../code/conceptPage.scroll id msp430 name TI MSP430 appeared 2009 tags isa lab Texas Instruments fileType na wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TI_MSP430 related assembly-language eclipse-editor arduino llvmir vissim summary The MSP430 is a mixed-signal microcontroller family from Texas Instruments. Built around a 16-bit CPU, the MSP430 is designed for low cost and, specifically, low power consumption embedded applications. pageId 218382 dailyPageViews 241 created 2003 backlinksCount 131 revisionCount 527 appeared 2009 goodreads title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews MSP430 LaunchPad Programming|2014|Agus Kurniawan|40228118|4.20|5|0 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing Ti Msp430: Part I|2011|Steven Barrett|22513765|5.00|2|0 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing: Texas Instruments Msp430|2011|Daniel J. Pack|18281308|4.00|1|0 MSP430 State Machine Programming: with the ES2274|2008|Tom Baugh|6801604|3.50|2|0 Microcontrollers: 8051 & MSP430 Microcontrollers Family - Architecture & Programming||A.P. Godse|48185134|4.00|1|0 Msp430 Production Programming And Testing: With The Usbp And Usbppro||Tom Baugh|6801605|0.0|0|0 Zen and the Forth Language: EFORTH for the MSP430 from Texas Instruments||Chen-Hanson Ting|53511846|5.00|1|0