../code/conceptPage.scroll id algol-68 name ALGOL 68 appeared 1968 creators Adriaan van Wijngaarden and Barry J. Mailloux and John E. L. Peck and Cornelis H. A. Koster tags pl lab International Federation for Information Processing fileType text leachim6 ALGOL 68 filepath a/ALGOL 68.algol68 example begin print(("Hello World",newline)) end printToken print stringToken " hasDirectives true .PR POINT .PR .PR UPPER .PR .PR RES .PR 'pr' quote 'pr' hasPrintDebugging true hasStrings true "Hello world" wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALGOL_68 example proc test = (real a, b) :... ... test (x plus 1, x); related algol-68-r flacc algol-60 c bourne-shell bash python seed7 mary s3 s-algol pascal unix perl lisp unicode bcpl algol ascii java jovial simula coral pearl rtl-2 hal-s fortran cobol cms-2 bliss algol-w sparc solaris multics algol-n ada summary ALGOL 68 (short for Algorithmic Language 1968) is an imperative computer programming language that was conceived as a successor to the ALGOL 60 programming language, designed with the goal of a much wider scope of application and more rigorously defined syntax and semantics. The contributions of ALGOL 68 to the field of computer science have been deep, wide ranging and enduring, although many of these contributions were only publicly identified when they had reappeared in subsequently developed programming languages. pageId 692880 created 2004 backlinksCount 246 revisionCount 813 dailyPageViews 121 appeared 1968 hopl https://hopl.info/showlanguage.prx?exp=311 semanticScholar 0 goodreads title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews Introductory Algol 68 Programming|1979|D. F Brailsford|3545644|0.0|0|0 Programming And Problem Solving In Algol 68||Andrew John Theodore Colin|1152893|4.00|1|0 A Practical Guide to Algol 68 (Wiley Series in Computing)|1976|Frank G. Pagan|1912869|0.0|0|0