd50748\n2014|Document clustering using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms with parallel programming based on CUDA|10.5220/0005057502800287|3|0|Jung Song Lee and Soon-cheol Park and Jong-Joo Lee and Han-hee Ham|4d06b455d105dd62d35197dc7b5df463f7a25ca4\n2015|Programming in CUDA for Kepler and Maxwell Architecture|10.22456/2175-2745.56384|3|1|E. Clua and M. Zamith|a3f9bb343703d6cb8a5f772bc99fa0c9013b1ecd\n2018|Research on Matrix Multiplication Based on the Combination of OpenACC and CUDA|10.1007/978-981-13-7025-0_10|2|0|Yuexing Wang|ad94df1c7457f50fde21feda7b646a3d681c10b0\n2016|A Performance Study of Random Neural Network as Supervised Learning Tool Using CUDA|10.6138/JIT.2016.17.4.20141014D|2|0|S. Basterrech and J. Janousek and V. Snášel|c175a68fbf783a77d34357ae0977ecf1824aaf5c\n2017|GPU accelerated foreground segmentation using CodeBook model and shadow removal using CUDA|10.1109/CCAA.2017.8229924|2|0|Praveen Gudivaka and N. Mishra and A. Agrawal|088708e87e9e34445bcccd414ab4b729acd9219c\n2021|Impact of CUDA and OpenCL on Parallel and Distributed Computing|10.1109/ICEEE52452.2021.9415927|2|0|A. Asaduzzaman and Alec Trent and S. Osborne and C. Aldershof and F. Sibai|b8dd58407502f25fdc07b2ae83659e247c4b1f9b\n2019|Cuda Parallelization of Commit Framework for Efficient Microstructure-Informed Tractography|10.1109/ISBI.2019.8759098|1|0|Erick Hernandez-Gutierrez and Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares and J. Marroquín and Mario Ocampo-Pineda and Alessandro Daducci|65c7d25ad189d1d58232eb304035f22f0ee3c59e\n2019|Detecting Undefined Behaviors in CUDA C|10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2954143|1|0|Wentao Li and Jianhua Sun and Hao Chen|00add03c6fa715baf0ad2798848ffc1817bf6a7e\n2014|A Compiler Translate Directive-Based Language to Optimized CUDA|10.1109/HPCC.2014.162|1|0|Feng Li and Hong An and Weihao Liang and Xiaoqiang Li and Yichao Cheng and Xia Jiang|2b948c35fdb64183cc0a88fc9a84960187a15d6d title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nCuda by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose Gpu Programming|2010|Jason Sanders|12911195|4.03|131|13\nProfessional Cuda C Programming|2014|John Cheng|39965022|4.14|7|0 solidity Solidity 2014 Christian Reitwiessner and Alex Beregszaszi 51 contractLanguage 6 0.8.26 4 40 18 24843 2015 2024 2014 719 5653 22794 502 38 2015 2018 11 javascript visual-studio-editor azure aws 2014 Solidity is a contract-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts. It is used for implementing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms. It was developed by Gavin Wood, Christian Reitwiessner, Alex Beregszaszi, Liana Husikyan, Yoichi Hirai and several former Ethereum core contributors to enable writing smart contracts on blockchain platforms such as Ethereum. 2006 405 41 148 6817996 76 78 87183 0 text source.solidity programming s/Solidity.sol contractLanguage true 9 cloc lexon ligo obsidian-lang pygments solid solidity sophia web3js false 2014 2024 26771 793 10534 Ethereum Foundation sol sol sol typescript solidity json cpp bourne-shell python restructuredtext cmake markdown yaml javascript svg dockerfile css powershell protobuf html c make true 42793 937 1283 2 true 0 true sol text solidity Switzerland contract GavCoin { mapping(address=>uint) balances; uint constant totalCoins = 100000000000; /// Endows creator of contract with 1m GAV. function GavCoin(){ balances[msg.sender] = totalCoins; } /// Send $((valueInmGAV / 1000).fixed(0,3)) GAV from the account of $(message.caller.address()), to an account accessible only by $(to.address()). function send(address to, uint256 valueInmGAV) { if (balances[msg.sender] >= valueInmGAV) { balances[to] += valueInmGAV; balances[msg.sender] -= valueInmGAV; } } /// getter function for the balance function balance(address who) constant returns (uint256 balanceInmGAV) { balanceInmGAV = balances[who]; } } // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity >=0.4.0; contract Square { function square(uint32 num) public pure returns (uint32) { return num * num; } } pragma solidity ^0.8.9; contract HelloWorld { function render () public pure returns (string memory) { return 'Hello World'; } } Solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.6.0 <0.9.0; contract HelloWorld { function helloWorld() external pure returns (string memory) { return "Hello, World!"; } } Solidity Solidity pragma solidity contract library using struct function modifier constructor address string bool Int Uint Byte Fixed Ufixed int int8 int16 int24 int32 int40 int48 int56 int64 int72 int80 int88 int96 int104 int112 int120 int128 int136 int144 int152 int160 int168 int176 int184 int192 int200 int208 int216 int224 int232 int240 int248 int256 uint uint8 uint16 uint24 uint32 uint40 uint48 uint56 uint64 uint72 uint80 uint88 uint96 uint104 uint112 uint120 uint128 uint136 uint144 uint152 uint160 uint168 uint176 uint184 uint192 uint200 uint208 uint216 uint224 uint232 uint240 uint248 uint256 byte bytes bytes1 bytes2 bytes3 bytes4 bytes5 bytes6 bytes7 bytes8 bytes9 bytes10 bytes11 bytes12 bytes13 bytes14 bytes15 bytes16 bytes17 bytes18 bytes19 bytes20 bytes21 bytes22 bytes23 bytes24 bytes25 bytes26 bytes27 bytes28 bytes29 bytes30 bytes31 bytes32 fixed fixed0x8 fixed0x16 fixed0x24 fixed0x32 fixed0x40 fixed0x48 fixed0x56 fixed0x64 fixed0x72 fixed0x80 fixed0x88 fixed0x96 fixed0x104 fixed0x112 fixed0x120 fixed0x128 fixed0x136 fixed0x144 fixed0x152 fixed0x160 fixed0x168 fixed0x176 fixed0x184 fixed0x192 fixed0x200 fixed0x208 fixed0x216 fixed0x224 fixed0x232 fixed0x240 fixed0x248 fixed0x256 fixed8x8 fixed8x16 fixed8x24 fixed8x32 fixed8x40 fixed8x48 fixed8x56 fixed8x64 fixed8x72 fixed8x80 fixed8x88 fixed8x96 fixed8x104 fixed8x112 fixed8x120 fixed8x128 fixed8x136 