PLDB is a Programming Language DataBase. It contains a single file about every language, and other important inventions in computing. The data is written in the PPS stack (Particle Syntax, Parsers, and Scroll). The code for the Parsers is listed below. And then I gave some example entries. ```code/measures.parsers // Common Measures abstractHashMapMeasureParser string typeForWebForms textarea extends abstractMeasureParser javascript get measureValue() { return this.content } abstractEnumsMeasureParser description A measure that can have unlimited enums. catchAllAtomType enumAtom extends abstractEnumMeasureParser abstractCountMeasureParser description A positive count of something. People, for example. Min is 0. atoms measureNameAtom countAtom extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser abstractYearMeasureParser atoms measureNameAtom yearAtom extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser abstractAnnualPopulationCountParser atoms yearAtom countAtom uniqueCue abstractAnnualPopulationCountMapParser catchAllParser abstractAnnualPopulationCountParser description A map of counts, one per year. extends abstractHashMapMeasureParser abstractUniqueUrlMeasureParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser abstractUniqueAtomMeasureParser extends abstractAtomMeasureParser abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser extends abstractStringMeasureParser abstractStringListMeasureParser extends abstractStringMeasureParser listDelimiter abstractPopulationCountMeasureParser extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser // todo: idAtom // Links between concepts abstractConceptEdgesMeasureParser description Link one concept to other concepts. catchAllAtomType stringAtom extends abstractStringMeasureParser javascript get ids() { return this.getAtomsFrom(1) } // todo: re-add the method to update these foreign keys if an ID changes. // Common blob parsers abstractDelimitedValuesBlobMeasureParser description A CSV, TSV, or other delimited blob of text. // todo: figure out how we want to dump these in CSV export. extends abstractTextareaMeasureParser abstractCodeMeasureParser extends abstractTextareaMeasureParser javascript get measureValue() { return this.subparticlesToString().replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ") } abstractRelationshipParser extends abstractConceptEdgesMeasureParser // todo: remove need for sortKey in Parsers string sortKey abstractRelationshipParser boolean isLinks true abstractFilenameRelationshipParser extends abstractRelationshipParser float sortIndex 2.2 listDelimiter abstractIDRelationshipParser extends abstractRelationshipParser idParser extends abstractIdParser boolean isMeasureRequired true nameParser extends abstractStringMeasureParser boolean isMeasureRequired true description What is the name of this concept? float sortIndex 1.1 abstractFeatureParser extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser contentKey value subparticlesKey example catchAllParser featureExampleCodeParser float sortIndex 7 string sortKey abstractFeatureParser abstractComputedIntMeasureParser boolean isComputed true boolean suggestInAutocomplete false extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser javascript computeValue(concept, measureName, parsedProgram, concepts) { if (!parsedProgram.measureComputer) { const path = require("path") const {MeasureComputer} = require(path.join(path.dirname(parsedProgram.file.filePath).replace("/concepts",""), "Computer.js")) parsedProgram.measureComputer = new MeasureComputer(concepts) } return parsedProgram.measureComputer.get(measureName, concept) } annualReportsUrlParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to annual reports for this language? single false float sortIndex 2.7 abstractUrlsMeasureParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser atoms measureNameAtom catchAllAtomType urlAtom antlrParser extends abstractUniqueUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to an ANTLR grammar for this language? // A good collection of ANTLR grammars: string sourceDomain float sortIndex 2.8 canDoShebangParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language support shebang executable scripts? string title Shebang string pseudoExample #! /run string reference canReadCommandLineArgsParser description Does this language support command line arguments? extends abstractFeatureParser canUseQuestionMarksAsPartOfIdentifierParser description Is the question mark (?) allowed as part of an identifier? extends abstractFeatureParser canWriteToDiskParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language have methods or standard libraries for writing to disk? string title Disk Output string pseudoExample write("pldb.csv", "...") abstractChatUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to a chat room about the language? extends abstractUrlMeasureParser // todo remove the need for the below from Parsers string sortKey abstractChatUrlMeasureParser leetSheetsParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL(s) to a leet sheet(s) for this language? float sortIndex 1.9999 catchAllAtomType urlAtom codeMirrorParser extends abstractUniqueAtomMeasureParser description What is a URL to a CodeMirror syntax highlighting package for this language? // Many can be found here: string sourceDomain float sortIndex 2.8 compilerExplorerParser extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser description What is this language's name on string sourceDomain contentKey id inScope exampleParser float sortIndex 3.4 hoplIdParser extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description What is the HOPL id of this language? isLanguageParser // todo: i wish i had mixins and could make this a boolean and extend abstractComputedIntMeasureParser extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description Does PLDB categorize this entity as a language? measurementsParser extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser float sortIndex 1.11 description How many measurements do we have about this thing? expandedMeasurementsParser extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.11 description How many measurements do we have about this thing counting each list item as a measurement? foundationScoreParser extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser float sortIndex 1.3 description How many languages are built using this language? bookCountParser float sortIndex 10 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description What is the count of booked we have published about this thing? paperCountParser float sortIndex 10 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description What is the count of papers we have published about this thing? exampleCountParser float sortIndex 1.5 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description How many examples do we have written in this language? writtenInCountParser description How many languages is this implementation written in? float sortIndex 1.6 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser numberOfUsersEstimateParser float sortIndex 2.1 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description What is our estimate of number of users of this language? numberOfJobsEstimateParser float sortIndex 2.1 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description What is our estimate of the number of jobs in this language? inboundLinksCountParser float sortIndex 1.9 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description How many other concepts link to this one? inboundLinksParser float sortIndex 1.9 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description Which other concepts link to this one? atoms measureNameAtom catchAllAtomType stringAtom pldbScoreParser float sortIndex 1.6 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description What is the combined score of this language across all the categories of rankings? rankParser float sortIndex 1.5 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description How does this concept rank amongst all other concepts? lastActivityParser float sortIndex 1.55 extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser description In our data on this entity, what year is the most recent activity? conferencesParser description What is a URL(s) to a recurring conference(s) focused on this language? extends abstractUrlsMeasureParser countryParser uniqueLine description What country was this language first developed in? boolean alwaysRecommended true catchAllAtomType stringAtom extends abstractStringMeasureParser single false float sortIndex 2.99 dblpParser boolean fromCrawler true extends abstractStringMeasureParser description What are publications about this language from string sourceDomain hitsParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many matching publications? publicationsParser extends abstractDelimitedValuesBlobMeasureParser description An inline PSV table of hits. demoVideoParser description What is a URL of a demo video of this language? extends abstractUrlMeasureParser single false float sortIndex 2.4 descriptionParser boolean alwaysRecommended true extends abstractStringMeasureParser float sortIndex 1.99 description What is a short description of this language? subDescriptionParser // todo fix columnName cue path issue. extends descriptionParser description How is this language described here? cue description tiktoksParser extends abstractUrlsMeasureParser description What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) TikTok(s) for this language? float sortIndex 3 instagramParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Instagram for this language? float sortIndex 3 facebookParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Facebook group for this language? float sortIndex 3 youtubesParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) YouTube channel(s) for this language? float sortIndex 3 discordParser extends abstractChatUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Discord for this language? float sortIndex 3 mastodonParser extends abstractChatUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Mastodon for this language? float sortIndex 3 discourseParser extends abstractChatUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Discourse for this language? float sortIndex 3 docsParser extends abstractUrlsMeasureParser description What is a URL(s) to the official documentation for this language? float sortIndex 2.5 devDocsParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to the official documentation for developers who want to contribute to the language project? single false float sortIndex 2.5 ebookParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a link to a free public domain high quality eBook about this language? float sortIndex 2.5 emailListParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a link to the mailing list for this language? single false float sortIndex 2.5 forumsParser extends abstractUrlsMeasureParser description What is a link to a web forum(s) for this language? single false float sortIndex 2.5 equationParser description What is a LaTeX encoding of this equation? extends abstractCodeMeasureParser esolangParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to this language on string sourceDomain float sortIndex 2.5 eventsPageUrlParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to an events pages for this language? single false float sortIndex 2.5 abstractExampleParser description What is a representative snippet for this language? extends abstractCodeMeasureParser boolean isExampleCode true single false exampleParser description What is a representative snippet for this language? extends abstractExampleParser float sortIndex 3 // when a language is small enough to be practically defined in another language in one measurement. theLanguageParser description What is the entire definition of the language, if it's a small one? extends abstractCodeMeasureParser float sortIndex 3 single true faqParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to a frequently asked questions page for this language? single false float sortIndex 2.5 // featureTokens keywordsParser description What are all the keywords in this language? extends abstractStringListMeasureParser catchAllAtomType stringAtom float sortIndex 4 abstractCommonTokenParser description Most general purpose programming languages implement a set of common tokens for common features like these. catchAllAtomType stringAtom extends abstractStringListMeasureParser float sortIndex 5 single false lineCommentTokenParser extends abstractCommonTokenParser description What is the token(s) that can be placed anywhere on a line and starts a comment that cannot be stopped except by a line break character or end of file? example javascript lineCommentToken // multiLineCommentTokensParser extends abstractCommonTokenParser description What is the start delimiter and end token (which can be the same) for comments that can span multiple lines? example javascript multiLineCommentTokens /* */ printTokenParser extends abstractCommonTokenParser description What token(s) is used to print a message? example javascript printToken console.log stringTokenParser extends abstractCommonTokenParser description What token(s) is used to delimit a string? example javascript stringToken " assignmentTokenParser extends abstractCommonTokenParser description What token(s) is used for assignment to an identifier? example javascript assignmentToken = booleanTokensParser extends abstractCommonTokenParser description What token(s) is used for true and false? example javascript booleanTokens true false includeTokenParser extends abstractCommonTokenParser description What token(s) is used for including another file? example nodejs includeToken require // features featureExampleCodeParser description What is an example that demonstrates usage of this feature? // Ideally includes any necessary boilerplate to be runnable. baseParser blobParser // fileExtensionAtom extends stringAtom fileExtensionsParser extends abstractStringListMeasureParser catchAllAtomType stringAtom description What are the file extensions for this language? float sortIndex 1.991 clocExtensionsParser extends abstractStringListMeasureParser catchAllAtomType stringAtom description What are the file extensions for this language recognized by Al Danial's cloc? float sortIndex 2.4 filenamesParser extends abstractStringListMeasureParser catchAllAtomType stringAtom description