../code/conceptPage.scroll id clipper name Clipper appeared 1985 tags pl website http://www.grafxsoft.com/clipper.htm lab Nantucket Corporation demoVideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opv647iFbAk fileType text rosettaCode http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Clipper country United States helloWorldCollection Clipper // Hello World in Clipper ? "Hello World" leachim6 Clipper filepath c/Clipper.prg fileExtensions prg example ? "Hello World" lineCommentToken // stringToken " hasLineComments true // A comment hasComments true // A comment hasSemanticIndentation false hasStrings true "Hello world" wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clipper_(programming_language) example USE Customer SHARED NEW clear @ 1, 0 SAY "CustNum" GET Customer->CustNum PICT "999999" VALID Customer->CustNum > 0 @ 3, 0 SAY "Contact" GET Customer->Contact VALID !empty(Customer->Contact) @ 4, 0 SAY "Address" GET Customer->Address READ related xbase c visual-objects visual-basic delphi xbasepp linux unix visual-foxpro sql dbase summary Clipper is an xBase compiler, which is a computer programming language, that is used to create software programs that originally operated primarily under MS-DOS. Although it is a powerful general-purpose programming language, it was primarily used to create database/business programs. pageId 246367 dailyPageViews 99 created 2003 backlinksCount 70 revisionCount 235 appeared 1985 hopl https://hopl.info/showlanguage.prx?exp=1909 tiobe Clipper isbndb 21 year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13 1992|Microtrend|Clipper Programming Guide, Version 5.01 (Lance A. Leventhal Microtrend Series)|Spence, Rick|9780915391684 1991|Holt, Henry & Company, Inc.|Clipper 5: A Developer's Guide|Joseph D. Booth and Greg Lief and Craig Yellick|9781558512429 1988|Addison-Wesley|Programming in Clipper: The Definitive Guide to the Clipper dBASE Compiler|Straley, Stephen J.|9780201145830 1991T|Microtrend Books|Clipper programming guide (The Data based advisor series)|Spence, Rick|9780915391417 1991|Que Pub|Using Clipper (Programming Series)|Tiley, W. Edward|9780880228855 1994|Butterworth-Heinemann|Clipper Programming by Example|Darling, Paul|9780750620819 1995|Walnut Creek Cdrom|Clipper|Walnut Creek Cdrom (firm)|9781571760821 ||Clipper Programming|Beam and Gary|9780830635429 1990|Mcgraw-hill Osborne Media|Clipper Programming|Dan Parsons|9780078816499 1991|Mcgraw-hill Osborne Media|Clipper Programming|Brett Oliver and Jim Sheldon|9780078817588 1992|Slawson Communications|Clipper Database Programming|Michael Towle|9781850581734 1988/12/31|Pearson Scott Foresman|Programming in Clipper|Justin Werner and Bruce C. Donaldson and Margaret A. Zinky|9780673383617 2004|Ediciones Diaz De Santos S A|Programacion En Clipper 5/ Programming In Clipper 5 (spanish Edition)|M. Schinkel and J. Kaster|9780201601213 1988|Addison-wesley Pub. Co|Programming In Clipper: The Definitive Guide To The Clipper Dbase Compiler|Stephen J Straley|9780201119930 1991|Que Pub|Clipper Programmer's Reference (programming Series)|W. Edward Tiley|9780880226776 1990|Addison-wesley|Advanced Programming In Clipper With C|Straley, Stephen J. and Karasek, David.|9780201517354 1993|Random House Electronic Publishing,U.S.|Straley's Programming with Clipper|Stephen J. Straley|9780679791546 1992|Addison-wesley (c)|Programming In Clipper 5/includes Version 5.01|Mike Schinkel|9780201570182 1994/11/01|Random House Electronic Publishing,U.S.|Straley's Object-Oriented Clipper Programming|Stephen J. Straley|9780679791409 1989|Microtrend Books|Clipper Programming Guide (the Data Based Advisor Series)|Rick Spence|9780915391318 1995|Richard D Irwin|Xbase Programming For The True Beginner: An Introduction To The Xbase Language In The Context Of Dbase Iii+, Iv, 5, Foxpro, And Clipper|Eugene Kaluzniacky and Vijay Kanabar|9780256204322 semanticScholar 1 year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId 2017|Automating tasks in protein structure determination with the clipper python module|10.1002/pro.3299|5|0|S. McNicholas and T. Croll and T. Burnley and Colin M. Palmer and Soon Wen Hoh and H. Jenkins and Eleanor Dodson and K. Cowtan and J. Agirre|4c477e1555359e79f90e4184526893dbdce78028