fixed8x144 fixed8x152 fixed8x160 fixed8x168 fixed8x176 fixed8x184 fixed8x192 fixed8x200 fixed8x208 fixed8x216 fixed8x224 fixed8x232 fixed8x240 fixed8x248 fixed16x8 fixed16x16 fixed16x24 fixed16x32 fixed16x40 fixed16x48 fixed16x56 fixed16x64 fixed16x72 fixed16x80 fixed16x88 fixed16x96 fixed16x104 fixed16x112 fixed16x120 fixed16x128 fixed16x136 fixed16x144 fixed16x152 fixed16x160 fixed16x168 fixed16x176 fixed16x184 fixed16x192 fixed16x200 fixed16x208 fixed16x216 fixed16x224 fixed16x232 fixed16x240 fixed24x8 fixed24x16 fixed24x24 fixed24x32 fixed24x40 fixed24x48 fixed24x56 fixed24x64 fixed24x72 fixed24x80 fixed24x88 fixed24x96 fixed24x104 fixed24x112 fixed24x120 fixed24x128 fixed24x136 fixed24x144 fixed24x152 fixed24x160 fixed24x168 fixed24x176 fixed24x184 fixed24x192 fixed24x200 fixed24x208 fixed24x216 fixed24x224 fixed24x232 fixed32x8 fixed32x16 fixed32x24 fixed32x32 fixed32x40 fixed32x48 fixed32x56 fixed32x64 fixed32x72 fixed32x80 fixed32x88 fixed32x96 fixed32x104 fixed32x112 fixed32x120 fixed32x128 fixed32x136 fixed32x144 fixed32x152 fixed32x160 fixed32x168 fixed32x176 fixed32x184 fixed32x192 fixed32x200 fixed32x208 fixed32x216 fixed32x224 fixed40x8 fixed40x16 fixed40x24 fixed40x32 fixed40x40 fixed40x48 fixed40x56 fixed40x64 fixed40x72 fixed40x80 fixed40x88 fixed40x96 fixed40x104 fixed40x112 fixed40x120 fixed40x128 fixed40x136 fixed40x144 fixed40x152 fixed40x160 fixed40x168 fixed40x176 fixed40x184 fixed40x192 fixed40x200 fixed40x208 fixed40x216 fixed48x8 fixed48x16 fixed48x24 fixed48x32 fixed48x40 fixed48x48 fixed48x56 fixed48x64 fixed48x72 fixed48x80 fixed48x88 fixed48x96 fixed48x104 fixed48x112 fixed48x120 fixed48x128 fixed48x136 fixed48x144 fixed48x152 fixed48x160 fixed48x168 fixed48x176 fixed48x184 fixed48x192 fixed48x200 fixed48x208 fixed56x8 fixed56x16 fixed56x24 fixed56x32 fixed56x40 fixed56x48 fixed56x56 fixed56x64 fixed56x72 fixed56x80 fixed56x88 fixed56x96 fixed56x104 fixed56x112 fixed56x120 fixed56x128 fixed56x136 fixed56x144 fixed56x152 fixed56x160 fixed56x168 fixed56x176 fixed56x184 fixed56x192 fixed56x200 fixed64x8 fixed64x16 fixed64x24 fixed64x32 fixed64x40 fixed64x48 fixed64x56 fixed64x64 fixed64x72 fixed64x80 fixed64x88 fixed64x96 fixed64x104 fixed64x112 fixed64x120 fixed64x128 fixed64x136 fixed64x144 fixed64x152 fixed64x160 fixed64x168 fixed64x176 fixed64x184 fixed64x192 fixed72x8 fixed72x16 fixed72x24 fixed72x32 fixed72x40 fixed72x48 fixed72x56 fixed72x64 fixed72x72 fixed72x80 fixed72x88 fixed72x96 fixed72x104 fixed72x112 fixed72x120 fixed72x128 fixed72x136 fixed72x144 fixed72x152 fixed72x160 fixed72x168 fixed72x176 fixed72x184 fixed80x8 fixed80x16 fixed80x24 fixed80x32 fixed80x40 fixed80x48 fixed80x56 fixed80x64 fixed80x72 fixed80x80 fixed80x88 fixed80x96 fixed80x104 fixed80x112 fixed80x120 fixed80x128 fixed80x136 fixed80x144 fixed80x152 fixed80x160 fixed80x168 fixed80x176 fixed88x8 fixed88x16 fixed88x24 fixed88x32 fixed88x40 fixed88x48 fixed88x56 fixed88x64 fixed88x72 fixed88x80 fixed88x88 fixed88x96 fixed88x104 fixed88x112 fixed88x120 fixed88x128 fixed88x136 fixed88x144 fixed88x152 fixed88x160 fixed88x168 fixed96x8 fixed96x16 fixed96x24 fixed96x32 fixed96x40 fixed96x48 fixed96x56 fixed96x64 fixed96x72 fixed96x80 fixed96x88 fixed96x96 fixed96x104 fixed96x112 fixed96x120 fixed96x128 fixed96x136 fixed96x144 fixed96x152 fixed96x160 fixed104x8 fixed104x16 fixed104x24 fixed104x32 fixed104x40 fixed104x48 fixed104x56 fixed104x64 fixed104x72 fixed104x80 fixed104x88 fixed104x96 fixed104x104 fixed104x112 fixed104x120 fixed104x128 fixed104x136 fixed104x144 fixed104x152 fixed112x8 fixed112x16 fixed112x24 fixed112x32 fixed112x40 fixed112x48 fixed112x56 fixed112x64 fixed112x72 fixed112x80 fixed112x88 fixed112x96 fixed112x104 fixed112x112 fixed112x120 fixed112x128 fixed112x136 fixed112x144 fixed120x8 fixed120x16 fixed120x24 fixed120x32 fixed120x40 fixed120x48 fixed120x56 fixed120x64 fixed120x72 fixed120x80 fixed120x88 fixed120x96 fixed120x104 fixed120x112 fixed120x120 fixed120x128 fixed120x136 fixed128x8 fixed128x16 fixed128x24 fixed128x32 fixed128x40 fixed128x48 fixed128x56 fixed128x64 fixed128x72 fixed128x80 fixed128x88 fixed128x96 fixed128x104 fixed128x112 fixed128x120 fixed128x128 fixed136x8 fixed136x16 fixed136x24 fixed136x32 fixed136x40 fixed136x48 fixed136x56 fixed136x64 fixed136x72 fixed136x80 fixed136x88 fixed136x96 fixed136x104 fixed136x112 fixed136x120 fixed144x8 fixed144x16 fixed144x24 fixed144x32 fixed144x40 fixed144x48 fixed144x56 fixed144x64 fixed144x72 fixed144x80 fixed144x88 fixed144x96 fixed144x104 fixed144x112 fixed152x8 fixed152x16 fixed152x24 fixed152x32 fixed152x40 fixed152x48 fixed152x56 fixed152x64 fixed152x72 fixed152x80 fixed152x88 fixed152x96 fixed152x104 fixed160x8 fixed160x16 fixed160x24 fixed160x32 fixed160x40 fixed160x48 fixed160x56 fixed160x64 fixed160x72 fixed160x80 fixed160x88 fixed160x96 fixed168x8 fixed168x16 fixed168x24 fixed168x32 fixed168x40 fixed168x48 fixed168x56 fixed168x64 fixed168x72 fixed168x80 fixed168x88 fixed176x8 fixed176x16 fixed176x24 fixed176x32 fixed176x40 fixed176x48 fixed176x56 fixed176x64 fixed176x72 fixed176x80 fixed184x8 fixed184x16 fixed184x24 fixed184x32 fixed184x40 fixed184x48 fixed184x56 fixed184x64 fixed184x72 fixed192x8 fixed192x16 fixed192x24 fixed192x32 fixed192x40 fixed192x48 fixed192x56 fixed192x64 fixed200x8 fixed200x16 fixed200x24 fixed200x32 fixed200x40 fixed200x48 fixed200x56 fixed208x8 fixed208x16 fixed208x24 fixed208x32 fixed208x40 fixed208x48 fixed216x8 fixed216x16 fixed216x24 fixed216x32 fixed216x40 fixed224x8 fixed224x16 fixed224x24 fixed224x32 fixed232x8 fixed232x16 fixed232x24 fixed240x8 fixed240x16 fixed248x8 ufixed ufixed0x8 ufixed0x16 ufixed0x24 ufixed0x32 ufixed0x40 ufixed0x48 ufixed0x56 ufixed0x64 ufixed0x72 ufixed0x80 ufixed0x88 ufixed0x96 ufixed0x104 ufixed0x112 ufixed0x120 ufixed0x128 