What are the filenames commonly associated with this language? // fileType // fileTypeAtomAtom enum paper text binary na paint constant.language fileTypeParser description What is the file encoding for programs in this language? atoms measureNameAtom stringAtom extends abstractEnumMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.5 funFactParser atoms measureNameAtom urlAtom description What is a code block or some text containing a fun or unusual fact about the language? extends abstractCodeMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.99 gdbSupportParser extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser description Is the language supported by the GNU Debugger? string sourceDomain float sortIndex 2.4 abstractGitRepoUrlMeasureParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser // todo remove the need for the below from Parsers string sortKey abstractGitRepoUrlMeasureParser float sortIndex 4 gitRepoParser description What is the URL of the official git repo for the language project if not hosted on GitHub or GitLab or Sourcehut? extends abstractGitRepoUrlMeasureParser specRepoParser description What is the URL of the official spec for the language project? extends abstractGitRepoUrlMeasureParser mainRepoParser boolean isComputed true extends abstractStringMeasureParser description Where is the main source code for this language? javascript computeValue(concept) { const repo = concept.getOneOf("gitRepo githubRepo gitlabRepo sourcehutRepo".split(" ")) return repo || "" } primaryTagParser boolean isComputed true extends abstractStringMeasureParser description Where is the primary tag for this language? javascript computeValue(concept) { return concept.get("tags")?.split(" ")[0] || "" } githubBigQueryParser float sortIndex 13 description What is the name of this language in the Google BigQuery Public Datasets about GitHub repos found at extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser contentKey id string sourceDomain usersParser description How many unique users have a repo using this language according to Google BigQuery? extends abstractPopulationCountMeasureParser reposParser description How many repos for this language are listed in Google's BigQuery Public GitHub Dataset snapshot? extends abstractCountMeasureParser githubCopilotOptimizedParser float sortIndex 3.5 description Is this language optimized for GitHub copilot, as found on this list extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser githubLanguageParser description What is the name of this language on GitHub's list of supported languages defined here extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser inScope filenamesParser fileExtensionsParser contentKey id string sourceDomain float sortIndex 32 reposParser boolean fromCrawler true extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many repos for this language does GitHub report? wrapParser extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser description Does GitHub override it's default of not wrapping lines when displaying this language? trendingProjectsCountParser boolean fromCrawler true extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many trending repos for this language does GitHub report? trendingProjectsParser // todo Figure out typings. extends abstractDelimitedValuesBlobMeasureParser boolean fromCrawler true description What are trending projects in this language GitHub? example author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description PavelDoGreat WebGL-Fluid-Simulation JavaScript #f1e05a 6010 473 2246 "Play with fluids in your browser (works even on mobile)" groupParser extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser description What is the name of the parent language group according to GitHub? aliasesParser extends abstractStringListMeasureParser description What are additional aliases, excluding name.downcase which are implicitly included? listDelimiter or interpretersParser extends abstractStringListMeasureParser description What are the associated interpreters? aceModeParser extends abstractAtomMeasureParser description What is the name of the Ace Mode used for highlighting whenever a file is edited, matching one of the filenames in, or "text" for everything else? codemirrorModeParser extends abstractAtomMeasureParser description What is the name name of the CodeMirror Mode used for highlighting whenever a file is edited, from the list here codemirrorMimeTypeParser extends abstractAtomMeasureParser description What is the name of the file mime type used for highlighting whenever a file is edited, from the list here tmScopeParser extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser description What is the TextMate scope that represents this programming language, matching one of the scopes listed in the grammars.yml file, or "none" if there is no grammar for this language? typeParser extends abstractEnumMeasureParser description Which of the types best describes this: data, programming, markup, prose, or nil? // githubRepo // githubRepoUrlAtom extends urlAtom regex ^$ // Basics githubRepoParser description What is the URL of the official GitHub repo for the project if it is hosted there? extends abstractGitRepoUrlMeasureParser atoms measureNameAtom urlAtom inScope subDescriptionParser contentKey url string sourceDomain createdParser extends abstractYearMeasureParser description When was the *Github repo* for this entity created? updatedParser extends abstractYearMeasureParser description What year was the last commit made? firstCommitParser extends abstractYearMeasureParser description What year the first commit made in this git repo? subscribersParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many subscribers to the repo? forksParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many forks of the repo? starsParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many stars of the repo? issuesParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many isses on the repo? gitlabRepoParser description What is the URL of the official GitLab repo for the language project? extends abstractGitRepoUrlMeasureParser string sourceDomain goodreadsParser boolean fromCrawler true extends abstractDelimitedValuesBlobMeasureParser description What are books about this language from Goodreads? string sourceDomain float sortIndex 101 gourceParser description What is a URL to a Gource visualization of this project's git history? extends abstractUrlMeasureParser string sourceDomain float sortIndex 3.4 hackerNewsDiscussionsParser boolean fromCrawler true extends abstractDelimitedValuesBlobMeasureParser description What are URLS to Hacker News posts discussing this language? string sourceDomain float sortIndex 18 hasAbstractTypesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language have a keyword for abstract classes or types? string title Abstract Types string pseudoExample abstract class PLDBFile {} string reference hasAccessModifiersParser extends abstractFeatureParser string title Access Modifiers description Does this language have access modifiers? string pseudoExample class PLDBFile { public title } string reference hasAlgebraicTypesParser extends abstractFeatureParser string title Algebraic Data Type description Does this language support algebraic types? string pseudoExample garageContents = empty | vehicle string reference hasAnonymousFunctionsParser extends abstractFeatureParser string title Anonymous Functions description Does the language support anonymous functions, aka Lambdas? string aka Lambdas string pseudoExample () => printPldb() string reference hasArraySlicingSyntaxParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have array slicing syntax, such as [0:2]? hasAssertStatementsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have built in assert statements? string title Assert Statements string reference string pseudoExample assert(isTrue) hasAssignmentParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language allow assigning values to variables? string title Assignment string pseudoExample name = "PLDB" string tokenKeyword assignmentToken string reference hasAsyncAwaitParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have an async/await construct? string title Async Await string pseudoExample async downloadPldb => await getFiles() string reference hasBinaryNumbersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a type and syntax for binary numbers? string title Binary Literals string pseudoExample 0b100110100000110011110010010 string reference hasBinaryOperatorsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have operators for operating on binary types? string title Binary Operators string pseudoExample 1 + 1 string reference hasBitWiseOperatorsParser extends abstractFeatureParser string title Bitwise Operators description Does the language have operators for bitwise manipulations? string reference string pseudoExample 3 == (2 | 1) hasBlobsParser description Does the language have a blobs concept? extends abstractFeatureParser hasBooleansParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a type and syntax for booleans? string title Booleans string pseudoExample pldb = true string tokenKeyword booleanTokens string reference hasBoundedCheckedArraysParser description Are array boundaries checked by the language? extends abstractFeatureParser hasBreakParser description Does the language have a keyword for breaking out of a loop? extends abstractFeatureParser hasBuiltInRegexParser description Does the language include/import a regular expression language? extends abstractFeatureParser hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Are identifiers in this language case insensitive? string title Case Insensitive Identifiers string reference string pseudoExample pLdB = "PLDB" hasCharactersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language have a syntax and type for a "character"? string title Characters string pseudoExample char character = 'P'; string reference hasClassesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a concept of classes? string title Classes string pseudoExample class PLDBFile {} string reference hasClobsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a specific type for character large object? string title Clobs string aka Character large objects string pseudoExample class PLDBFile {} string reference hasCommentsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax and support for comments? string title Comments string reference string pseudoExample # Hello PLDB hasConditionalsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have conditional statements and/or conditional expressions? string title Conditionals string pseudoExample if (isTrue) printPldb() string reference hasConstantsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a way to declare constant compile time variables? string title Constants string pseudoExample const name = "PLDB" string reference hasConstructorsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax and/or notion of constructors? string title Constructors string pseudoExample PLDBFile { constructor() {} } string reference hasContinueParser description Does the language have a syntax/keyword for continuing a loop? extends abstractFeatureParser hasDecimalsParser description Does the language have a decimal data type? extends abstractFeatureParser string title Decimals string pseudoExample 0.80766866 string reference hasDecoratorsParser description Does the language have decorators? extends abstractFeatureParser string title Decorators string pseudoExample @deprecated string reference hasDefaultParametersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a way to define default parameters for functions? string title Default Parameters Pattern string reference string pseudoExample say(message = "Hello PLDB") hasDependentTypesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does a language have types who's definition depends on its value or the value of other types? string title Dependent types string pseudoExample pldbSortedList // a list where is sorted is true string reference hasDestructuringParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax for conveniently extracting multiple values from a structure? string title Destructuring string website string reference string pseudoExample {title, rank} = pldbFile hasDirectivesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Is the language embedded in a tiny compile-time directive language? string title Directives string pseudoExample use strict; string reference hasDisposeBlocksParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax for dispose blocks to free up resources allocated during execution? string title Dispose Blocks Pattern string pseudoExample with pldb: do computeRanks() string reference hasDocCommentsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Is there a standard mini language written in comments for documenting code? string title Doc comments string pseudoExample // param1: A comment about the first param hasDuckTypingParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Are types defined not by their name, but by the presence of certain methods and properties? string title Duck Typing string pseudoExample length() // makes me an iterator string reference hasDynamicPropertiesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does all properties have to be declared or does the language support dynamic properties? string title Dynamic Properties string pseudoExample pldb.score = 50 hasDynamicSizedArraysParser description Do arrays have to have their size specified at compile time or can they be dynamically sized? extends abstractFeatureParser hasDynamicTypingParser description Are types of variables fixed or can they change during runtime? extends abstractFeatureParser string title Dynamic Typing string reference hasEnumsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax and type for enums? string title Enums string reference string pseudoExample colorsEnum { "red", "white", "blue"} hasEscapeCharactersParser description Does the language have any notion of escape characters? extends abstractFeatureParser hasExceptionsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a concept and syntax for exceptions? string title Exceptions string pseudoExample throw new Error("PLDB uh oh") string reference hasExplicitTypeCastingParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax for type casting? string title Type Casting string