../code/conceptPage.scroll id action name Action! appeared 1983 tags pl lab Optimized Systems Software fileType text wordRank 473 lineCommentToken ; printToken PRINTF booleanTokens True False hasConstructors true hasLineComments true ; A comment hasComments true ; A comment hasPrintDebugging true hasSemanticIndentation false hasBooleans true wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action!_(programming_language) example BYTE RTCLOK=20, ; addr of sys timer SDMCTL=559 ; DMA control BYTE ARRAY FLAGS(8190) CARD COUNT,I,K,PRIME,TIME PROC SIEVE() SDMCTL=0 ; shut off Antic RTCLOK=0 ; only one timer needed COUNT=0 ; init count FOR I=0 TO 8190 ; and flags DO FLAGS(I)='T ; "'T" is a compiler-provided constant for True OD FOR I=0 TO 8190 ; and flags DO IF FLAGS(I)='T THEN PRIME=I+I+3 K=I+PRIME WHILE K<=8190 DO FLAGS(K)='F ; "'F" is a compiler-provided constant for False K==+PRIME OD COUNT==+1 FI OD TIME=RTCLOK ; get timer reading SDMCTL=34 ; restore screen PRINTF("%E %U PRIMES IN",COUNT) PRINTF("%E %U JIFFIES",TIME) RETURN related optimized-systems-software algol-68 atari-basic summary Action! is a procedural programming language similar to ALGOL 68 that is intended to produce high-performance programs for the Atari 8-bit family. The language was written by Clinton Parker and distributed on ROM cartridge by Optimized Systems Software starting in 1983. Action! was used to develop at least two commercial products—the Homepak productivity suite and Games Computers Play client program—and numerous programs in ANALOG Computing and Antic magazines. The system was not ported to any other platforms. Parker had previously developed Micro-SPL with Henry Baker, a similar programming language for the Xerox Alto. The 6502 assembly language source code for Action! was made available under the GNU General Public License by the author in 2015. pageId 1273369 created 2004 backlinksCount 14 revisionCount 181 dailyPageViews 15 appeared 1983 goodreads title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews Action Programming Languages|1905|Michael Thielscher|22766460|0.0|0|0