ufixed0x136 ufixed0x144 ufixed0x152 ufixed0x160 ufixed0x168 ufixed0x176 ufixed0x184 ufixed0x192 ufixed0x200 ufixed0x208 ufixed0x216 ufixed0x224 ufixed0x232 ufixed0x240 ufixed0x248 ufixed0x256 ufixed8x8 ufixed8x16 ufixed8x24 ufixed8x32 ufixed8x40 ufixed8x48 ufixed8x56 ufixed8x64 ufixed8x72 ufixed8x80 ufixed8x88 ufixed8x96 ufixed8x104 ufixed8x112 ufixed8x120 ufixed8x128 ufixed8x136 ufixed8x144 ufixed8x152 ufixed8x160 ufixed8x168 ufixed8x176 ufixed8x184 ufixed8x192 ufixed8x200 ufixed8x208 ufixed8x216 ufixed8x224 ufixed8x232 ufixed8x240 ufixed8x248 ufixed16x8 ufixed16x16 ufixed16x24 ufixed16x32 ufixed16x40 ufixed16x48 ufixed16x56 ufixed16x64 ufixed16x72 ufixed16x80 ufixed16x88 ufixed16x96 ufixed16x104 ufixed16x112 ufixed16x120 ufixed16x128 ufixed16x136 ufixed16x144 ufixed16x152 ufixed16x160 ufixed16x168 ufixed16x176 ufixed16x184 ufixed16x192 ufixed16x200 ufixed16x208 ufixed16x216 ufixed16x224 ufixed16x232 ufixed16x240 ufixed24x8 ufixed24x16 ufixed24x24 ufixed24x32 ufixed24x40 ufixed24x48 ufixed24x56 ufixed24x64 ufixed24x72 ufixed24x80 ufixed24x88 ufixed24x96 ufixed24x104 ufixed24x112 ufixed24x120 ufixed24x128 ufixed24x136 ufixed24x144 ufixed24x152 ufixed24x160 ufixed24x168 ufixed24x176 ufixed24x184 ufixed24x192 ufixed24x200 ufixed24x208 ufixed24x216 ufixed24x224 ufixed24x232 ufixed32x8 ufixed32x16 ufixed32x24 ufixed32x32 ufixed32x40 ufixed32x48 ufixed32x56 ufixed32x64 ufixed32x72 ufixed32x80 ufixed32x88 ufixed32x96 ufixed32x104 ufixed32x112 ufixed32x120 ufixed32x128 ufixed32x136 ufixed32x144 ufixed32x152 ufixed32x160 ufixed32x168 ufixed32x176 ufixed32x184 ufixed32x192 ufixed32x200 ufixed32x208 ufixed32x216 ufixed32x224 ufixed40x8 ufixed40x16 ufixed40x24 ufixed40x32 ufixed40x40 ufixed40x48 ufixed40x56 ufixed40x64 ufixed40x72 ufixed40x80 ufixed40x88 ufixed40x96 ufixed40x104 ufixed40x112 ufixed40x120 ufixed40x128 ufixed40x136 ufixed40x144 ufixed40x152 ufixed40x160 ufixed40x168 ufixed40x176 ufixed40x184 ufixed40x192 ufixed40x200 ufixed40x208 ufixed40x216 ufixed48x8 ufixed48x16 ufixed48x24 ufixed48x32 ufixed48x40 ufixed48x48 ufixed48x56 ufixed48x64 ufixed48x72 ufixed48x80 ufixed48x88 ufixed48x96 ufixed48x104 ufixed48x112 ufixed48x120 ufixed48x128 ufixed48x136 ufixed48x144 ufixed48x152 ufixed48x160 ufixed48x168 ufixed48x176 ufixed48x184 ufixed48x192 ufixed48x200 ufixed48x208 ufixed56x8 ufixed56x16 ufixed56x24 ufixed56x32 ufixed56x40 ufixed56x48 ufixed56x56 ufixed56x64 ufixed56x72 ufixed56x80 ufixed56x88 ufixed56x96 ufixed56x104 ufixed56x112 ufixed56x120 ufixed56x128 ufixed56x136 ufixed56x144 ufixed56x152 ufixed56x160 ufixed56x168 ufixed56x176 ufixed56x184 ufixed56x192 ufixed56x200 ufixed64x8 ufixed64x16 ufixed64x24 ufixed64x32 ufixed64x40 ufixed64x48 ufixed64x56 ufixed64x64 ufixed64x72 ufixed64x80 ufixed64x88 ufixed64x96 ufixed64x104 ufixed64x112 ufixed64x120 ufixed64x128 ufixed64x136 ufixed64x144 ufixed64x152 ufixed64x160 ufixed64x168 ufixed64x176 ufixed64x184 ufixed64x192 ufixed72x8 ufixed72x16 ufixed72x24 ufixed72x32 ufixed72x40 ufixed72x48 ufixed72x56 ufixed72x64 ufixed72x72 ufixed72x80 ufixed72x88 ufixed72x96 ufixed72x104 ufixed72x112 ufixed72x120 ufixed72x128 ufixed72x136 ufixed72x144 ufixed72x152 ufixed72x160 ufixed72x168 ufixed72x176 ufixed72x184 ufixed80x8 ufixed80x16 ufixed80x24 ufixed80x32 ufixed80x40 ufixed80x48 ufixed80x56 ufixed80x64 ufixed80x72 ufixed80x80 ufixed80x88 ufixed80x96 ufixed80x104 ufixed80x112 ufixed80x120 ufixed80x128 ufixed80x136 ufixed80x144 ufixed80x152 ufixed80x160 ufixed80x168 ufixed80x176 ufixed88x8 ufixed88x16 ufixed88x24 ufixed88x32 ufixed88x40 ufixed88x48 ufixed88x56 ufixed88x64 ufixed88x72 ufixed88x80 ufixed88x88 ufixed88x96 ufixed88x104 ufixed88x112 ufixed88x120 ufixed88x128 ufixed88x136 ufixed88x144 ufixed88x152 ufixed88x160 ufixed88x168 ufixed96x8 ufixed96x16 ufixed96x24 ufixed96x32 ufixed96x40 ufixed96x48 ufixed96x56 ufixed96x64 ufixed96x72 ufixed96x80 ufixed96x88 ufixed96x96 ufixed96x104 ufixed96x112 ufixed96x120 ufixed96x128 ufixed96x136 ufixed96x144 ufixed96x152 ufixed96x160 ufixed104x8 ufixed104x16 ufixed104x24 ufixed104x32 ufixed104x40 ufixed104x48 ufixed104x56 ufixed104x64 ufixed104x72 ufixed104x80 ufixed104x88 ufixed104x96 ufixed104x104 ufixed104x112 ufixed104x120 ufixed104x128 ufixed104x136 ufixed104x144 ufixed104x152 ufixed112x8 ufixed112x16 ufixed112x24 ufixed112x32 ufixed112x40 ufixed112x48 ufixed112x56 ufixed112x64 ufixed112x72 ufixed112x80 ufixed112x88 ufixed112x96 ufixed112x104 ufixed112x112 ufixed112x120 ufixed112x128 ufixed112x136 ufixed112x144 ufixed120x8 ufixed120x16 ufixed120x24 ufixed120x32 ufixed120x40 ufixed120x48 ufixed120x56 ufixed120x64 ufixed120x72 ufixed120x80 ufixed120x88 ufixed120x96 ufixed120x104 ufixed120x112 ufixed120x120 ufixed120x128 ufixed120x136 ufixed128x8 ufixed128x16 ufixed128x24 ufixed128x32 ufixed128x40 ufixed128x48 ufixed128x56 ufixed128x64 ufixed128x72 ufixed128x80 ufixed128x88 ufixed128x96 ufixed128x104 ufixed128x112 ufixed128x120 ufixed128x128 ufixed136x8 ufixed136x16 ufixed136x24 ufixed136x32 ufixed136x40 ufixed136x48 ufixed136x56 ufixed136x64 ufixed136x72 ufixed136x80 ufixed136x88 ufixed136x96 ufixed136x104 ufixed136x112 ufixed136x120 ufixed144x8 ufixed144x16 ufixed144x24 ufixed144x32 ufixed144x40 ufixed144x48 ufixed144x56 ufixed144x64 ufixed144x72 ufixed144x80 ufixed144x88 ufixed144x96 ufixed144x104 ufixed144x112 ufixed152x8 ufixed152x16 ufixed152x24 ufixed152x32 ufixed152x40 ufixed152x48 ufixed152x56 ufixed152x64 ufixed152x72 ufixed152x80 ufixed152x88 ufixed152x96 ufixed152x104 ufixed160x8 ufixed160x16 ufixed160x24 ufixed160x32 ufixed160x40 ufixed160x48 ufixed160x56 ufixed160x64 ufixed160x72 ufixed160x80 ufixed160x88 ufixed160x96 ufixed168x8 ufixed168x16 ufixed168x24 ufixed168x32 ufixed168x40 ufixed168x48 ufixed168x56 ufixed168x64 ufixed168x72 ufixed168x80 ufixed168x88 ufixed176x8 