pseudoExample (float)pldbRank; string reference hasExportsParser description Does the language have a syntax for explicitly exporting items from a module or file? extends abstractFeatureParser hasExpressionsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a concept of expressions? string title Expressions string pseudoExample (1 + 2) string reference hasFirstClassFunctionsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have functions that can be passed as arguments to other functions, can be returned by other functions, and can be assigned to variables or stored in data structures? string title First-Class Functions string pseudoExample [2.1].map(Math.round) string reference hasFixedPointParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a type and syntax for fixed point numbers, such as currencies with 2 decimal points? string title Fixed Point Numbers string pseudoExample 80766866.00 string reference hasFloatsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax and type for floating points? string title Floats string reference string pseudoExample 80766866.0 hasFnArgumentsParser description Do functions accept arguments? extends abstractFeatureParser hasForEachLoopsParser description Does the language have a concept and syntax for for-each loops? extends abstractFeatureParser hasForLoopsParser description Does the language have a concept of and syntax for for-loops? extends abstractFeatureParser hasFunctionCompositionParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Can you pass functions into other functions and get new combined functions? string title Function Composition string pseudoExample o = (f, g) => x => f(g(x)) string reference hasFunctionOverloadingParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Can you have multiple functions with the same name but different parameters? string title Function Overloading string reference string aka Ad hoc polymorphism string pseudoExample add(string: str, string2: str) hasFunctionsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a concept of and syntax for functions? string title Functions string aka routines string aka procedures string aka methods string pseudoExample function computePLDBRanks() {} string reference hasGarbageCollectionParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a garbage collector or must memory of constructs be managed manually? string title Garbage Collection string pseudoExample var iDontNeedToFreeThis string reference hasGradualTypesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support gradual types? string aka progressive types string pseudoExample a: int # the type is optional string reference hasGeneratorsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a concept of loops that yield? string title Generators string pseudoExample yield 2 string reference hasGenericsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have generics? string title Generics string pseudoExample function identity(arg: T): T string reference hasGlobalScopeParser description Is there at least one top level scope? extends abstractFeatureParser hasGotosParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a concept of and syntax for gotos? string title Gotos string pseudoExample goto 10 string reference hasHereDocsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax for multiline text blocks? string title Here Document string reference string pseudoExample `A big multliline text block` hasHexadecimalsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax for hexadecimals? string title Hexadecimals string aka Base16 string aka hex string pseudoExample 0x4D06792 string reference hasHomoiconicityParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Is the language also a valid data structure in that language? string title Homoiconicity string pseudoExample (list ()) string reference hasIdsParser description Does the language have a concept of unique identifiers? extends abstractFeatureParser hasIfElsesParser description Does the language have if-else statements or expressions? extends abstractFeatureParser hasIfsParser description Does the language have "if" statements or expressions? extends abstractFeatureParser hasImplicitArgumentsParser extends abstractFeatureParser // todo: should we remove this one? I would have thought it was referring to something like an "arguments" implicit parameter description Does the language have a concept of contextual or implicit parameters? string title Implicit Arguments string reference string pseudoExample shout(implicit message: string) hasImplicitTypeConversionsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language automatically convert types as needed? string title Implicit Type Casting string reference string pseudoExample console.log("hello " + 2) hasImportsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language have a syntax for importing other files? string title File Imports string pseudoExample import pldb string tokenKeyword includeToken hasIncrementAndDecrementOperatorsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language have increment and decrement operators? string title Increment and decrement operators string pseudoExample i++ string reference hasInfixNotationParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language use operators between operands? string title Infix Notation string pseudoExample 1 + 2 string reference hasInheritanceParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language have class inheritance? string title Inheritance string pseudoExample class PLDBFile extends File string reference hasIntegersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language have a syntax and type for integers? string title Integers string pseudoExample 80766866 string reference hasInterfacesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language have a concept of interfaces? string title Interfaces string pseudoExample interface PLDBFile string reference hasIteratorsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language have iterators? string title Iterators string pseudoExample for lang in pldb() string reference hasLabelsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a way to label locations within the source code? string title Labels string pseudoExample mainFn: string reference hasLazyEvaluationParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language wait to evaluate expressions until needed? string title Lazy Evaluation string pseudoExample print(range(1000000)[2]) string reference hasLineCommentsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have line comments? string title Line Comments string reference string pseudoExample # Hello PLDB string tokenKeyword lineCommentToken hasListsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have lists? string title Lists string aka array string aka vector string aka sequence string pseudoExample [2, 3, 10] string reference hasStandardLibraryParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a standard library? string title Standard Library string pseudoExample print("print is part of stdlib") string reference hasExplicitStandardLibraryParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Do you have to explicitly include the standard library? string title Explicit Standard Library string pseudoExample #include string reference hasMacrosParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a compile-time macro pass? string title Macros string pseudoExample #define pldbItems 4000 string reference hasMagicGettersAndSettersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a way to handle undefined getters and setters? string title Magic Getters and Setters string reference string pseudoExample get(name) => obj[name] hasManualMemoryManagementParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have manual memory management? string title Manual Memory Management string pseudoExample malloc(4); string reference hasMapFunctionsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support running map over a list? string title Map Functions string pseudoExample string reference hasMapsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a map (aka hashtable) data structure? string title Maps string aka dict string aka dictionary string aka object string aka record string aka struct string aka hashtable string aka keyed list string aka associative array string pseudoExample {name: "PLDB"} string reference hasMemberVariablesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have member variables? string aka properties hasMessagePassingParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support message passing? string title Message Passing string pseudoExample "get pldb" string reference hasMethodChainingParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support method chaining? string title Method Chaining string pseudoExample pldbFile.toString().length string reference hasMethodOverloadingParser description Does the language support method overloading? extends abstractFeatureParser hasMethodsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have methods on classes? string title Methods string pseudoExample pldbFile.downloadWebsite() string reference hasMixinsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language allow including methods from a class without inheriting from that class? string title Mixins string pseudoExample extends pldbFile, diskFile string reference hasModulesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a concept of modules for organizing and packaging code? string title Module Pattern string pseudoExample module PLDB {} string reference hasMonadsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have monads? string title Monad string pseudoExample g >>= f string reference hasMultiLineCommentsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have multi-line comments? string title MultiLine Comments string reference string pseudoExample /* Hello PLDB */ string tokenKeyword multiLineCommentTokens hasMultilineStringsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support multiline strings? string title Multiline Strings string pseudoExample hello = """Hello\nPLDB""" hasMultipleDispatchParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support multiple dispatch? string title Multiple Dispatch string pseudoExample collide_with(x::Spaceship, y::Spaceship) string reference hasMultipleInheritanceParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language allow multiple inheritance? string title Multiple Inheritance string pseudoExample extends parentWhichExtendsSomethingElse string reference hasNamespacesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a namespace construct? string title Namespaces string pseudoExample namespace PLDB {} hasNullParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a null value? string title Null string reference string pseudoExample uhOh = null hasOctalsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax for octal numbers? string title Octals string aka Base8 string aka oct string pseudoExample 0o464063622 string reference hasOperatorOverloadingParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language allow operator overloading? string title Operator Overloading string reference string pseudoExample def __add__(): doSomethingDifferent() hasOperatorsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have operators? string title Operators string reference string pseudoExample 1 + 1 hasPairsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a pair structure? string title Pairs string pseudoExample (pl . db) hasPartialApplicationParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support partial application? string title Partial Application string pseudoExample add5 = num => addNumbers(10, num) string reference hasPatternMatchingParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support pattern matching? string title Pattern Matching string pseudoExample fib 0 = 1; fib 1 = 1 string reference hasPipesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a pipe operator? string title Pipes string pseudoExample ls pldb | wc string reference hasPointersParser extends abstractFeatureParser // question: are there languages that have pointers to a location in an l1/lN cache? description Does the language have a structure that is a location in memory? string title Pointers string pseudoExample int *pldb string reference hasPolymorphismParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have polymorphism? string title Polymorphism string pseudoExample a + "b"; 1 + 2 string reference hasPostfixNotationParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language allow operators to be placed at the end of the expression? string title Postfix Notation string pseudoExample 2 3 4 + 2 - string reference hasPrefixNotationParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language allow operators to be placed at the beginning of the expression? string title Prefix Notation string pseudoExample + 1 2 string reference hasPrintDebuggingParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a built in function that allows one to print debug? string title Print() Debugging string reference string pseudoExample print "Hello PLDB" string tokenKeyword printToken hasProcessorRegistersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have named symbols for a processor's registers? string title Processor Registers string pseudoExample eax 2 string reference hasRangeOperatorsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax for creating ranges? string title Range Operator string reference string pseudoExample 1 ... 