Name Values Coverage Question Example Type Source SortIndex IsComputed IsRequired IsConceptDelimiter Cue id 5065 100% What is the ID of this concept? 05ab1e string 1 false true true name 5065 100% What is the name of this concept? 05AB1E string 1.1 false true appeared 5065 100% What year was the language publicly released and/or announced? 2015 number 1.101 false true creators 1537 30% What are the name(s) of the original creators of the language delimited by " and "? Zach Leatherman string 1.102 false maintainers 3 0% What are the name(s) of the maintainer(s) of the language delimited by " and "? Daniel Stenberg string 1.1021 false measurements 5065 100% How many measurements do we have about this thing? 11 number 1.11 true tags 5065 100% Which category(ies) in PLDB's subjective ontology does this entity fit into? esolang string 1.2 false true rijuRepl_website 28 0% What is the URL of the official homepage for this language project? string 1.21 false website 1812 35% What is the URL of the official homepage for this language project? string 1.21 false spec 48 0% What is a URL to the official spec for this language? string 1.22 false foundationScore 5065 100% How many languages are built using this language? 0 number 1.3 true blog 71 1% What is the URL to the official blog for this language? string 1.33 false releaseNotes 71 1% What is the URL to the release notes or changelog for this language? string 1.33 false download 44 0% What is a URL to the download page for this language? string 1.33 false latestVersion 639 12% What is the latest version? v1.0.0-test.3-bugfix string 1.33 false exampleCount 5065 100% How many examples do we have written in this language? 2 number 1.5 true rank 5065 100% How does this concept rank amongst all other concepts? 1240 number 1.5 true lastActivity 0 0% In our data on this entity, what year is the most recent activity? number 1.55 true writtenInCount 1204 23% How many languages is this implementation written in? 3 number 1.6 true pldbScore 5065 100% What is the combined score of this language across all the categories of rankings? 21884 number 1.6 true meetup_memberCount 58 1% How many people in this meetup group? 1514159 number 1.9 false meetup_groupCount 58 1% How many groups? 2707 number 1.9 false subreddit_memberCount 0 0% How many members in this subreddit? textarea 1.9 false twitter_followers 0 0% How many followers does the linked account have? number 1.9 false conferences 7 0% What is a URL(s) to a recurring conference(s) focused on this language? string 1.9 false zulip 2 0% What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Zulip for language development? string 1.9 false githubRepo_created 1185 23% When was the *Github repo* for this entity created? 2015 number 1.9 false githubRepo_updated 1185 23% What year was the last commit made? 2024 number 1.9 false githubRepo_firstCommit 843 16% What year the first commit made in this git repo? 2015 number 1.9 false githubRepo_subscribers 1185 23% How many subscribers to the repo? 24 number 1.9 false githubRepo_forks 1183 23% How many forks of the repo? 48 number 1.9 false githubRepo_stars 1185 23% How many stars of the repo? 755 number 1.9 false githubRepo_issues 1182 23% How many isses on the repo? 40 number 1.9 false screenshot 23 0% What is the filename to a screenshot of this visual language in the concepts/screenshots/ folder? activity-pub.png string 1.9 false photo 2 0% What is a URL to a screenshot of this real world notation in the form[id].png? binary-notation.jpg string 1.9 false linguistGrammarRepo_commitCount 398 7% How many commits in this repo? 261 number 1.9 false linguistGrammarRepo_firstCommit 398 7% What year was the first commit made? 2015 number 1.9 false linguistGrammarRepo_lastCommit 398 7% What year was the last commit made? 2018 number 1.9 false linguistGrammarRepo_sampleCount 365 7% How many language samples in this repo? 6 number 1.9 false linguistGrammarRepo_committerCount 398 7% How many people have made commits in this repo? 3 number 1.9 false redditDiscussion 3 0% What is a link to a related discussion on reddit? string 1.9 false roadmap 9 0% What is the URL to a public roadmap page for this language, if one exists? string 1.9 false webRepl 140 2% What is a URL for an online repl of this language? string 1.9 false wikipedia_related 1286 25% What languages does Wikipedia have as related? unicode assembly-language fortran string 1.9 false wikipedia_appeared 1534 30% When does Wikipedia claim this entity first appeared? 1962 number 1.9 false wikipedia_summary 1609 31% What is the text summary of the language from the Wikipedia page? The IBM 1620 was announced by IBM on October 21, 1959, and marketed as an inexpensive "scientific computer". After a total production of about two thousand machines, it was withdrawn on November 19, 1970. Modified versions of the 1620 were used as the CPU of the IBM 1710 and IBM 1720 Industrial Process Control Systems (making it the first digital computer considered reliable enough for real-time process control of factory equipment). Being variable word length decimal, as opposed to fixed-word-length pure binary, made it an especially attractive first computer to learn on – and hundreds of thousands of students had their first experiences with a computer on the IBM 1620. Core memory cycle times were 20 microseconds for the (earlier) Model I, 10 microseconds for the Model II (about a thousand times slower than typical computer main memory in 2006). The Model II was introduced in 1962. string 1.9 false wikipedia_created 1386 27% When was the *Wikipedia page* for this entity created? 2002 number 1.9 false wikipedia_dailyPageViews 1665 32% How many page views per day does this Wikipedia page get? Useful as a signal for rankings. Available via WP api. 60 number 1.9 false wikipedia_backlinksCount 1616 31% How many pages on WP link to this page? 112 number 1.9 false wikipedia_revisionCount 1291 25% How many revisions does this page have? 481 number 1.9 false wikipedia_pageId 1599 31% What is the internal ID for this entity on WP? 92577 number 1.9 false domainName_registered 618 12% When was this domain first registered? 2014 number 1.9 false domainName_awisRank 0 0% What is the Alexa Web Information Service (AWIS) domain ranking? textarea 1.9 false githubBigQuery_users 419 8% How many unique users have a repo using this language according to Google BigQuery? 250 number 1.9 false githubBigQuery_repos 420 8% How many repos for this language are listed in Google's BigQuery Public GitHub Dataset snapshot? 274 number 1.9 false githubLanguage_filenames 53 1% What are the filenames commonly associated with this language? APKBUILD string 1.9 false githubLanguage_repos 490 9% How many repos for this language does GitHub report? 38669 number 1.9 false githubLanguage_wrap 14 0% Does GitHub override it's default of not wrapping lines when displaying this language? true boolean 1.9 false githubLanguage_trendingProjectsCount 444 8% How many trending repos for this language does GitHub report? 