ufixed176x16 ufixed176x24 ufixed176x32 ufixed176x40 ufixed176x48 ufixed176x56 ufixed176x64 ufixed176x72 ufixed176x80 ufixed184x8 ufixed184x16 ufixed184x24 ufixed184x32 ufixed184x40 ufixed184x48 ufixed184x56 ufixed184x64 ufixed184x72 ufixed192x8 ufixed192x16 ufixed192x24 ufixed192x32 ufixed192x40 ufixed192x48 ufixed192x56 ufixed192x64 ufixed200x8 ufixed200x16 ufixed200x24 ufixed200x32 ufixed200x40 ufixed200x48 ufixed200x56 ufixed208x8 ufixed208x16 ufixed208x24 ufixed208x32 ufixed208x40 ufixed208x48 ufixed216x8 ufixed216x16 ufixed216x24 ufixed216x32 ufixed216x40 ufixed224x8 ufixed224x16 ufixed224x24 ufixed224x32 ufixed232x8 ufixed232x16 ufixed232x24 ufixed240x8 ufixed240x16 ufixed248x8 event enum let mapping private public external inherited payable true false var import constant if else for else for while do break continue throw returns return suicide new is this super // /* */ ' true false true true true true true true true true false true true 22 13 Solidity Solidity year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2019|Packt Publishing|Mastering Blockchain Programming with Solidity: Write production-ready smart contracts for Ethereum blockchain with Solidity|Chittoda, Jitendra|9781839218262\n2017|Packt Publishing|Building Blockchain Projects: Building decentralized Blockchain applications with Ethereum and Solidity|Prusty, Narayan|9781787125339\n2019|Packt Publishing|Mastering Blockchain Programming with Solidity: Write production-ready smart contracts for Ethereum blockchain with Solidity|Chittoda, Jitendra|9781839218637\n2018|Apress|Building Games with Ethereum Smart Contracts: Intermediate Projects for Solidity Developers|Iyer, Kedar and Dannen, Chris|9781484234921\n2018|Packt Publishing|Solidity Programming Essentials: A beginner's guide to build smart contracts for Ethereum and blockchain|Modi, Ritesh|9781788838375\n2018|Packt Publishing|Ethereum Smart Contract Development: Build blockchain-based decentralized applications using solidity|Mukhopadhyay, Mayukh|9781788472623\n2020|BPB Publications|Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts with the Azure Blockchain (English Edition)|Mittal, Akhil|9789388511919\n2018|Packt Publishing|Solidity Programming Essentials: A beginner's guide to build smart contracts for Ethereum and blockchain|Modi, Ritesh|9781788831383\n2022|Apress|Blockchain and Ethereum Smart Contract Solution Development: Dapp Programming with Solidity|Zhang, Weijia and Anand, Tej|9781484281635\n2018|Independently published|Solidity Programming Language 101: Beginner Guide|Raja, Ismail and Mohamed, Fazith|9781719883405\n2022|Packt Publishing|Solidity Programming Essentials: A guide to building smart contracts and tokens using the widely used Solidity language, 2nd Edition|Modi, Ritesh|9781803231181\n2019|O'reilly Media|Hands-on Smart Contract Development With Solidity And Ethereum|Kevin Solorio and Randall Kanna and David H. Hoover|9781492045236\n2019|Mechanical Industry Press|Solidity Programming: A Beginner's Guide to Building Ethereum and Blockchain Smart Contracts(Chinese Edition)|[ YIN DU ] LI TE SHEN · MO DI ( Ritesh , Modi ) ZHU|9787111616009\n20220610|Packt Publishing|Solidity Programming Essentials|Ritesh Modi|9781803234793\n20200831|Springer Nature|Ethereum Smart Contract Development in Solidity|Gavin Zheng; Longxiang Gao; Liqun Huang; Jian Guan|9789811562181\n20191125|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum|Kevin Solorio; Randall Kanna; David H. Hoover|9781492045212 Solidity solidity developer year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2018|Smart contracts: security patterns in the ethereum ecosystem and solidity|10.1109/IWBOSE.2018.8327565|178|13|Maximilian Wöhrer and U. Zdun|7d7ce972902c66f4a506c7f35f13aaba40a58880\n2018|Lolisa: Formal Syntax and Semantics for a Subset of the Solidity Programming Language|10.1155/2020/6191537|29|1|Zheng Yang and Hang Lei|129c3bd87981c6bc0111535b9519fb876a6d9c48\n2018|Towards Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts: A Formalization of Core of Solidity|10.1007/978-3-030-03592-1_13|25|0|Jakub Zakrzewski|f1fc26e258271ce34cf4279f6bdb9800f208edc4\n2020|Semantic Understanding of Smart Contracts: Executable Operational Semantics of Solidity|10.1109/SP40000.2020.00066|20|2|Jiao Jiao and Shuanglong Kan and Shang-Wei Lin and D. Sanán and Yang Liu and Jun Sun|0a8388d08f03018eeb471bd5455c8abaa03d6763\n2020|SMT-Friendly Formalization of the Solidity Memory Model|10.1007/978-3-030-44914-8_9|16|1|Á. Hajdu and Dejan Jovanovic|50babffb567b68fdfcd33d8429c177fb2dc644d6\n2019|Degree Validation Application Using Solidity and Ethereum Blockchain|10.1109/SoutheastCon42311.2019.9020503|5|1|C. BouSaba and Ethan Anderson|a53fb00dc5a8b8e35be98bcc63d935850f83f04f\n2019|Deviant: A Mutation Testing Tool for Solidity Smart Contracts|10.1109/Blockchain.2019.00050|4|0|Patrick Chapman and Dianxiang Xu and Lin Deng and Yin Xiong|268fe44b85113a74863d4a0fdb2f9374a2bba445\n2020|Gap between Theory and Practice: An Empirical Study of Security Patches in Solidity|10.1145/3377811.3380424|4|0|Sungjae Hwang and S. Ryu|9dcd7b3836935d81f00c1d5462b716495ded76b6\n2019|Modularizing Cross-Cutting Concerns with Aspect-Oriented Extensions for Solidity|10.1109/DAPPCON.2019.00033|3|1|Chien-Che Hung and Kung Chen and Chun-Feng Liao|35f732815e102f612e962bfa8f4d20dfb868997b\n2020|PASO: A Web-Based Parser for Solidity Language Analysis|10.1109/IWBOSE50093.2020.9050263|3|0|Giuseppe Antonio Pierro and R. Tonelli|39d8fb3b837c0baff2e56341b93f4ac3d3ae9182\n2019|A New Approach to Prevent Reentrant Attack in Solidity Smart Contracts|10.1007/978-981-15-3278-8_6|2|0|C. Dong and Yuanhong Li and Liang Tan|af8e33b8c5bc0645c3dea27af95deecb4befe7d7\n2019|Programming Smart Contracts in Ethereum Blockchain using