10 hasReferencesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a structure for holding a reference to an existing object? string title References string pseudoExample fn(objPointer) string reference hasRefinementTypesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a way to attach a predicate to a type? string title Refinement Types string pseudoExample evenInt where int % 2 = 0 string reference hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugarParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have special syntax for regular expressions? string title Regular Expression Syntax Sugar string reference string pseudoExample /pldb/ hasRequiredMainFunctionParser description Does the language require a function named main (or similar)? extends abstractFeatureParser hasReservedWordsParser description Does a concept of reserved words exists, for example, not being able to use certain keywords as variable names.? extends abstractFeatureParser hasRunTimeGuardsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support run-time guards? string title Runtime Guards string pseudoExample f x | x > 0 = 1 | otherwise = 0 string reference hasSExpressionsParser description Does the language have S Expressions? extends abstractFeatureParser string title S-Expressions string pseudoExample (+ 1 1) string reference hasScientificNotationParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax for Scientific Notation? string title Scientific Notation string aka E Notation string pseudoExample 8076686.6e1 string reference hasSelfOrThisWordParser description Does a language have a keyword or syntax to refer to the current instance? extends abstractFeatureParser hasSemanticIndentationParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language use semantic indentation? string aka off-side rule string title Semantic Indentation string reference string pseudoExample line0 if true line1 print "Hello PLDB" hasSetsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language come with a Set data structure? string title Sets string pseudoExample {"pldb", "PLDB"} string reference hasSingleDispatchParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the method called depended on a single operand? string title Single Dispatch string reference string pseudoExample hasSingleTypeArraysParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a list data structure that only can hold items of the same type? string title Single-Type Arrays string reference string pseudoExample const pldbRanks: int[] hasSourceMapsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support the generation of source maps? string title Source Maps string pseudoExample {file: 'pldb.min.js',sources: ['pldb.js'], mappings: 'CAAC,IAAI,IAAM'} hasStatementTerminatorCharacterParser description Does the language have a statement terminator character such as ";"? extends abstractFeatureParser hasStatementsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a concept of statements? string title Statements string pseudoExample print "Hello PLDB" string reference hasStaticMethodsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Can a class have static methods? string title Static Methods string reference string pseudoExample static downloadPldb() {} hasStaticTypingParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have static typing at compile time? string title Static Typing string reference string pseudoExample int pldbRank = 100 hasStreamsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a concept of streams? string title Streams string pseudoExample echo 123 | 123.txt string reference hasStringConcatOperatorParser description Is there an operator for concatenating strings? extends abstractFeatureParser hasStringsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a strings data structure? string title Strings string pseudoExample "Hello PLDB" string tokenKeyword stringToken string reference hasStructsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a structs structure? string title Structs string pseudoExample struct pldbFile { int rank; char *title; }; string reference hasSwitchParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have switch statements or expressions? string title Switch Statements string pseudoExample switch animal: case dog-buy; case cat-sell; string reference hasSymbolTablesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the compiler use symbol tables internally? string title Symbol Tables string pseudoExample SymbolName|Type|Scope;bar|function,double|extern string reference hasSymbolsParser description Does the language have a concept of symbols? extends abstractFeatureParser hasTemplatesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support templates? string title Templates string pseudoExample template TCopy(T) {} string reference hasTernaryOperatorsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have ternary operators? string title Ternary operators string pseudoExample true ? 1 : 0 string reference hasThreadsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support a concept of threads? string title Threads string pseudoExample thread1(); thread2(); string reference hasTimestampsParser description Does the language have a builtin timestamps data structure? extends abstractFeatureParser hasTraitsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support traits? string title Traits string pseudoExample use redBorder string reference hasTriplesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a structure for subject–predicate–object expressions? string title Triples string pseudoExample Javascript isListedIn PLDB string reference hasTryCatchParser description Does the language have a try/catch construct? extends abstractFeatureParser hasTypeAliasesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have type aliases? string title Type Aliases string pseudoExample type Year = number hasTypeAnnotationsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax for annotating the types of variables? string title Type Annotations string pseudoExample score: number hasTypeInferenceParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Can the parser infer the type of a variable at compile time without an annotation? string title Type Inference string reference string pseudoExample imAString = "pldb" hasTypeParametersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support a concept of type parameters? string title Type Parameters string pseudoExample function identity(arg: T): T {return arg} string reference hasTypedHolesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have a syntax for typed holes? string title Typed Holes string reference string pseudoExample 2 + _ => 2 + [int|float] hasUnaryOperatorsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have any unary operators like ++ or --? string title Unary Operators string pseudoExample count++ string reference hasUnicodeIdentifiersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support Unicode identifiers? // some support only ASCII string title Unicode Identifers string pseudoExample δ = 0.00001 hasUnionTypesParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support union types? string title Union Types string pseudoExample any = string | number string reference hasUnitsOfMeasureParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language support units of measure? string title Units of Measure string pseudoExample 42cm string reference hasUserDefinedOperatorsParser description Does the language allow for defining your own operators? extends abstractFeatureParser hasValueReturnedFunctionsParser description Can functions return a value? extends abstractFeatureParser hasVariableSubstitutionSyntaxParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Do you use different syntax when assigning versus referencing a variable? string title Variable Substitution Syntax string pseudoExample name = "PLDB"; print $name hasVariadicFunctionsParser description Does the language support functions that accept a variable number of parameters? extends abstractFeatureParser string title Variadic Functions string pseudoExample string reference hasVirtualFunctionsParser description Does the language have virtual functions? extends abstractFeatureParser string title Virtual function string pseudoExample virtual FetchPLDBFile(); string reference hasVoidFunctionsParser description Does the language have void functions that return nothing? extends abstractFeatureParser hasWhileLoopsParser description Does the language have while loops? extends abstractFeatureParser string title While Loops string pseudoExample while (pldb.pop()) loop() string reference hasZeroBasedNumberingParser description Does the language start counting from 0, rather than 1? extends abstractFeatureParser string title Zero-based numbering string reference string pseudoExample firstItem = pldb[0] hasZippersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does the language have zippers built in or as a library, which are roughly a pointer with context on a tree? string title Zippers string reference string pseudoExample pldbCursor.moveLeft() helloWorldCollectionParser description What is the name of this project in the Hello World Collection? extends abstractExampleParser cueFromId atoms measureNameAtom catchAllAtomType stringAtom string sourceDomain float sortIndex 3 appearedParser float sortIndex 1.101 boolean isMeasureRequired true description What year was the language publicly released and/or announced? extends abstractYearMeasureParser isFinishedParser description Has the creator or maintainer announced the language officially over, or has all activity stopped? Include a link to proof of the announcement. extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser atoms measureNameAtom booleanAtom nativeLanguageParser atoms measureNameAtom stringAtom description What is the native human language for this language, if not English? extends abstractEnumMeasureParser paperParser description What is a URL to a paper(s) by the creator(s) introducing this language? extends abstractUrlMeasureParser float sortIndex 1.99 interviewsParser description What is a URL(s) to an interview with the creator(s) about this language? extends abstractUrlMeasureParser single false float sortIndex 1.999 isOpenSourceParser description Is this an open source project? extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser atoms measureNameAtom booleanAtom float sortIndex 2.01 isPublicDomainParser boolean alwaysRecommended true description Is this public domain? extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.0 hoplParser extends abstractUniqueUrlMeasureParser description What is the URL to this language in Diarmuid Pigott's Online Historical Encyclopaedia of Programming Languages site? string sourceDomain float sortIndex 11.0 screenshotParser description What is the filename to a screenshot of this visual language in the concepts/screenshots/ folder? extends abstractUrlMeasureParser photoParser description What is a URL to a screenshot of this real world notation in the form[id].png? extends abstractUrlMeasureParser indeedJobsParser float sortIndex 36 description How many job descriptions match this query for this language on catchAllAtomType stringAtom extends abstractAnnualPopulationCountMapParser contentKey query string sourceDomain ircParser extends abstractChatUrlMeasureParser description What is a link to an official (or popular unofficial) IRC channel(s) for language development? float sortIndex 2.3 isCaseSensitiveParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Is this language case sensitive? string title Case Sensitivity string reference string pseudoExample pldb != PLDB isbndbParser boolean fromCrawler true extends abstractDelimitedValuesBlobMeasureParser description What are books about this language from ISBNdb? string sourceDomain float sortIndex 22 jupyterKernelParser extends abstractUniqueUrlMeasureParser single false description What is a link to a Jupyter Kernel for this language? string sourceDomain float sortIndex 9 languageServerProtocolProjectParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser inScope writtenInParser single false description What is the URL to a project implementing LSP for this language? string sourceDomain float sortIndex 3.4 leachim6Parser extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser description What is a URL to this language in leachim6's hello-world project? string sourceDomain contentKey id inScope fileExtensionsParser exampleParser float sortIndex 3.2 filepathParser description What is the filepath to this language in leachim6's hello-world project? extends abstractStringMeasureParser // leaders // creatorNameAtom extends stringAtom creatorsParser float sortIndex 1.102 extends abstractStringListMeasureParser boolean alwaysRecommended true description What are the name(s) of the original creators of the language delimited by " and "? catchAllAtomType stringAtom listDelimiter and maintainersParser float sortIndex 1.1021 extends abstractStringListMeasureParser boolean alwaysRecommended true description What are the name(s) of the maintainer(s) of the language delimited by " and "? catchAllAtomType stringAtom listDelimiter and numberOfCreatorsParser description How many creators? extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.33 letterFirstIdentifiersParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Must identifiers start with a letter? string title Letter-first Identifiers string pseudoExample pldb100 = "OK" // 100pldb = "ERROR" linguistGrammarRepoParser description What is the URL to the Linguist Grammar repo used by GitHub for this language? // Linguist is a library used by GitHub to syntax highlight files on GitHub via a grammar. The list of languages supported by Linguist and the grammar package used for each language is listed here: If Linguist has support for a language, it will have a repo on GitHub. Given a language is supported by Linguist, that is a good indication it has at least 200 unique :user/:repo repositories, according to their docs. extends abstractUrlMeasureParser atoms measureNameAtom urlAtom float sortIndex 16 contentKey url string sourceDomain inScope exampleParser commitCountParser description How many commits in this repo? extends abstractCountMeasureParser firstCommitParser description What year was the first commit made? extends abstractYearMeasureParser lastCommitParser description What year was the last commit made? extends abstractYearMeasureParser sampleCountParser description How many language samples in this repo? extends abstractCountMeasureParser committerCountParser description How many people have made commits in this repo? extends abstractPopulationCountMeasureParser linkedInSkillParser description How many people list this skill on LinkedIn? float sortIndex 36 extends abstractAnnualPopulationCountMapParser catchAllAtomType stringAtom contentKey id string sourceDomain meetupParser description What is a URL for active meetup groups for this language on extends abstractUniqueUrlMeasureParser contentKey url string sourceDomain float sortIndex 4.0 memberCountParser description How many people in this meetup group? extends abstractPopulationCountMeasureParser groupCountParser description How many groups? extends abstractCountMeasureParser mergesWhitespaceParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language merge