../code/conceptPage.scroll id vlibtemplate name VlibTemplate appeared 2003 tags template fileType text wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VlibTemplate example require_once 'vlib/vlibTemplate.php'; $tmpl = new vlibTemplate('tmpl/basic.htm'); $tmpl->setvar('title_text', 'TITLE: This is the vLIB basic example ...'); $tmpl->setvar('body_text', 'BODY: This is the message set using setvar()'); $tmpl->setvar('div_cont' , 'DIV : This is div paragraph'); $tmpl->pparse(); related php html mysql postgresql summary vlibTemplate is a template engine written in PHP. Programmers and web developers may use it for web development. vlibTemplate is a PHP class that is intended to make splitting PHP from HTML a simple and natural task, using markup tags. This class allows users to set values for variables, loops, if statements, etc. which are declared in the template. vlibTemplate is a part of vLIB. It has an interface to vlibDate and vlibMimeMail. backlinksCount 2 pageId 3183049 created 2005 revisionCount 31 dailyPageViews 3