../code/conceptPage.scroll id thinglab name ThingLab appeared 1979 tags pl wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThingLab related smalltalk summary ThingLab is a visual programming environment implemented in Smalltalk and designed at Xerox PARC by Alan Borning. A conventional system allows a user to provide inputs that produce outputs. A constraint-oriented system, such as ThingLab, allows the user to provide arbitrary inputs or outputs, then solves for whatever is unknown. ThingLab is viewed as one of the earliest constraint-oriented systems.ThingLab is credited in "Fumbling the Future" as a big reason Xerox continued to fund computer development. created 2006 backlinksCount 3 pageId 4288444 revisionCount 19 dailyPageViews 3 appeared 1978 hopl https://hopl.info/showlanguage.prx?exp=980