Solidity|10.1145/3287324.3287542|2|0|Debasis Bhattacharya and M. Canul and S. Knight and M. Azhar and Rajiv Malkan|bebefcf6281e90d91a057752ab55c07c81b90d99\n2018|Basic Solidity Programming|10.1007/978-1-4842-4075-5_3|1|0|Debajani Mohanty|f44c815df713192f26213201fe5b12696e2c4f41 title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nThe Solidity Programmer's Handbook||Tony Hontzeas|66375248|0.0|0|0\nSolidity Programming Essentials: A beginner's guide to build smart contracts for Ethereum and blockchain||Ritesh Modi|60029591|3.62|8|1\nIntroducing Ethereum and Solidity: Foundations of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Programming for Beginners||Chris Dannen|53853238|3.41|110|15\nEthereum Developer: Learn Solidity From Scratch||Merunas Grincalaitis|60911135|4.50|2|0\nSOLIDITY AND ETHEREUM: Mining and Programming of Blockchain of 2017||Michael Bitman|58182701|5.00|1|0\nThe Essentials of Smart Contract Development for Solidity Developers||Seungwon Go|66309129|0.0|0|0 visual-basic Visual Basic 1991 47 pl 14 4 41 24834 12487 21 61 2012 2017 4 visual-studio-editor basic gambas xojo basic4ppc ns-basic vba perl pascal fortran vbscript ruby quickbasic autocad-app asp winwrap-basic lotusscript 1991 Visual Basic is a third-generation event-driven programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its Component Object Model (COM) programming model first released in 1991 and declared legacy during 2008. Microsoft intended Visual Basic to be relatively easy to learn and use. Visual Basic was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications, access to databases using Data Access Objects, Remote Data Objects, or ActiveX Data Objects, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects. A programmer can create an application using the components provided by the Visual Basic program itself. Over time the community of programmers developed third-party components. Programs written in Visual Basic can also use the Windows API, which requires external function declarations. The final release was version 6 in 1998 (now known simply as Visual Basic). On April 8, 2008, Microsoft stopped supporting Visual Basic 6.0 IDE. The Microsoft Visual Basic team still maintains compatibility for Visual Basic 6.0 applications on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 including R2, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 through its "It Just Works" program. In 2014, some software developers still preferred Visual Basic 6.0 over its successor, Visual Basic .NET. In 2014 some developers lobbied for a new version of the VB6 programming environment. In 2016, Visual Basic 6.0 won the technical impact award at The 19th Annual D.I.C.E. Awards. A dialect of Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), is used as a macro or scripting language within several Microsoft applications, including Microsoft Office. 2001 1574 2512 4052 6097382 9062 10510 v/Visual Basic.vb 6 pl VisualBasic 1374 true 15 cloc emscripten ibis iterm2 linotte mal ncl olc pygments red smallbasic speedie vlc weebasic xlwings-editor false Microsoft 15898 3294 220 BAS bas ctl dsr frm FRX frx VBHTML vbhtml vbp vbw cls text vb Visual Basic mono-vbnc United States Module Main Sub Main(args As String()) Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!") End Sub End Module Option Explicit Dim Count As Integer Private Sub Form_Load() Count = 0 Timer1.Interval = 1000 ' units of milliseconds End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Count = Count + 1 Label1.Caption = Count End Sub Module Program Function Square(num As Integer) As Integer Return num * num End Function End Module Module HelloWorld Sub Main() MsgBox("Hello World") End Sub End Module Visual Basic Visual Basic AddHandler AddressOf Alias And AndAlso As Async Boolean ByRef Byte ByVal Call Case Catch CBool CByte CChar CDate CDbl CDec Char CInt Class CLng CObj Const Continue CSByte CShort CSng CStr CType CUInt CULng CUShort Date Decimal Declare Default Delegate Dim DirectCast Do Double Each Else ElseIf End EndIf Enum Erase Error Event Exit False Finally For Friend Function Get GetType GetXMLNamespace Global GoSub GoTo Handles If Implements Imports In Inherits Integer Interface Is IsNot Let Lib Like Long Loop Me Mod Module MustInherit MustOverride MyBase MyClass NameOf Namespace Narrowing New Next Not Nothing NotInheritable NotOverridable Object Of On Operator Option Optional Or OrElse Out Overloads Overridable Overrides ParamArray Partial Private Property Protected Public RaiseEvent ReadOnly ReDim RemoveHandler Resume Return SByte Select Set Shadows Shared Short Single Static Step Stop String Structure Sub SyncLock Then Throw To True Try TryCast TypeOf UInteger ULong UShort Using Variant Wend When While Widening With WithEvents WriteOnly Xor ' /* */ Console.WriteLine " True False true true true true true true false false true false true 0 0 Visual Basic Visual Basic Visual Basic visual basic engineer racket Racket 1994 Matthias Felleisen and Matthew Flatt and Robert Bruce Findler and Shriram Krishnamurthi 60 pl lisp 23 v8.13 5 42 33 24832 735 6 2010 2024 147 651 4741 530 122 2014 2015 2 1 x86-isa powerpc sparc mips arm scheme eiffel rust clojure lisp java unicode json unix linux arc 1994 Racket is a general purpose, multi-paradigm programming language in the Lisp-Scheme family. One of its design goals is to serve as a platform for language creation, design, and implementation. The language is used in a variety of contexts such as scripting, general-purpose programming, computer science education, and research. The platform provides an implementation of the Racket language (including a sophisticated run-time system, various libraries, JIT compiler, and more) along with a development environment called DrRacket (formerly named DrScheme) written in Racket itself. The IDE and an accompanying programming curriculum is used in the ProgramByDesign outreach program, an attempt to turn computing and programming into "an indispensable part of the liberal arts curriculum". The core language is known for its extensive macro system which enables the creation of embedded and domain-specific languages, language constructs such as classes or modules, and separate dialects of Racket with different semantics. The platform distribution is free and open-source software distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) license. Extensions and packages written by the community are uploaded to Racket's centralized package catalog. While the Racket distribution continues to support Scheme variants, the new Racket language was launched on 7 June 2010, Racket was launched. 