0 number 1.9 false githubLanguage_trendingProjects 75 1% What are trending projects in this language GitHub? author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description\nantlr grammars-v4 ANTLR #9DC3FF 4119 1736 119 "Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions." string 1.9 false githubLanguage_group 41 0% What is the name of the parent language group according to GitHub? Shell string 1.9 false githubLanguage_aliases 142 2% What are additional aliases, excluding name.downcase which are implicitly included? actionscript 3 or actionscript3 or as3 string 1.9 false githubLanguage_interpreters 71 1% What are the associated interpreters? apl aplx dyalog string 1.9 false githubLanguage_aceMode 520 10% What is the name of the Ace Mode used for highlighting whenever a file is edited, matching one of the filenames in, or "text" for everything else? text string 1.9 false githubLanguage_codemirrorMode 216 4% What is the name name of the CodeMirror Mode used for highlighting whenever a file is edited, from the list here clike string 1.9 false githubLanguage_codemirrorMimeType 216 4% What is the name of the file mime type used for highlighting whenever a file is edited, from the list here text/x-c++src string 1.9 false githubLanguage_tmScope 521 10% What is the TextMate scope that represents this programming language, matching one of the scopes listed in the grammars.yml file, or "none" if there is no grammar for this language? source.bsl string 1.9 false githubLanguage_type 521 10% Which of the types best describes this: data, programming, markup, prose, or nil? programming string 1.9 false leachim6_filepath 427 8% What is the filepath to this language in leachim6's hello-world project? #/05AB1E string 1.9 false projectEuler_memberCount 0 0% How many project euler members use this language? textarea 1.9 false pygmentsHighlighter_filename 341 6% What is the Python filename implementing the highlighting for this language? string 1.9 false tiobe_currentRank 50 0% What is the current Tiobe rank of this language? 40 number 1.9 false filenames 2 0% What are the filenames commonly associated with this language? horp.conf string 1.9 false maintainerOrganization 12 0% What organization maintains this language? HPE string 1.9 false forLanguages 48 0% Which languages is this repository for? ballerina string 1.9 false dblp 0 0% What are publications about this language from text 1.9 false dblp_hits 0 0% How many matching publications? number 1.9 false dblp_publications 0 0% An inline PSV table of hits. textarea 1.9 false mainRepo 1237 24% Where is the main source code for this language? string 1.9 true primaryTag 5065 100% Where is the primary tag for this language? esolang string 1.9 true standsFor 380 7% If the language name is an acronym what does/did it stand for? 3D Manufacturing Format string 1.9 false aka 185 3% What is this also known as? 4D string 1.9 false oldName 16 0% What is the old name of this language? ML-flavoured Erlang string 1.9 false equation 15 0% What is a LaTeX encoding of this equation? ∇xB=µ0*J string 1.9 false packageInstallCount 11 0% How many packages have been downloaded? 770549116 number 1.9 false packageCount 48 0% How many packages are in the repository? 105 number 1.9 false packageAuthors 4 0% How many people contribute packages to this cpm? 13699 number 1.9 false hoplId 1807 35% What is the HOPL id of this language? 4365 number 1.9 true isLanguage 5065 100% Does PLDB categorize this entity as a language? true boolean 1.9 true inboundLinksCount 5065 100% How many other concepts link to this one? 0 number 1.9 true inboundLinks 458 9% Which other concepts link to this one? explorer string 1.9 true isFinished 5065 100% Has the creator or maintainer announced the language officially over, or has all activity stopped? Include a link to proof of the announcement. false boolean 1.9 true nativeLanguage 17 0% What is the native human language for this language, if not English? Korean string 1.9 false repoStats_firstCommit 1198 23% What year the first commit made in this git repo? 2015 number 1.9 false repoStats_newestCommit 1160 22% What year was the newest commit made in this git repo? 2022 number 1.9 false repoStats_commits 1198 23% How many commits to the repo? 871 number 1.9 false repoStats_committers 1198 23% How many committers to the repo? 28 number 1.9 false repoStats_files 1195 23% How many files in the repo? 49 number 1.9 false description 1117 22% How is this language described here? A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. string 1.99 false description githubRepo_description 1117 22% How is this language described here? A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. string 1.99 false description paper 32 0% What is a URL to a paper(s) by the creator(s) introducing this language? string 1.99 false rijuRepl_description 1117 22% How is this language described here? A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. string 1.99 false description lab 3992 78% In what community(ies) did the language first originate? Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto string 1.99 false rijuRepl_fileExtensions 38 0% What are the file extensions for this language? adb ads string 1.991 false wikipedia_fileExtensions 106 2% What are the file extensions for this language? adb ads string 1.991 false githubLanguage_fileExtensions 519 10% What are the file extensions for this language? bsl os string 1.991 false leachim6_fileExtensions 368 7% What are the file extensions for this language? abap string 1.991 false pygmentsHighlighter_fileExtensions 326 6% What are the file extensions for this language? abap ABAP string 1.991 false fileExtensions 250 4% What are the file extensions for this language? a51 string 1.991 false interviews 12 0% What is a URL(s) to an interview with the creator(s) about this language? string 1.999 false languageServerProtocolProject_writtenIn 53 1% What language(s) is the main implementation written in? typescript string 1.999 false writtenIn 1204 23% What language(s) is the main implementation written in? elixir markdown yaml string 1.999 false compilesTo 88 1% Which language(s) does this language primarily compile to? beam-bytecode string 1.9991 false leetSheets 84 1% What is a URL(s) to a leet sheet(s) for this language? string 1.9999 false isPublicDomain 24 0% Is this public domain? true boolean 2 false isOpenSource 1573 31% Is this an open source project? true boolean 2.01 true exercism 71 1% What is a URL to learn this language on Exercism? string 2.1 false numberOfUsersEstimate 5065 100% What is our estimate of number of users of this language? 928 number 2.1 true numberOfJobsEstimate 5065 100% What is our estimate of the number of jobs in this language? 0 number 2.1 true expandedMeasurements 5065 100% How many measurements do we have about this thing counting each list item as a measurement? 15 number 2.11 true related 213 4% What languages are related? logo string 2.2 false runsOnVm 9 0% What virtual machine(s) does this language run on? jvm string 2.2 false influencedBy 93 1% What languages influenced this one? algol-60 string 2.2 false successorOf 5 0% Was this language launched as the successor of another? asp string 2.2 false dialectOf 2 0% Is this language a dialect of a broader one? lisp string 2.2 false subsetOf 11 0% Is this language a subset of another? c string 2.2 false implementationOf 9 0% Is this language an implementation of another? scheme string 2.2 false renamedTo 5 0% What is the new name of this language? zeek string 2.2 false supersetOf 52 1% Is this language a superset of another? pascal string 2.2 false extensionOf 1 0% What language is this language an extension of? cpp string 2.2 false forkOf 3 0% What language is this language a fork of? common-log-format string 2.2 false inputLanguages 13 0% Which language(s) does this take as input? For compilers, what languages does this compile compile? javascript typescript jsx string 2.2 false protocols 1 0% Which protocols does this speak? www ftp http nntp gopher string 2.2 false irc 5 0% What is a link to an official (or popular unofficial) IRC channel(s) for language development? string 2.3 false numberOfCreators 1537 30% How many creators? 1 number 2.33 true isSelfHosted 1204 23% Is the main implementation of this language written in this language? false boolean 2.33 true latestMajorVersion 639 12% What is the latest major version (if using semver)? 