whitespace, so N spaces is treated the same as a single space? string title Merges Whitespace string reference string pseudoExample result = 1 + 2 monacoParser extends abstractUniqueAtomMeasureParser description What is a URL to a Monaco syntax highlighting package for this language? example javascript monaco javascript string sourceDomain float sortIndex 2.8 // name wordRankParser description Where does this word rank in terms of common English words? // where "the" is 1. extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.5 standsForParser description If the language name is an acronym what does/did it stand for? extends abstractStringMeasureParser akaParser description What is this also known as? extends abstractStringMeasureParser single false oldNameParser description What is the old name of this language? extends abstractStringMeasureParser blogParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is the URL to the official blog for this language? single false float sortIndex 1.33 labParser description In what community(ies) did the language first originate? boolean alwaysRecommended true // todo Make origin community name the url for the community? instead of the name? Not sure. listDelimiter && float sortIndex 1.99 example lab Microsoft && /r/programminglanguages && extends abstractStringListMeasureParser maintainerOrganizationParser extends abstractStringListMeasureParser description What organization maintains this language? packageRepositoryParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to the package repository for this language? single false float sortIndex 2.9 centralPackageRepositoryCountParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many central package repositories does this language have? float sortIndex 2.9 packageInstallCountParser description How many packages have been downloaded? extends abstractCountMeasureParser packageCountParser description How many packages are in the repository? // A package is some code with a name and a namespace, shipped as an atomic unit, with an owner(s). extends abstractCountMeasureParser packageAuthorsParser extends abstractPopulationCountMeasureParser description How many people contribute packages to this cpm? forLanguagesParser description Which languages is this repository for? extends abstractConceptEdgesMeasureParser // paradigms abstractParadigmParser atoms measureNameAtom booleanAtom extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser visualParadigmParser extends abstractParadigmParser description Is this a visual programming thing? Sometimes called "no code" or "low code"? float sortIndex 2.4 projectEulerParser extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser description Is this language one of the ones listed on string sourceDomain float sortIndex 2.999 contentKey id memberCountParser description How many project euler members use this language? extends abstractAnnualPopulationCountMapParser proposalsParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is the URL to a the place where language proposals are made, if one exists? float sortIndex 2.99 pygmentsHighlighterParser extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser description What is a url to a Pygments syntax highlighting class for this language string sourceDomain inScope fileExtensionsParser float sortIndex 3 contentKey id filenameParser description What is the Python filename implementing the highlighting for this language? extends abstractStringMeasureParser atoms measureNameAtom stringAtom pyplParser extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser description What is this language's id on string sourceDomain float sortIndex 11.0 quineRelayParser extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.8 description What is the name of this language in the Quine Relay project from here string sourceDomain // rankings // rankAtom extends intAtom abstractAnnualRankMapParser catchAllParser annualRankParser description A map of ranks, one per year. extends abstractHashMapMeasureParser annualRankParser atoms yearAtom integerAtom uniqueCue // reddit // todo trim the trailing slash subredditParser extends abstractUniqueUrlMeasureParser string sourceDomain float sortIndex 3.0 contentKey url single false description What is a URL of a subreddit(s) for this language? example subreddit php memberCountParser extends abstractAnnualPopulationCountMapParser description How many members in this subreddit? redditDiscussionParser description What is a link to a related discussion on reddit? extends abstractUrlMeasureParser string sourceDomain single false referenceParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to more info about this thing? // You can add raw links and then auto "upgrade" them using some of the importer code. single false float sortIndex 2.9999 relatedParser extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser description What languages are related? // This serves as a catch all, and it is better to use a more specific relationship node such as "supersetOf". runsOnVmParser extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser description What virtual machine(s) does this language run on? influencedByParser description What languages influenced this one? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser successorOfParser description Was this language launched as the successor of another? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser dialectOfParser description Is this language a dialect of a broader one? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser subsetOfParser description Is this language a subset of another? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser implementationOfParser description Is this language an implementation of another? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser renamedToParser description What is the new name of this language? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser supersetOfParser description Is this language a superset of another? // If you specify this link then the superset language will inherit all features of subset language. extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser writtenInParser description What language(s) is the main implementation written in? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser float sortIndex 1.999 extensionOfParser description What language is this language an extension of? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser forkOfParser description What language is this language a fork of? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser compilesToParser description Which language(s) does this language primarily compile to? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser float sortIndex 1.9991 inputLanguagesParser description Which language(s) does this take as input? For compilers, what languages does this compile compile? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser protocolsParser description Which protocols does this speak? extends abstractFilenameRelationshipParser isSelfHostedParser // currently measures if a language is at least partially self-hosted. // todo: add a self-hosted rank? perhaps % self hosted, or is the most common file type of the type of the lang itself? description Is the main implementation of this language written in this language? extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.33 atoms measureNameAtom booleanAtom releaseNotesParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is the URL to the release notes or changelog for this language? float sortIndex 1.33 replitParser float sortIndex 2.8 extends abstractUniqueUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to try this language on string sourceDomain // repoStats // Basics repoStatsParser description What are basic stats on this repo? extends abstractHashMapMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.9 firstCommitParser extends abstractYearMeasureParser description What year the first commit made in this git repo? newestCommitParser extends abstractYearMeasureParser description What year was the newest commit made in this git repo? commitsParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many commits to the repo? committersParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many committers to the repo? filesParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many files in the repo? rijuReplParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to try this language on string sourceDomain contentKey id float sortIndex 3 inScope fileExtensionsParser subDescriptionParser websiteParser gitRepoParser exampleParser roadmapParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is the URL to a public roadmap page for this language, if one exists? rosettaCodeParser extends abstractUniqueUrlMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.8 description What is a URL to this language on Rosetta Code - string sourceDomain semanticScholarParser boolean fromCrawler true extends abstractDelimitedValuesBlobMeasureParser description What are papers about this language from Semantic Scholar? string sourceDomain float sortIndex 90 sourcehutRepoParser description What is the URL of the official sourcehut repo for this project? extends abstractGitRepoUrlMeasureParser string sourceDomain specParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to the official spec for this language? float sortIndex 1.22 stackOverflowSurveyParser float sortIndex 36 extends abstractHashMapMeasureParser description What is the summary of this language from the StackOverflow annual developer survey found here string sourceDomain stackOverflowSurveyYearParser description What are the survey results for a particular year? atoms yearAtom pattern \d+ uniqueCue usersParser extends abstractPopulationCountMeasureParser description How many developers reported using this language? medianSalaryParser description What is the median salary reported by developers using this language? extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser fansParser description How many developers reported wanting to learn this language? extends abstractPopulationCountMeasureParser percentageUsingParser description What percentage of survey respondents report using this language? // todo add a percentage column type that extends from float extends abstractFloatMeasureParser supportsBreakpointsParser extends abstractFeatureParser description Does this language support breakpoints? string title Breakpoints string pseudoExample debugger; string reference tiobeParser extends abstractUniqueStringMeasureParser description What is the ID of this language in Tiobe's ranking of programming languages here: string sourceDomain float sortIndex 11 contentKey id currentRankParser description What is the current Tiobe rank of this language? extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser tryItOnlineParser extends abstractUniqueUrlMeasureParser description What is a link to try this language on string sourceDomain float sortIndex 2.4 twitterParser extends abstractUniqueUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to the official Twitter account of this thing, if any? string sourceDomain float sortIndex 3.0 followersParser description How many followers does the linked account have? extends abstractPopulationCountMeasureParser tagAtom enum assembly pl barCodeFormat video audio hardwareDescriptionLanguage knowledgeBase binaryDataFormat contractLanguage timeFormat computingMachine xmlFormat yamlFormat jsonFormat compiler grammarLanguage dataValidationLanguage application ir isa queryLanguage protocol os esolang template textMarkup characterEncoding arrayLang geoCode idl library editor cloud textDataFormat visual plzoo interpreter notation binaryExecutable dataNotation stylesheetLanguage schema bytecode vm filesystem standard linter packageManager framework webApi feature optimizingCompiler numeralSystem hashFunction database font distribution headerLang dataStructure musicalNotation textEncodingFormat equation wikiMarkup decompiler configFormat diffFormat unixApplication webBrowser browserEngine constructedLanguage dataVis dataFlow commandLineApp versionControlApplication staticSiteGenerator network microblogging lisp diagramLang chemistry physics biology mathematics weather simulation messagingProtocol shadingLanguage searchEngine cryptoProtocol cad spreadsheet functional paint constant.language tagsParser float sortIndex 1.2 description Which category(ies) in PLDB's subjective ontology does this entity fit into? boolean isMeasureRequired true extends abstractEnumsMeasureParser catchAllAtomType tagAtom ubuntuPackageParser extends abstractUniqueAtomMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.9 description What is the name of an Ubuntu package for this language from, if any? string sourceDomain // versions // versionAtom extends stringAtom description Version numbers. downloadParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to the download page for this language? single false float sortIndex 1.33 latestVersionParser extends abstractStringMeasureParser description What is the latest version? float sortIndex 1.33 latestMajorVersionParser description What is the latest major version (if using semver)? extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.33 usesSemanticVersioningParser description Does the official release of the language use semantic versioning? extends abstractComputedIntMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.34 atoms measureNameAtom booleanAtom websiteParser float sortIndex 1.21 description What is the URL of the official homepage for this language project? extends abstractUrlMeasureParser webReplParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL for an online repl of this language? single false exercismParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser float sortIndex 2.1 description What is a URL to learn this language on Exercism? example exercism // extends stringAtom float sortIndex 1.8 domainNameParser description What is the domain for this language's website if it has its own? atoms measureNameAtom stringAtom extends abstractAtomMeasureParser contentKey name float sortIndex 12 registeredParser extends abstractYearMeasureParser description When was this domain first registered? awisRankParser extends abstractAnnualRankMapParser description What is the Alexa Web Information Service (AWIS) domain ranking? string sourceDomain // wikipedia // todo Scoping by file in Parsers would