2005 286 184 504 3350021 2010 3026 3760 17790 2 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nsalimt Courses- Racket #3c5caa 43 73 9 "Quiz & Assignment of Coursera" racket lisp source.racket programming r/Racket.rkt pl true 26 cloc datafun eskew fructure-editor ghc hackett liso mal mu p4p particles pie-lang pycket pygments racket remix rockstar-rkt scribble sham shill slideshow t-lang turnstile-plus video zuo zuo false 1997 2024 47707 489 5657 PLT Inc. rkt rktl rktd scrbl plt ss scm rkt rktd rktl scrbl rkt rkt rktd rktl rkt rktl rktd scrbl plt ss scm racket c scheme m4 assembly-language bourne-shell json tex xml make markdown diff yaml pascal cpp expect ada html csharp meson python css javascript c-shell perl saltstack bash idl r cmake sas dockerfile powershell true 14537 48 110 4 true 8 true rkt rktd rktl scrbl false text Racket ; Clean, simple and efficient code -- that's the power of Racket! ; (define (bottles n more) (printf "~a bottle~a of beer~a" (case n [(0) "no more"] [(1) "1"] [else n]) (if (= n 1) "" "s") more)) (for ([n (in-range 99 0 -1)]) (bottles n " on the wall, ") (bottles n ".\n") (printf "Take one down and pass it around, ") (bottles (sub1 n) " on the wall.\n\n")) (displayln "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.") (displayln "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.") #lang racket/base (display "Hello, world!\n") #lang typed/racket (: fact (Integer -> Integer)) (define (fact n) (cond [(zero? n) 1] [else (* n (fact (- n 1)))])) #lang racket "Hello World" Racket ;; Hello world in Racket #lang racket/base "Hello, World!" Racket ; display " false true true true true true true true true true false true true 4 10 Racket Racket year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2021-01-08T00:00:01Z|No Starch Press|Racket Programming the Fun Way: From Strings to Turing Machines|Stelly, James. W.|9781718500822\n2021|No Starch Press|Racket Programming the Fun Way: From Strings to Turing Machines|Stelly, James. W.|9781718500839\n2021|Apress|Introducing Blockchain with Lisp: Implement and Extend Blockchains with the Racket Language|Sitnikovski, Boro|9781484269695\n20130613|Random House Publishing Services|Realm of Racket|Matthias Felleisen; David Van Horn; Conrad Barski; |9781593274924 Racket racket engineer racket year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2018|A Programmable Programming Language||55|1|M. Felleisen and R. Findler and M. Flatt and S. Krishnamurthi and Eli Barzilay and J. McCarthy and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt|3d545f95bb19155aaf4c879ada275823671391e2\n2015|The Racket Manifesto|10.4230/LIPIcs.SNAPL.2015.113|58|6|M. Felleisen and R. Findler and M. Flatt and S. Krishnamurthi and Eli Barzilay and J. McCarthy and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt|6c8a2bf06c9247d6e06aa0c1dbc910a8fbae0358\n2013|Whalesong: running racket in the browser|10.1145/2508168.2508172|12|1|Daniel Yoo and S. Krishnamurthi|699cb7f7addac731632d8e5101b4ae59bdad8c29\n2012|Seeing the futures: profiling shared-memory parallel racket|10.1145/2364474.2364485|6|0|J. Swaine and B. Fetscher and Vincent St-Amour and R. Findler and M. Flatt|3cae77be712cf01d407754e8b0622287016c0bb2\n2018|Racets: Faceted Execution in Racket|10.29007/lqkv|4|0|Kristopher K. Micinski and Zhanpeng Wang and Thomas Gilray|76a1e16c9a3ccd47db9ce7502d5d4f7c392bc93b\n2021|Racket Programming Language|10.1007/978-1-4842-6969-5_2|4|0|Boro Sitnikovski|a1b5030322cb7a41ca61f52199bfffa9159610f7\n2017|Educating Computer Science Educators Online - A Racket MOOC for Elementary Math Teachers of Finland|10.5220/0006257800470058|3|0|Tiina Partanen and Pia Niemelä and Linda Mannila and T. Poranen|0a5358f85e4c6859bc54b390c343e3d6071bf0d7\n2015|Combining Processing with Racket|10.1007/978-3-319-27653-3_10|2|1|Hugo F. Correia and A. Leitão|b1ca8a3ed852b8d3f72a5ab2fcd23bf5040c801b\n2019|From Macros to DSLs: The Evolution of Racket|10.4230/LIPIcs.SNAPL.2019.5|2|0|Ryan Culpepper and M. Felleisen and M. Flatt and S. Krishnamurthi|36f5196490c23969ec86f8c693fb04c4d8b7fd8b\n2017|High-Performance Graphics in Racket with DirectX|10.1007/978-3-319-65482-9_66|1|0|A. Bossard|8f722e460468744541fb0819dac316bd7e36e673 markdown Markdown 2004 John Gruber and Aaron Swartz 36 textMarkup 1076 1.0.1 4 43 1 24831 426 2013 2018 8 58 html textile restructuredtext perl pandoc-app mime php python ruby drupal mediawiki rstudio r c apl asciidoc org txt2tags 2004 Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name. Markdown is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor. As the initial description of Markdown contained ambiguities and unanswered questions, many implementations and extensions of Markdown appeared over the years to answer these issues. 