1 number 2.33 true usesSemanticVersioning 639 12% Does the official release of the language use semantic versioning? true boolean 2.34 true tryItOnline 133 2% What is a link to try this language on string 2.4 false demoVideo 18 0% What is a URL of a demo video of this language? string 2.4 false clocExtensions 234 4% What are the file extensions for this language recognized by Al Danial's cloc? abap string 2.4 false gdbSupport 13 0% Is the language supported by the GNU Debugger? true boolean 2.4 false visualParadigm 95 1% Is this a visual programming thing? Sometimes called "no code" or "low code"? true boolean 2.4 false docs 398 7% What is a URL(s) to the official documentation for this language? string 2.5 false forums 1 0% What is a link to a web forum(s) for this language? string 2.5 false devDocs 2 0% What is a URL to the official documentation for developers who want to contribute to the language project? string 2.5 false ebook 4 0% What is a link to a free public domain high quality eBook about this language? string 2.5 false emailList 30 0% What is a link to the mailing list for this language? string 2.5 false esolang 22 0% What is a URL to this language on string 2.5 false eventsPageUrl 19 0% What is a URL to an events pages for this language? string 2.5 false faq 58 1% What is a URL to a frequently asked questions page for this language? string 2.5 false wordRank 377 7% Where does this word rank in terms of common English words? 4100 number 2.5 false fileType 1267 25% What is the file encoding for programs in this language? paper string 2.5 false annualReportsUrl 8 0% What is a URL to annual reports for this language? string 2.7 false antlr 60 1% What is a URL to an ANTLR grammar for this language? string 2.8 false replit 30 0% What is a URL to try this language on string 2.8 false rosettaCode 331 6% What is a URL to this language on Rosetta Code - string 2.8 false codeMirror 80 1% What is a URL to a CodeMirror syntax highlighting package for this language? velocity string 2.8 false monaco 74 1% What is a URL to a Monaco syntax highlighting package for this language? abap string 2.8 false quineRelay 70 1% What is the name of this language in the Quine Relay project from here Ada string 2.8 false packageRepository 60 1% What is a URL to the package repository for this language? string 2.9 false ubuntuPackage 65 1% What is the name of an Ubuntu package for this language from, if any? gnat string 2.9 false centralPackageRepositoryCount 0 0% How many central package repositories does this language have? number 2.9 false repoStats 0 0% What are basic stats on this repo? textarea 2.9 false proposals 11 0% What is the URL to a the place where language proposals are made, if one exists? string 2.99 false country 3757 74% What country was this language first developed in? Russia string 2.99 false funFact 3 0% What is a code block or some text containing a fun or unusual fact about the language? C gets credit for the // comments, starting in 1972, but that's not really accurate. BCPL -- which begat B which begat C -- had // comments but they were not included in C until C99. C++ (which isn't included in their top 30 languages) brought back // comments from BCPL sometime between 1979 and 1985 (the first public release of cfront). Many C compilers included // comments as an extension prior to C99 but those were inspired by C++ string 2.99 false projectEuler 104 2% Is this language one of the ones listed on ABAP string 2.999 false reference 2170 42% What is a URL to more info about this thing? string 2.9999 false subreddit 112 2% What is a URL of a subreddit(s) for this language? string 3 false twitter 270 5% What is a URL to the official Twitter account of this thing, if any? string 3 false tiktoks 3 0% What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) TikTok(s) for this language? string 3 false discord 23 0% What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Discord for this language? string 3 false mastodon 3 0% What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Mastodon for this language? string 3 false discourse 3 0% What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Discourse for this language? string 3 false instagram 1 0% What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Instagram for this language? string 3 false facebook 2 0% What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Facebook group for this language? string 3 false youtubes 10 0% What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) YouTube channel(s) for this language? string 3 false linguistGrammarRepo_example 365 7% What is a representative snippet for this language? Каталог = ОбъединитьПути(ТекущийКаталог(), "libs\oscript-library\src"); Загрузчик_Оригинал_ИмяФайла = ОбъединитьПути(Каталог, "package-loader.os"); Файлы = НайтиФайлы(Каталог, , Ложь); Для Каждого ВыбФайл Из Файлы Цикл Если ВыбФайл.ЭтоФайл() Тогда Продолжить; КонецЕсли; Загрузчик_ИмяФайла = ОбъединитьПути(ВыбФайл.ПолноеИмя, "package-loader.os"); Загрузчик_Файл = Новый Файл(Загрузчик_ИмяФайла); Если Загрузчик_Файл.Существует() Тогда Продолжить; КонецЕсли; КопироватьФайл(Загрузчик_Оригинал_ИмяФайла, Загрузчик_ИмяФайла); КонецЦикла; string 3 false rijuRepl 220 4% What is a URL to try this language on string 3 false rijuRepl_example 220 4% What is a representative snippet for this language? WRITE "Hello, world!" / string 3 false wikipedia_example 630 12% What is a representative snippet for this language? C F 8 4 2 1 1 0 1 0  – Record Mark (right most end of record, prints as a double dagger symbol, ‡) 1 1 0 0  – Numeric Blank (blank for punched card output formatting) 1 1 1 1  – Group Mark (right most end of a group of records for disk I/O) string 3 false compilerExplorer_example 34 0% What is a representative snippet for this language? -- This pragma will remove the warning produced by the default -- CE filename and the procedure name differing, -- see : pragma Source_File_Name (Square, Body_File_Name => "example.adb"); -- Type your code here, or load an example. function Square(num : Integer) return Integer is begin return num**2; end Square; -- Ada 2012 also provides Expression Functions -- ( -- as a short hand for functions whose body consists of a -- single return statement. However they cannot be used as a -- compilation unit. -- function Square(num : Integer) return Integer is (num**2); string 3 false leachim6_example 427 8% What is a representative snippet for this language? "Hello World string 3 false pygmentsHighlighter 341 6% What is a url to a Pygments syntax highlighting class for this language ABAP string 3 false example 922 18% What is a representative snippet for this language? PUSH 4 PUSH 5 MULTIPLY string 3 false helloWorldCollection 150 2% What is the name of this project in the Hello World Collection? \ Hello world in ABC WRITE "Hello, World!" / string 3 false theLanguage 1 0% What is the entire definition of the language, if it's a small one? ;;; Qlang version 0.1 ;;; R5RS Scheme plus getprop, putprop, error ;; queue primitives from SICP pp. 209-212 ;; in classical Lisp, called "tconc" representation (define front-ptr car) (define rear-ptr cdr) (define set-front-ptr! set-car!) (define set-rear-ptr! set-cdr!) (define (empty-queue? queue) (null? (front-ptr queue))) (define (make-queue) (cons '() '())) (define (insert-queue! queue item) (let ((new-pair (cons item '()))) (cond ((empty-queue? queue) (set-front-ptr! queue new-pair) (set-rear-ptr! queue new-pair)) (else (set-cdr! (rear-ptr queue) new-pair) (set-rear-ptr! queue new-pair))))) (define (delete-queue! queue) (if (empty-queue? queue) (error "delete-queue!" "empty queue") (let ((front (car (front-ptr queue)))) (set-front-ptr! queue (cdr (front-ptr queue))) front))) (define