be really useful for this file. Also, multiple inheritance or mixins. wikipediaParser float sortIndex 9 inScope fileExtensionsParser exampleParser extends abstractUrlMeasureParser description What is the URL of this entity on Wikipedia, if and only if it has a page dedicated to it? atoms measureNameAtom urlAtom string sourceDomain contentKey url relatedParser description What languages does Wikipedia have as related? extends abstractConceptEdgesMeasureParser summaryParser description What is the text summary of the language from the Wikipedia page? extends abstractStringMeasureParser createdParser extends abstractYearMeasureParser description When was the *Wikipedia page* for this entity created? appearedParser extends abstractYearMeasureParser description When does Wikipedia claim this entity first appeared? dailyPageViewsParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many page views per day does this Wikipedia page get? Useful as a signal for rankings. Available via WP api. backlinksCountParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many pages on WP link to this page? revisionCountParser extends abstractCountMeasureParser description How many revisions does this page have? pageIdParser extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser description What is the internal ID for this entity on WP? zulipParser extends abstractChatUrlMeasureParser description What is a URL to an official (or popular unofficial) Zulip for language development? ``` ```concepts/elixir.scroll ../code/conceptPage.scroll id elixir name Elixir appeared 2011 creators José Valim tags pl website blog download latestVersion 1.16 lab Plataformatec fileExtensions ex exs writtenIn elixir markdown erlang yaml bourne-shell eex make powershell isOpenSource true exercism tryItOnline visualParadigm false clocExtensions ex exs fileType text docs monaco elixir rosettaCode quineRelay Elixir packageRepository ubuntuPackage elixir repoStats firstCommit 2011 commits 33749 committers 1567 files 735 newestCommit 2024 country Brazil projectEuler Elixir memberCount 2019 129 2022 173 helloWorldCollection Elixir # Hello world in Elixir defmodule HelloWorld do IO.puts "Hello, World!" end pygmentsHighlighter Elixir filename fileExtensions ex eex exs rijuRepl example IO.puts("Hello, world!") subreddit memberCount 2022 23468 twitter leachim6 Elixir filepath e/Elixir.exs fileExtensions exs example #!/usr/bin/env elixir IO.puts "Hello World" gource languageServerProtocolProject writtenIn elixir meetup memberCount 44835 groupCount 211 keywords after and catch do else end false fn in nil not or rescue true when githubRepo stars 24093 forks 3329 subscribers 673 created 2011 updated 2024 firstCommit 2011 description Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications issues 23 lineCommentToken # printToken IO.puts stringToken " booleanTokens true false canDoShebang true #!/usr/bin/env elixir canWriteToDisk true File.write!("helloworld.txt", "Hello, world!\n") hasComments true # A comment hasMultiLineComments false hasImports true # Alias the module so it can be called as Bar instead of Foo.Bar alias Foo.Bar, as: Bar # Require the module in order to use its macros require Foo # Import functions from Foo so they can be called without the `Foo.` prefix import Foo # Invokes the custom code defined in Foo as an extension point use Foo hasAssignment true name = "John" hasSemanticIndentation false hasConditionals true if true do IO.puts("Hello world") end hasDefaultParameters true def multiply(a, b \\ 1) do a * b end hasLineComments true # A comment hasMessagePassing true send(pid, :ping) hasPrintDebugging true hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar true ~r/integer: \d+/ hasPointers false hasUnitsOfMeasure false hasLists true my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] hasStrings true "Hello world" hasOctals true # 0o[0-7]+ hasHexadecimals true # 0x[\da-fA-F]+ hasFloats true # \d(_?\d)*\.\d(_?\d)*([eE][-+]?\d(_?\d)*)? hasIntegers true # \d(_?\d)* hasBinaryNumbers true # 0b[01]+ hasBooleans true hasMaps true %{key: "value"} hasSingleDispatch true hasMultipleDispatch false hasRangeOperators true 1..3 hasPolymorphism true hasMacros true # defmodule Example do defmacro macro_inspect(value) do IO.inspect(value) value end def fun_inspect(value) do IO.inspect(value) value end end hasStreams true hasPipes true "Elixir" |> String.graphemes() |> Enum.frequencies() hasAnonymousFunctions true fn -> IO.puts("hello world") end hasScientificNotation true 1.23e45 hasInfixNotation true seven = 3 + 4 hasMultilineStrings true template = """ This is the first line. This is the second line. This is the third line. """ hasGarbageCollection true hasRunTimeGuards true def abs(number) when number > 0, do: number def abs(number), do: -number hasPatternMatching true def fib(0), do: 1 def fib(1), do: 1 def fib(n) when n >= 2, do: fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) hasExceptions true raise "oops, something went wrong" isCaseSensitive true hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers false hasUnicodeIdentifiers true δ = 0.00001 hasStandardLibrary true IO.puts "Hello, World!" jupyterKernel wikipedia example task = Task.async fn -> perform_complex_action() end other_time_consuming_action() Task.await task related erlang ruby clojure lfe unicode utf-8 summary Elixir is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM). Elixir builds on top of Erlang and shares the same abstractions for building distributed, fault-tolerant applications. Elixir also provides a productive tooling and an extensible design. The latter is supported by compile-time metaprogramming with macros and polymorphism via protocols. Elixir is used by companies such as E-MetroTel, Pinterest and Moz. Elixir is also used for web development, by companies such as Bleacher Report, Discord, and Inverse, and for building embedded systems. The community organizes yearly events in United States, Europe and Japan as well as minor local events and conferences. pageId 38202780 dailyPageViews 413 created 2013 backlinksCount 283 revisionCount 197 appeared 2011 fileExtensions ex exs tiobe Elixir domainName awisRank 2022 141656 2017 99108 githubBigQuery Elixir repos 6816 users 4594 linguistGrammarRepo firstCommit 2011 lastCommit 2022 committerCount 55 commitCount 294 sampleCount 1 example %{"cowboy": {:hex, :cowboy, "1.0.0"}, "cowlib": {:hex, :cowlib, "1.0.1"}, "hackney": {:hex, :hackney, "0.14.3"}, "hound": {:hex, :hound, "0.6.0"}, "httpoison": {:hex, :httpoison, "0.5.0"}, "idna": {:hex, :idna, "1.0.1"}, "phoenix": {:hex, :phoenix, "0.10.0"}, "plug": {:hex, :plug, "0.11.1"}, "poison": {:hex, :poison, "1.3.1"}, "ranch": {:hex, :ranch, "1.0.0"}} isbndb 30 year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13 2016|Packt Publishing|Learning Elixir|Ballou, Kenny|9781785881749 2016|Pragmatic Bookshelf|"Programming Elixir 1.2: Functional |> Concurrent |> Pragmatic |> Fun"|Thomas, Dave|9781680501667 2016|Pragmatic Bookshelf|"Programming Elixir 1.3: Functional |> Concurrent |> Pragmatic |> Fun"|Thomas, Dave|9781680502008 2018|Pragmatic Bookshelf|"Programming Elixir ≥ 1.6: Functional |> Concurrent |> Pragmatic |> Fun"|Thomas, Dave|9781680502992 2016|Manning Publications|The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook|Tan Wei Hao, Benjamin|9781633430112 2015|Packt Publishing|Elixir Cookbook|Pereira, Paulo A|9781784397517 2015|Manning|Elixir in Action|Juric, Saša|9781617292019 2022|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Phoenix LiveView: Interactive Elixir Web Programming Without Writing Any JavaScript|Tate, Bruce A. and DeBenedetto, Sophie|9781680508215 2016|Packt Publishing|Learning Elixir|Ballou, Kenny|9781785883477 2016|Apress|Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers|Loder, Wolfgang|9781484223949 2018|Packt Publishing|Phoenix Web Development: Create rich web applications using functional programming techniques with Phoenix and Elixir|Voloz, Mike and Richey, Brandon|9781787284777 20180314|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Adopting Elixir|Ben Marx; Jose Valim; Bruce Tate|9781680505849 20161222|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Introducing Elixir|Simon St. Laurent; J. David Eisenberg|9781491956854 20151216|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Introducing Elixir|Laurent, Simon St.; Eisenberg, J. David|9781449369996 20140910|O'Reilly Media, Inc.|Introducing Elixir|Simon St. Laurent|9781449369972 30-07-2018|Packt Publishing|Mastering Elixir|Andre Albuquerque; Daniel Caixinha|9781788472241 20190416|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programming Ecto: Build Database Apps in Elixir for Scalability and Performance|Wilson, Darin and Meadows-Jonsson, Eric|9781680502824 20220622|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Programmer Passport: Elixir|Bruce Tate|9781680509625 20191202|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Designing Elixir Systems With OTP|James Edward Gray II; Bruce A. Tate|9781680507379 20210725|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir|Svilen Gospodinov|9781680508963 20180327|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe|Bruce Williams; Ben Wilson|9781680505931 20220106|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves|Alexander Koutmos; Bruce Tate; Frank Hunleth|9781680509472 20220802|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Build a Binary Clock with Elixir and Nerves|Frank Hunleth; Bruce Tate|9781680509236 20190117|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir|Fred Hebert|9781680506549 20191202|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Designing Elixir Systems With OTP|James Edward Gray II; Bruce A. Tate|9781680507379 20210120|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Genetic Algorithms in Elixir|Sean Moriarity|9781680507942 20221025|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Exploring Graphs With Elixir|Tony Hammond|9781680508406 20210330|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Testing Elixir|Andrea Leopardi; Jeffrey Matthias|9781680507829 20150129|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Metaprogramming Elixir|Chris McCord|9781680500417 20180201|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Learn Functional Programming with Elixir|Ulisses Almeida|9781680502459 20180101|Pragmatic Bookshelf|Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix|Lance Halvorsen|9781680502435 githubLanguage Elixir fileExtensions ex exs trendingProjects author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description phoenixframework phoenix_live_view Elixir #6e4a7e 2197 180 90 "Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML" elixir-lang elixir Elixir #6e4a7e 15832 2267 174 "Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications" elixir-ecto ecto Elixir #6e4a7e 4322 1019 44 "A database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir" phoenixframework phoenix Elixir #6e4a7e 14194 1801 136 "Productive. Reliable. Fast." absinthe-graphql absinthe Elixir #6e4a7e 2846 280 49 "The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir" derekkraan horde Elixir #6e4a7e 569 44 32 "Horde is a distributed Supervisor and Registry backed by DeltaCrdt" adriankumpf teslamate Elixir #6e4a7e 136 15 44 "A self-hosted data logger for your Tesla 🚘" poanetwork blockscout Elixir #6e4a7e 639 229 30 "Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains." chrismccord phoenix_live_view_example Elixir #6e4a7e 273 91 10 trendingProjectsCount 10 type programming filenames mix.lock interpreters elixir aceMode elixir tmScope source.elixir repos 89242 indeedJobs elixir developer 2017 214 stackOverflowSurvey 2021 users 1438 medianSalary 80077 fans 3374 percentageUsing 0.02 semanticScholar 3 year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId 2016|Elixir programming language evaluation for IoT|10.1109/ISCE.2016.7797392|6|0|Geovane Fedrecheski and L. Costa and M. Zuffo|bb548cf88bde14637e67dce390ed5c4b1e339d11 2020|A Gradual Type System for Elixir|10.1145/3427081.3427084|2|0|Mauricio Cassola and Agustín Talagorria and Alberto Pardo and Marcos Viera|2f7b1940b91bc5a13cc44e0dc6ff0fa26298de3d 2017|An Elixir library for programming concurrent and distributed embedded systems|10.1145/3079368.3079383|1|0|Humberto Rodríguez-Avila and E. G. Boix and W. Meuter|8b499715223c14b95dcbac77fdf03c0bb285a833 ``` ```concepts/c.scroll ../code/conceptPage.scroll id c name C appeared 1972 creators Dennis Ritchie tags pl spec latestVersion C17 lab Bell Labs leetSheets isOpenSource true exercism usesSemanticVersioning false gdbSupport true clocExtensions c cats ec idc pgc fileType text wordRank 81 docs antlr monaco cpp rosettaCode quineRelay C replit ubuntuPackage gcc country United States funFact C gets credit for the // comments, starting in 1972, but that's not really accurate. BCPL -- which begat B which begat C -- had // comments but they were not included in C until C99. C++ (which isn't included in their top 30 languages) brought back // comments from BCPL sometime between 1979 and 1985 (the first public release of cfront). Many C compilers included // comments as an extension prior to C99 but those were inspired by C++ projectEuler C/C++ memberCount 2022 46028 2019 41087 reference pygmentsHighlighter C filename fileExtensions c h idc x[bp]m rijuRepl example #include int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); return 0; } description General-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system fileExtensions c h gitRepo subreddit memberCount 2017 30709 2022 127013 leachim6 C filepath c/C.c example #include main() { printf("Hello World\n"); } compilerExplorer C example // Type your code here, or load an example. int square(int num) { return num * num; } meetup memberCount 69338 groupCount 204 keywords auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while lineCommentToken // multiLineCommentTokens /* */ printToken printf assignmentToken = hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax false hasEnums true enum Gender { Male, Female, }; hasRegularExpressionsSyntaxSugar false hasBooleans true hasConstructors false hasCharacters true char character = 'P'; hasTernaryOperators true #include int main(void) { printf("%d", 1 ? 