2005 1954 286 1124 2415885 8 8 1023 true 0 pandoc markdown gfm text/x-gfm source.gfm prose m/ textMarkup true 1089 05ab1e 11ty aardvark abcl-lang abs ace acorn-lang activity-pub ad-hoc adamant adept aheui ail aiml ait aith al ale alma-007 alpaca alumina amber ana ante apache-hbase api-blueprint april aretext argdown ark-lang arkscript arquero arret arrow-format asciidots asciimath asdf assemblyscript astatine asterius-compiler astro atomspace atprotocol attoparsec austral avail avi-synth awl badlanguage ballerina bamboo bash basis-universal-format battlestar baysick bazel bebasic bee beef bend berry bicep binaryen bio bitsy bizubee blackcoffee blacklight blazex blech blockml bloom blossom blox blur-markup-language blz bog boomerang-decompiler borgo bosque bounce-lang bpkg-pm bqn brain-flak breccia broccoli-1 broccoli-2 bruijn bucklescript buzz bython c2 c3 cairo calc4 calcit cali-lang calypso candor candy cane capn-proto capybara caramel carbon carp carth cat catala categorical-query-language ccl cell ceu ceylon chaiscript charcoal chatterbot checked-c chevrotain chibicc chika chisel chrysalisp cir circle-lang cito civet clarity claro clash clay click clike cloc clojure clojurescript closure-templates co-dfns co2 coco coconut codecept codemirror coffeekup coffeescript cognate cokescript colascript comby common-workflow-language commonmark conan-pm conceptual concise-encoding concurr cone coq cor corescript cortex cosh cotton couchdb cranelift-ir crema crmsh croc crush cryptol crystal cson cspydr css-doodle csvw cuelang cuneiform curly curv cwerg cyber cytosol d3 dafny dak dale daonode dasel dat-protocol datafun datascript ddp dedukti deno dern dex dexvis dgraph dhall differential-datalog dixy djot dllup dogescript doml dplyr dragonbasic drakon dreamlisp drupal dub-pm dyvil earl-grey easybuild ec eco-editor ecr ecsharp edgedb edgelisp edh edina edn eff egison eiffel ejs elegance elena elfe elixir elm elpi elvish elymas em emberjs-framework emberscript emerald-lang emesh emojicode emscripten encore enso erg erlang eskew esoteric-reaction euphoria eve exkited expresso eyg f-prime fact-lang factor fancy farcaster fardlang fay fe felix femtolisp fennel fern ferret fetlang ffmpeg firrtl fish fjs flame-ir flatbuffers flatline fleck flex flix floscript flow flow9 flowchart-fun flownote flua flutter flux fo fold forest-lang fork-lang forsp forthscript fp3 fpp fql frank-lang frege frost fructure-editor frundis frundis fstar funl futhark futurescript fuzuli g-fu g-portugol gamerlanguage gap generate-ninja gentee getlang gfoo gforth ggplot2 ghc gintonic git gleam glicol glisp glms gluon glush go goal gogs-editor golo gradle graph-it gravity gren grid-notation gridstudio-editor gun gura gwion h-lang hackett hacspec hakaru hal-format halide hamdown haml hamler hare harlan hashlink hasklig haste haxe haxelibs-pm hazel hcl hera heron-lang hexagony hhvm highlightjs hilvl hina hivemind hjson hobbes hodor homa homebrew-pm hook hoot-smalltalk horse64 hotcocoalisp hpp hr-code hrqr htl htmx httplang huginn hugo hujson humanhash-hash-function hurl hush huwcode hvm2 hy hyperscript-lang hyperscript hyphy i ibis icarus icedcoffeescript idio idris idyll imba imhex impala infusion-framework ink-lang ink inko insitux invokator iode ipfs ircis iterm2 ivy ixml j jakt jal-compiler jammy janet jank jaqt jasmine jasper java jayfor jazz jcof jedi jedlang jeebox jeeves jekyll jelly jemplate jesth jet jflex jingo jinja jinx jison-lex jison jisp jlang jonprl jq jql jquery jsf jsil-compiler jslt json-graph-format json-graph-spec json-lambda json-ld json-schema json-script json-stat json-url json-with-comments json5 jsoncanvas jsonnet jsparagus juicy jule julia juniper juvix k-framework kai kaitai kakoune-editor kal kalyn kamby kami kamilalisp kaml kasaya katex kavascript kdl kefir kei keli keras kerf kgl khepri khi kima kitlang kitten knight ko koara kode koka kona kotlin ktexteditor-editor ktyek kubernetes kuc kuin kumir kuroko l2 ladybird lambcalc lambda-zero lamdu-editor lamdu latino latte-js latte lawvere lax ld-json ldpl lean leazy lem-editor lemon-lang leo-editor lesma leveldb lever lezer lift ligo lil lila-lang lily link links-programming-language linotte liquid lispyscript literate-coffeescript litescript little livr lobster loci lodash logica lsif-format lucid-lang luna-1 luna lux lwjgl m3db macchiato mages magit mai mal mangle manhood manim manool maraca-lang margin marko markovjunior markus markwhen markwhen marp marp maskjs mastodon mathics mathjson mathpix-markdown mathpix-markdown matplotlib mavo mdx meanscriptcli mech-lang megaparsec melody mermaid mesh metalang99 mewl mewmew mgmt micro-editor micro-mitten microblocks microl micropython mimium mimix-stream-language minidsdb minikanren minilang minizinc mirah mirth mlatu mlir mlpolyr mlscript mochajs mochi moirai mojo monaco mond mongodb monkey monte moonbit moonscript mountain moya mu muddl muldis multiaddr multibase multicodec mun-lang muon mushroom mustache mycroft myia mys nadesiko ncl nearley neeilang neko nesc netlogo neut neutron never newlisp nexml nextflow ngs nianiolang nilscript nim ninja nit nlpl nltk nodejs noisecraft nomad nomnoml noms-db noon nostr note noulith npm-pm nqc nulan numba nushell nuua nydp nymph objectscript observable-framework observable-lang observable-plot obsidian-lang obsidian octune oden odin ohayo ohm oil ok olc om omgrofl onnx ooc oopsilon opa opal opam-pm open-nn open-shading-language opencomal opencv openrc-runscript openverse orange orca-pl orca owen-lang p-star p packagist-pm pact pan pandas parboiled parboiled2 parenthetic parsers particles partiql passambler passerine pasukon pawn-scripting-language pawn pcrap pcre pearscript pegasus pegdown pegjs penrose perl pgbouncer pharen phel php pie-lang pikelet pinto pipefish pipelines pkl plaid-programming-language plam plang please-build plot pod6 podlite podlite pogoscript pointless polyglot-compiler polymath pomsky