queue->list front-ptr) ;; define a Qlang primitive (define (q-prim sym fn arity) (putprop sym 'q-subr fn) (putprop sym 'q-arity arity)) ;; return the arity of an operator, or -1 if not an operator (define (q-arity sym) (if (symbol? sym) (getprop sym 'q-arity -1) -1)) ;; return the Qlang definition of a symbol (define (q-def sym) (getprop sym 'q-subr #f)) ;; execute Qlang expression encoded as list (define (q-exec list) (let ((queue (make-queue))) (for-each (lambda (elem) (insert-queue! queue elem)) list) (q-exec-queue queue))) ;; execute Qlang expression encoded as queue (define (q-exec-queue queue) (let* ((item (delete-queue! queue)) (arity (q-arity item))) (cond ((empty-queue? queue) item) ((negative? arity) (insert-queue! queue item) (q-exec-queue queue)) ((q-args-available? (queue->list queue) item arity) (insert-queue! queue (apply (q-def item) (q-get-args! queue arity))) (q-exec-queue queue)) (else (insert-queue! queue item) (q-exec-queue queue))))) ;; Are the right number of arguments available? (define (q-args-available? args sym count) (cond ((zero? count) #t) ((null? args) (error (symbol->string sym) "missing arguments")) ((>= (q-arity (car args)) 0) #f) (else (q-args-available? (cdr args) sym (- count 1))))) (define (q-get-args! queue count) (if (zero? count) '() (let ((arg (delete-queue! queue))) (cons arg (q-get-args! queue (- count 1)))))) ;; some primitives (q-prim '+ + 2) (q-prim '* * 2) (q-prim 'pi (lambda () 3.141592653) 0) string 3 false leachim6 427 8% What is a URL to this language in leachim6's hello-world project? 05AB1E string 3.2 false gource 25 0% What is a URL to a Gource visualization of this project's git history? string 3.4 false languageServerProtocolProject 55 1% What is the URL to a project implementing LSP for this language? string 3.4 false compilerExplorer 34 0% What is this language's name on Ada string 3.4 false githubCopilotOptimized 7 0% Is this language optimized for GitHub copilot, as found on this list true boolean 3.5 false keywords 119 2% What are all the keywords in this language? abap-source abbreviated abstract accept accepting according activation actual add add-corresponding adjacent after alias aliases align all allocate alpha analysis analyzer and append appendage appending application archive area arithmetic as ascending aspect assert assign assigned assigning association asynchronous at attributes authority authority-check avg back background backup backward badi base before begin between big binary bintohex bit black blank blanks blob block blocks blue bound boundaries bounds boxed break-point buffer by bypassing byte byte-order call calling case cast casting catch center centered chain chain-input chain-request change changing channels character char-to-hex check checkbox ci_ circular class class-coding class-data class-events class-methods class-pool cleanup clear client clob clock close coalesce code coding col_background col_group col_heading col_key col_negative col_normal col_positive col_total collect color column columns comment comments commit common communication comparing component components compression compute concat concat_with_space concatenate cond condense condition connect connection constants context contexts continue control controls conv conversion convert copies copy corresponding country cover cpi create creating critical currency currency_conversion current cursor cursor-selection customer customer-function dangerous data database datainfo dataset date dats_add_days dats_add_months dats_days_between dats_is_valid daylight dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yyyy ddmmyy deallocate decimal_shift decimals declarations deep default deferred define defining definition delete deleting demand department descending describe destination detail dialog directory disconnect display display-mode distinct divide divide-corresponding division do dummy duplicate duplicates duration during dynamic dynpro edit editor-call else elseif empty enabled enabling encoding end endat endcase endcatch endchain endclass enddo endenhancement end-enhancement-section endexec endform endfunction endian endif ending endinterface end-lines endloop endmethod endmodule end-of-definition end-of-editing end-of-file end-of-page end-of-selection endon endprovide endselect end-test-injection end-test-seam endtry endwhile endwith engineering enhancement enhancement-point enhancements enhancement-section entries entry enum environment equiv errormessage errors escaping event events exact except exception exceptions exception-table exclude excluding exec execute exists exit exit-command expand expanding expiration explicit exponent export exporting extend extended extension extract fail fetch field field-groups fields field-symbol field-symbols file filter filters filter-table final find first first-line fixed-point fkeq fkge flush font for form format forward found frame frames free friends from function functionality function-pool further gaps generate get giving gkeq gkge global grant green group groups handle handler harmless hashed having hdb header headers heading head-lines help-id help-request hextobin hide high hint hold hotspot icon id identification identifier ids if ignore ignoring immediately implementation implementations implemented implicit import importing in inactive incl include includes including increment index index-line infotypes inheriting init initial initialization inner inout input insert instance instances instr intensified interface interface-pool interfaces internal intervals into inverse inverted-date is iso job join keep keeping kernel key keys keywords kind language last late layout leading leave left left-justified leftplus leftspace legacy length let level levels like line lines line-count linefeed line-selection line-size list listbox list-processing little llang load load-of-program lob local locale locator logfile logical log-point long loop low lower lpad lpi ltrim mail main major-id mapping margin mark mask match matchcode max maximum medium members memory mesh message message-id messages messaging method methods min minimum minor-id mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yyyy mmddyy mode modif modifier modify module move move-corresponding multiply multiply-corresponding name nametab native nested nesting new new-line new-page new-section next no no-display no-extension no-gap no-gaps no-grouping no-heading no-scrolling no-sign no-title no-topofpage no-zero node nodes non-unicode non-unique not null number object objects obligatory occurrence occurrences occurs of off offset ole on only open option optional options or order other others out outer output output-length overflow overlay pack package pad padding page pages parameter parameters parameter-table part partially pattern percentage perform performing person pf1 pf10 pf11 pf12 pf13 pf14 pf15 pf2 pf3 pf4 pf5 pf6 pf7 pf8 pf9 pf-status pink places pool pos_high pos_low position pragmas precompiled preferred preserving primary print print-control priority private procedure process program property protected provide public push pushbutton put queue-only quickinfo radiobutton raise raising range ranges read reader read-only receive received receiver receiving red redefinition reduce reduced ref reference refresh regex reject remote renaming replace replacement replacing report request requested reserve reset resolution respecting responsible result results resumable resume retry return returncode returning returns right right-justified rightplus rightspace risk rmc_communication_failure rmc_invalid_status rmc_system_failure role rollback rows rpad rtrim run sap sap-spool saving scale_preserving scale_preserving_scientific scan scientific scientific_with_leading_zero