1 : 0); } hasPointers true int *ptr; hasStrings true "hello world" hasAssertStatements true #include int i, a[10]; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { assert(0 <= i && i < 10); a[i] = 10-i; } for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { assert(0 <= i && i < 10); assert(0 <= a[i] && a[i] < 10); a[a[i]] = a[i]; } hasBitWiseOperators true int i = 4; /* bit pattern equivalent is binary 100 */ int j = i << 2; /* makes it binary 10000, which multiplies the original number by 4 i.e. 16 */ hasSymbolTables true // Declare an external function extern double bar(double x); hasExplicitStandardLibrary true #include // Define a public function double foo(int count) { double sum = 0.0; // Sum all the values bar(1) to bar(count) for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) sum += bar((double) i); return sum; } // Symbol Table: // Symbol name|Type|Scope // bar|function, double|extern // x|double|function parameter // foo|function, double|global // count|int|function parameter // sum|double|block local // i|int|for-loop statement hasComments true // A comment hasStructs true struct account { int account_number; char *first_name; char *last_name; float balance; }; hasGarbageCollection false hasGotos true // C/C++ program to check if a number is // even or not using goto statement #include using namespace std; // function to check even or not void checkEvenOrNot(int num) { if (num % 2 == 0) goto even; // jump to even else goto odd; // jump to odd even: cout << num << " is evenn"; return; // return if even odd: cout << num << " is oddn"; } // Driver program to test above function int main() { int num = 26; checkEvenOrNot(num); return 0; } hasDirectives true #include #define height 10 #ifdef #endif #if #else #ifndef #undef #pragma hasExplicitTypeCasting true double da = 3.3; double db = 3.3; double dc = 3.4; int result = (int)da + (int)db + (int)dc; //result == 9 hasImports true // If a header file is included within <>, the preprocessor will search a predetermined directory path to locate the header file. If the header file is enclosed in "", the preprocessor will look for the header file in the same directory as the source file. #include #include "stdio.h" hasNamespaces false hasMultipleInheritance false hasTemplates false hasIntegers true int pldb = 80766866; hasMacros true // // #define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y)) x = min(a, b); → x = ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)); y = min(1, 2); → y = ((1) < (2) ? (1) : (2)); z = min(a + 28, *p); → z = ((a + 28) < (*p) ? (a + 28) : (*p)); hasManualMemoryManagement true #include #include int main(void) { int *poin = malloc(4); free(poin); } hasOperatorOverloading false hasOperators true 1 + 1; hasVariadicFunctions true double average(int count, ...) { // } hasZeroBasedNumbering true hasIncrementAndDecrementOperators true hasLineComments true // A comment hasMultiLineComments true /* A comment */ hasPrintDebugging true hasSwitch true switch(expression) { case true : break; default : // break; } hasSemanticIndentation false hasAccessModifiers false hasClasses false hasExceptions false hasCaseInsensitiveIdentifiers false hasAssignment true isCaseSensitive true hasWhileLoops true hasConstants true hasConditionals true hasFixedPoint false hasScientificNotation true hasStandardLibrary true #include jupyterKernel wikipedia example #include int main(void) { printf("hello, world\n"); } related cyclone unified-parallel-c split-c cilk b bcpl cpl algol-68 assembly-language pl-i ampl awk c-- csharp objective-c d go java javascript julia limbo lpc perl php pike processing python rust seed7 vala verilog unix algol swift multics unicode fortran pascal mathematica matlab ch smalltalk summary C (, as in the letter c) is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations. By design, C provides constructs that map efficiently to typical machine instructions, and therefore it has found lasting use in applications that had formerly been coded in assembly language, including operating systems, as well as various application software for computers ranging from supercomputers to embedded systems. C was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs, and used to re-implement the Unix operating system. It has since become one of the most widely used programming languages of all time, with C compilers from various vendors available for the majority of existing computer architectures and operating systems. C has been standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) since 1989 (see ANSI C) and subsequently by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). C is an imperative procedural language. It was designed to be compiled using a relatively straightforward compiler, to provide low-level access to memory, to provide language constructs that map efficiently to machine instructions, and to require minimal run-time support. Despite its low-level capabilities, the language was designed to encourage cross-platform programming. A standards-compliant and portably written C program can be compiled for a very wide variety of computer platforms and operating systems with few changes to its source code. The language has become available on a very wide range of platforms, from embedded microcontrollers to supercomputers. pageId 6021 dailyPageViews 6268 created 2001 backlinksCount 10585 revisionCount 7316 appeared 2011 fileExtensions Mono hopl tiobe C currentRank 2 pypl C githubBigQuery C repos 292876 users 177962 linguistGrammarRepo firstCommit 2005 lastCommit 2018 committerCount 23 commitCount 359 sampleCount 57 example #ifndef HELLO_H #define HELLO_H void hello(); #endif isbndb 78 year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13 2003|McGraw-Hill Education|Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond|Yale N. Patt and Sanjay J. Patel|9780072467505 1978|Prentice-Hall|The C Programming Language|Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie|9780131101630 1995|Pearson|Data Structures Using C and C++ (2nd Edition)|Langsam, Yedidyah and Augenstein, Moshe J. and Tenenbaum, Aaron M.|9780130369970 2012|Pearson|Problem Solving and Program Design in C (7th Edition)|Hanly, Jeri R. and Koffman, Elliot B.|9780132936491 1996|Pearson|Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (2nd Edition)|Weiss, Mark A.|9780201498400 2014|Cengage Learning PTR|C Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Davenport, Keith and Vine, Michael|9781305273764 1992|Pearson|Standard C Library, The|Plauger, P.J.|9780131315099 1999|Pearson|SPARC Architecture, Assembly Language Programming, and C|Paul, Richard|9780130255969 2009|Pearson|System Programming with C and Unix|Hoover, Adam|9780136067122 1994|Pearson|Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets|van der Linden, Peter|9780131774292 1997|Addison-Wesley Professional|Book on C, A: Programming in C|Kelley, Al and Pohl, Ira|9780201183993 2000|Pearson|C for Java Programmers|Muldner, Tomasz|9780201702798 2013|O'Reilly Media|Understanding and Using C Pointers: Core Techniques for Memory Management|Reese, Richard M|9781449344184 2019|Pearson|C for Scientists and Engineers|Johnsonbaugh, Richard and Kalin, Martin|9780023611360 2002|Addison-Wesley Professional|Embedded C: Embedded C|Pont, Michael|9780201795233 2015|Apress|Beginning C for Arduino, Second Edition: Learn C Programming for the Arduino|Purdum, Jack|9781484209417 2007|Cengage Learning PTR|C Programming for the Absolute Beginner|Vine, Michael|9781598634808 2008|Charles River Media|Microcontrollers: From Assembly Language to C Using the Pic24 Family|Reese, Robert B. and Bruce, J. W. and Jones, Bryan A.|9781584505839 2013|Packt Publishing|C Programming for Arduino|Bayle, Julien|9781849517584 2004|Pearson|Engineering Problem Solving with C (3rd Edition)|Etter, Delores M.|9780131429710 1994|Sams Publishing|Absolute Beginner's Guide to C (2nd Edition)|Perry, Greg|9780672305108 2016|CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform|C Programming Language: A Step by Step Beginner's Guide to Learn C Programming in 7 Days|Graham, Darrel L.|9781534679702 2015|CRC Press|Intermediate C Programming|Lu, Yung-Hsiang|9781498711630 2013|Prentice Hall|C for Programmers with an Introduction to C11 (Deitel Developer Series): With an Introduction to C11 (Deitel Developer (Paperback))|Deitel, Paul|9780133462067 1996|W W Norton & Co Inc|C Programming: A Modern Approach|King, K. N. and King, K.N.|9780393969450 |Pearson Learning Solutions|C Knights: An Introduction to Programming in C (with selections by Arup Guha and Ali Orooji)||9780558564698 1993|Sams|The Waite Group's New C Primer Plus|Waite, Mitchell and Prata, Stephen|9780672303197 2015|Pearson|Problem Solving and Program Design in C Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package|Hanly, Jeri and Koffman, Elliot|9780134243948 1999|Pearson|Introduction to C|Etter, Delores|9780130118547 1995|Computing McGraw-Hill|Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot: Rules for C and C++ Programming (Unix/C)|Holub, Allen I.|9780070296893 2022|Mc Graw Hill India|Programming In Ansi C|E Balagurusamy|9789339219666 2012|Oxford University Press|Programming in C 2/e (Oxford Higher Education)|Dey, Pradip and Ghosh, Manas|9780198065289 1991|Pearson|Crafting a Compiler with C|Fischer, Charles and LeBlanc Jr., Richard|9780805321661 2005|Smiley Micros|C Programming for Microcontrollers Featuring ATMEL's AVR Butterfly and the free WinAVR Compiler|Pardue, Joe|9780976682202 2014|O'Reilly Media|21st Century C: C Tips from the New School|Klemens, Ben|9781491903896 1994|Cambridge University Press|C by Example (Cambridge Computer Science Texts, Series Number 29)|Kalicharan, Noel|9780521456500 1995|Waite Group Pr|Black Art of 3D Game Programming: Writing Your Own High-Speed 3D Polygon Video Games in C|Lamothe, Andre|9781571690043 1986|Scott, Foresman|Programming C On The Macintosh|Terry A Ward|9780673182746 2007|BPB Publications|Let Us C Solutions|Yashavant Kanetkar|9788183331777 1995|Addison-Wesley|C by Dissection: The Essentials of C Programming|Kelley, Al and Pohl, Ira|9780805331493 1998|Addison-Wesley Professional|C++ For C Programmers, Third Edition (3rd Edition)|Pohl, Ira|9780201395198 1988|Cambridge University Press|Numerical Recipes in C|Press, W. H. and Flannery, B. P. and Teukolsky, S. A. and Vetterling, W. T.|9780521354653 1996|Springer|C A Software Engineering Approach|Darnell, Peter A. and Margolis, Philip E.|9780387946757 2007|O'Reilly Media|Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library|Love, Robert|9780596009588 2020|Addison-Wesley Professional|C Puzzle Book, The|Feuer, Alan|9780201604610 1995|O'Reilly & Associates|C++ The Core Language: A Foundation for C Programmers (Nutshell Handbooks)|Brown, Doug and Satir, Gregory|9781565921160 2000|Cambridge University Press|Simulating Ecological and Evolutionary Systems in C|Wilson, Will|9780521772280 2017|MC GRAW HILL INDIA|Computing Fundamentals And C Programming 2Nd Edition|BALAGURUSAMY|9789352604166 2022|PEARSON INDIA|Programming in C|KOCHAN|9789332554665 2012|Oxford University Press|Computer Fundamentals & Programming in C|Thareja, Reema|9780198078883 1994|Wiley|Programming for Graphics Files: In C and C++|Levine, John R. and Levine, John|9780471598565 1992|West Publishing Company, College & School Division|Programming in ANSI C|Kumar, Ram; Agrawal, Rakesh|9780195690378 2003|Thomson Delmar Learning|Programming in Objective- C|Cengage|9780672325861 2011|MC GRAW HILL INDIA|Parallel Programming In C With Mpi And Open Mp, 1St Edn|QUINN|9780070582019 |BPB Publications|ANSI C Programming||9788183333245 2013|Oxford University Press|Introduction to C Programming|Thareja, Reema|9780198086390 2014|Oxford University Press|Introduction to C Programming|Thareja, Reema|9780199452057 1995|Addison-Wesley Professional|C Programming Faqs: Frequently Asked Questions|Summit, Steve|9780201845198 2020|For Dummies|C Programming For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))|Gookin, Dan|9781119740247 1989|Wiley|Graphics Programming In Turbo C|Leen Ammeraal|9780471924395 2020|BPB Publications|Let Us C: Authentic Guide to C PROGRAMMING Language 17th Edition (English Edition)|Kanetkar, Yashavant|9789389845686 1997|Prentice Hall|大学计算机教育丛书•C程序设计语言习题解答(第2版)(影印版) - The C Answer Book - Solutions to the Exercises in the C Programming Language - 2nd Edition||9787302027287 2009|Wiley India|Computer Concepts and C Programming|VIKAS GUPTA|9788177229981 1986|Springer|The Art of C Programming|Jones, Robin and Stewart, Ian|9780387963921 2015|Pearson|Mylab Programming with Pearson Etext -- Access Code Card -- For Problem Solving and Program Design in C|Hanly, Jeri and Koffman, Elliot|9780134253992 2015|Pearson|MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for C How to Program|Deitel, Paul and Deitel, Harvey|9780134225340 1985|Que Corp|C programming guide|Purdum, Jack J|9780880221573 1996|McGraw Hill|Programming with C|Hubbard, John|9780070593695 2012|O'Reilly Media|21st Century C: C Tips from the New School|Klemens, Ben|9781449327149 1996|Prentice Hall|Data Structures and Program Design In C (2nd Edition)|Kruse, Robert L. and Leung, Bruce P. and Tondo, Clovis L.|9780132883665 1989|McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|Advanced Turbo C (Borland-Osborne/McGraw-Hill Programming Series)|Schildt, Herbert|9780078814792 2004|Bpb Publications|Data Structures Through C in Depth [May 30, 2004] Srivastava, S. K. and Srivastava, Deepali|Srivastava, S. K.|9788176567411 2010|People Post Press Pub. Date: 2010 -04|C language programming: a modern approach(Chinese Edition)|( MEI )K. N. King|9787115219572 20081020|Springer Nature|Foundations of C /CLI|Gordon Hogenson|9781430210245 1988|Sams|Programming in C (Hayden books C library)|Kochan, Stephen G.|9780672484209 1992|M & T Books|Getting Graphic: Programming Fundamentals in C and C++/Book and Disk|Finlay, Mark|9781558512825 20140307|Pearson Education (US)|Starting Out with C From Control Structures to Objects|Tony Gaddis|9780133888201 1992|Dryden Pr|Business Programming in C for Dos-Based Systems (The Dryden Press Series in Information System)|Millspaugh, A. C.