pony popr porffor postcss postgresql potion pov-ray-sdl powershell preforth prescheme prettier prismjs project-mentat prometheus prql psvg psyche-c psyche pug purescript pycket pygments pyth python pytorch qalb qoir qore quaint-lang quaint quaint quint r3 r4 racket rakudo ralph ramdascript raml rant rapidbatch rapira raptorjit react-native readable reason rebeca-modeling-language recursivetext red redis redprl reflex-framework reforth reia rel-lang ren-c retdec revolution-programming-language rhine rholang ricscript riff rigc rio ripple rita rmarkdown roc rocket rocksdb rockstar-rkt rockstar ron rosie roslyn-compiler rouge roy royalscript rpscript ru ruby runiq rust rustscript rye sanddance satysfi savi scala-js scheme-2-d scikit-learn scipy scoop-pm score scribble scroll scroll scryer sdms seif semicolon semver sentient seq serious setlx shen shiv shml sibilant sile silk simit simple-binary-encoding simplictiy sixten sizzle skip skulpt slab slash slashdown slashdown slick slideshow slim-framework slim slony smali smallbasic smc smile smpl snowball-programming-language snowman-decompiler solid-network solid solidity son sophia sophie souper sourcepawn space spatial spider spiderbasic spiral sporth spry sqhtml sqlalchemy sqlite sqrl squiggle squire srl ssb stacklang star starlark starpial statsplorer stencil ston stoneknifeforth storymatic strat streem stringbean subleq sugarss sugartex superjson surrealdb susn susn svelte svgbob swallow sweetjs swi-prolog swift swizzle sympy t-lang t2b tablam tabloid taichi taijilang tamgu tampio tangledown tao-lang tao3d tawa taxa tbox-lib tea-pm tensorflow terra testml textadept-editor textframe texti texti textile thjson tht tibet tidyverse tiledb timpani titan tl tlc tldr tldraw tmtp toffeescript toi toki-sona toml toontalk topaz-lang topshell tornado tosh touch touch toy-lang tree-annotation-operator treesheets tridash triton truck truth tsar tsquery tuplemarkup twine twtxt txtzyme typecastjs typecobol typescript typst u ucg ucl uiua ulisp ultralisp-pm uno unseemly urweb v-golf v v8 vale-assembly vale vcpkg-pm vega-editor-app vega verona veryl video vigil vimwiki violent-es virgil visdown vlc volt vsxu vuejs vyper vyxal wah walt wasm wasmer wasp-lang wats wax wdl web3js weebasic wenyan whack whiley wing winxed wiredtiger wisp wlambda woe wonkey workfl worst wren wu wyvern x-it xarray xgboost-model xgboost xidoc xl-lang xlwings-editor xodio xsv-app xtclang xtext xxl y-lang yakou-lang yamp yang yara yasl yasnippet yawl yess yggdrasil yii yoptascript z-expressions z-flat z2 zenscript zephir zig zlang zolang zot zz false md livemd markdown mdown mdwn mdx mkd mkdn mkdown ronn scd workbook md md markdown perl html true 12504 0 51 atx 2 false 1 true markdown md mdown mdwn mdx mkd mkdn mkdown ronn workbook text markdown markdown United States Tender ====== Hello, world! # Heading ## Sub-heading ### Another deeper heading Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Two spaces at the end of a line leave a line break. Text attributes _italic_, *italic*, __bold__, **bold**, `monospace`. Horizontal rule: --- Bullet list: * apples * oranges * pears Numbered list: 1. apples 2. oranges 3. pears A [link]( Hello World Markdown Markdown false false true true 5 2 Markdown year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2020|Routledge|R Markdown Cookbook (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)|Xie, Yihui|9780367563837\n2017|Chapman and Hall/CRC|blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)|Xie, Yihui and Hill, Alison Presmanes and Thomas, Amber|9781138480452\n20190816|Springer Nature|Introducing Markdown and Pandoc|Thomas Mailund|9781484251492\n08/2013|Packt Publishing|Instant Markdown|Herrero Arturo|9781783559152\n20180727|Taylor & Francis|R Markdown|Yihui Xie; J.J. Allaire; Garrett Grolemund|9780429782961 Markdown year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2015|R Markdown|10.1002/wics.1348|22|1|Benjamin Baumer and Dana Udwin|8d26eef104eae6e9d902a39eba546ed182195205\n2019|Codebraid: Live Code in Pandoc Markdown|10.25080/MAJORA-7DDC1DD1-008|2|0|Geoffrey M. Poore|fa7fd0916680a78582c6a05b2e6f65ff9a68106a wasm WebAssembly 2015 Alon Zakai 40 bytecode 25 1.0.35 4 44 13 24829 2015 2024 2015 157 676 6621 149 32 2017 2017 6 1 asmjs assembly-language javascript unity-engine llvmir c rust java csharp go s-expressions doi 2017 WebAssembly (Wasm, WA) is a web standard that defines a binary format and a corresponding assembly-like text format for executable code in Web pages. It is meant to enable executing code nearly as fast as running native machine code. It was envisioned to complement JavaScript to speed up performance-critical parts of web applications and later on to enable web development in languages other than JavaScript. WebAssembly does not attempt to replace JavaScript, but to complement it. It is developed at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) with engineers from Mozilla, Microsoft, Google and Apple.It is executed in a sandbox in the web browser after a verification step. Programs can be compiled from high-level languages into Wasm modules and loaded as libraries from within JavaScript applets. 2015 392 269 215 47013794 2015 148 160 1641 2 author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nAssemblyScript assemblyscript WebAssembly #04133b 6742 263 287 "Definitely not a TypeScript to WebAssembly compiler 🚀" wast or wasm lisp commonlisp text/x-common-lisp source.webassembly programming w/WebAssembly.wat bytecode true 34 assemblyscript beef binaryen blitzmax cloc cwerg cyber emscripten euphoria flow9 invokator ktyek nodejs porffor pov-ray-sdl psyche pygments rio rust spidermonkey tridash v8 v8 virgil wa wah wah wah walt wasm wasmer wats wax wax false 2015 2024 2580 149 1736