scroll scroll-boundary scrolling search secondary seconds section select selection selections selection-screen selection-set selection-sets selection-table select-options send separate separated set shared shift short shortdump-id sign_as_postfix single size skip skipping smart some sort sortable sorted source specified split spool spots sql sqlscript stable stamp standard starting start-of-editing start-of-selection state statement statements static statics statusinfo step-loop stop structure structures style subkey submatches submit subroutine subscreen subtract subtract-corresponding suffix sum summary summing supplied supply suppress switch switchstates symbol syncpoints syntax syntax-check syntax-trace system-call system-exceptions system-exit tab tabbed table tables tableview tabstrip target task tasks test testing test-injection test-seam text textpool then throw time times timestamp timezone tims_is_valid title titlebar title-lines to tokenization tokens top-lines top-of-page trace-file trace-table trailing transaction transfer transformation translate transporting trmac truncate truncation try tstmp_add_seconds tstmp_current_utctimestamp tstmp_is_valid tstmp_seconds_between type type-pool type-pools types uline unassign under unicode union unique unit_conversion unix unpack until unwind up update upper user user-command using utf-8 valid value value-request values vary varying verification-message version via view visible wait warning when whenever where while width window windows with with-heading without with-title word work write writer xml xsd yellow yes yymmdd zero zone abap_system_timezone abap_user_timezone access action adabas adjust_numbers allow_precision_loss allowed amdp applicationuser as_geo_json as400 associations balance behavior breakup bulk cds cds_client check_before_save child clients corr corr_spearman cross cycles datn_add_days datn_add_months datn_days_between dats_from_datn dats_tims_to_tstmp dats_to_datn db2 db6 ddl dense_rank depth deterministic discarding entities entity error failed finalize first_value fltp_to_dec following fractional full graph grouping hierarchy hierarchy_ancestors hierarchy_ancestors_aggregate hierarchy_descendants hierarchy_descendants_aggregate hierarchy_siblings incremental indicators lag last_value lead leaves like_regexpr link locale_sap lock locks many mapped matched measures median mssqlnt multiple nodetype ntile nulls occurrences_regexpr one operations oracle orphans over parent parents partition pcre period pfcg_mapping preceding privileged product projection rank redirected replace_regexpr reported response responses root row row_number sap_system_date save schema session sets shortdump siblings spantree start stddev string_agg subtotal sybase tims_from_timn tims_to_timn to_blob to_clob total trace-entry tstmp_to_dats tstmp_to_dst tstmp_to_tims tstmpl_from_utcl tstmpl_to_utcl unbounded utcl_add_seconds utcl_current utcl_seconds_between uuid var verbatim string 4 false meetup 58 1% What is a URL for active meetup groups for this language on string 4 false gitRepo 32 0% What is the URL of the official git repo for the language project if not hosted on GitHub or GitLab or Sourcehut? string 4 false specRepo 2 0% What is the URL of the official spec for the language project? string 4 false githubRepo 1189 23% What is the URL of the official GitHub repo for the project if it is hosted there? string 4 false gitlabRepo 14 0% What is the URL of the official GitLab repo for the language project? string 4 false sourcehutRepo 5 0% What is the URL of the official sourcehut repo for this project? string 4 false rijuRepl_gitRepo 38 0% What is the URL of the official git repo for the language project if not hosted on GitHub or GitLab or Sourcehut? string 4 false lineCommentToken 486 9% What is the token(s) that can be placed anywhere on a line and starts a comment that cannot be stopped except by a line break character or end of file? * string 5 false multiLineCommentTokens 180 3% What is the start delimiter and end token (which can be the same) for comments that can span multiple lines? /* */ string 5 false printToken 318 6% What token(s) is used to print a message? " string 5 false stringToken 337 6% What token(s) is used to delimit a string? " string 5 false assignmentToken 38 0% What token(s) is used for assignment to an identifier? := string 5 false booleanTokens 101 1% What token(s) is used for true and false? true false string 5 false includeToken 4 0% What token(s) is used for including another file? require string 5 false canDoShebang 6 0% Does this language support shebang executable scripts? true boolean 7 false canReadCommandLineArgs 3 0% Does this language support command line arguments? true boolean 7 false canUseQuestionMarksAsPartOfIdentifier 2 0% Is the question mark (?) allowed as part of an identifier? false boolean 7 false canWriteToDisk 12 0% Does this language have methods or standard libraries for writing to disk? true boolean 7 false hasAbstractTypes 3 0% Does this language have a keyword for abstract classes or types? false boolean 7 false hasAccessModifiers 22 0% Does this language have access modifiers? true boolean 7 false hasAlgebraicTypes 2 0% Does this language support algebraic types? true boolean 7 false hasAnonymousFunctions 7 0% Does the language support anonymous functions, aka Lambdas? true boolean 7 false hasArraySlicingSyntax 3 0% Does the language have array slicing syntax, such as [0:2]? true boolean 7 false hasAssertStatements 6 0% Does the language have built in assert statements? true boolean 7 false hasAssignment 58 1% Does the language allow assigning values to variables? true boolean 7 false hasAsyncAwait 9 0% Does the language have an async/await construct? true boolean 7 false hasBinaryNumbers 50 0% Does the language have a type and syntax for binary numbers? true boolean 7 false hasBinaryOperators 3 0% Does the language have operators for operating on binary types? true boolean 7 false hasBitWiseOperators 15 0% Does the language have operators for bitwise manipulations? true boolean 7 false hasBlobs 2 0% Does the language have a blobs concept? false boolean 7 false hasBooleans 125 2% Does the language have a type and syntax for booleans? true boolean 7 false hasBoundedCheckedArrays 3 0% Are array boundaries checked by the language? true boolean 7 false hasBreak 5 0% Does the language have a keyword for breaking out of a loop? true boolean 7 false hasBuiltInRegex 4 0% Does the language include/import a regular expression language? false boolean 7 false hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers 80 1% Are identifiers in this language case insensitive? false boolean 7 false hasCharacters 3 0% Does this language have a syntax and type for a "character"? true boolean 7 false hasClasses 37 0% Does the language have a concept of classes? true boolean 7 false hasClobs 1 0% Does the language have a specific type for character large object? true boolean 7 false hasComments 635 12% Does the language have a syntax and support for comments? true boolean 7 false hasConditionals 80 1% Does the language have conditional statements and/or conditional expressions? true boolean 7 false hasConstants 31 0% Does the language have a way to declare constant compile time variables? true boolean 7 false hasConstructors 20 0% Does the language have a syntax and/or notion of constructors? true boolean 7 false hasContinue 5 0% Does the language have a syntax/keyword for continuing a loop? true boolean 7 false hasDecimals 2 0% Does the language have a decimal data type? true boolean 7 false hasDecorators 1 0% Does the language have decorators? true boolean 7 false hasDefaultParameters 7 0% Does the language have a way to define