|9780155001398 githubLanguage C fileExtensions c cats h idc trendingProjects author name avatar url language languageColor stars forks currentPeriodStars description pwn20wndstuff Undecimus C #555555 4836 991 1356 "unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 11.0 - 12.4" LiteOS LiteOS C #555555 3361 1146 1832 "code and manual" git git C #555555 29183 16856 680 "Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements." nginx nginx C #555555 9590 3619 293 "An official read-only mirror of which is updated hourly. Pull requests on GitHub cannot be accepted and will be automatically closed. The proper way to submit changes to nginx is via the nginx development mailing list, see" littlevgl lvgl C #555555 2274 522 128 "Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI with many widgets, advanced visual effects (opacity, antialiasing, animations) and low memory requirements (16K RAM, 64K Flash)." Genymobile scrcpy C #555555 18275 1510 2342 "Display and control your Android device" NVIDIA open-gpu-doc C #555555 734 39 721 "Documentation of NVIDIA chip/hardware interfaces" betaflight betaflight C #555555 3001 1405 124 "Open Source Flight Controller Firmware" nothings stb C #555555 10557 2767 341 "stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++" openbsd src C #555555 1202 314 52 "Public git conversion mirror of OpenBSD's official CVS src repository. Pull requests not accepted - send diffs to the tech@ mailing list." ARMmbed littlefs C #555555 1480 220 333 "A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers" nmap nmap C #555555 3319 1126 114 "Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository." RT-Thread rt-thread C #555555 3199 2128 227 "RT-Thread is an open source IoT operating system from China." DoubleLabyrinth navicat-keygen C++ #f34b7d 7512 1890 565 "A keygen for Navicat" torvalds linux C #555555 79929 27885 1452 "Linux kernel source tree" zephyrproject-rtos zephyr C #555555 2423 1468 115 "Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures." KevinOConnor klipper C #555555 1531 724 62 "Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware" JVictorDias Dinossauro-Google C #555555 297 85 191 "Código do projeto onde uma rede neural aprende a jogar o dinossauro do google" commaai openpilot C #555555 12310 2924 408 "open source driving agent" qmk qmk_firmware C #555555 4961 9458 204 "Open-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families" cfenollosa os-tutorial C #555555 16163 1776 271 "How to create an OS from scratch" mit-pdos xv6-public C #555555 2956 1586 92 "xv6 OS" php php-src C #555555 24746 5666 486 "The PHP Interpreter" micropython micropython C #555555 9015 2745 190 "MicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems" esp8266 Arduino C #555555 9944 7850 166 "ESP8266 core for Arduino" trendingProjectsCount 26 type programming interpreters tcc aceMode c_cpp codemirrorMode clike codemirrorMimeType text/x-csrc tmScope source.c repos 2160271 indeedJobs c engineer 2017 23567 linkedInSkill c 2018 3635195 stackOverflowSurvey 2021 users 17329 medianSalary 53184 fans 9702 percentageUsing 0.21 semanticScholar 19 year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId 1978|The C Programming Language|10.1007/978-3-662-09507-2_22|2216|51|B. Kernighan and D. Ritchie|d36227ed3bfbe37972acfc90acea59f1246e0fde 1992|The Semantics of the C Programming Language|10.1007/3-540-56992-8_17|252|10|Y. Gurevich and J. Huggins|6d65722122ef01784cf681cffff7b8e70a033f5b 2008|Hardbound: architectural support for spatial safety of the C programming language|10.1145/1346281.1346295|211|30|Joseph Devietti and Colin Blundell and Milo M. K. Martin and S. Zdancewic|4f8aa76dd8c1309d48bca4858a468769c992bff9 1989|The concurrent C programming language|10.5860/choice.27-0970|84|1|N. Gehani and W. D. Roome|6f4869aad5488ceb5dc9123f812cf650f8ad07b5 1978|UNIX time-sharing system: The C programming language|10.1002/J.1538-7305.1978.TB02140.X|58|0|D. Ritchie and S. C. Johnson and M. Lesk and B. Kernighan|1f12815c916ee291721ab09f32b6dc9cccf78052 2017|Real-time learning analytics for C programming language courses|10.1145/3027385.3027407|32|1|Xinyu Fu and Atsushi Shimada and H. Ogata and Yuta Taniguchi and D. Suehiro|e62c260c0bdafaff60edd58cca1916b6bfd1de01 2008|Introductory C Programming Language Learning with Game-Based Digital Learning|10.1007/978-3-540-85033-5_22|24|3|Wen-Chih Chang and Yu-Min Chou|c608f31fcf55b8025d32db5b5e5e6965d0c86124 1996|C Programming: A Modern Approach|10.5860/choice.34-0350|23|3|K. N. King|96393da4f7c043d840fab62911d1fa4a44b12b39 2011|A minimal, extensible, drag-and-drop implementation of the C programming language|10.1145/2047594.2047646|22|1|S. Federici|19bcbe22289575283fa5ea50b28b98b4fef0195e 1985|Omega—A Data Flow Analysis Tool for the C Programming Language|10.1109/TSE.1985.232542|20|1|C. Wilson and L. Osterweil|a17b956678ab4e32f2246a425d92d2d0c9d9035a 1996|The development of the C programming language|10.1145/234286.1057834|18|0|D. Ritchie|53a1e8c89f53aee3cb584f63968c65bbc23516bb 1993|Extensions to the C programming language for enhanced fault detection|10.1002/spe.4380230604|17|1|D. Flater and Y. Yesha and E. Park|85f138643978fbd9f461a0a024e9d20009a33d20 2015|Research and Reflection on Teaching of C Programming Language Design|10.1007/978-3-662-46248-5_45|12|0|Hui Gao and Zhaowen Qiu and Di Wu and Liyan Gao|ca493d45444957fb34f85425e89c1132c1e58797 2017|A Serious Game for Learning C Programming Language Concepts Using Solo Taxonomy|10.3991/ijet.v12i03.6476|12|0|Alaeeddine Yassine and D. Chenouni and M. Berrada and A. Tahiri|dab275e2c8e9f22bc9cce1286b62fcb6ba3b2f2d 2018|Timed C: An Extension to the C Programming Language for Real-Time Systems|10.1109/RTAS.2018.00031|10|0|Saranya Natarajan and David Broman|d1baf7641b5c7f0074923e3b3773f0f6d6f77741 1987|Design tradeoffs to support the C programming language in the CRISP microprocessor|10.1145/36206.36198|8|0|D. Ditzel and H. McLellan|37a1c18cce1c6840b7b94600a4e7247b534382b6 1985|The C Programming Language and a C Compiler|10.1147/sj.241.0037|7|0|Ralph R. Ryan and Hans-Dieter Spiller|0f9a12e9901772a51486f72283b7e34e3d54f996 2008|Virtual Education System for the C Programming Language|10.1007/978-3-540-85033-5_20|5|1|Il-Hyeon Moon and Saeron Han and KwanSun Choi and Dongsik Kim and Changwan Jeon and Sunheum Lee and Heunggu Jeon|3c048305affc8dd4a384db4843f4c98d59cf4660 1985|The C programming language|10.1016/0011-684X(85)90032-2|2|0|Russell Jones|4ad1b60dca3d306e164233d7044f9587f296e002 ``` ```concepts/markdown.scroll ../code/conceptPage.scroll id markdown name Markdown appeared 2004 creators John Gruber and Aaron Swartz tags textMarkup website latestVersion 1.0.1 webRepl webRepl webRepl lab writtenIn perl compilesTo html leetSheets isOpenSource true influencedBy atx clocExtensions markdown md mdown mdwn mdx mkd mkdn mkdown ronn workbook fileType text docs monaco markdown codeMirror markdown country United States pygmentsHighlighter Markdown filename fileExtensions md markdown rijuRepl example Hello, world! subreddit memberCount 2022 2463 leachim6 Markdown filepath m/ fileExtensions md example Hello World hasSemanticIndentation true hasLineComments false hasBooleans false hasStandardLibrary true # Hello, World! wikipedia example # Heading ## Sub-heading ### Another deeper heading Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Two spaces at the end of a line leave a line break. Text attributes _italic_, *italic*, __bold__, **bold**, `monospace`. Horizontal rule: --- Bullet list: * apples * oranges * pears Numbered list: 1. apples 2. oranges 3. pears A [link]( related html textile restructuredtext perl pandoc-app mime php python ruby drupal mediawiki rstudio r c apl asciidoc org txt2tags summary Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name. Markdown is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor. As the initial description of Markdown contained ambiguities and unanswered questions, many implementations and extensions of Markdown appeared over the years to answer these issues. pageId 2415885 dailyPageViews 1954 created 2005 backlinksCount 286 revisionCount 1124 appeared 2004 githubBigQuery Markdown repos 8 users 8 linguistGrammarRepo firstCommit 2013 lastCommit 2018 committerCount 58 commitCount 426 sampleCount 8 example Tender ====== isbndb 5 year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13 2020|Routledge|R Markdown Cookbook (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)|Xie, Yihui|9780367563837 2017|Chapman and Hall/CRC|blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)|Xie, Yihui and Hill, Alison Presmanes and Thomas, Amber|9781138480452 20190816|Springer Nature|Introducing Markdown and Pandoc|Thomas Mailund|9781484251492 08/2013|Packt Publishing|Instant Markdown|Herrero Arturo|9781783559152 20180727|Taylor & Francis|R Markdown|Yihui Xie; J.J. Allaire; Garrett Grolemund|9780429782961 githubLanguage Markdown fileExtensions md livemd markdown mdown mdwn mdx mkd mkdn mkdown ronn scd workbook trendingProjectsCount 0 type prose filenames aceMode markdown codemirrorMode gfm codemirrorMimeType text/x-gfm tmScope source.gfm wrap true aliases pandoc repos 1023 semanticScholar 2 year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId 2015|R Markdown|10.1002/wics.1348|22|1|Benjamin Baumer and Dana Udwin|8d26eef104eae6e9d902a39eba546ed182195205 2019|Codebraid: Live Code in Pandoc Markdown|10.25080/MAJORA-7DDC1DD1-008|2|0|Geoffrey M. Poore|fa7fd0916680a78582c6a05b2e6f65ff9a68106a ``` ```concepts/http.scroll ../code/conceptPage.scroll id http name HTTP appeared 1989 creators Tim Berners-Lee tags protocol lab W3C fileType na wordRank 4663 docs codeMirror http country United States funFact http://http://http://@http://http://?http://#http:// is a legitimate URL pygmentsHighlighter HTTP filename leachim6 HTTP filepath h/ fileExtensions py example import http.server import socketserver from http import HTTPStatus class Handler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(HTTPStatus.OK) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b'Hello World') httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', 8000), Handler) httpd.serve_forever() wikipedia example HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 22:38:34 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Length: 138 Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:11:55 GMT Server: Apache/ (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) ETag: "3f80f-1b6-3e1cb03b" Accept-Ranges: bytes Connection: close An Example Page Hello World, this is a very simple HTML document. related ftp smtp tls tcp udp url html css ascii gzip rest isbn summary The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, and hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes containing text. HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext. Development of HTTP was initiated by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1989. Standards development of HTTP was coordinated by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), culminating in the publication of a series of Requests for Comments (RFCs). The first definition of HTTP/1.1, the version of HTTP in common use, occurred in RFC 2068 in 1997, although this was obsoleted by RFC 2616 in 1999 and then again by the RFC 7230 family of RFCs in 2014. A later version, the successor HTTP/2, was standardized in 2015, and is now supported by major web servers and browsers over TLS using ALPN extension where TLS 1.2 or newer is required. pageId 13443 dailyPageViews 6702 created 2001 backlinksCount 1996 revisionCount 4080 appeared 1999 linguistGrammarRepo firstCommit 2014 lastCommit 2015 committerCount 1 commitCount 3 isbndb 9 year|publisher|title|authors|isbn13 2013|Apress|Pro ASP.NET Web API: HTTP Web Services in ASP.NET (Expert's Voice in .NET)|Uurlu, Ali and Zeitler, Alexander and Kheyrollahi, Ali|9781430247265 2018|Packt Publishing|Nginx HTTP Server: Harness the power of Nginx to make the most of your infrastructure and serve pages faster than ever before, 4th Edition|Fjordvald, Martin Bjerretoft and Nedelcu, Clement|9781788621977 2013|Packt Publishing|Nginx HTTP Server Second Edition|Nedelcu, Clement|9781782162339 2007-04-03T00:00:01Z|Heaton Research, Inc.|HTTP Programming Recipes for C# Bots|Heaton, Jeff|9780977320677 2017|Packt Publishing|Mastering ASP.NET Web API: Build powerful HTTP services and make the most of the ASP.NET Core Web API platform|Pattankar, Mithun and Hurbuns, Malendra|9781786469380 2017|Packt Publishing|Java 9 Programming Blueprints: Master features like Modular Programming, Java http 2.0, and REPL by building numerous applications|Lee, Jason|9781786460196 2017|Packt Publishing|Java 9 Programming Blueprints: Master features like Modular Programming, Java http 2.0, and REPL by building numerous applications|Lee, Jason|9781786464446 18-11-2015|Packt Publishing|Nginx HTTP Server|Clement Nedelcu|9781785285912 2007|Heaton Research Incorporated|Http Programming Recipes For Java Bots|Jeff Heaton|9780977320660 githubLanguage HTTP fileExtensions http trendingProjectsCount 0 type data aceMode text codemirrorMode http codemirrorMimeType message/http tmScope source.httpspec repos 0 indeedJobs http developer 2022 771996 semanticScholar 2 year|title|doi|citations|influentialCitations|authors|paperId 2020|Research of MQTT, CoAP, HTTP and XMPP IoT Communication protocols for Embedded Systems|10.1109/ET50336.2020.9238208|8|0|Neven Nikolov|09a8411e2926d5ed9245666df874d6af2fb0c787 2019|Implementing ICN over P4 in HTTP Scenario|10.1109/HotICN48464.2019.9063219|3|0|Weiwei Feng and Xiaobin Tan and Yang Jin|88bb0732d3155a14f93c721f4db45eea260e3c3e goodreads title|year|author|goodreadsId|rating|ratings|reviews HTTP Developer's Handbook|2003|Chris Shiflett|1015229|3.78|18|1 What Every Web Developer Should Know About HTTP (OdeToCode, #1)|2012|K. Scott Allen|26214178|4.07|351|29 HTTP Programming Recipes for C# Bots|2007|Jeff Heaton|2344177|3.25|8|1 ``` ```concepts/parsers.scroll ../code/conceptPage.scroll id parsers name Parsers appeared 2017 creators Breck Yunits tags grammarLanguage compiler website releaseNotes latestVersion 77.1.0 oldName Grammar webRepl roadmap description Parsers is a language for building languages on top of Particle Notation. A compiler compiler. By creating a parsers file you get a parser, a type checker, syntax highlighting, autocomplete, a compiler, and interpreter for executing your new language. Parsers uses both postfix and prefix language features. lab Breck's Lab writtenIn particles javascript typescript html json svg css yaml markdown leetSheets isPublicDomain true isOpenSource true subsetOf particles related particles antlr influencedBy antlr yacc ebnf bnf repoStats firstCommit 2017 commits 1473 committers 11 files 226 newestCommit 2024 country United States and Ireland and Norway and India tiktoks youtubes subreddit example latinNode root catchAllParser anyNode anyNode baseParser blobNode githubRepo firstCommit 2017 stars 379 forks 17 subscribers 9 created 2017 updated 2024 description Build on top of Scroll. issues 2 hasVariableSubstitutionSyntax false hasEnums true boolCell enum true false ```