default parameters for functions? true boolean 7 false hasDependentTypes 6 0% Does a language have types who's definition depends on its value or the value of other types? true boolean 7 false hasDestructuring 6 0% Does the language have a syntax for conveniently extracting multiple values from a structure? true boolean 7 false hasDirectives 24 0% Is the language embedded in a tiny compile-time directive language? true boolean 7 false hasDisposeBlocks 4 0% Does the language have a syntax for dispose blocks to free up resources allocated during execution? true boolean 7 false hasDocComments 5 0% Is there a standard mini language written in comments for documenting code? true boolean 7 false hasDuckTyping 5 0% Are types defined not by their name, but by the presence of certain methods and properties? false boolean 7 false hasDynamicProperties 5 0% Does all properties have to be declared or does the language support dynamic properties? true boolean 7 false hasDynamicSizedArrays 3 0% Do arrays have to have their size specified at compile time or can they be dynamically sized? true boolean 7 false hasDynamicTyping 5 0% Are types of variables fixed or can they change during runtime? false boolean 7 false hasEnums 15 0% Does the language have a syntax and type for enums? true boolean 7 false hasEscapeCharacters 5 0% Does the language have any notion of escape characters? true boolean 7 false hasExceptions 27 0% Does the language have a concept and syntax for exceptions? true boolean 7 false hasExplicitTypeCasting 8 0% Does the language have a syntax for type casting? true boolean 7 false hasExports 2 0% Does the language have a syntax for explicitly exporting items from a module or file? true boolean 7 false hasExpressions 7 0% Does the language have a concept of expressions? true boolean 7 false hasFirstClassFunctions 4 0% Does the language have functions that can be passed as arguments to other functions, can be returned by other functions, and can be assigned to variables or stored in data structures? true boolean 7 false hasFixedPoint 9 0% Does the language have a type and syntax for fixed point numbers, such as currencies with 2 decimal points? true boolean 7 false hasFloats 142 2% Does the language have a syntax and type for floating points? true boolean 7 false hasFnArguments 3 0% Do functions accept arguments? true boolean 7 false hasForEachLoops 7 0% Does the language have a concept and syntax for for-each loops? true boolean 7 false hasForLoops 8 0% Does the language have a concept of and syntax for for-loops? true boolean 7 false hasFunctionComposition 9 0% Can you pass functions into other functions and get new combined functions? true boolean 7 false hasFunctionOverloading 10 0% Can you have multiple functions with the same name but different parameters? false boolean 7 false hasFunctions 48 0% Does the language have a concept of and syntax for functions? true boolean 7 false hasGarbageCollection 30 0% Does the language have a garbage collector or must memory of constructs be managed manually? true boolean 7 false hasGradualTypes 3 0% Does the language support gradual types? true boolean 7 false hasGenerators 4 0% Does the language have a concept of loops that yield? true boolean 7 false hasGenerics 8 0% Does the language have generics? true boolean 7 false hasGlobalScope 4 0% Is there at least one top level scope? true boolean 7 false hasGotos 9 0% Does the language have a concept of and syntax for gotos? true boolean 7 false hasHereDocs 10 0% Does the language have a syntax for multiline text blocks? true boolean 7 false hasHexadecimals 112 2% Does the language have a syntax for hexadecimals? true boolean 7 false hasHomoiconicity 9 0% Is the language also a valid data structure in that language? true boolean 7 false hasIds 1 0% Does the language have a concept of unique identifiers? true boolean 7 false hasIfElses 3 0% Does the language have if-else statements or expressions? true boolean 7 false hasIfs 3 0% Does the language have "if" statements or expressions? true boolean 7 false hasImplicitArguments 2 0% Does the language have a concept of contextual or implicit parameters? true boolean 7 false hasImplicitTypeConversions 3 0% Does the language automatically convert types as needed? true boolean 7 false hasImports 52 1% Does this language have a syntax for importing other files? true boolean 7 false hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators 15 0% Does this language have increment and decrement operators? true boolean 7 false hasInfixNotation 9 0% Does this language use operators between operands? true boolean 7 false hasInheritance 23 0% Does this language have class inheritance? true boolean 7 false hasIntegers 166 3% Does this language have a syntax and type for integers? true boolean 7 false hasInterfaces 8 0% Does this language have a concept of interfaces? true boolean 7 false hasIterators 9 0% Does this language have iterators? true boolean 7 false hasLabels 5 0% Does the language have a way to label locations within the source code? false boolean 7 false hasLazyEvaluation 3 0% Does the language wait to evaluate expressions until needed? true boolean 7 false hasLineComments 556 10% Does the language have line comments? true boolean 7 false hasLists 24 0% Does the language have lists? true boolean 7 false hasStandardLibrary 42 0% Does the language have a standard library? true boolean 7 false hasExplicitStandardLibrary 3 0% Do you have to explicitly include the standard library? true boolean 7 false hasMacros 37 0% Does the language have a compile-time macro pass? true boolean 7 false hasMagicGettersAndSetters 5 0% Does the language have a way to handle undefined getters and setters? false boolean 7 false hasManualMemoryManagement 7 0% Does the language have manual memory management? true boolean 7 false hasMapFunctions 2 0% Does the language support running map over a list? true boolean 7 false hasMaps 8 0% Does the language have a map (aka hashtable) data structure? true boolean 7 false hasMemberVariables 2 0% Does the language have member variables? true boolean 7 false hasMessagePassing 14 0% Does the language support message passing? true boolean 7 false hasMethodChaining 2 0% Does the language support method chaining? true boolean 7 false hasMethodOverloading 2 0% Does the language support method overloading? false boolean 7 false hasMethods 4 0% Does the language have methods on classes? true boolean 7 false hasMixins 9 0% Does the language allow including methods from a class without inheriting from that class? false boolean 7 false hasModules 13 0% Does the language have a concept of modules for organizing and packaging code? true boolean 7 false hasMonads 1 0% Does the language have monads? true boolean 7 false hasMultiLineComments 247 4% Does the language have multi-line comments? true boolean 7 false hasMultilineStrings 15 0% Does the language support multiline strings? true boolean 7 false hasMultipleDispatch 7 0% Does the language support multiple dispatch? true boolean 7 false hasMultipleInheritance 20 0% Does the language allow multiple inheritance? true boolean 7 false hasNamespaces 9 0% Does the language have a namespace construct? false boolean 7 false hasNull 5 0% Does the language have a null value? true boolean 7 false hasOctals 58 1% Does the language have a syntax for octal numbers? true boolean 7 false hasOperatorOverloading 50 0% Does the language allow operator overloading? true boolean 7 false hasOperators 6 0% Does the language have operators? true boolean 7 false hasPairs 1 0% Does the language have a pair structure? true boolean 7 false hasPartialApplication 5 0% Does the language support partial application? true boolean 7 false hasPatternMatching 12 0% Does the language support pattern matching? true boolean 7 false hasPipes 7 0% Does the language have a pipe operator? true boolean 7 false hasPointers 26 0% Does the language have a structure that is a location in memory? true boolean 7 false hasPolymorphism 6 0% Does the language have polymorphism? true boolean 7 false hasPostfixNotation 4 0% Does the language allow operators to be placed at the end of the expression? true boolean 7 false hasPrefixNotation 5 0% Does the language allow operators to be placed at the beginning of the expression? true boolean 7 false hasPrintDebugging 323 6% Does the language have a built in function that allows one to print debug? true boolean 7 false hasProcessorRegisters 2 0% Does the language have named symbols for a processor's registers? false boolean 7 false hasRangeOperators 5 0% Does the language have a syntax for creating ranges? true boolean 7 false hasReferences 3 0% Does the language have a structure for holding a reference to an existing object? true boolean 7 false hasRefinementTypes 1 0% Does the language have a way to attach a predicate to a type? true boolean 7 false hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar 15 0% Does the language have special syntax for regular expressions? false boolean 7 false hasRequiredMainFunction 3 0% Does the language require a function named main (or similar)? false boolean 7 false hasReservedWords 5 0% Does a concept of reserved words exists, for example, not being able to use certain keywords as variable names.? true boolean 7 false hasRunTimeGuards 2 0% Does the language support run-time guards? true boolean 7 false hasSExpressions 4 0% Does the language have S Expressions? false boolean 7 false hasScientificNotation 16 0% Does the language have a syntax for Scientific Notation? true boolean 7 false hasSelfOrThisWord 3 0% Does a language have a keyword or syntax to refer to the current instance? true boolean 7 false hasSemanticIndentation 590 11% Does the language use semantic indentation? false boolean 7 false hasSets 6 0% Does the language come with a Set data structure? true boolean 7 false hasSingleDispatch 10 0% Does the method called depended on a single operand? true boolean 7 false hasSingleTypeArrays 4 0% Does the language have a list data structure that only can hold items of the same type? true boolean 7 false hasSourceMaps 2 0% Does the language support the generation of source maps? true boolean 7 false hasStatementTerminatorCharacter 2 0% Does the language have a statement terminator character such as ";"? true boolean 7 false hasStatements 2 0% Does the language have a concept of statements? true boolean 7 false hasStaticMethods 2 0% Can a class have static methods? true boolean 7 false hasStaticTyping 11 0% Does the language have static typing at compile time? true boolean 7 false hasStreams 3 0% Does the language have a concept of streams? true boolean 7 false hasStringConcatOperator 2 0% Is there an operator for concatenating strings? true boolean 7 false hasStrings 368 7% Does the language have a strings data structure? true boolean 7 false hasStructs 10 0% Does the language have a structs structure? true boolean 7 false hasSwitch 28 0% Does the language have switch statements or expressions? true boolean 7 false hasSymbolTables 4 0% Does the compiler use symbol tables internally? true boolean 7 false hasSymbols 3 0% Does the language have a concept of symbols? true boolean 7 false hasTemplates 6 0% Does the language support templates? false boolean 7 false hasTernaryOperators 16 0% Does the language have ternary operators? true boolean 7 false hasThreads 9 0% Does the language support a concept of threads? true boolean 7 false hasTimestamps 2 0% Does the language have a builtin timestamps data structure? true boolean 7 false hasTraits 2 0% Does the language support traits? true boolean 7 false hasTriples 1 0% Does the language have a structure for subject–predicate–object expressions? true boolean 7 false hasTryCatch 4 0% Does the language have a try/catch construct? true boolean 7 false hasTypeAliases 3 0% Does the language have type aliases? true boolean 7 false hasTypeAnnotations 2 0% Does the language have a syntax for annotating the types of variables? true boolean 7 false hasTypeInference 29 0% Can the parser infer the type of a variable at compile time without an annotation? true boolean 7 false hasTypeParameters 3 0% Does the language support a concept of type parameters? true boolean 7 false hasTypedHoles 4 0% Does the language have a syntax for typed holes? true boolean 7 false hasUnaryOperators 4 0% Does the language have any unary operators like ++ or --? true boolean 7 false hasUnicodeIdentifiers 5 0% Does the language support Unicode identifiers? false boolean 7 false hasUnionTypes 5 0% Does the language support union types? true boolean 7 false hasUnitsOfMeasure 11 0% Does the language support units of measure? false boolean 7 false hasUserDefinedOperators 4 0% Does the language allow for defining your own operators? false boolean 7 false hasValueReturnedFunctions 1 0% Can functions return a value? true boolean 7 false hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax 12 0% Do you use different syntax when assigning versus referencing a variable? true boolean 7 false hasVariadicFunctions 7 0% Does the language support functions that accept a variable number of parameters? true boolean 7 false hasVirtualFunctions 2 0% Does the language have virtual functions? true boolean 7 false hasVoidFunctions 2 0% Does the language have void functions that return nothing? true boolean 7 false hasWhileLoops 53 1% Does the language have while loops? true boolean 7 false hasZeroBasedNumbering 13 0% Does the language start counting from 0, rather than 1? true boolean 7 false hasZippers 1 0% Does the language have zippers built in or as a library, which are roughly a pointer with context on a tree? true boolean 7 false isCaseSensitive 30 0% Is this language case sensitive? false boolean 7 false letterFirstIdentifiers 2 0% Must identifiers start with a letter? true boolean 7 false mergesWhitespace 2 0% Does this language merge whitespace, so N spaces is treated the same as a single space? true boolean 7 false supportsBreakpoints 2 0% Does this language support breakpoints? true boolean 7 false jupyterKernel 73 1% What is a link to a Jupyter Kernel for this language? string 9 false wikipedia 1935 38% What is the URL of this entity on Wikipedia, if and only if it has a page dedicated to it? string 9 false bookCount 5065 100% What is the count of booked we have published about this thing? 0 number 10 true paperCount 5065 100% What is the count of papers we have published about this thing? 0 number 10 true hopl 1807 35% What is the URL to this language in Diarmuid Pigott's Online Historical Encyclopaedia of Programming Languages site? string 11 false pypl 29 0% What is this language's id on Abap string 11 false tiobe 204 4% What is the ID of this language in Tiobe's ranking of programming languages here: ABAP string 11 false domainName 889 17% What is the domain for this language's website if it has its own? string 12 false githubBigQuery 420 8% What is the name of this language in the Google BigQuery Public Datasets about GitHub repos found at 1C Enterprise string 13 false linguistGrammarRepo 416 8% What is the URL to the Linguist Grammar repo used by GitHub for this language? string 16 false hackerNewsDiscussions 180 3% What are URLS to Hacker News posts discussing this language? id|title|time|timestamp|by|comments|score\n17544330|Show HN: 6gunz – spreadsheet / programming language / microservices framework|2018-07-16 19:36:57 UTC|1531769817|repsilat|5|9 string 18 false isbndb 390 7% What are books about this language from ISBNdb? year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13\n2002|Addison-Wesley Professional|SAP.Keller: ABAP Objects_c|Keller, Horst and Keller, Horst and Kruger, Sascha|9780201750805\n2018|SAP Press|ABAP Programming Model for SAP Fiori: ABAP Development for SAP S/4HANA (SAP PRESS)|Stefan Haas and Bince Mathew|9781493217649\n1999|Premier Pr|Advanced Abap Programming For Sap (sap R/3)|Gareth M De Bruyn and Ken Kroes|9780761517986\n2010|Springer|Web Dynpro ABAP for Practitioners|Gellert, Ulrich and Cristea, Ana Daniela|9783642113857\n2019|SAP Press|ABAP: The Comprehensive Guide to SAP ABAP 7.52 and 1909 (Second Edition) (SAP PRESS)|Kiran Bandari|9781493218660\n2019|SAP Press|ABAP: An Introduction and Beginner's Guide to Programming with SAP ABAP (2nd Edition) (SAP PRESS)|Brian O'Neil and Jelena Perfiljeva|9781493218806\n2015-11-30T00:00:01Z|SAP Press|ABAP Objects: ABAP Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) (2nd Edition) (SAP PRESS)|James Wood and Joseph Rupert|9781592299935\n2019|SAP Press|ABAP to the Future: Advanced, Modern ABAP (Third Edition) (SAP PRESS)|Paul Hardy|9781493217618\n2019|Packt Publishing|Mastering SAP ABAP: A complete guide to developing fast, durable, and maintainable ABAP programs in SAP|Grześkowiak, Paweł and Ciesielski, Wojciech and Ćwik, Wojciech|9781787129498\n2011|SAP PRESS|Discover ABAP: Your Introduction to ABAP Objects|Kühnhauser, Karl-Heinz and Franz, Thorsten|9781592294022\n2007|SAP PRESS|ABAP Objects: ABAP Programming in SAP NetWeaver|Keller, Horst and Krüger, Sascha|9781592290796\n2017|Independently published|Learn ABAP in 1 Day: Definitive Guide to Learn SAP ABAP Programming for Beginners|Rungta, Krishna|9781521595701\n2014-07-17T00:00:01Z|Cengage Learning PTR|Introduction to ABAP Programming for SAP, 3rd Edition|Gareth M. De Bruyn and Robert Lyfareff and Mark Balleza and Dhruv Kashyap|9781305266476\n2019|SAP Press|ABAP RESTful Programming Model: ABAP Development for SAP S/4HANA (SAP PRESS)|Stefan Haas and Bince Mathew|9781493219032\n2009-09-28T00:00:01Z|SAP PRESS|Official ABAP Programming Guidelines|Keller, Horst and Thümmel, Wolf Hagen|9781592292905\n2012|Packt Publishing|SAP ABAP Advanced cookbook (Quick Answers to Common Problems)|Zaidi, Rehan|9781849684897\n2019|Packt Publishing|Mastering SAP ABAP: A complete guide to developing fast, durable, and maintainable ABAP programs in SAP|Grzeskowiak, Pawel and Ciesielski, Wojciech and Cwik, Wojciech|9781787288942\n2010-05-28T00:00:01Z|SAP PRESS|ABAP Cookbook: Programming Recipes for Everyday Solutions|Wood, James|9781592293261\n2021|Apress|Improving the Quality of ABAP Code: Striving for Perfection|Hardy, Paul David|9781484267110\n2013|Springer|Web Dynpro ABAP for Practitioners|Gellert, Ulrich and Cristea, Ana Daniela|9783642382475\n2009-01-28T00:00:01Z|SAP PRESS|Object-Oriented Programming with ABAP Objects|Wood, James|9781592292356\n2010|SAP PRESS|ABAP Development for Materials Management in SAP: User Exits and BAdIs|Schwaninger, Jürgen|9781592293735\n2017|Apress|Pro SAP Scripts, Smartforms, and Data Migration: ABAP Programming Simplified|Markandeya, Sushil|9781484231838\n2006|Apress|Foundations of Java for ABAP Programmers|Rooney, Alistair|9781590596258\n2012|Packt Publishing|SAP ABAP Advanced cookbook (Quick Answers to Common Problems)|Zaidi Rehan|9781849684880\n2006|Equity Press|SAP ABAP Certification Review: SAP ABAP Interview Questions, Answers, And Explanations|Fewer, Barry|9781933804064\n2004|SAP PRESS|Enhancing the Quality of ABAP Development|Heuvelmans, Wouter and Krouwels, Albert and Meijs, Ben and Sommen, Ron|9781592290307\n20170620|Springer Nature|JavaScript Essentials for SAP ABAP Developers|Rehan Zaidi|9781484222201\n2017|Rheinwerk Publishing,|Complete Abap|Bandari, Kiran|9781493212743\n2010-05-28|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|ABAP Cookbook|James Wood|9781592298877\n2012-10-28|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|Web Dynpro ABAP|James Wood and Shaan Parvaze|9781592295999\n20190927|Springer Nature|SAP ABAP Objects|Rehan Zaidi|9781484249642\n20210529|Springer Nature|ABAP in Eclipse|Łukasz Pęgiel|9781484269633\n2009-06-28|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|ABAP Performance Tuning|Hermann Gahm|9781592295555\n2019-11-21|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|ABAP RESTful Programming Model|Stefan Haas and Bince Mathew|9781493219049\n2013-10-28|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|Function Modules in ABAP|Tanmaya Gupta|9781592298518\n2019-02-26|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|ABAP to the Future|Paul Hardy|9781493217625\n2018-11-27|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|ABAP Programming Model for SAP Fiori|Stefan Haas and Bince Mathew|9781493217656\n2018-08-01|Createspace Independent Publishing Platform|Interface Programming In Sap Abap|Dr Boris Rubarth|9781722902940\n20210401|Springer Nature|Automated Unit Testing with ABAP|James E. McDonough|9781484269510\n1996|Prima Pub|Introduction To Abap 4 Programming|Gareth Debruyn|9780761508038\n2016|Rheinwerk Publishing,|Object-oriented Programming With Abap Objects|Wood, James and Rupert, Joe|\n2015-10-22|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|Object-Oriented Programming with ABAP Objects|James Wood and Joseph Rupert|9781592299942\n2010-11-28|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|BRFplus—Business Rule Management for ABAP Applications|Thomas Albrecht and Carsten Ziegler|9781592298914\n1999|Consultants Network Inc|Instant Access: Sap Developer's Reference For Abap|The Consultants Network Inc.|9780965563345\n2011-01-28|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|ABAP Development for Financial Accounting: Custom Enhancements|Sergey Korolev|9781592297399\n2012-09-28|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|ABAP Development for Sales and Distribution in SAP|Michael Koch|9781592296033\n2000|Youguys Pub|Abap Programming: A Guide To The Certification Course|Kathleen Sikora|9780970655400\n2017|Apress|Pro Sap Scripts, Smartforms, And Data Migration: Abap Programming Simplified|Sushil Markandeya|9781484231821\n2010-11-28|Rheinwerk Publishing, Inc.|ABAP Development for Materials Management in SAP: User Exits and BAdIs|Jürgen Schwaninger|9781592297436\n2003|Sap Press|Web Programming With The Sap Web Application Server: The Complete Guide For Abap And Web Developers|Frédéric Heinemann and Christian Rau|9781592290130 string 22 false githubLanguage 529 10% What is the name of this language on GitHub's list of supported languages defined here 1C Enterprise string 32 false indeedJobs 111 2% How many job descriptions match this query for this language on abap developer string 36 false linkedInSkill 57 1% How many people list this skill on LinkedIn? android string 36 false stackOverflowSurvey 0 0% What is the summary of this language from the StackOverflow annual developer survey found here textarea 36 false semanticScholar 315 6% What are papers about this language from Semantic Scholar? year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId\n2002|Teaching SAP's ABAP Programming Language to IS Students: Adopting and Adapting Web-based Technologies|10.28945/2530|6|0|Brendan McCarthy and Paul Hawking|24eebbc39ee141a470e92d7d154c5bb7590f7914\n2008|ABAP OBJECTS: DESIGNING A PROGRAMMING COURSE FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS STUDENTS USING SAP SOFTWARE|10.48009/1_iis_2008_165-167|1|0|C. Rogers|4b660a8a0cd7ff636673dd7553d2ad7a19914d04 string 90 false goodreads 200 3% What are books about this language from Goodreads? title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews\nProgramming the IBM 1620|1965|Eric A. Weiss|23978396|0.0|0|0 string 101 false